Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 14, 1915, AUTOMOBILE SECTION, Page 12-C, Image 48

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!Tctory Executive Explain Mechais
leal Feature! of Cm at
Various Show.
The tho-sawis of PPl enmaSr
throng the automobile shows at Kew
York. Chlcair, Tetro1t end
fnr t!w mott pert get tmt a uprflolsl
Mm of the various models an fltsplar.
tTnlrss some epoolal effort la made to
meet the dlttlnultv, there Is ne oppor
tunltr and little Inclination to'mflw
eland the vllal features that character
ize the various car the manufacturer
r offering the puhllo with so nroeh
pride and confidence.
The TSf Motef Car company, how
aver. 4s endeavoring to meet this sltue
tlon by prevising1 not only a special t
lilblt that will ehow th mora Important
mechanical features of their nW 81s
and th1r celebrated Four, hut aJeo , a
well Informed official who oaa explain
theae featurea In an Interesting and not
too technical way. Thue all visitor who
tarry at tha Paige exhibit will be able
tn n- awar an appreciation of tha
fact that tha vitals of a ear are In the
chassis and under the hood, rather than
In tha external dealim and tha auperflclal
featurea. They will alao learn In brief
time Just what five Pal officials con
fidence In tha aaperiorlty of Patae care.
Dleclaee Wkola laterler, ' '
The special Palita exhlblta conalet of
cut out motora of tha new Six and Four
model . The aectlona of the online ont
.way enable the epertator to -view the
Interior from rarloue an alee eo that the
characterise featurea of design, such as
the rocker arm and roller valve mechan
lam, especially desirable becauaa of their
noiseless operation, may be aeon. All
tha other working parts of tha angina are
alao disclosed.
Tha. layman, however, wouM not ap
preciate tha nature and merit of theae
features without explanation, and for
this purpose tha Palga company ha se-
lerted O. B. Benjamin, one of tha fac
tory execnthree, to be present at each of
tha Important ehowa, Mr. Benjamin la
net a technical lecturer. Ha will, how
ever, eonduot Interastlng and Informal
oowrersatlons on Palga mechanics, ao
that anyone Ttalttng tha Palga exhibit,
whether they nave mechanical knowl
edge or not' may got a reasonable M
of tha principles which characterise this
company's latest modela.
Big Paige Banquet
and Cabaret Staged
Wednesday Evening
A btg feed and cabaret will be held at
tha Benahaw hotel Wednesday night for
all Palga represent Urea who attend tha
auto show. TTie .Mnrphy-C Brian company
of Omaha will be host at tha affair and
fromls that tha event wtll be one long
Vemembered by all who attend. Moving
pictures of the Paige factory and of tha
Los Angeles-Phoenix automobile race wDl
j be flashed on tha screen, but tha big
I event of the evening remains a mystery
am no rnif man win tuvuige lis enar
acter. although ha will reed yard of
eulov without ooramlttlng himself.
In tha automobile shows each year some
one car or soma one advance mada In the
industry during the year receives a major
portion of the Interest of tha visitors.
It seems that. In this season' shows.
tha elght-eyllnder Cadlllao la to be the
focusing point of this attention by reason
of Its having been the first eight-cylinder
car produced and marketed in large quan
tities by an American maker.
la automobile anal new ring circle tha
Cadlllao achievement baa been and to re
garded as tha meat noteworthy forward
step recorded during tha year la motor
oar construction m this country.
All Sales Mark. Shattered by Eetail
Dealers at 1919 Exposition
in Hew York,
Previous retail salea record were shat
tered at the 1918 New Tork automobile
show, so far aa the Cadlllao Motor Car
company Is concerned. The Cadillac
Sight was on exhibition and was on of
the main attractions for tha ahow crowda
aa well aa buyers.
"Cadlllao dealers have always dona a
big business at tha shows," remarked
"ales Manager Howard, "but thla one
has been tha moat successful one of all.
Thla Is especially rue of tha closed car
types, limousines, sedans and coupes. "
"Of course, ths factory has not pre
tended to do any business, as our entire
product of tha new eight-cylinder cars
for tha coming year was covered by con
tracts from dealers soma months ago.
Retail Sales Heavy.
"However, our dealers In New Tork,
Jersey City, Brooklyn, Newark and other
nearby cities, a well aa those from tha
east generally, all report closing mora
retail sales than ever before. In fact,
there are a few dealers who have taken
retail orders covering their entire allot
ments and are making strenuous efforts
to get mora care." I
All through tha wash numerous ex
pressions of disappointment were heard
from persons tinabla to get within seeing
or hearing distance of the Cadlllao cut
open . chassis, with Its eight-cylinder,
V-type engine. From the opening until
the close of the show, the exhibit wa
thronged with thoss eager to get a glimpse
of the mechanism and to hear tho lecture
by the demonstrators, and It was neoae
eary for the ahow authorities to use ex
tra precautions to keep a passageway
pea In the aisle to front of tha CadlUaa
space. v
how Style.
Tha Cadlllao exhibit displayed fang
styles of tha now lht-cyllnder aa fol
lows: ?ven-paasen;r touring car, five
passenger salon, flvo-paeeenger edan
and seven-passenger limousine. I-trk of
up are marie It impossible to exhibit the
entire line, which In addition to thoee
named Includes a coupe and a roadster.
"Wa could have used twin the amount
of apace available," said Sales Manager
Ifowar-i. "The cut-open chassis, with Its
elxht-cyllnder engine, attracted such
crowds that many wre unable to get
close enough to see it I bellve if we
had the space to show a half dozen of
them they all would have been sur
rounded most of tha time."
Committee Manages
Oldsmobile Plant
Tn April, 11. a system of management
was put Into effect at the Oldsmobile
plants which perhaps waa unique In tho
motor car Industry and the progress
made by the Oldsmobile company since
that data tend ta ahow Its efficacy.
' Under thta system which la described
as a "three man" method of manage
ment, responsibility for tho affaire of
tha company rests with an executive and
manufacturing' eommlttee composed of
D. P. Edwards, comptroller; J. V. Hall,
salea manager,' and E. Ver Linden, fac
tory manager. Tha duties usually as
signed to a general manager are vested
In tha committee and Its united action la
sought In matters of general policy, . .
For tha Motorist.
Tor an extra wrap for touring a full
military cape of large checked basket
oloth, the checks fully an inch square
la black and white, lined with heavy
whit) satin, is an 'unusual garment
Tha cross belts cross In the back and
oome forward under each arm through
a four-Inch silt, and fasten with a
large pearl button. Another largo but
ton fastens the cap well to tho, left,
giving It a broad lap, and It la forty
four inches long..
Stearns Light Four
Will Make Debut in
Omaha at the Show
The present show will givs the general
Omaha public ita first view of the F. B.
Stearns company's "Pllent Knight" light
four, priced at $1,7W. It Is the first
Btearns car built to sell for less than
f.1.000. and .the first Steams-Knight
model ever sold for lees thsn $3,600.
"We have been able to make thla start
ling price reduction on tha new car for
aeveral reasons." said J. A- Mrlntyre,
who Is looking after aales for tha com
pany, In talking over the new ear.
"In the first place, the new model Is
lighter, simpler and has fewer parta than
any high 'grade car In the world, bar
none, and In this saving of parts there
has been a tremendous saving In manu
facturing cost
"Secondly, wa are producing this car
In quantities that we never before
dreamed of; In fact, we have Increased
our manufacturing schedule some 26 per
cent since first entering the moderate
priced field, and our original schedule
waa pretty stiff. Of course, this larger
quantity production is a wonderful help
In holding down the cost per ear.
"Thirdly, the vast bulk of tha email
cars Is standard, aa wo could hardly give
our patrons the wide range of color and
upholstery options that wa allowed be
fore except, cf course, tn cases of special
Jobs, when we charge an extra price.
"But tha fourth, and largest factor In
our success In marketing a high grade,
splendidly built car for this prloe is due
to the fact that our company haa, I be
lieve, the smallest overhead expense of
any company in the Industry making
high grade care. For example, we have
not one cent of bonded Indebtedness we
have never been forced to Issue on dol
lar's worth of bonds, and, consequently,
for years past have not had to earn any
profit on borrowed money.
"Again, we have never Issued one dol
lar's worth of preferred stock. All our
stock Is common, and practically all of
It la owned and controlled by the active
officers of the company. In other words,
It is close co-operation In every sense of
the word.
"Also, aa Is well known In tha trade,
we are not murdened by waateful sal
arlea of high priced executives who really
do practically nothing toward building
up tha success of tho company. AH of
these things mount up very rapidly, and
the absence of them la a most Important
feature In holding down expenses."
One of the most notable evidences of tho
marked tendency" among the low priced
cars to Include the ; very " finest equip
ment in their specifications. Is tha recent
announcement by tha Saxon Motor Car
company that their new Six, , at I7M, will
be equipped with the Model A, . Rayfleld
carburetor,' which la a , water Jacketed
model, and la the highest - priced type
mada by the Rayfleld oompeny.
Hupmobilo Builds
Closed Sedan Top
"Almost every motorist," said T. J.
Mooney. salea manager of the ltup
Motor Car company, "realizes that aa
automobile Is more of a necessity during
the winter and stormy weather the in
the summer montha The duties that tha
motorist has to perform during tha
months of the year when the streets are
covered with snow and Ice, ar Just aa
Important aa the daily routine at that
time of tha year when touring ta mora of
a pleasure.
"For tha doctors and professional nan
who are dally out-of-doors; for tho social
dutlea of the ladlea and their shopping
tours the motor car In winter Is an In
dispensable adjunct But ' It oft times
happens that the motor car owner Is not
Inclined to afford the expense and upkeep
of two distinct car an enclosed car for
winter and an open car for summer.
This has been tho main reason why tha
Hupp Motor Car company haa hit upon
tha happy Idea of building removable
top for converting the touring car and
roadster Into sedan and coupe enclosed
Frank Mlddleton of Atlantic CHyTTT.
3., whoae business Is the painting of
show cards and large signs, uses a mo
torcycle to take him over the city in
quest of new business.
atari, Serviceable Coat.
Studdlngton is a very smart dlagoaa
tweed coat It Is almost four yards
around the bottom In fullness and has
deep drop sleeves that button do at
tha ' waist half way up to tha elbow.
This also haa a cos stick collar of tha
same material. Tha coat Is lined with
bronxe satin and Is very warm and serviceable.
In planning for tha coming season's
event the Worcester Maaa) Motora role
club has set Patriots day, April Is, for
tha opening run. which will be to Coat
oord. Lexington and return.
Actual Siis 3-htd
Fig. 1. 4 pliaa of fabric In Fire-,
stone 3 piles In tha ordinary.
Fig. 2.' Extra coating of finest rub
ber bstwsen fabriclayers (a Firestone
not in the ordinary.
Fig. 3. 1-16 Inch fuMst rabbar
cushion layer in Ffamston
not in ths ordinary.
Fig. 4. 1-16 Inch trahr stria
I nigh-grad labrlo and huh
I Others,
iigh-grad fabric and b
grade rubber ta Fire-
atme n
rstilisnt. In Flroctoaa
-3-lfl inch la tha ordinary. ' ' '
Fig. 6. 1-16 Inch aid wall si strongest
rubber in Fuetfon
same quantity in Other.
Fig 7. Bead of axtra eohetlvw strength la
the Firestone sams sis bead la Othars.
Yet you pay only 9.40 for thla
30x3 Fireatona lets than S trior
than four widely advertised makes.
W ' i . t
Aetna! Size 5-inct
7 pHaselSaa-IalaiMl fabric in flraato-M
soma are atUfidl with 8.
Extra coating of finest rubber between fabric layer
in Fbraston not la tha ordinary.
& 11 V?U
Fig. 3. inch Pur Para Rubber cushion lay la Flraatons
-non in th ordinary. , -
Fig. 4. 3-32 Inch Breaker Strip of Soa-Island fabric and high-
grade, rubber in Flrastona leea la tha ordinary. ,
: Fig. B. Inch Tread, tough, reailleni, gripping la Ftnstoaa
lee in th ordinary. ,
f ' Fig. 6. i Inch aid wall of strongest rubbor ta Flraatoeo
issi la tha ordinary. , ,
Fig. 7. Firestone Bead, built Into Ore spacUSy for cUncher
t rims la Firestone.
la the ordinary tire the clincher part of head Is only
a paten appuea to straight aide type to fcU
"clincher'' space.
Yet wait nav nnlw t.1d.ftfi n
- r - -J J w f r-j a
lk 1 T C Z 1- 172 JAt'ti
uiw lau urea rimions ' ,
unu cirin A A mi . v . . M
nwi-)r.s ; do '
i, u. -. r s
rour widely
Has Done
aa 'Meet Popular Prices
TJERE are two examples: a email alze, 30x3 plain,
fri tread, And ' a large adze, 37x5 Non-Skid. Each
. shown actual alxe. The. aame relative value
apply in all Blzea.'.'. Mote the detailed apectficationa of
sections as outlined above. Then ask any neutral
repair rnan which rnanufacturer gives the moat in
oiality. He cuts Into all makes of tires. He knows;
... . You want that extra layer of fabric in the Fir ea tones
-4 plies Instead of 3 In. the small 7 plies instead of 0
in the large size. , ,
You want that cushion-' stock In the Firestone.
There is none of it In the so-called "popular" priced
tires. Yet it is impossible to build a full service tire
without a cushion layer under the breaker strip. You
rnoat have it to prevent bruising and overstraining
, ttvs fabric
Firestone Tires have never been built. down to a.,
price. You will find everything in; a Firestone that
ought to be there. . . , .
Firestone Tires are vulcanUed by the two-cure"
' rrocess.' " This is more expensive than the "one-cure
- but it fellows rigid inspection In the making and eUmi-" .
sates fabric buckles and other defects.
' And you want the Firestone bead on that big tire
for" your safety as well ss economy. Designed, built ;
Vsnd. cured into the tire specially for a clincher rim.'
Other clincher beads are merely patched onto straight
side types.
Jim - - ' - - ' , -w- j
' Firettonm Ntt Price LUt to Car Owntr -J
,, , Cae Case g Crey Tube I Red Tube
30x3 9.40- 10.55 2.20 3.50
30x3& 11.90 33j 2f J90
32x3a 1 13.75 15.40 2.70 ' 3.05
34x4 V 10.00 22.30 3.90 4.40
34x4'i- - 27.30:. 30.55 4.80 5.40
36x4 7 23.7Q 32.15 - 5.00 5.65
' 37x5 . .. 35.55 39.80 5.95 6.70 t
3px5, 46.00 '51.50 6.75 ' 7.55
' Tho Sections Show These Things
The Wear, tho Mileage. Prove Them
- t ' . Yet you pay only 40 cents more for this small Fire
stone . than the ordinary. And only a trifle more in
proportion for the larger sizes. Because the much -'
greaterjsurface of the big tires demand so much more '
'of this most expensive rubber and fabric. . .. .
. jl And remember the little more you pay for the Fire. ,
tone Non-Skid gives you a lot more tread. . Ordinary
anti-skids contain no extra rubber. You are asked to
pay more just for a pattern. No extra rubber, no real
'sldd protection, such as Firestones offer. ''-'.
Take the word of the specialists of the industry
take the record of the Firestone Tires for IS years -as
your authority that these 'extras of quality are
necessary for real service and true economy.
Less material and lower grades are traps to make ,.
aales on prices.
The Firestone organization, the largest in the world
" specializing on tires, can make and market, tires and
. tubes at a lower cost to you, the user, than any one .
else in the industry. ,
' ' The tires end prices prove It beyond argument
Firestone Tube Prices Give Added -Proof
of Firestone Savings to You
Firestone is below them all on tubes. WHY? -
A tube is good or bad to the eye and the touch.
Qualitycan and does vary,weght can be and.
is skimped, but not So radically as in tires.
.The buyer won't have it. Having to come
near meeting Firestone quality in tubes 1
others must go above Firestone in price. J
Because, as stated, no one else manu
factures and markets as economically as
Firestone or seriously pretends tov. .'"
But we are no more proud of giving you
the beat tube below the others than we are
of giving you the best tire for so little more.
And the proof of appreciation among car owners
Ilea in tb fact that their demand for Fuestonn last
year established 90 per cant more dealers for us and
Increased our output 7 par cent . ... 1
Bo compare the tires InsHa. Compare the
prices. Compare the srvi. a reenrde among your
Including Pull Equipment
Electric Starter and Lights
aquaintancee thaa get ,
and tnjojr - i
- Most inks per Dollar
Firestone Tire and Rubber Company
' 'AartV Lmrgmtl Ttre mmd Rim AfeAere'
C20 raraam Omaha, Neb.
Seme Of floe a ad T aster 7 ! Aires, Ohl.
raaohee a ad Dsaler Bverv where.
: ; -: . r iff,.
' 1 ' ..jteV''-. .....
... .t .)
- '.
. '
Motor, Four Cylinder, 30 H. P; Cylinder Cast in Block;
Transmission, Selective Sliding, Ballbearing, Three
Speed' Forward, One Reverse.
rhecs rood, Demountable Rims. , ;
BodyFull! Stream ;Lfiie; :BteirtetlGrettCandz Black.
FehderSpedal Pullman Type-Crovni
Wheel BaseitencL) v
.... .
' : . .' j .
Tires 30x3 1-2, Hon-Skld on Rear. .
Lights Electric; Dimming Attachment
Equipment One Man Top, Rain Vision, Ventilating Wind
M Shield, Electric Horn; Speedometer, Oil Sight Feed
on Dash, Full Set of Tools.
A Remarkable Car, All Complete
Size : .
912-M Jones St. Omaha, Nebr.
2nd and Pierce Sts. Sioux City, la