Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 21, 1915, WANT AD SECTION, Page 4-C, Image 26

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' Wanted du experienced ia handling
high class stock, bond or building and
loan stock.
Liberal adranca to maa who can
analtfy. Experienced men who will put
In full time can make good money, rang
ing from M to ibo per we-k.
When writing give complete details
covering excrience, age, past and pree
nt connections, etc
For complete liUormatlon address A
C, Bee. t
KUK.OVV11EAT CR1bP-0 dally profit,
new confection, to package, costs lc;
ran of samples. 10c; particulars free; ma
chine, f7.n0, prepaid. Corneau Co., il4 N.
ParkslUe, Chicago.
AUhNTd Kecuperate Man. Kverythlng
going fine again; big boom; aeaavn ripe
now; our vacuum cieanera are better
and are aeUIng like hot rakee; more prof
Ita than ever before. U need me Sweeper
Co., M S. Dearborn, Chicago.
AljKNTS New religious picture and
luminous crucifix; coata Mr; sella for i;
to 10 easily sold In a day. Wllllama
Religious Supply Co., Xo? Taylor Mt,
AGENTS Biggest line biggest profit, ex
tracts, perfumes, medicines, apices. Jelly
powders, premiums for your customer.
Western laboratories. l43 Van -luren tit.,
JlKPRk-SENTATlVH wanted; exclusive
territory; Biw Invention, guaranteed by
reputable corporation, saving Ta per oent
to gasoline users or money refunded; au
tomobile, motor boat, stationary engine
engine ownerr buy at first offering; ter
ritory going quickly. Gas Haver Sales
:.. 170 Broadway, New York.
8ALKHMKN To sell new combination fly
and roach trap to hardware and grocery
traoe: big commission; io per day; side
Uae, Phillips Mfg. Co., Carbon-dale, III.
fiALERMEN-Ko celling on banks, cor
porations, real estate firms and lawyer,
to handle a high grade line of rod rope
liilog, mailing and advertising wallets;
aide line only; liberal commission; state
territory yon cover and experience. Key
stone Envelope Co., Philadelphia. Pa.
"WANTED Aesreeelve live wire sales
man, full time or side Una, to sell our
wall known line of temperance drinks In
the small country towns. Permanent po
sition; 2o per cent commission; weekly
drawing account, Red Croes mpany, M
fi. Main Bt.. ft. Louts. Mo. ivpt Z. o
WANTKD fide Una salesman callins on
. the retail grocery and hardware trade
for very profitable seasonable specialty,
liberal commission; pocket samples. ln-
trun i, ietroit. Mica.
WANTED Mx men for March 1 to repre
sent us In western Hies and towns; i(0
id - mommy; we pay every Thursday;
no samples, no selling or collecting; sim
ply determination to work; such full Irv-
eirucuons rurnmned tnal success is as
sured. Write and seen re splendid Income.
L. V, Drowns, Secretary, 341 Bchwlnd
.ning,. Dayton, o.
8ALEHMAN-Pocket side line, new, live
proposition; an mercnanta in amall
towns want it: pays 16 commission on
each sale; no collecting, no risk to mer-
i hsnt: Wo take bark unsold goods; easiest,
biggest paying side line ever offered.
Canfleld Mfg. Co., Hlgel Ht., Chicago.
8ALE8MAN Manufacturer requires hus
tler experienced marketing trade, ellm
tilallng syatema Full credit, heavy re
peats; liberal advances accepted orders.
Knterprise Aluminum Co., 1739 Oerman
town Ave., Philadelphia.
SALK8 MANAGER. 13 to $.V weekly.
selling grocery, drug and auto trade;
ataple article; repeats; exclusive terrl
1 ory. CI ea nxl t Co., Hot N. Id Ht., Ht, Louts,
WANTED Salesmen to sell restaurants,
farmers and all big consumers, by the
largest grocery house In the world selling
the consumer direct The most complete
and perfect stork of goods, most liberal
compensation, beat and promptest service,
to agent and consumer, permanent con
trol of your territory, absolute guarantee
with all orders and many more adven
tures Impossible for anv other house to
t-e Knllst with the Big House. JOHN
FEXTON CO., Importers, Manufac
turers and Wholesale Grocers, Lake and
Franklin St., Chicago. Ill ,
KKHT paying agency today la sola state
rolling rixhts, fur patented heatlesa
trousers press; every men buys at sight;
saves 110 tstior bills yearly: one-fifth mil
lion sold first year; big profits; send too
lor earn pie and agency proposition to
manufacturers. Invention Manufacturing
'o..J Wall Bt . New York
AGENTS If you are making leas than I
a day throw awav what vou have; get
something that will Belt. Catalogue and
sample free. Mark Hills Distributing Co.,
General Delivery, Lead City. S. D.
AGENTS Live men and women can earn
a week working for us; one agent in
a email western city made I') the first
month; Investigate today. Marshall-Frank
huoply Co.. Colton, S. D
AGENTS, get the beat selling household
necessity; (U to weekly; large pre-
j Write today. Texas Mall Order Supply
! Co., I'Vept. 10, Iallas, Tex
I nrd sieclalty or advertising salesman;
i worth ta,1) ler year or belter; position
I pernuuienl. with chance for rapid ad
t vanre. Write Hex 4!, lowa city. ia.
VaI7LTsHED manufacturing rorpora-
j tlon deslrea several hlgn grada, ag-
1 greulve traveling representativna, with
I experience selling the manufacturing
j trade aad larse consumera preferred;
t moat be hustlers with clean records; ex-
relient guaranteed lina of exterior and
J !.,Urior eoatliiKa, eaaniels, waUri;rooflng,
I j4aUe roofing, eto. Unrestricted terrt-
i tnry; successful applonanta will receive
j thorough coaching: straiaht salary, ex-
I peneea and con mlsskm with opportunity
tor rapid advancement. Applicants must
I -fate exnerlenre end line now selling.
I Addrees the Sterling products Co., Cleve
1 land, O., Sales Ilepartment
te-ALlCSMEN clear 114 on each order for
our punrliboerd deals. Address Behrend
Proa. 4t7 Adams St., Chlrago
PT.-VAN to sell our fall line blankets.
1 mnneia end dry rooda soe,'ielties to re-
tallere In email towns, rtrong sine line.
so. m1 rommieaton. r. C Kollmann Co.,
i Philadelphia
rALISMAN wanted: drug. speclaHy or
latent medicine man; worm t-.wa or
t1( a year: stead v employment and
rapid advancement; slve record. National
3rug Co.. loea city, ia.
First-CSaPs Salesmen
Are required by a Cleveland manufac
turing Co. to cau on the up-to-dale trade
wiiU one of the beet sellers on the mar
ket. tVil on Mr. B. SpiUUart, Room M.
liensliaw hole! "
1. - r -n Ainin fur e SE4-lultv sa leS'
men who Is oauaule of muking B.uia) or
mom yearly; a man puteeseed ot an en-
racing pereonalliy and energy, to sum n
-mm i n i.fiiir a. 4fii.n,ul puettiun Pre
aeotliia areat couibllitM-s. Write, giving
exineBLS and references. National En
slaving coiupany, HA Nassau bt , New
iork City.
SALESMAN wanted for aide line of wool
f ennels and aul robeai to retail trade
in loir, Isrhraaka and eoulk Dak ota.
Addieea Y S7. Hee.
Lrug store snaps; tubs. Knetst. Pea Bldt
1 H E first paymeut now covera Insurance
till July L VfVb. This makes our policy
eeey to Bell. Call or write. Mutual im
eiit, llealih and Accident Assn.
t uy Nat. Bank Bldg.. Ouiaha. Njrb
Heaeee aad t ettare.
t.t 0o-r., n California street, modern.
lu t aaler heat.
; .Ht 7-r. Apt., (It South ltth street
janitor service, steam beat. Apt., -l South ltth street
nn:n heat, janitor service.
- it r.. 2n. tArnun street, modern.
t! b--T. Apt. la the Harold. Sib aad
jHi Kaoa rtS-
iv w--r., ( fiouth nth Ave, modern
iiai ; new.
I '7 . ro . r .. &m Burt street, modern.
IM (o-g-r., ;1 North Cd street, model.
H'it heat.
ijj k t-r . V01 CUmlag street, modem
txiepi nrti
i i 4 r., 410 South 7th Ave.
fcv or , ti.-l so. !h st , modrra.
Pi.. .re D. "i.A. a(i lily Nat. Bank Bldg
1. lAKNAU-l rvous. t baths, vary
-.w.ei-s. - n. ua aev. avs MI. a.
Aseate, Halnnra and eliettere.
tl.W TEH MAN PER COl'NTT arrange
invention stsrtles world, agents smased;
ten Inexperienced men dlvlile 40,X Kor-
etad. a farmer, did 17.24 In 14 days.
Si hlrlrher. a minister. I1K6 first 11 hours.
ll.JiiO cold rash, msde, paid, banked by
Ptonrman in days. lin.ouo to dale. a.
hot or cold running bath equipment for
ny home at onlr lfi.60. Helf-hestlng. No
plumbing or water works required. In
vestigate. Exclusive sale. Credit given.
Send no money. Write letter or postal
today. Allen Mfg. Co., l Allen Bldg.,
Toledo, O
AGENT New one. real seller, every
auto owner must have It; sells for II;
profits big. Price, (Mich.), sold H In I
hours; demonstration cloaes s out ot io
sales: auto experience unnecessary,
though desirable; live proposition; easy
money; answer quirk. Patented Products
cV, Dept. 125, Toledo, O.
WANTED Kelesman on commission to
sell nationally advertised line of floor
covering; state territory ymi cover and
lines hnndled. Address T 32, pee.
A LARGE retell clothing house desires
sales reprentatlves In towns of 600 to
60,000; no experience or Investment re
quired. The li. H. I.lpslts Co., Detroit,
WANTED Salesmen to sell Dills Honey
and Tar. etc.. to drug and country
Stores;' 2S per cent commission paid
weekly; no expense money advanced; no
nnna required, rnew lora Drug concern.
New York. N. Y .
CHEWING GUM Hell to dealers, bin see t
Una manufactured: meet any competi
tion; send for price list snd samples. The
Helmet Hum t o., Cincinnati.
WE WILL pay you $1 to distribute
religious literature In your community;
00 days' work; experience not required;
man or woman: spare time may be used.
Zeleler Co., Plillacle'phla. Pa
WANTHD Halenmen to handle most up-to-date
advertising signs, calendars and
novelties on the market; good territory
now open; commission basis; references
required. Write today for particulars,
frloto Sign Co., Kenton. Ohio.
AGENTS A new one, just out, big prof
Its, qtilrjc sales; every home a pros
pect; " Fit s-l It-Pot" aluminum peroolator
makes better coffee, saves half, converts
sny coffee pot Into perrolator; going with
a rush; write quick for agenry proposi
tion; get our new and original free pre
mium offer; greatly stimulates sales. The
Ptamiani hpinnlng and stamping Oo ,
MILLION-TOLLAR winner; tremendous
rapid aales stagger country; agents
happy, hanking enormous profit dally;
new Invention, yet million aalea already
recorded: Walters sold U first T hours;
Arnold Aft first dsy; everybody wanta
Grabs scientific shoe cleaner on door
step; saves drudgery, carpets, shoes,
money; automatically removes mud,
snow; mechanical wonder; Investigate,
qntrk; territory free; worth fortune. Se
curity Mfg. Co., rept 107, Toledo, O
AGENTS make big money selling to wo
men and girls; new large slae quick
selling Beauty Cresm, etc.; largo aamgtle,
o; write no-jr. Hanty Co., Nelson Bldg.,
Kansas City. Mo
I NEED branch managera for my world
wide mall order business; operate from
your own home In spars time; no can
vassing or peddling; experience unneces
sary; you should make 60 weakly. But
ler, 305 Factories, Toledo, O.
DON'T miss this winner, make tlt dally,
newest out, everyone buys, particulars
free. Luther Co., Mt. Vernon, la.
BIG textile mills will employ everywhere
reliable peopl to take orders for dreaa
fabrics, hosiery, underwear and neckwear
from aamplea. Factory prices. Spare or
all time. No experience. Permanent,
Many making over 10 weekly. Steadfast
Mills, Dept. W 30, Cuhoes, N. Y.
GROW rich In business of your own. Get
out of the wage earners' olaaa. your
co-operation with our factory atarta you
wiui inue capita, curing spare lime in
your own home. We manufacture ex
clusive articles. No csmvassing. Ex
perience unnecessary. Write fop book
let and proposition. Address Peas Mfg.
a., ept. it an, nurraio, n. y.
AOENTH We've got the whole drug
trsda In the 11. a A. talk ns- our elsht
big new combination off era In toilet ar
tlclaa to sell at boo up to fl.M are won
ders, Elegant five colored circulars free.
Write today. Pierce company. Hub X Lake
Ht, Chicago.
WANTED A salesman. Good appear
ance, bard worker, book experience pre-
V, IV14. -v numifif iiDur.DM wu tr
OVer. Opportunity to right party for ad
vancement to district or atata manager.
Call Sunday between 10 and 2 Mr. fcia
mett Burke, Rome Hotel.
- v- . . I I . . . 1 . ..
competent to sell big specialty. IJ00
weekly to new men sollln as many as
our best salesmen. Kuan, Bos lib, Iowa
City. Ia.
WANTED Experienced salesman to sell
classiest line or calendars puoiisnea in
his country. Write at once for territory.
Hcaln work at once. Bmlth-Hecht Co..
Imilanapolls, lnd.
SALESMAN Posterelts In colors; cpeclal
desluas every line of business; commis
sions one-third; quick moneymaker for
calendar, ad novelty, specialty salesmen.
Counihan Co., Ht S. Clinton St., Chicago
WANTED or t neat appearing, reliable
young men to travel; those with sums
lllna experience preferred! men who
mean business and are able to leave the
city at onre. Apply ki Brandels Theater
Bldg., at t a. m.
AGENTS WANTED Hxlw convexed por
traits, thlrtr-nve rents guaranteed
frames at factory prlrea from ten cents
op; samples free. Wllllama Portrait and
Frame company. KSJ Taylor St., Chicago.
AGENTS make big money snd become
aalea mgr. for our Roods: fsst office
seller: fine portraits: particulars and asm
pie free. One Dip Pen Co., Wit Dally Heo-
orn. Baltimore. Ma."
AGENTS WANTED for the world's best
vacuum sweeper; also general agents
and crow managera: men are making tl'W
ar week. Williams Mfg. company. KA7
Taylor St., Chicago.
AGENTS New game for cigar stores
easy seller, big repealer; particulars
free. United Sales Co., M Walnut PI..
Philadelphia. Pa.
where oil lamps are used needs and will
buy the wouuerful Aladdia Mantle lmii.
burns common coal oil (kerosene); gives
a light five times aa bright aa electric;
one farmer cleared over tots) In six, weeks:
hundreds with rls earning l0o to MM
per month; no rash required: we furnish
capital to reliable men; write quick for
wholesale prices, territory and sample
lamp lor tree mat- Mantis iam( to..
im Aladdin Bldg , Chlrago. Ill
AGENTS New, mighty money-making
marvel; world Startled; new marvelous
clothes washing rrysul; clothes washing
mens ravoiutioniaea. poeltlvely abolishes
rubbing, washlwards. washlna machines:
women astounded, wild over It; abaolutely
parnueas; guarantee goes with It:
make to IIU0 weekly easv: Marehell
of Pa. ainaaed, telegraphs "rush I MM pack-
asra. exclusive lerriiorv; no experieni-e
necessary; credit granted; own a busi
ness; supply customers; pocket big prof-
n-i natures nusnty elements ao work;
huu-y; write today, gel overwhelming
frolif, all free. Equitable Corporalluu,
esk 42. 116 W. Superior. Chlrago
PORTRAIT MEN 14-hour servl.-e oa
prints and finished work. Wrlie for cata
logue. Roberta Artists, ItJt McGee, Kan
sas CHr, .Mo.
e0 Wi:EKLY. Sell HI needles In raee
for K. Iirge profits; easy sellet.
Our "New plan" does ths work. Wills
National Needle Co., St. Louis. Ma. e
EARN Ml weekly selliiig collection rab
Ineis to mere haul a Write for free aam
plea. Savers Co.. Laclede Bldg.. Si
Loula. Mo
WE PAY Ml a week ana expenses Is uia
with rigs Is intruduce poultry com-
raund; year's ronlrect. Imperial Mfg.
o., Dept. It. Parsons, Ken. o
Ji.S WEEKLY; sure selling groceries snd
general merchandise to ccaeuiners; no
Capital required, success guaranteed'
write for plans. Burruws Mfg. Co- Baa
K-lrt. Nlnnekah. Oal. -J
WANTED Saleaman. exprricnoed In aay
line, to sell general trade In small coun
try towna of Nebraska, unexcelled a pe
nalty proposition; XV per eenl commis
sion. tt weekly for expenses. Crowa
Cider Co.. M a. Commercial St., St. luia.
Mo.. Department K &
OPEttTE-PKOfTta blji MAIL uRDrrit
tVKJK busluees. liw profit each aaie;
small outlay, everything furnished. Sra
tune. Perticuiera frea Holiina A Co.,
D-VC J. Aloelon.
Areata, galeenaea aad Helta .
W A NT EI Salesmen, calling on csrnet.
furniture and general stores, to carry
good aids line on commission. Porket
samples furnished. MrHenry-Mlllhouse
M f g. Co., So u t hHend , Ind. o
WE ILAVB cholre"TeiTltiy for enerlalty
men, who era big money makers. Our
beet exclusive man inkde one
month. Hest side Una man, l:K.iK Ex
cellent straight sale propositions, slso to
strengthen the best premium plsns ever
shown. Aluminum ware, glass, enameled
ware, cutlery, tin. china, silverware, etc.
Average commlasion, 2fi. Write now for
Interview. National Importing Co., Bt.
Ixuls, Mo. o
AGENTS If I had vour name I could
show yon how to earn I to M) weekly;
greatest seller In years; over 7tO,ort) sold
In last six months; every housewife will
buy on sight; posts! brings liberal propo
sition and free sample. Address Manufac
turer, 1 Crdon Hquare, New Ynra. o
WANTED Responsible representative In
each rounty; new combination, 12 tools
In 1: sells at sight to farmers, teamsters,
contractors, etc.; weight H lbs.; lifts 2
tons, hoists, stretches wire, pulls posts;
many other uses; free sample to artive
agents; essy work, big profits; one asent's
Vroflt I4V60 In one day; another Sl.floO In
ec, 1M4; we start you; write today for
big color plate: quirk action secures ex
clusive ssle. Hsrrah Mfg. Co., lkx 11-20,
Bloomfleld, Tnd. .
AGENTS New profitable seller; $ to 110
dally; we show you how. Cleveland
Supply Co., 4142 71st St., Cleveland,
AGENTS make (00 per cent profit selling
"Novelty Sign Cards;" merchants buy
10 to 100 on sight; tan varieties: catalogue
free. Hulllvsn Co.. 1134 Van Buren St.,
Chicago, III I
WANTED Salesmsn and agents to sell
acetylene gas lighting plants for coun
try homes; for the men able to handle a
high-clasa proposition direct with the
farmer this offers an exceptional oppor
tunity for profit. Temple Mfg. Co.,
Cicero, Illinois'
SA LESM EN Three to four hundred a
month, salary or commission, selling
our oils, grease, paints and specialties,
do not be satisfied; get our proposition.
Inlsnd Oil Works, Co., Cleveland, O.
CLEAN cut ambitious salesman with a
.successful record to represent proinl-
mnt manufacturer of high-grade special
ties selling to joooers, oeajers ana con
sumers; salary, expenses and double
bonus plan. Iroquois Mfg. Co.. Cleve
land, O
SALESMAN For general mercantile
trade In Nebraska to sell a new prop
osition of merit; vacancy now; attractive
commission contract: t-'!6 weekly for ex
penses. Miles F. Blxler Co.. Wholesale
Jewelers, UIH Carlin Bldg., Cleveland, O
EASY money , to tlO a day spare time:
double If full time. Biggest agents'
proposition on market. If you fall to
write us you pass un the best thing that
has come your way.' P. Mitchell. Sales
Mgr., MM) Kenwood Ave., Chicago
11 IJ prosperous agent la the Davis
asent. Why Our soan and toilet com
binations get the money with 1 per cent
profit. Writs K. Ml Davis, President, 2ti
Davis Bldg., Chicago.
AGENTS wrtto quick for free sample
Mexican Resurrection Ilant. Lightning
seller; over 1,000 per cent profit. Nothing
like It. Lester Co., Box ti. Mesllla Park,
N. M.
SALESMAN to rail on physicians. Estab
lished trade. Eaoensea snd rommla-ion.
Elate age. Also one fur outside city. P.
O. Bog 121, Philadelphia. -o
lied. Great opportunity for man or
woman to make tn.00 to tli.OO a day. Cn-
usually liberal terms. Spare tlma may
used. Particulars and aamulea free.
1'nlversal Bible House, eua Winston Bids .
Philadelphia. o
Faetery sail Trades.
ts wise a I independent In business
for yourself or earn ble moner. One
large and well equipped school and shop
will produce this result for you. Get our
unusual Interesting offe- with Catalogue
"C." Day and night claaaea. Phone D.
tot. 14l!-l-tt Dodge St.. Omaha. Nsb.
FEEDER wanted for cylinder presa
Must be llwrineit: innlti at w-
Christian home. Council Muffs. Ia.
WANTED Experienced man for general
DuxcKemuning. ii. u. jacoosen, Daven
port, ' Neb. . o
I llST-ClA HH ooatmaker and an all-
around man wanted to work bv the
week. Pay from tit up. Tailor, Box 62,
Analey, Neb.
Bs Independent: wasea and tools siven.
Blectlin massaae. Strictly modern. Bl
demand for barbers. Call or write.
1154 Itouglas St.. Om. 103 N fit . Lincoln,
MEN WANTED To learn the barber
trade, soring rush soon on. position
waiting, world's fair taking barbers
away, money earned while learning, tui
tion includes best tools. Write for Illus
trated catalogue. Molar Barber College,
110 8. 14th St., Omaha. Neb
Biggest demand for our Magneto, Eleo.
Starter Auto Graduate Too many un
trained tinker repair men; good men Posi
tively need ad. ttig spring rush, gee
LEGE. KM Farnam St., Omaha.
Be an Auto Mechanic
and draw a Urge salary, or go Into the
auto business for yourself. Our com
pletely equipped school and shops will
bring this result for you. Writs for free
Nat'l Auto Training Ass'n,
214 N. Iflth St.. Omaha, Neh. ,
W A NT HI 1,000 men to eat ham and eggs,
16c. Cm fee John. 14th and Capitol.
TOWN, tn
WANTED Wideawake young men every
where to sell Den pholoa lo students,
clubs, billiards, saloons, etc. Make 13 a
day. easy, globe. Security Bldg., Chicago-
lis) MONTHLY and expenses, travel, dis
tribute eemplee. take onVra. appoint
stents, permanent. Jap-American Co.,
Osden and Taylor, Chicago.
WANTED At once, young men for au-
lomoiiiie auainess oia pay . we mase
you expert In ten weeks by mall; pay ua
after we secure you position. Century
Automobile Institute, I mm Angeles, Cel.
of appointments to be made: free book
let, telling where they are, what they
pay, with specimen examination ques
tions National Cor. Institute, 4 7th St.,
Washington. D. C. a
Thorough Instructions, 16:. returned If not
appointed: particulars free. American
Civil Service School, Washington. D. C o
Write today.
W. Little. 11 41 h St.. Pittsburgh. Pa.
GOVERNMENT: Poetnfflce. departmental
clerk, bookkeeper and other ctvll serv
ice examinations soon; get prepared bv
ro mer government examiner; booklet
free. Wfte today Patterson Civil Service
School, iRoeheeter. N. Y.
w ANTED Names ami addreaaea bv mall
order bousea, btg pay; home work; tn-
rnrraaiion tor stamp. Attract Appeal Co..
riymoum. ino
tlM CASH and other prises for new Ideas;
particulars frea Movie Magaslne, Van
tvuys tvag.. i-s Anseies, fa I. 1 months
trial subscription, lor
WANTEl Responsible man wllh reliable
friends who vouch for him to overeee
snd inanass several 10 and Ju-acra fruit
and truck farms near Tampa, the metrop
olis of South Florida, la ths moat re
markable and deUshtful section of Amer
ica; to right party we will give B to to
acres of lend free for co-operating and
aealstlng ua and we mutually arrange
expenses to Tampa, and a fair monthly
compensation while acting aa '"farms
manager; spiennia opportunity. Carlson.
N( aierqueue rung., t nirego
1 NEED branch manaaera for nir world-
wine mail oroer businees: operate from
your own home In siere time; no as-
easing or pedilllng: experlem-e unneree
sary: vou ehould make IjS weekly. But
ler Kartorlea. Toledo. O
WANTKrk All round automobile oa Inter;
no booaer. Ryaa Motor Car ohops, L-a-coin.
WANTED Flrst-clsss machinist for auto
garsse; steady work: good weges to
right man: no boose; references. Anthon
Auto Ass n. Anthon, Iowa.
ABLE-BODIED men. good eye-eight, for
firemen and brskemen. flood wages.
State age, nerersary. Experience un
necessary, Railway. T 3ul, Bee. o
THOUSANDS government Jobs open to
men and women; . to $160 month. Write
for list. Franklin Institute. Dept. 221B,
Horhester. N. Y.
MEN. WOMEN, 121, weekly collecting all
kinds names and addresses; no canvas
sing; send stamp. Superba Co., X178.
Baltimore, Md. o
OMAHA government clerk examinations
April 2H. $70 month. Common education
sufficient. Sample questions free. Apply
Immediately. Address Y 361. Bee.
WANTED Position flour salesman
by man who thoroughly understands the
business. Twenty years' experience bak
ing, buying and aeUIng flour. Best of
references. Will start right. Want out
side work. Address Y-S.'s. Bee.
YOUNG man. attending American Auto
college, wants work evenlrgs to help
defray expense ot board; am used to bard
work. Address ft (Wl, Bee.
YOUNG man wanta place to work for
board while attending itoylea college.
Telephone Douglas IMS.
WTD. Bund is washing. Meddle. W. 6565.
WANTED Employment by middle-aged
man, several years, railroad and
office experience; prefer poiltlon as
traveling salesman or office work; can
use typewriter: not a stsno. K aa. Bee.
SITI.'ATION wanted aa cook or cham
bermaid work. Addmes Ida Francis,
2613 N Street, South thnaha.
LADY wants place as housekeeper.
Grant Ht. Web. 1W.
WANTED Position hy competent ac
countant and collection man; No. 1 ref
erences Call Webater 005. or address
K. 6W. Bee.
NKW.ii' wimft. r Liuiiinn
rnilRED man wanta lob as porter or
janitor: can furnish the best ot refer
ences. Tel. W. 76J0. Call for Anderson at
t evenings and evenings.
W HITE woman wants day work.
Ask for Rose.
V. 2m.
MIDDLE-AGED unmarried man, execu
tlvo ability, who wishes to better his
position. Full particulars first letter re
ceive attention. Box 832, San Francisco.
YOUNG man. 23. experienced as cashier.
bill and office clerk, desires position in
Omaha; am college graduate, good calcu
lator and excellent penman: best of ref
erences; will start at a moderate salary.
Addrees M 68). Bee.
LADY desires place aa housekeeper; fam
ily not preferred; city only; ran furnish
good references. Address P wa, tiee.
EXPERIENCED colored lady wishes po
sition aa housekeeper, f all H. 6 vs.
WASHING and Ironing wanted. Web. SS.
EXPERIENCED housekeeper wishes po
sition In amall family or apartment
hotel; excellent references. Address C
. Bee.
REFINED lady wishes to act as com
panion In private horns to lady or chil
dren for board; referenoea. Address B
22. Bee.
EXPERIENCED young man wants work
In a hotel or restaurant; ran do any
work. F 26, Bes.
LIVE wnus
A B : C of Omaha
SW and Id-hand motors, dyaacos.
magneios, etc, and meon. re; .air a.
ron tier i. worm us-w B. 13th.
MAHA PILIXJW CO.. 107 Cuming.
Douglas Renovates feathera
and mattresses of all klnda makes
feather mattresses and down covers.
cleaning dona tn ths home. Sanitary
aervloa Co., sua Bee mug.
B rent, repair, sell neudles snd parts
for all sewing maehlnea NE
a ix a
16th and Harney. Douglas 1641
B. A. DWORAK. C. P. A., Address 43
Ram ge Bldg.. Phone Douglas 7406.
Addlas; Maealaoa.
Dalton Adding Machines. 411 B. tt. P. 144s.
Adder Mch. Co. (Wales). W. O. W. IX tSU.
Everett 8. Dodds. U Paxton Blk. D. SMI.
Aato Palattav.
FORDS. tl6: OTHEIUi. t30 TJP.
Prig;-. 1446 N. lth. Phone Webster 1730.
Aato aad Maetaeto HoaalvlasT.
Magnsto repair work a specialty. P. Hit.
Dowd Auction Co., lllt-lt W. O. W. R. 12.
At tract leas.
OMAHA Film Ex.. 14th and Doug. Motion
picture machine and iilm barga-ns.
klloo Prlatlag.
Nafl Bank Bldg.
It Chairs. 10c shave, neck shave. 1617 Far.
Brass Foeadrlee.
Paxton-Mltchell Co . rth and Martha Sts.
4'arpeatere aad lealrsetsrs.
STEVENSON, Kf 8. Hd. Douglas 6610.
California Laads, I
W. T. Smith Co.. Ull City Nat'l Bk. D Ml.
hlaa Palatlaa.
CHINA for decorating. Mrs. Chambers'
Art Hinuio. w. O. W. Bldg. Firing.
Ruth Letch ford, decorating, firing. H, 441.
ream Itsaratsn,
Ths Sharpies Separator Co.. ltth tk Farn.
Ctatora aad Well UlggtaeT.
NEED well or cistern cleaned or dug
S1HAFFER does It. Phone Web. UUL
JTm. R1CKERTT Well Con.tructlon Ca:
nothing too big or Impoaaiblei eellmatss
furnished. 10 N. ust Omaha.
lvl Keertaeere.
M. J. LACY. Ill BEB BLDG. DOUO 471a.
W. J. MrEathren. Tel D. 6401. 101. Orn. Nat.
Coal Dealers.
4l r.i, Johnson's special, also Victor nut.
rJ.,nr Umi Phono Uouilu 17
Ueearalers aad Paaos llaasen.
B1LGER does It. Phone Walnut 1&
Daaciag A eaSe aalea,
iKll'U. AUDI. Spec ! rates for clubs and
prt. dances. Call or tel. Mgr. D. Ii4.
Turpln's Dancing Academy. Mth A Farn.
Try Mai kle s first. 1M Harney. lHug. 644&
CHAMBERS' Academy, clatc D. 1871.
tr. Bradbury. No pall a 1U Farnam.
Dr. Todd's alveolar dentistry. 4uS Brandels
Bailey, the Dentist. 704 1 11) Nat I Bank.
Taft Dental Booms. 1617 Douglas. D. 111
Pyorrhea. Dr. Flrkee. 1U City Nat. Bank.
INVESTIGATIONS carried out In any
part of United States. Canada or Mexico,
tot Paxton Blk. Doug. Uii. Walnut UJU
JAMES ALLAN. Ill Neville Blk. Kvp.
denee secured In all nasas. Tyler llPt
D re ea Beak. la. ' "
Terry Dressmak'g eollvge. loth Farnam.
fc.XPMHlE.Ni KD dreaetnaker wants work
by day Phone Florence Vs.
WATSON A LUND. ju7 Caee bt.
fcieetrle applies.
LKBRONfclec Wit. Ill 8 lh. D. 11 Ti.
Ilrwe-e. '
DRI'Us at rut prices: freight paid oa 111
ordem; catalogues free. Bltermaa 4 Ms.
Coanell Drug Co.. Ouiahs, Nee.
tCyeryt-lnw tar Woe-ea.
ACCORDION, side, knife, sunburst, bog
pleating; covered buttons, all staes and
styles; hemstitching, plcot edging. Ideal
Pleating Co.. W) Douglas Block. D. 19..
SWITCHES from combings, 11.60. Pyehe
free. Mrs H. M. F.rk. Marry. H.
HAIRI'HEHSING at your home. R. mm.
BEN FENSTER, 141D N S4th St W. 7771.
A. nONAOHVTR. 121 Harney. Doug. 10M.
RATH'S florlets, 104 Farnam St.
HESS eV SWORODA, 1416 Farnam St,
L. HENDEK-SON, IMS Farnam. D. 12o.
Member Florist Telegraph Del. Assn.
fiatterlast and apoatlag.
Hair Dresaleg.
Harper method. R. , Balrd Bldg. P. yUl.
Llghtles; Flatares aad Wlrin.
Electiio fixtures and supplies, contract
ing snd repair work done reasonable.
2411 CUMING. DO LQ I-A 8 261.
Live Stack edlee.
OMAHA Remedy Co., 07 B. 11th. Red 42T.2.
Messenger aad Teasaeter.
WHITE LINE. SO 8. 11th. Don-las SSU
Mask, Coe tames and Lodge gapplles.
MNFR. of lodge regalia and costumes.
The laranet stock of masquerade and
theatrical costumes In ths country. Theo.
Lleben A Son. 1614 Howard. D. tils.
cilu'elltxoy rs:
tory treatments; 10 a. m. to 11 p. m.
V A POll liAfniSMed,c,,d or p,ain;
v jl vxv xn.AAio1OT 8 inh Bt near
Douglas. Notice Entrance downstairs,
basement, cor. of Dodge.
MISS SCHMIDT, mass., eleo. bath. D.
713. Open eve., p. m.; Sundays, 11 to 6.
MISS JACOJ33. mass., manrcurfng. Phons
Doug. 4Z37. Hours t to ; Sunday 11 to 6.
MASSAi.E, 1721 Iodge.,Mrs. Steele.
Miss Fleher, num.. elec. treat. Red 5W.
BATH and msssage, alcohol rub. Laura
Wilson, 1U"1 Farnam, R. 2. Douglas I7
Open evenings and Sundays.
Clara Lee, bath and massage. Doug. r76L
Kathleen Mack, maseage bath. D. "762.
BATHS. 114 Balrd Bldg. 17th and Doug.
Merlag, Storage aad Cleaataa;.
W. C. FKRR1N. 16th and Capitol. Ty. KOt.
Oea lists- .
Eyes examined, glasses fitted, pay as you
can. Drs. McCarthy. 1111 W. O. W. Bldg.
Osteopathia Fays-etnas.
Dr. Rerucha, 10V4 McCsgue B1dg P. tm.
Dr. Peterson. 03 Brandels Bldg.. D. 1144.
Prtatlag. '. '
WATFR8-BA RNIIART Ptg. Co., quality
printing. Tel. Doug. 2190. 624 S. 13th St.
DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Doug. 644.
COREY eV M'KENfcJE PTG. CO. D. 2644.
RIES-HALL Ptg. Co., 1620 Capitol. D. 1102.
Pateat Developaneat.
AMERICAN Machine Co.. 110 8. 11th St
H. A. Sturgea, (36 Brandels Theater Bldg.
D. O. P-ameli. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117.
Roach Batermlaatot,
B. B. B. Roach powder at Beaton's.
Painting aad Pa pert ag.
HUGH M MANUS. 417 N. 40th.
H. 6718.
Planaea Heaovated.
PLUMES ti flowers made rver, cleaned A
oyeq. nertna ivruger, 42 paxton. D. 6394.
sv sst a ay sa, aa est a em
are aad Tlsao Loclc Kxaerts.
Ooened. renalrad. m .
changed. V. E. Daven-
port. iai podge. D. ilia.
Shoo Repalrlag.
Electric Shoe Rep. Co., 1807 8t. Mary's Ay.
FRIEDMAN BROS., shoe repair. Hi 8. 14.
DESKS, safes, scares, showcases, shelv
ing, eta We buy, sell. Omaha Fixture
and Supply Co.. 414-16-U 8. 11th. D. 1714.
aigaa aad Sko cards.
E. M CLARK d. SON. 1U 8. 16TH 8T.
teel Ceillaara.
CARTER Sheet Metal Company, n a 10.
Towe tappllee.
OMAHA Towel Supply. rf 8. 11th. D. EH
Traaki aad taitcasea.
FRELINQ ft 8TE1NLE. 101 Farnam St
CHA8. C. TANDERTOU. 101 ft. ISth Pt
DiEN A KOUalCHE. lf Harney. D. tog
DR. Q. R. YOUNG. 4601 Center. Wal. 02S
Wlaea aad Llsasra.
ALEX JETE8. 01-t 8. ltth 8t Wines.
. oisara. riate gingers, u to x, loo.
Globe iliiuor house. 424 N. 16th; California
ii, i., y-r sai. " nie ror price list.
mm anu wapnoi j a. ion-cent luncn.
BUY your family liquors at Klein's
J-iquor iiouaa, as n. lata. Dauaiaa lavt.
AUTOMOBILES Vol other automobile
oargains sea too ' a-uioiuooiie claaalO-
Auto tire, nearly now casing, glss Kx4,
niAIIHl.KI. lm ....... li
m ... , uh wia uuwr . . wait BVU
very cheap for cash, or what have you
to swapr Auoreas a. o. ion, Bes.
PEST bargain In city. Oakland roadster,
cost tl.6u0 nsw. In beat of condition!
has new Ursa Will sell for tS4C, or taks
ate moooi (win mocoroycio (Indian pre
ferred) as part pay. Aa I have no uss
for this car, can give somebody a very
gooo Dargarn. auu reas a. sm, ue.
hi oistBM LNA.iit-lontowii res
taurant for sale cheap, or will trade for
what have youT Business good. Address
. o. seu, use.
COTTAGE d-room cott-ge, 4637 Burdetta
St. lor aals; easy payment, or trade for
vacant lot on Clifton Mill. Walnut It!.
DUSK Roll too deak. good condition.
Prefer typewriter. What have youT
jiuure, n. 17. mi, nee.
DESK Rolltop desk; a barsaln; In first
cuss snaps, uui walnut J-J4,
GUITAR -Washburn guitar, with canvas
case. Good as new. Coat tXAnO. Will
iraae even ror aooag or pAuture card
projector of equal vaiue. Addroas 8. C
m. neo.
0XD, smooth fa) In Nebraska, yielded
U.miO In grain and hay last season; 4-b
miles to good railroad town; 11 miles to
school; fenced, no buildings; price, ffe4;
terms right; no trades. Address Bug W.
Urand laiand. Neb. '
HAM PTON. 17-jowel watch. Dubor ease,
worth Us. Waul diamond ring. Address
8. C. s45. Bee.
HAVE a coal range, several makes of
vacuum sweepers, for exchange. What
have you Oa Ave C, Co. Bluffs
IIO.M h.H P uVKOSd kTated. to trade for
rhlckene, or what have you. Will sell
for eaah. Phone Webster tout.
LOT a W and U, block T. Military addi
tion. Will trade for auto, or as part
payment on cottage and lot for rental
purpose. Or will sell oa very email
monthly paymenta. Have moved from
Aimaha, and are no good to me- Addroas,
Aqx ltX. Underwood. Ia.
M1NUTK REPKATKR 4Jold ouotlug
case, 14-karal, ainkea the fcoura, quarter
hours and also nunutes, also atop at. q
attachment; cost new t)0; for auto, dia
monds, lot, snerchs arilse, new or second
hand furnitMre, or anal have yea? As
saer B. C. Hi. Omaha Bee.
lale Ford touring car. Walnut 1nVA o
PIANO Swap on well located building
lot; bet cash. Give full description and
price or ao aitentioa paid. Address 8 U
-4. Bee.
PIANO to swao for aa auto to maks serv
le waiton out of. Iwi t oar for faint
but want a good e-cylluder running guar;
no Junk pile wanted. Address a C. tM.
I'lA.VO ooing away; hUa grad- plsyer
and Id rolls of mueto; see this and
snake m aa offer or would trade 'or
autemoi'ile not loo expensive, or dia
mond. Address 0. C iiX, Bos.
swAPrru s column
PIANO, In good ahnpe to swap, on well
located, ckae-la old style bouse and lot;
will pay balance. Want something that
ran be made an excellent place; priced
around tiOOO or leas. Give location and
price, or no attention paid. Address S. C.
flf.2, Bee.
PIANO Will trade a high-grade new
llano sny esse you want to select, for
the keeping of two boys, t snd I years
tepei tivelr. Address S. C. t4X Pee.
8-ROOM modern house on two car lines;
lot 00x120; want auto for equity. Har.
RUBBER BOOTS Have good pair of
rubber boots almost new will sell or
trade for something I can use; In good
condition; else t. 8. C 4il. Bee.
SADDLE -Side saddle, good aa new; will
sell or trade or what have youT Ad
dress S. C. rt, Hee.
SIGNS, showrards. Clark Son. D. 137S.
TOOL SHARPENER Never used: cost
wholesale. (7. will trade for anything, aa
have no use for It. Address 8. C. 4k. Bee.
VICTHOLa li records. tX. Record cabi
net almost new. Tremendoue sacrifice:
tQ for all. or would trade for diamond
or what hive you. Total cost new over
IMI. Address, S. C. 63. Bee.
200 well known vacuum washing ma
chines, all new and up-to-date. A guaran
teed machine. Agents here is your chance
to make a cleanup thus spring. Will swap
for auto, or what have you 7 Address
S. C. J0, Bee.
VACANT LOT to apply on I or 7-room
modem bungalow or house in good
nihborhood. Address L 60S. Bee.
VIOLIN I have a good violin worth 176
and Ensign camera (postal card alxei,
orth t'a: both In good condition. Camera
s nearly new. Will trade for anything
of equal value. Address S. C. 64, Bee.
WADERS. ETC. One pair good No. 8
canvass waders. What have you tl swap.
One 16-Inch Gen. Electric fan for wall or
desk, t'sed S months. Will sell or swap.
City only. Address s. O. 4, Bee
WATCH What have you to trade for 26-
ycar case, open lace, iv-jewei Illinois
work wnli'h: used but 6 years, and 17
gold chain? Have a watch and don't
have use ror tnis one. What have you?
Address 8. C. 642. Bee.
WATCH Ladles' gold watch, worth 17.00;
also line hand-crotchet dresser scarf.
Just finished, worth $10.00. for good cut
glass water set; also have all kinds of
fine hand-crochet work which 1 will swap
for hand-painted dishes or cut glssa, ot
what you have, or will sell for cash. Ad
dress 8. C. 639, Bee.
WILL exchange section good land one
mile from Hidney. Neb.. f60. acres under
cultivation, 900 acres tn winter wheat, for
good eastern Nebraska farm. Write J. A.
Bcntiey, Sidney, Neb.
Sealed proposals for furnishing the
labor and material necessary for the con
struction of curbs, gutters, curb ap
proaches, and paving In Paving District
No, 1, In the city of Columbus. Nebraska,
will be received by the city clerk of said
city up to 8 o'clock p. m. of the 2d day
of March, 1916, at which hour the bids
will be publicly opened and announced by
tbe mayor and city council of said city.
The work will consist of 11.000 Llnwl
feet, more or less, of curbs and gutters,
and curb approaches, and 50.134 square
yards, more or less, of paying. The Union
Pacific Railroad company reserves the
right to" curb, gutter and pave between
their tracks, where tracks are less than
26 feet apart from center to center.
The engineer s estimate ror labor and
material for ths proposed improvements
Is as follows:
50,134 square yards of paving with
brick IU1.W1.60
The same with Fiber brick MO.HW.OO
The same with Bltulithlo 100.W.00
The same with Asphalt Concrete 85,227. W
The sama with concrete...- ife,264.00
,300 Lineal feet of combination
rurblnsr and autterlng 1S.140.0I)
2,0.10 Lineal feet of gutters f.040.00
1,000 Lineal feet curbing.. 600.00
26 curb approaches 250.00
All proposals on curbs, gutters and curb
appsoaches, must be accompanied by a
certified check of $1,000. All proposals
on paving must be accompanied by a
certinea cnecg ot x&.uuu. All proposals
for the entire proposed work must he
accompanied by a certified check of $6,000.
These checks must be payable uncon
ditionally to the treasurer of the city of
Columbus. Nebraska, or order, as a guar
antee 01 gooo laitn to oe collected ana
held by the city aa liquidated damages
In case the bid Is accepted and the bidder
neglects or refuses to enter Into a con
tract and bond In accordance therewith.
Plans and specifications together with
general stipulations and Instructions to
bidders, to be made a part of the contract
or contracts with successful bidders, may
oe seen ana examine, at me ornoe of
said city clerk.
olumDua, Nebraska, February 17. 1916.
- Plans and specifications mav be ob
tained from the special engineer, "I F.
Gottsrhalk" for $6.
Notice la hereby given that the m ..l..
annual meeting of the stockholders of ths
South Platte Land company will be hold
at ths office of said company at Lincoln
Nebraska at eleven o'clock a m. on the
third day of March. A. D. ills.
ru aunniLL, President.
A. B. MINOR, Secretary.
Lincoln. Nebraska, February 1. 1911
UNION STATION Tenth aad Masoa
Chicago at North wee t era
si pa
a M aa
a I 4 pa
a 141 aa
a T:Mea
a I N pai
SU M pa
a 1:44 pa
alt : aa
s ?:M pai
al 11 aa
a I M aa
m il aa
aU:4 aa
Tola City Iiirin a f 44 mm
Dakota P-saaaaar bT:iaai
Bloat City Local a a sat
Minnesaolia Kipraas a 4 44 pat
Vela city Llmitsa a 1:04 sa
Deaver Special
Carroll Local
Ha-aar Bion as a f : aai
Chloase Looal .all 14 pat
OureU Looal a 4 a pal
IVeaso -rectal a ua p
sas irreaciace Llautee a I to aa,
OverUaS LeouAea a t al pa
OraaoavWaaMaaies Ustee...e I U pal
Las Aasalae Lualud a 1. 14 pa
csairoa Looal a :M sa
lBceia-Dailas ...a t M aa
laoia-L s Pine a 1 11 pa
H Ui--uert r a 1.14 aa
Uaailwuoa-Hot Hprlasa a l U pa
Caapar-Laadwr s 1:64 pa
Aiblua-O-koale b :M sa
I alma e, at St. Pai
Peetrle UalteS a 1:1 pa
cak-ee Sp-ual a I'M pa
Oifeaso Uarllsat special.. .. a T:l aa
Oaliroroia Mall -a I M pa
Maxilla Laoal a 1:01 pa
CaloaaTo 4iraat Waatera
a M pa
ai4 :14 pa
I wp.
s I s pa
all .ua aa
I M pa
ll .
UI U aa
a 7 .1 aa
au u aa
a I as ,m
Tela cny I lasral -a ISt pa
Tela CU j bins 1 -M aa
a aa
a pa
a 4 -a pa
l. C I a L Sniaa a i II aa
K. C. a. k ginea .aU:U pa
K. a St. Peel -a J.M pa
Chlcasro, Boost la land at fM
a T:li aa
a l .-et pa
Raakr Mnaaaa Uai-i.
sa aUet
Caamoe I nil Wai a aa
t aloase Uar gr I M aa
Cax-ea Mujat Miwiia -a 4.i p
1 a Maiaaa L-oai nie,ir.4 4.1. M
calrss Piaarias iiiiiM....s ( a pa
rhL-P)a. LaanaS a lia.s 1:44 aa
jlira a cautaraia apa I:m
a 4 pat
all.U aa
a sue aa
4 41 p
a 4: pa
au.w aa
aUn aa
a laaaa ipi S..U1 4 at aaa
a...a-t.r pa
Ualea Pavel f lo
0arlaB4 Uauiol jt, t.O sa
Caiifo ia atail AMmm
a pa
SU M aa
a 4 w aa
a e pa
a 4 e pa
a t:4S aa
AUaaia s sraa
Lea Aaseies Litalt-A. Y....ali u aa
celenvaa tuna ..-i4.Mpa
rawrase beaatal 4U H aa
jUa InUKMoe I iiS I J u aa
r-lfla uau t .U .44 aa
aa a 4. 14 pa
aa a 4.44 aa
a as) Maa
sa au.a pa
Nona Platte I I v.- a U
,...i a
ScnallniS I !
lUAaoAa Ceatn
Cklease UsMted ,
CaM-ss Sisiea ,
Pas as m. Leels
........ l:ef 1
...--.e 4 -M 1
a t a aa
4114 a,
w al elsa
-a sAlJSsa
ath aad
.A :U 1
. a l .al 1
stall aas sa
Ckiass svs ---
Mlsseort Faelflo
....aa u aa
-a 4 IS pa
....a 4 w pa
.a I aa
... 4 IS pa
...-all u aa
14 aaa
-.. a t a pa
ai si aa
a at a
a I D pB
a 1 M pa
ail U pa
e 4 IS aa
a 4 is pa
b 444 aa
Deavwr aa4 CalUaraia.,
r iat
raati fetaa
ks una .
U-ala MJ
henave Ii
German Telephoii Operator Oiyea
Intimate Description ot
Modern Battle.
(Correspondence of the Associated PresgJ
BERLIN. Jan. 11. A Hamburg soldier,
who acted aa telephone operator la the
latest fighting at Bolssons, had a rerasrk
abls view of the operations from his dug
out. "My den," he writes, "suddenly becams
the meeting place for officers, and top
several days It has borne ths name: 'Cen
tral Telephone Station of Field Artillery.
Ths name says enough to explain Itself.
All orders pass through my wires, giving
directions for our artillery fire at Impor
tant points.
"Outside ws bear the wild rage of the
battle). Suddenly our dug-out seems to bo
caving In; stones crumble from the roof;
wa stop breathing and a terrible pressure
in ths air seems about to flatten our
chests. What was that? The younger
soldiers tremble and grow pale, but ths
veterans give a quick and meaning glance,
and the new men who have not yet been
In battle recover themselves and proceed
calmly with their work. It was after all
only a little ten-Inch bomb. The veteran a
know that It did not fall directly over
our dug-out and proceed with their tele
phone work, knowing that any delayed
message might cost much German blood.
Meanwhile ths tide of battle Is turning
back and forth.
" 'Our Infantry Is falling back and has
lost connection with adjoining troops. The
first and third com pan lea of ths regiment
have disappeared;' or 'Height No.
must be stormed at once.' "The First bat-.'
talloa ia under a flank fire. Its losses are
heavy, help wanted at ones.' Tho ar-'
tlllery must lengthen its range $00 meters
at onus, as itis endangering our Infantry.
'Captain X has Juat fallen; Lieu
tenant S" assumes command.' "Field
artillery must Immediately open firs on
height No. : upon road and
enemy's artillery galloping away.' Two
minutes later that road Is screened with
smoke as our shells fly further and
further into the thick masses of men and
horses. Hortes dash away tn a mad
panic, and men creep forth from under
capsized gun carriages and caissons and
limp away In search of cover. They
nearly succeed, when a little white cloud
Is suddenly seen, and ths tottering figures
and everything around Is mowed down.
That waa one of our shrapnels.
Black Coffeo ta Lies of Food.
"Tho smoke had cleared away and our
field artillery Is shooting at mors Im
portant game a field battery In ths road,
which Is now at rest forever. 'Hurrah" -Is
shouted through, the telephone, with
the announcement: "Cuffles has been
taken completely, ale ths height 11?
(naming a little fort). Enthuslaam for
a moment and then the telephone aervloe
goes on with the nam teal and energy.
We have had great successes, and not a
man thinks of getting his dinner. Wo
only drink black coffeo from morning
Ull night, and that 1 all that keeps us
on our feet Ths enemy's artillery grad
ually stops firing, but ours fires still
mora hotly. If possible. Suddenly the
urgent call:
" Ths whols artillery will prepare
Crouy and Vauxrot to be taken by
storm.' At 2:40 Crouy Is taken after a
hard struggle and occupied by our bravo
field grays. Two hours later Vauxrot
is rip for attack and is taken by storm,
with only small losses. Another hour
and ths glass factory, after having been
frightfully shot to pieces, falls Into our
bands. That was a strong supporting
point of ths French, and now there Is no
longer any holding out on their aids.
Their riflemen run for ths Alsna In wild
masses and press to cross the bridges
for the south bank. Our artillery tears
with rapid fire through the disorderly
m-ssee. Hundreds of these brave sol
diers redden tho soil of tho native land
with their blood.
"Another 'Hurrah.' Announcement from
division headquarters that the kslser,
our beloTod kaiser, hag Juat arrived In
aa automobile behind our front. Hun
drsds of telephones) carry the news Into
the front battle linos, and our men are
no longer to be held back la a short
time all the country oa this side of the
Alsne is cleared of the enemy."
Committees Will
Talk Jap Issues
(Correspondence of the Associated Press.)
TOKIO, Feb. TL Looking to the pcoser
vatlon and promotion, of friendship be
tween Japan and the United States, a
commltteo of prominent Japanese Is to
meet a committee of Americana to dis
cuss the relations between the two coun
tries. The movement was started oa De
cember IT last year, when, as already
cabled, the American Peace Society of
Japan at Its annual meting voted to name
a body of fifteen American resident. In
Japan, to Investigate and prepare a state
ment oa the varipua questions existing
between the two nations. The thought
behind the project, which has now been
taken up by ths Japanese, la that Japan
has no Intention to make war on the
United States and that ths United States
has no idea of making war on Japan.
However, It Is deemed imperative to dis
cuss the existing problems frankly aad
fully, and if possible, suggest means of
removing all misunderstandings.
As president of the Japan Pease sootsty,
Count Okuma, the prints minister, has
named a committee to meet with ths
Americans. The list Is not complete as
yet but includes Baron Saketanl. mayor
of Tokio; Baron Shlbusawa, Dr. Nltobe,
Dr. Soyeda. Viscount Kaneko and other.
A going business can be sold quickly
through The Bee's "Business Chances."
Heaeet Polities.
Richard Crocker, minus his beard, but
otherwise sturdy as of old, waa talking
about politics.
"Politics must be honest to succeed,
he said. "A successful politician Is al
ways famous for keeping his word. Lets
Of things are leas honest than politlos.
,Tke war. for instance a ar and pea
slona. "1 knew a chap who was weuuded ta
the civil war. The wound waa only
sight and I waa surprised to meet this
chap, after the war was over, hobbling
along oa a pair of crutches.
Hello.' I said, "can t yoa get along
without crutches, old fellow r
"'Well, Crocker.' said he, the dootor
says I can, but my pen-ion lawyer says
1 can't. "Nsw York sun.
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