Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 21, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Page 3-A, Image 3

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House Has Under Consideration for
Time Measure of lanijran Pro
viding for the Change.
(From a Staff Correspondents
LINCOLN. Feb. 20. (Special.)-A bill In-
troducsd by lie present a live InlKnn of
Greeley, known as, house roll No. 2j:J, be
ing a Joint resolution eillm for the sn:i
tnlpslon to the pctplp.of the stale a propo
sition to Increase the number of supremo
court Judges, was up in the house lod:v
for a brief jci-lod and was passed over
to come up bkhIii Inter on.
' Ths bill Is ono to Increase the number
of Judges from seven to nine nnd pro
vides for the districting of the stale Into
supreme judicial districts, each district
to elect its own Judge, the chief Justice
to bo elected by the entire stnt-. The dis
tricts, if the i evolution is adopted by (he
people, will place the state Into nine dis
tricts, as follows:
nralUtrlrtltiK Mate.
The First district will compose me en- ;
tire state and will elect th? chler justice.
Other districts are as follows:
Second Iistrlet Richardson, Pawnee,
Johnson, Nemaha, Otoe, ("ass, Sarpy and
thunders, with a population of approxi
mately l.'O.STS people, which at the hint
election cHt about 27. 0O0 votes.
Third District Jefferson. Uatre. Saline,
Iancaster and Seward, with l."it.7:il people
and about 8,'io votes.
Fourth District Douglas county alone,
with a population of about pis.nW. accord
Jnc to the last census, anil rusting about
6.000 votes.
Fifth District Onrfleld. AVhtelcr, Val
ley, Gre'lov, Sherman, Howard, Nance,
J-loone,, Madison. Platte. Stanton. Colfix,
Dodpe, Burt nnd Washington, with Ki.Z',6
people, and casting about 37. WO votes.
Sixth District Nuckolls, Thayer, Clay.
I'illmoro. Hall. Hamilton, York, Polk.
Hutler and Merrick, with lf3,3i popu
lation, and 32.01 0 votes.
Seventh District Dundy, Chase, Hayes,
Hitchcock, Frontier, lle.l Willow, (.os
per, Furnas, Phelps. Harlan. Kenmey,
JVranklln. Buffalo, Webster and Adams,
with 147,734 people casting at the last
election, about .12,000 votes.
Kighth District Custer. IJncpln, Per
kins, Keith. Duel, Cheyenne. KiV'a"
Stunner. Scott's Kluff, Morrill, Garden,
JMcPheraon, Arthur. Igan, Grant,
Hooker, Thomaa. Cherry. Sheridan, Box
Butte. Dawes. Sioux. Blaine and Loup,
a.-ith a luiniilnl ion of 147 people, an
:iistlng approximately 32,000 votea at
ihe last election.
Ninth District Keya Paha, Brown.
Jtock, Boyd, Holt, Knox, Antelope, Cedar,
5lxon, Dakota, Pierce, "Wayne, Cuming
and Thurston, with 143.129 people, and
at the lust election casting; about 32,000
Division of Court.
The bill divides the court up into three
Sections of three Judges each, sitting in
separate rooms, so that three courts
working at the same time will be able to
get off the work three times as fast as at
the present time. In constitutional con
troversies the whole court shall sit. seven
Judges being necessary to declare any
act of the legislature unconstitutional.
DrmoAMlIc pledge.
This Is a platform pledge o fthe demo
cratic party .
Mr. Norton read the plank In the demo
cratic platform favoring the election of
Judges by districts and said It had his
approval, but he did not think the num
ber of judges eight to be increased.
Korff attempted to Insert an amend
ment raising the age from SO to 40 years,
but later withdrew It and the bill was
reported for progress and will come up
again. ' ; , ...
Will Ciaest oa Bill.
Chairman Taylor of the democratic
house caucus was asked in writing- by a
number of his party colleagues this after
noon to call a session of that body the
early part of this week to consider plat
form pledges, and particularly the Lanl
Itran bill. House Roll No. 2.'.2, for a con
stitutional amendment to have supreme
i Judges elected by districts.
Democratin Mnllmnnt in th. iAi.i-..-.
is favorable to the district Idea, but there f
Is a good deal of opposition within the
party to increasing the number of Judges
from seven to nine, as proposed in the
,In1gan MIL It Is expected the caucus
will vote to amend the bill by making It
provide for seven Judaea, on t.
chosen from each
and one (the r.hlcf 1iiH. . i - mu.
-iaiQ. 1NII
win enabiA th fr,uf . j . ,
visions, tne same as It does now. Some
republicans will vote with the democrats
tar a bill of this kind.
' CRJflTB. Neb., Feb. 20.-flipeolal Tele
i grain,) In the, Nebraska collegiate ora
torlcal contest held last night. Earl
.Everett of Grand Island won first place,
with the oration entitled "Who Leads."
land Miss Anna Johnson of RkIivh
I i. n
second place, with the oration entitled
iTeace, Why and How."
; A full representation of the eight col
leges was 'at -the business meeting held
;ln the afternoon, but only seven were al
lowed to appear on the program. Wes
ieyan's man was debarred for soma rea
son unannounced.
The following officers were elected for
the ensuing year: President. J. W. Mar
ten, Creighton; vice president, D. L.
'Hughes, Cotner; secretary -treasurer, P.
tW. Cummlngs, Bcllevue; float delegate,
'33. F. Creeth, Hastings.
Judges of the contest were J. K. Leros
slgnol, Miss Luclle Eaves, Dean W. G.
Hastings, Prof. H. W. Caldwell of Lin
coln and Charles Speedy of Nebraska
LINCOLN, Fell. 20 Sieclal Telegram)
-Th costruct fur the erection of the
275.0n0 addition to the Lincoln postof
flce has been awarded to J. 11. Weese
of Omaha for $213,720. F. P. (iould &
Sons of Omaha, who are building the
Uncoln hich school building, had in a
bid for $240,000, being next to the high
est bidder.
Kewa Notes f Kdgar.
EDGAR, Neh., Ffcb. 20 . (Special.)
prenuptlal general shower was given to
Miss Fern Hull at the resilience of H. C.
Hart this afteriuon. Many useful and
beautiful gifts were brought. The hosts
were Mrs. L. C. Organ and Miss Alice
Hart. Besides the guests from Edgar and.
Vicinity. Mrs. Ralph Pricket and Miss
Irene KUsenger of Fairfield attended.
The date for the wedding has not been
E. E. Hattan sold his 1 florae re farm
southeast of Edgar today to Frank
Rhoades of Nelson for $130 an acre, tak
ing as part payment an eighty-acre farm
near Nelson at $' an acre and the bal
ance, $13,800 in cauh. Mr. Hattan sold his
farm subject to a lease for one year for
700 each held by N. E. Jacobs.
111 Health Causes
Beatrice Business
Man to End Life
RKATKK R, Neb . Feb. W (S)ectat Tet
rmsm. ) 1 S. Hrnrtley, for twenty yrara
Idirtrlrt mnmiiier for the Katkutiil Cash
I H"Ki"t-r company, committed mil. l.le at
hmne ,n thl" flty' thlo afternoon by
rnlna; on the In the klt.nen. Mrs.
tiratiiey routm me oouy upon ner return
home from a cburrh dinner. He I'.ad ar
tlally disrobed, hud drawn a ru over H
1 uiily nnd placed his head near tie gas
over. He left the following note:
(otiil-bve dour a If a and lahl 1 hnve
lost all bee. My ner.e is gone and my
decision is also gone, and there seems but
Ibis one thing to do. Good-bye, every-
body. C. S. P.
Despon'lrnry over 111 health I arxlKnod
as the cause fur the act. Mr. PraJWy re
cently resUned lito position with t'.e
cash reeisier compnny and went to F.x-cel.'i-i:-
Spi'Iiikh for his heiilth. II.1 a
prominent In busine-n and church circles
and had lived in Itratrl.-e for II. tern
years. He was 53 years of ac nnd leaves
a wblow and two small children, Coroner
UlC(, doi ,drd not , noK1 un tna,c,t
NORTH PLATTK, Neb.. Feb. 2. -(Special.)
Charged with stealing a horse from
Mrs. Kmma Wilson of North Platte. John
Pitts was arrested today at Grand Island
and brought here for trial. Mrs. Wilson
alleges that in January l'ltt was usinir
her horse. She claims that without her
knowledge or consent Pitts sold the horse
to unknown parties snd then left tho
country. The horse was recently located
and recovered, It being In the possession
of Fred Sukraw of Maxwell. Pitta was
arraigned today.
The North Platte Board of Education
Is urging tho people of the city to pro
vide mode school room. A new ward
school building was completed only a year
ago, but this has already proved Inade
quate to provide room for the school
children of tho city.
One thousand dollars for a fall upon Icy
sidewalks Is what Thomaa Carr asks from
the North Platte city council. The bill
was filed this week with the council, but
was not allowed. The council referred
the matter to the city attorney.
Ralph Starkey la the first In Lincoln
county to be arrested this year for un
lawful hunting. Starkey was fined $20
and costs for shooting four prairie chick
ens, which he had in his possession when
Inspired by the free employment bu
reau which the government has recently
opened, Postmaster Davis of this city
has opened a free employment agency
here, more particularly to take care of
local needs. The government organisation
deals upon a larger scale, but Mr. Davis'
plan Is to take care of all local require
ments, and those out of employment In
this city will bo looked after by Mr.
ANSKLirO, Neb., Feb. 8rt.-Speclal.)
Many deer are being slaughtered this
winter up on the Dismal river, near the
Ilalsey forest reserve. A ranchman says
deer frequently stray from the safe con
fines of the reserve and wander out
among the sandhills and valleys adjoining
their proper home. The people living In
the vicinity of the reserve, he says, seem
to have the notion that when they can
catch them away from their proper home
that they can kill them without let or
hinderanoe, and thus these creatures are
slaughtered despite the Btrtngont prohibi
tion of the agme law.
IVevva Notes of Geneva.
GENEVA, Neb.. Feb. 20. (Special.)
A ball was given last night by' Camp
Claude Ough. Spanish War veterans,
A play, "Two Bears," will be given
tonight In the high school auditorium.
under the auspices of tho Mothers' club.
Mrs. J. I". Nourse is directing the play.
Grand Master HarnJsh, Grand Secre
tary I. P. Gage, Superintendent Wilson
of the Independent. Order of Odd Fellows'
home at York and others were In Ge
neva yesterday afternoon and last night
and held a school of Instruction, with
Initiation. Several from Fairmont, Exe
ter, Shlckly and Strang were here.
A little child of Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Hranac fell Into a tub of hot water yes
terday and was badly scalded.
Weak and unhealthy kidneys cans so
tnuch sickness and suffering and whsa
through neglect or other causes, kidney
trouble Is permitted to oontiaus, tsricut
results may bo expected.
-m aur
Tour other organs may need attention
but your kidneys should have atten
tion first because their work is most Im
portant. If you feel that your kidneys are ths
cause of yomr sickness or rundown con
dition eommsnos taking Dt. Kumar's
wamp-Jtoot, ths great kidney, liver and
bladder remedy, because if tt proves to
bo ths remedy you assd and your kid.
mays begin to improve they will help
al ths organs to health.
lYftalenry of Kidney Disease.
Most people do not realise the alarming
increase and remarkable rrevalency of
BTECZAX, OTB You may obtain a sample else bottle of Swamp-Root by en
closing ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Blnghamton, N. Y. This gives you ths op
portunity to provs ths remarkable merit of this medicine. They will also send
you a book of valuable Information, containing many of ths thousands of grateful
letters received from men and women who say they found Swamp-Hoot to be Just
the remedy needed In kidney, liver and bladder troubles. Ths valus and success
of Swain p-Root are so well known thst our readers are advised to send for a
sample slzs bottle. Address Dr. Kilmer Co, Blnghamton, N. T. Be sura to say
you read this offer in ths Omaha Sunday Bee. Advertisement.
FF.WAHD. Neb., Feb ?).( Specials
At a meeting of the Commercial elub
last night It wss voted to expenl $r.fl0 on
the roads leading into Seward. Si hun
dred dollars was voted to buy new bil
liard and pool tablbes.
A meeting of the township officials will j
be held at the court house on the after
noon of February
The Coimty Hoard of Supervisors have
J published sn order for the arrest of
anyone who goes through the court
I house yard without gelling on a walk.
Since the tostoffloe bulldina; was erected
on the south side of the square the popu-
lace from the West ward make short
,-uts through the court house yard In
fl .
i The iv council la nav ni all resilience
and business houses numtiered
tory to asking the Postofflce department
for free delivery.
Tl e Farmers' elevator Is making a pres
ent of $l.C(.i to people who have bought
or sold grain there during the last year,
people who ate not stockholders In the
concern. They are distribution at the
rate of 1 cent Per bushel.
Mrs. Fred Hoff Schneider, a well known
resident of this county, died at her home
from cancer Friday.
The Blue river Is rising rapidly. The
Seward city mills have three feet of
water In tho basement. Lincoln creek, a
tributary. Is out of Its banks.
NORTH BEND, Feb. SO. (Special.)
Word was received here this morning o
the recent death of Mrs. A. N. Peller nt
White Plains, N. Y., at the homo or
relatives whom she was visiting. Mr.
and Mrs. Teller were Identified with th i
mercantile Interests .of North Bend for
many years. They were In the mercan
tile business at Hooper, also at Fremont,
before coming to North Bend.
F. L. McNown, who has been superin
tendent of the city schools here for the
last five years, has notified the board
that he does not desire the position n
other year, having good prospects else
where. The bosrd has received visits
from a number of applicants during the
last week.
The Platte river Is causing much anxi
ety here, and farmers and the Union
Pacific employes have been watching It
several days and blasting the Ice both
east and west of town. The water Is
very high snd the Ice Is liable to break
ud soon.
I '
Notes from Aobnrn.
At'BURN. Neb., Feb. 80. (Special.)
Mr. and Mrs, George Irlg celebrated
the fiftieth anniversary of their mar
riage at their farm home this week.
They are both natives of Germany, and
were married in Illinois In 186&. They
came to this county In 1K70. Henry C.
Heltzig and Mrs. Mary L. ITmland of
the German neighborhood were married
here this week. They will move to
Joseph Seerlst,' a veteran of the war
of the rebellion. Is dead at the home of
his daughter, Mrs. O .el. southwest of
town. He had lived here only a few
years. Several coyotes have been killed dur
ing the last month. One came to Henry
Otjean's hog yard In broad daylight ami
attacked a shoat. Mr. Otjean ' shot It
before It got away.
Mayor Church Howe Is at Lincoln sick.
He went there for a supposed minor op
eration, hut after fretting there, got
worse, and his condition is such that at
present It Is not deemed wise to operate.
Hot Bitten by Wolf Takes to Omaha
AVOCA. Neb., Feb. 20. Speclal.)-Llt-tle
Leonard Doty, son of Harry Doty, liv
ing north of town, who was batten by a
pet wolf a few days ago, has been taken
to Omaha to be treated as a preventive
of hydrophobia. The wolf's head was
sent to Chicago, and It was reported that
there were some hydrophobia symptoms.
Although In the ten days the lacerations
have healed, the. father wanted to take
all precautions to prevent later trouble.
Hardy Wins Debate from Lawrence.
HARDY. Neb., Feb. B.-(Speclal Tele
gram.) The Hardy high school debating
team won from the Lawrence team here
tonight. In the first of the Inter-stato
debates In the southern section. Th
Hardy team had the affirmative side
of the question. "Resolved, that ' the
United States should adopt government
ownership and operation of railroads."
kidney disease. While kidney disorders
are among the most common diseases
that prevail, they are almost the list
recognised by patients, who usually ron-
tent themselves with doctoring ths ef
fects, while the original disease constant
ly undermines the system.
A Trial Will Convince Anyone".
Thousands of people have testified that
the mild and Immediate effect of Swamp-
iioot. the great kidney, liver and blad
der remedy. Is soon realised and that It
stands the highest for Its remarkable re-
sulta In the most distressing cases.
riymptoins of Kidney Trouble
Kwamp-Root Is not recommended for
everything but If you suffer from annoy-
ins bladder troubles, frequently passing
water night and day. smarting or Irrita
tion In pasilnK. brick-dust or sediment,
headache,' backache, lame back, dlxxl
ness, poor digestion, sleeplessness, nerv
ousness, heart disturbance due to bad
kidney trouble, skin eruptions from bad
blood neuralgia, rheumatism, lumbago,
bloating. Irritability, wornont feeling,
lack of ambition, may be loss of flesh or
sallow complexion, kidney trouble In its
worst form may be stealing upon you.
Knamp-lbiot .aaant to Tske
If you are slready convinced that
Swamp-Root la what you need, you can
purchase the regular fifty-rent and one
dollar size bottles st all drug stores.
Kample Klze liottle
Nebraska Teachers
Go to Cincinnati
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Feb. M.-dpeclat Telegram )
A delegation of Nebraska teachers will
leave Uncoln Sunday afternoon on the
Burlington for Cincinnati to attend the
National Teachers' association. Amonn
the number will be B. J. Barr, Grand
Island; C. M. Barr, Hastings: Mary Fos
ter, Plattsmouth; Superintendent Hunter,
V. O. Mayes, State Superintendent A. O.
Thomas. Charles Fordyee, Q. W. (,
l.uekey, A. A. Reed. Ruth Pyrtle. W. "if.
Monical and wife. Uncoln: F. II. IVIce,
Nellgh: V. T. Davis. McCook; A. It.
Waterhonse, Fremont: P. W. Hayes.
Peru; A. F.. Fisher, Aurora: J. A. ',sir.
mui. Auburn. ,and Cyms Williams. Cur
tis. A large addition to the party will
be made at Omaha.
Hock ford Debaters Wla at Filler.
FILLET. Neh.. Feb. 20 (Speolal Tele
gram.) The Rockford High school de
haters received the unanimous decision In
a debate with the Fllley High school
team Friday evening here, the subject
discussed being. "Resolved, That the
I nlted States should adopt the govern
ment ownership and operation of rail
roads." Rockford was represented by
Edna Willis, Paul Pair and carl Dell;
Save Your Own
.iost neople who have false
teeth wear them because they
neglected their own.
Don't Neglect Your 9
We will not hurt you, hut will
prevent years of suffering snd
save you many dollars' needless
expense. We have succeeded be
cause wi give each case our
thorough attention and guaran
tee our work to be satisfactory.
Honesty Bailt Our Profession
To one of the largest practices
In Nebraska We toll you on first
consultation Just what you need
and exactly what cost of sams
will be
Taft's Dental Rooms
Make Your Next Railroad or Steamship
"Shopper's Mileage" is the talk of
the town. On every side you hear men and women
in all walks of life planning to make every dollar they
spend earn a mile of first class travel.
And dealers everywhere that is
the better class of dealers in all lines of business, will
issue "SHOPPER'S MILEAGE" to you, and every
body, with each cash purchase.
Remember Every Dollar Means
of Railroad or Steamship Travel
You will know from the time you
start saving Mileage Certificates that 572 miles of
'Shopper's Mileage" will take you to Denver; that
375 miles will take you to Minneapolis; that 110
miles will take you down to Lincoln AND BACK
HOME AGAIN absolutely free.
"Shoppers Mileage" service be
gins in all sections of Omaha, South Omaha, Benson,
Dundee and Florence, March 1st.
Fillry by John Mllhr. Hhk-I klnit ami
John Gingery. The Judges w ere 1 1 min
Wetherhec. Hubert Dobbs ami Arthur I
Sew Rank neiMlnat tor tnnrlmn.
AN8F.LMO, Neb , Feb. ?.-iSpecil i- I
The People's State hank has received the '
plans and specifications for Its new toil'ii
Ing, which will be erected on lots pur
chased by the bank people lust cast of j
the Llndly building on Fast Smith avenue ;
on the north side of the street. The plans !
call for a building Jfx45, one story, with
basement The construction Is to ho of
brick, stone and Iron, with concrete flior.
In the rear of ths building are locnti
the directors' room and the toilet and
lews Xotfi of Arllnaton.
ARIJNGTON, Neb., FVb. .-(Special.)
T. C. Marley. farmer near here, sold
hla farm of 100 acres near Klk City to
former County Superintendent John
Rhoadea of Blair for I1G5 per acre. This
is one of the best farms In this part of
Ihe state and has all modern Improve
ments. Owing to recent rains and the melting
of the heavy snows, the streams and,
rivers are out of their banks.
An epidemic of smallpox Is prevailing
here at present.
Dr. Clark. The Painless Dentist
F.xperlence la what counts In Den
tistry. No one but exieiienced men
In this office: no students.
Mrs. Herri of 1X24 Dodge St., Omaha,
had teeth extracted by the use of Ypor
Mist, this lady said, absolutely without
twin. Write her ami hear what she
Will say about our Painless Method.
vapor Mist is a local Hiiaesthetlc lust
applied to the gums for the Painless
Kxtractlng of teeth and all other dental
operations, without the least danger in
heart trouble or other ulrkneMa
Set of Teetli . . ,-
Best Set on Rubber
On Aluminum
Gold t'rnwiis, up from
Bridge Teeth per tooth, un from
Porcelain Crowns, like your own teeth,
ur from S3.BO
Office, S04 Paxton Blk., Beoond rioor.
lath and rarnam Streets.
Open Buadsya 10 to 13. Xvtnlngs till 7.
tarty Attendant.
Vhons sled 1301.
snd for onr Booklet tailing all about
the Oars of Teeth.
I m
Phone for Free Travel Booklet.
1313 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. Phoiw Doug. 1313.
World's Eiest fmm
Are All Included in the Last
I7eek of Our Remodeling Sale
Nebraska's lateest and oldest Piano House Is remodel
ing. Ihe Interior of Its entire building. If you want to
renlastrr and decorate vour home, vou would nnlte
naturally have to remove the
same rule applies here. Our
lien red this week. Tne plasterers
orators need the room, so we have
these Pianos on the market with
out considering eost. and at terms
so low that no family need to be
without a Piano.
lVnutiful square pianos ii.
plionv nnd rosewood cases at
$ir, $l-, $.T0.
Hii;h grade used upright
pianos nt $7"), ifKX and
$1'JT) and in addition to the
hargains in used pianos we
will guarantee to save you from $75 to $1U0 on any of tho
following" high grnde new pianos:
Hardman, Emerson, Steger & Sons, McPhail, Linde
man & Sons, Schmoller & Mueller and many others.
This offer Is Rood only till March 1st.
(noo Hallott ft Davis,
fWlOO J. X V. Fischer,
square I 21)
$1104) Singer, upright . . . .I(XI
;(M) Davis & Hon, upright 91 10
kVKi.l tlrnmor. upright ...91.11
(M) Hardman, upright. .. 93 IS
I(K) Ktegrr ft Hons, up
right $150
9lO Schmoller ft Mueller,
upright 948
FflKK MFK 1NHI RANCK FREE RTOOIa FRKK HCAKK. a Month Iletita Good Piano.
1311-18 Kama in Ht. Headquarters (or Virtrolas and Grafonolas.
arssajawagLt aiii- usBBsmmmmmmmmmmmamasBmBmi lljl jiihii eggs
Let The Bee get you a good job.
"Situations "Wanted" ads are free
How much do you spend for gro
ceries, meats, drugs, shoes, furniture, etc., in the course
of three months, six months, or a year.
Figure it out right now be
cause each twenty-five cents means a quarter of a
mile, each fifty cents means a half mile, each dollar
means a full mile of railroad or steamship travel.
This is your opportunity to get
up and go somewhere. To travel from one city to an
other, without it costing you one red penny. Make up
your mind now to save "Shopper's Mileage."
Notice to Dealers! We still have
some open territory. Phone Douglas 1313 and arrange
for our representative to call. DON'T WAIT TOO
furniture. The
floors must ho
ana nec- xy
9AOO HrhmoUer ft Mueller
I'layer llano 9,'SO
91,000 ( hh kering ft Hons,
grand 92O0
91,100 Ktelnway, grand ..9450
9 250 Pianola Cabinet
I'layer 9 SO
9 550 ('lough ft Warren
l'Uyer IMano 9200
9 (VoO Technota I'layer
piano (tars
Trip via
'.r ''I-
ff' i " law aj
A ' L i J HI l i M I 1