Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 14, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Page 7-A, Image 7

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    THE' OM Ail A SUNDAY . IJttK: PflBRQARY 14, lyifc.
A. 0. U. W. Central Committee and
American Lodge No. 299 Will
Hold Joint Meeting.
Patten lodne No. 178 will hold Valen
tin stsf card party on Monday, Feb
ruary ib-
fnlon Pacific No. 17 will hold a hi
meeting to Initiate candidates. A good
time is assured.
The Ancient Order of United Workmen
Central committee wilt hold a big Joint
meeting with America lodge. No. at
Seventeenth and Vinton Wednesday. J.
W. Metcalfe will be the speaker of the
evening, his subject being "River Navi
gation." W oodmen of the World.
JSobleskl Camp No. 75, Woodmen of the
World, has leased new quarters for IKS
at Twenty-sixth and Walnut streets,
known as Mets Polish hall. Dedication
ceremonies are now being arranged for
ty John Kowalcwskl, the deputy and
clerk of the oamp. The ceremonies will
consist of a family gathering at which
sreches will be mads by prominent mem
bers, followed by an old-fashioned dance.
It promises t be a, red letter day la the
history of this prosperous camp.
The dance given by Fraser Camp No.
439 on Friday evening rli largely at
tended and was a great financial success.
11 was given fof the purpose of raising
money to buy paraphernalia for the new
drill team and other Incidentals relative
to the organisation and equipment of a
new camp.
The preliminary notice sent by the offi
cers of Commercial Camp No. 478 an
nouncing the annual complimentary din
ner to be given at the Rome hotel on
February 18 at 6:30 p. m. was received
with enthusiasm. The program contains
the names of prominent members who
will be asked to make short speecnes as
follows: M. C. Peters, Ijutner Drake, N.
O. Updike, Superintendent Graff. John
It. Cain, Jr., John A. Rine, Paul Skinner
and John A. Swanson. The cabaret per
formance and the minstrel show follow
ing the dinner assures sufficient enter
tainment outside of i the oratorical fea
tures to Justify a large attendance. The
musical feature of the program was as
sured when it waa announced that the
"Heavenly Choir," under the supervision
of Frank B. Johnson, president of the
Omaha Printing company, would be pres
ent. ,
Germsn-Arnerloee Camp No. 101, through
its clerk, Henry Jensen, and Consul Com
mander M. Lels, Is promising big things
for its regular meeting on March 1. The
annual roundup of new members occurs
at about this time - of the year, and If
one Is to Judge of the success of this
meeting by what was done last year one
can expect an Increase in the member
ship of this camp of more than fifty.
bruld Carop No. 24 Is Increasing its
membership so rapidly that it is feared
than an addition will be necessary to its
future home, now nearing completion.
before Its official dedication, which will
take place during the spring months.
Great credit la given Edward I. Foster,
its clerk, for the enthusiastic spirit for
woodcraft which has permeated his eit
tire membership..' which seams to bo-In-.
terested in making Druid 'camp rank as
one of the leading and progressive camps
of this district.
Members of Marconi camp No. 421,
Woodmen of the World, and of Jolanda
grove No. 139, Woodmen Circle, will give
a musical entertainment and dance Sat
urday evening In Columbia hall. Twenty
second and Pierce streets. These lodges
are composed of Italian men and women
residing In the vicinity of the hall, and
the social activities of those organisations
are enjoyed by many In this neighbor
hood. Wm4mi Circle.
All members of Welcome grove Wood
men Circle are requested to be present
Wednesday evening as the officers of
Druid camp and their wives will be our
guests. Old-fashioned dances and a spell
ing bee will be the program for the even
ing. The drill team is now perfected and
a big class will soon be Initiated.
The Florence grove and the Woodmen
of the World will give a box social Mon
day night All members of Bbth orders
are requested to be present with a box
full f good things to eat.
The Deer Park grove is making rapid
progress and soon will have a large class
to Initiate.
Uraad Arrar of the Repabllc.
The Grand Army posts of this city will
hold memorial exercises at Grand Army
Memorial hall February 16 at I o'clock
p. m. in honor of Past Commander-in-Chief
Thaddlus S. Clarkson and Past De
partment Commander John A. Pemater.
Orations will be delivered by Judge Lee
Es'.elle and Colonel T. J. Majors. The
Presbyterian Theological Seminary quar
tet and Mrs. Sturdevant will furnish the
music. The Grand Army and its allied
organization and civil war veterans are
announcement reads, "because We'll send
you home at 11 o'clock."
Kalaats of Pythias.
Nebraska lodge, No. 1. Knights of
Pythias, conferred the rank of page on
a class of candidates last Wednesday
nlKht, and will work In the rank of es
quire at the meeting on Wednesday night
of this week. It was decided by a ris
ing vote that the rank of knight will be
conferred on the evening of February
24. when the district meeting will be held.
The district deputy. T. Boyd Dyssrt. says
he will have something special on the
program for that evening. A number of
visitors from Council Bluffs were pres
ent Wednesday night and took part In
the proceedings of the lodge, a part of
which was cider snd doughnuts after
the rank had been conferred on the can
didates. On Friday evening an adjourned busi
ness session of the Nebraska Veteran
Pythian association was held, and sev
eral new members were admitted. All
plans are msde for the banquet to be
held at the Hotel Loyal on next Friday
evening, the Pythian anniversary.
Independent Order of Odd Fellorrs.
Omaha lodge. No. 2, will have work In
the second degree next Friday night
Ram Overgaard of Pannebrog lodge.
No. 218, died last Friday evening and tho
funeral will be held from 90S Fourth ave
nue next Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock.
Triangle encampment, No. 70, will have
degree work next Wednesday evening.
Dannebrog lodge. No. 21. will have four
candidate for the second degree next
Friday evening.
v nnrni vnrr oi i alien workmen.
A masquerade ball will be given by
officers of Washington lodge. No. 27. De
gre of Honor, next Tuesday evening at
Ancient Order United Workmen temple.
Elaborate plans have been for the
affair and a handsome list of eight prises !
has been hung up. A nominal charge of
26 cents will be made for each person. 1
All attending are assured of a very pleas- j
ant evening.
Receiver is Asked !
for Auditorium by
Trust Company
Suit to foreclose the mortgage on the
Omaha Auditorium and appoint a receiver
was filed In federal court by the First
Trust and Savings bank of Chicago.
The defendants named In the suit are
the Omaha Auditorium company, the
Merchants National bank of Omaha, the
Petera Trust company of Omaha and
Sunderland Bros, company of Omaha.
The plaintiffs allege that Interest on
the mortgage due July 1. 1914, and due
January 1, 1915. is unpaid.
In addition to the $60,000 with delinquent
Interest tk plaintiff asks I13.3M.96, which
Is alleged to have been paid by the plain
tiff in delinquent taxes. The sum of $3,000
Is also asked to pay counsel fees In con
nection with the litigation. The total
asked by the plaintlfr is 171,239.45.
The Merchants National bank Is named
because the Omaha Auditorium company
Is alleeed to have borrowed IS.737 from
the bank In order to buy a tax sale cer
tificate on the property from W. E.
Keelor, who had bought the certificate on
November 7, 1810. .'. ,'...
The Peters Trust company and Sunder
land Bros, company are named as claim
ing to have some Interest, not specified.
In the property in question. Suit was
filed, by Duncan 0 Vlnsonhaler, local
counsel for plaintiff.' "
: don'ts" for drivers and pedestrians. These
HP TPICCIP noniWAMPCe 000,w, m' p nM application at
Ur IHAFFIG ORDINANCES 'Mr. Ktigels office In the city hall.
Superintendent A. C. Kugel of the po
lice department has received a large sup
ply of booklets containing the ordinances
relating to all vehicle traffic on the
streets, and sleo a list of "Important
non't Let Vssr CeleJ Or Worse.
Hell's Pine-Tar-lloney will cure your
co'igh and glv yu reMful sleep. Oood
for children. Only c. All druggists
P1TTBBCROH. T , Teh. 12 -The Pitts
burgh Fnrelgn Tisde commission today
ssked local manufacturers for prices on
LWP.onn drop forge shells for use of the
British artillery. A large or.ler ws or
iginally placed with a Canadian manu
factursr, but he could not make prompt
delivery, and a part of It was passed on
t Pittsburgh. The value of the eon-1
tract was given as H.OOft.OoO. It was
Utah Test for Batterfat.
STAPI.KTON, Neb., Feb. 1?. (Special.)
I'. J. Davison, one of the local resi
dents of this city, had the milk from his
i Jersey tow tested snd found 9 2 per cent
stated thst a considerable tonnage of I b,,,t'r fst of mllk This the reanlt
what Is known as projectile steel wn I f a friendly controversy among his
placed here during the week. neighbors, who slso hsve rows.
Xserabrr, to Have Convention.
Omaha tent No. 75. Maccabees, is plan
ning something Interesting In the way of
an entertainment for the noar future.
The tent elected as representative to the
state convention Thomas K. Gerln; al
ternate. Al Samuelson. The convention
will be held In Omaha April i and
Prisma at Ball.
The Knights and Ladles of Security)
Omaha council No. 415, will give a grand
masquerade ball, on Thursday evening,
February IS, at the Swedish auditorium,
flxteentH and Chicago streets. Prises wl.l
be awarded for the best costumes worn.
Garfield ClieU.
Garfield circle. Ladies of the Grand
Army of the Republic, will meet in oren
ssston at Memorial hall Thursday even
ing. February II.
WiMdmi Circle.
Benson circle will hold Its next social
meeting Wednesday with Mrs. Chris Lyck.
Cards and refreshments will occupy the
Sfoaaasatas to Dance.
Mondamin lodge No. U Fraternal Aid
Union. Is giving a mask ball Tuesday
evening at Nineteenth and Faraam, with
six prises.
Royal Areaaaat Smoker.
Another lively smoker will be held by
the Royal Arcanum Wednesday evening
at the Commercial club rooms. Men who
attended tho last sraoksr given by tun
order declare that it was some big time.
And the coming affair Is predicted by
the committee to bo one that former
smokerttea will be sure not to miss.
Friends of members are being Invited by
tarda Issued by the latter. Cigars, games
and a nifty vaudeville entertainmoot are
scheduled. -.'Tbe wU can t klckr las
Not a Bushel of
Wheat is Sold on
Omaha Exchange
With cash wheat I to I cents lower
and the May and July options off 10 to
16 cents, Omaha gralnmen, Instead of tak
ing any chances on tK. future of the
market, contended thmselvc In stand
ing around and watching tho riu?tuating
price- of tho cereal.
There were twenty-nine cars of wheat
on the Omaha market, but, not a bushel
waa bought or sold, a thing that his not
occurred on the Omaha Grain exchange
In months. Tho highest price offered was
$1.47, a full cents under tho high of
Thursday. The. offer was refused and all
the grain was carried over. ,''.'
Corn receipts were 111 cars. Vorty-flvo
oars were sold and the balance carried
over. Prices were 1i of cent to 1 cents
Former Nebraska
Senator to-Return
and Practice Law
John M. Thurston, former United States
senator from this state, composer of a
poem. "The Rose," will return to this city
on April 1 to resume law practice with
former Postmaster Joseph Crow and K.
T. Morrison. The style of the combina
tion will be known as Thurston, Crow &
Mr. Thurston has been In Washington
for a long period of years. During his
early youth he lived at Beaver Dam,
Wis., the home of Mr. Morrison, with
whom he, will' be associated here.
During the heydey oT his career hers
Mr. Thurston -was regarded as one of
the leading orators of the west. . '
lampls Package
of the Famous
Pyramid PI Is
Rsmsdy Mow
Offered Trss to
Ptots What It
WUlBe for Toil
Pyramid Pila
Remedy- gives
quirk relief, siopi
llobing. bleeding
or i protrudlug
piles, hemorr
hoid! and all ren
tal troubles, la the privacy of your own
home, too a box at all druggists, A single
box often cures. FreemeW far trial with
booklet mailed free In plain wrapper.
If yon send us coupon below.
l pyramid Kids. Marshall, Mich.
Kindly send me a Pre sample of
tVnejos Pile KeaaeaV. la plain Wrapper.
Name ............
City State.
Annual Auto
At Auditorium,
There will be hundreds of
visitors from out of the city
and wo extend to everyone
a hearty welcome.
Come and make use of
every advantage snd con
venience. The newly fitted
messanlne rest room for
ladles ! st your service. ,
re Us- A Most UMKaal
He- S
Former to $2.00
Weave for 8c
INCLUDING such weaves ss
poplins, crepe de chine, silk,
suitings, plsln snd fancy stripe,
taiffetos, stripe meesallries,
black satin Duchess, black
messallne, chiffon taffeta, satin
stripe wash silks, satin strips
poplins, brocade charmeuse,
etc. 32 to 42 Inches wide.
Were $1.15 to $2.00. Monday,
' 88c a yard.
Silks That Were 1.0O
to $1.25 for 68o
Including stripe wash silks,
black chiffon taffetas, mesca
lines, shower proof foulards,
taffetas in-plaid effects, bro
cade taffetas, etc. Widths 24
to '36 Inches. Were $1.00 to
$1.25, st, 68c a yard.
,' Silks That Were 75c
to 85c for 49c
One large table of silks, In
cluding' foulards In neat de
signs, plain mesBalines and taf
fetas, kimono silks, natural
pongee, etc. Were 85c;
Monday, 4 9c a yard.
. Bnrgess-yssh Oo Main yieov
$1.23 to 91.50 Curtains, 63c
Nottingham lace curtains, SH and 8" yards"
long, white snd ecru; splendid selection of de
sirable patterns;, were 11.25 and J f"
TTNUSUAIj from every point of view the great
quantities ths range of selection and the won
derful values. It a sale that should and "will In
terest every housewife who reads or hears of this
announcement. Here's the way the curtains will
go Monday:
Nottingham Loom Lace Curtains That Were 75c,
$1.00 and $1.25, Monday, at Pair, 40c
Beveral hundred pairs for selection. Nottingham loom lace curtains made
from a very high quality of white aud Egyptian yarns, m to s yards long
snd in a great variety of patterns from which to
choose. Most of them are 6 to 8 pair of a de
sign. Positive 7Cc. $1.00 and $1.25 qualities. In
the sale. Mondar. at. hair
91.73 to f.a.23 Curtains, SA
Heary Nottingham snd csble net curtains,
beautiful assortment of patterns, white, ivory
and ecru: curtains that were $1.76, $1.96
and $2. $6. Monday, at, ths Jl or
pair P 1 sa&O
92.75 to $3.03 Curtains, 91.03
Net and cable net curtains, beautiful de
signs In ecru and white; extra heavy yarn snd
very durable in laundering.
$1.50. Bale price, Monday, pair
91.23 to 91.45 Curtains, 0Oc
Scrim curtains with lace edges snd lsce In
sertions; also some with colored borders and'
lace edges, very attractive; were QA
$1.25 and $1.4 5. Sale price, pair. . . . 7UC
Short Lengths of 18c to S3e Marquisettes and Voiles in the Sale
for Monday at 1c a Yard.
rpHE lengths range from 1 to 34 yards. Just the sort of msterlsl
L and lengths for attractive sash curtains, bungalow
curtains, etc. There are hundreds that match and could
be matched up to furnish an entire room. Were 18e to
36c. Off the bolt, Monday, yard.
97.50 to 90-OO Curtains, 95.00
Beautiful lot of imported embroidered Duch
ess and Battenberg curtains. Ivory, white and
ecru. Very newest designs; were 4lC ff
$7.60 to $9.00. Monday, the pair. JOeUU
98.00 Curtains at 93.03
Marquisette curfAins with Ik marrams
edge snd Insertion. Extra fine quality of ma
terial, pretty new patterns; were
$8.00. Monday, the
atterns; were flJO flf
pair OtJetvO
Bargees Hash Oe. Tatrg moo.
Regular 15c to lSc Curtain Kcrlms and Voiles Offered Very Specially
.Monday, at 8 4 c a Yard.
nplIEKE are something like 50 pleres that go Into the tale, bat
at this rrlce they will not last long. Curtain scrims
snd voiles, plain and some with fancy borders, white,
ecru and ivory. Regular pries wss 16e to 18c. Very
special ror Monday, at, yard
. . oM
Bnrg oae Vaaa Oo. Third moor.
These 42 to 54-Inch Tailor Suitings
Monday at 98c Are Exceptional Values
THEY are the materials In greatest demand .for spring suits, in
cluding Vigorous costume serges, crepe granites, . plaid suitings,
basket weaves, storm serges, French serges snd Panama cloths. Splen
did line of colors, 42 to 64 Inches wide.
Bargsss-traali Co-HTsIs moos'.
Special One-Day Sale Monday
Sewing Machine NEEDLES
jAt 10c Per Dozen
Needles for the following machines included
Regular Price,
2M Each,
do sen
"NKW HOMJE,, ' ;
"Wilcox st Oibbs."
"Wheeler & Wilson"
A limited number of Standard make. '
Special for Monday, as follows; every one guaranteed to be in
perfect sewing condition. Sewing lessons free. , ,
S2 Cash and SI a Week
Drophead Sewing Machines, Monday. . . , . .912.75
Drophead Hewing Machines, Mouday 922.50
Hrophead Hewing Machines, Monday , 920.70
Drophead Hewing Machines, Monday. .... .934 .50
argoss-arash Co. mili moor.
Then Specula ia ftWia Un-
derwtar at 95c Are Unusual
A BIO table heaped high
with dainty pieces of mus
lin underwear Is offered at ths
very special pries of Pftc
The offering Includes:
GOWNS of nainsook, mus
lin sad crepe, trimmed with
lscs, embroidery and ribbon;
$1.36 and $1.60 values for 05c.
sook trimmed with lace, em
broidery and ribbon; $1.26 and
1,60 values. 00c.
lln and nainsook, neatly trim
med with embroidery flounces,
some with ribbon beading;
$1.26 to $1.60 values for 0Oc.
argsas aTasa Co. , aooaa meo.
A New Glove Cleaner
MISS LAY will be in
our store for a few
days and demonstrate the
ER, which cleans not only
gloves, but light shoes, laces,
silks, etc.
Demonstration in Aisle 6,
near Toilet Goods Section, Main
Floor. Bring a pair of soiled
govesvand have them cleaned
Barf sos-Vash Oo. Mala moor.
Our Stock of Fine Fur Sets at
3 Prices for Quick Clearaway
WIS are determined to not carry over a single piece of fur and have
put prices on the. stock that will Insure a quick disposal.
$40.00 TO $52.00 FUR SETS FOR $19.50
THEY include sets scarf snd muff of grsy fox, pointed foi, mols,
pony, etc.; were $10.00 to $60.00. 1 fa Cft
choice Jl7sOU
$60.00 TO $05.00 FUR SETS FOR $37.50
INCLUDING mole, coney, cross fox, pointed fox, astrakhan, opos
sum, etc.; scarf snd muff; were $60,00 to $95.00; 07 Cfs
chclre , . . . , sOU
$120.00 TO $150.00 FUR SETS FOR $49.50
WONDERFUL values, Including seal, marten, fitch, cross fox, etc.
Some trimmed with marten: were $130.00 to . if Af fi
$160.00; choice
rs; s-lrash Co. -SfoS moor.
Fashionable 40c Silk and Cotton Goods
in the Basement Monday at 19c Yard
A BALK, that will merit your attention and attend
ance. Here sre the very newest silk and cotton
fabrics, brocaded jacquard, chiffon silks, tusoah silks,
all-silk warp, crepe de chine and silk btriped voiles.
Many are printed In the very newest designs, as well
as all the wanted colors In every conceivable shade. ...
You will at ones recognise these silks and cotton fabrics to be a
quality that would be very low In price at 40c a yard, and you will
marvel at how such fine silks, every yard perfect, can be sold from
the orlgtnsl mill bolts st 19c a yard. These silks have been on display
and have been admired by hundreds who have seen them In our Six
teenth street show windows. On sals in basement promptly at 8: SO a.
m., Monday, at 19c a yard.
Bnrgess-Vash Co. Zooaotar Bassmairt.
Household and
Kitchen Utensils
FINAL cleanup of blue and
white enamelware. Includ
ing chambers, wash basins, pre
serving kettles, sauce pans,
' Berlin kettles, colanders, etc.
Every piece perfect. QP
Were to 69c, choice.. aiOC
Enamelware 40c
- Blue and gray enamelware,
Berlin kettles, dish pans, .water
palls, water pitchers and stock
pots. Were to $1.2 6, choice. 49.C
Euamelware, 75o .
No, 8 and 9 tea kettles, Ber
lin sauce pans, Berlin kettles,
rice boilers, dish psns, oval
and round, etc, Were to $1.69.
Choice, 75c. . '
Bathroom Fixtures, H Pries
Sample line of bathroom fix
tures; including glass towel
bars, sosp dishes, tumbler hold
, ers, etc. The entire lot st halt
price. .
OOc Casseroles, 40c
Mounted casseroles, Guern
sey inset. Were 69c, only about
. 60 to go, at, 40c.
Ituttrr Chures, 75c
Imported household butter
churns, square glass jars, wood
paddle, 1-qt. site, 75c; 2-qt.
slxe, 98c; '8-qt. slse, $1.26; 4
qt. size, $1.76,
. 5, Alumtnnmwar Specials
No. 8 cast aluminum tea ket
tles, were $3.76, at $2.75. '
No. 8 cast aluminum grid
dles, long handle, were $1.96,
for 91.10.
No. 8 cast aluminum low
waffle Irons, were $2-60. for
No. 6 csst aluminum high
waffle Irons, were $2.96, for
1.40. ,
No. 8 csst slumlnum skillets,
wood handles, were $1.96, for
Bargsss-sTash Co. Bassaasat.
' 1
' Doable
at '
A Hall-Borchert Dress Form for $1 Per Week
Think of It! This Standard Fixed Cash Price Article on Easy Terms
A Small Cash Payment "Opens the Door"
to a Stylish, Extensive Spring Wardrobe
Join the Hall-Borchert Dress
Form Club-Wear More
Hy a special arrans;sinnt with ths manufacturers, wo aro abls t)
offer you ths celebrated Hail-Horrliert Ijrms Form, known ths world
over for Its efficiency and standard fixed cash Dries, for a. small caah
payment down and one dollar a week.
Our l'lb flan I ff r rlvea vnu An nf Ihua r. n
a atrtrl Rstttstv Pint ri as tamtam gives every woman her greatest opportunity of providing clothes for
uijita auu acuci Viuiuti riereelf and the entire family at a tramenduua money-saving,
us demonstrate hnw thousands of woman obtain esteu slva, stylish wardrobes with a limited
the remarkable HaJI-Iforchert Iress Form noted for Its superior adjustable efficiency.
Lome and le'
Income by using
on the
Cost of
for the
"Favorite" No. 4
This four-section Adjust
able form is modeled on
tbe very latest lines and
will duplicate tbe mess
urements of any femin
ine figure. Insuring the
very best dressmaking re
sults. Msde of depend
able materials through
out, with steel skirt aud
mounted on extension
standard which allows
any desired skirt length.
We are offering this
model for this demonstrs-
tlon sale,
MRoyalMQnr Special
Tbe "Royal" Adjustable
Dress Form can be Inde
pendently adjusted at
neck, bust, waist snd hips
to any desired measure
ments and will duplicate
any feminine figure re
gardless of size, shsps or
proportions. Mads of
flrst-clsss psper-machs
throughout the body and
with handsome nickeled
steel skirt attachment.
Skirt can be raised or
lowered t 1 ft Cf
sny height H lUsO U
"Queen" No. 55
Embodies the highest at
tainment in Dress Form
efficiency and is com
pletely adjustable from
neck to skirt. The high
and low bust adjustment,
hinged waist and perfect
hip adjustment are only
a few ol the exclusive
features that the "Queen"
possesses and which
makes It superior to any
other Dfnaa Form made.
erryHigbest grade materials
snd workmanship
throughout Insures the
user years of efficient, economi
cal service, club
Plan Pries ....
an 1
Full Forms
Each Korm Is modeled accord-
Ins to fashion's 'stent edict on
Inng-.hlp lines and made of
DlSh-srade materials through
out. Mounted on steel exlen
Sinn stsndard and romplets
with nickel skirt attachine
riving- .ny desired
riklrt length. Al
sizes. Special
- $3.50
Bust Forms
Jersey covered.
. . , . .
i.aiesi tines ana -' ,i
proportions and
well mader
thru-out. These
busts come In all sises
and will give lasting
service. Speelat during
this demon- QQ
stratlon sale. OtC
Per Week
Make All of Your Qothes-Dreams Come True
- If you like nice clothes and plenty of them, let the Hall-Borchert Adjustable Dress Form show
)ou tbe way to a handsome and extensive wsrdrobs. No need to worry, fret or wish for "nice things"
soy longer. Our Club Plan enables svery women, regardless how limited her Income msy be, to own
one of these economical "attire-producers." aargssaaraak ,Oe Vetioa Beowoa.
Per Week
' WeDevelope
Your films free
of cbsrge when or
der Is given J or
'cyerydodt's store
Free Lessons
In knitting and
crocheting In Art
Embroidery Section
Third Floor.