Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 21, 1915, EDITORIAL SOCIETY, Page 12-B, Image 22

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12 B
Douglas County Association Holds
Annual Convention Monday
nd Tuesday.
Tim nnnual convention of th. Dotislas
County Sunday School assoelatloti will be
held at Trinity Methodist church. Twen-ty-flrrt
and Btnney streets next Monday
nd Tuesday.
Every Sunday school In tfa county la
expected to send delesrat. lAmc.heoa
and dinner will be served both day by
the ladle of the, church. Plana wlU be
made for attending tha forty-eighth an
nual State Sunday School oonrantlon at
Broken Dow, June It to IT.
Sunday evening a onion meeting of all
the churches end Sunday schools of
South Omaha will be held at the First
Presbyterian church. Twenty-third and J
streets. Offlcera of tha association and
other workers will be present. TV. H.
Klmberly. superintendent of the adult
rtivinlon of the Nebraska State Sunday
School association, will make an address
on "VWch. Visor, Victory."
Tha convention proper will open Mon
day at 10:) a. m. At 1:80 p. m. there
will b a eneral session, Qeorce T. IJnd
ley prealdlnr and Wlllard Chambers
leading tha song service.
B. A. Wilcox will deliver an address
on ''Sunday School Enthusiasm." At
1.30 o'clock conferences of tha elementary,
secondary and adult divisions will start.
Patriotic; ftaaejaiei.
A "patriotic banquet" In memory of
George Washington will be served at :1S
p. m. After dinner talks will be made as
follows: "Girls." Miss Or R. Johnson;
"Boys," U. It. Olmsted; "Boosters,
I'.armond M. Grossman; "ICriockcrs," I
C. Oberlles; "The Nebraska Jump Up,'
Margaret Ellen Brown.
Ia C. Oberlles of Lincoln, member of
the International executive committee,
will address tha convention aesslon on
"Belts and Pulleys."
On Tuesday morning reports - w ill be
recVlved from department superintendent
a follows: Elementary, Mrs. II. C.
Illnkhousei secondary, R. 8. Flower;
adult, E. F.. Denlson; home department,
Mrs. C. Ia Shook f temperance deport
ment, C. E. Byars; missionary depart
ment, J. Ia Duff; teacher training de
partment. Rev. Ralph It. Houseman.
Tuesday afternoon will be devoted to a
number of brief addresses as follows:
"The Home Department." W. II. Klm-
Teacher Training." Rev. Ralph II.
"Opening and Closing Exercises In the
Ideal Sunday School," MWis Margaret
Ellen Brown.
"Sunday Pchool Evangelism," I. H.
XJnes, religious work secretary of Young
Men'a Christian assnclaticn.
"The New American In the ' Sunday
School." Ilflv. J5. J. Kalllna, pastor Bo
hemian Presbyterian church. South
"Temperanca Instruction In the Sunday
School," Mrs. W. T. Graham.
"Our Relation and Obligation to the In
ternational Sunday School Association,"
Oeorge O. Wallace.
"Tha Ooals," Margaret Ellen Brown.
Give Illustrated hectares.
An Illustrated lecture will be given
Tuesday evening by Margaret Ellen
Brown, on "The Sundiy School Tour In
the Orient."
The following are oflcera of the as
soclatlon: Oeorge T. I.lndley, president; B. A.
Wilcox of Omaha and R. H. Olmsted
of Florence, vice presidents; Wlllard
Chambers, secretary treasurer; Mrs. C.
II. Illnkhouse, superintendent of the
elementary department; It. S. Flower, su
perintendent of the secondary depart
ment; K. V. Denlson, superintendent of
the adult department; Mrs. a I Shook,
superintendent of Ih. home departmnt;
C 14. Byars of Valley, auperltondvnt of
the temperance department; J. Ia Imff.
superintendent of the missionary depart
ment, and the I lev. Ralph II. Houseman,
superintendent of the teacher training
STEIN, New York leather
importer, left $103,000 to
his former wife, now Mrs.
Adeline McConnelL who
divorced him several years
Our Great Final Clearance Sale of Men's Winter Suits and Overcoats
Continues Monday and All Next Week Two Lots
Ac- L 1
Si.' t- 1 II I
m ii
It! til
m i
Ifil it l
1 ) '
ti i
V i
i r
hi y is
J f las iMt
a -
Sl ITS AXI OVrntXIATS That old
at $18.00 and 120.00
Hl'lTS AM) OVr:Kr,Q.T8 That old
at $26.00
at $12.00
hflTH AM) OVEm,OAT9--That old
at $15.00
Domestic Room
n., hem-
Superior Assortments Sera of Cot
ton Tabrloa TJadervrtced.
Hheot, 81x90 size, center soam,
3-inch hem, full
bleached, each ,
Casea, 45 and 42x86-ln., hem
tned. strong, dur
able cotton, each.
MunIIii. bleached or unbleach
ed, yard wide; specially good
at 7c; here at, per n i
yard OC
Uinf(hama, 32-tn., wide, strlpea
in gray and blue, for drensea
and skirting, 12 Ho val- Q
ues, yard 7C
(lAnnel, outing flannel la
fleecy, 8 He grades, stripes In
pink or blue; at, tl.
yard DC
l'crcale, 30 Inches Wide, colors
light or dark, dress or skirt
ing styles, standard
quality, at, yard . . . .
Tablo Daninfck, American mer
cerised dafnaok,. 68 Inches
wide, fine value at Ql
39c; here Monday, yd.aCxC
Ohallls, Delaine finish. - ferfect
copies of high grade imported
fabrics; dainty border, .TlA,
styles, yard 13
A Wonderful Showing of New Laces and Embroideries
Monday at prices which should crowd the dept. with eager buyers early
$1.00 Lace Flouncings 29c New Embroideries, Loom End
Silk Embroidered Lace Strips
Flouncings 18-in., 27-in.,
3G-in. and 40-in. wide; regu
lar 50c to $1.00 yard values;
on sale at, yard 29
Beautiful Bands to Match
23c to 33a values; on salo
1 Monday, yard 9
Specially adapted for party
dresses and fancy waists.
27-inch Lace Flouncings $1.50 to $2.25 yard values, the very latest patterns for fine dresses;
marvelous values at, yard 89c
$5 P-"1--
J Eaaliitariiiif rrm r - ir" "ii i i utt'--
18-in, Oriental Flouncings
$1.00 yard quality, choico
new patterns for waistings;
at, yard 592
5-inch Oriental Laces For
neckwear, sleeves and drap
ery; regular 50c yard values
at, a yard 29
65c Oriental Laces Same as
above but much wider; at, a
yard 39
To 7c a yard values, at 3V2?
To Kic a yard values, at. .5c
To 15c a yard values, atT1
To .'55c a yard values, at 15t
To 50c a yard values, at 29
27-in. Flouncings Made to
sell at 75c yard, at, yd. 39
Val. Torchon Laces Special
yd. 212S 3M:S 5, 10
(Continued from I'aga Threa.)
Furnishing Goods and
Doincatic I loom Monday.
Men'a Heavy nibbed Cotton Un
derwear, skirts or drawers, 608
values, at '. S5
Knit Underwaists for boys or
girls, all sizes, 2 to 12 years, 16c
values, at 0J
Ladies' Outing Flannel Gowns,
worth to $1.25, at 60s
Boys' Illouse Waists with military
collar and button cuffs, black
sateen, blue chatnbray, percales
and madras, 60c values, at 25
Men's Blue Chambray Work
Shirts, all sizes 14 to 17, 60o
values, at 83c; 3 for . ..Rl.OO
ladles' Cotton Bibbed Underwear
vesta br pants, 85c values, at ,.19o
Men's, I Adieu' and Children's Hosi
ery, all sizes, 12 Ho values, at 8 Via
I.ailles' Oause Vests, 12 He values,
at TH
New Silks for Spring
Even greater assortments than usual shown
in the Daylight Silk Section.
Taffetas in the soft chiffon finish are. very
popular for spring. We are showing two
specially desirable qualities in Vient Rose,
Sea Sand, French Blue, Hunter's Green and
all staple shades, 36 incheswide, at
yard 98 and $1.48
Cotele Corded Silks and Silk Poplins are more than
ever popular for suits; we show a splendid assort
ment here at. yard 81.18. 81.48. $1.88
Beautiful All Silk Crepe de Chine Two splendid
qualities, 40-in. wide, In all popular street and evening-
shades, $1.25 and $1.60 yard values; Monday at,
per yard g8d and S1.18
Over 5,000 Yards of Dress Silks Plain and fancy
weaves, 24 to 30 inches wide, including poplins,
chiffons, taffetas, satins, mescalines, pongees, foul
ards, etc. , 38 and 684
Beautiful Black and White Weaves - Checks and
stripes, In all sizes; 27 and 38-in. wide meualines,
taffetas, etc, very' popular this season, 784. 0S
The New Wool Fabrics
For Spring Suits, Dresses or Skirts are here
in almost endless variety of weaves and col
orings, so varied that personal preference
alone is the only restriction in selectionhere.
54-inch Covert and Gabardine Suitings
in all the new shades, including the sea
sand, putty, piping rock grey, Oregon
grieve and others, at, yd $1.75and $1.98
Shadow Stripe Panamas Some In the monotone col
ors effects; a splendid quality for suits or separate
skirts;' special, yard ' $1.48
Taffeta Epingles, Poplins, Tussah, Carma Crepe
Weaves, etc. 44-in. wide, all best colorings, 084
New Spring Challies Light and dark colors, beau
tiful new patterns; on sale 284 and 484
New Spring Wool Dress Goods in a big assortment of
plain and fancy weaves, 36 to 64-ln. wide, plain
and fancy colors, yard 384. 484. 684
Xew Black and White Checks Half wool, 36 to 44-
ln., at 384 nd 484
All wool, 44 to 64-ln. at 684 to $1.48
Household Linen Towels
and Bed Spreads
Values such as these are usual
ly 36 more.
Irish All Linen Pattern Table
Cloths. 68x68 siie, heavy
grade, eholce !0 OC
designs, each . . 9ewO
Irish All Linen Satin Damask
Pattern Cloths. 7ix7l alia, An
te line is
S3. 50
nr i vaiav is
la-ht, soft
SI. 25
lull and fineness of the lln
of very superior
quality, each
Derman B liver Bleached. TO-lnrh
Hainask, extreme welg-ht. soft
finish; value very
unusual, yard . .
All-Linen. Half Bleached Tabls
Damask. 70 lnohes Wtde: rood
value today at 11.00 a
yard; here at, yard .-....
Hemstitched TabU Set (cloth
and one dozen napkins to
match;, air 8x10. M OR
19.00 set for -
Spreads, satin finish 'Marseilles,
extra larsre, splendid designs;
heavy frlnitea. square oorneri
only. $7.50 value, Oil
here for
Spreads, crochet, hemmed, full
bea sine, fooa i.ou qu.uiij',
Rllg-htly Imperfect In bleaching;
Monday's clearing
price, each
Wash Goods Section
New Organdies, 40-in. wide,
white grounds, printed de
signs in dainty floral ef
fects here at, yard. . . .29
Shadow Lace Novelties, 40
in. wide, white and tinted
jgrounds, designs printed in
delicate, but strictly wash
able colors; at, yard, 35
Percales, 36-in. wide, light
and medium color grounds,
.suitable for shirtings and
dress purposes; specially
selected patterns, high
grade quality; here at, per
yard ,
lem talks, her subject being "Her !
Thought About Wifehood and Mother-'
hood' Miss Ruth Qanson will be trie
soloist. M ths social hour, which follows
the regular service, Miss lQlUnbeth loud
will be hostess, bhe plans to have some i
ltti:itii imuniR vr vnierisuiiiicni, oesiaes
ine sinKinK. ana light refreshment All
young women are most woluome to both
of those services, whether they are mem
bers or not.
The second term of the class work has
begun, yet there are a few places left At
the general office Information will be
given concerning any courses. In the
(lrimrrtlo svlonce department there is one
elans that will start Thursday morning.
I rus is a course in serving anl marketing
In which regular trips will be taken to
the markie and groutiles of the city to
familiarise the members of the clung with
the ways of purchasing articles of food.
The course also Includes cooking and
serving of meals. Call domestic science
director and get direct Information from
Tha gymnasium class at 7 o'clock Is
open to registrations. This rlass meets
only once a week, on Wednesday.
A new Hllile oiass has been formed t
meet on Friday at 8:15 In a study of the.
i'arables. This is designed to meet the
requests of the glrlM In the KymnnMuin
who have to come late and will be for
only eight weeks.
T. S. Dillian Dies
Following Operation
Amusement were presented in unique
iiiHimer, Interspersed with various must
ral numbers aad reading. Those who
participated Id the program were: Mr.
and Mrs. O. Arthur Melcher, Arthur
Howe, Mrs. Edwin Hlndley, Miss Mar
garet Uljenatolpo, Mrs. O. 8. Brooks,
Mrs. V. U IJumpus. Mrs. J. W. Welch
and Mrs. A. Howe. Mrs. J. Y. Hooper
as chairman of the committee.
The next regular meeting of the club
will be held Thursday at the home of
Mrs. II. i Knudsen In Glenn Park. Mrs
V. M. faugh Is leader and Kv. A- 3
McClung soloist. Papers will be given
t y Mrs. W. A. Wilcox. Mrs. J. V. Stsr. ,
ett and Mrs. O. II. Tuttla. Hull call,
- Uwon review and ICngland's story will
take their usual place upon the program.
The dale (or the initial convention ot
the Kevond district Nebraska Federation
of Women's Clubs lias been set for April
SJ at the Benson Methodist church, Th
lues! club Is now preparing to entertain
thU scsalun.
The iienson circle of the Child Con
servation league met Friday with i4r.
X M. liabcock. Papers on the effects ot
children's diet were read by Mrs. F. St.
I'uugh and Mrs. Babcock. Mrs. II. T.
Malil, soprano, gave several numbers.
The Women's Christian Temperance
1 1 lun postponed Its session lust week ow
ing to Illness of the president and hostess.
T'ie niite program announced will be held
Willi Mrs. 11. H. lieaaley March t. Mra.
N. J. McKltrlck wlU be present at that
meeting to give her report.
Uru. J. P. Barnhart will be hostess for
the Scrm club Tuesday afternoon at ber
iiorue, Jll Hawthorne avenue. The pro
gram meeting will be preceded by a
luiiutieoB. Mrs. J. K. Ooodrldt will read
a Jm-er on "Pocahontas"; Mra Barnhart
on wueen of Bheba," and MUs Ulliaa
Owiiin on "Madame De Btael."
Mrs. W.O. Ure gave the first of
scries of lesrons cn "The life and Art of
Itome" before the Omaha Society of Flua
Aits Thui-sday morning. Her subject
was "The Korean; His Conquests and
.. mo riuuajog me jforum," and waa
handled In a remarkably comprehensive
manner. Mrs. Ure spoke an hour and a
hfcif without manuscript or notes. Illus
trating Ur talk with stereopticon slides.
The snnual meeting of the Federation
cf MisnionatT societies will be held at
the Young Men's Christian association
au.Jit rluiiri Tuewlay at I p. m. Officers
will be eiected sad there will be a special
V. W. f. A. Ktttvs.
Its winr t s , v afternoon vesper
nun h , i ! . . i i.t i.jt ia the Auiino
fluio. J. t ii. I'tvf '"'it of 'tie
l (JUliK I. ..(. Ii InUttU a?.M4M tkUll'tl,
fio ui.a it ii.s series ff giris' pruU-
Thomas S. DllUan, aged Q years, died
Friday afternoon at thai Wise Memorial
hospital, following an operation. He waa
a resident of Omaha for , twenty-nine
years. Funeral services will : be held
Sunday afternoon at I oolock from the
home, 4bX Burdette street, with Inter
ment In Forest ' Lwn cemtcry. He Is
survived by his wife, three daughters, all
of Omaha, and one son, living In Port
land, Ore. .
A Wonderfully Pleasing Showing Spring Styles Women's Apparel
Broader assortments, better qualities at each price than we've ever before shown at this season.
You'll find originality expressed in many ways but all authoritative.
Hundreds of Beautiful New Dresses, a bevy of
artistic designs for street, afternoon and evening
wear. Cloth Dresses with "Georgette Crepe
Waists, Taffetas, Silk Failles and Crepes, etc.,
in all the season's newest colorings. Choice val
ues at .... . .$19.50, $25, $35 and $45 up
One Splendid Lot of New Dresses made to sell at
$15.00 and $18.00, Silk Taffetas, Crepe de Chines
and other popular Silk and Wool fabrics, this
season's styles and colorings, special . .$9.90
In Chin Chin Wash Silks,
Crepe de Chines, Laces, etc.
Choice values at from $1.95,
$2.95, $3.95 up to $15.00
Over 300 Handsome New Tailored Suits A spe
cially delightful showing of Suits for Monday,
at $19.50, $25.00 and $35.00
A splendid showing of artistic designs in the sea
son's most wanted fabrics and all the new color
ings, including Belgium Blues, French "Army
Blues, Putty, Pearl, Battleship Gray, rich.'
Heather mixtures, black and white checks and
stripes, etc., values wo do not believe you can
duplicate elsewhere, at $19.50, $25 and $35
$1.50 and $2.00 Long Kimonos, at 95
Women's 50c and 65c Aprons, at. .35
$1.50 House Dresses, all sizes ....79
$3.50 Silk Petticoats, fitted tops $1.95
Spring Tailored Suit Spe
cial 175 charming Suits in
most desirable . colorings
and fabrics, all sizes,
matchless values, $15.00
, , i
- 1 fif i
Rug Specials
$17.ClO Brussels Rugs, seam
less, 9x12 size, fine pat
terns $11.75
$18.50 Brussels Rugs, seam
less, 9x12 size, 10 wire
quality ..; $13.93
$17.50 Velvet Rugs, seam
less, 9x12 size, choice pat
terns t $12.50
$4.00 Aimlustrr Hugs Sire 36x
72: cholc patterns S3.0S
I3.BO Velvet Hug", S6x72 $3.75
Water Color Window Shades
86-ln. x 7 ft., best quality, 30
Ileal lr Mat AVeather V
show a big Una ot cocoa mats
at C5 to $3.25
Special Pricings of High Class Dinnerware for Monday
Which Will Mean a Saving of Almost Half to Those Buying Them.
$150.00 Hayiland Dinner Set
100 pieces, gold encrusted, a
beauty; on sale Monday, $75
This is our open stock pat
tern and you can buy extra
pieces Monday at 40 discount
Plain White China Cups
and Saucers 25c a pair
values; Monday, at per
si A 1
pair lut;
VTf X 111 I' 'a. w i s. J 5A W
$45.00 Haviland Dinner Set
100 pieces, pink spray design,
a beauty; on sale Monday
for $25.00
$35.00 Austrian China Sets
100 piece's, gold band decora
tion ; on sale ....... $19.50
Semi-Porcelain Dinnerware
- Plain white, 100 pieces;
$9 values, Monday $5.98
1,000 Odd Pieces of China, up to 25c Values to Close, each, 5c.
Is Just as essential to modern In
terior decoration as tha latest
style la millinery Is to the proper
ly dressed woman.
Our Itiit Showing of New Wall
Paper otters you selection from
the newest creations ot this and
foreign countries.
rHMHial llargaina This Week.
Imported Oatmeal and Tiffanies,
all shades, to $1 roll values, ou
sale at. roll ..40t
I'lal a Holnikf lil, fast colors, to
4 5c roll values, at, roll . . . .22
U5 lkunestic Oatmeals, roil,
t . .12H
Heavy Varnish Gold Tatters wltu
18 In. borders, 25o roll values, on
le, roll 12i
25c Iled lloom Patterns with cut
out borders to match, roll 12i?
iiOc IHniug Itooiu and I'arlur Pa
pers, hl assortment, at, roll 10
All IZhte Kin hen Papers on ala
t. roll 5
Try HAYDEN'S First
Obs lot of asaatlfnl pat.
t.rai ta fall ais aad rsa
uloo "Coaruir" ns's.
oa sals Monday aad raa.1
banralaa. at. okolcs, Sl.l
IMIum sisa sxlra heavy
"I.lNk" tin waah boilers,
copper bottom Sl.44
Tarss stss. as above. tl.SS
Kxlia lama slse, as above.
McdliiBt- slse. all copper.
IJkK Boilers S3.C9
lrae ! all coi'iKT,
l.lek Boilers --19
Exlr large all copper l-l
Hollers .4
"Premier" copper bottom
tin boilers ao
One Day ONLY Ona Day
Dressers $10, $12.50 and $14.50
Large golden oak dressers, piano finish, real quarter sawed,
beveled mirrors, swell front, 5 drawers, finished inside,
dust proof, wood knobs, 42x22-in. top; worth $24.90; this
sale ...$14.50
Chiffonier to Match One Dollar Less.
Golden oak dressers, quarter sawed, piano finish, top 41x21
inches; 3 patterns to select from; sold regularly for $18.50
to $19.50. Sale price $12.50
3 patterns golden oak dressers, gloss finish; $10.00 chiffon
iers to match $9.50
Wa hava a few tnanosany. blrd"a-ya maple and Circassian
nut; lo v.htt anamel dressers of different slses and patterns that
we v. ill eluse out during this sale for one day at same prices; also
some mahogany chiffoniers very few.
Drying taMos, worth up to $20.00; some worth only $15
and $U5. All go in this sale for $9.50
firugs, Toilet Goods
Why Pay More
lie Jad Salts for the kidneys . . . .BBe
Zoo box Cascars Quinine lfto
25o box HaJa Cold Tablets 10c
$1.00 Hal Hepatlca for
.0o Sal Hepatlca for 30
25o bot. White Pine Cough Ciire 16a
f 1 Il'orllck'a Malted Milk T9o
$S 50 Horllck'a Malted Milk . ,2.90
26e Peerlesa Face Powder ...... ISO
UJer Kisa Face 1'owder SSo
75c Pomprlan Massage Cream . .4So
SSo Peroxide Fare Cream lSe
25c Pond's Vanishing Cream . ...ISo
iOo Fond a Cold Cream .
25c' Orris Root Tooth Powder ....
2So Peerless Tooth Powder loo
75o Kd Plnaud's Toilet Water ..e5o
75c dressing Combs SSo
SSo and 16o Auto Hingea IOo
1160 Fountain tSyrinse 1 OO
1 1.25 Hot Water bottle for 7o
ii Combination hyrinxe 91M
ti Wellington Combination guurun-
teed for 3 yeara .. $3.00
0c bottle Vhenolax Wafers ac
No Phono Orders Filled.
Drapery Department
$2J25 Scrim Curtains in
white "or ecru with linen
lace edge, 2 in. hem, Mon
day at, pair $1.50
$3.00 Brusselette Curtains,
big assortment of patterns,
at, pair $1.98
45c Marquisettes, 40tWh
wide, white, ecru or ivory,
at, yard 30
20c Fancy Scrims White and
cream, with dainty colored bord
ers; at, yard .12Mt
12 He Striped Swisses 36 Inches
wide, for sash curtains, yd,. K
15c Fish Nets, 36-in., at. . .7 V4
Dress Skirts to
Your Measure
for. .....
From any fabric at $1.00 yard up
you may select from our- immense
etoek of Spring Dress Fabrics. The
most complete and varied stock of the
new weaves we have ever shown for
selection. The Skirts will be artistic
ally tailored, perfect fit and work
manship guaranteed.. See the samplo
garments in Daylight Dress Goods
Dept. All Skirts made in our store.
Special Flour Sale Monday We Advise Our Customers to Buy Now
HJ r a
4l-lb. sat'ka best high r ratio Diamond
11 flour, made from No. 1 selected
wheat, nothing better made for
bread, pies or cakes, eooal to flour
sold for 12.(0 sack, atoaday, 4-
lb. sack 1.0
IT lbs. best graaiUataa sugar . .$1.00
10 bars beat bramia laundry aoap S6
I lbs. best whits or yellow corn meal
for 17o
1 lbs. best rolled whits breakfst
oatmeal SSo
4 lbs. fancy Japan rice S&
( cans oil aardntes S&o
7 lbs. bent bulk laundry starch . 85o
Mti Unu'i pranut butter, lb. IH1
Tall cans Alaska salmon ...... .10.
Parker House V(eup, bottle . .TVS
LarKe botllea Worcester Sauce,
14. kle, orted kinds, prepared
mustard or horseradish, bottle "
; ib. cans fancy sweat susar corn,
wax, a trio a. green or lima- Wans
a! V-lS
2-lb. cans early June peas ....TW.
I-lb. tSolden pumpkin, hominy.
auer kraut or baked beana ..TVe
1-lb. cans solid packed tomatoes
at .....8,.
The beat domeetio macaroni, vertnt-
cilli or spashettl. pkg. TVio
Gallon cans liolden tabls syrup SSo
2K-os. lars purs strained honey B60
fchelled, blanched and roasted pea
nuts, IU ISo
SJ-os. jars purs fruit preservt-s 85o
f cans l'U Lu scouring soap, it Bents
the Jtutcb SSo
K C. corn flakes, pkg. 6
Oraps Nuts. tf 10J
Herahey's breakfast cotoa. lb. ..Sue
Uoldrn Kantoa coffee, lb aoo
The beat tea alfttnatt. lb lSHo
tii best BTJaicrrxT nxsx
Kuvasu xtosra si
Tlu bent creamery butter, tsrtoo or
bulk. lb. 834
Tha best dairy table butter, lb. 8M
It Pays.
The. best No. 1 country creamery
butter, lb , ,...31s
flood dairy butter, lb ..(5.
I lbs. good butterlne 850
The best, equal to creamery tui r,
lb. 85o
Full cream white, colored or Youri
America clieeae. lb aoo
Imported Swiss or Roquefort cneexe,
lb 400
riorida Orap. Trait Specials
Rach me, o 60. THo
l'er doxen ........ ttSo, 46o, C&O, BO.
This Is extra fancy fruit. 1st arada.
Kigalaaa srsral Oraag. Sal. Ta.
Oraag-. e4 Qaality.
Per doson ltVa, ISO, !, ttc
Nothing finer grown, la CaLrcrnU
tli an lilahland Navels ' .
Taa Teg eta bis Varkirt for tb. ysepls
Is lba. best cookmg poAatoe to tha
peck for .,lTV.
m t
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