Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 14, 1915, WANT AD SECTION, Image 32

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    4 I
Twenty Million .Youngster! Will
"Make Sehei Usfful a Collector
and Helpert It nn.
NEW TOKK, Feb. IS The enlistment
of the 2w.rtiO.non children of the United
Hate in an army of helpfulness to re-ll-r
suffering both In Mil country and
Europe ie the purpose of a, movement
which In announced here by a commute
of edncstot of nation-wide refutation.
It ln-lurts Charles W. Kllot, president
emeritus of Harvard uniformity; Iavd
Etsrr Jordan, president of the National
K.ducatlonat association, and Richard
Alcliirtn, president of the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology.
It l the belief of those Interested in
the plan that evil Influence in the school
of the I'nited Plates are arising from
the war. "nfluenoe of lying, hatred
and murder are moulding the Uvea of
America' M.OflOOtH children," ear a an an
nounrement of fhe committee' plana,
"which ten. I to crush out truth. Justice
and love. A a nation we are evading
our re lonslbllllle not ' eTtouly at
tempting to counteract these evil In
fliieuve.' ,.' '
t'aaiat Hide War.
"in rr.sny of our eehoola we even forbid
til dlscussloi of the war. We cannot,
however, hide thla war from our chil
dren nor keep ita destructive Influence
from their Uvea. '
"With a natliin-wldn relief movement
of our children we t-in turn their minds
from destructive murder to helpful life
glvtng and build on the terrible need
the tronavt, moat helpful race of rum
and women ilje world ha ever known.
"The achool children are organised, and
can begin Immediately on relinf work.
They can ralae at leant tLWXOnO without
burden on any one aa the fund will be
raised la email sums the people' gift
through their Children. They can make
millions of needed article of clothing and
other thine. 1 Working shoulder to
shoulder to offset the- Influence of
organised murderous warfare they will
feel tn qttlt'kenlng helpful Impulse of
their gresf llfo-givlrtg organ Ixatlon a
mighty Impulse In tneir lives and a great
example to the world. They will do more
to establish International peace and good
will baaed on kindly act ftinn year of
diplomacy and peace conferences."
-"" ' Each Child o Clre.
The plan announced Is that each child
eern or make what he gives, or give from
what ho has, that he may fuel he ha
worked or sacrificed to help. Th fund
la to be known as th "Children of
America s Fund." which tards of riu-'
atin, .superintendent, teacher and
oihr are itrgd to addseas at ak Mill,
, Newton renter, STdbs., for working' de
rails. v; .
pne half lb fund la to be used to re
lieve , local Buffering and will be dis
tributed throuch home charities a far
aa poilb!e. The other half will be dl
tillutea to the sufferers In Europe by the
t rational committee. Arrangement hve
"e mad frr the fre transportation to of all gift of nonpertshable food
or new cloihlng in pacKage weighing
twenty potmds or more. ,
11 la announced that the plane ' for
carrying out the movement have been
baaed on suggestion received from over
b.t pra. tlial educators. ; They call for
ire ua of the public school building for
enMteinrncnta to raise funds; the co
operation of teacher In getting th ohll-
aren to earn amall euins out of aohool
hours; tin manufacture .of useful gift
uy ooys in manual training classes; a rut
one oy a week devoted by all glrla la
sealng a a art of their school work.
8ATELY--Mrs. George W. I.lcCann and George and James.'
The McCann babies were the first set of twins born under
the painless method in this country. '
So 'Declares J. W. Rasp of Rasp
Brot., in Speaking of Real Ei
' Ute Investments.
Gun Not a New One
(! orte..oniienra of , Associated Yas.)
aais-u iiDAM, Jan. 2l.Tlie notion
that thn Kriipp 42-centlmeter gun la
great novrlty Is repudiated, by the
Krupps in a statement iaeued a fe day
- asn. It soys:
We ehlbited a l'-entinieter gun at
the World' fair K. t'ltloasi Ul 1R9J. Thla.
b.-iwever, a C"l -0-fcmt gun. and
wa not transportable in the field like
our 4I-cent:ijwtr mortar. It was merely
this mobility of our Ikige siege guns
which authorities abroad emu id net be
lleve In. ,
"In our catalogue at th Chicago
World' fair, we stated that our 42-cen-tlmeter
gun was one of, the moat power
ful of existing weapmm, and wa -jv
tbla of shooting (trough tii atrongeat
ahtp-srmor at any d'mnnco likely to into question In an engagement,
Ovr first Ccentltm-ter guna waa built
in is?.."
' l 1 - '.: v 'k.
J . .. . . - ..
M - , , V HI
'11 - v r
i , t - . .. ..
m -. - ;--yy : :y,:-, 'i::".y:r I
SZ. - - :- ' " -; . . ::- XZj '
v,i . ,- . ,' --a s 'tf '
P. N$;.- --V'::?,:4 ... (ify
' .Crrck 0 "..C;lf. .....
Favorable Report
On the Loan Bill
"The beat Investment on aarth la oma
of the earth, ltself( Right now I thd
tline." says J. W. Rasp of Rap Rro.
"Right her In Omaha la the place.
Omaha ha th geographical location,
surrounded on' all aUIe by million .of
acres of our nation's richest soil. Work
together, boost and advertise Omaha
first by patronizing home Industry. Why
buy Kansas City, Ft. touls or Chicago
manufactured products, when you can
buyjthe same'thlng. Just as good or bet
ter, that I Omaha mad at the name
price? It im keep all the money po
ible right here In Omaha and gt : al
much more to come here a 'I In our
"Prosperity hn juat returned from It
long vacation and la now ready for bunl
nes, , are 1 yotlT Omaha' population
ehould increase 60,000 in the next three
years, and will If we work together a.nd
advertise. Rocnrda show ' that each of
the four or five downtown business prop
erties that have been eold or leased In th
last month or twT at a half million or
more each, ha been the result of a 25 to
fO per cent Increase In value ea-h year
and theae sale and value are rift out of
the 'ordinary t for such transaction a
these will be regularly reported in the
year Just, ahead of ua. -Offer
(ire'at tpportaailea.
"Omaha now offer great opportunity
to th Investors. Home of our home In
vestor have already taken advantage, of
It. " Others will, and outalde Inveator
will soon be calling on ua. '
"Only a few year ago you could buy
good building lot within the mile ftnd
a-half circle for to 7V but today
you win go twice far out and pay
double the price, and In some locations, aa
far out a fout'mlloa. lot are now sell
ing for $1,000 to l,20u. .. i v
"Inveaf now. Buy a home now," If not
for cash, on easy term. It Is ald that
it aver 1 nearly always a debtor. Buy
a home or Investment on easy terms and
ae how easy It will be to make additional
avings to meet your contracted debts."
' . ! v .
Many Problem Ariie Every Day
WHich Keep Staff Keyed to
, .niffliest Pitch. -.
(Correspondence of the Associated Press.)
IXINDON, Jan. Jl.-Tha Rrlttah' For
eign office, which la In correspondence
lth th department of state in th
"Tutted Plates concerning the treatment
of neutral (hipping, I th
atlng departmental headnuartore" of the
government outside )t war offtc and
th admiralty.
I'revloua to the declaration of war th
lorehm offici had Ita work divided
aMordlng to geographical lltirs. but wllh
Details Incidents
When Ship Hits Mine P
orreiinence ot lit Aeeociatei) I'ith.i
1.iiN1).- Jan. Z4. member of 'the
if of the t,tttmr l'iteri, hi-h itaa
sunk by a mine In the Xunn. Oa, sends
to relative h.Te an acvornt tf how It
Jr.-ls to 1 IiIuhii up hy a mine. ll says:
"It seeiuo.1 entity liko a cart going
over a but brick. Kvnyinie waa shut off
feet, th firrrt f tlie ahli wh
thrcn tip Into the !r, tile Iron bulk.
)ira1a f!-w to jiiecea, and tlie windlass
weisl sv-ir tlie Imw. Tile ' lnti umenta
on te Itiise were shattered, lainj.a f fCI
ta!f rc blown out of their socket,
arid .I'rt.e weta elltnf In &: direction.
Ail ti.ii al eitcily tuu ,kina t;uUtnt. The
i ai.i f:.'j.t off., rr v.t-r Iut4 tf
l! c br.dse and laiiufi on their face on
lim tt. cli b!ow. ; ttn!y two inert were
l i y hurt. r-..ev.-r; t'i-y wert lioth in
ti.. ir bunka let ti.e time."
Roaring of Cannon
Leaps Wide, Areas
i ,i i t-rpuiiilence. if Til Ao uitd Ptcaa )
:i:.N'tCVA, Jn. V e icntli-ta ar tn,in!itt tu xltn the pec .liat ph
ty l.Kh ti. artlU- ry fsre the
.,.-. !.,.!.!:,,; m-ar t't.c border
.r. I. i i-.'.iiiy l.-ii in itic itii.r-se Alt t,
. 'd I. i ..-,i t1 ,-re ai vwe t-f ail.-ti.-to
i t !,!., T r.iii.D .
T i.e onc in southern A"u-h. e t int
t. lat I V. 1 ft'tot'tli lit' Ilt-ttT tue
!: i.-j .it. Km Mvlns side, tl.t-ii for r.rite
t ir c&ru.vt l.e );)-ld ut all.
: t'.e tt i r, and oti.rr .- k it Is so
f' , it IIU. to C'!1K If J'll
; . t j.r i' 'c the ritl'r.
; r '. .i-.,j.';i of '.,! iJ. i. a lift-d hy
' i. t . - t .j--rb;e tuiy' t
t :.. e .,i.. a cf in.. but b.. a Vet
I ,.i.l i:,) i- ',J i' n fur theai.
reorgantned with Subject con
traband, .paaNportx, citltirhlp and treat
It. . ' , .
Tli usual conditions still wamp otne
of theao di'artmtita with work, but
gradually the buainoae is being ateu
aliaed and Ui under serotar e x;jtt
that delaj which hava been a oat: of ,
tuuch Irritation. ul!l be avoided. ' In the
contraband - department' it la : bclioved
(any time th ainouat of business that
any other govkrnment was aver called
upon to do In till lina la being handled.
Kir KJward amy"haa oonvertej on ot
th big waiting room at th foreign
off lc Into quarter tor thla department,
and score ot syeciai clerks and other
employes liav bn Uesltinated for duty
thore. The co-ordlnathJtt of th foreign
office and the adiulrnlty In diioaing ot
unlraUtnii vaacs lias frwucutly been
4 M..did hy rd ti 14. Rut tp luiv
twon tken to !imiiists this, .anl from
now on the furoigtt offUa . ponUi a
apedier handling of au. h oaati. ,
wark Siar ltoara
Francl Ink AcUnd. ranking under
se'rtury of th foreign , of flee. Is often
on duty frtfiu 14 In Hit- niornmg until
mldnliht. Telcgr pliers and code men,
working irf eit;ht-liour xxluys, ate on duty
throoaliuut tlie tnly-fuur hours, and
tt la not unusual for the foreign office to
have i;) meisaaea every eight hours.
Many of theae are loug and their tiana
u.Ucn from c."i deini.nda time and hard
When It ! t"tk.n Into c t ldcrtoT that
Kirkwall, iu Jilir ttrkney lalautU, aJld
pi a. id ally rvr.y ioi t in the aoiilh and
a cat cf Iceland Is R'lcd with liip
l.eid for Invertitiaticn, c nm I1- can be
formad of the messttgra which must be
exdinngtd dully coitccmiug suict.l
coutial-and luld lu the Kiiglian tales
office from -.ah ' representative " ot ' tha
lower mentioned. ", ' '
.Of tha kuronean neutral, tha Nether
lands' nilnlntcr, Mr. .Van Hwlnderen, - for
year the Dutch represontatlve In Wash
Ington, ha been most peratatMit In keep-
' ing the position of hie government before
th foreign offtc.., A tha neutral diplo
matist eu trusted, with the affair of bel
llgerent nations, Jdr, l'age, th American
ambassador, ha occasion to make many
many visit to lr Edward Grey.
Previous to the war Kngllah subject,
like Amerk-ana, had little use for paae
proat and seldom obtained them. Under
hanged condition, however, the demand
' fnm ittBi.uirti hate h rikiii MrrnnwHn
moat inter- . , .
th creation of u peoll paasport depart
nient and tha employment of a greatly
Increased rlericttl foroa, I unable to
uiply h puaaport without a two-day
ileUy. I'hotogiapli nro now required on
11 Knglish pafuporta, and hundred lot
th doui-
requltcd before tl'ey may leav
Knglund for any foreign port 'and de
manded even -In districts near the Kngllah
unset. If they ar not known to in local
The building nd loan association bill,
house roll No. 4. which raise th limit Jf
loan that may be made to any on Indi
vidual and talne the mount of stock
Martin Reports
a Numerous Sales -1
of Real Estate
Ohaj-le W. t art In Co.. report busi
ness unuaually brisk fer ttiia time nt the
that may be taken out by any ona boN'W ,ih."Knin,'r, lnJ lir,' n(1
rower, ha been re portea lavoraoiy in ine
committee ,of tH Vhol by a rote of
64 to 12. - t
Under the present law is.OOO I th limit
that may- ba loaned by a building and
loan company on any one plec of prop
erty. At the same time no more than
r,0O0 of stock may ba taken out by any
one borrower.
The proposed bill raise th limit of
single loan to UOOrxJ for eompanle that
have asuetfl ot 200, 000. Building and loan
association having larger etii may
make larger Individual loan In propor
tion to the amount ot their aset up to
the limit of a j:'5.tWQ loan or association
having $1,000,000 of asaeta. '
It Is also provided that the association
may. Invest thalr money In certain Interest-bearing
scVi titles other than real
estate mortgages, ...
Would Spxind License
Money on the Roads
-Those of the real eatate men Interested
in handling farm property ara lntereted
In the Dalby blU In the hui, know j
aa house roll 262, which provide for. a $3
license fee for automobile. $3 of which
Is to go to "a good road fund In the state.
The real estate iueiv' handling-farm prop
erty, k iell a the lamer triemelve,
and the automobile men ar Interested in
thla bill.
The Omaha Real Eatata -exchange ha
not yet taken up the bill aa an organisa
tion, but many of the Individual real es
tate men are looking with a good deal
ot Interest upon th measure. It provide
aJaothat It hall go toward expense of
maintaining tha licensing department and
toward the salary of a highway com
mlasloner. ' . --. . , .. ' '
some nice sale, with a large percentage
ui riBn CMjyers,
The following recent sale were made
by thla firm:
William McOauley of Kouth Omaha, a
home at 2513 Here street, consideration.
Vbarle Horn, two lot In LrfUireltori
addition, to be Improved it onoej consid
eration, n.flO. ,
Otto TJiora-ert, two. lots ji Be,Ile I-le
addltUm, to I he improved at once; con-'
slrieratlon, fl,9'0. '
lanlel W. Arnold, new Tiouse at 4B3
Farnam atreet, which ha will occupy for
a home; consideration, 5,Mu.
"J. U. Oulsenberrr. a new home In Balls
Lisle ad.lltionr- on Crown Point avenue;
consideration, h.v.
N. F. Bala, lot on Laurel avenue. In
Laurelton addition, to. be improved at
once; consideration, tXX.
F. A. BlXby, a home on tha Florenca
boulevard, near Ogden street; considera
tion. 6,MI.
W. J. Brennan of Bouth Omaha, an acre
on the Florence' boulevard, near Ellison
avenue, on which he will build a home;
consideration. 12,250. . .
Owar Alliaon. a lot on Crown Point
avenue. In Uollelsle addition, to ba im
proved at once; consideration, M.
Jacob A. Way. a home at 1460 Laurel
avenue; consideration, M.SOO. .
John IT, Cutoff, a lot on the Florence
boulevard; consideration, -II, 150.
B. M. Van ValKenbetg lot on Kansas
avenue, In Belle Isle addition; conald
oration, $1,250. ' ,
.. m
Druesedow Letter
Late in Arriving
the war ao many tt:estlon aroee I applicants wujt evry day for
that the working force wa completely ment requited before 'trey r
Strange Wounds
v. Found by Doctors
Kroni .....
Brooklyn ,
. Queen ....
Total ...
(Correspondence cf the Aeaoolatea Press.)
PAltlS, Jan. ?l-Tlio retnarkabl wound
that are cauaed by rlcochcttlng bullet
and aecondary pnJeotilea being diacov
eti) by urgoJia , In ever Increasing
variety, ar commented, on by Henri d
Varltny livlhe lbaU .' ,
It A'"t only ar Uefortned bullet tr
Ouently found in wounds, but with then!
such unusual aul atnce a bit of bona
from the boilie of other men, metal and
medal and money, piec ot cloth and
other article. .
Th presence of these extrancou ub- !!'.!h0W
iviiiva in wound invariauty mean tnat
they hv been projected by' rloochettlng
bullets. An officer recently was found
to have been Injured by part ot th
forearm of otte Of his men; one man wa
struck, by a stone that had be pro
Jected by a bullet.
In another .caae'a part of' one man's
Jawbone was packed out of another man's
bedy . wound; still another -soldier lost
the tight' of hia eye. by being strut k
with a fellow soldier's tooth.
From Ihe various field hospitals come
report of finding In - aupposcd bullet
wounda such unuKnal object a button,
nailk. i tagnH-lita of eyeaiaeees, piece of
teeth, sliver of wood and bone, eyelul.
acrn.a ot leather and coins. '
In one ca a projectll struck a man's
pockat and glanced off without even
. January Building
' X mitigation of tha unfavorable build
ing statement for January may properly
be made. ' For two reason th present
actual building condition are less unsat
isfactory tlfan the statlatlcswjjuld Indi
cate, In the first place many architect
are engaged on plan for spring work.
lermit for which have not yet .been
ought. Office Vork 1. therefore, more
active than that of the pejrmlt Usued. In
tho second current construction In
clude much work, the permit for which '
were secured teverai months ago, the
actual work at that time having been
deferred on account of an unfavorable
money market.
Official report of th building permit
Issued during tha month of Jaguary In
seventy-five cltle. received by the Amer
ican Contractor, Chicago, show total
of $34,711,718, compared with $46,447,467 for
January, 1S14, a deorcVse of por cont.
Of the citle twenty show gain and flfty-
iiv tosaea. row Tor ; City make th
splendid gain ot SS per cent, only two, of.
It flv borough showing losses. At Chl
cago tha comparative los la only per
cent Among tha winner in the oompar
lon, together with peroentage of gains
are the following: Albany, VX. Montdalr,
IIS; Pateraon, 147; . Schenectady, J.1K"
Spokane, 171; Springfield. IU., 130; Syra
cue, Xo'lo. 129; Troy, 41;' UUca,
161 Detail are a follow:
January January Per Cent
. im lSHTJulnLoas
,4 f.i.mj Bs.i;,o .. j
Si,J! U3,fS 12$ ..
.. vi3. in
,. 4x,0t
. - 7a,17S -
1,116. (M)
86, m
K..IU) .
101. JC3
' 4a.!i
.0"7 JoJ.IHg ., 45
. 3S9.WJ .. 3M.H)i J
:fi.lf , sasvo ,. on
Rural Credit Men
Select Their Of ficers
. i
The American Rural Credit association
held IU gtockholdera' ' meeting Tuesday
and elected some new timber on tha board
bf 'directors, while it re-elected Hyram
Tyree president and rranlaO. Odelb c-
retary. ' . , -
Tte new director added are: y
V. C. Lawson. Graad Island: C-eorge E,
Toonsey, Fort Oolllns. Oolo.l J. A. Ollls,
Ord, Neh.; Ernetrt Caratens, 'Seattle,
Wash, and Frank O. Odcll. Omaha.
Th old director retained arei
R. W. McGinn), Fremont; I.. C. Moore,
president. Fort Collins, Colo.; Clarence V.
Benson, Oenvor, Colo.; R. lT. Bradshaw,
Welser, Idaho; William Pollmen,. Baker
fit v. Ore.: M. H. Hone. Vale. Or.: N. B.
Coffman, Chehalls, Ween.: Hiram Tyree,
New Tort, arid Jame M. teatterflel.t,
Dover, Del. -
Commissions Arc
To Be Discussed
iinltlmore ...
Buffalo ...
t'edar- Rapid.'
Chattanooga .
.'lncliiDatl ....
''olutnbua .....
lnyton ,
I etrolt
Kaat Oi-ang...
Kfcrt Waime
tlrantf Rapid...
Hartford T."....
Indianapolis .....
Kansas City.,
Uriooln ..........
1am Angelea....!
Ixjulsville .......
Memphis ,.
Milwaukee ......
Minneapolis ....
Naahvlll .......
New Haven......
New f rleans.....
New York City
alone. As the navy ta iually active in .acratrhing the skin, th bullet hit another
th vtatrra near till tue lolotilea, and the j matt, and In the wound were found bit
t rench o&vy Is gur.!i:i Mvditerratieau j of cloth from th firrt aoidlrr uniform
;rad agtUnat contrsbun I dertltted for tha'and twenty deformed piecea ot gold froia
tueuitee of the aliica, ni"i:Mgea fnjtn all coin that wer forced out cf the pocket.
parts of tl.a world concerning ehlpplng ! ,
; anf ea
(Correapondenc ot th Aoclated Pre )
BERN'S, twiterland,:-Jan. Zl The d.
The Oniab Builders' echag has been e""Uon of gold baa ceased tn Alaac.
i un-e-1 by- lt secretary. Clark Shelly, t '"? ilvr la acarce. I'aper money
term afrilinted organlsatkms, uch ka or-l0' denomlnatloio aa low as 10 pfennigs
umiiseli'ina of material men and ot!e,-i cent) la being ued. Thb fractional
angaged In line of butlneaa cloaeiy allied currency la in th ahape t,f mall tlck-
k i- :
t'.-.d Hi
A J 1 rLlaa
prokirana mono;Kjha the cablea and
rM lit reeKiiililita ctiULiled. .
TI. I tuted fit. jun. Nora ay.
Denmark, ll. llnr.'t an I Italy l've been
dl'iiul jf ty th effoit ut the 1
jiKtt-a to prrvei.t contruhuttd froru reach
lug Oermany, and oiiuihim rvpr..-ntii-
iv of a'l tl.ew countiic focnt grl..v- ;
in a int,- day. riouth Ain.rcan
ttplmatlt and th r pieaentativea of' neutial Iras f;ctr by th r.Bor- j
oui poll, y !of the adimiail) are a so !:--quent
ca.ltr wj.n Bir 1 0ar.l Ur-y and
t .a bM-f .aintuut. '
lit eatlunte All (a sea,
TI ,ts -stlon An a put.ltahed d i.pu.:.'li ;
from ar y recil 'ti of ;le acrid Ihot "" nrciiiin. i;
country t.a t" l.iaiud aq act lii, !i mUhl , , . ,
In M.(:vr.l.d aa a MoUtion of ueuti ality . A 'For .Hie' -l ul turn cccd haol
iin.tai.ily li.Jil.ta a visit to tt fvrriva I lari.S.ui u, 10 (iio.
Beoria i..
Ihlladelphla ...
llttehurglv .....
Klchnmnd ...w.
Rochester ......
Salt 1 k City.
Sun Antonio....
J'-m Fran'laco..
it. Jo-ih J i 12 jv.)
St. Inula l.OM.hTJ
. 1.S73..W
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1,410.2 ti)
1.171.709 .. !
W.14 (6
Secretary Crelgh the- Real Estate
exchange did not peVDruesedow's letter
from the legislative halls of Lincoln, until
long after he had read (he 'same letter
isw4he Omaha and Lincoln paper.
. Tha " Real Estate gchange. when It
voted over . a week ago to oppose r th
passage of the Saunders electric light bill.
aent word to that effect to all thCDoug- L"
im uouiuy delegation, jn. n legislature,
and naked that delegation to oppose thai
bill. Druesedow accused the -exchange of
being behind the time and not working
for th Interests of Omaha Inbppoelng
uch a bill. He struck off a bunch-of
carbon copies of his letter to the exchange
and had these copies printed' In all the
newspaper. -
Frank J. Carey I havihg plana drawn
for a 40x 100-foot brick and concrete build
ing at Twenty-fourth ant.Eraklne street.
It will be two storie and basement. It.
D. Frankfort the architect and the
plan -call for completion within three
month from beginning work. Tha build
ing I being erected for a tenant who will
take a long-tlm lease.
Bunday RE . .
Way is a New, Way
A Good. Way
' . and
A Safe Way
to handle money our owl
money and yours. -' '
W finance and build new
homes or, reliable people. W
1st. 7 on money furnished.
2d. . Builders profits.
3d. Mortgage secwflty on
the new home the safest and
best security In the world.
Home -Builders will pay you
7 on your money In any
amount and divide the build
ers' profits, which has amount
ed to over-10 to present
Our booklet; the "NEW
W(AY" free for the asking, ex
plains fully our plan.
American Security Company
' Fiscal Agents
.....nil. . i ' g .
V "7.. fiiF x'
MrjiaiMSSisW iisiisi - !
Heavy Hauling
1212 Farnam
Commission for real estat. men' are
to be th subject of discussion at the
next meeting; of the Omaha Real Estate
exchange, .Wednesday noon. The matter
of whether commission ara high enough
.or too high and) brought up a few Week
ago, and It was suggested that tha ex
change hold an executive aeaslotrlo dis
cus th matter. ' ' yv
(Corresnondenf of the Aesoclated Press.)
OXFORD, England, Jan. 21. The Ger
man chancellor" on, Frsaerlck von
Bethman-Hollweg. reported killed at
Mlava, waa a German Rhodes scholar at
Oxford from 190 to 1010, residing In fealllol
college. '
He took an actlv Interest In pwt,
especially rowing, but ftl health compelled
him to giv op any actlv participation
In athletic after the middle of hi courae.
II then turned hi attention to debating
and became a valued and brilliant mem
ber of the Oxford Union, where hi
sjpeeche were frequently praised for their
excellent- EngMth. On ot hi best ef
fort Waa a speech in which h vigor
ously eppoaad th notion that German
policy was a danger to the peace of Eu
rope. ' '
Oa hi return to Qenr iany b devoted
himself ehleny to literary and artlatto
pUraulta. At tb beginning of th war
he 'went ta th esatera front a, a non
commissioned officer of the Hreslau cav
alry. , , - ' ,. 1
Scrsntou ...
Si,ni 1'ity.
PilcHn ...
'yi truH . ..
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V 'Hk-Harr ..
Wot caster
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JUL" 1 1 J i& s.f. i A
If yon ar going to locate eUewhere. let ua
crat and WraD VOIUVsnoti fnr atilrnYint Our'
ervlcaa will save yon time work and rvlisv you of worry aa well as pos
albl damage to your good. "',-,
Ouruarantead Fire-Proof Warehouse
very reasonable rates, aaf storage for your furniture, piano,
ther hmimhold furnlahlnga I'hon ufor price on separata
n Douglas iltf. , , -
- 006-013 Couth Gixteenth St.
Offer, at
rug and ot
locked room
Tip to Engineers and Contractors
Also Material Men. The Universal Press Clip- -ping
Bureau supplies semi-weokly construction
, bulletin- and newspaper clippings on every eub-,
ject' "Write for particulars. 1 : . ,
Universal ' Press Clipping Bureau
(Suite 517-18 Omaha national Bank Buldg., OroahaNeb..
to the i'ntractonf ork.
ktr. Klit-lly iiittde this rfcinnien,ltl m
fca his re i it to the exct ene when h ic
tunwd fiom attending th meeting of th
National AsMx-iatlon of liull-ler' E--ihaniiH
at I'oluinbtia. O. Tha local e-
hsnit fr la t.iK- no uotiun on tho
t. bearing the" niuns of the commune.
the date ot uu and th stamp of th
particular dUtrtet of Autac wher the
um Is payaMe.
lu most part of Oera-.aay th 1-mark
(S eenut ts the mnllest doom!natloa
of paper money thu far available.
Coataaamdin; Officers Who Seemed
, to Paaaee More Tks
r - "lla IJ '.':
There I a story told of an old veteran
of th First Napoleon who lived until
1M6 In the Ftench village of Bavary and
who had L .wooden leg. a wooden arm. a
glass y, a silver palate, a complete
set of false teeth and a silver plate on
tbe top of his head, and. yet died peace
fully in hi bed. Compared, wit such
men th proverbial nine-lived cat Js no
where. A on reads the stories of great
war ot th past th manner in which
famous general hav played -touch-and-go
with death 1 little hort of miracu
lous. Th wonderful escapes of Napoleon
and Wellington were proverbial. Though
bullet grased thera and riddled their
clothes, and both' had horse abut under
them.' yet both passed through a life of
battia and danger with two or three
light wounda apio.
Marshal Ney,' the bravest ot th brave,
wa continuously fighting for twenty
eight year, yet h escaped with; only a
few slight wounds to meet a traitor's
doom at th hand ot th bourbon king.
He headed counties charge, had flv
horse sbot under him in a slngla battle,
eagerly courted death warn leading the
Old Guard at Waterloo, and yt wa
never er!ou8ly wounded. . . ' "
Few case ar roor remarkable, how
ever," than that of General bsonsynchl.
who got thirty bullet through hi cloak
during th battle of Ostrolenka. in the
Polish Insurrection In Itil; or Sir P.
Icy JSvanse whose ear was perforated
by a bullet during the war of
lblT. Garibaldi, too, had mauy narrow
havea, but none closer than when rest-
I lug on day at Voltumo. White drink-
lng from a pail of water a apl-nter from
a ricaochet. shell grafted, bis thigh and
Ml led some people Boar. Wow Tor Press
Apartment, fists, houses aad rotUge
raa be rented quickly and cbeapay try
l t or lUnt' a
An Apartment
you would like to
'call your home
may be easily located in tbe "For Eent,.
Apartments" columns of The Bee.
, Apartment house owners-know
that Bee readers are desirable
.tenants and accordingly' the
,. best 'offers are always'
advertised in The Bee.
Iniestor with mooey read th
Kklsts aJ tn Tha Bee. AilrtiM
prvperly for a ouk-k sal.
h f il r i
! if. A ?
( i L I fit-
landing an apartment through
Bee Want' Ads is the
juickesti most economi
cal and satisfactory way.
Try It
Telsplone Tyler 1C03
The Omaha Bee
Wot Ada
: i
rliO j I