Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 14, 1915, WANT AD SECTION, Page 5-D, Image 29

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swArrEiw coloin
INDIAN CCRIOS Rare colla tion about
one hundred ptecea of rare specimens of
beadwork, etc, for lot. acreage, auto, dia
mond, or what have you to offer? Ad
dresa S. C. em. rare timaha Bp.
.MaIIxuJn kjosf" la. and tin banjo.
Will trade one or both for diamond ling.
Address ft. C. CI. Bee.
llAlldOANI buffet, a beauty, almost
new, for diamond, jewelry, or what have
you to of(rT Address & C Oti, car
Omaha Bee.
MOTORCTCtJ"J Twin Eseelslor motor
cycle with aide ear, swap for auto
worth ITS. Ford preferred. Address 8.
C. 2C. lira.
ORIENTAL! ruga, genuine antique and
very beautiful, rare designs, to trade
for tifd) furnlturtv diamonds, merchsn
dise; or what have yea? Address ft. C.
fit rare Omnha We.
late Ford touring car. Walnut 1Mf o
PAINT Have bbl. of flherwln and Will
lams' outside house paint; 1st. class.
Will take part trade and part rash
What hav you? Address b. C. 4B3, Be.
PI ANO Wellington piano, used i months,
1166. guaranteed 10 years. Want trade for
diamond or sell for cash only. A bargain.
Piano cost lapo new. Address B. C, 414, Bee.
1'IANO-Owtp on a lot. balance monthly.
Address 8. C. SOK. Bee.
PIANO Have 1st class upright 8 wick
piano, cost XQ; wtil take 160 cash and
balance In chickens, cow, or horse; will
trade on fair basis. Address P. C 629, Ree.
PIANO In gocd order, will swap for an
auto to make a truck out of. will pny
some difference for an extra rood car.
Address g. c. 6r9, Be.
PHOTOURAPHY 10-vol. 'Complete 1J-
brary of Photography, leather: like
new: cost HO, will sell for 10. Address
K 675, Bee.
PIANO ss first payment on an old run
down ious and Int. must be cheap and
well located. 1 will pay the balance
monthly. .1 air. a ycarpenter and can fix
nil the place myself: Address 8. C. 610, Bee,
PLAYKR PIANO A good standard rlayer
piano to b sacrificed at once or would
trade for diamonds or cow or horse na
.wo are going to the coast. Must dispose
of at onoe. Address 8. C. 61!, Hep.
IlE8TAl'RANT DISHES About 6U0 pieces
of hotel or restaurant heavy weight
rhlnti plnles. cups and seuctrs, augers,
creamers, side dishes, bakers, etc.. all or
any part ct it to trade for anything that
I :nit;lit le able to use. or cheap for cash.
What have yuu? Addreas 8. CMS, car
Omulia Bee.
RUBBER HOOTS Have good pair of
rubber Loots almost new will U or
trade fur something I ran uae; In good
londlllon; i-lac sV. 8. C. 41. Bee,
SOLID BRASS Jardlnter, a beauty, worth
I2i, brand new, to trade. W hat have you
to sftupf Also on brass candelabra, new,
for five tnndlcs, and one combination
candelabra, heavy quadruple-plated sliver,
can be used eiuier as singl candlestick
or for three candles, a fine ornament on
the tab! or on tho mantle or on top of
the piano. Will trade for used furniture,
or itnytbtuK vt value to me. Address
ft. C. V6, care Omaha Pee.
80l.Hi copper ciMflii- dlali. With copper
' bordered delft blue til tray and alcohol
filler, all In copper, famous nternau New
York make, to for furniture, dishes
or anything that 1 might be able to use.
AddresM S. l tkil, Omaha Bee.
TKPEvVRITICR-Ollver Standard Visible
V liter, only aifahtly used and as good
M hew Cctap f.r cumi or will trad.
What novo you? Ao'cr. S. C. 433. Bee.
niG.NS. l;wcards. Clark & Bon. D. 137.
TWENTY ACKUD OP LANO-Lnln-ctimbcirj.
located In the famoue John
Day district, near the Columbia river In
Oregon, 'litis perfect; valued at 200 per
acre; wiil sell or exchange for clear
Omaha lot, or what have you. Address
A Wl. Bee.
TYPEWRITER. ETC. What have you
for typewriter and .45 caliber rlfla? Ad
dress 8. C. 631, Bee.
500 well known vacuum wanning ma
chines, all new and up-to-date. A guaran
- teed machine. Agents here la your chanc
to make a clean-up this spring. Will swap
for auto or what have youT Address
B. C. 30. Bee.
WATCH To trade for 1,00 tobacco tags,
stat full particular In answer. Ad
dreaa H. C. 622, Be.
WANTED to trade violin, case and bow;
valued at $75, for diamond or what have
you. Addreas S. C, Bee.
Notice Is heroby given that th regular
annual meeting of the atockholdera of the
South Piatt Land company will be held
at the office of said company at Lincoln,
Nebraska at eleven o'clock a m. on th
tblrd day of March, A. D. 191S.
C. H. MORRILL, President
' A. B. MINOR, Secretary.
' Lincoln, Nebraska. February 1, 1915.
VNIOW STATION Teats, and Maaoa
Chicago t Northwestern
'Twin CHr KiprMS..,. ilttia
Dakota lasnnier b 7:41 am
taionx CHr Looal a I 2 pa
MluB'apoha EtpraM a 4:45 pm
'I wU city Limiua a l:M pot
PnTr BpaeUI
Carroll Lorl a 7:00 am
Hawker Inns a 7:4 am
Calcago Uveal aU:a pm
Carroll Iol a 4 10 pm
C'h'cafo Hreclal a 4 4 pm
las yraoclacA Limited a I l& am
Orlaao Llmlta 4 I.N pa
Orram-WaaklD(toa Limited... a 1 11 pm
Ij Aatalaa Llmltad a :M pa
OiaJron Local a l:M am
Lincola-DallH a I s am
L1dco1b-1u Pin a 16 pm
Hatiai-tluprtor k 1:15 pm
iMailwcoa-Hot tprlaga a l it pa
Caapar-Landar a I 64 put
Albloa-oakriala b i:M pa
aid U pa
a l:U am
a 1:41 pm
all 15 am
7:11 am
a 7:M am
a 4 pm
all s pa
a 4i pa
al 00 aa
a 7 :f0 pm
alO U aa
a t:M aa
ali:U aa
all:40 aa
alO U pm
a i .ld pa
a is pm
all. oo aa
l:li pa
Chicago, MllvaBlee
at. faul-
Pacltle LunlUd
a 7 :M am
all U am
alt :1a am
a l a pm
alliae aa
iblcaaa Spaoial .
I te pa
glacial.... t II am
(.tilcago Uayilibt
4jaliloraU Mall .
Macula Uca ...
Chicago Ureat Weatej-g-
Twlu city Llmltad a ttae pa
Tain Cltr Bapraa. al lJaa
Chlta Kapraai a 1 .04 pa
Jdlasoart PrUe-
K. '. rt. !- Eiprasa a 15 aa
K. c. 8l. 2 :ra U:U pm
K. C A lit. Taut a J 00 pm
a pa
I.M pa
a 7:11 aa
a 4:4 pa
a : pa
Chicago, Rack lalaad at I'aelfl
Rocky Mouataia Lliniiaa alt II aa
tklraao local Haaaiir bit 00 aa
I fcirasa I'ar Kaprwa a 4:80 aa
Chic Mat kpraaa a 4:W pa
iM taulaaa Lacat l-aaunaer.a IT, pm LSiaiia.. 4 M pa
Ckl -Nab. Llmiia te Llaoola a I 45 am
cviorato California Sip... a 1:40 pa
Oklakuma Taaaa Itipraa... 4 pm
all 00 pa
64 U pa
a 4 44 pa,
a l:i pa
all M mm
a M aa
a t 47 pa
a 4 00 pa
ait i
Huiar alouatala Laalla all ll a
Laiea facUlo
ucrlaa UaiUMt , 1.49 aa
CaluoraU Mull 4:0 pa
On-ika Eipraas A
Auauia gipriM
lt Ansa lea Limited all .44 am
Colorado gipraaa a 4 pa
Loioraao Heaclal all M aa
Baa rraacuce Umlle aa
f.,ltl Limliad all 4 am
Or.aoa-W.MiwKiaa Liana.. !. aa
Norm Haua Lcl a IUm
iiiaad lalaa Lacal a IS pa
kirviUDurs Local UiJ 41 pa
all j; am
a I IIbb
all 44 aw
a iH pa
a 4 aw aw
.4u pm
a 4 so pa
a ll aa
a J -li pai
a k.u pa
a 4:44 pm
ai at aw
6U:w pat
Illinois Ctr
Ckiras Ualta a f 0 pa a I'M aa
t ht kp I.Hu 14 pa
Omaba-8t- Loala Eipraaa a I II pa a 9:4i u
Mall a4 Kpraas. 7 :4. aa aU:Mpa
U li aaa
a 4 10 pa
....a 4 lo pat
.... .a I aa
,....a 4 u pat
,....k 110 paa
.....all la aai
....a u a
a 1 pa
k 04 pa
.....a I II aa
air pa
7 0 aa
a t 4a pa
a 4 .M pa
h :M pa
a 4 JO pa
.'.'.'.'." 4 'U aoi
ail 01 aa
a I at pa
a I a pa
a I I pa
alt u pa
i I 14 Mia
4 14 pa
k t.U aa
10 OH a
4 M aa
a 1.4 pai
Dar Llaute .........
ttaaTar aa callfanila. ..
fus ewuai Kipnaa....
habraaaa r0Ut
giak Hllla
iiacela Mi'l
NorUaaal, gapraas
tbraaka, Krao
Liuoola Loval
I laiiaauMitk-iva
(.k.aaao bvaclal
Cbtuaaw k.prai
ikirsaa Kaat aUsraaa...
naiua Lal . .
i, u k. C. Spaalal.
i. Lua spanal
C g gt- Jaa
k. C. - Jvaapk
a I 44 p.
' jp
all M) aa
a 4.M aa
May Wheat Drop, to $1.50 ai Mar
ket Advanced, but Rallies to
$1.54 at Cloie.
OMAHA. Feb. IS. 191S.
Had the grain maraeta in the V'nlted
Plates, closed because of Lincoln's birth
day, been open for business yesterday. It
was the Impression of operstora who
were on the curb that lower prices would
hav prevailed.
was bearish
both In the
Ptatea and ahroarl
Liverpool anol wheat -ri and Vd
lower. Winnipeg waa weak and de
clined !V, out closed on a rally of Sc.
with a net losa of IV t ll.MN. Julv lost
l'o or within Wo of the lowest of the
day. Oata, alter a nreak of H i-eaeted
and closed at the top, which was Pc.
Flax declined lo durintr. the early hours
of the market, but later regained the
May wheat opened this morning at a
rang of ll.SWtul.Mi. ,vid a the market
advanced It dropped to th" 11.60 level, and
at the close May wheat rallied and closed
at $1.64i.
W heal was 6c to So lower.
Corn waa Milc lower.
Oats were ICaHao lower.
Clearances were: Wheat and flour equal
to buahela; corn, 4JS.0W bushels;
oata, 4.lo,000 bushels.
Liverpool closed; Wheat, not quoted;
eorn, lc to l4c lower.
Primary wneat receipts wer LRU.
bushels and shipments l,326.0m bushels,
agalnat receipts of W.Otio bushels and
shipments of JM.0U0 bushels last year.
Primary corn receipts were l.&JO.noo
himhela and shipments 1,829,000 bushels,
against receipts of Mm, 000 bushel and
shlpmenta of 4kfi,000 bushels last year.
Primary oata reeeipta were 1,134,000
bushels and shipments 1,24,000 bushels,
sKainat receipts of 433,000 bushels and
shipments of 644,000 bushels last year.
Wheat. Corn. Oata.
fit. lxnil
. 29
.K7 .
There were no sales of wheat today
Pales reported were. Corn No. Z white:
4 cara. 7Tc. No. X white: 1 car. 7SV;
2 cars, 73c: 1 car, T2c; cars, 72V4C. No.
5 yellow. 15 cars. 71c; 1 car, 7"Hc No. 4
yellow: 2 cara. 70c. No. 2 mixed: 1 car,
near white, 7lc. No. 3 mixed: 8 cara.
near white. 71c; 2 cara, 704c; care. 70c.
No. 4. mixed. 1 car, Vie. Oats No. i
white: 2 cars, rwHc. No. 4 white: 2 cars,
65c. Sample: 1 car, rV: 1 car, Mc.
Omaha Cash Prices V heat : No 2 hrd.
I1.4M1.51- No. 3 hard. 1.47fM.M; No. 4
hard, II ?.,Mjl.4b; No. 8 spring. 11.4091 M;
No. 2 durum, fl 4l 4 No !t durum.
11. 42(31. 47. Corn: No. 1 white, TJMrTOio; i
io. z white, 7;vi.,ac; No. white, TZMi'ia
'll'i-c; No. 4 white, 72V,?J71Vic; No. I white,
72fc 7c; No. 6 white. il'pTH.e; No. 1
yellow, 71ifr71Hc; No. t yellow 7r714e;
No. 1 yellow, 70VMr7te: No: 4 yellow. 7iKp
70Vic; No. S yellow. (j07W4c;. No. S yel
low, SH(&70c: No. 1 mixed. 7JVi&7tV4r: No.
2 mixed. 706'iOHc; No. 3 mixed. 0OW7OV:;
No. 4 mixed. eseotSiAc: No. S mixed. 4mi,i
fl4c: No. mixed, 68"v569c. Oata: No.
I white, oiiljsrtc; standard, 6W66Nci:
No. 3 white. tVfiWVio; No. 4 white, bi-tf
Soc. Barley: Malting, 7ifi81c.; No. 1 feed,
Of74c. Rye: No. 2, H.22'41.23; No. I. 11.21
Featarea t the Trading gad Cloalag
Prices on Board of Trade.
CHICAGO. Feb 12. Wheat rnllana.,1
In price today 144c g bushel, the most
niMiiuiwi ircnR ainc me Beginning og
the war. Almost complete arrest of ex
port aales had much to do with forcing
speculative holders to unload tor a short
time on a gigantic scale. Rallies fol
lowed, but the market closed extremely
nervous, 6lc to B'ao lower than Thursday
night. Other net losses were:
Corn, No to c; oats, 4G',o to lc, and
provisions, 0c to 2uc.
Throwing overboard by immena east
ern lines of future deliveries, said to be
owned by belated lnveators, was ap
parently what mado . the wheat market
atorm-awept In .earnest. Stop loaa orders
on tho outlona credited to eastern ac
count were not readied by a fall of 3Hc
thnt prlcea underwent during a rush of
selling at the outset of the day. - Re
coveries, however, from the early weak
ness were not or auflldent energy to
hinder a persistent recurrence of the
tendency to drastic liquidation. The en
suing smash, when It finally did come,
seemed to overwhelm the pit. and there
was no breathing place until May had
plunged to 11.60, g fall of 17c from the
highest record war price, $1.67, on Febru
ary 6.
British cable dispatches had much In
fluence toward emphasising bearish sen
timent regarding wheat. Thi was par
ticularly the caaa as to reports that
greatly Increased shlpmenta from Ar
gentina to Kurope would be brought
about by action of Premier Asqulth con
cerning the release of vessels which
would ba available at Buenoe Ayres. A
reduction of Argentine ocean freight
rates was taken as significant and so,
too. was Argentine pressure to sell at
decldodly lower prices.
Depression of the corn market was dug
wholly to th weakness of wheat. Rela
tively corn showed notable strength.
Rural offerings, although slightly en
larged, wer not excessive and wer
readily abtorbed. ' Liberal shipping de
mand, both domestic and foreign, helped!
to prevent any radical setback in oata.
The cash sale of oats here touay wer
estimated aa amounting to 950,000 buahela.
Provleton gave way unuer aeinua
which was led by the packers, txiwerea
price for grain cut a good deal of fig
ure and so, also, did forecasts of big ar
rivals of hogs for next week. ,
quotations rangeq a luuuw.
Articlel Open. High.,Low. Cloae.l Yea y.
' 1 MH 1
I 32 1 34
794 SO
Uk il
67 67
, 19 0SH 19 IS
. 1 4i 19 60
, 11 1I4 11 25
II 22'4 11
. 10 30 10 23
. 10 62H 10 60
Chicago CbsIi Price Wheet: No. 2 fd,
ll.4r.jil 6a. Corn: No. 4 vellow, 73S4jr7Se.
Oats: No. S white, 68∾ No. 4 white,
6M',o9vC. Rye: No. 1, 1 624. Harley: 71
ftirTcT Heed: Timothy, 86.tiXijaJ.IO; clover.
1214m. Provisions: Pork, 17.00(8,18.60;
lurd, I10.65; ribs. 9.a',4C9.7i.
Oaotatleaa f the Par
sprinK tmtenta. H.4o'o'T.9; wtruor patents,
$7.3017.:; winter stralghla, 17.17.40;
Kai.HHa atralghta, r.i4l7.40.
VV ! 1 F A T 8 pot , weak: No. S red, H.C.
and No 2 hard. 11.83, all rail. e. I. f. track
export; No. 1 northern, Dultith,, and
No. 1 northern, Manitoba. 11.614. c. I. f.
Luffalo. Futures weak: May, ll.lii
CoHN kipot. eaay; No. 3 yellow, 87c,
c. 1. f. to 4rrive.
OATS Spot, caay; standard, 84c; No. 1
white. 43W-: faniy rllpiied white, KriVi.
HAY yulet; No. 1.'t: No. 2,
KcAtl.OO; No. 3, 9o"; shipping, kuueoc.
liOPS Steady ; at ate connu.-n to et.olre,
1(4)4 1S4IJLC; Pacific coast. 1914, lUilie;
lklS. 9y11c.
1IL)L-F1rrn; Bogota, t2V4c; Centrgl
America, 31 '4c.
LKATHKH Firm; lieruhwk flrats, 32e;
itK'utidii :io731c.
PIU)VIfloN! Pork, ateady; mess
fiSl.t- family. IXi04ii4.v; abort clears,
hv lieef, ctulet; meaa, I.'1.U0
43 00; family, I34.0ftnai.tkj. Ivtrd, easy;
n.ldxlle west. 110 iiU'10 46.
TALLOW wuiei; city, , country, -a
467e; apeclal, 7c.
HUTTER-Unsett'd; receipts. ",442 tubs;
treatk mm Wchater.
Pal, Mlaaeapglla
..k I kk put
.. 41 ta
sag pa
I Tarta CUT Paaaeaaae.,
1 rloui 4llf hipraa..
mioui iltr Pimaair
eiljM aa
1 GO 1 MVi 1 69V4
I 28T4 1 27 I 35
" 79V4 TOTa 04
8014 81 814
0H OH a '4
66W ' lS
II 10 IS 90 II 10
19 30 III) 19 47V4
10 9t'4 10 M 11
II 4 11 0741 11 23
10 16 I 10 20 10 S2tt
10 I7HI 10 46 10 61
gmaraoa Lual
j a aaiir. k " a
k 4 wo p
k k lk aa
creamery, extras. i9J score), 31c; cream
ery, thinner, 8liixvc firsts,
if ski seconds, 2tiiac; ladles. current
make, firata. rlti ecinda, 29c; pack
ing stock, current make. No. 2, 3"o.
KlWS-rnaettled ; receipt. 2 cases;
fresh gathered, extra fine. a.fiJriV: extra
flrstM, a47V; firsts. MVnc; seconds,
JiVflWc; slate. Pennsylvania and nearhy
hennery, ahitea, line to fancy, JHtAc:
same, gathered, whites, JSNjiMc; aame,
henneries, browns, j ''. same, gathered,
brown and mixed colors. JMj JV,
CHKKKK Strong; recejpis. mt boxea;
state, whole milk, held, atclals, 1T'V
l'7'c; same, average, fancy, ltitl.c;
same, winter export type, specials lytf
ltic; same, average fancy, 15ii ht'c.
POCLTRY Live, weak; weMtern chick
ens, l.'-'ic; fowls, l.'wbioc; turkfva, 17ti1c.
Dressed, tlrm; western roasting chickens,
17fllc; fresh fowls, 14'.jin4jc; turkey a,
Bt'TTER No. J, 1-Tb. cartons. Oc; No.
I, U-lh tubt, 2c.
CHEK.FE Imported Bwias, 14c; Amer
ican Bwtss. S6c; Mock Swiss, tic; twins.
l(k'. daisies, l.c; triplets. 17c: Young
America, 19c; blue label brick, lTc; llm
burger, l-lb., 20c; l ib , 20c; New York
white, 19c, Imported French Roquefort.
FISH Trout, 20t; large crapplea.' 15c;
halibut, 14c; channel catllah, 14c.
BEEF CL'TH Ribs: No. 1, 17!c: No. 2.
14V; No. 3, UVc. 1-olns: No. I, inc;
No. 2, 14V. No. 3, 12VC. Chuck: No. 1,
9c; No. i, 9c; No. a, lc. Rounds: No.
1, 12c: No. 2, USc; N. 3, lie. Plates:
No. 1. IV: ,No. 2., No. 8, 7Sc
POTATOES Colorado Rural. 7a bu.i
Red River Chios, soq bu.; Minnesota,
white. oo bu.
bAKET PUTATOES-Kanaaa. bbl.
POULTRY Brollera. 14c; spring chick
ana, lie; bens. iUc; cocks, kc; docks,
luc; gtxe. sc; tuikeya, lc; pigeons, per
do., 90c; ducks, full feathered, uc; ge,
full feathered, it; suttab. No. i,; Nw.
t, bOc
Market quotation furnlahed by QUlnakl
Fiu.i company:
FRCITS Oranges: Extra fancy, Alpha
betical, all alas, a.7f bos; extra fancy,
iilendora Ilomea, all sixes, 12,46 box; extra
fancy, Bunktst, all slsea. I-W bux.
Lemons: Fancy Bunklst, Suiis. MUc, 4 OJ
to ta.Oil box; choice Red ball, Ub buz.
Orapefrult: 36a. 64a, 4a and NOs. 12.60 box.
Apples: Extra fancy .Whit Winter 1'ear
nmines, fcl.flti box; extra fgncy White Win
ter Pearmalnes, 11.7a box; extra fancy
Waahtugton Wlnesapa, tl.uO box;, extra
fancy Washington Bpttxenburg. 1 1. 60 box;
Washington extra fancy Hoov'era, 11.35
box; fancy Washington Jonathans, 176a,
lsa and 2on, II. 2 J box; Idaho fancy
tTMinra' Golden, 11.54 box; Idaho cholc
tirlinea' Uolden, ll.-ti box; Idaho extra
fancy .Jonathans, 11.60 box; extra fancy
Black Ben Davis, II. IS box; extra fancy
hlaca Twigs, 11.60 box; fancy Ulnck
Twiga, ll.3o box; extra fancy Uaoos. ll.M,
box; fancy Oanoa, 11.26 box; fancy Rome
Pcautiea, 11.60 box; fancy Rome beauties,
!-box lots or more; 11.40 box; extra fancy
I Black Twigs. W & bbl.; extra fancy Mis
souri Ben Davis, highly colored, bbl.
vi rapes: Calitorida, Emperors, 13.10 bbl.;
Malagas. 0.0j bbl. Pears: Anjous, 12.26
tox; Lawrence, 18.00 box; Jerseys, 12.26
box; Uusco, s2.6 uox:, pheidon, I2.2o box;
Easter, 12.25 box. Bananas: Per bunch,
11.76 to 1.1.60. Strawberries, 40c qf. I
VKOKTABLHS-Cauliflower, per crate;
13.00; new cabbage, per lb. 2c; cucum
ber, per box. 12.26; red cabbage, per lb.,
)4c; celery. Jumbo, per doa., 90c; peppers,
hi,.iiM rum: leaf leltuii'. Der doa.. 40c;
onHor.s tahnllota). per doa., 60c; bead
lettuce, per dox., 11.00;- tomatoes, per
crate. 16.00; onlond, yellow, per lb., 2o;
sarllc per lb., 26c; onlona, red, per lb.,
j... r.,iiha. tier dox.. 60c: onions, whit
e is,. 2iic: turnips, per dox.. 6"c;
onlona, Spanlah, per crate. 1150; spinach,
per dox., fOc; endive, per lb., 36c; parsley,
per loa., 60c; artichokea, per do., 11.50;
bean, per hamper, 14.60. bruaael sprouts,
nor lb.. IOC. fotatoes: woiorauo rural a,
i per rjuahel, "ibc; Ked river Ohio, per
bushel, koc; Mlnneaota whltea, per buahel,
03c. Hweet potatoe. per hamper, ki.eo.
Nl TS cio. 1 utunornia wainura, pw
lb., ISc; black walnuts, pr lb., ksc: fil
berts, per lb., 15c; pecans, per lb., 12Hc;
Uraslls, per lb.. lP4c; aimonas, per lb.,
2uc: 12-12 ok. fig. Per box, 66c; 60-8 ox
figs per box, 12 00: sugar walnut dates.
per box. 81.40; lislowl dates, per ID., kc.
M19t..libA?ir,uuo r?iienm .puycurn,
Per lb.,
half ci
4c: limes, per dox, i.vo; cracner-
per caae, w.w; cracrierjaoK, per
case. l.7b; enecKcrs, per caae, sa.ui
checkers, per half caae, 11.76; honey, per
caae. 1:1.75; New Tork ciner, per keg, ss.bu;
cocoantits, per aack,- 3.60; cocoanuta, pr
dos., 76e; cranberries, lat Howe's, per
barrel, 17.00; peanuts, raw, per id., io;
peanuts, raw. sacK iota, jumtio, per id
ko; peanuts, roasted. pr lb., IV4oi poa-
nuta. salted, par can, ki.ku; muenrtwuik,
per lb., toe . .
Kaasas C4r Craig aa4 Provlaloaa.
Canh. No 2 hard, tl.484rl.49; No. I rd.
$1.4la'1.60; May, 11.464; July. 11.23; Sep
CORN No. t mixed. 737lV4c: No.
whit. 77Wc: No. ytaSlow. 7840; No, a
72Vkc; May, VMiiTlYti July, 79; Septem
ber .ire.
OAT&-N0. t white, (7ct; No. I mixed.
BUTTER Creamery, 30o; flrats, J7o;
seconds. 26c; packing, 20V4C.
MOX3IS Firsts, 2Hc: seconds, 17c.
POULTRY Hens, tPfrc; rvoaters, lH4e;
turkeys, 16c.
. 1
Trf laneapoila Uralg Market.
May. 11.4644 ; July, 11.404; No. 1 hard.
I1.49T4; No. 1 northern, ll.46S61.49-4; No.
I northern. ll.Hl 40N.
F1AJUR Flour declined. Fancy pgtants,
17.65; flrat clears, 16.44; second clears, 16.00.
- BA RLEY-74(tjSlc.
RYE 81.2301.24. , , .
court No. I yellow. 73U73'e.
OATS No. I white, 87667'Ac.
' St. I.oat Gralt Market.
ST. IX)U1S. Feb.. 13. WH EAT No. . 2
red. 11.611.63; No. 2 hard, 1.6Jtfl.U; May,
tl.4k; July, ll.2"S.
COKN-No. 2, 75tfTS4c: NO. 2 Whit, 7V4
677o; May. 7IHc; July, 81i4c
0ATS-N0. a. 680; No. 2 whit, 6c.
Liverpool Oral a Market.
LIVERPOOL. Feb. 11. WHEAT 3 pot.
No. 1 Manitoba, 13a CVkd; No. 2, II 6d;
N. 2 hard winter,. 11 id,
CORN Spot, American mixed, new. Is
2Hd; February, 7a V4d; March, 7 lOftd.
Coffe Market.
market for eoffe future was rather
steadier today, owing tu the steadier
snowing of Braslllan rabies and report
that considerable coffee purchased in
Braxll b New York Importer win oe
shipped 10 Kurope, wher ptica gr said
to tie relatively nigner. 1 no opeanig
here was I to I points higher, and tho
market clored net unchanged to 2 points
higher. Kales, Including switches, 17,600
bag. February, 8.63c; March, 86H0; April.
6ftlvc; May, 6.7hc: June, t.TXc; July, S.g&c;
August, k'JJc: September 4.99c; Ootober,
" Otx-; November. 7.13c: P'4mbor, 7.a
Spot, steady; Rio No. 7, 7'c; Santo No.
4, 9.' The Braslllan cable reported gn
advance of Vid In the rate of Rio -
change on Ixin.lon. XIHrrla prices wer
nnchangvd l Ro, with 100 rela higher
at Santoi.
Oil a4 Roala.
Btady; machine barrels, 6c. ,
RDHIN julct.
yulct. fc".', Sitlcz. none, I pi a,
1 bbl.; shipments, St bbla.; stocks, 3t,r4
bbls. '
ROSIN Firm; sales'. HI bbls.; racelp's,
rk bbls; shipment, too bbl.: stocks, lk,
9a bl la. Cuotatioia: A and H, 12 96; C
and 1. t.t: K and F, 13.06; O and H.
i: 10; I, .iS. k. :: 40; M. 14.00; N, tS.O'i;
VU. 16.40: H'M', li.fji.
- Hagatr Market.
NEW YORK, Feb. 11. 6UO AR-Mrkt
for gugar futures was quieter owing to
th continued holiday In th local spot
market, but the undertone waa easy unuer
continued scattering liquidation, with the
cloalag prices I 14 I point lowr. Sale.
2.3UO tons; February. 3.4-; May," t.Oo;
Juna, 1.67c; July, 3.71c; Beptoinbar, 1.7u.
Raw sugar, holiday.
tallaa Market.
NEW YORK. Feb. H.-COnX5X-8pot,
01. let; middling uplands. 8 66cj no salea.
Futures closed barely steady; February,
y 16c; March. 1.44; May, I 4kc; July, 8.kao;
Ai'gust. k.t5c; September, I (Be; October,
9 11c. December, 9 2Tc: January, l.aac.
LIVKRP04JU Feb. 13. COTTON Ppot.
eaiy: good middling. I 24d;. middling, 4 Md;
low middling. Salaa. J.UuO bala.
, Dry .od Market. .
NEW YORK. Feb. 13 DRY flOOl'JB
Market quiet. Wool contliuad firm and
, p...'!.na wwra rlrtu l.lliena liialiar
v i.ur,rHi - " - ... a - '
.1 .1
Bef Steers Quarter to Forty Centi
Lower for Week Fat Sheep
Are Lower.
BOITH OMAHA. Fen. 18, ll.
Receipts were: Catt.e. Hose, tineep.
t'fficlal Monday 3,14. J..-4
crnclal Tuesilav .... ,. i.fco W.l.Vr
Olflclal Wednesday ... 4.474 54.&H
Cfflclal Thursday i,W H.U'i
Official' Friday .. 14-1
'Estimate Saturday .... 200 s.'W
Six dava this i.'iii Ki0
fame days last weelc..a0.l fn'.W
Sam days 2 wka ago.3iV.Wi W'.'
Same days S wka ago. 17 4!'.t .M4
Sam daya 4 wka ag.i. 21.16 .47t
Bm daya last year.K.477 tfi.02
The follnwlHs i.hi itinai the recelt'r
of cattle, hogs, and aluej at the Ho.tu
Omaha Llv tttock maikct tcr the year
o-da, as compared with Ut yt :
... 1616. Inc.
Cattle tiH.Hd H1.K 1971
Hog .uixi kisb
Sheep HO'.W 310.4.3 23.tW
The following labia rnwa t'.i svenw.e
prtc for beg at the South Omaha llv
stock market for th lart few uays, with
comparisons; -
Yat. I Tils, i ii4. i is u. .t"" ': nt'i f. ilVTii. i ismT
' IN
17. I 4h I IK;
:'S.I I 6S 1 irj
i m 6 i
I 4i Ul; I Ha
I l 4SI W J V
I W; j I k M
.'i 7 64 11
02 V 4; I K,
77U I gfi T St
7Hi I l V ilhi
I 8 2.4 V m
T1-4J I I 2M 8 K
7 m hi r .1
'eal B Sb
III 1 lltllw
I a 11
I 90S' I la.f 7 Xl wn t :' Ui 6 91
0 1 1 T 31 ul 1 Hal S ! 6 I'l
M 17 1 7 421 1 7 40 I ; 04
74 8 2ul 7 44 I 09 1 S IS. 8 14
74 , I 3SI 7 St. 4N 7 4V 18
I 8 29 7 64 I 00 I 42 18 61
r in.
7 a a 4i t tf
4 .
I 40' I ( 4mJ 7 gAl
8 41
8 4A 7 31) 4 Kj 7 W) I 4
V 41. 7 ;
I I 1
g 61, HO
:o: 7 k
i m
k 711 0 13
i 16
g ! 7 94
I Ml I M
Receipts and dteto:uon of llv stock at
the I'nton Stock Yards, ttouth llmaha, for
the twenty-four hour end log at I o'clock
RBCEI FT8--er A R LOTS. ss.
C, M. t?V P.
Union Paclflo .:
O. A N. VV' east
N. W.. weat
C P. M. It O
H. A Q., east
B. A J.. west
C, It, 1. 4k P.. east
C It. i. A 1'.. aeat
Illlnaos Central
Chicago Ureal Western..
Total receipts
Morris A Co .'
Swift and Company
Uudahy Packing Company
Armour 44 Company
Schwartt & Company
J. .W; Murphy
..... .1.017
l,'i U
Total 8,180
CATTLE There were no freah cattle
to make a market thla morning, but the
receipts for the week have been quite
liberal, although smaller than laat Week.
For th month to rial recetuta ara the
largeat that they hav been at thi point
for a number of year. All markets have
apriencd large run of rattle, showing
mat me country is very eager 10 dispose
of its beef stock. It would look very
much a If th country had loat con
fidence In th market and that cattle
feeders are In a panic to unload on ac
count of th high coat of feed aud the
leady decline In cattle prices.
Ail market have broken badly this
week, sharp declines being everywhere
recorded. This market has been no ex
ception to the rule and at the clos It Is
safe to quote beef steers aa 40c lower
than last week, with cows and heifers
around 26jj&0c lower than g week or ton
day ago.
Quotations on Cattle: Good to choice
cornfed beeves, 7.2tVij.7.70; fair to good
cornfed beeve, H.60bi7.26: common to
fair cornfed beeves, 86.76gg.0; good to
choice hellers, !6.76U.0; good to cholc
cows, r.6O4i.0O; fair to good rows, 84.76W
60; common to fair cows, IS.KkJjMIo; good
to ohoioa stackers and feeders, t4.80jr7.26:
fair to good stocVera and feeders, 14.00$
l.6u; common to fair stockers and feed
ers, tS.etktPtiOO; stock heifers, 6.g6j.00;
stock cow. I4.76jf5.7l; atock eglvws, In.VU
tn.SO; veal calves, 17.0040.00; bulla, stag,
etc. 84.754i4J.00.
HOUS-Receipts fell off again today
and in spit of th fact that advices from
other markets were not overly encourag
ing the local trade opened out In very
fair shape. Early bids were made at
about steady price, and whl som few
h'lgs ware sold on this basis, most seller
were asking better figures, raukers re
fusal) for a long tlm to do any better
and the early round were .generally
diaggy. but In the end buyer wer
furcod to com across, must of the hog a
selling at strong to shad higher prlcea,
whlle some sales at th best Urn war
nearly g nickel better than yesterday
average. On the whole It Is safe to aay
that the, average market is a shad
higher. Mevemeut was never very active,
but a pretty fair clearance had bean
mad by shortly after 10 o cioek.
Rtooipts wer nothing out of th ordi
nary this mdrning. about HI cars or ,0v0
hesd, showing up. Th week total of
96.V4 fall by a little over 7.000 bd to
break the record for a week's receipt,
but tgnds as tb oond largest run In
th history of th yards. Supplies lor th
six days were mors than 88.900' larger
than last wk. and gver 2I.UI0 haav Ur
than th n period laat year. Supplies
for the year to date show an Increase of
over 38.700 head over th correjponCIng
lierlod of laat year. .
jv4Hrcsnisi.ivu "vir
I 48H
4 4
4 at
4 W
4 W
4 44
. ,M
. .141
4 6
4 it
4 IT
4 k7
u 1 m
SlfBEP Ther wer no frh rclpt
this morning. Th week s tfao gt U
market point has been far from satis
factory. The principal tieSr-teh- factor ba
been the decreaaed conaumlng demand la
th ast gnd th ronaequent dsioorallsed
condition of the eaetern dreasd mutton
trade. liberal receipt during th lrt
daya qf the wk glao tended to br
prieoa, as th packer buyer bad a good
opportunity lo fill order on A lower
basis. Every day until Thurdy prtc
x-iinad considerably, but under th in
fluence of light receipts on th last two
days of the week lambs held fully steady,
while aged sheep strengthened up g little,
ther being an advaao on Friday of lk
l&c. At th week close the bulk of
the good killing lamb of handy weight
eold on packing account ground 88. aa
compared with th bulk a week ago at and a top gt 8. 76, ehowlng g
slump that average about 0c for th
week- Th closing slns ef wr gt
l.26. a against 14 Knl 64 at last wk'
cloae, the decline in thla caa being
aroudd HWIOc. In ayinpatoy with iwti
yearlins and wethers kbuw about th'
kame slump.
Quotations on hep ana lambs: Lamb.
Mexican. Id.Utwv.U; lamb, fed weaterna,
I7.7i4i41.10; lamba, - ahearlng, I.7dI.36;
yearling, light, 87.1uitr7.W. Vcarllnga,
heavy, la.tOi.lO; wetliera, good to choice.
. 304(4.40, wethers, fair to yaod, W004
130; ewes, good to cholc, 8.7ia4?4.!v; w,
fair to good, fc.BOtjg.rc.
t'attl Weak Hog Vgtllg -
keep fires.
CHICAGO, Feb. 13. CATTLE Rarslpt,
a heaii; market weak; nativ ctevra,; weatem, ti mw!.'Mi: cowe gnd
heifers, 3.16J7.76r calvea, 7.0O81O2.
H X 1 Ht Receipt s. 14.UCU head; market tin
ket tied, early advances of 60 lo too Prtly
loat; bulk of !, 75tj.90; light, 4 kvfj
7.00; mixed. AW.:i4.o; hevy. .i(K(fM);
rough. gi.&ai.k)o; nigs, IVkvi .
feilEEP AXD lJtMrii-Rlpt, 2100
l.aad; rnarket firm; ahp. M rfl7.4J0; yr
1 ng. n.atiT-TIl lamb. I7.U3
t, Lal Llrg gtaek Market
ST. IXlL'IS. Feb. 1I.-4 'ATTLE Rolpla.
60 h4ad. Market ateady; nativ ater,
IT.Oiik 60; co and heifer. It OfilX;
atockors and feeders, ti.Vu M; gouthern
kteeia, 1 b ; Co wo and heifers, UV4
I.OU; nattva calves. 84 0"ttf U .00.
HOOS Receipt. .l.tuO head. Market
higher; pig and, t6.7iiAJ; tulx4
and butcher. .t0 7.10, good bvy, I7.0I
7 IO
ellttP AND LAMBa-Rce1ptk, 1.901
head Market steadv; native muttons, i
10, lam!. HOnn 60; J fal llnm. 17 HO I
117. oO. '
Kansas lly Ue lock Market. :
KANSAS CITY, Feb. 1.. -CATTLE-Receipts,
KM brad Market steady ; pi lino i
fed steers. iVomUMl"; dresed href ateers.
It.ii:.("; western steers tti Mitt c0. Ptock
ra an. I f, . ,1 . rw. t.-. rHiMi: hulla Lilk'trl
.2w: alve, . rOiiti) M.
Minis- 'ctlrt-", l.'OO head. Market
steaily to ac hitler: bulk of aslea. t.t-lt
;o; l evy, ! -m'. TV; packers and butcher-.
Jo taV.-..; light. Itt.ii H.;!. Plga, I 00
"liVr.' A N t LAMIW-Xo receipts.
Market at'-ady; lamha, 17 TtWil 16: year
lin;. I'liSV'O; wethers, 16 t.ti.76; ewes,
:.." cii.
!. Jnirnri l.le tck Market.
T. JOSKfJI. r.b. I!. -CATTI.K-He-ti
Sfl jie ,ttt. pv 1m gd: mrUet ateady: pigs.
" IjvSh;; cw and l.lfr, 4.0M7.;6;
'' !!c .'
I 4'1 (It tl'.-P.Cfi I I ',''' iHSd; IliS-Vet.
''' I.U'ir: top, ; b"l of aa.-a. s.u.;
H.W1 s t-i AN f I.kin.,5", none;
tAjrVt !Cld; lamia. i.pij.-o.
Mot tit.- IIt St4acki Market.
PIOI'X f'lTT. Js , Veb. 1 1. -CATTLE
Itecelpta. ".00 head.
ll'UV--i'.cc.f ipta. 'O.iifO lend: rnarket.
steady: l.-ivy. I4.VTS .14 1; mixed. M.1;
light, HIOW'l.ST'-; biiU -f l". i.&I-4K
;4' '.WI I.AMUH-Ueolpis. !
NEW YOTiK. 14.--Th" aUt-mrnt
ff the Brtuul cjiiditlr: of cm i.r n honae
bank Mid inwt oiopviea lor 'ne w-n
a'lowa that they lituo wnc
in evce: J legal rec.uir mi" ia
a derrevi vt kl.MISoi from last week.
The r-'atement fo'.loas:
Actual condition: incteaae.
l oans, etn n.T.HT.OOO M.71f.,i4)
Reserve In own
vsnlts tlO 94jg.lb1.O0D l,44C.O0O
Reserve In tedersl
i'eire Imtik ll8.Sl!V 4,000
Ue"iAo In ther 4ic
pr altartra J2,7.(Wt M "00
Netdrtinands Jetriia 2.1fi-;t,miii a,kxi.)
Net time d'.ip.sU.... !'tl22.0HO M!..oi0
t.'irvulatlon , M,44.f 1.a0.ik
Agrreaiito reserve... fd4.217.WO
Kxcrp reserve.. 19.873.3M 4. 118.20
Hummary of state, banks and trust oom
paniea In Urealer New York not included
In crearlnr houa St a'ement:
lnan. etc IhM.lOh.lOO 179 400
Himcte 42.H7a.700 Tl.4)
Legal tender 10.2MO.ami 9.tM
Total deposits C42.600.f0o )
Ranks' cash reserve
in vault 10,9.11.100
Trust companies" cash
reserve In vault 42,232.300
(K of which 3a,7ij,m is specie.
l.oadoa Itork Market.
LONDON. iFeb. 13. American securities
on th etnrk market today were dull.
T'nlon Paclflo and Canadian Pacific wer
marked occasionally. Th closing waa un
interesting. SILVER Bar. 22 11-164 par ounce.
MONEY 1 per cent.
DISCOUNT HATES Short bills gnd
three months, IS per cent.
New York Moaoi Market.
PAPER SVtSM per cent.
day bills. 84 960; for cables, 84.8236; for de
mand. 14 8: IV
SI LVER Bar, 48Hc; Mexican dollar.
BONDS Government, heavy; railroad,
Closing quotations on bonds today wer
a follows'
fj. g. ret. a
do caitpcm
D. g. la. ra
ga eaupea
C. g 4a. rat
.. T. Ci a- OH" ... "aw
.. H N T. CHr 44 1M.. 14-4
..101'N. Y. HUMS 4Vaa...l4k
lltN. T., N. H. g It.
..lots r. (a
ko eoupoa
..liovl Ko. Pad no 4a.
, 1i
, 4
, pi
. kHi
. t
la 04
. Ilt
. P74
. polk
. K,u
. PS
.. ta
,. v
Panama U 4C1P01..VI1 4 4n 4a
Am. gnaltora 4a...l0HO. . U rat. 4a,.
A. T. T. t. 4tkaM'4Pe. T. a T. ka..
Armour A Co. 4s.. M44 rMn. aoa. 4a,
Ateklaoa ea. 4a.,.. k44a Heading ga. 4a
gal. A Ohio 4o kkti rt. I., g g. r. t 1
Che. A Oklo 4wa.. at St go. Pao. r. 4a....,
C. a Q I. 4a.... 1 4o rat. 4a
C M 8 P I 414.1 I0H4. do rr. ka
ao ft. 1. g P. e. 4r9tklo Rallwar ta....
i g B. rat. 4 Ha. at I'nlou Panrio 4a..
art. 4k R. Q rot. ka 41 do ct. 4a
Rria aa. 41. 07 f. g. Rabtwr to.
Hw. Elartrlc ko....lowV. 8. Htaat ta....
Ot. No. lat 4I4S....10I Wabash lat (a....
III. ran. rr. 4a.., t Waat. t'rilea 41,0..
at. C. rA rol. k. .. II waat. Elaf. tn. ka
L. N. uni. 4a ... I1 ka or. ta ,.
1. 1UU4
M. K. T. lat 4a. . 4M so. 4 Ska
ate. Pae. t. ka 44Vk
BI4. orrorea.
Rank Clearlaga. . . .
OMAHA, Feb. II. Bank clearings . for
Omaha today wer 13,792,786.07 and for
the corresponding day laat year 11,241,
867.18. The summary of th clearing for
tho week and for th corresponding wk
last year Is:
Laat Tear. This Tear.
Monday I l.728,!79.M 821.962.17
Tueaday 1.646.379.116 3,7A),219.H
"Wedneaday 1.068, Kl.l 2.6ffl.OS9 94
Thursday I.SQK, 437.17 1.0MI.OA7.H
Friday l,1M4,Oir7.M l.247,4tl.M
Saturday f.Hk,k07Jk 2.iW,7S5 07
.I14.119.1U.80 tl,Sl,68.vS
Mal Market.
NBW -YORK, Feb. ll.-MKTATi-ror-per,
steady: electrolytic, 814.4B4in4 invk;
ctastlng. $14.2R0J14 S.". Iron, unchanged.
ST. LOUliv Mo.. Feb. 13-METAIJ
Lead, unaettled at, 13.tB713.71H; spelter.
Strong at 3.Ctttt.2tt.
Cleveland Equals
Warren Rifle Eecord
At Washington Meet
.WASHINGTON, Fb. U-Ecorlng 9W
out of a peaalble l,4u0, Cleveland thla
week equaled the world s reaord held by
Warren. Pa., in th Intercluh rifle (boot
ing competition championship matches.
Th five men of th Cleveland team rut
ninety-nine out of g 101 ahota Into th
bullanye, tb ale of g ten cent plc, at
g distance of seventy-five feet, .22 caliber
rifles being used.
Cleveland lead Class A, having th
largeat aggregate acore for the series
and Bangor, Me., leads Class B, while
Buffalo gnd New Haves gr tied for
th leadership of Class C. Score of th
Ightji match follow:
Claok A Cleveland 999 against Bridge
port 998, Platrlet of Columblt W0 against
Birmingham 961, Klnga Mills, O., 4
against Huston 937; Warren, Pa., 9bo
against Manchester, N. II.. 9k0; Bucy Rus,
ci., i against Btinwaier, Minn., tftk;
rMpktnon. N. 971 against Adrian,
Mich., 930.
Class B j)ea Moines 968 against In
dianapolis 932. Tacoma. Wash., 9f.2 agalnat
Loillavlll (Hwlaal, 919; Marlon. 0.. 9NS
agslnst Milwaukee 9ul: Bangor. Me..
agalnat Madison, Wis , 92: St. Ixiula 940
against Hopkins, Minn.. 9.4; Watertown,
N. Y.. 967 agalnat Yungtown, O., da
faulted. Class C-Buffaio, N. T 971 agalnat
Loulavllla I Rifle), 946; Ogden. Utah. 9
agalnat Payette. Ida., 117: Kane. Pa.. 970
agalnat Corrlng. Me., 947; iletroit
agalnat Albion, Ind., 961; New Haven 9H4
against Watertown. S. !., 978; Salt lak
City am against Tucson, Arts.. 9
Four New Records
Made at Tiger Swim
PRINCLTON. N. J.. Feb. 13-rotir
new Inter-cholustle records were msde at
tb Princeton Interscholastlc meet today.
Leo Handy of Brookllne, Mass., made a
new mark la th 100 and 220-yard swim
ming event, doing tli former in 69
seconds and th latter In t minutes oe
MOMids. His teammate, A. Wales, es
tablished g new distant- in tb plunge,
making 71 ft I inches, gnd Kusse! feaa
of Bo ton, hung up g now record of 26
eeoond In th fifty-yard wlm.
Brookllne High school won th 280-yard
relay race In 1:41, and captured th meet
with a total of thlrty-tw points, making
mora than all th other school put to
jetelir. Preadsrgaat llga with ( hlfegs.
PHICAOO. Feb. 13 -PrendsrgaaC b
pltcl r who has lieen balding ut tor a
?;ialr salary locreaae than offered him,
udy agred to term and signed another
contract with th Chicago Federale.
Tone of Extreme Caution Shown
During- Short Session of the
NT?V YORK, Feb. I.t-A tone of ex
treme caution waa evinced during today s
short seralun of the stock market and waa
ascribed for the moat part to appre
henalon growing out of latest Interna
tional developments. The representatlona
made by thla government to England and
tlcrmany occasioned suspense In high
financial circle and gave the trading
element an opportunity to make (resh
comniltmenta on the bear aide.
Prominent sharea were sold moderately
w Ith net losses f a point or more In the
speculative! favorites, lowest prices wer
made In the later dealings, at w hich tlnio
United Htatea Steel ami Union Pacific
were elnsled out by the hears. New
Haven shares again showed marked
weakness, declining 2 points abruptly to
the minimum prices of 4!. With the ex
ception of the several Issues of atocka
and Lords of the Minneapolis and St. I
l.ouls and Iowa Central real, some of 1
which roae substantially on the old Minor
of buvlng for Canadian Pacific control,
th entire Hat waa Inclined to weaken.
Another break in Hterllng exchange on
T-nndnn to the lowest price quoted since
1907 gave rise to the belief that fur
ther Imports of gold from Canada
are under way. Probable participation
by our bnnkera In the New r rencn
treasury note Issue la expected lo work
further ease In exchange between thla
center and london, where the Issue M
being handled.
Further price advancea In steel products
confirm recent advices of Increase)
aetlvltr In that trade. Aa for general
merchandise, local and Interior reportn
point to an Inrreaae of Individual pur
chases. Jobbing centers alao report
better and more diversified distribution.
Forecaata of the weeKiy oaen movement
were alightlv upset oy ine intervening
holiday. Inn show an actual expansion
of almost I2f. 000,000 demand deposit In
creaalng bv about 2:i.0no,0n0 and reserve
decreasing I4.11S.WO.
The bond market waa Irregular, with
light dealings except In Issue nanieo.
Total salea, par value, were i.a.w.i"'.
United Ptatea coupon and registered 2a
declined S per cent on call during the
WNumber of sales and leading quotations
on stocks wer ioiowa:
paiea. 11 ' 1 . v ir
Alraka Hoik
Arxaiaamatai Cappor ...
Anl.-an Heat Hlifar...
Amorlian 9. R
Amorlran B R. p'd...
An. Huakr lUflnlna
Arrorlcan Tel. A Tal...
Arrartoan Totaoce
Ai aeonOa Mining
Baltlmor Ohio.
Bmrklra Raplil Tranall.
California potroUuat ...
CaiA4lian Partrio
Central Ialhar
fhaaapaaka A Ohio
CM.-ao Great Woatarn.
(4ltraa. M. A 44t. P...
Chlnago A N. W
Clilao Coppar
t'olorado kue Ima..
Colors (to A gmithera....
Paairar A3 III Uraad..
liantar A 'R. O. ptd ...
Matlllonv Herurltlae ...
llrnaral r.lertrlo
Giaat Northara pt
Uiaat No. lire atta
f.iiiari.lwtm Kiplorattoa,
lllll.r.ia Ontral
Il.tarnorough Met. p4...
Ii aolratlon t'vaae
4. IkVt 4S
k.MO 4IV 41
k.4 7H
'ijiiiii io" iixi
"'700 'r' 'riii
404 kPH kit
'ttkvi 'jrj'i ' "
1,100 t Wi
k.or.) J!
kM 41Va 43
'"'bi gi4 Ww
,""ok ' ii "a '
l.on its ''
'ilioo 'ni 'ii"
"'kno iitv 114 "
7m Kl ktH
koo kSt tit
'"kri 'l7i "kS
I. lo lit 1S
"'40 'tis
l,M4 lit 1U
'4 'oTH) "7i.
O0 11 lit
l lit nt
Tioo 'ikH iik
1,11 4t 4k
" jkjk Hi'' is
'"m ioi' ' iott
'"im "v' 'lit
It, too 14 143S
l.SM kS S
.,... .....
1 'O'ii
4 4
74 1
j u.rtM.nnal Marvaaiar.
Kiniaa t'lty goMtharn...
Uhigh Vallay
I lulaTlll Naahvlll..
Mlraa Petroloura
Miami roppar
Mlraourt. K. T
Mlmourt I'arltlr
Nitloral Hla..ult
National laa4
Niraka CVippar
New York 4 antral
N Y . N. H H
Norfolk g Waatoni
Nrnhere Paelflo
paclflo Mall
Peilflr Tel. A Tal
I tithaaa Palaoe 'sr....
hav eon, Unppor.....'
' T.radlng
I Republla Ima 4fc gtaal..
IK.rk lalank Co.
Hork latana ft. Ofd...
HI. I A H. P. M Ptd... .....
gautliara PmIII kk lt
Heuihara Hallway 1. 10 lit 141
Tannoaaa tloppar sk't IcS
Traaa Cimipanf , .
Vales PaeitTa k" 1 . llflt
tr.loa Paotfio bM kit
Irllao stales fiteal lt,M 444k 4S
V. g H pf 1.4 lak 14 1
PlaH ttppar 2.100 M'i kl
War ah pfd 400 It
waatara t'nloa k 4JS 4S4
4 la
ll 14
Veatlnghoua Blentrlo .. 201 lit "l'
Total aaia ror toe aar, ua.wa
Bowler in Game
MINNEAPOLIS, Minn., Feb. U.-Bowl-
ers from outeiue in twin 1 itiea maua
tholr Initial appearance today In th
International Bowling association's an
nual tournament her seeking to better
th mark set yesterday and Thursday
by bowlers of Minneapolis and fit. Paul.
Tb Hunter lands of Minneapolis lead
In tb standing of five-men teams with
2,742; A. Johnson and A. Bude, Min
neapolis, head th double Hat with 1,134,
and J. Schrader. also of Minneapolis,
holding th high individual score with 129.
Barney Dreyfuss Lets
Three of His Men Go
fuss, prealdan of th Pittsburgh National
league bsae ball club, today announced
that Jo Kellcy, outfieldr, had boon re
leased to tho Irullanapolls club of th
American association; that Clarenc E.
Berger, outfielder, had been released to
tha Riuhrnond club of th International
leagu. gnd that Thomas Qulgley, pitcher,
bad been givri hi unconditional rel.
IIAVNOYER. "N. 13. Dart
mouth won the ten-mil dual akt relsy
rsr with McQill of Montreal, on of the
concluding events of the winter carnival,
today, Captain J. Bachawllg of Dartmouth
finishing two minutes and a half shead
of Maclod of McOIII. In th akl dashes
Williamson of McOill and Horton of
Dartmouth divided hours. ' Williamson
won the 100-yard dash In 2044 seconds
with Horton aecond. Horton waa the
winner ot tb 220-yard daeh In 4&Vi sec
onds. In th kkt jumping contest Reddle of !
McOUl cleared eighty-seven feet fur the
longest Jump, but fell after landing. Th
bead form waa shown by Barhewllg of
Dartmouth, who Jumped 69 feet I Inches.
lllggaby'a lllgla lark.
After - illggaby Wawklna had got.
through atuiterlng. lUhthe'a father
opened up a fire of queatioua.
"Very nice of you to admit being In
love with my daughter, young man. but
how many prospects hav you? What '
la your profession?" I
"I'm a Crlnkotlalan I paint Chlneae
laundry alarne." 1
"Seven dollars and forty cent a week,
and carfare."
"Any chance of advancement?"
"Oh. lota. I can work myself up to '
be a boas Chliikollalan with, a aaJary of
a wek. and carfare." j
Koylhe'e old man choked apoplectleally
"Young man, get out of her before I ,
forget my manner so fsr aa to kP k you
behind your back after laughing in your
lllgcaby Wawklna was sadly withdraw-1
lug. when Mr. Hloblota called suddenly:
"Hold, stool What's that medal on your
watrhroD?" '
"Oh. that? I got that for being th
town's beat fox trotter."
"My son! Come to my arma! Take
Bdythe with my bleaaing." Detroit Free '
Pras. j
When Trencrws Are Wilhiit Fw
Tarda of Each OtheT Heary Ex
plflsivet Kin Many.
tCbTrrwrnrmlSTrca. of Tjb Asaxnrtgtwtt Pr
UA.KBCJU, Garmany, Jag. I. Harrow
ing and suiting ifitaJIs of mining and:
blowing up (urm li are told by a Ooe
man ofTliwr In g batter to a hcal new,
paper. dtmxlDtlrg In partlrtilar Uk 4kagev
tu re of a strong? pueltliin hetd by th.
French lh the Argorme forest. Mmny of
th French auliilara were killed and tba
wtiieta wwr tvtaiet Th crown p,i
sent blankets a sal wtn h th km who
accompliahd tbas prat. Th latter
urw: "Ry trnp fTntt C fmtior u -.
pany had been anakr free for tb fifth,
time, and the glsta.nx'g betwwea oar trich
and that of tb French Had decraaaeit
from kSD faat te from sUte to ftfteen faL
But th ttompaor our left. waa sp
a rated from tie rrneh by a vat, on th.
far aid of whrcfc the enemy had tM
at three tinea of tranche.
"W bad eorrre to cnnalder the posi
tion tmpregnable. But prof reas kad
to a made sorraehow. Our pioneer tH-
tacbment. therrfor, freckled I mro. th
Frrnch trenches near the position (
our company, which, aa already stated,
were only from ntne to fifteen reel away,
"Some of us feared that th Fraseh
would be doing th same, thing and would
try to blow tis up first. Our man werked
hard for thla reason, nd en roember
first th mine waa ready. At 11 In
th morning our first trenng wg okard
of mn. and At 10:48 all of eur ttwha
wer empty. Tt wa aOy 11:11 Whn
th pioneer lieutenant placed his thnmhj
en th electrlo button. Th follewgtl v
detonaUon loud anough to hergUt th
end of tha world.
era I Frightening-.
In front of us shot tip a large, blank
column of earth and gas, it wag guuy
i0 feet high gnd 'when It 'collapsed g
rain of srth fell down on ua. Our wen
had taken cover In th woods, and It wag
wall that thy h don . For about
two minutes !t ralnea arreavt ehuakg. of
earth and rock.
"When It wag t sgaln tn th enowt
our companlea advanced through thg hog
which had bean blown In th Tlth
poelUon. Tli flrat trench wag fall Of
dead soldier gnd torn who had bn
burled gjly. In th geeond and third
trenches th French were go rattlad that
aurrendored ASlly. Insld ee naji
an hour wa bad taken thg ennrg nrrc
of th three trenches eight trfflogrg tuvt
17 men. Two officers wer gnogtaT th
We Also took thre mln-rwtoult
from th French. Our losses wer threg
dead and seven wounded. Bnt we) werg
lucky. Indeed. Among th French prlon.
era we took war lomti pioneer, who
told us that thty hd mined our trnoh
at eight points, but had not be" abl
so far to plsc th mines. Thsy nd at
tempted too much gnd hd lost.
Legal Procedure
Throughout France
Demoralized by War
(Correapondenca of th Assoolatad Press.)
PA Rid, Jan. 20. Legal procedure in
Franc has bean dlsorgsntsed by th war.
Lawyer and witnesses In many civil suits
are at th front; many ot them hgv
fallen In battle gnd no on can new an
ticipate tha extent to which cases may
be confused by th disappearance of par
tita as wall as wltneg gad attorneys.
Maltre Chenu. th eloquent attorney for ,
th Calmette family In th Calllaui case,
and former chief of th Order of Arocata
of th Parisian bar, gay that death cer
tificates gr such an essential lament In
all legal procedure concerning inheri
tances, and there hav been aire arty, gnd
will be so many more, unknown dead,
that th number ef probable tangled es
tates Is Incalculable.
"For th moment," Maltre Cheura adds,
"Judtalal Ufa In Franc is almost entirely
Interrupted end will continue to languish
until th end of hostilities. Ws don't re
gret It. Legal quarrels would geen to tie
to be an attack upon the sacred pact of
union that th war hag seeled betwaen
all th cltlken of France."
Th business of civil courts Is almost
entirety confined to th sequestration ef
th property of Oarmaa gnd Austrian
aubjeou. and th list, already lone grew
very day. showing that th number es
tablished in busln In France waa far
underestimated. Instead of 20,000 errae
t rat ions anticipated the number may
reach nearer 60,000.
Th practical suspension of court pro
ceedings gives Maltre 'Chenu leisure to
use his pen, end In th Parisian press he '
Is sparing no effort to defend the Justice
of th French ceuse.
York Wlag Oaks.
TORK. Neb., Feb. l.-(8peial Tele
gram.! Tork and Central City High,
school played g fast gam of basket ball
here veater.lsy evening, ending 24 to 20
In favor of the locals. '
a mr. CTADT J
IRut you must li
start if you would
a of your efforts t
avs the RIOHT
Id make a succsa
to get ahead ft-
Open g Savings account today.
4 paid on deposits, which havs
the protection of the Depositors'
Guarantee Fund.
24 th and M Streets
H. V. HlWTWICK, Preeldent
THI MAN lll t'li, V. lri
F. It. tiETTV, tg-hiasr.
Zie Odd Lot Hevietu
IVIacaskOa, artM Jnaa la rW Hat lanA Imckank
kanulttaa Im. taa iaull lawtun V lw Dotal.
sav-fc4My IJlWawv '
teaag eW taagakg 4kaaa
T g R O A D W A V N W Y O g '
gllCliei pucaa. 4aaas aak 4Jglsa.
aa. Hank 4o
fur laraa lllaa. eauiug.
4rafkoa. laws.
jr. w.
j in uciltr ucuiaov.