Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 15, 1915, Page 7, Image 7

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JfARNKT ST.. UW Front room. nwly
furnished, hot water heat; walking
KICK, large room for
with or without board.
Jled 621.
two gentlemen.
101 So. Kth Ave.
private home. Call Harney 4151.
H. 25. 114Nicely fum. warm room. D.S4t2
MOD., well furn. room, alnn houaekeep
ItiR. Tel. H. S73. IIS S. Sfttli St.
WDKN HOTEL. Council Bluffa. atea-n
boated room, 13 per week. Phone 4i.
La Verna, 18U Cap., front rma. Stem, nt
jn wmuaavu, vftT-w.a in., i j n -1 j turn.
room Good location. MOS Ilarn.
CINOLB or en aulte. 611 N. ISth at.
Board and Roumi.
DODOK. Board and room. H. 1V
Farvtaaed tlanaekeeploat Rmm.
Korth 4th, 75 Steam-beated fur rooms.
HonaekeeillaK Itonmi.
BLEEPINO and housckaeptna room a, fur
tiae heat. 726 8. 18th. Tyler lnJt-W.
Hotels M A frartmrai.
CALIFuKNIA Hotel. 1Mb shrt Callfnrnla,
Weeklr rates 2 and up. Douflaa TONL
PODGK HTEL- Morffcrn Raaaonabla.
Howaea 1 Cottae.
ALL sites, S3 per month up. 607 Paxton.
S-r.. modern. 71 S. S7th St. 7-r.. modern.
WU Leav. St., food "ocatlon. Web. 2ftX
7-ROOM modern detached house. 106 8.
3fcth 8t. liar. 123.
Strictly modern and up-to-date 9-room
ridua. with 2 bathrooms, hot water heat
and every convenlenoa. In tha best part
ct the West Farnam district, $S per
month, Qwner will give long leaaa if de
tired. !
Twenty-room house on 88th, near Har
tley, $86. '
Five rooms, moderate, on the South tith
ft. car line, $23. Will lease one year to
responsible party for 120.
Sevan rooms, sleeping porch and sun
room, new and desirable. exceptionally
tine view, quiet neighborhood, SjO, or $06
vith garage.
Seven rooms and hall, strictly modern,
hardwood finish in first story: three bed
rooms upstairs, one bedroom or den and
bath on first floor, 330. This house fronts
on a paved street and boulevard, 2V4
blocks from car line.
Five-room cottage H block from the
Harney St. car line. HO.
Four-room house on Harney car ltne.
310. Ml
Strictly modern house on 38 th Ave.. 6
bedrooms and two bathrooms. ISO.
Modern house in 'West Farnam district,
four bedrooms. S4i.
8-room modern house, one Mock from
North 21th street car line, $35.
Ifi03 Farnam St. Phone Doug. STA
For Rent
New ' '
Double Houses
at 29th and Dewey
2 to 5 P.M.
12-ROOM modern house, with barn, hot
water beat. 2618 Harney St., vacant
March L Inquire T. J. O Brien. H. 1004,
Globe Van&Storage
Stores, moves, packs, shirs; t-hcrae van
and 2 men. $1.26 per hr.; storage 11 per
mo. Satisfaction guar. D. 4338 ac Ty. 830.
J gs Tl 1 fixp. cro., moving,
I . KPPfl Packing as storage.
Gordon VanCo. S
til N. Uth St.
Phone D 3S4 or Web. 1361
11 In all carta of the city.
UUUBBBCpilh Sons A Co.. Bee Bldir.
per hr.; uiay. 8 men,
Webster. Doug. 14S.
Van aad Stor
age Co., Large
van, 8 men, $1.W
81.26 per hr. 1711
We have complete list of all houses,
apartments and flats that are for rent.
This list can be seen free of chsrge at
Omaha Van & Storage Co., ftOtf So. 16th St.
FOR RENT 6-room cottage, 671 North
4;th St, $10. Call Wainut 2SH3.
t-R., Partly modern, $16. 286$ Taylor.
No. 6810 TTnderwood Ave. All modern, 8
room residence, oak - finish, toilet on
each floor; in first clasa condition. Will
lease to good party for at least one year
at $40 per month.
Doug. 10S3. Room 108 McCague Bldg.
READY. February lBtli. u very desirable
office, with reception room; now being
decorated; 170 aq. ft.; $18.
"The bulging that is always new."
. Store aad Otfteea..
t'owntown stores. U H. Hill. $30 Bran. Th.
A GOOD farm cloee to Omaha, not larger
than ltf) acres. Address E. 63, Bee.
J M PROVED farm of 120 acre or oue not
exceeding 10. M 645. Bee.
enees. E. Connor,
must have convent
care Allen Bldg.
6-ROOM cottage modern by couple with
out children. North of Locunt. Phone
Webster 7171. .
AV ANTED by roan said wife, modern
furnished housekeeping apartment, prt
ate bath. Describe und state price. Ad
v dress C-14. Bee.
i OR KOODi, BUlclly Model a, close
to '24 and Farnam. Must be reasonable.
Phone Douglas 0.
TO SETTLERS ONLY S-JO-acras for 3Q0;
rich corn, alfalfa and wheat land, no
aand. Ji A. Tracy. Ft. Morgan, Colo.
GOOD lend, closti to R. R. town. Jo acres.
$4u0, $6 monthly; 40 acres, $.00, $10
monuiiy; m acres, iiouu; no interest, no
taxus, no forfeiture; best bargain in
Soul Missouri; literature free. D. Mer
riam. Ellis A Benton. Keneas City, Kaa.
IMPROVED farma In corn belt of Mlnne
, sota. $40 to V.U per acre. Also large
aoreaee unimproved. Agents wanted.
Farmers Laud Co., Talace Bldg., Miune-
a polls, m inn.
MINNESOTA LANDS at wholesale
S.Ou) acres Manliall county, prairie, good
oil. near railroad, $15.60 per airo; li w per
acre cuh. balance five equal payments.
per cent: 4.000 acrts Cass county: Uarld
loam, with clay subsoil; considerable
hardwood timber; should ret fill at 3 per
acre: price. $0.60: $3 Pr aero cuh, bat-
am-e moet anv kind of terms. ( per cent.
i(l atrea Lake county. 26 to 35 miles fine
like IronlHxt- U HI urr acre: $1 per acre
mull, halame three equal payments, $
per cent. Schwab Bros., 1YS Plymouth
lilrg , M I nneapolia. Mum.
luvealors with money reiul the Real
Estate ads in Tike Bee. Advertise your
property for a quick bale.
I North Dakota.
IMPROVED farm, Soi acres. Cavalier
county. North Dakota, 7 miles from
Indon. ro. aeat. on O. N. R. R.. mllea
from station on "Soo Line": well Vettlod
country i Rood noil; hlf under cultivation;
well, barn; (trows alfalfa and email
rain. Prlre, 40 per aero. Writ to H,
K. Fl-yherifer 1060 Socurlty Bank Bldg.,
MlneanolK Minn.
SECTION Kimball Co. oivss. 1101 Paul
Uppei: Wisconsin
Beat dairy and general crop state in the
Union: settlers wanted. Lands for sale at
low prices on easy terms. Ask for book
let No. 34 on Wisconsin CXntral Land
Grant. Excellent lands for stock raising.
It Interested in fruit lands aak for book
let on Apple Orchards. Addrees l-nd and
Industrial Department. Boo Line Railway,
Minneapoua, aunn.
FOR SALF, or Rent, 0-room cottage, 71
Nortn ttn nt. leima. s.wv casn ana
monthly payments). Inquire at once. I
Walnut Z043. -1
REED Abstract Co.. oldest abstract of
fice in Nebraska. fctranoeia i neater.
KERR Title Guarantee and Abstract Co.,
a modern abstract otfloe. SOS S. 17th St.
Phone Douglas Mol.-
CITY and farm loans. . m, per cent.
J. H. Dumont A Co..lM3 Farnam, Omaha
WANTBD City loans and warrants. W.
Farnam Smith 4b Co., 1320 Farnam.
Iiuo to W,WM made promptly. F. D. Weed,
Wead BWg., tn ana r amain aim.
WANTED City loan Peters Trust Co.
OMAHA homes. East Nebraska farms.
1016 Omaha Natl. Douglas $71$,
$100 to $10,0(10 made promptly. F. D. '
Wead lildg.. lKt.n and "arnam Sts.
D. Wead.
BEB us first for farm loans la eastern
Neb. United States Trust Co., Omaha.
C. Q. Carloerg,
Theater Bldg.
CITY property. Large loans a apealUty,
w. i nomas, tat state Bank Hid.
on nana tor city and farm loans,
H. W. Binder. City Natl Bank Bldg.
Land in Trade
, . Merchandise
I have a client who owns some good
Omaha property and land, wants to aettle
In country town and will trade for good
running stork, anywhere up to $-0,000.
Ware Block. Douglas
WE HAVE good Omaha Income property,
consisting of dwellings and apartment
housoH. to exchange for good Improved
farm lend in Nebraska, Iowa or Eastern
South Dakota. Give full particulars as
to Improvements, price, etc.
'. 307 McCague Bldg.
270-acre farm, IS miles from Co. Bluffs,
ia.; z ,seis ot gooa improvements, or
chard, tt tillable, bal. hill pasture. Price.
$76 per acre. Mtg., $8,000. per cent, 6
years to run. can be paid any lime.
will exchange ror umana property
448 Bee Bldg. Doug. 6707.
WILL trade 1 quarters, Perkins county,
Nebraska, land for improved acreage
near Omaha. What have you to offer.
Address M. 67. care Bee.
( TO 10 acres near car lines; good for
platting. D. 247.
Field Club Home
Price $2,000
Below Value
On 26th Ave., on the block north of
Woolworth, In the very beet part of this
district, we offer a practically new home
of 8 fine well arranged rooms, for $6,000,
which Is $2,000 less than would be required
to duplicate the house ar.d lot.' Lot Is an
east front, 64x123. House is absolutely
modern. There is a straight per cent
loan of $3,500 on the property which
has several years yet to run. 82,600 cash
will handle this purchase. If you don't
want this for a home buy as an Invest
ment for you can make a sure profit be
fore the summer is over.
Armstrong-Walsh Co.
TYLER 1688.
WOULD you buy a. lot at a sacrifice
Drice? Full size, sewer, water and gas
on street. Owner leaving city.. Call Web
ster 84 for particulars, or tall at 8630
Grand Ave.
1 Elegant Home
Field Club District
Brand new two-story dwelling, upper
half stucco, with line garage adjoining;
built by day labor; a beautiful home ia
every respect; large living room, press
brick fireplace. - dining room has fine
built-in buffet, nice kitchen, three splen
did sleeping rooms, large sleeping porch;,
choice bathroom, tiled floor, maid's room
on third floor; maty attractive reatures
not in the ordinary dwelling. Ask to see
it and you will be more than oleased
with Its attractiveness snd good value.
Owner will seU on reasonable terms. ,
Scott & Hill Co.
Douglaa 1U0. U-7-8 McCague Bldg.
2711 NORTH S6TH bT Five-room and
bath; strictly modern cottage; oak fin
ish, hardwood floors, east front, over
looking Country club links. Choicest lo
cation in Benson. Lot 43x135. nine fin
shade trees. Half block to car. Key next
door. $700 cash will handle, owner. Ad
dress J-67B. ee.
Gallagher & Nelson
Real Estate
and Insurance
644 Brandeis Bldg. D. 3382.
5 rooms, all atrictly modern, cement
basvment and walks, south front lot. oak
finish in living rooms, maple floors, ele
gant furnished bath, room, ritoe f3.ouu.
raving all paid.
213 Brandels Theater Bldg.
Notice la hereby given that the regular
annual nmellug of tne stockholders of the
booth piaite Lena company will be heid
al the omce or aaia company at Uncvlu,
Nebraska at eleven o ut k a na. on the
tiara oay or siartn, n it.
C H. MOKRILL. President
A. B. MINoK. ttecretary.
Lincoln. Nebraska. February 1. 1MB.
Souththnah Commission M&n Putt
La Protest Against Shutting
Off Western Iowa.
W. J. Perry, manager of W. J. Perry
Co., live slock commlsKlon merchants oi
South Omaha, makes a vigorous protest
against the order of quarantine against
western Iowa rattle. In a signed state
ment sent to The Bee, he says:
'On 1 or about November 1, 1M4, the
foot and mouth disease was discovered In
three or four counties In eastern Iowa,
and on or about November the federal
government placed a quarantine against
the whole state of Iowa, prohibiting the
shipment of any kind of live stock out
of the state. About three weeks later the
government modified the order and al
lowed cattle, hoas and sheep to be
shipped to the different packing centers
In otfier states for Immediate slaughter.
except from such counties in eastern
Iowa In which tha foot and month dis
ease was known to exist. These counties
were kept under strict quarantine arid
are still so kept by the federal govern
ment. Western Iowa la Freed.
On or about December IS the federal
government revoked their former order
and allowed the clean area or western
Iowa to ship their stock to any market,
without any quarantine restrictions what
ever, this late rule proving very satisfac
tory to the western Iowa feeder and ship
per.' who for years has been a stancn
friend and supporter of the South Omaha
market, but during the short period of
relief granted our Iowa friends and
neighbors, an ' agitation was started
among our eattlo barons In western Ne
braska and eastern Wyoming, and the re
sult was that on the 6th of the present
month the general manager of our stock
yards company here placed an embargo
against all cattle from St. Paul, .Minn..
and Bloux City, la., including all contrib
uting- territory. This was a wise and
commendable move on the part of Mr.
Buckingham, as the e-.le danger lay In
allowing stock cattle from the dairy ter
ritory north and east of Sioux City toj
come to this market, cttner in transit or
to be offered for sale.
Changes Gas; Rale.
"Up to this time everything had worked
very satisfactorily to everyone concerned,
except to the eattlo barons mentioned,
who still clamored for more rigid quar
antine. The result was a called meeting;
at the Live Btock exchange chamber on
the 8th of the present month, which was
Monday of this week,' the meeting being
presided over by James Bulla, who, by
the way. Is also chairman of the Ne
braska Live Stock Sanitary board. The
above mentioned cattle barons were! at
this meeting In force, and to assist the
cause were several ' prominent Omaha
bankers, who made their force fully felt
by delivering 'several eloquent speeches.
Iowa had , a fair representation at the
meeting to plead their cause, but they
had no chance, as the die. was cast, gag
rule was resorted to, and unless a man
was lit favor of placing a quarantine
against western Iowa, which Is just as
clean as Nebraska aa far as foot and
mouth 'llsease Is concerned, . he might
Just aa well hold his seat and keep still.
How Quarantine Works Oat.
' "The result was that ' our Nebraska
Live Stock Sanitary board placed an
embargo agalnet the clean area of west
ern Iowa on all classes of live stock,
Including eattlo, hogs and sheep, except
for immediate slaughter. Right here Is
where Nebraska made a grave mistake,
as it is a notorious fact that this kind
of a quarantine does not quarantine at
all. .. The stock yards company here has
no preparations made for an absolute
quarantine and it would take some time
to make the necessary preparations. It
is an admitted fact that slnoe the order
went ' Into effect the . Iowa stock has
been yarded In segregated pena and! has
been weighed over a segregated scale,
but right here the quarantine ends, for
Just as soon as the ownership passes from
the shipper and owner to the packer, that
moment 1 t)A quarantine ends.' for the
packer orders bis cattle unlocked, takes
them out of the .quarantine pens without
ever being questioned where he is going
to drive them, consequently he drives
over the nearest route to his packing
house, over and across the vsry same
alleys that our supposed clean Nebraska
cattle have to travel every day, so' that
while this enforced quarantine doea not
quarantine at all. only long enough to
relieve the shipper of his stock at' the
lowest and meanest price they dare bid.
Plead for Iowa Cattle.
"The cattle baron that forced this issue
has no more protection than ha had before
this last foolish order was put into ef
fect. Before closing this letter I would
ask the cattlA-traron to think this matter
over very carefully and see If you have
not done the western Iowa feeder a
great injustice, please think back a
little and aea If you cannot remember
No. 117J.
The State Bank f Omaha,
of Omaha-Charter No. 117$ in the State
of Nebraska st the close of business
February , ISIS:
ItiOURCEfl. .
Loans and discounts ...$1,01S,SCT.TT
Bonds, securities, Judgments,
claims, etc
Banking house, furniture and
fixtures '..
4.310. 12
Other real estate
Current expenses, taxes and
Interest tiaid
Cash items
Due from National
and State banks... $K4,44.
Checks and Items, of '
exchange IS.iM.lS
Current-y W,ti7&.
Oold coin 11.0,0. (W
bllver, nickel and
. cents $,215.96
Capital stock paid in
surplus tuna
Undivided profits.
Reserved for taxes ,
Individual deposits
subject to cheok....$610,
Demand certificates
.of deposit $,064.00
Time certificates of
deposit K4.ffiT.4
Certified cheeks 1,4). 00
Cashier's checks out
standing I.40S.14
Due to national and
state banks 1M.089.17 ti70,KM
jjepositors guaranty luorJ...... 4,uz.t7
Totals $1,686,730.74
mate or ftenrasaa. county of Douglas, aa;
I, F. N. lith caahler of the above
named hank, do hereby swear that the
above statement is a correct and true
copy of th report made to the State
Banking board.
' r v utr-ir
, ... i.
Attest: faihler.
, Directors.
Hubarrtbed and sworn to before me this
12th day of Ffbruary, V.W
Notary Public.
that year after rear this same Iowa I
feeder whom you are now Injuring has'
been your friend. He comes over every
summer and keeps coming until late In
the fall, and sets the high price for your
good feeders and maintains that trtgh
price year in and year out the whole
season through. Juet try and think of
these things, then get together and got
up a little petition asking Mr. James
Bulla, the chairman of your state board,
to have thin order rescinded, as you are
not safeguarded In any way by the
present rule, and by doing as I have
asked, you would only be doing luetic
to your Iowa neighbor and friend, and
I know both your Iowa frlenile and your
selves would feel lots better.
"W. J. riiRRT.",
Farmers' Mutual
Duly Incorporated
(From a Staff Correspondent)
LINCOLN, Feb. 14. (Special.) The
Farmers Mutual Insurance company of
Nebraska, located at Lincoln, received
considerable adverse sdverttslng one day
last week through state papera because
the name of the company was included
with about aeventy others In a list fur
nished by th secretary of state, which,
it was alleged, had failed to incorporate
under the law and were liable to prosecu
tion. President W. E. fctraub of tha company
took the matter up with the secretary of
state and received the following letter in
reply, showing the seereary's error In In
cluding the company In the Utf
Answering your Inquiry of even date
herewith, I find that the Farmers" Mu
tual Insurance company of Nebraska, lo
cated at Lincoln, was organised Septem
ber. 25, 1S91; articles of Incorporation fllid
February 13, 1907, and recorded In book 10
at paa 8ti; also that amended articles
were filed February l. 1907, recorded In
book 10 at page , miscellaneous Incor
porations; also amended articles were
filed .February IX 1907, and recorded In
book 10 at page 36, miscellaneous Incor
porations. So far as I am able to Judge your com
pany has fully compiled with the require
ments of this oftlcej
Chadron Dry Goods
Company Has Fire
CHADRON. Neb., Feb. 14. (Special
Telegram.) Fire in the dry goods store
of M. E. Smith A Co. this morning
caused a loss estimated at $8,000; insured
for $30,009,
Caas Coaatr "Finances.
WEEPINO WATER, Neb., Feb. 14.
(Special.) An Indication of the increase
of automobiles In' Cass county during the
last two years is shown by reportg of
the county treasurer giving the amount
of the license money received. During
the year Just ended $1,675 was collected as
licenses from all motor vehicles, as com
pared with for the year 1913. .
Tha reports just given out on the
finances of Cass county at the end of
tho year show that (t cost the county ap
proximately $151,600 for running expenses
In the year 1914. . This was $41,600 above
the estimate of expense aa made by the
county commissioners at . the beginning
of the year. Aside from the general fund
budget of $60,778, the principal expendi
tures were for road and bridge work, a
total of $39,785 being spent tor these pur
poses. '
Observe Golden, Weddlag,
WEEPINO WATER. Neb.. Feb. ,14.
(BpeclaL)iMrv and IMrs, John Mettlebut
of Eagle celebrated, their fiftieth wedding
anniversary on February 10. . A feature
of the oocaslon was ' a surprise which
about fifty friends and relatives carried
out on them. A eloign ride and basket
upper was had.
Native Coat Vseel.
NEBRASKA CITY. Neb., Feb. I4.-(Spe-
SL - toe county native coal mined from
the farm of B. p. Talt is being experi
mented with by several parties in Ne
braska City. The coal Is especially
adapted for kitchen ranges.
. Tha Court ef ImMt Resort.
Around the stove of the cross road
grocery is the real court of last resprt
for It finally overrules all others. Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy has been brought
before this court in almost every cross
roads grocery in this country, and has
always received a favorable verdict It
is in the country where man expects to
receive full value for his money that this
remedy is most appreciated. Obtainable
everywhere Advertisement
BERLIN, Feb. 11 (By Wireless to Say
vllle.) Advices received hero today from
Constantinople say that the Turkish gov
ernment will protest against tho sinking
by the Russians of th steamship Wash
ington, while sailing under th American
flag. Th veasei ia reported to have been
sunk on . February 8, while engaged , in
carrying Red Croat supplies between 'Con
stantlnopl and Treblsond. . i
WASHINGTON, Feb. 11 Ambassador
Morgenthau sent a further report today
to the Etate department concerning the
sinking of th steamer Washington dur
ing the bombardment of the Turkish port
of Trebizond. .He gave two versions of
the affair that had reached him. one
that th Turks had fired o th Russian
ships and precipitated 'a bombardment,
and the other, that the Russians were
th aggressors. He did not say whether
the Washington was in the line of fire
or not, non did he report whether the
ship flew the American or Greek flag.
CHICAGO, Feb.' 11 Lewi E. Dickin
son, an attorney, under sentence to serve
four yesr in the penitentiary for an at
tempt to obstruct publlo justice, dropped
dead in a restaurant near the criminal
court building today while counsel argued
a motion for a new trial before Judge
Petit Dickinson was out on bonds.
Judge Petit denied the motion and re
affirmed the sentence and a deputy
armed with a capias was sent to search
for th defendant. Th court official
found th defendant a few minutes after
he had died. '
A B peel f to Aa-alast Colds.
"If there is such a thing ss a poiflo
against colds, it is to be found in th
sleeping porch or the -open bed room.
Next to that come the oold sponge bath
In the morning," says the Youths Com
panion. Be aa careful aa you can you
will occasionally take cold, and when
you do you will find Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy a great help la enabling you to
get rid of it Try it. Obtainable avery
where. Advertisement.
Investors wtth money read the Real
Estate ads In The Bee. Advertise your
property for a quick sfale
Members of Upper Chamber Have
Man Attributes to Commend
Them to Public.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, , Feb. 14 Special.) With
the harmony that prevails between the
house and senate which la likened to the
harmony which Is shown between Ne
braoka's big democrats In Washington,
leglnlatlon at this session by tho Ne
braska legislature Is not all likely to be
of a nature which will Inspire very much
confidence In the minds of the aversgo
Peope Interested greatly from a finan
cial standpoint, and from the aspect of
the Job holder, look upon the senate as
the Ufa saver for them and the state, be
cause It Is composed, of men. the major
Ity of whom have at tome time or an
other served the state either In the senate
or house. i
A look at the life saving crew sfiows
men of ability and acumen, whatever that
Is. Presided over by a man who has
shown tha ability to do things and get
things, Janiea Pearson, lieutenant-governor,
is a worthy msn to handle the stear
ins; car In the dash to save the old ship
from the rocks.
Over at the right of the lieutenant gov
ernor's desk Is the desk of Senator Iver
Bygland of Roone county. Mr. Bygland
has Ideas on dope and hog chalera serum,
lie has served a term in the house and
really has a hard Job to fill the place of
his successor, J. H. Kemp. t
The Western Members.
Next to Bygland sits Dr. Wilson of
Frontier, the man who believes In giving
medicine to cure pain on the inside In
stead of trying to rub It out (fom the
outside. He Is said to, be a reactionary
democrat but he looks most too much like
President Wilson to get away with it
Back of Wilson 6f Frontier ia the desk
of Wilson of Dodge. Uee, too, 1 a demo
crat, said to be of the old school, but
school Is not keeping now he assists Sen
ator Weesner, who defeated a Methodist
preacher, and sits next to him. In trying
to make good in the preacher's ploca.
weesner too, Is a democrat and yotes
as he feels like it.
Over at the extreme right of the pre
siding officer's throne Is Senator Grace,
the man who believes a Teddy Roose
velt does, but who has Teddy skinned
several city blocks, as he has fifteen
children. benator Grace weighs 260
pounds and is chairman of the employ
mant agency of the senate and believes
in division of the spoila and other things.
It las aid that the senator has aspira
tions to sit In the governor's chair and
on accoun of his also ought to fill It if he
could get votes enough.
Statesman from Rdgrar,
Over in the back row ,on the right Is
"Billy" Brookley, the Edgar sctateaman.
No lob Is too hard for him to tackle, even
to scoring the pretty girts in the tallery
who appeared in the Interests of the
rubber business thW other day and ap
plauded too loudly. 1 . i .,
Next to Brookley and between him and
Krumliach, another democrat. Is the only
republican in that section, Benator Spen-
hL??:. U! ,ltUnB "n,Pll"c -
tlon of the "rose between two thorns.
Senaotr Krumback is a representative
of the Emerald Isle. However, he is one
of the influential men of the senate,
getting his inspiration, like Brookley,
from the republicans between them.
In Front of Throne.
Immediately in front of the throne sit
two democrats who aro majclng their
presence felt in the senate, Beal of Custer,
who talks a great deal, and Robertson of
Holt, who keeps silent a, good deal. Beal
Is a lawyer and wants public warehouses
and chtropracttcs, while Robertson Is a
stockman and wants the national gusrd
to go out of business. It Is said that
Robertson represents Carransa, Villa a
Co., and believes that if he can get his
bill through to compel members of the
Nebraska guard to work on the 'roads,
that tho Mexicans can sneak up into Ne
braska while th guards have laid down
their guns for th shovel and spade and
capture General Hall In the state house. '
Right back of the above mentioned pair
ait three more democrats, Buhrman of
Howard, Gates of Sarpy and Kepry of
Colfax. It Is ajd that Gates has received
much Inspiration from th two gentle-
Busy Bee Boys and Girls
Wo have a gTand surprise for you. We will give a
Bicycle next. You can have your choice of either a Boy's
or Girl's wheel. 'It is a famous
Is there any little boy
or girl that really needs
, W r i t e and tell us
about it. Maybe some
body will help you try
to win it.
men on each side of him In his plan for
reinforcements for Fort Crook.
The Back How.
But In tha rear of this section are the
brains and other things. Kohl of Wayne,
who dashed msdty into the battle and
pulled Tom Majors out of th trenches
Just after the house brigade had trampled
over him: Wink, the man from Buffalo,
and Mattes of Otoe, tha pride of the pro
htlbtlnnlnts. In this row, too, Is the only
republican In this section. Splrk ef Saline,
who recently gained fame In his great
speech to save the crow and other song
In front ef the tteutonant governor and
a little to his left Is what ia known aa
the beauty show. It Is only necessary to
ny that all the men In this section are
republicans, to know that the show is
rightly named. Here Is the array: In
front Dodge and Saunders, Just bsck of
them Phiimwey, the millionaire famnert
Sandall, tha orator of the senate, and
liuahee. the Irrigation king. In the rear
re Kleohel, Marshall, Hoagland and Mai
ler y, the latter the center of attraction
when the gallery Is crowded.
On tho left in the extrtitne north section
re the democratic representatives from
the big town on the "Mlssou." Bedford
and gulnby sit tat front, and Howell Just
back of Qulnby. Beside Howell Is Lahn
ers. the man who has It In for the poor
crow. Back of these gentlemen in the
last row Is Pillar, the only man In th
senate who Wears whiskers: Douthctt nd
Ruden, republicans and the story of the
senate Is told.
H. H. Hanks Suffers .
Extensive Fire Loss
, NEBRASKA CITY. Neb-. , b. 14.
(Speclal.) News has Just been received
that H. II. Hanks, who two years ago
suffered a great fire lo In business at
Nebraska City, has been bumed out In
his business established at Chicago. Mr.
Hanks' line of business is the milling in
dustry. Hi plant at Chicago manufac
tured alfalfa feed products, chicken feed
and kindred articles. It wa valued at
$50,400, and it ia not learned whether full
insurance . wss carried. While at Ne
braska City. Mr. Hanks was president of
the King Alfalfa company, which had a
large mill located en the site of the old
Argo Starch faotory. After the destruc
tion of this plant by fire, Mr. Hanks lo
cated at Chicago,
Nebraska City Man
Killed in the War
. WEEPING WATER,' Neb.. Feb. 14.
(Bpeclal.) It has been rumored at Ne
braska City that Leonard Goisby, a for
mer Nebraska City man, who had en
listed In the English army, was killed In
action a few flays ago In Prance. Goisby
uaa at one time a printer at Nebraska
City, and later became a fireman on the
Burlington system, He married a Ns
braska City young woman.
treugrtfceae gore Back,
Helps Kldaeya.
Take six ' drops of Bloan'a Llnament
four times a day and apply to small of
Thack. It klllg th pain. All druggist-
eVBL xt ,is,nasTj4flslsn jt"Ms
In a National
bank there is a
greater mea
sure of person
al accountabil
ity laid upon offi
cials than any
other coporation.
It has a 20-inch Frame
with Coaster Brake. Motor
Bike Handle Bars, Eagle
Diamond Saddle, Motor Bike
Pedals, Motor Bike Grip,
Luggage Carrier Holder,
Folding Stand, Front and
Rear Wheel Guards, Trua
Frame and Front Fork.
This plctur of the bicycle
will be In The Dee very day.
Cut them U out and ask
jour friends to save the) pic
ture la their paper for you,
too. 'See bow many picture
you can get and bring then
to The I We office, Saturday,
March flth.
. - I ' .
The bicycle will be given
Free to the boy or girl that
end ua the most pictures be
fore 4 p. m.f Saturday, March
Subscribers can ' help the
children in the contest by
asking for picture certifi
cates when they pay their
subscription. Wo give a cer
tificate good for 100 pictures
for every dollar paid.
Payments should be made
to our authorized carrier or
Agent, or sent direct to us
by mail.
Self-Reducing Models
tbat fllvc yon
t the new
equal, tor full
figures, at the
Maybe you don't like ordinary
(outside) Sclf-Reducine Strap,
yet need the support tliey give;
of prefer a corset not quite ao
heavy. Then wear the new Nemo
with "Invisible" straps-concealed
by the corset-skirt Two model
Model No. S41
' For Sbrt Full Figaro
Model No.
For Tailor Full Figures
Whit CouM. SU 22 I
The deep bust-cores and im-
iroved "visible" bridge insure
ree breathing space and no over
pressure. . Firm abdominal sup-,
port and reduction. Best conet
ever made for torn types of
the full figure.
NOTE-TWe jeart U ulU
saw m Out wk)( of iacurml hal MceU (pack
knmt paint ol bJome. lhr designed
ia! irlMwtlap bNiot lot mr-Mw Sunt.
For the stout woman who likes
a firm, well-boned corset that will
Sive positive yet comfortable b
oininal support and reduction,
no corsets are better than
Model No. 823
-Model No. 228
ildiags host, longeriUrl
Both have Nemo LasticuTve
Back, giving freedom of motion,
and ease in any position. ,
These two models are gtelng
perfect conet-satbfadion to at
least a million women.
Bea Wise Woman!
Take time to be properly fitted
in the Nemo that best suits your
figure. Then you'll aluxiya have
the Nemo habit.
A Nemo lor Every Figure
153.00 $3.50, $1 and $5
TV. Nmm Hntal-rftUa IntlNts. It f.
. Distributors .
fhone Douglaa 1SX! and have m case
nit home.
Make Teething Easy for Baby
use 4
f 9
urn.. i. ., ... i ..i Sff
; A CPLCNDiD nriULiirc::
1 1 ur.LY v ec n." : it - r . : r r 1 a c j : :
1. '