TIIE OMAHA SUNDAY HKE: FKIUa'AUY 21. 1915. j: " Stat department has been looking for ward to renewal of discussion of ths treaty at the first opportunity. Opinion varied as to what stops would be taken by ths United States whrn the text of the German reply la officially re ceived. Some contended that Inasmuch as the Vnited States had Informed Ger many that the latter would be held "to a strict accountability" for any attacks on American vessels and lives, the interests of the American government might bent be conserved now by standing unalter ably on that warning and awaiting de velopments. The fact that the United States did not define its future course, but left It open to construction by the recipient of the communication, la regarded in some of ficial quarters as making' unnecessary any further explanation of the attitude of the American government to Germany unless some overt aot occurred. PIRE ON FORTS OF DARDANELLES Combined British and French Fleet! Bombard Fortification at En trance of Straits. AIRCRAFT AID IN THE ATTACK ATHENS (Via London), Feb. 20. It Is reported here that the Anglo French fleet destroyed Turkish fleets on the other tide of the Dardanelles during the bombardment this morn ing. The forts on the European side subsequently were attacked and are still firing. A powder magazine on the Asiatic aide of the Dardanelles exploded during the bombardment by the al lied fleets. The forts replied In a lively manner to the fire of the war ships, but without success. LONDON. Fet. 20. The British and French fleets, it was officially announced here today, bombarded the forts of the Dardanelles on Fri day with considerable effect. The bombardment of the Dardanelles ras renewed, the announcement added, with sea ptanes and aero planes co-operating. The text of the official announcement twued this afternoon by the BrtUsfl ad-1 on the eastern spur. Fighting continues xnlraJty says: I at this point, where we had an advanced Yesterday morning at S o'clock a Brit- Iost. Bain and now are falling In the Isn fleet, ahlpa and cruisers, accompanied I Vosges. .y flotillas and aided by a strong French I Germs Official Resort squadron, the whole under the command I BERLIN, Feb .. (By Wireleas.)- of Vioe Admiral Carden, began an attack The official statement given out today coon the forts at the entrance to the Par-1 by the German army headquarters says: dsnelles. I "In the western theater of the war: GERMAN ATTACK REPULSED Their Assault on French Trenches at Yprei Faili and Their Losiei Are Heary. SO ANNOUNCES PARIS OFFICE PARIS. Feb. 20 Vla Ixindonl-The of ficial statement Issued this afternoon by the French war department says: "In Belgium the enemy bombarded Nleuport and the dunes. His batteries were effectively countered by ours. The Hermans appear to hare employed im portant forces in yesterday's attack against our trenches to tne east of Ypres. After a heavy bombardment of our positions the Germans attacked with the bayonet, but were repulsed and our artillery held by Its fire the reserves, which were to hsve supported the first line attack. The German losses were heavy. "From the Lys to the OIe and on the Alsne in the region of Berry-Au-Bao, great artillery activity prevailed. Losses Considerable. "It la confirmed that the enemy's losses In the campaign of the last few days have been considerable. According to statements of prisoners, a battalion has been destroyed. "On the heights of the Mifse towards night yesterday the enemy delivered his fourth counter attack against the trenches which we took at I.s Kpargnes. This at tack was beaten back like the three pre ceding ones by our artillery. "In the Vosges the enemy continued unsuccessfully liis'counter attacks on Hill 607, south of Ltisse. Couth of I -a Fecht the enemy succeeded In gaining a footing Bfcai mt Iosr Raage. I Strong French forces yesterday attacked forts at Cape Helles and Kum th8 German positions In the Champagne Kale met bombarded with a deliberate north of Perthes and the long range fire. Considerable effect was north of Lesraenlls. All attempts to produced on two of the forts. Two brea through the Ocrman lines, how others 'were frequently hit. but being ver- felled. la some places the enemy pen earthworks It was dlffloult to estl- entered Into the advanced German anate the damage. The forts, being out- trenches, where fighting atlll continues, ranged, were unable to reply to our fire. Otherwise the enemy wss repulsed and "At 1:45 o'clock In the afternoon a por-1 suffered heavy losses German Submarine Uses Two Bombs to Sink French Vessel CHEKBORO, Feb. Sn.-(Via Tarle) The story of tho sinking of the French steamer Ville Dc lillle by a German sub marine off the Barfleur lighthouse, east of Cherbourg, was told lust night by the boatswain of the vessel which was sent to the bottom Tuesday. The submarine which sunk them, he said, was tho IMS. which pursued the Ville Ie Lille some dlstnnce and maneu vered In such a way as to prevent Its escape. Then the Germans hoisted the signal "stop or we fire on you." fcftT which the steamer stopped snd the sub msrino came alongside, "I will give you ten minutes to leave the ship," said the German oommander, according to the boatswain's story. The crew compiled with the order ond took to the boats, pulling toward Barfleur. Meanwhile two men from the submarine went aboard the atesmer and placed two bombs, one In the captain's room and the other in the forecastle. Ten minutes lster there vere two explosions snd ths shin began to sink stern first. The can tain and crew wept as they saw their ship go down. After the bombs hart been placed aboard the Ville r Lille, the oumbarlne stopped a Dutch ship which was allowed to pro ceed after the Germans sstlsfled them selves there was no contraband aboard. The submarine then returned to the Ville De Ullc'i bosts when it was seen what ietperate efforts the sailors were making to row to the coast and took them in tow unlll the Barfleur was In sight. The rnptaln of the steamer did not have time to dress fully before he left his ship and Injured his chin In clambor InB into tb boat. The German comman der, observing the captain's injury took him aboard the submarine and gave him first aid treatment "The Germans also supplied the master of the steamer with a fine pair of sea boots as he had been compelled to leave his own. behind. manders of submarines to distinguish be tween enemy and neutral vessels. On the other hand, however, the portion of the note In which Germany disclaims all responsibility for what might happen to .neutral ships, either by submarine torpedoes or mines produced a feeling of apprehension among some high officials that a critical point might bo precipitated in the relations between the United States and Germany. These officials suggested that there would now be less cause for anxiety If Germany had negotiated, as did Great Britain, France and Russia, treaties with the United States agreeing to submit to a commission of Investigation any diffi culties that may arise between them. While the German amnaasador here Is known to have endeavored to bring about the negotiation of such treaty, the out break of the war, with Its increased bur den on the German foreign office, di verted attention from It there, and the "To the north of Verdun, a French at tack was also repulsed. Near Combres preparations for renewed French at tacks were made by violent artillery bombard ment. Fighting la Vosges. "Fighting still continues In the Vosges. The Germans stormed the enemy's post- tlon ot the battleship force was ordered to close In and engage the forts at closer range with their secondary armament. "Tho forts on both sides of the entrance then opened fire and were engaged at moderate ranges by the Vengeance, Corn fwallls. Triumph, Suffren and Bouvet, supported by the Inflexible and . the Agamemnon at long range. ' The forts on the European side were I ttons of two kilometers on the heights apparently Silenced. One fort nn thai to the west of Sulsern, and also on A static side was still firing when the Relchsaskerkopf. to the west of Muenster, operations wens suspended owing to the I A battle for possession of the height to falling light' No ships of the allied fleet the north of Meuhbach Is going on. Met- were hit. lserland and Sandernach have been oceU' 'The action was renewed this morning pled by the Germans after a, battle, alter an aerial reconalssanee by British "In the eastern war arena: In the dls- aeroplanes. The ship Ark Royal is In I trlct to the northwest of Grodno and to attendance with a number of sea ptanes the north ftunwalkl, there has been no and aeroplanes of the naval wing." Important changes. Tarklsfc Vnralea of Rattle. "To the southeast of Kolno ths enemy AMSTERDAM, Feb. 20,-(Vla London.) has been driven back Into Its advanced A dispatch from Constantinople gives position of Lomu. the following orriclal statement Issued "South of Mysnlec, northeast of Frxans by the Turkish wsr office: Jnsi and east of Raclona there have "Early Sunday morning British and b.n enaaaements of a local character. French ships renewed their bombardment From the south of the Vistula there Is of the outer forts of the t Dardanelles, nothing new to report." 'W nring ew snots without much success. lZZTot":Ushny wou br H Irvin Cobb Agrees to jini srnrarN Angio-Frenclt ships bombarded the other forts of the Darda nelles for seven hours without silencing them. The enemy fired shots from guns of rreat caliber. "Three hostile armored ships Funeral of Martin Dunham to Be Masonic and Held Next Monday The funeral of Martin Dunham, Nc- braaka pioneer, veteran Mason and promi nent citizen, who died at his home in this city Thursday night. Will be held at the Masonic temple next Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock, and will be In charge of the Maaonlo grand lodge of Nebraska, S. P. Davidson of Tecumse'h, past grand mas ter, officiatng. The body will be taken from the late home of Mr. Dunham Monday morning, and from 11 o'clock until the hour of the funeral will lie In state in the large hall of the temple, with a guard of honor In charge. At o'clock the casket will be closed. After the services at the temple, the body will be taken to Prospect Hill and burled in the family lot, the Masons having charge also of these services. The honorary pallbearers are all men who knew Mr. Dunham for many years and. were associated with him In differ ent lines of work with which he and they were connected. They are: Jonathan Edwards and William T. Kterstead, Douglas County Association of Nebraska Pioneers; Sam K. Greenleaf, lodge No. 9, Independent Order of Odd Fellows; Charles G. Hunt. Veteran Fire men's association; John H. Butler, Ne braska Veteran Masons' association; George W. Hervey, former member of the Nebraska State Board of Agriculture. Ths active pallbearers will be selected from Capitol lodge No. S, Masons, of which for many years Mr. Dunham was member. At the funeral the Knights Templar will furnish an escort Echoes of the Strife BUENOS AIRES. Feb. 1.-The Argen tine government !s considering the mat ter of warning the German steamer Hol ger and the auxiliary cmlser Ardonna to l.'ave this port within twenty-four hours or bn disarmed and Interned, It was an nounced tonight. The Hnlger arrived here yesterday, having aboard tho crews of several merchants ships sunk during Jan uary ami February ny the Jerman auxil iary cruiser Kronprins Wllhelm. PARIS. Feb. 19. Pebnte on the bill limiting tho niimlier of liquor saloons In France was resumed todity by tho mem bers of the French Chamber of deputies. A measure was passed allowing the sum of 14,xon,nn0 franca a reimbursement for tnjtee paid by liquor dealers on abslntho In their possession snd for the purchase of stocks of absinthe. BERNE, Switzerland. Feb. W.-The Swiss government today received a note from the German government saying that the aviator, who February 2, flew over Pwlss territory In the region of the fron tier of Alsace, has been ptinlfheil. The German note also expressed deep regret that the incident had occurred. T1VDON. Feb. 19. The Dutch govern ment Is considering an Insurance plan rnr snip under wnicn snipping companies would take about 20 ner tent of the risk, tho rest being borne by the government snd insurance companies, according to the Rotterdam correspondent of neuter's Telegram company. NEW YORK, Feb. :9. Captain Nelson of the steamer City of Savannah, which arrived tonight from Rotterdam, after delivering a cargo of cotton taken on at Wilmington. N. C. reported that Feb ruary B. his ship nassed within 300 feet of a mine in the Kr.glish channel. Are Yon Constipated f Why suffer, take a doso of Dr. King's New Life Pills tonight you will feel fine tomorrow, only 25c. All druggists. Advertisement WASHINGTON FEARS CRISIS VERY NEAR U. 8. Official! Discuss Peril to Ship ping" Growing Oat of Berlin's Determined Reply to Protest. C0UHSE NOT YET DECIDED ON WASHINGTON, Feb. 20. Presi dent Wilson and his cabinet discusser! at length yesterday the dangers to American vessels and commerce grow ing out of the reiterated determina tion of the German government to to wage) a warfare of submarines and mines on enemy vessels, disclaiming all responsibility for , what might happen to neutral vessels venturing Into the new sea zones ot war. Of Grave Importance, Canvass of cabinet officers dis closed that tha administration re garded the developments of the last few days as of grave Importance. Members of the cabinet declined to predict what would be the course of the United States. Some pointed out that In every serious situation in In ternational affairs much discretion was vested in the president and that his action would necessarily be guided by the circumstances of each case If any attacks on American vessels occurred. lias Not fc-eelved Reply. Officially the United States government had not reculvcd from Ambassador Ger ard up to late tonight the text of the German reply to the Atnerican note and until it is in hand no decision will be an nounced as to the administration's policy. In the Informal discussion of the reply as published in the press, some members of the cabinet took the view that while the situation was serious there was an Indication in the German note of a will ingness to negotiate and discuss the sub ject further, which might, perhaps, post' pone the active enforcement of the proe lamatlon sufficiently . long to permit an understanding to be reached about the safety of neutral vessels and their Iden tification on the high scaa. The delay in receiving the note from Ambassador Ger ard was regarded as of advantage In that it had given opportunity for deliberation hero and in Berlin. Maximum of Vigilance. The fact that Germany had emphasized dLrn Ud'ctrT Constipation, Biliousness, Gen- indicating that the maximum of vigilance probably would be exerclsea by the com- Your Health Needs Attention especially at this season of the year when it is really necessary to guard against the quick' changes in tem perature and the inclement weather. You should keep your strength and vigor up to the highest possible standard so as to be well fortified against any sick ness that might threaten you. . To that end, pay strict attention to the Stomach, Liver and Boweb and at the first sign of any weakness take HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS It is a splendid tonic and appetizer and will help Nature wonderfully towards preventing a spell of Indiges- eral Weakness or Malaria. damaged. One ot them, a flagship, was damaged severely." Another version of the Turkish report as' received here from Constantinople says that on the Turkish side one man was killed and another slightly Injured. Spy System Hidden by Tourist Agency Answer Questions One of the features of Irvin Cobb's lecture, which Is to be given at the Au- were ditorlum on Wsdneaday. February , Is (correspondence of Associated Press.) " Alii 8, Feb. la The expulsion from Switzerland of a German calling him self Julius Thomas Is alleged to have after-dinner sneaker, but had navar mads brought to light a comprehensive system a serious address. He looked up. thinking the answering of questions by the war correspondent of the Saturday Evening Post. It Is expressly understood before these questions are answered that they shall not be such that will provoke con troversy, but In spite of this announce ment by the speaker they frequently de become so. although Cobb deprecates any thing ot this kind. i Ills advent to the lecture platform was I accidental. There was a dinner given one night at the Green Room club In New Tork and Cobb was asked to tell some thing of what he 'saw In the European war sone. He had been known as an of espionage which he had carried on for a period of two years or more st Basel under the guise of a tourist agency. Is recalled that in January. WU all the French papers ran a small advertisement offering good pay for easy work. Applicants were directed to write to Agt General Delivery, Basel." It Is alleged that thla "Aget" was also known oenwans,- ms supposedly correct that perhaps he had neen boring the I banqueters; he found some of them were I crying, and all of them called for him to I go on. One of the auditors that night was the promoter of the tour. characte: IN MEN AND FURNITURE ENDURES rafeflaefevefetefefef Q That is why the nation stands hand in hand before the memory of Wash ington. And as in man, so in merchandise. Time can find no flaw in genu ine quality and character. That is why we particularly urge HARTMAN QUALITY AND CHARACTER It endures it gives satisfaction and pleasurable use long after the purchase price is forgotten. Best of all although we offer the finest high great stock in the city to choose from our prices are the lowest in Omaha. When you do buy furniture, buy good furniture with 1 asting character and high quality. It does not cost any more at Harttnan's In fact, less. II A HTM A ltf'Q SPECIAL OPEN CHARGE ACCOUNT SYSTEM; con- iitix 1 limn o venient monthly terms on any purchase. If you only knew how very generous our extremely liberal monthly credit terms are and tho absolute sincerity with which you are urged to enjoy treely and without reserve, the wonderful home furnishing opportunity this system offers you would not hesitate to open up an account with us. ' "VVhy not bring your home furnishing problem to us and let Hartmau Feather Your NestT Here's a Genuine .Bargain Value in a High Class BRASS Railroad Service Reasmed (Correspondence of Associated Press.) PARIS. Feb. ia-The damage to the name, and also aa Thomaa.' and that ,ln f .th K",,ern rllro before and under the guise of publishing a tourist guiae tie solicited matter with a letter written In the following vein: "I am going to publish a new tourists' ' guide: I want to put Into It alt the de. tails of Interest to travelers, an Index and map of all the highways, paths and .forest trails, addresses of aU the botvls and auberges, all the curiosities, monu ments, buildings of historical Interest Bend us this Information concerning your neighborhood and we will remit you at unco nuy xrancs; we will make It 100 franca V the Information you give us Is of unusual Importance." To those who sent In information . "i"m ftrauwa promptly and wrote asking for more details concerning the topography of the region. In his third letter of Instructions It Is alleged he .'.,,w same ine mask or tourism and asked for "a list of all the bridges In the region, how built and of what ma- ivnai, ine number of arches, length of eecn, ine nearest garrison of troops, ths number of each arm of the service quar tered there, a description of the forts, if t any, and how many troops of occupation, , areuU. It any, or manufacturers of powder, ammunition or anna." if no reply was received, blackmail was re sorted to. It is aaserted. Schwarts had taken care to recruit his correspondents among postal employes, railroad men. government and municipal clerks, whose relatione with bim were certain to com promise them. during the battle ot the Marne have now been' sufficiently repaired to enable the company to resume the express service between Nancy and Paris, via Toul. Bar- le-Due. Chalons and Kpernay. The Bel fort expresa has also been restored, per mining direct communication wtth BasrJ In about nine hours. Had CZEfi F GaBsbllssr at Meat srla. (CurresponiKnce ot the Associated Press ) MONTE CARLO, Feb. la-Gambling is rampant again after four and a half months of enforced Inactivity. There la o gold or silver shining on ths green twin; ivory checks have taken their Haceo, but roulette and trente-et-quar- anie are going on at a few tables. The re vival, however, has not sufficed to restore tue season s Usual animation to the town. 7 be hotels axe nearly empty. Investors with money read the Real KiUte ads In The Bee. AdveiUac your Koperty fog a quick aale. i TWENTY YEARS First on limbs. Then Spread A!! Over. Could not Sleep on Account of Itching. Small Pimples Later Appeared. Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Ointment Healed. Manchester, Kansas. "I bad fur twenty years, first on my legs, than it spread all over soa. It eiiewd aa a rash. I could not sleep or rett on arrouot of ths Itching. Scratching or rubbing made the Itching and burning worse, small pimples later appeared, and blackheads formed. "I had used - - . Ointment, and solution to batbe with, tried all the home remedies aad many preparattoas but without relief. Then I eonuuenred using Cuticura tkasp and Ointment according to directions. In one month 1 was greatly relieved of the misery. I used three boxes of Cuticura Olat oent and the Cuticura soap and I ass now healod." (Signed) Harry Garten. October SO. 11. You never tire of Cuticura Soap and Cu ticura Ointment. Having tested these la severs skin troubles and found, them effec tive you continue their use because of their fragrant, aupis rreamyi esaoutent proper ties for daUy use as toue preparations. Sample Each Free by Mall With 3'J-p. Bkia Book on request. Ad- areas jKMt-card "Ctittcurs, Dept. T, oe- te. t Butd throughout lbs world. OUR NEWEST Orr'ER IN AN EXTREMELY HEAVY COLONIAL BRASS BED. Ths lacquer on this bed is thoroughly guaranteed by ths manu facturer. Constructed with heavy two-Inch posts, ten heavy one-inch fillers and 1 inch top rods. set on witn six handsome ranry mounts. All sizes, satin finish only. Very specially priced MAON1FICKNT NEW WTYL.H HUFKRT. Con structed of well seasoned wood, finished golden lit American quarter sawed imitation oak. Has large roomy base, iiiassive turned legs, French Reveled plate mirror ng across the t in a heavy Offered at the ly attractive price 4 If! Wi I ! p illiiM h if $ ZZ 111; x iJlfi 1 Copyright 1111. H. F. Co. 1 Iffl iXimfiU s M 13.65 1 THIS HANDSOME LIBRARY SET. Mada of solid oak. beautifully fin ished In fumed. Bet consists of large library table, 24x36 Inches, fitted with roomy drawers. The comfortable arm chair and rocker are uphol stered In high grade Imperial Spanish leather, over a full set of steel springs. A room full of furniture at the low price offered for this week ,.. ROOMS FURNISHED COMPLETELY $5 A MONTH $99 4 Reveled X extentiln f top set m frame. .J extreme 3 si ypi' 5 at w 17.75! I sfe . . "r iu . ' 1( 4. In. MASSIVELY BUILT AMERICAN QUARTER- SAWED IMITATION OAK EXTENSION TABLE, neat pattern made on plain linea and finished in golden. Has large 42-lnch top extending to aix foot. heavy square pedestal and supported by four colonial turned feet. Offered (or this week'a selling for only. . ' r7Trrt'a 1 . m fm Ni jj mm -7 ?vr THE FIRST SHOWINu OP" Ol'It NEW 115 LINE OF iO-CAKT3. The Illustra tion shown is extremely well made and high grade collap sible go-cart. Folds com pletely with one motion, Stood and all. Wheels have heavy rubber tires and body upholstered in Imperial leather. A De cided bargain, at J dtTTvft FREE HARTMAN 'S GREAT PREMIUM OFFERING In addition to the many wonderful bar gains offered for this week, we will give sway absolutely Free of charge a hand somely decorated 42-piece dinner set with every purchase of $50 or over. Cash or credit. is mm 8.95? HEAVY COLONIAL DINING ROOMi CHAIR. Extremely well made in American quarter sawed imitation oak. Has broad panel back, heavy saddle seat and massive scroll legs. Securely braced throughout. An exoepuonajiy good looking chair at tbla low price 4.98 "AMXZXCA'M OmZATXBT K01CKTVIgXXaJf St. 1414-16-18 Dou&las A SPLENDID VALUE IN AN EXTREMELY WELL MADE DRESSER. Made eatlrely of hard wood, finished gold en la American quarter sawed imitation oak. Base fitted with four large draw ers with wood pulls. Mir ror is of large sise set In a neatly rounded frame. A great special, at. ...... 8.95 1.672 eT,arV(cV'V!s!swyat (swVQ