Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 14, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Page 6-A, Image 6

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    'lllkl OMAHA SUNUAV ULK: FKlML'AKi J4, 11110.
looted Educator and Former Head of
Creig-hton Uniyenity Snccumbi
After Long Illness.
Father Michael P. Dowllmr. for four
teen, years president of CrelRhton uni
versity, and. since 1908 pastor ot ft.
Aloyslua church, a large Catholic parish
In Kansaa City, died at t o'clock Saturday
morning In Kansas City. Death i
rdd by a chronic disease of the stom
ach, according to a telegram received at
Cretghton university. Hli death and that
f hli brother. Father James Dowllng. of
Chicago, laat week, removed two of the
moat prominent priest of the west. Fun
eral services will be held Tuesday morn
ing at JO from fit. John's ctiurch In
Father Dowllng la credited with the
principal share in the upbuilding of
Crelghton uilveralty. Since ha has been
In Kanaaa City Rockhurat colleire, a
Jesuit Institution, has been built there as
result of his effort.
- He first came to Omaha in the summer
of 1S8S. A previous year of higher edu
cational work in Detroit had discovered
in him the possession of uncommon ad
ministrative ability, a circumstance which
led to his being appointed to control
iCrelghtaa university, then in Its Infancy.
To Its upbuilding Father Dowllng cave,
altogether, fourteen of, the best years of
his lire, ' Beyond doubt. It owes to him
a very large measure of ita success.
When he took charge In 1W It was 111 tie
more than a struggling academy with less
than 200 students. For four years he
labored to hold the destiny of the acad
emy towards a full collegiate course, and
then. In 1W9. shortly after the college
courses were Introduced, he was trans
ferred to Michigan and became president
of Detroit college. After five years of
' strenuous service as head of that school,
sines grown Into the Vnlverslty of De
troit, and four years more of ministerial
work In Chicago and Milwaukee, he re
turned to Omaha In the autumn of 198.
Tears t liar Work.
, The ten' years that followed until his
final departure froh Omaha, In 1908, were
full of work. Father Dowllng gavs hlnv
'alf heart and sovl to the Interests of the
'university, adding colleges of law, phar
intacy and dentistry, solidly establishing
the various departmental providing first
class faculties for them, constructing new
buildings as needed, supplying the fine
library and laboratory- facilities, and,
with the generous help of the late John
A. Crelghton, securing the financial fu
, Hire of the institution. j
Father Dowllng was a deep student of
sociological questions and conditions. Ills
'opinions on such topics, whether put
I forth In conversation or in writing or
puhllo discourse commanded attention.
He was a stout believer in a great fu
ture for Omaha, and mads many friends
hers by his outspoken devotion to Its In
terests and his general public spirit.
! Wheu Mr. Crelghtoh'a will was opened
after his death, it was found that, not
; having any Immediate heirs, he had be
queathed a large share ot his estate to
'Crelghton university, In fulfillment ot
intentions which hs had fluently an
nounced during his life. This was an
Immense relief to Father Dowllng, who
had been struggling for years to advance
jthe university with very Inadequate re
sources. Hs was greatly' cheered.1' 'also',
Jby the warm congratulation poured In
upon him frojn the numerous friends and
well-wishers of the Institution. Shortly
after Father Dowllng left the seen Of
,hls life-work, on March . IMS. nevsr to
Modest at Departure.
On .the svs of his departure the stu
dents of ths university thronged the
arts' auditorium to bid him farewell. He
discouraged a movement for a pubilo
demonstration, and when ths Vnlverslty
Alumni association and many cttisens
eminent In the professional and business
life of Omaha Insisted on a farewell ban
quet at the Hotel Rome, he begged them
to give it the form ot a reception to his
successor, Father Eugene A. Magevaey,
who had arrived the day before.
Rev. M. F. Dowllng was born in On
clnnati, O.. June 14, 1851. Hs was edu
cated In ths parochial schools. Hs began
early a life of study and a search for
wisdom and had a passion for books, and
. his library is said to be one of the moat
complete in the middle west, lis seemed
to have dedicated hit life to learning
and to teaching and had oontrlbuted
numerous articles to religious publics'
Father Do 11 rig's specialty, as
teacher, waa rhetoric, lis was professor
or that study at St Xavler'a college, at
Cincinnati from 17 to W7J. Prom there
he moved to St. Louis, where he became
proiessor or rhetoric at the Bt Uula
university from IsTI to im. He moved to
ietrolt, Mich., and was professor ot
rhetoric from 1W until JKH,
Hs wss appointed pastor of the Hoi
Family church in Chicago, and remained
there from ISM until 1897, when hs moved
to Milwaukee and become pastor of the
Gesu church from 1H7 until 1891. Ths
lsst church of which he was ths pastor
was St. Aloysiua church. In Kansaa City.
Hs was a most Interesting speaker and
gave many addresses on religious, social
and economic subjects.. He was a per
suaslvs speaker and his voice was strong
and insidious.
Priest and Educator Dies
.... , , ,
.an'"' V . f u.
- -it , f
Omaha Folk. Will B Able to Join
la the Dance How WhereTer
They May Go.
No longer will dancers havs to learn
tbeir sups sll over again each tune- they
attend a dance in a different city. All
the latest steps now havs been standard
ised, so that ths method of dancing them
will be uniform throughout the country.
Dancers from Omaha will feel perfectly
at homo orf a ball room floor at Atlantic
City, or even Farls, aa tha result of ths
standardisation, dancing teachers say, as
tha numerous faddish steps, learned lo
cally heretofore, win be abolished. '
Ths standardisation is the result Ct ef
forts begun lsst year by the American
National Association ot Masters of Dan
cing, of whloh Prof. WUIard BL Cham
bers of Omaha is rythmic Instructor, a
dtdector and district eh airman. He has
just received copy of detailed descrip
tions of all ths latest dances, ss stand
ardised by the New , York Society of
Teachers of Dancing and approved by
the Congress of ' Dancing Societies of
America at their meeting In New York
December J7. "
Prof. Cham hers and' all othr members
of the national association are teaching
tha new dances only according to the
standardised system, hs says. Among
ths dancea. upon ths uniform teaching ot
which the dancing' masters have agreed.
are tha one-step,, opera waits, hesitation
waits, maxlxe, syncopated waits. Pas
Boltuer, fox trot, Julu fado, Parisian
tango, La Russe, Bresallaa polka and Ls
corner ot Herculaneum avenue and Main
street "
The strange drew bark, but ths room
clerk had got wall started.
"Too will remember that complaint you
made tfiat Mlchaelua Murphlru. our head
portor. had overcharged you for two rlng
slds teats In ths arena that afternoon of
tha eruption. Wall, ws found out you
were right, and I put the money, three
aestertia fifty, In the safe, and I have
been waiting al? these years for you to
eome hae."
Ths man who had been reincarnated
had been watching the clerk with jaw
dropping further at each word. Finally,
as ths receipt book wss produced, he
clapped both hands to his head and
started for tho front door on a run.
The room clerk grinned. "That's the
only way you can shake a nut," hs re
marked. New Tork Times.
Fidelity Mors Tan Co. SKrojr. tl
W. I Sjtlby si Bobs, general Insuranoa.
Kas Boot Frist It New Beacon Press
urges s-Oraadea Co. Lighting fixtures.
Wasted Choice real eatats loans. W.
H Themaa, til Stats Bank Bid.
"today's Ooatplst Kovie Frorraas"
elasslflsd section todsy, and appears In
Ths Be EXCLUSIVELY. Find out what
ths various moving picture theaters offer.
Vfceowophloal Ifcsoturs Burd F. Miller
wilt flva a lectura at Theosophlcal hall,
suite 701 Bee buUdlng, Sunday sranlnar,
on the subject ot "Spirituality and
Psychlsm." i
Specials to SxpooiUoa Traveling Pas
senger Agent 'Williams of tha Burlington
haa lined up four special exposition trains
for Juns, carrying people from Iowa,
Minnesota and South Dakota. They will
all pass' through Omaha. )
Sears Orders Lads v
to Die Hole, Then
Fill It With Dirt!
Juvenile Judge Sears sentenced iour
boys, alt 1 to H years old, whom hs
convicted of stealing autsmobll fixtures,
tu spend next Saturday morning digging
a hole In the ground at Rlvervlew home.
then to refill It with dirt In the artsr-
Ths boys were Irwin Hall, 1U Mandef-
son street; Harold Coney, wit Manner
son street; Dale Forsberg, 1706 Mander-
son street, and Solomon Ramsey, w
North Seventeenth street.
I want to show you how useless your
efforts ere when they ars not employed
In useful and proper directions," said the
The boys had stolen large quantities or
fixtures from cars standing In downtown
streets. They took them to a cellar where
they attempted to make various machines.
According lb Probation Officer Miller
they have manifested considerable) me
chanical ability which hs will attempt to
Inh-Amerloan women. She is a linguist,'
a doctor of philosophy, and ths second
woman to graduate from ths University
ot Havana, where her . husband Is a
professor. ew Tork Post.
Fed Watch Korea.
The St. Louis Federals ars keeping a
close watch on Art Korea a Ulant re
cruit. If McOraw attempts to aend that
young man back to the atlcka the Mound
City rebels will try to Interest him.
Batksst Caller Talked a Stand
still Aaeleat His
tr. While a reporter was waiting at a
hotel desk' for soma happening to break
the monotony of an almost newsless day,
a tall, thin man, with long hair, strolled
in and up to the place where visitors
record their names. Hs smiled pleas
antly. Thep his gass was caught by tha
Inlaid Tiffany glass In tha marble easa
ot the room rack. Hs felt of It with his
fingers and looked reminiscent.
"Ah! I remember now," hs said after
a moment. "I havs stopped at this hotel
"Ab! Indeed." said tha room Clerk.
"Tea but It was centuries ago." Hs
put his hand to his forehead. "Ah! ft
waa In Pompeii. You know, t am a be
liever In relnaarnatloa."
"Well, well!" exclaimed ths room olerk.
putting out his hand In ths inrual fashion.
"I remember you qulta well. But you
will recall that at that tlma ws war at
tha Hotel Vesuvius, whloh stood on tha
Brtgrat Howes of Voatk Spar On
ward, at Kemata TJofal
. filled.
When ons Is past middle life memory
begins to unfold Its pages. Hs sees his
youth, not as his own, but as that of
another. He Is touched with sadness and
pity as ha recognises tha plans and am
bitions, ths high hopes In ths youthful
hresst that experience has shown him
.were never to be realised. One hops after
another bad to be given tip. .Tndeed, it
seems sometimes that life la but a glvtng
up day after day. Anticipations - are
seldom realised. Perhaps H Is best that
this should be! for ths same experience
that brought disappointments showed
us that often as we thought we knew
what would make us perfectly happy we
were nearly always mistaken. It waa tha
anticipation really that went furthest to
ward making' us happy. Whan It waa
over It had served its purpose; another
took Ita place. ,
So, as memory turns tne leaves, we
sigh a little at those bright hopes ot
youth destined forever to bs unfulfilled.
After all. It mattered littles. Each of us
had Some share In ths world's work to
do. How little It mattered that that
share was not what we had guessed and
wished It to be, or It was performed
faithfully! How many things the bright
dreams of youth failed to take Into ao
count that were to prove tha greatest
part of tha business of life! We are
feeble In judgment! we do not always
know how to trim ourselves, nor sea ex
actly what form our lives should take.
Vicissitudes clip us hersand there, often
where we have least suspected tha need
of it But the failure of tha dreams
should not grieve us. i
After all, their real purpose was to give
us hops and courage and make ua work.
If .they did that, they were worth while,
though not a single one was ever ful-fIlled.-Mllwaukes
Chargei Made Keal Ettata Exchange
Packed When Measure Wat
How many Inellgibles voted at the Real
Rstate exchange meeting last Wednesday
when that body rescinded its former ac
tion and endorsed the electrio light bill?
This Is what some of tha members
want to know. Such a gathering of real
estate men aa was that day present at
the meeting had not been seen in the
Real Estate exchange rooms for two
It Is charged that a number who were
not qualified . voted. The constitution of
the organisation provides that one who Is
thirty days behind In payment of dues
has no voice In a meeting. Kleven of those
who voted for tha endorsement of the
bill were In arrears In their dues, since
January, it la charged.
May Reconsider Aa-ala.
Thus, again the elecrtlc light bill ques
tion Is likely to raise its gory head in
the Real Estate exchange meeting next
Wednesday. First the bill was opposed
by action of the exchange. The next
week with the meeting packed with mam
be re who are favorable to tha bill, the
former action was rescinded, and tha
bill was endorsed. Some members ars
talking of bringing it up a third time.
At the meeting a week ago members op
posed to ths bill were surprised to sea
so mafty old members present, members
who do not attend a meeting once In two
years. "We felt then like calling for an
enforcement of tha rule barring from a
vote those who havs not paid their duea"
said Harry Tukey, "but as this would
have disqualified eleven ot them, we didn't
have the heart-to do it However, now
that wa have looked up the matter and
are aure of the number of delinouenta
who voted It Is a serious question whether
it should be considered that the exchange
haa really expressed its mind on the light
question or not It is likely to be brought
up strain for reconsideration.."
A going business can be sold quickly
through Tha Boa's "Business Chances."
Easily Explained.'
Wallabaloo was In a decided hallabaloo
for King Topnot had not enjoyed his
Various dusky offenders of the law
cowered in their huts, trembling lest the
monarch's wrath should demand their
poor heads.
Dusky damsels tried In vain to woo
their king to good humor, but all In vain.
"Ketch the cook!" he thundered at last.
Trembling In every limb, the honored
chef made his bow.
"What was that dish ot whlta meat?"
demanded the chief, his hand resting
lightly on his mighty tomahawk.
"Braised motorcyclist, O most wonder
ful and wise!"
"He tasted very burnt," meaningly re
marked he of the blood royal, half rising
from his seat, still clasping his toma
hawk. Mercy, O beautlrul and good!" ex
claimed the chef, falling on his knees
hurriedly. "He was scorching when we
caught him, O king!"
Pardoned !
Fsccs As Fair As
A Sumner's Day
Ara Possible) If Wuarts CaJcluni
Wafers Are I. sod for a Short
Time Aftor Each Meal.
Manv people have bean heard to '
that thev used crevns and lotions fr
years without effect, yet after five or six
days of Btuart's Calcium Wafers thoir
complexions were perfectly cirar.
"1 uot Kid of Blackheads In a Jiffy by
Using- Stuart's Calcium wafsrs."
It's easv to understand why. Creams
and lotions only get at the surface, while
Htuart's Calcium Wafers go right into tho
blood and Instead of a sluggish deposit
In the skin the Impurities thst cause skin
disease's are destroyed In the perspiration
that ls exhaled through the pores In the
form of Invisible vapor. You'll never
have a good complexion without pure
blood, but you positively will have a flno,
beautiful complexion If you use Stuart's
Calcium Wafers.
They contain no poisonous drug of any
kind, are perfectly harmless and can be
taken with absolute freedom, and they
work almost like magic. Calcium Sul
phide, their principal Ingredient, Is the
greatest blood-cleanser known to science.
No matter how bad your skin may be,
Stuart's Calcium Wafers will quickly
work wonders with it. It's oodby to
blackheads, pimples, acne, bolls, rash,
ectcraa and a dirty "fllled-up" complex
ion. You can get a box of Stuart's Cal
cium Wafers at any drug store at 60 cents
a box, and you will be positively delight
ed with their wonderful effect. A small
sample package mailed free by address
ing P. A. Stuart Co., 175 Stuart Bids..
Marshall, Mich.
You Want the Best?
Then Make Thia at Home.
A splendid quick acting cough syrup
and cold cure. It haa no equal for prompt
action and permanent effects on children
or adults. Immediate results Is the pleas
ing feature. Cheapness ls anotlier. Per
manent system cleansing another. Not
constipating, still another. Those who
have used It, swear by It, and recom
mend to neighbors and friends.
Obtain a thi ox. package ot Essence
Mentho-Laxene, empty It Into a pint bot
tle. Then pour a half pint of boiling
water over a pint of granulated sugar.
Stir and cool. Then fill up the pint bot
tle with syrup. Full directions for um
aocompany each package ot tha essence.
We have Gl
and put on our
Spring Suit
In other words wc have put on a few coats of paint, fresh paper and
so forthlxhd- ready for the Spring Business
Bpaalaa W ara oa Marriage sjlaaplr
Add Haabaad'e Name
Their Ovra.
Israel Aid Society
Is to Give a Ball
The third annual ball or the Daughters
of Israel Aid aot lety will be hi Id at
t namoers academy this evening. The
proceeds will go toward the opening of
the Jewish Old People's Heme, looated
on the northeast corner of Twentieth
and Davenport streets, which was pur
chased about two years ago.
Ths home would have been opened
some nrr.e ago. but the tornado and
European war prevented. It la planned
10 open it this spring.
This organization lias aVO members in
Omaha and suburbs. The officers are
airs, unavjiA, preaident; Mrs. I. Kula-
fcoraky, vice preaident; Mrs. J. Steinberg,
awreiary; airs. ai. Tatel. treasurer. The
xouowing is the ball committee;
. i lutnenlliul
Jf '.oinU k
i-iim riimn
k-u In berg
Mesdunes :
ha In
K. hl.lfer
Helps Weak Kldaeya aa Lasaaaav.'
at a 36c bottle of Sloan's Llnlnvant
Apply on back and take sis. drops fwur
times a day.
Senora De Baralt. who Is sent as a
delegate from the Havana Women's club
to ths Domestic Rclemee and Fure Food
exposition held In Boston this month.
laughs a little at the furore which Is
stirred up by "feminists" In this country
when they declare that they wish to keep
their maiden name after marriage.
That Isn't such a startling or un
heard-of clan." said the senora in an In
terview. "A Bpanlsh woman never gives
up her mat Wn name at marriage. She
merely adds her husband's name to her
van, and to her Intimate friends ahe Is
more often knowu "by her nwulen name
than by that of her husband. In Spanish
the prefix 'de' does not signify nobility
as it does in some other countrlrA It is
simply ths link that tacks on the name
of a husband. ;
"Before marriage, one Is known both
by one's mother's and father's names.
My son, for Instance, Is known as LouU
Baralt y EacharU. Eacharte being my
..U.. ... . t. . r ...... I n A '
.I.Ob.U. BMilllC. .1. W J IIIVMIIIIig biiu
That Is his formal title; he Is commonly
callel Baralt. , '
"A Smith Is not lost In a mass of
Smiths In my country, for he Is 'Smith
y Brown.' which tells you at ones ha
Is no ordinary Smith. To avoid oonfu
sion after marriage, the mother's name
Is dropped, and the father's retained
with tha Ruaband'a added after tha "da.
"The progress of ths Cuban women
dates only from tha Amaricaa occupa
tion la Htm," says Senora Baralt. ''Na
tive Cuban women began to come to liar
vard summer school in 1909 to train for
trarhera Now there are ever 4,Qu
aontea teachers.. This year 1M women
graduate from the School of Pharmacy.
Cuba boasts a womau lawyer who has
been so successful that she Is now given
government assignments."
Senoro de Baralt is a New Tork woman
who marrted.'a Cuban and has lived in
Havana twenty-five years. She is widely
known as a writer and lecturer ea Span
ish literature snusie. poatry and Spaa-
There is no time in the whole year when ocid lots, remnants, slightly soil
ed merchandise looks so tacky. We have gone thru all stocks with a. fine tooth comb,
and on Monday tho lots will be spread out on the squares so that you can pick 'em out quickly." Never in our
business career did we offer better values. Read the list and . if interested .
Get to IGlpatrick's Promptly at 8:30 A. M. Monday, Feb. 15
Silk Section
Just about 100 yards. of Wash Silks
pink, tan and lavender, oq
yard OaC
gold in the pleca at 85a4 yrd.
About 210 yards Printed Poplins; about
3(0 yards Diaia Crape, sold before at
f 1. 60 yard. ' 8:30 a. m. . fq
Monday, yard Oa7 C
A collection ot Crepe de Chines, Crepe
Meteors and Printed Crepes, sold v up
to 82.23. MONDAY. 93 c
These are Remnants.
Dress Goods Section
. At the Dress Goods Section all th ,
remnant at H Price and less.
To add to the Interest for the balance
ot this fuonth or, up to MARCH 1ST.
w ill make Skirts at 91.00 FOR THK '
MAKING. Qet in your orders as early
as possible Mrs. Measured, First
Made. The 'New fr-prlng Dreea Gooda
Are Hra to Select Irani,
Monday only at
the Linen Square
Damask Cloths. 2 yds. sq.. . JQ QC
Instead ot H.60. OaS.iO
Collars v X
Front Square Fancy .Collars lA,
and a few Vesteea, at," each. . . IvC
Many ot these sold at'60o and T5e,
Fichus, were $1. 11.60. It. AC
$3 and $3.60. Monday, each. . C ;
Koth IxXa Boiled or Mussed.
Hat Pins
1 EACH. fMany of these were
IVlC u.oo each.
' Flower .Holders, Sterling; Baae, Cvtnd
Etched Glass, each. ......... 'AQ
' Some seil these at 11.00. ' e7C
Sterling Frames, 76c and over, AQ
for, each HC
Odd Handkerchiefs
Soiled Handkerchiefs and 250 dote a
ot a special purchase.
Embroidered corners, open vorkQC,
and lace, were 60c it ....... s&OC
Initial, Hemstitched, all linen,
Not less than S. , Not more than 19 to
, aayona.
Colored Borders, Initial. Embroidered
corners, etc., ate., formerly 26c, 1 "
some more. Monday XUC
All Linen Table Damask at..
Instead ot 11.00. . ...
Hath Towels, ribbed, at, each
. Instead ot 26c.
Underwear Fltsae at, yd
Instead of 16c. . , v
Fancies and Plaids, were
.higher, all Monday, at.
86c, some
Hand Mirrors
Sulesidld big ones excellent class, well ,
' sllveted, ring handles or long ones.
"Just a HmaU I jot Should
&t ftt sa
Portfolioes and Handkerchief Boxes,
these are at the Toilet Goods
Section, were 60c, at
Wash Dresses
Various slses, many fabrics, 82.50,
91.08. 81.30. OSs. 60 worth
2, 2, 4 times theaa prices many sold at
Book Section
bound, published at 50f in
Monday, at 1 C
Did you see the Movie Play? If so,
jroUll want one.
All the Odd Stationery must bike out:
10t tr what waa 35c.
29i tor what was 7Sc.
40 for what was $1.26.
. Button, Button. Who's Got the Button?
Buttons which sold at 60c, 76c, $1.00
per dozen, yes and more i a
Per doten Monday .....',.... A V C
Laces, Venlse, Edgings, Inserting.
Broken Sets, sold before at 16c, 26c,
25c, yes higher still, Monday
at, per yard .....'..;
Underwear Section
ZimmerU Underwear, which is
Swiss, sold at $3.60, for .
Ladles' Union Suits. Vests, Children's
Vests and Pants; Boys fleeced . Hose,
Boys' Waists. A veritable Hodge Podge,
pieces which sold from 60c to
$1, yes higher, at, eaeh . ; ,
Good Picking.
CO ALOFT Seeond Floor Chil
dren's and Misses Sestlon '
Chiffon Dresses. Silk Dresses, Woolen
Dresses. ChalUas, . retir-Thompson's.
Many were $10, a few
more, Monday at . , j . ,
A Repeater
Monday only All that may be left
of tha 5 BIO lota of Kid and Lamb
Gloves AU Warranted
50c P1' iaatead. ot $1.00., '
SO4 ffttr Instead of $1.21 and $1.60..
S1.09 Pair instead of $1.50 and $1.75.
31.29 Pair instead ot $1.75 and $2.00.
Si .93 Palr worth $3.50 and more.
Come in the morning if you can.
Now Let Us Go
Alow Into the
Basement Please
Mr. Fowler says we are going to ha?
a blizaard and maybe he's right. If so,
you will need some of the next items
S1.98 instead of $2.60.
$2.49 instead ot $3.00.
82.9T instead of $3.50.
$3.50 instead of $6.00.
S5.00, i'k top, Instead of $6.60.
S3.9S Pair instead of $5.00 pair.
$4.95 Pr., instead of $7.50 pair.
$5.00 Pr.. instead of $6.00 pair.
$7.25 Pr., extra sire, instead of $10.
$3.25 en-, tor singles, instead $4.60.
$5 ea., Pullman, instead of $6.50 each.
$5 ea., open air, instead of $6.50 ea.
$5 ea., sleeping porch, instead of $6.50.
4 $5.00 Auto Rugs, were $ 50.
$7.75 Auto Rugs, were $10.
$G.75 Indian Robes (2), were $10.
.$8.75 Indian Robes (1), were $12.50.
$7.50 Indian Shawl (1), were $15.
A small lot of Baskets, each . ... .5
. Another lot at, each 19t
Waste Backets, each 50
..,'. - These were up to $1.00.
Waste Baskets, were $1.25, at
Flower and Table Baskets,
worth op to $2.50. each...
. Hampers, worth up to
$3.90, at, each