4A Tin: OMAHA BUN DAY-' -BKK:' -FKBRUATiY 14. 1915. HUGE CROWD HEARS :EULCGIESJ0R RING rers of D-Lrctj v-e Hillcl While! on But Thncj Church and' WirOV,"3 ATTESD3 ON CliCTCIiTS I'ufirral service tor' Itatoctl Tom Jtlng, kkled walfe on duty ny Mexicans in & rooming bo'.isfl at 4 P 1 ! North Fifteenth ftrwt Wednesday, were held Saturday tnoniinf .t't. rhllocipni'n church, Tenth and Wil liam Streets. Father Gann6n, '- Mated by Father rUeniion, conflucted tbe ceremonies, which wer attended hy a crowd that net only filled the ebnren, but stood -twenty d on tbe aldewalk ouMd. Chief of Police Jlcry puna Bang "Calvarf follow ing the rites. J Mmkers rUjr f re sent. -"' The widow of twtertlv Rlngi who has n seriously UI for several month, at lende the services with other member tt the family, although ot to an In jury she v. forced to walk on crutch. The grief of IetcUve Charles Vea Tusen, th dead man' working partner end constant companion for the east sis. yee.ru, was Intense. Van Dusen since the hooting of Ring n worked day and night in a search for tha murderer. Men and womea of alt wajki .of Ufa rere f re wnt to pay tribute to the quiet, unassuming- officer who met death as a hrnva man should. Included la the crowd ' wer theicltjr commissioners, county of ficial and many prominent cltlrens, be side every representative of the Omaha, 'pouth Omaha and Council Bluff police' deoartmeeta who were able to attend. . ' ; Father Gannon paid high tribute to 1 t-ive Kins', who, 'ha doclarcd. had met aa enviable death, l that he was Jclllei while performing the diHlos which ha had ten pledged t do as a guardian of th public welfare. ' The pallbearer' were! Charles van Suen, Michael Pempsey, William Dv oreeae. P. F. Havey, M. J. Ielhanty, Toward Cassldy, Henry Raaintaen, Dan t'onnell. t - ' , Two platoons of pollc headed by Per jreant Ferris' and Hlrwart. from th rniaha depastihent.'. tf'gether wRh'pJat eons 'frsm PoutH Omaha end ' Council Uluffa and representatives- from Dundee, yienson, Florence. lUalr, FlatUimouth and Fremont were present and .formed part of the proresslun to the grave In St Mary' cemetery. , . Scots Aroused at Cutting Down Sizoh' : : Of Soldiers' Kilts '2ort'eponrienre of The AsooclaiciJ Fre.) f JSjyiVOtf, Jan. . No grave question of m?i!q has In late year .agitated- line fvottish people and aroused their' see tlonal patriotism like, tha proposed at tempt. of the a department, to tne ie of the eatra tuck out of Jock' k'lts. Every enlisted ' Highlander fe! ! tt he ha a natural and Inherent right j 9 a skirt containing svn yards of m- ' tri. The war li'i.rtinent, not content atfh aubetittitisg kheWS . m1o ff p the hl:rw taiuns ot the iaiia, has pii p-fd to lp fit two whole yards fromllng some. of the UcaX v.oths.yera sleep. the new rriodoJ. To reduce, the full, inatir skirt, which stands out snl elns gracefully to the rhythm of th b.T'Ues. from It rightful twenty-one I fet to a sKlm).y fifteen, has stirred ail Ft ot land to pr-tvt. !"...! Hh tnrda and j:,.tcr of I riiiaiocot, F.'j.i-iatid o'U etw aud Pi- .'i' tfl cV,:'. I kv joined .U Jo. K's pro'. "L -'ver -wlU Jock he, sub jected to a hoVliie .kilt, as -tj.-y eU It, -while Itm a In Ue i.tlh I, j-.tnimt iit. , ' - A the kilt coniirree mora cloth thon the entire uniform of an ordinary Rrlt lfh private, the ' war do'.-artinent would efTict a ctmekler&M vlng of 'coat in 1U- i,t inodd Hut jui a. th. Uigliland suld!r have, like tn btucjciciiete, oi r!nl any reforms tending to i Identify tiim !th 11. o .nllujay olJlr, so tUoy rvgiirJ the new schema as an attempt to rob them, ' i A kilt cf a brows my la worn hy tta London ttaottUh, 6 territorial regl tient, at the front, and It-has exhausted th supply of this cloth. Th regular ilttfhhuud restmsnia in tUa treuuhes wear tartaa patterns, protected In root by a snail apron of cotton khaki. ANATORIUM TMi Inst'tuHon is the c?;!? a la tt ecctnl west with- srat baiJcSinrs 'fUuatpd la tattr: owa u-.i'd .-ijiuBiln, Jvt utirely dU ,f t. etui r'nder.p; It ro-Hj t-J c'.ivi'f ci?-a. Tha coa bui:i;r l.c:- f:Uud f?r Atid devotoi to the tn-4U'.tui tit aoa-contafluus atid r.i:j-f.c".tal C i.M'h:,CS, CO CthcrS !)( J..iU4; Sl.kS GlLtr ivt.,1, Cot,. ti ie.2 j -ir nvi tot aad da- t ' i uil ctiaa requiring ,,-r a ture waurful c-re aac! .- ...1 i - Z. ;. . . , n't - - f Lit n. tr 7 t' err- tr.c:;t 3 :..run;:;ry .. i. .r:.. nl. -; 2. It 1 : v -!-t 1:1-r- i .1 ! :u- - it 13 -1 ( . v' , v m ' f W . a kMLA f Y. AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA W. L. Selbj Take, Part Against the Keainre for Consolidation of , . .'v the Two Omahai. . FACKIUS NOW SAID TO BE IT! IT Walter I Selhy, for many year known a a factor and lay attorney for Pwlft at Co., I now diplomat extraordinary to kill the Greater Omaha consolidation bill In the house oemmitlee en eitlea and town. Belby represent flwlft'g and another parking houne.' .' Every -, Year ha has appeared to show the South Omaha city council why hi packer cli ent should not be taxed ao msch. It ha been sent abroad that the tock yards and packing houses were told to keep their hands off the foneelldatlon hill. It being hinted that otherwise th packing houses and stock yard might get fish of thetr own to fry. However, whether with or without tbe eonsent of th corporations, certain antl have been quietly ' spreading the report that the packer and th' yard would like f o1 as sist tbe antl. " Belby began to shew 'lgn of active command of th antl ttuatlon last week. H live In Dundee, but It la understood that he Is not working from that angle. Vjthln th last few da ya he has been In South Omaha to confer with soma of the antls. It I asserted, and h has been active In Lincoln against the measure. Friend of the consolidation measure say that certain Influential member of th house have been approached try the entt- leaders. Just what success Pelby.wIlHhave after the failure of H.JC. Murphy, Tom Hoctor and John B. Watklna'arrd others to win the aenste away from th Mil Is being watched with Interest by th friend of the measure. ' Fni- some well known men Who are baching the bill: , "We are, fully ac quainted with tho,inovea of the office holder and their allies. We feel ura that th packer and stock yara wlU not Interfcr nor permit themtelvea tu be used in this matter We are aura the house will Rive the measure fair treat ment under all circumstance. " ' Dn(bpo o Poison. , Cliortee Iucn died from araenlo pol- sohlng, according! to th .testimony at tho coroner' . Inquest yesUrdy.'. Dunne died lu th Hou&h Omaha pollc 'station Tuoeday nlht, nder what appeared to be mysterious, etrcumxtenoea. IJe - In. formed the physicians tht he had taken arsenlo 'a "Tew. minutes befcro his death. Mill blaeltrge4. Oeorsre Mllten-chargMl with the ehoot Itig of Harry Fetrick, some weeks age, be cmiho Fetrlck would hot resign hie wffe to Miller,) waa' discharged In th police court yesterday on motion of the etala. Miller etrhlhjtij a rejst Iron alibi Pe trick awtfiw that 'Miller had done th shooting.. The xurt dismissed the a cusad. ' ' ' Position lea Waated. R, II. JohnHon, head of th cotntnerclal dopartment of tive South Omaha Hityh school, 1 on the look; out for position fol ' twenty rraduases from hi depart mor.t.' Theso iradtiate ean fill any po sition from tenoer Pher to etark.- Frttv cipe48. W. Motn-e.of Jh high . achool has sent out, a printed notice to buiit- neas men. aklng thsm to glv preference to local graduatea, 1". '' 4 Myeterlosi Br . .1. ' f 'Mystertoiui signs, -and eatmlittflo rf i- ,r,rior) plactd upon hot-Keg tiewlv 'pur- ctuMi4 for the ItaiU.1 wmf are ru- less nlKhte. Th French, arid English horsoinen ";'were Content to ,lrtvl their purchase with th letter "X' aad "C3," to designate Which orantn of tne service the animal belonged to but the lattent buyers 1iuve addipd a few mysterious-let- . ters, which theiHiil talcsit Is tri'tntf to puir.Ie oi; "EL." for lai lance, Vithl,n( the "accent axuXs'. over th. U. jiicaju i sfm-thln, but Jue wiiatT Ihn Iher U another ItnV.in who una eron. with a "T" surmounting it '. "Ifat the klnsT nam ain't "Tom." In stated one-ot , the atgdfir. , ' And thon j when they ueo up the rest of the '"hoes" tha army arile'.i "decorate the plug' hoof 'Uh "w,d' I"J"!'rt, - mns mtfj in. t- . IIIU1W.UUEX Councilman Fat lrelle remarRa on oo- casiont "It don't look right, mlu." "It don't took rfght." v Iut the little "ohunkg" are bringing cood prices, a head and the grower want to sell lota more they Iruust. May Be Ttew necer. . If the unloosed for harr" eetd Hktwe head of hog com to this market today South Omaha will have a new week'a rec ord of hog receipt. ' The largest week'a receipts. to flute wot brought In.rebrvBry. l'.iU. when .one week's fforinss tatalied lXi.7a hog. To -date this -ik'i"r)lpU amount to M,03i heaC. ef hog If today Is as good as last eat uMay'a run th reo ord will h passed. ' Even without a big run today tho aecond place mil belong to ti.iii vscli'a rscds'a, . ... , . ,. thsrch T'lr-t Fi'lt.'Tw-t .fifth and n. Rev. V. it. Hili, i"n.tor ,N!'niinr er"'ii l 1'..- Sui.doy Svhwl at .A 1-iar"-' I lourg ln i le's union neeta at Tti Mfnrfii..m will unite with the Mttho'lsl cli'iKh for tho evening sermon.' I' ft Martin's, Corner Twerity--rnnrth afi.l ;.t, Kv. lolm V. ltiL I Mm tor ti 'Unqua- j l liii.:S'. tng for n hunuie-l y-Ktsot !. . 1 i.fi.ttju tj,j i)'',tipti .ipiiu. aii,l tl, li.itt.-l t-' will n hiJ at 11 oolink. 1 ; y Ku. liarlKt st 1 :iH. biiouay -hiKil st It.lly Kvi i.lnif Disvr at fi. Vtfli.M(lH v vi 1 " iMninm at limy ouihnru-t at ,. j i.iM.na l-rsyer t 4 Sir. Uiiai:y an4 1-,'rHli Tltial -jUne Ml ' Sil with pulJllO In. itrurM-m t toitftrnintA.ri rii. .Mt,,-r trvii-tx f-T the toiil t atiriuii, wi triiiii tiie iliunii. i.aUA Cviics Vkui be Ui irii'uu4 ou unUy. t ' Ntt tV,, ', .St ' i-l-oral.. 'fN.i-nf r t.f T,: tv-t.i.ii . i.. i W. Kki-aittrick. l'r-; mg at 11 hy tj imHtor, surw J Mt-.L li ti.e ex-i-:t. t), l'i rkbyt, i iHn ' nli.t , rl'tt C?ni?) tin (1u. V1i 4rnhtj n 4.t fcni; itfv. . 11. Hilt, Pasiur "f the l'i a h chiitch, will prr-h tl. sermon. t--ruf echool at r:tt. i.wwi-la l-ue at 6.JC. . Mie tlty Gal1.s" The I'ushs will give a dance-at thrlr hmi. 1 . my-tniid i,i N direct, this evri.ifg at o'clock. Tl. l l oi.!.-r -r wl'I Vlve lt fiinsr mwi-'v i9ni' tnij evt-ring tit tin JU,.;o hutl. 1 e.nl.v-tiUii and M streets. M Malt a's ...x.!!u.rv vi:i hold a Lome K t tie itt-r (iiwtry t-)re, i vi,iy-iwuj'ia H.1 J sir.rts, ti.ts evening. He Iai1 Mvrll,: I., .-ion f.,-t J rs ...r -.! -ii tlii .. i.i., at t'. Me. I f..u r.u:l. i eiy-J,ij:ia .nj ij w-s-rl I V. i,i..in V!-I U f llor.-e t r. en i - - - - - 3 . c mi 1-j r j r. t-l' i. it elurii4 tit his liouit inl lt twi ,j . a. Tt !'i'iuil A .i e w r,.idly g-u--a fWi.i !.. y, ;.n..vo a iati -urt ot tne .1 1:. : r 0. l ie i,i the twu laitim i,J tn Hum wi n t,e i'xkji v !.;. p,. ot'.er o v. 1.1 te tivn .h,ii. I tie T m.-. In-ff-uth nuai arhat. which vas iw.'.e.i 1 c l tu Uae I ic e tiita mt,U at '. ii ,.i. . !,ii4 ui-.,i.ii,., ,as htr-n ""' "U 't liiuc.iy evening li t i.-uc-t or the Uwum Uuii,ti. 1 Lives as Hermit in Fashionable ' Neighborhood, and He Is Happy ' Just acres th alley north of Dodge street and east of Thirty-fifth street Is a humble little cottage In which Theodore Hardenbecker live ainne. For one score year this venerable German- ha main tained a residence at that location and he la the last of a colony of squatters who settled-oa a tract of land which wa owned by. Dr. O. l Miller, finrroun.ird en every. hand by- comfortable and com modious homes, he enjoy life la the three small room which he call home, sweet home. k He I a. striking example of the erlty of . the statement that happiness may be found In the most humble of places.: Mr. Hardenbecker je 5 years of age and happy, read hi Qerman paper,, emoke his pip, take a walk every morning, has friends, cooks his owa meals an expect to nv to be 100 year of Age. ' Some years ago the equatter were ordered from tbia tract, but thla old man declined to move without first, making an .effort to Uy. He had grown used to the little habitat which he fashioned With hi own hand. IV. O. U Miller became Interested In th mart and ar ranged to allow him to atay aa long aa be lived. Ha par no taxe and I aura of hi homo until th final aummona ahall come. f it- - 1 - i Make rietare Frames. -Mr, Hardenbecker makes picture frame fora living. He ha built up a nice llttl business, enough to aupply hia few wants. He never worries and ha takes a keen Interest In affairs, considering bis years, . "He believe In the old saylnjr. "Fariy to bed nd early to' rise, make a ma healthy, wealthy and wise." He says he la healthy and win and even wealthy, because he .ha all be really need. He retire at 9.30 o'clock aad geta up at midnight for a soothing pip of tobacco. After his mlinight communion with Lady Nicotine he greet r,ar, to ,leeB ana 1 up again bout o'clock. He seldom mle morning walk. He doe nil of hi , own housework except tha' laundry which he end out. He has no kin tn this country, ill, wlfj, died a raw year ago. ' H ha a daughter In Germany and the other afternoon h aald that thl daughter ha four, pons la th European war. TWe earn daegbter has seven girls. V.; K9ir Pipe) Drtak. . Th recluse ha very positive ideas re gar'1in th aabject' of prohibition. - JI WRrfaToad tytiSP" r?r4r in ateer. rLt.."-,.,V1.of L?-Pound Hereford steer. o.a i.jt it. to, the top-of th, market. Germans Soften Blow. in Giving ' . - . News of a Death (Correspondence of The AseodatM preA) -BE IUIN. Jan, B.-Tha Gl4non ' wrw office 1 to scare tha f1tn as possible, of th families of gojdlws. m DMiit, When mail matter, non-deliverable for that s .returned to tha anri.' .U i L. was the custom to stamp Oa tha Wt or package merely the word, fallen " or u'u t nom to shock threlaOve wit till' harsh brevity. Now tha wjljiary authoritWis havw'been directed to use Uie words. TsJln tor th Fatheriand," or "fallen en, the field 'oi honor." In wtill- -aootht -a.y authoi1Ue5"',are trying l9 aoftri h bfew of death notloe from, the rroot,.' Hitherto this was' ate tempts onlr In country districts, where th returned mail of the fallen soldier waa handed over to the local authorl- i .. . v. . . .... r c.orKyman. wna th.n took (a 'bruk n, r.i ..,.. family. Something liU this I, now to nonA. .1mn . ,,. . . ilie loetu authorities will how tu 'golect aotne person suitable for bear; mg tn meenuge of death. WAS WILLING TO PAY MORE' " ' IF IT WOULD feE NECESSARY (Correnpondenc of Tbe Aesoclsted Tress.) lA.tiHjN, Jan. 4,-lilustrativo of the social leveling Influence of war, th fol lowing Incident Is told:, ... A new commanding officer was ques tion lug a smart young corporal, "Are fou married?" asked the officer. "Tea, lr." . ' r- "Doa't you tbJxik you ought to. make some allowance out of your payT" con tinued tho. officer. , , , v . . "If. you thtak It . necessary, sir," re plied th private, "I will sir. I'm keep ing' up the -house and car and allowing her .9"0 pound a year, hut If you think an extra sixpence day would tv any good to her. I m perfectly willing." 1LD flifj. 5 , llvttTt St 8 FJ1. tier - ' 1 1 lmond s Salted . ; . i 1 Miciain Cilery IT . - j toochamp Cream 1 -1 perhn Trits, al Anelalsen ' pxjebrnkx Turkey, Chfpol'aW ' . ... rj7ip-Top Peas a la Francals " ' e . ' TF rnported German Asparagus . ,( . - Sauce Vinaigrette csselrode Ice. Petit xchtor Coffee Theodora I WeJikeAer haa been a drinker of whisky In moderate quantities pearly . nearly all of hi life and says 'he never ha taken Intoxicants In excessive amount, v. He say whisky ind other good thtr.fcs were made to tisa.'What and not to abuse. Ho he no. patience with a man who will drink to excess. He keep whisky In th house all of the time and take few smalt shrink every day. He enjoys hi pipe and he' enjoy tha solitude of hi little dwelling place. Ha find solace In an occasional reference to religious book.' j "vVhen the Warm spring month come ha tflla a plot of ground adjoining his home. Many year ago he learned farm ing in Germany end neighbor say that he knowa a thing or two about intensive farming. , ; i . He waa bom In Wuterberfurat 'on the Rhine. He haa been to Omaha twenty six year. He I known to all, of the resident ot the fashionable neighborhood In which he Is located. Occasional! aorn kind mother ekea him. a pi or iresn loaf of bread, or aoraethln ease to cheer the inner man. Crowned Heads ' 1 ! Eigors of : " Ceaisor'3 Pencil ' V (Correspondence of Tha Aeaoclate Press.) LONDON, Jan. I6.-Kinga. aa wll aa prime ministers, do nol ecape the Vigilant blua poncil ot th British censors. Early In the war a public addreae of Mr A, qtilth. tha prime minister, wag deleted be fore Tha Associated Presg could get It on th cable. Now, even when the rector are lecg rigorous, the remark of King Albert of Belgium have received elmilar attention. " .-' In an interview wUa King Albert at nl headquarter .la Flandre aa Aasoelated rnM reporter quoted to hi roajeaty a predlotionf publtohad la certaTri quarters that he might be back In. Tirusselain three montAs. The king replied, "Not ao soon. But some day I shall rkle Into Brueeel st the head of my- army- z- '- - J On 'eeasor passed the roj-ai'" remark for cabling X America, but when It waa eabled back to London for publication tn a local paper another censor modified th king's words so there -was no qualifica tion a - to time, a he1 evidently did not consider It wle for Fn!ia reader to knew that tUe king did not expect to be bar m h! capital In thrWmonth. Tet the' censor have a human aide. On Chrtstma 'eve one of The' Aeaoelatcd Frasa men on th continent ended' his night letter with the words ."Merry Chrltt-maa-t all censors:- a remarkable 'but burst ot cood-wlli oa tha part of a me who for nearly five month had struggled with the censorship. The meesage reached th London office with the additional word, 'The same to youi-Chlef Ooaeor." i ii ... . k , ' Kv'. (rave. . Jeddah. which waa wrongly report.!! to have been bomberded .by a B-1'Mh cruiser., ts a most important- town for the ent're human race, apart from being the principal landing plnoe for pllyrtmi to Mecca. Just outside the cltyNa buried kve ''ihe rj"uteti mother of mankind, like a cxS Moslem. Ilea with feet toward kiecca.' Her grav haa graisliy rrown In sis and 1 how of hug- dimen sion. Rurtrn calculated that our first parent "measure liu pace from head to waist mid elirhty from ti.it tn Kul muet have presented the, appearanre of a dock." Frohshty tho reason why7the modern lover Jiill uses that word aa a term ot endearment. Londoa Chronicle. -jJ, Jj, (0 lLJjj Valentina Binmr Fourj HEAR PANIC Oil Y7IIEAT IJARKET Ky Option at low Point is Seven teen Cent Below High Point . ' . " : of the Seaion. ' GENERAL " STAMPEDE TO SELL' CHICAGO.' Keb. 13. 8top loss aelllna; 0f wheat .today led to A wild downward swing Jn, prices. Weak ness developed right at the outcome, but the craeti did not come until tbe approach of the final hour ,o! tbe eaeion. At that, time violent. lurch took place. May going as low u Il.tO ft buhelvwhereg the price not many days ago wag $1.67.. The low point was ; 9e under , Thursday night's close. . . , . - ' Trade oai Irwe -a1. '. Trade waa on a large ,csJe . and Indi vidual operation were lost track of com pletely , Before the exdteracotwa airiy ohooked July was. down '.. cent at H.25T4.. . ; mi j. , Almost complete stoppage of export de mand frorn th United state -for the time being appeared to form the main cauee of th general stamped to e!L Th worst of th snml-panle was ever In fifteen minute, but the market re mained extremely nervous up to the cloalng goog. Shorts buying to realize profits helped to rally tho market. aomo- the final dealings. Tho close esnta to VA cents down, as compared with Thursday nigh-May fin ishing at tV6K aid July at LTiaW,M. CO-OPERATION IN MARKETING Orwwth Flty ot Arttwn Jtiaeng Fsnasetw la Marketfas; ',' .',"'' rroaaets." "'- -' More than tl,ec,O00,O06 worth of agricul tural products are sold by. co-op-aUv and farmers' marketing associations In the United Utate each year, according to a report of a survey which has just been made by the office of markets of the United States Department of Agriculture. The extent of co-operative marketing In tne united BUte which thla government report shows will prove a surprbts ' to many person, who' have been Under the Impression that oo-operatlva sailing In the United States is yet In 'an undevel oped stage. ' The Investigator of the office of mar kets hav listed mora than 8,600 market associations, 1,700 co-operative and farm ers elevators, t,K co-operative and farmers' creameries ' and more than t000 co-operative, fruit aad produce associa tions in this country. , . The lde or co-operative" marketing' Is becoming mora popular each year In the United States.' according to men Who have been' engaged In the governmenta work of aurreylng thla form of business, and better results have been obtained than under th old-fashioned System of Indi vidual handling. Through ;th handling of agricultural products through eo-oper-atlvo associations farmers hav beejv en couraged t trrfprove their crops and id standardise In the packing of psoduet. The discovery -of the best daily market has also been on ot the principal ad vantages of th system, resulting in ad vantages, It Is said, both ta th consumer and the pro6ieer,--Washlngt6i Btar. n - In buying rubber goods take no chances. If you need a hot 'water bottle, i fountain flyringe or rubber glorea, get something that guaranteed. I For manJ'i years we have made a Special study of rubber goods and hospital supplies .and have refused to - allow anything but guaranteed goods to enter our- stofeg! ''YOU - CAN SAVE TIME ARt) MONEY. BY TRADING AT THE REXALL DRtJG STORES.-- ' ' ' ' ' we sell over 1,030 items RUDDER GllOVEQ Several kinds frr Burgeons, an household uie. .Special sale Wondav.- Good ' (warranted) gloyes for, household use; per pair Ankla Supporters -and Arch Props, , " , ' . - A.U tO C f'-J?' ?.w , . M i Resell about 25 L 1 J s i a u Y -A 4 porters ox var- Z&:J) f,. ious kinds for -'--v-tior' j ' 1- - .to JLbdomiaal Coils , . .3.0O - Air Ptllowa .... . . .!.? aod M-00 Bags fer Hot Water. . . t 80O to fl.BS Cendage. gum and woven COo, f 1.00 Bands, par bos ........ .0 Boogtca, CngrUsh, each. ;' .85 Breast Shields, each . lOe snd l&e Breast Pumps, English, each , . .55' Bulb for Ryrlnse and Atomisers, t .............. ,....&So Cuppittg Cups, eaych a 00 Chair Cushions 3 to (3.00. ,0.ihct4. Common I'.ngb.h. ea. K3 Coaiblnslvn Byrtnsee. t quiurl - at . ... .... .....,. v.al.aa to.g3.M Crut.h Jobbers, per pair ,...v. .aa, I'japnrs, any ise. eAU,.v. SSo ; Kar and t'U-er gyrliige .aae V.mark Bandagea (1.00 Mns.r Cota, fhlck and thineach ' iiuii Ccrner ICth and Dodja Streets. ' ". ' 0VL DRUG C0 ICth and Harney Ets. PLEASE DIE IN UNIOT," STYLE Orsraalsed Its. ho Ctrealar X't-are t'se f Caffla vrtth ratow r . -,.. Devotion even unto fleeth smd then some" Is being asked- at all member of the American Federation' of. letbor In a circular seat -broadcast, . signed by several leading officer of i th . erganl satlon. " -v ' ;v--.. , All tin km men are esker) to- ae that they and members--of their ' famille hav ' union fu nereis. They - are - re quested . to demand In their last days that their coffins bear the label of the United Brotherhood Df ' Carpenters snd Monday the 2hd Day of Our " Wbnderful Sale of Women's i You Should TJuy ; Scveral-r-All the ' Newest Styles '". aiid Qualities. Uncommonly Good ii.95 Kii&s deduced ta - 95 - v: " $2.25 Kindi Reduced to 81.15 i $2.75 Kinds Reduced to S1.G5 x ' , ( ; ; , , $2,95 Kinds Reduced to $1.95 . . - -. . I ii asaaaaaaaasaapaaas OMAHA'S FASTEST r a v, 1. 1 : d I l V 1 , . 1516-18-20 FARNAM STREET. , IBiPcalDudlciin Vv:sSilfflTjiM;' M '.HvlDti i immmm , n I i I 1 , .1 i -I'l-'- . " ' fv . .-, , . j . . ' ' - - ' ' ")!.' " '. 'T M .; i) 1 l.n.iji 1.1 .... ... . I,- 1 I ,.,.U -U in the Rubber Goods line. We nn na ) . -We sell a dozen kinds of Bed Pans. . . , . .$1.00 to $5.00 frtc ro V b oi Bup- fountain Syringes., vary b-est ' I tlusrt. oi I quar ........ $IM Hard Kubker Pipes ...... 10a to Bead Bags . . ........ T5o to glJiO Hospital Cushions, Invalid- -.. ' m ei.75. i.oo, $a.aa lc Bag ..........See, Soe and 3o lahalera, each" ..'....I. .-.So to (1.00 Nipples, beat kfnd, each ftc per do- en .. 45 Klpple Bh Sel la, each' , ... . .lbo to Nursery Sh.cttnjt, per yard .... S&e , OtxaterlcaJ Bed pan . , . .X50 to 5.o0 Plant tpraj's , 6O0 to 1.00 Peeiiarlss 4. . .60 to (2.00 Pillows I -....'.J..;.... (1.60 (o W.M Polluer Bag -$l.aS to l.So Kectat Tubes.tafh .A....... ,tl.D0 feUieetlng for AccoucheuienW- br -k..r... gi.23 Oi r x Joiners ofAmerica, the Upholsters' vnlon. and the Brptherhood. of; Fainter, anil Decoralors. . . . Oh" fhfr rrae clothea' Vhould he h Journeyman Tailors' nhlon ts. and tMey must not rest In pence save under a tombstone from a union worker's ehleel. J. H. Walker, John Fitxpatrlck, B. N. Neckel, O. O. Carleton and F. O. HopP. . who sigh th appeal, r that onlon-mado coffins and appurtenance are ff the beet quality. That Is an added reason why. they eay, "we believe' we have the right to ask your support In cases of bereave ment In demanding to see the label on the goods you purchase.' New Tork World. - Want Ada rroanct ttowTim.; RESSES;;. t. I a - ad GROWING STORE. ' rmMsrii ni it i.- buy direct from'factories only. Alon- izers -. m . Couches ,"We have Nasal Douches of glass and tin at 50 ? to $1.00. Spin Water Bottle (IS, Inches) at ............ ,.,..".$x0 Btomach Tubes, each .(10 Byringe Bulbs, Z pipes SOo and up SytingeB, Fountain ....Me to 3.00 tiyrlngea. Ear and VlEer, each . .86e fe'yringes. tTrethal . .....g&o aod S5o Syringes, Infect', all soft rubber t ...ftae fcyrlnse Bags, best, -quart .SO Teething Rings, each lOo 'Trusses ............ .$1.00 togg.Og Tuhlnij, best -ft, for Fountain . ' . eiyrlng ...T- a Umbilical Belts, for infants--. each ,.,JM I'rlnaJs .............giftS and gl.60 Water Bottles, plain 2-it., gOo, gl.00 Water Bottles, flannel, -qt. at gla J onnGll Drue Oo- ; LOYAL DRUG CO., 207-203 N. ICth St. .- ' HARVARD, 21th and Farraa Cts. 1 ' i.-r. a r-!'; A'i.t.t-ret. n.-L t f. , 1. r r- -1 .""-U . m-ji ii the . ..