Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 22, 1915, Image 1

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    Omaha Da
Advertising is the pendw
am that keep buying
and gelling in motion.
Rain or Snow
VOL. XL1V NO. 213.
On Trains wad at
Cot el Kswa Stands. Be
Building and Entire Equipment of
Dei Moines Register and
Leader and Tribune
Origin Not Certain, but Reported to
' Have Been Traced to Lighted
Cigarette Thrown Awa.
1KP MOINES. Ia., Feb. 21. The build
ing and entire plant .f the Register and
Deader, morning-, and Den Moines Trtb
line. afternoon, newspaper here ware
destroyed by fire early today. The Ions
exceeds S300,K), about three-fourths of
which was covered by Insurance.
The origin of the fire la not certain.
St broke out about 7 o'clock, after the
, night force bad left, and one report waa
thst a newsboy in the circulation room
In the basement had dropped a lighted
tlgaiette in some want papers.
Thla could not be verified, however.
The flamea ahot up into the compos
ing room, where practically the whole
riant waa wrecked In abort time. Fall
ing floors destroyed the pressea In the
Gardner Cowles. publisher and prin
cipal owner of the two paper. said to
night the plant would be rebuilt lmrriedi
ately. Temporary quarters In the Des
Moines Dally Capitol offices re ac
cepted by Mr. Cowles. and no. issues of
either the Register and Leader or the
Tribune will be omitted.
Fight Three Hours
With Naked Bayonets
In Argonne Region
PARIS. Feb. 21. -The British official
eye witness saya:
"We achieved brilliant successes in the
Argonne region. West of Bagatelle on
February IT We made a gain of several
hundred yards. On the. afternoon of the
same day the Germans counter attacked
. furiously and a violent hand-to-hand- en
gagement ensued. For more than three
houra the contending forces used nothing
but bayonets. Our infantry delivered aev
eral successive magnificent bayonet
chargea and the decimated enemy waa
finally repulsed and the ground gained
was definitely organised.
"The fighting was even more desperate
on February 10 and XI. At Marletherea
the enemy delivered a strong artillery at
tack and showered field bombs simul
taneously with the explosion o5 mlnea in
contact with our trenchea. by which fif
teen yarda of our were upheave.
Then, following an attack with large
bombs, three battalions " of infantry
charged over the excavation, the ftrst
ranks being armed with grenadea and
bombs. The companies of our advanced
line were decimated and were obliged to
give ground, entailing the withdrawal of
the forces holding the trenchea In the
rear. To the left and right our men held
their positions."
PIERRE. S. D., Feb. H. (Special Tele
gram.) The resolution for a prohibitory
amendment to the constitution was re
turned in the senate yesterday by the
temperance committee without any re
consideration and it win go upon m
calender. The bouse decided that hy-
wnotlc shows shall not be allowed to
practice their arta upon the minors of .
this state and passed the act absolutely
probltlng any such exhibitions, with a
stringent penalty for any attempt to
i evade the law. The house also decided
for the establishment of a game bird
lefuge In the northeast cornPr. .
The house Is taking Its idea of economy
out of the different bills which have
tomt along to Increase official salaries.
h wa o ... W8... "' imentalloni are H. E. Randall, W, V
flciala expense accounts and now has j
decided that the heaJ of tbe Insurance
depe.rtn.ent and his assistants "are not!jrTij p t- r' -
to be allowed an incicaae In salaries. YYlClOW Oi rl0lleer V
The senate passed the house bill for )
.dally Bible readings In the public schools, j
but not until It "Was amended to make j
such rcadliiR optional Instead of com
- Km Meat Dies of KifMirf,
Slot X FALU, S. I.. Feb. 2L (Fpe
lal.) Lying for more than two houra
In the cold after being stricken with
pnralyrls. E. B. Maris, a well known real-!
dent of Jerauld county, died a short
time after l.elng found by his wife. The
old man waa in his night clothing when
ho wandered from the house at an early
hour In the morning. His wife finally
minted him and conducted a aearch. which
resulted in his being found in an un- j
conscious condition. ,
The Weather
Tesiseratare, at uanaha)
a, in
' it. m
7 a m
a. m
a. m ..
9 a m
II a. m
i: in
I p. m
1 p. m
5 p. m
I p. in
5 l. m...
p. ni
I u. m
teaaparallvv Loral Rersrd
W l!U. 1S.
Highest yelrday 3 41 an
l..wr yesterday i !7 1 ;i
Mean temperature ST M n 2
l'r.lj mtli.n .M T .61 T
Teni(M-rature and precipitation . depar
tures trom the normal.
Normal temperature .........,,.,, Sf
K.xcrss for the ilay 13
TutaL exceaa since March 1 TTl
Normal precipitation (it inch
Kxcrsa for the day St Inch
Total rainfall ainco Mar"h 1. ..... Inches
iIieficirnLy sim March 1 Lit inohea
IVrfU ienojr fue oor. period, IMS.. &.M lm-haa
deficiency for oor. period. UU.. liilaolice)
Remarkable Shakenp in Omaha 0f
fice Ordered by Board of In
spection Lately Here.
An efficiency board of postoffice
inspectors floated into Omaha a few
i weeks ago. and spent about ten days
i snooping around the local postoffice.
J When they were leaving the Inspect-
ors were approached by a bright
young reporter, who asked how they
had found things.
"Oh, splendid," waa the enthusias
tic reply. "Things couldn't be
And yesterday the real answer
came. It is in the shape of orders
for about as complete a shake-up of
the force of the Omaha postoffice
as could well be Imagined. The board
doesn't propose the removal of Post
master John C. Wharton, but It does
about everything else.
Orders Woodard et Rack.
Beginning with James I. Woodard, aa
sistsnt postmaster, it la recommended
that he be made cashier, with his salary
reduced from to $2.0no per year
It recommends that Henry C. Alkln.
present cashier, resign.
It recommends that Charles F. Wllle,
superintendent of the money order de
partment, be made assistant postmaster,
at $2,ri00 per, year.
It recommends that W. A. Kelley. head
of the registry division, be made a clerk,
and that his salary be reduced from
11,700 to $1,300 per year.
It recommends that C. W. Kaltelr. now
a clerk In the registry division, be made
head of the department at a salary of
$1,500 a year.
It recommends that George V. Kleff
ner. now assistant superintendent at the
main office, be placed In charge of the
Union Depot substation at his present
salary, $1,700 per year.
It recommends that E. T. Hoag, super
intendent of special delivery carriers,
succeed Kleffner at the main office at
a salary of $1,600.
It recommends that Charles McOlll. as
sistant in the special delivery department.
be made superintendent of the money
order department at a salary of $l,ri00 per
year. '
No Reason for Changes (iivrn.
No reason Is assigned by the inspectors
for the recommendation, and no charges
are made. In every Instance the salary
of the position to be filled is lowered,
although several of the appointees will
get alight raises over their present pay if
they go into the new positions.
Postmaster Wharton has already reg
istered a decided protest against the re
moval of Assistant Postmaster Woodard
and the tranafer of Kleffner from the
main office to the substation. He has
hopes that his voice will have' weight
over the recommendations of the board.
Veteran of Service .lilt..
"Jim" Woodard has been connected
with the Omaha postoffice for forty-two
years, and has been assistant postmaster
during thirty-one years of that time. He
has often been urged for the position of
postmaster, but never sought the place,
and each appointee of the president ha
felt pleased to have Woodard remain as
assistant. It would be hard to think of
a meaner reward for a lifetime of faith
ful service than to reduce James I.
Woodard at this late day in the Interest
of "efflolency."
Colonel Henry C. Alkln. who is to be
forced to resign the position of, cashier,
has been In the service fifteen years. I
He Is 71 years of age, but ia atill capable
of doing his work. j
These Mri Worked I .
"Billy" Kelley. who is asked to step
from , superintendent's Job to a position
aa clerk at a reduced aalary, has been
connected with the Omaha postoffice lor
twenty-five years, and has worked up
through the various grades to his posi
tion. George Kleffner Is also one of the
oldest employes, in point of service, and
cnaries r. wine nas aiao come up'
through the various grades of the service, i
The Inspectors who make the re com-1
Druggist is Dad
Mrs. Mary wyef widow of John
Dwyer, pioneer druggist of Omaha, died
Hunday morning at. the age of 61 years.
Mrs. Dwyer had lived In Omaha forty
years. She waa. T member of the Degree
of Honor of ' W
hlngton lodge and the
Ladlea' Sodality of Sacred Heart church,
( She is survived by three daughters,
j Mrs. D. J. Kcjough of Humphrey, Neb.;
; Mrs. Thomas M. Casey of Massena. Ia.,
1 and Wtrs Helen Dwyer of Omaha; two
j sons. J. V. and f.-Sr Dwyer of Omaha;
her -mother, Mrs. Catherine White, who
Is SB years of age; three brothers. Charles
W. White and J. V. Wtjite of Omaha. 4
and Frank A. White of BiMte, Mont,, asid
one sister, Mrs. F. H. Hosiers of Oniaha.
Tlie funeral will be held Tuesdayf rom
the resilience at iWi Maple street and a
j requit-m mass will be preache by Father
j P. J. Judge at gacred Heart church at
! o'clock. Interment will be at Duly
Sepulchre cemetery in the family lot.
Posses Surrounding j
Indian Outlaw Campj
HALT LAKE CITT. 1'lah, Feb. 21. A I
4 . ...... H . 1 LI I O...I.I.. . 1
j UI.IWII II IV II CI .IVi'l.rIUUIIL .1 IllflU j
j Thompson, I'tah, says: j
I "United Mates Marshal
Nebeker'a I
j posse surrounded the Indian camp near j
i oiun, at nuanigni iasi mgnt. joe Alters,
j a white man. and en' Indian were killed
this morning. Another posse hss left
Grayson to assist Marshal Nrbeker. The
mountains ' are almost impassable owing
to a heay snowstorm. Bpeclavl Indian
Agent Creel left tore thla norolng for
the Indian camp."
The posses are attempting the arrest of
Tae-Na-Oat, aa Indian outlaw who with
about loo other Indian aro entrenched
neap Bluff.
William Ruf, gun pointer aboard U. S. S. Texas, who is
credited with eight consecutive hits with a fourteen-inch
gun shooting at a moving target twelve miles away.
"ftv a
u "
Ever-Increasing Intensity Marks
' Fighting. Between Teutons and
Allies on Continent.
LONDON, Feb. 21. The battles on
the, continent ' continue : with everln
creaslne; intensity. The offensive
which .the allien took early in the
week has brought about renewed ac
tivity all alone; the line, and attacks
and counter , attacks have become
more numerous.
Both the British and the French
seemingly made . considerable pro
gress at the outset, of the offensive
operations, and this made it Imper
ative for the ' Germans r to deliver
counter attacks to regain the ground
which they had lost. . ! ' ' . ' ' '
Show Desperate Spirit. i
In carrying these out the Germane
have shown the same desperate spirit
which has characterized their opera
tions under similar circumstances,
" In. a long report covering the week's
operations to February it, a French. eye
witness clalma for the French many
minor succeasea and the repulse of Cier-,
man counter attacka.-
The Germans, too. make similar claim,
so that the public Is' left. to Judge as to
the outcome' of the week's flare-uiw
.. Beatea at Ossowets.
Frtm the eastern f ront ' there ' Is ; no
news ekrept tonight's unofficial dispatch
from retrogcad, which saya that' the
Germans bave suffered defeat at ' Oaso
wets and shave been compelled to fall
back towarde ihe frontier.' -
Should thl prove to be correot.t Uie
German plans would be entirely upset,
aa defeat af" this point would endanger
the whole line northward along the eaat
Prussian frontier. . '
In the rest of Poland and In the Car
pathians, where ; severe fighting is in
progress, there lias been no change In
the 'relative pq.iltiona of the opposing
armtee,, while In Uukowlna a battle 'Is
being fought along the Pruth river. Re
lirement to this position should be an
advantage to the Itussiana, as It con
siderably shortens their line and'enables
relnfon ements to reach theui more
easily. i .
sersisss Asitrlsss rigkt.
The Serbians and Austrian! are again
facing each other across the Danube
and have in turn been bombarding Sem
lin and Belgrade, respectively, and the
positions near those cities. This may
mean the .beginning of a new campaign,
or perhaps It is an attempt by the Her
burns to help relieve the pressure on the
Cettlnle has been again visited by an
Austrian . aeioplane, which dropped
bombs, snd according to the Montenegrin
report killed two women.
Tl.s Casselt Realty company will be lo
cated at No. iJ2 Tbe Uee building after
March '. 1 - according to , annouacevcBeat
made yeterdajr. .
t i 1 1 I i I
' y J iA Wmw J v,
. iv . l
V . j-n
- - J f X
Both Houses 'Busy oa Appropriation
Bills of -Huge Hgtirea for
" . . Varioua Purposes.
WASHINGTON. reb..,.'-The mill of
both houses pf, congress ground fast and
long on the., grist, . of appropriation
bills which must i become 'law before
March 4.
The senate, after adding tl.OOO.One to, the
legislative, executive .and, Judicial appro
priation bill as It' left the house, paased
tiiat measure, also the S124.ono.ono sundry
j civil bill, with 'amendment, and ' took up
j the army v appropriation bllis , Fourteen
j other of the big supply bills are ye to be
I, aoted upon. ' ' ' '
j , . .
I ' I A im.l.J
An amendment Increasing he .appro
priation for the Yuma Irrigation project
In the, sundry, civil bill roin ,72SO0 ,to
t!W4,000 ws adoptfd by the senate, aa was
the proposal to. set aaids; tloO.000 for the
Deschutes. project In Oregon., ....
a the, house the diplomatic appropria
tion bill waa passed after it had been cut
S300.000. Appropriations. of 13UO.0OO for. a
consulate building at Shanghai and faOiOO
for entertalnmtnt of Central' and. South
American, flnanctera at a Pan-American
financial conference at San Franclaco-, to
be called by the president, weie cut out,
despits the State department's-endorsement.
, . . , :
Not to Collect fro as t aha.
A proposal to hsve the president take
steps to reegver ' from Cuba rtibre than
l'ti.00n,(M0 spent in the' pacification also mas
-The' appropriation' for participation In
an exposition at Panama was cut trom
1 100,000 to liu.WA.
The heuse also ' passed the "mlllta'ry
academy bill." appropriating tl,C37,S3, and
took up the t.'.000 fortification meaeure.
Bryan Sends Protest "
To Carranza Against
- Priests' Treatment
WASHINGTON, Feb. 21.-Further rep
resentations agulnat the peraecution by
Carranza official of priests In Mexico
were made today by Secretary Bryan.
Consul Canada at Vera Crus waa in
structed to uppeal directly to General
Carransa In behalf .of the ISO prieats ar
rested by General Obregon In Mexico City,
Where they are detained in the national
palace. Some of (hem are reported to be
Spaniards and these, it Is said, have been
threatened with expulsion from the coun
try. .
..Carransa officials demanded SiiO.OiO pesos
of the prlesta by a certain time, and when
It was not forthcoming told the foreign
ers among them, according to report,
that they would be banished, while na
tives would be held In captivity. It waa
not knoan here how many of the 18
priests were Spaniards.
EL PASO. Tex., Keb. 30. A telegram
from General . Villa dated yeaterday at
Beapotlaa, between Guadalajara, metrop
olis of the weet eoojrt, and Mansanlllo, a
Pacific port, which la Villa's objective
point, stated that B.OOs of his troops had
defeated la tbe mountains near Sayuls, a
Carraoa -foroe, which be esUuuted at
Uooo tata.'
Explosire of Unidentified Kation
ality Sends American Steamer
Evelyn to Bottom of
Nbrth Sea.
Yankee Vessel with Cargo of Cotton
Bound for Bremen Finds
Ocean Grave.
BERLIN (Via London!. Feb. 21.
The American steamer Evelyn,
which sailed from New York on Jan
uary 29, with a cargo of cotlon for
Bremen, struck a mine off Borkum
Island In the North Sea yesterday.
The vesrel sank. Its captain anil
twenty-seven of the crew were saved.
It has not been learned of what
nationality was the mine which de
stroyed the Evelyn.
. Rrrna Hears ewa.
WASHINGTON. Feb. 21. Secre
tary Bryan announced the receipt of
a telegram tonight from the Ameri
can consul at Bremen reporting "the
loss" of the American steamer Ere
lyn. The cause not not stated. The
crew was saved.
American Consul Fee's telegram,
as given out by the state department,
was a follows:
"Steamer Evelyn, Captain Smith,
agents Bull & Co., New York, blown
up early Friday at Borkum. Crew
saved. Ship and cargo lost."
Circus to Travel
Overland Soon on
New Auto Trucks
An automobile circus, consisting of reg
ular three-ring tented shows traveling
on auto trucks Instead of by wagons and
railroad, will be an early result of
Omaha's annual Auto Shows, the tenth
of which closed last night. H. Jenkins
of the Loyal hotel, proprietor of conces
sions and announcer at the last four
Auto Shows, announce)); last night tlsV.
such an auto circus would be incorporated
In Omaha within a week, and would
open the eeason. here the week of May 2
on- the Ak-Hae-Uea carnival grounds. .
In addition to Jenkins, who Is the or
iginator; and promoter , of the Jdea, he
'says the Incorporators . will be:
M. D. Dann, 1911 Farnem street, re
tired showman and capitalist, formerly
of the Dann'Koblnoon shows: II. J. Yef
ton of Omaha; J. H. Morris, formerly
with Rlngllng Brother"' circus: H. J.
Currsn of Chlcsgo. of the Class Journal
pnmpanv. auto publisher and advertiser,
and Arthur L. Anderson, an Omaha rail
road man.
. "The Idea Is to do away with the usual
mode of traveling by railroad between
show towns," . Jenkins explains. "By
using auto trucks, made vp as regular
clrcue wagons, we will combine the
usual circus wagon and rallroac coach
methods of transportation, and be able
to reach towns not on railway lines."
Compensation Act
Passed in Wyoming
CHEYENNE, Wyo., Feb. Sl. (Special.)
The workmen's compensation act, House
Bill 14T, was passed by the senate of the
Wyoming legislature Friday with but one
dissenting vote. No amendment was
made in the senate and the measure goes
to the governor In the form In which It
passed the house. It provides for an
Initial appropriation by the state of t:!0,
000 and for an assessment of 2 per cent
of the pay roll of al Industries Involving
"extra haxardous" employment. Governor
Kendiick ell sign the bill
About 16.000 persons employed In extra
haxardoua occupations. It is estimated,
will be affected by the bill, about S.600
of them being coal miners. The bill calls
tor the payment of tl,050 to the widow in
case of death from an Industrial accident,
and for an additional payment of 9i0 per
year to each child under the age of It
years until such child becomes It years
of age.
The amount which the law wll raise
during the first year of Its operation will
be about $J00.Oi0.
John W. Brew,y who retired from the
employ of the Union Pacific ten years
ago after twenty-five years of service,
died at 4 o'clock Sunday morning at the
age of It yeara. Mr. Ilrew was formerly
a blacksmith In the I'nlon Pacific shops
hhre arid at Rawlins, Wvo. Me has
spent the last ten years of hlu life in
Florence. He as born In Scotland and
learned bis trade at Pouglaa In the Isle
of Mann. He waa an Odd Fellow from
Knglaml. lie Is survived by a widow,
Jwo aons, James Brew of Silver City, N.
M. John I'rew of Putts. Mont., two
daughters. Mrs. John Tracy of St. Paul,
Mrs. tins Anderson of Miles t'lty. Mont.,
and one stepson. James Spencer of Flor
ence. Funeral arrangernenia have not
been complrted.
PIERRE, ft. D.. Feb. (Snec'al Tele,
gram.) The first skirmish In the senate
over the location ef a new normal school
at Bonesteel was a defeat for the Roae-
bnd contingent. But the matter ia up for
a reconsideration at the session Tuesday
for another effort on the part of the
boosters from the southern part of the
state to get av eUte InaUtutioa in that
Not Asked to Compel Conformity
with Moral Standards Not Ap
proved by Publio Opinion.
NEW YORK. Feb. 21. A study
of police problems in Kuropean
cities under the auspices of the Bu
reau of Social Hygiene, of which
John D. Itockfeller. Jr., Is chairman,
was Issued here today In book form,
under the title "Kuropean police sys
It Is the third or a series Issued
by the bureau, (he two former having
dealt with proRtitutlon In New York
City and in Europe. A fourth vol
ume, now in progress of preparation,
will treat of police systems In
, K.xpla ' Korean.
The HuiTail or Huclnl Hygiene, In an
nouncing the pulil'catlon of the present
work, stated that while the burenii is
concerned ' with the problem of commer
clnllxcd vice, It was rclt that intelligent
suggestions concerning this problem could
not be made without a thorough under
standing of the Kuropean and the Amer
ican police ayxtcma.
In collecting the data upon which the
hook Is based. Ituymnnd H. FoMlck. for
mer commissioner of accounts of the rlty
of New York, visited twenty-one Kuro
pean cities and devoted nearly two years
to personal Inquiry Into the subject. The
most striking fact dlscloncd by his studies,
from an American standpoint, the bu
reau's announcement says. Is the uniform
Integrity of European policemen.
Corruption I'skaons,
General corruption and favoritism. It
In ststed, are absolutely unknown.
Suminarlxlng the reasons for this In
tegrity and for the efficiency of the
Kuropean police depnrtmcnta as a whole,
the writer states-
"First, the police are not called upon
to compel conformity to moral standards
which do not meet with general public
approval. They are not asked to enforce
laws which from the standpoint of ac
cepted public habit or taste sre funda
mentally unenforceable.
"Second, control Is centered where re
sponsibility can be definitely fixed In a
single official. Thin official, thoroughly
trained for his work and chosen with
painstaking care. Is clothed with Inde
pendent authority. Secure In his position
and free from external Interference, he
enjoys the widest powers In dealing with
his subordinates
Selected with Care.
"Finally, the rank and file of the Ku
ropean police forces are selected and
trained with the same care and attention
shown In the case of their superior of
ficers. Indeed. In all ranks and character
of the personnel la the essential constant
actor of efficiency. On th'i snd, on no
other bssis in It posHlblo to secure an
effective organization."
Contrasting the British and the conti
nental police, the writer snys:
"In KnglanU, the police are civil em
ployee, whuse primary duty Is the preser
vation of public aeeurity; on the conti
nent, and particularly In Germany and
Austria, the police force Is the right arm
of the ruling classee, responsible to the
crown or the higher authorities rather
than to people."
Most Servo In Army.
The English constables, he saya, are
chosen from .private life, wliureaa the
continental police must flint aerve In the
army. Where the police force la recruit d
from former army men, the writer saye,
"a certain degree of Indifference lo the
general public tciid to develop."
The average maximum wage of Kuro
pean policeman, It Is staled, Is only S-M
a year.
Sow Spring Wheat, is
Order to Austrians
VENICK (Via London), Keb. a.-Tlie
appeal Issued to farmera Thuri'luy by
the Austrian minister of agriculture.
In which he urged them not to leave a
single plot of ground anywhere uncul
tivated, was followed todtty by a pei-enlptory-
decree by the Austrian govern
ment ordering land ownera to aow Im
mediately every available part of their
ground with spring wheat. Where neces
sary, local authorities are empowered by
the decree to provide :alor for this work
and to recover from the sale of crops
the expenditure Incurred. Failure to
comply with the edict Is punishable ' by
heavy flnra or imprisonment.
PIKRRK. S. P.. Feb. (Special Tele
gram. )Thw general Investlgiitlng com
mittee haa been putting In most of the
last two daya on the department of sec
retary of state examining Assistant Sec
retary Nelson. His testimony was di
rected toward explaining why ! fees
! due for November and December were
not paid In until the latter part of Jan
uary, his explanation being that his desk
waa robbed of a large amount of mony
and that he made It good hlimelf, and
It required aome little time for lilm to
secure the necessary cssh to replace the
money taken.
j He also testlfid In regard to an alleged
I shortage of about fWO In the office ac
count that this occurred from the send
ing out of a certified copy on a telegraph
i order fur which purtlca failed to remit.
I but sent a draft which was protested.
J HANIOl.PH. Neb.. Feb. Zl.-iSpeclal.)-j
Rlrx-mfleld High school defeated Itan
jdolph In the preliminary Interscholastlc
j debate of the question of "Government
Ownership or llailroada." The teems were
both composed of girls, Bloomfield sup.
porting the affirmative. The team repre
senting Hloomfield was: Misses Alice High,
Amelia Hamel and I -am a Crahan:. for
Randolph, Mildred Racon. Mable Smith
and Kllen Hamueleon. The Judges were:
Prof. A. Soft ley, Fremont; Superintendent
1L B. Robinson, Laurel, and Superinten
dent U. O. lAiadak, Wake fiol 0,
Papers of German Capital Feature
Destruction of Vessels Carry
ing; Soldiers to Continent.
;not yet told of by London
j Accompanying Craft Sunk and Irisfc.
Steamer Torpedoed by Teuton
BERLIN, Feb. 21. (Fly Wireless
to Sayvllle, L. I.) The report of tho
sinking of a British transport, with
troops and accompanying steamer,
reached Berlin too late for comment
by the morning; papers.
All of the papers, however, feature
'the report in first page headlines, to
gether with reports of the sinking of
other vessels by submarines or mines.
' RrltUh Ship Sank.
An announcement issued today at
the war office reads aa follows:
"Nleuport, an enemy ship, proba
bly a mine searcher vessel, touched
a mine and sank. Destroyers of the
enemy disappeared when shelled."
Kerra Withheld.
If, as Is Indicated by the foregoing,
a British transport has beeny Bunk,
the news probably has been withheld
In London. Although acountg of the
sinking of various other steamers by
Oerman submarines or by mines have
been passed promptly by the British
censors, there was no intimation in
the London .dispatches of the destruc
tion of a transport.
Irlah float Torpedoed.
LONDON. Feb. 21. The small
Irish coasting steamer Downshlre
was sunk last night by a German
submarine off Calf of Man, an Island
In the Irish sea. The Germans gave
the crew five minutes In which to
leave their ship. The crew landed
last night at Dundrum, County Down.
Sheriff and Deputies
! Fight with Strikers;
Many-Hurt f One Dying
I'W I KMOXTi W. Va., Feb. 21-In a fight
between a party of deputy aherlffs led by
Sheriff C. I), t'onaway of Marion county
and striking miners at Farmlngton late
today one man waa Injured probably fa
tally, four seriously and many wittered
cuts and bruises.
The trouble started when miners at
tempted to effect the release of two
niliKis who had been arrested on felony
The miners drove the sheriff's party
Into a store, but fled to the hills when
twenty-rive special deputies reached.
Farmington In a special trolley car .from
Constable Wrings of the sheriff's party
Is In a critical condition. The seriously
Injured are Sheriff Conaway, two deputies
and a miner.
One thousand miners employed in three
mlnea of the Jamlnm Coal company
walked out yesterday because they alleged
the company had put Into force a new,
wage scale which reduced their pay.
CHICAGO.. Feb. 21. "No man can
serve two masters," declared Judge Clsr
ence N. Goodwin of the superior court
when addrerelng fifty-five foreigners
seeking their final naturalisation napers.
"You are to have no other allegiance than
that to the t'nlted States, and no mental
reservation when you take the oath of
loyalty. The I'nlted Statea wants no clt
Ixena with divided allegiance, t'nless you
hsve come with a heart and mind single
In devotion to the I'nlted States you have
not come In good faith."
Most of the camlldatea for citizenship
were natives of -Germany, flussla and
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