Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 22, 1915, Page 8, Image 10

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Shall Husbands
1 Support
. W discussed recently the problem of
the woman win hii followed a gainful
occupation before marriage eonlnulng to
follow It after marriage If h marries
a poor man. ThU
In turn brings up
another question.
Khali tha wage
earning wife sup
port hemclf, or haa
she tha light to
expect her hua
band to provide for
her a ha would If
ahe did not cam
monev herself?
T h I . problem
v e x e a many of
my correspondents,
and I get numer
ous letters from
It II who ar
working outside of
. their hornet, and
yet who fell III-
used because their husband do not sup.
port them.
It acema to me thnt It 1 only a very
greedy and granting woman who wanla 1
to hang on to her own pocket hook, and
yet dip her hand Into her husband's. A
Just and falr-mlmled woman would ace
that aha shouldn't expect to hold on to
tha old order of things, and jet reap
all of tha re wanla of the new. j
The very basic Idea Involved In a man
feeding and clothing anil ' housing hi
wife la that ahe glvea him In return her
eervleca In tha houae. She makea the
home. She cither auperlntendi the rv
anta. or doea with hnr own hand the
cooking, aweeplng, cleaning. Hewing, duet
Irg necessary to making a comfortable
Ilace of bodc.
.A man haa been considered to "up
port" hla wife if ha paid her bill, even
though ahe did all tha homework, ard
worked ten tlroea aa hard aa aha would
have had to do had ahe labored at any
occupation outside of her home.
But If a woman elect to work for
aon-.e other man in an office Inatead of
her husband In the home, ahe certainly
haa no ethical claim upon him to buy
her clothea or pay her board bills. She
haa maintained her financial independ
ence, and that glvea her not only th
right to support herself, but, morally
considered. th neceaalty to do It. What
ever of her bill her husband paya I
a matter of generosity with him. It U
not her privilege.
Thl dueatlon. however, thould never
arlae between husbands and wlvea, be
cauae, If marriage mean anything at all.
It ia a partnership In which they have
no separate Intereat and in which both
work unselfishly for their mutual good,
wuroin wno continue to earn
money arter aha la married to help buy
a home, or to assist her husband In get
ting Into business for himself, enjoy on
of the greatest privilege that can coma
to any woman who really love a man.
and If aha l of a nature o avaricious
that she cannot fael It to be a pleasure to
help her husband she should stay single
and keep her little hoard to hersetf.
I am convinced, from much observa
tion and study of the subject, that thera
I no other one thing thnt make so many
rlfta In the domestic lute aa th money
question, and I am certain that nothing
else would do a much to settle tha di
vorce problem and Insure matrimonial
peace and harmony aa for men and
women not only to have a definite un
lcrtaniing In regard l the financial
question before marriage, but to sign a
legal contract settling th matter.
Men begrudge their wivea money and
refuse to give them any settled amount
Women are disgruntled because they don't
get what they consider a fair divide.
Hence there la unending bickering, be
tween tha two. Ail ot this could be
avoided If there was a definite matr
ir.onlal partnership drawn up between a
nan sad woman before they pooled their
lives aa there Is between two man who
go Into a business partnership and pool
their finances and labor.
If a man algna a '.ontraet to give hla
wife a certain per e?nt of hla Income
every month on whlca to run lu house
and pay her owu expenses h would
know what be was fcnlng Into and ah
would know what she had to expect,
and If either party didn't like tha term
they could withdraw 'un the aafe aide of
lite altar. ' ,
If a woman wanted to keep at her Job
after ahe was married ahe louli settle
It then with the man lustrsd of fighting
It out with him afterward. Also they could
settle what part of the family expense
she wss expo-ted to pay. or If she was to
hsve all of her money to go In tho sav
ings bank or buy millinery with it.
The financial problem la Just aa acutu
in the home it la on Wall streM. and
some day we'll have enough sens to
fee ii in a common sense way instead
vt leaving it all to and thera
k.ju'I be so many tickets sold lu Kino
when wo J-i. '
I l 1 V J
ll i'T I
rs Listen, an eore-cscea snsTwrwj
mm I M M
i - -. , . .
strop who, S-ln-One k)ft strop
j-lnor. Wipe bUd with S4a-Oa
' f ."tr shaving.
' , Ob, dont rnantloa it w"i gl4
N Wb.lpt
1 A L)iclloter sfakuadfcs
, . . I Miur oss lit u
J I sotll.
I i O 1 I terea.
at M. tro,4w,r,
Worship and Treachery &
Tha wiry, wild-beaded, rough-handed and oft-hearted office boy thinks she's the
prettiest thine that ever grew and somewhere In the core If his worshipful Mart. Is a
wild dream of ambition a rapid scaling of the ladder of fame and wealth, and the girl
of his heart who pounds the keys for the boas putting her hand In hi, -and the far
away ringing of a golden wedding bell! Something like that, too fearful and wonder
ful to breathe while he's thinking it!
And he gives her out of the leanness of his small pocket and the bigness of his
Read it Here Bee
Djr apeelal arrangement ror this paper a
photo-drama corresponding to tha Install
ments pi "itunaway June" may now be
win at tha leading moving picture the
ater. Mi arrangement made with tha
Mutual Film corporation it ia not only
possible to read "Kunaway June" each
day, but also afterward to sea moving
pictures illustrating our story.
(Copyright. Plo, by Serial Pulblcatloa
The Tormentor.
Tha Widow O'Keefe stooped quickly
ami snatched something from th floor
while five atrangera peered Into every
absurd nook and corner of the two rooms
and bath which comprised the Widow
t O'Keefe'a top floor auit Th object waa
small anapahot of June,
The deserted husband of pretty Jun
J Warner wa at the hall door with hi
hand reached out for tha knob, and In
j another Instant Ned Warner and June
j would have been face to faca. In that
! instant the Widow O'Keefe whipped tha
,nap,hot under her apron, and th very
wiftness of the motion struck Into tha
corner ot Ned Warner' restless eyes. He
turned, ana he and the father of June
glanced at each other. Thera wa some-
thing suspicious In tha bent and warped
' and w ithered Widow O'Keefe and her
tsll slip of a son. Ned cam abruptly
from tha door and renewed hi search.
At that very moment June. Just outside,
had paused to ret is tha bow upon her
saucy little sttPPr and to give It a
vigorous pat. to make it brhav and atay
in place.
fcilm young Bammy O Keefe walked to
the' window, whist ting, and glanced out
with aa air of great Indifference. On the
other aide of the Street stood Officer
Toole, and hla cyea roved anxiously from
window to window of tha narrow, dingy
alica of a house which wa tba Widow
O'Keefe'. At eight ef tammy .Officer
Toole pointed energetfcraUy toward tha
door. II waved bot arms and pointed
toward Las doorway.
Sammy then alipped quietly out of th
room. -
June! Th listless Bammy used tha next
tiuuivsl niclbod tq. wireless. With, oue
It at the Movies.
nolaelewa spring he straddled the banister
rail, whlssed around the curve and down
to June, who wa halfway up the atalra.
Jumped off with a footstep a light aa a
feather, grabbed the aatounded girl by
th wrist and dragged her down the steps
at th risk of both their neck. Bammy
shoved June Into the second floor hall
closet. Bammy locked tha door and stuck..
tha key In hla pocket and the springs In
hi thin legs to work and was aittlng
lastly on tha top step, bored and whittling
softly, when Ned Warner and Mr. and
Mrs John Moore and Bobby and Iris
Blethering eamo out. Bobby extremely de
jected and Iria explaining volubly that It
waa all a mistake. June couldn't possibly
have been here. Hut she must have been,
after all, because still, liow could It be?
June In the ilrl oi0-- -,, 0ff from
all light and sound, stood bewildt
her eyea dlstemle, i.. ... v. Lurja, while
Ned Stood not two feet away from her.
Wa had paused beloi than very door, aa
If some delicate magnetism had caught
and held him thera. No trace of her any
where; no trace of Marie, the French
Canadian maid with tha high cheek
bones; no trace of the mysterious black
Vandyked mun. whom none of them had
cared to mention to the Widow O Keefe.
uuoeri uiy! .Ned clinched Ma fists, and
hla brow grew black aa his mind filled
with the Image of that dark, handsome
faca with ita glowing eyea and auave
smile. That image had never been absent
from Ned'a mind sine tha disappearance
of hla beautiful bride.
Ned became aware of the Widow
O Keefe eying him from mldstalra. His
waa a frail looking old woman, with her
gnarled handa clasped before her. but
her beady little eyea were aa sharp aa
the unexpected flrea from dull Jewels,
and thera was not one move of Ned'a
party wnien escaped her. Sammy, atlll
whistling with overnonchalanceA waa so
amalstenily not gaslng at tha cloeet door
that It wa a wonder no on asked for
the key.
'We're wasting out time." finally said
Iris Blethering. -We're probably letting
them get away." And June a frlenJ took
her husband with her.. The rest ot the
party fullowed.
' It L'wuiiuudTwuiorTovi 7)
Have Our Girls Lost Charm?
Why is it that Thousands of Young Men with Fair Salaries Do Not Marry?
Do the girls of thl generation deserve
the admiration of men? lo the men ot
today care for the type of woman who
prefers dignity and charm to frcaklah
nesa and fadsf
Who la to blame for tha fact that thous
ands of young men who earn fair salaxiea
live In hall bedrooms and find their only
relaxation "In playing curds with the
boye." or "shooting a iiltlo Kelly pool."
while the girl flutter Ir. group to the
movie or sit at home and bewail their
fates because they do not know thi "tally
Waters'' type of nic young man?
Tha great fault In tha relation of th
sexes today is that they are no very
differently trained. Thoy ara brought up
on a different set of catchwords. As
Robert Iuls Stevenson ssys: "They are
taught to follow different virtues, to
hat different vices, to p'ace their Ideal,
even for each other. In different achleve
mente. When a horaa ha run away, and
th two flustered peoplo In tna gig nave
each possessed themselves of a rein, we
know the end of that conveyance will b
in the dttch."
Modern aortal existence I exactly
comparable to Stevepson "gig in the
ditch." The whole object ot a liberal
education today aeema to be to magnify
tha difference between boy and girls
and mouse in them a trong consciousness
of this difference at th same time thst it
obscures their knowledge of one another.
Girls are ehown a small field of ex
neriome and taught a very etrlet cods
of Judgment for all a tlon. Men ara
shown a tar wider cross-secuon ni me
and given a proportionately wider cod
of morals.
Then, what mora natural than that two
young peopla looking at one another
across a gulf of self-conacloua natural
dlfferencea and dlfferencea cultivated in
their codea of morale should fall to un
derstand each other?
Young glrla long or pleasure. To their
natural craving for masculine society Is
added an actual need for masculine escort
as well as a sense ot o ial failure unless
that masculine escort can be pioduced.
Men bav trained and cultivated their
heart a read apple. A scarlet apple with the sheen of cbarmeuse on its chubby sides.
And holding it she dreams of another fellow whom he has never seen! Talk about the
perfidy of women! , She eats his , golden-hearted, crimson-frocked apple and. the
sandwich he has run all the way to a resturaht to get for her, and sees behind the film
of lazy dreaming two hearts linked by a barbed arrow, and the heart isn't his. Here Is
worship wletfulyed, grinning worship and unconscious but black treachery!
ambition into the way f dealring to be
the. envy of all beholders. They do not
seek feminine society purely on the basis
of their own Ustea and admiration, but
they measure women by their charm for
other men.
What la the result of these general
A girl goes out with a young man and
take far too much Interest In hi ability
to spend, danca and "show her a good
time" In general. She la all too likely to
prefer the society ot a handsome, amua
lng good-for-nothing to that of the ' un
omamental man who Is worth having.
This ta because she ha been trained to
admire the showy externala which make
a good Impression on the casual observer.
With "show" aa a standard and "bluff
aa a measure of auccess, a girl does not
stop to investigate tha real character
of the man with whom she la dealing.
Nor doea her best self get a chance to
appeal to him.
A little ability to make women thrill to
hla love-making glvea a man vaat power
over the opposite sex. And, like all power
that is not earned by actual merit, this
is abused.
When these tinsel virtues appeal to
women, , what more natural than that
aterllng' quality should find Itaelt a bit
neglected in feminine society, and should
either turn hermit or satisfy Itself In the
society of other men of Uka stability and
Ilk social unpopularity?
The niau who earns US week could
afford to take a girl for whom he cared
to the theater If ahe would lt In th bal-
cony, a pound box of candy would be a
gift well within hla means, but If the girl
haa once mentioned to hlin tha delights
of aa auto trip to Long Beach or a boa
party or a doaen American Beauties some
lucky friend of her received from a
wealthy admirer Immediately between the
fc a week man and th girl tor whom he
might care the breach wklena.
On tha other hand, this same M a week
young man strolls up Fifth avenue and
look with admiration en the limousine
beauties and tha stunningly clad daugh
ters of millionaire. Immediately th girl
who is earning 115 a week, or wb ia
By Nell Brinkley
Copyright, 1913, Intern ! New Service.
being supported by a father who earns
but a moderate salary,- longs to emulate
the well dressed beauty who haa attracted
the desired masculine attention.
' The girl of sterling -simplicity, the girl
ot homely ability, the girl of real com.
mon aense. Is the on men truly admire
In their heart ot heart but they express
too much admiration for external. And
across the gap training haa made between
the sexes girl have no way of guessing
what masculine nature really craves.
Men advertise their auccea by tha ele
gant trapping of their women folk.
Boy Impress other boys by th pert pret
tlneaa and, cheap charm of the girl with
whom they are seen.
All of thl repel worth-while men and
leave worth-while girla a foolish feeling
that they must aoon ape the tawdry tin
sel that attracts or stay at horn and b
Who I to blame? Who I at fault for
these trifling differences, these silly mis
understandings which hold men of caliber
and women of character apart?
I think the first fault Ilea with mother
who fall In their sacred duty to gtva
their boys and girls an absolute standard
of values.
The next fault Ilea with father who
era too wrapped up In their ambition and
efforta 'to atop and try to make tha
younger generation look at thing from
a sturdy viewpoint.
But most of all. boy and girls, young
men and women, have themselves to
blame. If they wpuld be honest with
themselves. If they would dare to be in
dividual Instead of exponent of a type
or mere member of a aex, it would be
far simpler for thera to understand each
other, ebnpliclty and honesty speak no
language of aex, but on of universal hu
manity. Io tha thlnga that la natural for you
to do, express your own nature, cultivate
tba beat in yourself, don't try to attract
by the method some one else employes,
don't have a little standard of values and
try to live on a acal you can't afford,
and you will find understanding and being
understood by the other sag a vastly sim
plified matter.
Miraculous Movies
I am a film fan. do not drink, and I
do not smoke, but I spend 10 cent on a
moving picture show whenever I have the
Sometimes I spend
a dollar and take
nine kide; with me.
The moving pic
tures cheer, but
they do not in
ebrlte. They lubricate the
wheels ' of exist
ence, rest, refresh.
stir the Imagina
tion, bring Into
play a new set of
They never itlve
you that dark
brown tftste the
day after, nor a
headache and that
tired feeling, nor
make a hike to the
I know a great doctor who prescribes
picture show every afternoon for a
patient whose nerve were getting on the
outside of hla clothes.
The man who lived a mile from down
town, and has to walk the distanoe to
the show and back.
The patient rebelled. He scouted the
Idea. lie wanted to take something out
of a bottle or be operated on.
'Do aa I say," firmly ordered the doc
tor; "a picture show every afternoon top
"But I hate them."
"Then grin and bear It." '
"I'll bear it, but damme If I grin."
"All right, but go come back In a
week "
In a week the man came back.
Two grins had grown where there was
only a grouch before. He had gotten the
Thl story ha thS rnre and unique
quality of being true. And the moral
I thl: That the thing which lift ua out
of ourselves, that make ua forget our
trouble, that stops brooding snd puts
tha kibosh on introspection, 1 good.
For nervous prosperity try tns moving
If you go to the races you'll probably
bet and, anyway, you'll got excited. If
you go to the theater you will have to
dress for It, perhaps have a carriage an 1
a little' feed afterward. And you'll get
tired out.
But the moving picture Is Jeffersonlan
simplicity and practical democracy. You
slide in and out, and the whole thing ia
free from frills, fada and fusslnes. You
always get your money's worth, and there
are no haunting regrets as to your hav. '
Ing made a fool of yourself by spending
a whole evening on a bum play and
knocking a (6 bill to flinders.
Another thing about moving picture
Is that the invention 1 one of th great
educational factor of the' time. It .Is
one of the things 'thst Is helping to mako
thl old world over into a better and hap
pier place.
Up to fifty year ago civilisation waa
provincial. Only a few people could
travel; see and know. The many were,
submerged In Ignorance and" supersti
tion. The sailors who went around the
world were nature fakers.
Th stories they told us would make
your hair curl.
Read John Mandevllle and you get a
pretty- good Idea of the snake stories thnt
once passed as truth. Even Christopher
Columbus gave out a few. You remember
how he told of two islands Just off the
coast ef America where on one Island
lived all men and on the other all women,
and once a year all the people on one
Island went over and had a picnic.
That was Interesting, but it wasn't
Now we are getting acquainted with
the world. Quick transportation, tha
malls, the dally paper, the telegraph, the
telephone, the talking machines and mov
nng pictures are bringing the world to
our door.
r once knew a dear old lady who had
a way of aaylng when you told her any
thing: "I want to know I want to
I used to laugh at thi, but now i sym
pathise with the sentiment. "I want to
know I want to know."
In Missouri the folk ask for visual
demonstration. This to me Is slso beau,
tiful. "Show me."
The moving picture satisfies our deslm
to know because It show ua. The ex
tent of knowledge which It distributes
a to the way, custom and habit of
the people of the world is great, and
far-reaching for good.
I am a writer. In my writing I de
scribe what I have seen snd tha things
that seem to me to be true. Juat to tha
degree that I express truth and make
men think do I benefit them. No criti.
clsm can be brought against movlea
which cannot be brought against booka
with equal truth. There are good books,
there are bad booka. and there ar bum
books written by punk part lea with lit
erary ecxema which are neither good nor
It I exactly so with moving picture.
These picture tell you a story, playinr
th thing out while you sit and look.
Good people want to see only th truth
ful mil th ,-Arih A- - - . .
- - rm inw netter
we will have better moving picture. Aa
I now. I believe the silly and aburd
are being eliminated, and the helpful snd
the true ara, coming to the for.
Show me I want to know.
A Baltimura doctor suggest this sim
ple, but reliable and inexpensive home
treatment fcr people suffering with ecxe
ma, ringworm, rashes and alratlar Itch.
Ing. burning skin troublea
At any relUble druggist's get a Jar of
reainol oinUnuut and a cake ot reelnol
soap. Theea 111 not coat a bit mora than
seventy-flvs coots. With th reslnol op
and warm water bathe toe affected part
thoroughly, unlit they are free from
crusts and the akin ia softened. Dry very
gently, spread on a thin layer ot th
resinol ointment, and cover wlta a light
bandage If necessary to protect tilt
clothing. This should be dona twice
day. Usually the distressing itching an i
burning stop with tlie first treatTuei t.
and the skin aoon become clear nJ
Uwdtby aiu,Aaverueuiat