Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 19, 1915, Page 7, Image 7

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Now Does Her Own Work.
Lydia E. Pinkh&m's Vegeta
ble Compound Helped Her.
I ronton, Ohio. " I am enjoying bet
ter health now than I have for twelve
years, when I be
gan to take Lydia E.
Plnkham's Vegeta
ble Compound I
could not sit up. I
had female troubles
and was very ner
vous. I used the
remedies a year and
I can do my work
and for the last eight
months I have
worked for other
women, too. I cannot praise Lydia E.
Pink ham's Vegetable Compound enough
for I know I never would have been as
well if I had not taken it and I recom
mend it to suffering women.".
Daughter Helped Also.
"I gave it to my daughter when she
was thirteen years old. She was in
school and was a nervous wreck, and
could not sleep nights. Now she looks
so healthy that even the doctor speaks
of it. You can publish this letter if you
like." Mrs. Rena Bowman, 161 S. 10th
Street, Ironton, Ohio.
Why will women continue to suffer
day in and day out and drag out a sickly,
half-hearted existence, missing three
fourths of the joy of living, when they
can find health in Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound T
If you have the slightest doubt
that Lydia K. lMnkliam's Vegeta
bleCom pound will help you, write
(confidential) L j nn, f assMfor ad
vice. Your letter will be opened,
read and an h we rod ly a womr.n
and held In strk't confident"
Zt Stop Itching Instantly, and Clears
Away Unsightly Emotions.
If your skin itches and burns with
eczema or any such tormenting, uiiBlghtly
kin disease, simply wash the gore places
with Keslnol Soap and hot water dry,
and apply a little Tteslnol Ointment. The
Itching stops INSTANTLY, you no long
er have to dig and scratch, sleep becomes
possible, and healing begins at once. That
is because the soothing, antiseptic Resl
nol medication strikes right into the sur
face, arrests the action of the disease,
nd almost always restores the tortured.
Inflamed skin to perfect health quickly,
easily and at little cost.
Prescribed by doctors for twenty year,
and sold by every druggist. For free
trial, write to Dept. 8-R, Kcsinol, Balti
more. Md.
When you Wash your hair, don't use
soap. Most soaps 'and prepared iham
poos contain too much alkali,' which
Is very injurious, as it dries the scalp
and makes the hair brittle. '
The best thing to use is just plain
mulsified cocoanut oil, for this is purs
and entirely greaseless. It's very
cheap, and boats soaps or anything
else all to pieces. .You can get this
at any drug store, and a few ounces
will last the whole family for months.
Simply moisten the hair with water
and rub it in, about a teaspoonful Is
all that is required. It makes sn
abundance of rich, creamy lather,
cleanses thoroughly, and rinses out
easily. The hair dries quickly and
evenly, and is soft, fresh looking,
bright, fluffy, wavy and easy to
handle. Besides, it loosens and takes
out every particle of dust, dirt and
I dandruff. Advertisement.
The Standard
the safest, most reliable
and most popular for the
common ailments of Btomach,
liver and bowels, is always
Tks Largttt Salt of Ant Utduim in 0 WorU
Sold enrerywasra. la boas. 10c, 25c
tieneral Distributors
Omaha, Neb.
fidelity Storage St Ysa Co. Xof. S8S.
W. t. Sslby ft Bans, general Insurance.
Mst Beet Frlnt It New Beacon Press
urg-sss-Oraadsa Co. Lighting na
tures. Wanted Choice real estate loans. W.
H. Thomas, J2I Stats Bank Bids'.
Vsbraska Barings ft fcoaa Ale'".
Open for business in Us temporary loca
tion with the miled States National
bank, ift Fa mam.
Today's Complete Movie rrocraxa"
classified section today, and appears In
Ths Be EXCLUSIVELY. Find out what
tbs various moving picture theaters offer.
Chicken Pie Dinner A chicken pie
dinner will be served today from ll:t0
a. m. till 1:30 p. m. by Mrs. Morriam's
division of the ladles' Aid society of the
First Presbyterian church In tho parlors
of the church. Seventeenth and Dodge
Quickly boosted and easily accessible
arc two prlmo requisites ot a dcslrabla
office location. Tenants In Tho Bei
Building, "the building that is always
new," find these two conditions ot great
service in building up their business.
Benteaos Is Suspended Harry Decker.
1507 North Seventeenth street, was given
thirty days' suspended sentence for sous
ing his wife. He was arrested Tuesday
on a like charge, but was let off by Judge
Foster when the wife failed to appear
against him. Immediately repeating the
offense he was again arrested, as wss
Mrs. Decker as complaining witness. He
promised not to offend a third time.
School Teachers
Quarrel Over Use
of the Word "Was"
One little word perhaps never made
more of a stir among Omaha grammar
ians than did the word "Was'" in an ad
vertisement In Ths Bee Just a few dsys
ago. Doane Powell, The Bee's artist,
lost a good cigar betting on whether the
word ought to be there or not. He was
mad because he lost and began to seek
higher authority.
School teachers disagreed, and princi
pals afist quarreled over the use of
the word.
In an advertisement of the Nebraska
Telephone company appeared the sentence
"Thirty thousand miles of wire was
The nrtltft bet a cigar It should have
been "Were down." He insisted that be
cause "miles" Is plural, the verb must be
plural. He agreed to leave It to an
authority In the office. The authority de
cided with the advertisement and Powell
paid the cigar. Then he searched for
scholastic authority. He got into a group
of school teachers who quarreled about
it, being equally divided on the point.
lie called up Belle Ryan, assistant
superintendent of the schools, who sus
tained him and declared it should be
"were." He beRan to nape hopes of get
ting his cigar back. Some one called up
Principal Heed of the high school, who
declared also it should be "were." Pow
ell'n hopes of getting his cigar hack
bounded 300 per cent and ha fairly did a
Highland tango about his office.
Then what did some heartless rogue
do but look into The Manual for Writers
of the University of Chicago Press. This
Is tho official book of authority of the
English language aa used by the Uni
versity of Chicago In all its official pub
lications. It la compiled . by . John
Matthews Manly, head of the .department
of English, and John Arthur Powell of
the University ot Chicago Press. It was
copyrighted In 1913, and on page 27 It has
the following to say:
"Expressions of quantity and multiples
of numbers when forming. a single, idea,
are treated singular." Then it gives these
examples, some of which exactly fit the
case In point: "Ten dollars If a low
price." "This fifty dollars Is yours."
"Three times three Is nine."
And again the artlst'a spirlui fell, as he
abandoned all hope of a smoke.
Cantono May Not Be
Tried for Murder
Joe Cantono, one of tl.c trio of slayers
of Detective Ring, captured at Norfolk,
may not be tried on a murder charge of
Qonxales. the man now In hiding, is
captured, according lo County Attorney
According to the evidence at the. In
quest, said Magney, Gonxalcs Is probably
the man who shot Ring. The case differs
from that of the Hazel McVey resort
murderers, in that the Mexicans were not
engaged ' in robbery a; the time ' f the
shooting. Consequently only one can he
charged with murder, according to the
facta ao far known.
The county attorney believes Cantono
can be convicted of breaking and enter
ing railroad cars, for which he might
receive a penitentiary sentence of from
one to ten years. Should Qonxales not
be captured, Mr. Magney is of the
opinion that Cantono should be tried for
murder on account of the possibility that
he may be the man who fired the shots.
A Winter Cough Hart the 1. Mints.
Dr. Bell's Plne-Tar-Honey stops the
Cough and prevents your cold getting
worse. It's guaranteed. Only 25c. AH
j druggists. Advertisement.
"Fifteen carloads of furniture have al
ready arrived for the Kontenclle hotel,
and three and four cars are arriving dally
end will be Immediately installed," Bays
W. H. Brandt, secretary of the Orchard
& Wilhelm company, alio, with W. M.
Hui hank, early last summer visited the
large furniture manufacturers and made
selections of all the furniture for bed
i minis, lobby, men's longe, dining rooms,
mezzanine, etc. This furniture was all
made especially for the Kontenelle hotel.
"Yes, it's a nig undertaking to Install
oil this fine- furniture in such a ahort
time," said Mr. Burbank. " but with our
large furniture trucks and a large force
of experienced men, wo will be able to
install several carloads a day and we
will surely havn the furniture in place
for the opening day."
m for war: ito rm war
Kaiser Refuses to Modify War Zone
Decree and Warn Neutrals on
Carrying Contraband.
HERL.IN (Via t.ondn Feb. n-The
text of the German government's reply
to the American note follows:
"The imperial government hss examined
the communication from tbe I'nlted
States government In the same spirit of
good will and friendship by which the
communication appears to have been dic
tated. The imperial government Is In ac
cord with the Cnlted Slates government
that for both parties it is In a high de
gree desirable to avoid misunderstandings
which might arise from measures an
nounced by the German admiralty and to
provide against the occurrence of inci
dents which might trouble the friendly
relations which so far happily exist be
tween the two governments.
"With regard to the assuring of these
friendly relations the German government
believes that It may all the more reckon
on a full understanding with the t'nlted
States aa tho procedure announced by the
German admiralty which was fully ex
plained in the note of February 4, is in
no way directed against legitimate com
merce and legitimate shipping of neu
trals, but represents solely a measure of
self-defense imposed on Germany by Its
vital Interests against England's method
of warfare, which is contrary to Interna
tional law and which so far no protest by
neutrals has succeeded in bringing back
to the generally recognised principles of
law as existing before the outbreak of
Obeys Rnlra of Sea Warfare.
"In order to exclude all doubt regarding
these cardinal points, the Grman gov
ernment once more begs lea;e to state
how things stand. 1 "n til now Germany
has scrupulously observed valid Interna
tional rules regarding naval warfare, At
the very beginning of the war Germany
Immediately agreed tq the proposal of ti e
American government to ratify the new
declaration of London and took over its
contents unaltered and without formal
obligation Into Us prize law.
"The German government haa obeyed
these rules, even when they diametrically
were opposed to its military inlereata.
For Instance, Germany allowed the
transportation of provisions to England
from Denmark until today, though It was
well able, by its sea forces, to prevent it.
In contradistinction to this attitude, Eng
land has not even hesitated at a second
Infringement ot international law, if by
such melius it could paralyze the peaceful
commerce of Germany with neutrals. Tho
German government will be the less
obliged to enter into details, as these are
put down sufficiently, though not ex
haustively. In the American note to the
British government dated December 29, as
a result of five months' experience.
"All" these encroachments have been
made as has been admitted in order to
cut off nil supplies from Germany and
thereby starve its peaceful civil popula
tion a procedure contrary to all human
itarian principle. Neutral have been
unable to prevent the interruption of
their commerce with Germany, which is
contrary to international laws
Britain Ignores American Protests.
"The American goveiument, as Ger
many readily acknowledge has protested
against the British procedure. In spito
of these protests and protests from other
neutral states, Great Britain could not
be induced to depart from the course of
action it had decided upon. Thus, for
Instance, the American ship Wllhelmlna
recently was stopped by the British, al
though its cargo was destined solely for
the German civil population, and accord
ing to 'he express declaration of the
German government was to be employed
only for this purpose.
"Germany is as good as cut off from
its overseas supply by the silent or pro
testing toleration of neutrals, not only
In regard to such goods as are absolute
contraband, but also In regard to auch
aV according to acknowledged law be
fore the war, are only conditional contra
band or not contraband at all. Great
Britain, on the other hand Is. with the
toleration of neutrul governments, not
only supplied with such goods ss are
not conlial-tind or only conditional con
traband, but with goods which are re-garde-1
by Great Britain it sent to Ger
many, as absolute contraband, namely,
provisions, industrial raw materials, etc.,
and even with good which have always
been regarded as absolute contraband.
Traffic In Arm Contraband.
"The German government feela latself
obliged to point out with the greatest
emphasis that a traffic In arms esti
mated at many hundreds of millions Is
being carried on between Amercan firms
and Germany's enemies. Germany fully
comprehends thst the practice of right
and the toleration of wrong on the part
of neutrals are matters absolutely at the
discretion of neutrals, axid involve no
formal violation o neutrality. Germany,
therefore did not complain of any formal
violation of neutrality, but ths Gor
man government, in view of complete
evidence before It, cannot help pointing
out that it, together with the entire pub
lic opinion of Germany, feels itself to be
Severely prejudiced by the fact that
neutrals, in safeguarding their rights In
legitimate commerce, with Germany, ac
cording to international law, have tip to
the present achieved no. or only Insig
nlflcent results, while they sre making
unlimited use of their right by carrying
on contraband traffic with Great Britain
anil our other enemies.
"If it Is a formal right of neutrals to
take no steps to protect their legitimate
trade with Germany and even to allow
themselves to be Influenced in the dl
rectlon of the conscious and wilful re
striction of their trade, on the other hand
we have the jierfect right, which they
unfortunately do not exercise, to cease
contraband trade, especially in arms.
with Germany's enemies.
Counter Measures . VecesaryJ
"In view of this situation, Germany,
after six months of patient waiting, sees
Itself obliged to snswer Great Britain's
murderous method of naval warfare with
sharp counter measures. If Great Britain
in its fight sgalnst Germany summons
hunger as an ally, for the purpose of
imposing upon a civilized people of 70,-
000,000. the choice between destitution and
starvation or submission to Great Brit
ain's commercial will, then Germany to
day is determined to take up the gauntlet
and appeal to similar allies.
"Germany trusts thst ths neutrals, whs
so far have submitted to the disadvan
tageous consequences of Great Britain's
hunger war in silence, or mostly In reg
istering a protest, will display towards
Germany no smaller measure of tolera
tion, even if German measures, like those
of Great Britain, present now terrors of
naval warfare.
"Moreover, the German government Is
I evolved to suppress with all Die means
at its disposal the importation of war
material to Great Britain and its allies it tukea It for granted that neutral
governments which so far have lake a ed"
steps agslnst the traffic In arms with
Germany's enemies, will not oppose for
cible suppression by Germany of this
Manila of War r.oae Define.
'Acting from this point Of view, the
German admlrslty proclaimed a naval
war sone, whose limits It exsctly defined.
Germany, so far aa possible, will seek
to dose this war sone with mlnea and
also will endeavor lo destroy hostile mer
chant vessels In every other way. While
the German government in taking action
based upon this overpowering point of'
view, keeps Itself far removed from all
Intention destruction of neutral live and
property, on the other hand. It does not
fall to recognize that from'the action to
be taken against Great Britain, dangers
arise which threaten sll trsde within the
war zone, without distinction. This Is a
nstural result of mine warfare which,
even for the strictest observance of the
limits of International law, endangevs
every ship approaching the mine ares.
The German government considers it
self entitled to the hope thst sll neutral
will acquiesce In these measures, as thev
have done in the esse of the grievous
damages Inflicted upon ihent by British
measures, all the more so as Germany 1
resolved, for the protection ot neutral
shipping even In the naval war sone, to
do everything which Is at all compatible
with the attainment of this oh.lert.
Time Limit la Liberal.
"in view of the fact that Germany gave
the first proof of its good will In fixing s
time limit of not lews than fourteen dsys
before the execution of said measure,
so that neutral shipping might have an
opportunity of making arrangements to
avoid threatening danger, this can most
surely he achieved by remaining nway
from the naval war- sone. Neutral ves
sels, which, despite this ample notice
which dslly affects the schlevement of
our alms In our war agslnst Great Brit
ain, enter these closed waters will them
selves bear the responsibility for sny un
fortunate accidents thst may occur. Ger
many disclaims all responsibility for
such accidents snd their consequences.
"Germsny hss further expressly an
nounced the destruction of all enemy
merchant vessels found within the war
sone, but not the destruction of all mer
chant vessels, as the I'nlted States seems
erroneously to have understood. This re
striction, which Germany Imposed npon
itself, Is prejudicial to ths .aim of our
warfare, especially as In the application
of the conception of contraband practiced
by Great Britain towards Germany
which conception will now also be Inter
preted by Germany the presumption will
be that neutral ships have contraband
aboard. Germany naturally Is unwilling
to renounce Us rights to ascertain the
presence of contraband In neutral ves
sels snd in certain cases to draw con
clusions therefrom.
Ready to ISegotlate Farther.
"Germany is resdy finally to deliberate
with the United States concerning any
measures which would help safety of
legitimate shipping In war zones. Ger
many cannot, however, forbear to point
out that all Its efforts in this direc
tion may be rendered very difficult by
two circumstances: First, the misuse of
neutrsl flags by merchant ships, which is
Indubitably known to the Tnlted State.
".Second, the contraband trade already
mentioned, especially In war material, on
neutral vessels.
"Regarding the latter point, Germany
would fain hope that the t'nlted Hlateg,
after further consideration, will come to
a conclusion correspondence to the
spirit of neutrality, ljgsrding the first
point. The secret order of the British
admiralty, recommending to British mer
chant ships tbs use of neutral .flags has
been communicated by Germany to the
United States and confirmed by com
munication with tho British foreign of
fice, which designates this procedure as
entirely unobjectionable and in accord
ance with Brltlah law. British merchant
shipping immediately followed this ad
vice, as doubtless is known to the Amer
ican government from the incidents of
ths Lusltanlt and Iertes,
"Moreover, the British government has
supplied arms to British merchant ships
and instructed them forcibly to resist
German submarines. In these circum
stances, it would be very difficult for sub
marines to recognise neutral merchant
ahiiw, for search in most cases cannot be
undertaken, seeing thst in the case of a
disguised British ship from which sn at
tack may be - expected, the searc hing
party, and the submatlne would be ex
posed to destruction.
Germany la Defender of Sea.
"Great Britain then was In a position
to make the German measures Illusory
If the British sqerchant marine persisted
In th misuse of neutral flags and neu
tral ship could not otherwise be recog
nized beyond doubt. Germsny, however,
being in a state of necessity, wherein It
was placed by violation ot Jaw, must ren
der effective its measures in all circum
stances, in order thereby to compel Its
adversary to adopt methods ' of warfare
corresponding with international law and
so restore the freedom of the seas, of
which Germany at all times is the de
fender and for which it is todsy fighting.
"Germany therefore rejoices thst the
United Btates haa made representations
to Great Brltsin concerning the Illegal
use of their flag, and expresses the ex
pectation that this procedure will force
Great Britain to respect the American
flag In the future. In this expectation
commanders of German aubmsrlnos hsve
been Instructed, as already mentioned In
the note of February 4, to refrain from
violent action against Amerlcsn merchant
vessels, so fsr ss these can be recog
nized. "In order to prevent in the surest man
Food Souring in
Stomach Causes
Indigestion, Gas
Wonder what upset your stomach
which ponton of the food did Ihe damage
do you? Well, don't bother, if your
stomach Is in a revolt; if sour, gassy and
upset, and what you Just ate has fer
ajwnWd into stubborn lumps; head dlzsy
and aches: belch gases snd acids and
eructate undigested food; breath foul,
tongiiu coated Just tsks a little Papa's
Diapepsln and In five minutes you won
der what became ot the Indigestion and
Millions of men and women todsy know
that it Is needless to have a bad stom
ach. A little Diapepsln occasionally keeps
this delicate organ regulated and they eat
their favorite foods without fear.
if your stomach doesn't tske care of
your liberal limit without rebellion; If
your food is a damage instead of a help,
remember the quickest, surest, most
harmless relief is Pspe's Diapepsln which
costs only frfty cents for a large case at
drug stores. It's truly wonderful It di
gests food and sets things straight, ao
gently and easi'y that it is really aston
ishing. Please, for your sake, don't go
on and on with a weak, disordered stom
ach; It' ao utmecesfary.JUJ t.
ner the consequeni es of conf us!in though
naturally not so far as mine are con
cernedGermany re.-omiiienils thst the
I 'nlted States make Its ships whl h are
conveying peaceful cargoes through the
British war zone a discernible by means
of convoy a possible.
"Germany believes It nisv Set on, the
supposition that only such ships would
be convoyed a carried goods not re
garded a contraband, according to the
Krltlsh Interpretation made In tlr case
or Germany. How this method of convey
can be carried out is a question concern
ing which Germany Is resdy to open ne
gotiations with the I'nlted State a on
a i possible. Germany f.iuld be particu
larly grateful, however. If the I'nlted
States would Urgently recommend to Its
merchant vessels to avoid the British wsr zone In any case until the set
tlement of Die flag question. Germany
a inclined to Ihe confident hope that the
I'nlted Mates wilt be able to appreciate
In its entire significance the battle vhlch
Germany Is waging for existence, and
that from the foregoing explanations snd
promises it will acquire full understand
ing of the motives and the alms .-f the
messures announced by Germsny.
Germany repeats that It has now re
solved upon the projected measures only
under the strongest necessity of national
self-defense, such meaaurea having been
deferred out of consideration for neutrals.
If the I'nlted Stales, in view of the
weight which it Is Justified in throwing
snd sble to throw Into the scales of the
fale of people, should succeed at the
last moment In removing the grounds
which make thst procedure an obligatory
duty for Germany, and If the American
government in particular should find a
way to make the declaration of London
respected on behalf also of those powers
which are fighting on Germany's slde
snd thereby make possible for Germans
lo legitimately import the neoesssrles or
life and Industrial raw material, then the
government could not too highly appre
ciate such a service rendered In the In.
terests of humane methods of warfare,
and would gladly draw conclusions from
the new situation."
Shattuck Grads to
Banquet Saturday
The second annual meeting and ban
quet of the Missouri Vallev "Old Rhads"
association will be held Saturday, Feb
ruary 30, at o'clock p. rh. at the Loyal
Shad Is the name by which all atu
denta or Shattuck school, Faribault,
Minn., are recognized. Those living in
the Missouri valley are eligible to be
come member of thin organization.
Colonel fMolhrand, present head master
of the school, and Mr. lleuben Warner
of ft. Paul, Minn., one of the trustees,
will attend the meeting. Word was re
ceived from Bishop Mlllspsugh, the first
grsduste of Shattuck, that he could not
be at the meeting on account of III
Hlx officer of the Omaha police force
will act as pullhesrers at the funeral of
former Officer William Herald to be
held Friday morning at 10 o'clock from
Dodder's undertaking parlors. They will
all wear full dresa uniforms. They sre
V. G. Nichols. .'. P. Flmple, Carl Bisk,
L. S. Thrasher, R. Smith and P. T.
Rub Rheumatism .
Pain Frfam Sore,
Aching Joints
What's Rheumatism? Pain only.
Stop drugging! Not one case In fifty
requites internal treatment. Hub sooth
ing, penetrating "HI. Jacobs OH" direct
ly uiion the "tender spot" snd relief
come Instantly, "lit. Jacobs oil" Is a
harmless rheumatism and sciatica lini
ment, which never disappoints and can
not burn the skin.
Umber up! Quit complslnlng! Get a
small trial bottle from your druggist,
and in Just a moment you'll be free from
rheumatic and sciatic pain, aorenesa,
stiffness and swelling. Don't suffer! Be
lief awslts ynu. Old, honest "St. Jacobs
Ml" hss cured millions of rheumatism
sufferer in the Isst half century, and I
Just a good for sciatica, neuralgia, lum
bago, backache, sprains and swellings.
W i .-1
Juiciest, Sweetest Oranges
Just as They Taste in Californiaat Your Dealer's Now
say "SUNKIST" Sunldst Lemons
Order by telephone today. Have these
famous Seedless Nave's for tomorrow's break
fast. Serve them at every meal and between
mealH trv this wav nf lieentno- mlt
Your dealer now has a
Sunkist. Prices are low
better. Sunkist cost no more than common
kinds, so don't order merely "oranges."
Send a postcard to the address below for a
beautiful free book that tells scores of attractive
ways to serve Sunkist in salads and desserts
Funeral Services
for Fred Duf rene
Funeral services rjr Fred R. Du'rene,
proprietor of the Fsrnsm hotel, wh i ws
killed Tuesday morning when he Jnmed
from a seclml-storv window, were held
yesterday at 2 o'clock from the First
Fruit Laxative if Constipated,
Take "California Syrup of Figs"
If you re headachy, constipated, bilious
or stomach Is disordered and you want to
enjoy the nicest liver and bowel cleans
ing yon ever experleni-ed. take a table
spoonful of "California Syrup of Figs'"
tonlaht and In the morning all the con
stipation poison, bile and clogged-up
waste ulll gently move out of the sys
tem without griping and ynu will feel
Kveiy member of the family should
i!a this fruit laxative aa occasion de
msnd It Is Just as effective for grand
la as It Is for baby. It simply csn not
Injure. Kven cross, sick, feverish chil
dren Just love Its pleasnnt taste and
Order these
fish, meats and
f'l- "ft
v n f ;
Ji if
. fr.-.-.-.v.v.'.v.-.v.v.; '' '
" - I
you now use vinegar. Learn the
86 ways to use Snnkist Lemons
" . ' .
laree supply of Ja a
and Quality
i quality never no, neips.
Insist ao SuakUt
cist this Beautiful
Congregational church. The body was)
placed In the receiving vault at Prospect
lilll cemetery and will be removed later
lor burial at Detroit. Mr. Elizabeth Dn
trrne. the mother, who hss been lit, haa
not been told of his desth.
Fsllbesrers were Dr. William ITaney ot
rhlosgo, William Fargrnt, Elmer .Neville,
Thoma 11. McCegue, A. W. Carpenter,
C. 11. Hhermsn, Hugh A. Myers and Paul
W. Kuhns.
i mothers can rest easy after giving it.
J Weause It never falla to effect a food
j "Inside cleansing."
I For thirty years "California Syrup of
Figs'' hss been recommended . by physi
cians as the Ideal stomach, liver and
bowel cleanser. Millions of families who
are well Informed use nothing else, but
recently there- hss come a flood Tf spuri
ous fig syrups, so we warn the public
to ask plainly at drug stores for a fro
cent bottle of "California Syrup of Figs,"
and see that It Is prepared by "CallTor
n'a Fig Syrup Company." We make, no
rheaper'alze. Hand bsck any "counter
felt" with contempt. Advertisement.
lemons, too. Serve with
tea. Use their juice wherever
. J,-
7 bouse- tt-jSg
Sara lit Wrap ra
to writ
V "Snnkist Salads aa4 Des
serts." Also fires fnll Inform s-
i sschsDge Snnkist wrappers for Waa.
h n KUKimnceRa iimivtrA.
a sa&.v V. riraa