Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 14, 1915, AUTOMOBILE SECTION, Page 6-C, Image 42

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local Branch Eu 1.000 and 1,500
Tonnd Delivery Tracki on Ex
hibit Thii Week.
The International Harvester Company
of Amerlci hii added a new deliver?
truck lo the line of International motor
trucks model E, of 1,500 pound capacity.
This la In addition to the model M. 1,000
pound truck.
Following the policy adopted by tho
International Harvester company tth
their other lines of machinery, these
tmcka have not been placed upon the
market until they have passed the ex
perimental aUe. and have been found
to be successful In every particular. The
new model ha many new changes, both
from the standpoint of construction and
appearance. One of the chief feature
ll the sealed rovernor, which protects the
-ncr of the truck against Its abuse In
the hand of reckless drivers. It alio
eliminate the possibility of speeding. The
rovernor cuts down the aaaollnn aupply
when the truck reaches a certain speed.
The specifications of model B are as
follow: Regular . express body; Inside
dimension, ninety Inches long, forty-four
inches wide, twelve Inches deep, with six
ins flare boards; capacity 1,5j0 pounds;
JM-lEch wheel base; I-head motor,
quipped with sealed rovernor, twenty
horsepower, four-cycle, water-cooled, cen
trifugal pump, large vertical tube radia
tor nnd fan; crankshaft bearing bab-Mtt-llned;
camshaft has phosphor bronze
bearing. The crankshaft and connecting
rods are high-trade steel, heat treated to
arive strength and endurance. Forced
lubrication by mean of a gear pump;
double system of Ignition, furnished by
magneto and dry cells; chain drive; Hol
ler, model It carburetor, l't-lnch, with
adjustable hot air supply. hnd control
on steering wheel, also foot ncielorator.
Crankshaft f itsjIer-BalanceH.
Another feature which Is a decided de
parture In the automobile Industry Is
that th crsr.kshsft is rcuntrr-beJanced.
Counter-balanced crankshaft haw been
accepted aa mechanically correct ami
are used almost universally by tha manu
facturer of high speed tem engine
The wheel are cf the artillery type,
9Mnch diameter outside tire, front wheel
and rear with flfr-lnch . A. E. standard,
side flange, detachable tires. Each wheel
I provided with two Tlmken roller bear
ing. An oiling plug eliminate the ne
cessity of removing the wheel for oiling.
Front axle I-beam type, earbon ateol,
heat treated. Rear axle I stock nickel
steel, heat treated. Pteerlng knuckle I
nickel steel, heat treated. Front spring
are half elliptic, 4W,ix2 Inches; rear springs
full elliptic, 8H inch Ion by two inche
wide, with an auxiliary crosa spring x2
Right hand control, contracting hand
brake on differential by foot pedal. In
ternal expanding brake on rear wheel
operated by hand lever. Twelve-gallon
gasoline tank.
The model "!f truck Is furnished regu
larly with seat having divided folding,
lazy-back, fenders, magneto, two gaa
headlight and Prest-O-IJte tank, threa
oil lamp, horn and tools. On special or
der the following can be furnished. Skid
chains, glass windshield, storage battery,
combined speedometer and odometer, cab
top for aeat or full length top and threa
lnCh tlrea on rear wheel.
S-V Truck Tire ii Result of Eight
Teara of Research, Experi
ment and Tettt.
In Its present campaign for tha R-V
tire, tho Ooodyear Tire and Rubber com
pany's tire expert believe they have
solved a problem that will help mightily
In the development of tha whole motor
truck Industry.
"Our offering Is the result of eight years
of research experiment and tha hardest
tests to which w could submit tire."
say C. W. Martin, Jr., manager of the
motor truck and tire department of the
Ooodyear Tire and Rubber company.
"The story, to us in the heart of it 1
fascinating. To solve certain problems,
Goodyear experimental expert have, built
twenty-nine different type of truck tires.
In one type aJone seventy-four different
structures were built up and, tried before
wa were satisfied aa to tha point w were
Interested in.
'All of our experiences have led to the
present offering the 8-V truck tire for
heavy service. V have rTon trying
them under every conontvable condition
for a year and a half. Twenty-one hurv
dred of these tires have been working,
developing mileage and giving satisfac
tion in every psrt of the country. Now
we are satisfied, and we offer It to the
Easily Applied.
"The 8-V Is pressed on tire, and while
It lias the utmost security (Tiers I no
tire more easily applied. There are no
rights and left and It cannot be put on
wrong. It Is simplicity Itself, weigh less
because of the abeenca of loose part and
attachments and best of all. It deliver
the goods giving greater mileage at
lower cost than any tire we have ever
seen. 8-V tires keep tha truck In com
mission, and our experience thua far
makes It certain that they will have re
markable popularity and auccer."
On of the most distinguishing feature
of the car that are being exhibited this
year I tha marked beauty of body lines.
Aside from any striking colors tha linns
of the bodies will mark a new epoch In
American automobile oVslgn.
Farmers Manifest
Interest in Eight
Cylinder Machines
"A over Ii per cent of our output I
sold to farmrs, w have been keenly
Interested In tha att'.tuda of farmer motor
car buyers toward eight-cylinder rooters,"
says Claude 8. Brlggs, president of the
Brlgga-Detrolter company of Detroit,
which recently announced a five-passenger
'Eight" at tl.198.
"Farmer are conservative when it
come to buying n automobile, and being
well posted on mechanical matter, their
approval or disapproval is a very vital
factor In our business.
"Believing that perhaps the farmer
would be alow to accept the 'Eight' w
based our plan on a limited demand
from farmer buyers and a big demand
from city purchasers.
'"We hit the nail on the head so far a
the cities were concerned, but we made
a bad guess on the farmer, who has taken
to the 'Right' with an entirely unlooked
for enthusiasm, as shown by tha result
of the show at New York and Chicago.
"Moat of tha territory assigned by us
at these show wa to dealers whose
business la mostly with farmers, and
who, in the aggregate, would have placed
orders with us for more than twice the
number of 'Klghts' we can build thia sea
son, had we allowed them to do so.
"Farmer have been quick to realize
the advantages of the 'EIbM.' especially
for section where heavy roads and bad
bills prevail. The absence of vibration
Increase very materially the life of the
working part of the car, and where the
automobile I eubjected to hard sen-ice
on account of bad roads or hills, this
factor I most Important."
Mr. Brlggs state that quantity ship
ments of Detrolter "Eights" will begin
In February.
Haynes Discovers
Alloy Like Steel
"A few years ago an alloy wa dlacov
ered by Elwood Haynen, Inventor of the
gasoline automobile, which possesses
unl'jue and characteristic properties,'
states C. J. Corkhill, - of tho Nebraska'
Hayne Auto Sales company, distributers
In this territory for the Haynes. "In
strength It stand close to steel, while in
' A Kissel Ksr 8-slx, equipped with a de
tachable sedan top, has Just returned to
Grand RhpIJs, Mich., after a 4,000-mlla
trip extending to Cheyenne, Wyo.s thence
to Denver and Colorado Hprlng and back
home over tha Lincoln Highway. Tha
owner of the car 1 John T. Bate of
Gran Kaxvlds.
nir rirrTi?nAi aitta h
Everybody appreciates the demand' for thoroughly
trained Automobile Mechanics. Manufacturers axe
turning out more than 700,000 new cans this year that
must be kept in rtmning order. This means that thou
sands of new men each year must be trained for thia
graduates is growing greater each year. "We admit
that many schools turn out four times as many stu
dents as we do. Our aim, however, is not to be the
largest school, but to be the most thorough. For the
best training there is no ether finite as good as the
V AAfl " fsft. . fk
-sudj rarnam su, umaha, Neb.
Bight on Automobile Row"
Los Angeles-Phoenix
Road Race
" In -
Moving Pictures
to be thovn at the
Henshaw Cafe
Week commencing Febuary 15th
to 20th from 6:30 to 8 p. m. and
10:30 to 12 p. in. every evening.
"Puncture-Proof, Yet Pneumatic"
nra I Via nL D -1? f? ' -
St flV? C carrvini a dfinit nrinUrl imir.
k-zm sbsob ads v w m r a - -j- ... -
SMMunc ao- WO sunctum-moo ftnteC ag&UlSt pUQCtUTe.
Thousands of Enthusiastic Users in
Omaha and Surrounding Territory
See These Tires it Our Store During the Show.
Write Us for Descriptive Booklets and Prices,
Make Your Headquarters at
Powell During the Show
its rclftanee to atmospheric Influences)
and acids It resembles tho so-rallod nobla
metals. This alloy was christened SteU
lite by ,Vr. Haynes the name being; de
rived from tha lat;n word Stella, moan
Inn a srfar trcausa the allor when ones
pollKhed always shines."
I ....
Cadillac hquipped
With Chain Treads
Tha Cadillac Motor Car company of De
troit, Mich., equip the rear wheel of
every Cadillac with antl-skld tlrea. Thia
la done to Rive Cadillac owner protection
against klddlnr and economical tire
The Cadillac company has been fainou
In the automobile Indiiptry ss a concern
that tests every piece of equipment placed)
upon Its car before adopting it. i ne lact
that the "Chain Tread" tire Is used as
rear wheel equipment on the Cadillao la
mute and Incontrovertable testimony to
the merit of "Chain Treads."
fV retail shoe concern of Chicago ha
used a motorcycle In working; out a novel
advertising scheme. Mounted on the two
wheeler Is a traveling showesse in which
the latest models of shoes are displayed.
The motorcycle is also used for practical
delivery purposes.
' IM fa . . . - a .... .i-THlM.RI " -TII I I if itmii f r -
ll JrL
is a
Containing Every One of the Standard Cole Units
T is the product of more than a year's exhaustive research
and development on: the part of the best eight-cylinder, engi-
neering brains in the automobile industry.
iWeighs less than 3,500 pounds with 126-inch wheel
base and roomy comfort for seven people.
Northway unit power plant with 3M:-inch bore by
4-inch stroke, 346.4 cylinder displacement, all mov
ing shafts enclosed. . ,
A distinctly foreign type of full-flowing body design,
with divided front seats, disappearing auxiliary seats,
and beautiful roimded one-man top of pleasing design.
Turkish upholstering of long grained, hand-buffed,
genuine leather. ' '
- The very latest simplified Delco starting, ignition
and lighting equipment built into the motor now
absolutely standard,.
Latest type accessible Timken axle with extra large, .
noiseless helical bevel gears and powerful, quiet brakes.
Extra large driving shafts and bearings.
Detroit Steel Products self-lubricating springs in
connection with the Cole new straight diivo suspen
sion, makes it hold the road quietly and comfortably.
The above Cole units are the product of America. 'a
greatest motor car specialists the BEST. All the
Engineering Boards of these specialists, with their im
mense factory organizations of world renown, have
united with the Cole Board of Engineers to produce
the Cole Eight. This combination of industrial and en
gineering brains has established a standard of depend
ability which is as vital to owners as to dealers nowadays.
f . o. b. Indianapolis
Also Companion Touring and Koadstar Modal
"ix oyiindsra la
rouv CyUnasrs 1485
jl i!
' . . ..
??irv-.v.f .-V-.-a
Traynor Automobile Co., 2512-2514 Farnam Street, Omaha, Neb., Space 15 T"ri,,7
vaJlatl for
live Ttealera.