Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 21, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Page 10-A, Image 10

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    10- a
t. J. Mahoney and W. W. Slabaugh
Speak of Lincoln, Garfield
and McKinley.
address sefoke ckook coitrs
Kulonlfn on Abraham Uriroln and Will
Um McKinley wrre delivered Inst nlarht
Vy T. J. Mahoney and W. 6. SlabatiRh,
ropwtlVBly, at the witrrlalntnant Kvn
in tho Grand Army of tha Republlo Toorn
of th eofr1. houaa under tha auaploea of
Crook pout of tha Women's Relief Corps.
A fall wholeaom program u prepared
for .tha occasion, conaiPtlnff of violin
rmiKiP, a numlxr of rerttaUona and aonM
by children and voma vocal solo work, all
largely of a patriotic nature.
Rerlevra Life I.trtrnla.
Mr. Mahoney reviewed tha llf of tha
toneHntf alatrmaa, and monumental man,
Abraham Lincoln, and pointed out what
mirh a !Ife meana as an example to tha
American people. He declared that Lin
coln has shown ua this to ba a irovernment
ly law and not a trovernment by men.
J! declared that ho believes IJnroln was
verily aont by tlod to perform the great
work that he did accomplish.
Judge W. TV. Slabauarh speaking on
llllam McKlntey, told aome of his early
vt.trflAn -of th man, as he was
brought up near McKlnley'a home, and
mw him often. likewise he often aaw
a.nd' knew Garfield years ago before that
man berejne preHident only to be assejwl
tiated by a disappointed office seeker. He
ran ever the d nd yet beautiful Inst
day of McKinley In which he showed his
aubllme faith In his Creator, and In which
he manifested concern for others and for
lits country more then for hie own wel
fare, t
Shippers Advised
to Use Disinfected
Cars for All Stock
In regard to the live stork situation at
femh Omaha, the following statement
has been Issued:
'Hhtppcre find some difficulty in under
standing; quarantine rvffulatlnna for the
r-on llmt both the Mute authorllles and
the nallnrtHl government have Issued or
ders, rililpprra should bear In mind first
that the rational reflations which apply
lo alt stHtea In the union prevent the
shipment of any cattle Intended for
Mocker or feeder purpoaea across a state
llrw except In cleansed and dlwlnfcnted
cars, with a BtaU'iiirnt from the shipper
crompiinyitig .the bill of lading to tho
effect that the stock is intended for feed
ing purposes. All stock shipped In cats
that have n been dlxlnfected and all
atiM-k nh'ppcd In cars, whether disinfected
or not disinfected, but billed as killers,
when crosxlng a state line can be sold
only for Immediate slouxhter or for ship
ment to soino other point for slaughter.
On account of these regulation shippers
In the west see advised to -nd all their
stock In disinfected cars and hilled aa
feeders, so that almulri the feeder buyeis
prove lo bo the highest bidders, the stock
can be sold for feeding purposes. The fact
that tt is billed ss feeders will not pre
vent Its being sold for killers, but stock
billed n hitlers cannot be sold for feeders.
- In addition to these Kowrnnwnt regu
lntions. the state of Nebraska haa regu
lations of Its own. which provide that no
Ftock can he shipped from cast of the
M esourt river or from the statea of Kan
, MIoiirl and ftouth Dakota Into hit.
biniika for any other purpose except for
Immediate slaughter, or for shipment to
some other pohit for Slaughter.
There Is nothing In either national or
Nebraska regulations to prevent Iowa
stockmen from buying feeders on this
market and shipping t'nem to Iowa. How
ever, no Iowa stork, can be shipped back
lo Ia except (or Immediate e'nughtnr
for the reason that no feeder Stock Is al
lowed to come into the atnte from Iowa.
It will undecstond that the quarantine
regulations spi'iy to hogs and sheep as
neil no lo caitie, .
Veteran Pythians
Tell of Progress
Made by tho Order
Veteran rythians to the number of
ffirty-elg sat down to the eighteenth en
nua! dinner of the Pythian Veteran RO
toctatloit of Nebraska at the Hotel Ixiyal
lawt night A number of the membars
were prevented from attending by rea
Mn of, bodily Infirmities, among them the
venerable president of the association.
John (). (loss. To hint a message of love
tmd sympathy wa sent by the brethren
present, together with a bouquet of rose.
In the gbeenceof President Ooss, Tast
bupreme Jtepresentatlve John M. Macfar
Una served aa timatmagter, and after
briefly rcforrinjf to tt-.e condition of Ue
prr-aldant, he Introduced Grand Chan
cellor Paul Jones, who spoke of the prog
ress of the order In the state during the
year, and congratulated the brethren on
the fact that a very substantial increase
In imuibM;p will be reported at the
next grand lodge session, as well as
notable advances In other directions. He
nmde several suggestion tor the future
we! fare of the order, which were well
received by the veterans.
tutiir speakers were Will If, lxve of oln. grand keeper of records and seal,
who reopomled to ''Pythian love;" ,V.
l.. Alien, pant grand chancellor, of Central
'y. who epeke on 'rythliui l.w;" T.
XV. Mct'tillougti, on "Pythian PnpuUrlty:" '
J.r. U A. Merriam, past chancellor, whoso
subject was "Jl thlan KiddUy." W. B,
Ijnla of I-aba flty, supreme represen
tative, who talked on "Supreme Jurisdic
tion.". nd C. W. r.rkt. past flmncellor,
w ho ep'tke on "The Neophyte."
Council Brings Old
Ordinances to Life
n.u seems t be a propitious time to
i--(.ted ordinances from the files
a I'd brio them up fur reconsideration
" th Ciiy AiMtfM'll.
iiy 4'n.misainer 1. B. Hummel ae
tvif-d tha Jui.;k-a of a rtMulutlun author
tkiisg ft mil the fiu-s an ordinance
l;ci tvrt file ISi-ptember 21. I'Jli, and cov-
C!:- ? the t-ropoeltlon cf allowing the !is-'-
!il r.i;',o to build a n track on
aoiitn side of the alley, 112 tH west
lr. ;.i t iMecntb t'reet, and bctwetn fall-
f-'Tttia and Wehwtrr treetfl. Two years
i"S trnmaue was );!i. mi account
! Aaii, ob)ecttons which were made.
An ordinance rrUting to the welgUt
"v- ul brad t.a Jst been taken from
is,- fi,. ari'l is riuw fnr rcevn-
V i.
1 )
C. B. Wager of the Missouri Pacific le
In from an extended trip out In central
Nebraska and returns with the fixed opln.
Ion that at this season of the fear tho
sgrtctilttiraJ sections of the state never
looked more promising than now. The
snow has about alt melted and, having
disappeared so alowly, the water has
about all aosked Into the ground. In
many places the frost Is pretty well out.
In the counties olong the Klkhorn and
I,oup rivers extra precautions is being
taken to prevent flood damage when the
Ice moves out. County officials have men
at work along all the streams, dynamit
ing the 1c a'wve tne bridges to prevent
the possibility of gorges. Railroad of
ficials everywhere are taking similar pre
cautions. In most of the streams the Ice
Is covered by six Inches to a foot of
water, but In few localities has It shown
any signs of breaking up.
t heck Voir Winter Cooajh.
Dr. Bell's rine-Tar-I loney will stop,
your Cough and strengthen your lungs.
Get a bottle now, only 25 AU druggists.
Advertisement. ,
WAPIItNOTON. Tot,. . Proposals In
the leglslntlve appropriation bill for an
agriculture census wer stricken out to
day by the senate.
y Learn Dressmaking
b' Tlioo who rcgistrr now for tho
II Mmp. ContPs'Sf'hool of Dressmak-
lU! ing will receivfl the full course
LHej lo lessons.
I .r ,t ,r"' xn r -w.Tsk - i f 'If I Y ,'-v e.--', r i
n :iv -umww t.&tf. iuv n
lIm rom hiHv. .. ) 7 yLr.
LalEsaIw aSaaX
Musjinwear Special
Gown 4, and envelope combina-
a in fho jlninfiost of linfferio
ii-v) ) effects, fine laces and embroider-
1 yvv
BMost Magnetic
rv o i
LTomesnc opcciais
(Bamain Basement)
Clora. Spaldiiig
krisa Spalding will sing at the. North
Presbyterian church today.
fine Quality Aproa Gingham Coin- '
pares j" I in pent grauea,- iciiiipo (Ira,
All staple checks. Usually sold
for 8c. Monday, a yard :
B7-TnoU Beautiful Printed Pltese
Crepe A choice assortment of neat
fl-irnl aiul other, popular d'!en
j'ositiveiy worth 16c.
Hpeclnl, yard
riaest Msrcerised Poplin mil
ieoeav perfecods.ln aU
the leadtnr shadea. as well ae
bUok and white, mernlar 15a
valns. Mon-
rideuty Storage Tea Co, Slant.
W. b Bslby ai Boras, genera! tnauranc.
Kavs oot Print ft New Ueacon Press
Burfess-CrraaAea Co. Lighting tl-
Wanted Choice real estate loans. ,w.
Ih Thomas, tit State Bank IJldg. . . ,
Pell ft Plnkertoa Co.Wleneral Insur
ance, moved to 61S 8tale Unnit hkik. i
Today's Couplet: Mot Program
ftiaaslfled section today, and appears It.
Th He EXCL.U91VEL.Tr. Kind out what
the various moving picture theaters offer.
Quickly Located and easily acoesstbU ;
re two prime requisites or a oeairau.s
office location. Tenants In The ,Bi
Building, "tlie building that Is always
.," find these two conditions oi greai
service In building up tllr business
Xelf Boliday tor Hallroaders Wash
ington's birthday anniversary tAionaayi
1U be observed by railroad headnuarters,
the employes having a holiday during
the afternoon." ' - ' ' ' '
fek Brother tal , SsufktM Th
brother and daughter ot to. Ulcim, an
English musician, recently of - lx An
geles, are requested to oommunlcat wim
Mr. Mortimer, .British' consul at I-os
gelcs. ' ' " " .. ' i.
sys Bnainess is Improving" J. R.
C!ilaiu. agent of the interstate lepteh,
lines at i'eorla, 111.. U itt town and as
serts that her has been a decided , Im
provement In business during the last
month. High prices hav moved the Illi
nois crops to market and, the putting of
a large sum of nt('n-' in i irc'hUtlmi by
reason, of the salo of grain has stimu
lated bustnoss 1u all lines
Of flr OoodrloU a OrandJather ro-
Hce Officer Frank Goodrich, who has
been confined to his home at '603 North
Korty-ftrst avenue; with' rheumatism,'
phoned police headquarter ' Saturday
morning that he had Just become a grand
father owing to'the'arrlval'of a bouuclng
baby girl In tlia household, of Frank. Jr.;
who lives at;, the same' address, Frank
sayg ,he almost danced a Jig, but not
qiilto. 1 ' .'; r , -
Bsld for Passing Worthless Checks
N, M. Anderson, who asserts hi father
is chief of polio at Broken Bow,- Is' being
held at police hoeequarliers for passing
worthless checks. Two for fli ech were
passed by Anderson st the Rome hotel
and two for 15 each' were cashed at the
Hchlltj hostelry. Ar Bennington suloon
man also cashed one of the check, all
of which were drawn on a 'Broken 'Bow'
bank, Anderson' asert he Is a aalcsnian
for a local 'packing company . '. 1
' ", 11 ' ,' r ....
8. Ravlts has piJTOhaeed as an Invest
ment th two-story brick business-build
log at the southwest corner of Thirteenth
end Douglas streets. The property was
In the name of Rleanor B. Cowdrey. The
deal was made through Alfred C. Ken
nedys office. The consideration named In
tho deud la IW.OOO. This property fa flo
at ribod as the north 1W feet ot lot 4,
block 131. Ornate. The building contains
five stores on Thirteenth street and one
LHiugiaa street.
38-Inch Drees Peipoale The best M
si cloth, lii an tlie wanted styles ana
colors mostly light end dark
grounds, jteguiar utyo value,
special, Monday, a yard....
g'7-livoh Psoe Printed Batiste The
ncaaon's cholcent faoric, .in all tl'ii
new spring styles and colors. 160
value. H pedal, Monday,
a yaj-d ........ .. i. .
- Beautlf al Xxyptlsn Tissue
Th famoua "Iiorrame" braad.'
every yard stamped. Beantl
fnl ebscks aadstrtisi also
ni1roldred w a s. lto
' value, yard,
Drifts of Embroideries
Big Special Purchase
Thousands of yards bought from a jobber
and importer at' gTeat reductions on sale
Monday at wonderfully small prices.
Worth to 27-inch crodiet edge flounc
C "7C ings; 27-inoh floral edge flounc
eif ings; 43-ineh'beai'tiiul 'colored
all-overs in marquisette, voile, crepe and
French batiste in all tho new ehndes; ele
gant 43-inch voile and crepe flouncings; 27
inch daihtv hemstitch and crochet ' r f
baby flouncings in piretty designs;
Worse Strip Olng-bam Beet Quality
and flnlah. All styles and colors;-alao
the regulation "stripes. '12'Ao 0-n
value, a yard .. .:. -02t
3-Ipchnn pnalltySrss ' ;
Fsrcale la all ataole desUrns , ;
and colors. 3Bfftna np ts 80 !
yards. Light and dark colors.
Btg-nlar lOo valnes. Motday,
yard, .
BEAUTIFUL assortment of new em
broideries, flouncings and corset cov-'
er embroideries; batiste, cambric, ISwiss
and nainsook in dainty eyelet and filet edga
" worth to 35c Monday,
very special, at yard 25c ,
TU.ST arrived in time for this'sale, a selec-
J . tion of 1,2 and 18-inch flouncings and
corset cover embroideries in cross bar, dim
ities and other pretty designs i. . .
worth to 25c, Monday; ;
:" .' Very ,: special, v yard 1 2c .
Tailored Suits-New Spring Mod
els in Most Charming Variety
A fascinating array of smart tailor-made suits In .
the very new Empire Jacket effects, with the
modish flured and yoked skirts. They also feat- ,
ure the Russian high girdle Idea a Btyle now
much la evidence. , . , ' ' , " ' .
A special lot of 65 handsome suits from,
which choice-may be made j)35
Eighty Sample Suits
Suits that are. distinctively original; exclusive
In design; individual in style and smart in color.
Materials are of rare elegance and are the kind
that only , are seen in the most exclusive shops.
Everyone emphasizes the 'Brandeis quality
$45, $49, $55, $59, $65, $75
Afternoon and Dinner Frocks for $25 and $35
A beautiful and versatile array of these fetching and practical frocks,
every one displaying the pronounced stylo features of tlie prevailing season
Materials, too, are most timely soft 'taffetas, charmeuse, crepe meteor
and the very popular crepe de chine.
' New Colora-'knowk at the Expedition Colon too
are featured such at Lattice Green, Flag Pole Red, -California
Gold, Exposition Blue and the Putty,
Sand and Battleship Gray, now so much in vogue. .
Oennloe Zverett Cheviots In all the
old reliahle and wwnted designs an 1
colors. For children's wear, ladies
wrappers end house dresses, 'VVorfli
10c. IS pec i a 1, Monday, f!l.n
, . . . : M w
LacesUhusual Value
-Oriental' lace'edgos in ."white and in cream, in
widths-ranging from '2 to 6 inches, extremely
desirable for collars; for shadow lace edges,
in "white and cream in widths from 2 to p
6 inches; worth to 30c, for a yard .... 1 O C
New Walking and Golf
Skirts, $6.98 and $10
A new season's creations made of the smart
fabrics that are practical' and serviceable!
There also are skirts of Chuddah Cloth and
soft Tafftas. Being of the new season they
are of course the flared models with yokes
and pockets; also the pretty pleated fashions.
200 Raiii Miid Auto
Coats Special Monday
Comprising this selection are about 200
coats. Including rain, storm and auto
- coats, many of them odd sample garments.
In this lot are the good rubberized and
ratnproof materials, plain colors and ?
checks. Worth $7.60 to 10, for 4i
urcn coy's k?;ee
i Mff ( rt--i.rideiit.
r-l. I-"' - i.-.rrii,l I -- '
i le of the industrial home
was i-roui-lt to th ortbo-
a v
..if, .
t3 L;l!::r?s'Fn:r.i
.iV"-' ...
I ,
Blouses Adaptable to Any Occasion May
Be Selected fro Array
ALMOST Daily There Arrives from the most talented designers in New York, the lat
est blouse conceptions' of the hour stunning, fascinating, new creations, every one
characteristic of a new season; each proclaiming exclusiveness and individuality.
I nthe Smartest Ideas
and tho Most Fetching
' modes are blouses "of
.Oeorgette Crepe, Ra
dium Silks, Crepe do
"Chines and Filet Laces';-
-x hi. ii.i ; .
materials uiai Bpring
, fushion deems best. "
-' ' f ' ' '
Prices, $5, $5.98,
$6.98 and up
gradually to $15
Shades aro the Season's"
most favored New
port Tan,. Delaware
Peach, Arizona Silver,
California Rose, ; Bel
gium Blue, Corn Yel
low, Flesh, Bisque and
Dove White. ' ,
A Style for
Every Wish
A Blouse for ,
Every Taste
Spring White Goods
Remarkable Savings
Sfl-Inrh White Embroidered Or.
Randies' 1916 designs. Very
40-lnch White Seed Voile ' for
Blouses and Dresses Made from
fine yarns; launders ' perfectly.
Regular price; 60c. oq.
Sale price, a yard .. ...... OaC
Sheer White WoTeltlee 36 aa .
Spring Draperies
New and Worthy
, New Spring Curtains and Cur
tain Materials for spring now are
coming. Here are a few new
arrivals: , " ' . ...
. New Spring Swiss Curtain Bos
ons of patterns to select f ronu
Special, a yard, 10S
12 W nd ..........
ggetty ' Colore Madras Toy
,40 laches wide. i A large as.
iortmeot for Won.
day's salea yard
40-lnrh White lce
Crtfpea Worth 2 Be.
Special, a yard . . .
45-Inoh Tine QnaUty Organdy
Used for all purposes. Sx-
VroUes and
bedrooms. Beautiful assort.
meat of colore.
A. yard.
tra special, a
Duo Curtains Sold in Omaha by
this store only. They are Lace
Curtains and Colored Sun fast
Overcurtaina in one. Special
-Monday, a set
S2.?)8 and
30-XnoHi Colored" JI a a g alow
$3.98 M
Drapery Goods for Bide
Belgium Mnun Crash ' Suiting
Specially adapted for . separate,
sklrs and outing suits. 50 inches
wide. Regular 85c value; CA-
. . aj7
sale price, a yard.
tains. All colors.
gonday. a yard. .
Special 3.(M Marqxiisette Car.
tains Monday . gQ
inn rtt T-t . ri .;j ft P I I wr
l,uuu mouses i nat jnouia us ooza up .CO
v to $5.98, iri a Special Group Monday pOUy
All in the spring s most .namirea caumons, or.repe ae, inine, anaaow. Lees, Trench Faille, and
Moire, in all the moat fashionable shades and in hiph or low neck models. Any one, Monday. $3.0l.
Slightlv Soiled Sheets and Slips
About 50 doien soiled sheets and slips collected from our went
January sales. All perfect goods, but'so.lled from handling and dis
play. A little "tubbing ' will restore them
Sheets All slses. Values up to
$1.25. Special, while
lot lasts, -each
3K-Inrh Fine Qnnllty VnMeiwhed
Muslin Soft , finish. Monday,
off the bolt,
yard ......
Pillow Hip All staes.
up to 30c. Special,
uhlln lot lasts, each. .
86-1 nch Fine Quality Bleached
Muslin, Ijoiifrcloth and Cambric
Ixng lengths. Values
to 10c, for
Great Purchase of V all
Paper Bought at Piitlic Auc
tion Placed on Sale Monday
WE 'BOUGHT the entire stock of K. Campbell, Ior-'
chestpr street, Chioago, at OU cents' on the dollar.
Monday and all this wek we offVr this immense purchase,
from the auction stocks at Half Price. Improve this op
portunity we have made for you.
" Wall Paper Station Third Hoor.
Attractive Prices Emphasize the Greatness
of This Sale of Elegant New Spring Silks
MOKE than half a thousand pieces of
dress silks in the most wanted weaves,
and the eoloriufjs that predominate the
season, ; assembled at this sale,
MONDAY presents rare opportunity to
choose the silks that should be used
for tlie spring wardrobe and makes early
selection advisable." - : :
It. Oarnpticll's fks and 6e IVpci
Suitable for bfdrooms and kitch
t,nft with border. Special.
Monday, a . Q
B. OMnpbell'a Varnished Papers
For bathrooms and kitchens.
With borders. Kegular
grade. Sale price,
a roll
Faille Francalse, 36 Inches wide, espe
cially desirable for Spring suits; in
Putty, Belgium Blue, Battleship Gray,
Velvet Roue and the smart Khaki, sand
shades and black; special, . 1 f"JQ
yard. fl.BO and .....I... vleOaJ.
85-Inch Stunning
Hirlpen on Taffeta
and Peau Radiant
weaves, rery strik
ing, a yd. -I 05
$1.50 and. i 1
Washable Crepes and HabuUl Silks for
blouses and for entire dresses; patterns
of unusual beauty, and the materials
are those that will be much worn this
spring and summer. Prices are most
attractive; a yard
$1.00 and
II. Campbell's Iii Mock of Par
lor,. I'lninsj Itooiu iMid Hull
rtnrn hcfrulsr 10c fErades,
during tUU sale,
a roll
It. cunipb-U's I4ne of Imported
ilol&iiiriil l'airai lit sloc-
Worth up
to 50c
a roll
All colors.
Kale price.
l ,.t
I...-1 1, i
ri.-mUfn to
'1!; from !.'
I.- '' tnl
i (! Joint,
l-t,'ih. A
- I. .;. th
i; s I a- I 1
:t il.
1 km net auri.iused to bainr (,,
BumWr ot rm-n l,o n,m Into tha atnra
to pun-haa tit hr-r's trH nd.' remaiawd
lit axporuiul Bollwt If aha kann-t
board of !,! B'-Inditt enibmcation Is
l-rubably not imaJinf the pspera t much i
tulont. Am It ahn doe It U a hnii'lf
th.iuictit to n!d huliby to tha tlruir mr.
"Woiher's rrlvnd" ta apiilled tcnmliy,
cvwr tha alHioniina.1 mutrltt
It la a Bist'tSe. suotbi-.i lubricant. Mn-
lm(r to tna fiia nriwura of tu-rv-ss ! J
trnrath tha skin and has a niutktj ' t j
to l,lh thM broad. Hut abdominal
miirnlH ar aubjwted. Tbe coras, ttfu
aona and liKsmenia ara thus frrnilit?d lo
Irrb-h arbr.uui the eomutpoiiajiiif suitaca
train ao ofua lnvuivnd tfurinj the pertud
ftf i-tl!vo. and particularly t ouiH
moih.-ij j tliia rfim-auil apiilcatluu of
litpatiniabia vtlue alnc l.i thus a.l,s
Ibe inuaclrs firm but UlUnt It enables
ibm to go thruUFh tha ordr&l tibout
!ralon Kf the fiildormia oflro the w
IK-'I III X.'BII HUll..a t Urulci'lrd.
"nluiber'a t-'rinid" U l.lKbiy rt-.oin-mrndvd
ty a b.wl of woinon. W nu
' Hsiuiiit.T Co.. 4'IH linar fcl'V .
Afi,ia. i . and will aeod oa a v.l-kui-'l
iUU lyi.'t til iccUt.t u,vt
It. Cmil-U a Kntir Rtf k ' of
IJ.uU iolt Papt-i' With or
without boidr. Worth ujl to
22o. Hale prii e. a "1 1
roll ' a"2"C
U. Campbell's SttKk of Tvro-Tonn
Ituplev PtKTs Shades of tan,
brown, gret-n and gray. Worth upi
to 2 Sc. Speclul,
Monday, a roll
54-Inch Black
Crepe de Chine
Just ten pieces in this se
lection. All exceptionally
(rood quality and highly
desirable right now.
Monday, one-third lesa
Popular PriceJ Silks on Our Famous Silk Tables
10,000 yard." of especially selected silks, comprising
silks in fancy stripes, in plain weaves, 'foulards, print
.ed 1'eau de Cant, corded silks; 36-inch chiffon faille,
40-inch printed marquisettes and grcnandines on light
and medium dark grounds and taffetas and messa
lines.' At a Little Mora flian Half Their Worth, a yd.,
H. CainptH-ll'a M1 (vlliiits With borders to match.
paUrtis to thooxe from. Special, a roll . . . ,
Ajtt-nta for "-Oi h Ontury"
We finnlh pp'tbangM-;
PitNt loih r; also "Usili lkgv lry SUe.
all our work Kuarxuteed.
Special Displays and Pricings of Drees Goods
50 to 64-Inch Suitings Various sort weaves, suit
able for suits, coetumes and dresses; also Coverts
In soft materials, correct Btyles, a yard Qf
Jl.00 to ''
French Serges Are Very Popular For Monday w
offer, in the very newest ahades, two numbers ot
the same quality. 43 Inches wide, a H ff
yard 79c; 60 inches wide, a yard.... vliUU
Drees Forms at Very Special Prices
acma trs ronul Full hrlaht.
( l, i.e j,ut iM rniitU 1h-h Iftla-n
Ui-. l''ttl,
-, ti
nil Eoebrt rouj-tctl&ttal X5rae
orm iiulr 8.09 a.lue.
MO V '
"(im" rour-Savtloaal DtM
ronu H(ulr I7.K8 valuta. tt-
lull Borchart fall Drasa Tortajt
Jaracr cowrd and rfactiT r,
Voruoii.d. AU alaaa. njl
$ vaiuaa tor sitiJU
Cream Serges
40-lnch All-Wool Cream Srges
A yard
50-lnch All-Wool Cream Serges
A yard
64-mch Fancy Weaves, for Coats
aud Su'ts fcyocial. a d. $1.39 to
Dress Goods Special
In the Basement.
A fcplecdid lot of 45 to 54-inch Suitings In
various weights and weaves. Suitable for suits,
d.-tes, spring; coats, mistee aud childreu's
frocks. Worth to fl.OO. Special, a A?
yard . 4 C
V-r- -. waaMT wawasrT wT T"- V)imy ?wimr Bwsw-f ymmey f mmtfj j mimm'f mmr awwswP-Y T""""""? f""? 1' ' l"""lJf
LiLiaiwU iasaiiiiL-J ajaaMiAaiBjaita,ai ' ' a aawaa fci m A jiiaaamn f, ftnaaaank