Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 14, 1915, WANT AD SECTION, Page 4-D, Image 28

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    4 T)
Mosses and (olln.
?i.r4i 2.-.71 Hpaiilding, -r., mod ex. ht.
.T frv-i.MJ Sherman Ave., o-r., all nwt.
;. 40.7 Hamilton CI.. 7-r.. all rood.
.tu. KiH Klorrnce Blvd., T-r., U mod.
sr Block. lVg. 1.81.
l:n1u-r., .., M. TJd t., all modern.
-!i-r , H 8. 7'ih Hi., all modern.
HO-r., I.tH N. IHh St.. all modern.
i-r., '18 Webster, mod. with barn.
$.17 fA -r., 4?4 N. 17th St., dose In.
. f-J."-r., -: S. 10th ft., mod. ex. heat.
.v;..r :j KniniM, with barn.
$T6-r.. '.i Patrick, tcoloredi.
$lv--r., 2I 3 Locust St., shlp-rhape.
e-r.. 2"C Vinton ft., mod. ex. heat.
l!5r., fc4 F. ifcJd ft., mod. except heat.
fiSVr., .1413 N. .Vth St.. cottage.
&-r.. 7 N. Uth St., cottage.
I4 .v-r., Ml.' Miami ft., cottaite.
t:44-r., 3-i KvanH ft., cottage.
ijS-r., XH Maple Ht., cottage.
Jir 4-r.. 1I S. 1-th ft., cottage.
peters trust company.
1-U2 Farnnm St. Dougla l"!.
overy one likes to move into
a house where everything is
cleim nnd fresh. Here is a five
room cottage that will please
And you can have a one or two-year leae
on It If you desire. East front lot only
one block from car, aplendld location anl
surrounding. Convenient yatlbnle
entrance, living room with wide mlneton
opening to pretty dlnlnir room. J rye
kitchen and pantry, two fine bed rooma
with lare closet. Polished oak floors,
living room decorated In a rich warm
tan oatmeal paper, dlnlnir room In pretty
brown and tan. plate rail and border line
to match. Bed rooma done In a new linen
desijrn paper, kitchen and bath In enamel
tile paper. Electric light with pretty
fixtures, ga for cooking, nice bath room
with complete porcelain plumbing, hot
and cold water. To a good reliable party
will rent thla oozy cottage home foe only
i!U0 per month. - Open all day today, take
llnrnwn rar now and get off at lst at
t'onio south to 2. See me today for
thla will rent jutckly to the flrat party
looking for a good, flrat claaa cottage.
Di'inn Benson tJl. F. ft, Trulllnger.
CAIjDWEIAc-7 rooma, modem ex
cept he&t; flrat-elaee condition; rent
reaeonahle. Webatwr 3TW.
faKMIS PARK 40 Hawthorne 7 rooma,
atrl tly modern. A beautiful lot gild
lm-Rtlon moat dealrable. Inducement for
deairabl tenant. Webter r26.
J:R. bungalow, modern except
e-r.' bouM. atrlotly modern 2O0D
T-r. house, atrtctly modem ao.00
R. m. lTWMBinJA
44H Pe Hldg. Doitglag 7W.
l.CADT February l6lh. a Very dealrable)
office, with reoHptlon room; now being
decorated: ' eq. ft.; H.
"The building that la alwaya new."
sa KlCHOIAH St. New 4-r. mod. e.
heat. Steel range, gaa plate, kitchen
rnblnet: water rent paid ; 17. llaap uroa.,
30 McCague Hiog,"
FRKB rent to March 1. Jl Capitol
Ave.. -r.. all mod.. r. HO Bo. 28th Are.
t-r.. all mod., 130. Raav Bros.. lu Mc
Cague Bldg.
Mtwrea aa Olflee.
T'owntown etorea K H. Mill. t Bran. Th.
4"1 S. Sth Ave.. llrxJSO. 1 1SK1
310 S. rlh, 10x30 2ft"0
14M H. Ifith, 2f.x40 .... 25 00
1.16 Fxrnnm, 1KxST 1
mth and Uravenworth, 22xA0 fc.00
14( Kamam. 4.MH) ma. ft. floor apaca
on Id and (d floora, elevator.... Ua.W
ion ft. 17th. warehouae. 1 atorr brick,
4.E04 an. ft. trackage (0.00
Tyler KM. State Bank Bldg
stores 6"r rent!
?.Bo Kli Shnrraaa Ave.. litxfiO ft, good
UOD-nxf Cumin St., Mx0 ft., full
Hu.itOnX) Cutnlntr St,, JOxfiO ft, corner,
full heaement.
VD.0u 70 S. 1Mb St., Very dealrable
atoreroom, oppoelte near hotel, - aixeo,
team heat Oo aith and Farnam Bt. new modern
atoreroom In Harley hotel bldg., full baae
tnent, ateam heat.
fc6.u0 VXH Farnam St., 10x40 ft, full
baaement, modern atore front.
Phone P. TI4. tNH City Nat l Rank Pldg.
isVtOCEHT HTORI0 ROOM. wHh fUturea.
. fur uartv wantlna mora than email
neighborhood buainee. T. J. Hook, 1101
N. lKth St
RAKERT Store and bake room, well lo
cated. T. J. HCK)K. 1 101 rJ. iwn M.
NEW modern (tor room. Utt and CVaa.
Conrad Yotmg, til Urandeli TheaUf
RUIg. Douglua 1571.
7fl6 S. Wth St.. t per year round, I'JOxnt
viler and heal VllKR. C AI.l, I x il'U. Wt.
laa rnrnam St. Douglaa tM.
S. lth St., a dealrable atoreroom for
bakery, groeery or reetaurant.
Douglaa luo. Bee Rldg
STORE, 1409 Harney.
Ktnm. i!104 (lumlnl.
Offtoe rooma aecond floor. XII B. 1Mb
f. C. Redlck, Attorney, 224 Omaha Nat,
Hank Hldg.. Tel. Doug, liill
ill B. OTH Si' . STEAM "HEAT.
11X IWiiriu l hv March 1
HAI.L,, N. W. 24th and Parker, about
to"1 fwt; 7 motitba leaae.
IMS 1 lodge St.. r?xino feet.
JOHN N. 1U 8. lftTll BT.
tVlUKIM houae. modern. N. 17lh.
;-roiin houee, modern, 4210 N. Slat.
11!-r. w,m houae. modern. 4J1H N. lth.
O. c. Redlck, Attorney. 224 Omaha Nat
Rank Rldg.. Tel. Iiig. mil
STORE and baaement, 22H Farnam. ..Kk
Store and haacinent, 214 K. lNth 71
Hi HO. UTH fT., ature room, t2xt,
4?J Bee Hl.lg. Doug. gS
pllOTiHiRAPH aiudio (or rent; aU K
lSih BL; '.t.
rhone D. 72. V let Nat l Rank Bldg.
t.v F" R one year at I per cent; gUt-
eoged eeeunty. Aeareee a a.i. ee.
A OOOD farm cloae to Omaha, not larger
tnan iwt acrea. Aaoreae t.. atg ree.
IMTIlOVKK farm of l acre or on not
excusing Id). M 64A. Me.
If ae. let ua rent It for jrou. and
alouiiier your rent trouble. Why do
ou want to bother. wlih the hundred and
one utile and big complaint that In
tartably come to the landlord, when you
can place your property in our nanoa
pc1 be relieved oi all worry and trouble.
c Inxure only the beat tenanta an
l.ave ilienta waiting for aood rental Proo
erty. Call ut and let ua talk the matter
iv-r with you.
. HSTINoa MKTPrTV. 114 Harney
liY lUl'NO nmn, muat have cuiiveni
L 1 ... .r 111.. IM.4.
i- Uimj.M ctiiiage niodnrn by couple wllli-
out clui.tren. .Nurlu of lucuL I'hun
VitUtnr 7171."
t lerlral aad Offloe.
No Usual Filing Fee
e havo received more cell lately than
e tan it.i r. us about tb following
b i f. inAi nr.n .........
Mr.i'i'iiurnrK twnoieaie I
r-KNOGKAPHbU (private orfio)....
AI EeLADY igood flrroi -...
Rusln-as Sl.g'i Rcfrrem e Ass n.,
l!-;0 WoiHlniea of World.
N O "l ti( ' AL IT LI SO FE K
Have time and worry by seeing las flrat.
s always hav soti kin Vf , positloa
13i-u U iKMlman of World '
d'.ijuKKEKP'EU and mwi
. nosrapiier
l'ii.'Mr Cirik ,
...".. oo
.1-41 (W
. 4au
'ilir, CANO AOENl'Y. 00 HKB BI.Ix.
t- Stai Jbauk Bidg
tlertral aad Office.
!THNOGUA PH KK l'6-r o
fTKNO, INl-n'HANCr. fcJ
WK)"KKKB1'KH ami Stenographer 15
Halealadv, Hardware, Exp 110
Cash Register Checker 10 to 0
ls-4o-42 Brandeis Theater
racrf 'i raaea.
I.EA RN ha'rdreaalng. Oppenhelm Parlor
U(K'1 pay to ladlea for decorating aofa
Plllowa at home: experienc unneces
sary. Call 2.107 So. 13th.
lleasebreper aa Oomeatle.
THE Servant Oirl Problem Wilved. Ths
Bee will run a Servant Oirl Wanted Ad
FHEB until you get the desired result
Thla applies to realdenta of Omaha, Beuth
Omaha and Council Bluff Bring ad to
The Be office or telephone Tyler !X.
WANTKJMtn a farm near Omaha. goo
houaekeeper, experienced; middle-aged
preferred. Addreaa T 3WI. lee.
NEAT competent girl for general houee
work. In family or two. tYetty hotite,
oonvenlently arranged for work. Hood
rook nooeaaary. Phone Hamey fl.
WANTKIV-A girl for general houacwork.
IN N. ?4 St. Phone Wal "H
WANTED-Olrt for general houaework
for family of three;, muat be a good
plain cook. Walnut
WANTKO An experienced aecond girl;
referenc. 411 So. 40th St.
girl i.
for geneml houaework.
IRl for general houaework; amall fam
ily; beat of wage. Ref. required. 830 S.
th Ave.
til Kb to aaaiat with general houaework.
.v Hamey ti.
WANTEf A good girt for general houa
work. Tel. Harney m or call at S3Z2
WANTED A girl who
rl who attemla honl 1
le el of amaJl chlTd ??r
MuTt be one 1 yeara i
. Muat ba on 1 yeara
half day to take
oard ann irom,
of age. II.
WANTEXExperli-nced white girl for
general nouaeworMi ainaii tamuy: laun-
dreaa kept; good wagea. Pleaae writ to
214 W. UUt St. Fremont. Neb., Immedi-
WANTED A girl. IS or If year of gge.
to aaaiat With houaework. excellent
home, good pay. Wal. 12UI.
WANTEI A meld for general houee-
orx. pie no. a, tn fi.
WANTED A competent ceok.
enoe required. Uooa wi
(10 2d
Avenue, Council Rluffa, lo
WANTED A girl for general houaework;
two children. xwa.
A OIRL for general houaework. A. W,
menu. iavenport ft., n.
XUADISJ8' mlea' roata. ult. dretae A
aklrt sample at wholeaale price, Ron
off New York Sample Store. 301 N. 10th.
Y0UNO women ooming to Omaha a
atranaera are Invited to viall th xoung
Women' Chrlatlan aaeociattoa building at
Bt. Marr Ave. and 17th St.. where they
will be directed to aultabl boarding
place or other win ae elated. Look tor our
raveier guae : i nion elation
WOMEN get government ba. J70 month.
L4t free, f ranklin inalilute, uepu ua
a. Hocheeter. N. Y.
GlRL for general houaework; must go
horn night. Harney .9.
AT one, ladle or gentlemen, who ran
devote at leaat two hour dally to writ
and cony letter (Ink or typewriter) and
earn tin to lib weekly. Apply svlth
stamped addressed envelope for quicg
answer. Advance Copy Co., 1 tog fcX Chi
cago. LA D1K8-1 immediately, filling and label
ing boxea; noma worn eveninga, stesny;
no experience; til weekly; no canvassing;
excellent opportunity: enclose stamp.
Krlna Specialty Co., Toronto, tint.
WRITS motion picture plays; i0 to 1100
paid; oorreaiiondenc raursa unneces
sary; details fre; new writer. 1114 Vic
toria Rldg., St. louls
c"rt CANU and other prises fur new ldea.
Parucuiar free. Movie magajiin, v i
Nuys Bldg,, Lo Angela, Cai.
months' trial ubacrtptlon 100
$3.-0 PER DAY paid on lady in each
town. J. S. Kiegler Co., Chicago,
WORK, at home; good pay. no canvas
sing; no expertene required. Illu. pr-
ticuiar ire. ieiping liana Btorea cm-
LALiIES and girls, aew peunants; experi
ence unnecessary; plain sewing; ma
terial furnished; rar opportunity; irt-
f.nn,l... l.w. M.iml I ll-.l.f
WAYNE STUDIO. Richmond. Ind.
tlertoal aad OffI.
HIQH-ORAPK commercial poaltlona.
wt. t r. m won o Aaa
7M Omaha Nat Bank Rldg.
Efficiency th atandard at bualneaa auc-
ra. Etfli'lent help is the reuulrement
ot every real live bualneas house today.
It Is necessary for us to secure such
applicants to meet th requirement of
the busineaa men who in w are in touvn
with dally. Fitting ttie right man In th
right plai 1 our problem. It I to our
ability tu do thl that we attrtbut our
uccev In th reference buainee today.
SI. Bee Bid.
Ssleaman Idruga) . tt
issues ma a uiouii
Salesman (small Investment I 1,100
SALARY, fit TO 1100.
101H8 City National
f TrlNOGRAPHER 1UK1K h. PER....t 6
Originator of the Reference Bulnaa,
7 4OM A 1 1 A N A TI. RA N" K B I J a 1
HlHlKKfT REi'ERENt'M t.,
o-- State Rank Rldg
MANAGER Investment
HALKHMAN, piano Com. and $10 to US
8ALKSM AN, cjucstlon.. . .Salary deinds
SAL1"HMAN, hpeclalty Commission
KAl.r S.MAN Investment
.T. NOGILAPHKH, out of town tu
CLERICAL, freight rat exp 7S
WATTS REF. I'D., -40-U Bran. Thea.
Aaeaia. aalrawea aaa ellellar.
A TOCNti man for eollultlng and collact
ltg. Will be taken In aa a partner If
thrifty. Address A Ml lies.
.1 I . I . " . ........ . , . V H . V. I .
Fllt-ST (,'IAiSS. noat nivarinL'Ba "n u-.""h"bJ ,,.u' ' ciotlung
City Salrsinan for Omaha.
One aiable of calling on the
merchants. None but live wires
need apply. Address K-320,
care of liee.
I fiU-W(W aharea of oil stock to be
givn away, on ahar to efcch person;
end aam for larticulaia Colonial Sup
ply Co Rutt. Mont.
REPRMHKNTATTVK wanted in every
ulty and oounty to sell our now pat
enbMl Hick ixrrfeet f xintslu brush fur
washing autuinobti. Fxovllenl artl-i
oig uvmaaa guo.t profit. TUe Hartmsn
B.Uxa IV. an NatioaiJ sifetv m.,n
i B.U Co.
'llg , Ienver, Colo
AGENTS make nuu lw I'ent profit
lug 'Novelty Bsn Carda" Uerchenta
buy 10 tu 19 on agbu SuW varleti. a fata-
losue free. riuUivsu (o. 1-v.l v u... .
bt. Clilcago. Ill
AUr-NTrt got tlie best telling household
necessity, ties to I.Suu weekly. larae
premiums assure a aaia st every hixns
Write tudey. Texas Mail Order Supply
ConiKny. Iept. 7. Dellaa Texas
Estate ds in. Tli Be. Advertise your
property for a quick eaja
Agrafe Saleeaaea a ad gel tell era.
AGENTS wanted everywhere to handle
our faat eelilng automobile epecialty.
Rig money maker. Partt-ularg free. 1.
ravetta rdipply Co., Box llfl. S.
Joaeph, Ho."
AGENTS If you are making lee than
.) a day, throw away what yon have:
get aomethlng that will aell. Catalog and
aampie free, Slmpaon Sale Co., Kfboa,
RKSPONSIHL.E manufacturer deelrea
placing valuable agency, aure reewater.
l'ermanent Income, bualneaa builder,
cany, no competition, protected territory
guaranteed. Perfection Company, U Weat
III at, N. Y.
SALESMEN Sideline: Valkenburg made
I.TI.H0 firMt morning. Tuu can too. Free
ample. Electric f4gna. Flaahea change
able wording. Hella 110. Terrne Ml dava
t-vix) Tlmeewitch Free. Flaahtrle Sign Co.,
8 A UK'S MEN clear 114 on each order for
our punchboard deal. Addreee Behrend
lire, 4.H7 Adam St.. Chicago.
WANTED L4ve aaleamen la ewery
county; automobile neceaalty; quick
aeller, big profile, excluelve territory.
Fiber Mr. Co., 261 CoronaUo Bldg., Den
ver Colo.'
SALESMEN wanted. In aell line of ad
vertising pencil In every city; broad
field, liberal eommlaalona; none but hue
tlere need apply. Peeriee Pencil Co.,
fprlngfleld, jli.
SALESMAN Traveling aleaman wanted
by largeat firework dlatrlbuter la
America making direct factory ahipmanta
from manufacturer to dealer; alao aide
line men to aell flrelea torpedo canea,
repeating cap pletola, rto. (new thl year);
for Fourth of July trade. Give age, pre.
ent occupation, territory covered, etc
Eaay aalea and good rommlailona. Manu-
iicwere ireworka Co.. Flint Mloh.
CA PARLE aalcaman to rover Nebraska
with ataple line; high rnmmlaeton with
II') monthly advance. Permanent poal
tlon to right man. Palmer-Paul Co.,
Dclrolt, Mich.
MILLIOX-DOLL-.R winner; trentendoua.
1 ' ,u aiaifier country; agenta
?vvy: enormou. profit aaliy.
'N,w "'"-on. yet million aale already
recoroed. Waltera aold M flr.t 7 houra;
Arnold SO ilrat clay. ITverybody want
uih.u rvjicniiuc niioe Cleaner un door
atep. Bavra druJgery. carpets, alioea,
rm.ney, Automatically remove mud,
anow; tncH-hanlcai onder; Inveatlgntei
quirk. Territory free; worth foriune
Security Mlg. Co., Iejrt. H6, Toledo, O.
1 NEED branch mnnegra for mv world
wlilo mail order bulneaa; operate from
your uwn home In apare time; no can
varalng or petldllng; experience unnec
ereary. You ahnuld make If weekly.
Roller Factoriea, Toledo, O.
NEW houaehuld Invention: juat ready; a
ealj at every houae; low-priced, per
fect eltear and kitchen knife eharpeuer;
needed In every home, every day; noth
ing elan like It; lift per rent profit; grind
perfect edue In 10 aecond: work Ilk
. n i . . . ii . . . ... ......
i iimih;, t iiii.i :n ii i i. Hum-ii but un
i aiaht: no tulklna: tn a month. Territory
now oten; county free; bualneaa auppllca
capital; blggeat opportunity ever off red
to agenta; general agent and manager:
writ today; aend poet a I with name and
addrcaa for complete information. (Julck
elge Sharpener Co.. Dept. t'J6, at 2i6
Weat Schiller St. Chicago. III.
WE will lav you H30 to dletrlbute reT
IlKloua literature In your community; itt
daya' work; experience not required; mam
or woman; apare time may be ueed. Zetg
ler Co.. PhllarfeVphle, Pa
A LARGE retail clothing houae desires
ralee representatives In towns of 2, SOU
to W.OOO; no experience or investment re
quired. Tho H. R. Lipslts Co., Detroit
CLEAN-Cl'T ambltlou salesman with
a auccesaful record to repreaent prom
inent manufacturer of high-grade apeclal
tiea aelling to johlera, dealers aad con
sumers. Salary, expense and double
bonus plan. Iroquol Mfg. Co., Cleveland,
KKH(SENE ga burner In cook stovoe
or 'antte ntop uae of wood or coal; re
cently patented; money-maker for agenta.
The Vapnr-Ua Burner Co., Deak 10, Co
lumbus, O. o
IfcO WEEKLY.. SeU lift needlea in caa
for Kic. Large profits; essy aeller.
Our "New Plan" doe th work. Writ
N atlonal Needle Co.. St Louis, Mo. o
AGENTS (.all on best people. Fast
eller netting you 11. JS on every sale.
Particular free. Nebraska Agency. Box
1H-, Cnlvratty Place, Neb
REI'RESENTATVl- wanted: Exclusive
territory; hew Invention guaranteed hy
reputable corporations, saving i per cent
to gasol'no user or money refunded.
Autuinoblle, motorbnat, stationary en
gine owner bur at flrat offering. Terri
tory going quickly. Oa Saver Sato
company, 17S0 Broadway, New York.
MAKING marvel. WorUl atartled. New
marvelous cloths waahlng crystal.
Ckithes waahlng ' ideaa revolutionised,
positively alnillshe rubbing, washboards,
washing machines; women astounded:
wild over It absolutely harmless; 11,000
guarantee goes with it; make M to 1100
weekly. Marahal of Pennsylvania
mased. Telegraph "Irtish t,0U pack
agea." Exclusive territory. No axperl
ence necessary; credit granted; own a
business; supply customer; pocket big
profit; nature' mighty elements do
work. Hurry! Write today get over
whelming proof, all free. Equitable Cor
poration, Dept 42, 215 W. Superior, Chi
where oil lamps ar uaed. needa and will
buy the wonderful Aladdin Mantle Lamp,
burns common coal oil tkerosene); give
a light flv .time a bright a electric.
On farmer cleared over laO In six weeka:
hundred with rig earning (100 to t per
monin. rxo caan required, w rurnlan
capital to reltahl men. Writ quick for
wholesale pricea, territory and eampla
lamp for free trial. Mantle Lamp Co., "01
Alaililln nidg.. Chicago
AGENTS New rallglou nictur and
luminous crucifix. Cost (0 rent. Sell
for s.1. dlx to ten easily sold In a day.
Wllltama Religious Supply Co., Tay
lor ri., i nicago.-
SPkX-IALTY adveHlsln.t salesman. Man
ufacturing line. Featuring exclusive pat
entee specialties and de luxe caiendara
Permanent connection for big man that
has had experience selling manufacturers,
merchant, banka. HiMh-arrada oroDosi.
tlon for clean cut. aggrsaciv man. Lin
' consists of few numbers nid In Una
auantitlea at tow rlcee. Liberal commis
sion; weekly remittance. Htat xperl-
I enc and territory with fall twr.ln.Tr.
In flrat letter Manager, 1303 Monadnock
tun., -liicago-
WANTEI Six men for March 1 to repre.
aeni ua in wretern citie and towns.
1140 to tAO monthly. W nay vry Thurs-
uay. no samples, no selling or collect ng
simply determination to work. Such full
iiiatructiona rurnianea that auceeas la
aured. Writ and acur splendid income
1.. V. brown Secretary. Sll Sob a ind
xiog., i my ion. u.
Drug tor snap; oba Knelst. B Bldg.
THE first payment now on vera Itiauranc
till July 1. ll. Thla make our policy
rjr io svii. i iu or write, stuiuai 1
eflt. Health and Aechlent Ass a. 40-U
t uy Nat. Rnk Rldg , Omaha. Neb.
OARTSIDE'B Iron Ruet SoaB Co.. 44
lnoaster Aa. Phlladeluhla. Pa. Gart
a lion Rust Knap C M. retilalered
patent No. K!7, remove (run rust. Ink
, nuiruie,
etc.. with iitaitlcal effect: maud
Seller, big margins; house-to-house axsnls
ana store salesmen wanted: the orialnal
tt a tule. Beware ot tnf i Ingeinenta and
th penalty for making, riling and using
an iui ringed article.
BAHN M weekly aeiimg t collection cab
iula to meix-haius. Writs for free am
rle. Severe te-. tit Laded Bldg., St
jul. Mo. . . a.
WE PAY Hi a week aud aipeuao la ue
with rig to inu-oduo poultry com
pound; year' contract. Imperial Mfg.
lo., iwpi. i. rarsona, Kan.
AUt. i a a.veryuei, to aell euf
folding handbag; best 11. at article oa
hiaiket, every woman n.d om: big
profits, exclusive leiriiory; send no fur
free caiaiogue ei monfy makata - a. Die
moiid tiro,, sole manufactuiera, i
n esi xisi ri , tw xora. o
hm WEEKLY: aure aeliing grorerit- and
I general liierrhandlee to ttnsuineis' a-
.... x.l riulr-t a,,.
,.rtte for plana. Burrowa Alfa. t'o.. m
r-.t., x Ifinv ti .
W ANTED -lenian. experienced In any
line, to sell general trade la amall coua
try lowna or -Nebraska. unrxnlled ap
ilaliy propoaitlon; M per ent coinnu
slon. v weekly for expenaea (.'rvwn
( uler t o., t. Commercial rit Bt. Iuls,
r -parvrasnil s..
A cent a, Baleemea aa4 gel let tor.
ROOK bualneaa. 7no profit earh aale;
email outlay, everything furnished. Spare
time. Particular frei Rolllni ti Co.,
IVpt. J, Roeton. O
WANTEI Saleamen. calling on carpet.
furniture and general atore. to carry
good aide line ea eommleelon. Pocket
eamplea formatted. McHenry-MlUhou
Mfg. Co.. South Rend, Ind. e
WE HAVE choice territory for apeclalty
men, who are big money maker. Our
beat exclusive man mad ' (fM.x) on
month. Reat aide Una man. Il.fii). Ex
cellent tralght aale propoelllona alao to
trengthen the beat premium plan ever
ehown. Aluminum ware, glaaa. enameled
ware, cutlery, tin. china, allverware, etc.
Average commlwaion, v. Write aw for
Interview. National Importing Co., St.
Louie, Mo. o
ised. Ureal opportunity for man or
woman to make 14.00 to 116.00 a day. Tin
neuaJly liberal term. Spare time may
be ueed. Particular and ample free.
Universal Ribl House. uf Wlnaton Bldg.,
PhUadelphla. . O
OWN a bualneaa 1000 per cent profit.
manufacturing tnka at home, spar time.
capital and experience unnecesaary; enor
moua commercial demand; our secret fof-
rnulaa and sure selling plana Inxure
lucrative, eteadlly Increasing bueinee.
No canvasalng; inveetlgat Immediately.
Particular, tree. B. M. covert, ttecreiary.
W.-4WW Kenwood Ave., Chicago, lit
AGK.STS-Oet particuiara of on of the
beat paying proposition oa th market:
something no. one else el!; mak 4,00O
yearly. Addreaa E. M. Feltman. Bale
Mgr , iwrr Third m., Cincinnati, u -
RIO Kanaa corn nany want you to- co
operate with them evening at horn;
make 3.000 or more yearly; no can rais
ing , no experience; faat growing bualneas;
we fumlah everything; write for unique
eelllng plan. free. C. Wr Kyeatone. Pre.,
tl K. 6th, Plttaburg, Katl
EASY money: to to $10 a day apare time;
doublo if full time; , biggest agent
pronoxltlon on market; If ru fall to
writ me you paaa up th best thing that
ha come your way. Mitchell, Bale Mgr.,
It Kenwood Ave.. Chicago.
RIO texUle mllla will employ everywhere
reliable people to take order for drea
fabrlce, hosiery, underwear and neckwear
from eamplea; factory prtcea; apar or alt
time; no experience: permanent; many
making over tao weekly. Steadfast Mill.
Dept E 20. Cohoe. N. T
AOENT8 Make up to J6 daliy, elllng
our new world beater, quick aaJea. big
profit, no expertenoe required; cata
logue and sample free. Crurer Co..
Jackson and Campbell, Chicago.
SALESMEN Acquainted with grooery
trade; large demand, liberal commis
sion, pocket sample, Wlrtti Baleabook
Co.. Chicago.
AGENTS We' va got th whole drug
trade In the U. 8. A. talking our Eight
Rig New Combination offer In Toilet
Articles to aell at 60c up to 11.89 are won
ders; elegant five-colored eiroular free.
Write today. Pierce Company,, tOt-X
Laka Bt. Chicago.
SALESMAN Capable specialty man for
Nebraska; Stapis Un on new nd ex
ceptional term; vacancy now; attractive
commission contract, $ weekly for ex
penses. Miles F. Rlxler Co., KM Carlin
Rldg., Cleveland, Ohio.
SALESMEN Live wire proposition as
aide line; sample weigh ten ounces,
sell to all hardware and harness dealers;
liberal commission; mak your expenses
during spar time; g4v full particular
In first letter, territory covered, line you
re handling, etc. IT you mean Business
sddress Field Manufacturing Co., Fulton.
Kr. '
AGENTS If I had your name I could
show you how to earn t to -o weekly:
irreatest aeller in yeara; over 7o),000 sold
In last six months; svery housewife will
luiv on slsht: oostal bring liberal propo
sition and free sample. Addresa Manufact
urer. i union quala, fwiorx. o
SALESMAN for apeclalty line of -children'
dresses; new selling plan; line
ran be carried In pocket; good id line
proposition. Kaufmann rnt Nsuatadt, . 120
West SM Kt.. insw lorx tuy-
We want one agent In your town to
handl the ' most liberal aampt book
proposition In th country: prloe ar
right and service the aeet: paper in our
hooks are not renreserted In any other
ample book. Andre A Kent Wall Paper
Co.. St. Ixml, Mo.
AGENTS WANTED 100 per cent profit
selling useful specialty used in Homes,
hotels, store and by auto owners; good
repeater: aampl fre. Aaburn Speclal-
tles Co.. Dept. M, Auburn. N. Y.
CHEWING OUM Sell to dealers, biggest
line manufactured; meet any competi
tion; aend for prlcellst and samples. The
Helmet Oum Co., Cincinnati.'
AGENTS A nw on Juat out big profit.
quick sale: overy horn a prospect;
'Fits Ur - Put" aluminum percolator
makes better coffee, savea hi If, convert
any corree pot into percolator; going witn
a rush; writ quick for agency proposi
tion; get our new and original tree pre
mium offer; greatly stimulates sale.
The Standard Spinning and Stamping Co.,
Toledo, O. - '
AGENTS New business, new field, big
profits, selling water power massage
machine; Parker sells I first day; Marg
warth says making til dally; Lewis sell
4 first Itour; investigate now, today; poa
tal will do; big aurpri await you.
Hlackstone CO., 47 Mereoitn iJiag.. To
ledo. O.
AGENTS sell "Kant Leak" rain coats.
l& kind lor 13.M. Cooper cleared o In
five daya W deliver dlreot to customer.
write for term and fre samples. Comer
Mfg Co., 44 River St.. Dayton. O.
AGENTS mak big money and becoma
sale manager lor our gooaa t or
floe celler; fin profits. Particular and
sampls free. One Dip Pan Co., 47i Daily
Kecoro. Baltimore, MJ
AOENTS New game for cigar etorea;
eaay aeller; big repeater; particular
fre. United Sale Co., 106 Walnut Ft,
rnuaaeipnia, pa.
AGENTS WANTED For th world
best vacuum sweeper. Also general
agents and crew managers. Men. ar
making 100 per Week. Wllllama Mfg.
C'oniinv, ii.7 Taylor St, Chicago.
AGENTS WANTE'D UxJ convexed pur
tralla. It cent, guaranteed. Frame at
factory price from 10 rent up. Sample
free. William Portrait Frame Com-
pHn y, a 7 Taylor St., Chicago.
AGENTS Bisseat Un. btsreat profit, ex
tract, perfume, medicine. ploa,
leliy powder. Premium for year cus
tomers Western I-iboratortea, IM Vaa
Buren Bu, Chicago.
SALEriMAN Traveling. Iowa and Ne
braska, sid Una. aeliing dealer only.
Pocket sample. Big coinraiaaloita. en
tirely new. Sell every town. Write or
tall. Omaha Wester Kale Company,
Sattley Bldg.. Oi. shs, Xeb.
WANTED An experienced
carpet and rug salesman; per
manent position. Apply Sup
erintendent's Office Brandeis
SOl-lCITORS wanted; rommlaaloti basia;
good money. The ir preTentio co.,
IIU Dodge
SALESMAN Manufacturer requlrea hus
tler experienced marketing trade stimu
lating eystema Full credit, heavy repeal.
uoerm aovance accepted oraera. latsr
piUM Aluminum Co. 1!M Oermautoaa
Ave.. Philadelphia. P.
SALESMEN Pocket aide line, aew live
proposition, all merchants In amall
towna want rt Paya Ih. ooinmiaaton on
each aale. No collecting, no risk to mer
chant, we tax back unsold aooda
Easiest, blggeat paying aid lin evert of
fered. Caafield Mfg. Cm.. Jug Slgel St.
Chicago. - c r
BALi:e4AN to call on phvatciaiia Estab
lished trad- aenses and eouunisMon.
Slate ess. Also one fur outaid city. P,
ti. iMtx l.l. rniiaae'pnia o
WANTEDSaJeamen tu aell reMauranta
farmer and ail big consumers by the
largest grvei house la the world .i
Uig to insumer direct. The nioet com
plete and perfect stock of gooOa most
liberal rouipuusatlon. best snd promptest
servlis ta as- nt and consumer, permanent
control ot uur territory, absolute guar
aalee with all orra and many tnore ad
vantage Inipoisslbt fur any other house
to sue. Vulist with the BIG liOLSK.
JOHN BEX'I-ON tXJ.. Importsia. Manx
facturvra and Wholesale Uraoera. l-br
aad Franklin Bt, (.aiKagoc Ul
Aseats, Saleanra aad Solicitor.
SALESMAN and district managers oa a
flrat-claaa proposition. Can mak IlittOu
a week and up. Sell to merchant. Some
thing new. N competition. Addreaa 27,
ArnerVan BJIk., Sioua City, la
SALESMEN wanted.-lice and embroid
eries. Side line. UVr commlaelon.
Bamplea light. Only men with trade now
traveling need apply. Merk Co 4i
Rroadway, New York.
Factory aa TvaaVe.
Be wla a I Independent In buemeae
for yourself or earn big money. Our
large and well equipped enhoot and shop
will produce thla result for you. Oet our
unusual Interesting offr- alth Catalogue
"C." Day a id night el. Pbene D.
SOU 141S-15-1I Dodge St., Omaha. Neb.
Be independont; was and tool a given.
F.lectrlc mass'. Strictly modern. Big
demand for barber. Call or write.
1124 Liouglaa ft., Om. 1C4 N yt . Lincoln.
WANTED Experienced man for general
black smithing. H. C. Jacobeen. Daven
port. Neb. m
MEN WAN TED To learn the Her Her
trade, spring rush aoon en, position
waiting, world s fair taking barber
away, money earned while learning, tui
tion Includes neat tool. Write for Illus
trated catalogue. Moler Harber College,
liu n. 14th ft., Omaha, !&.
WANTED Name of men wanting to be
railway mall clerk. f76 month; Omaha
examination coming. Adi'rea Y 13?. Roe.
Wanted at Once
MEN to learn th automobile business;
th demand I great for our graduate;
we have trained hundreds of men; let u
train you. Writ for free booklet,
, Nat'l Auto Training Acs'n,
2814 N. 20th St.. Omaha. Nb.
Biggest demand for eur Magneto, Eleo.
Starter Auto Graduates. Too many un
trained tinker repair men; good men poal
tlvely needed. Big aprlng rush. Fre
LEGE. 2063 Farnam St. Omaha.
WANTED 1,000 men to eat ham and egga,
lac. Coffe John. 14th and Capitol Ave.
GOVERNMENT poaltlona; thousands of
appointment to be made;' booklet 231,
telling where they are. what they pay,
etc.. with specimen examination ques
tions, aent free. Writ today NatL Car.
Institute, Washington. P. C. o
XbLE-BODIED men. good ye-lfht for
firemen and brake ruen. oood wage.
State age, necessary. PTxperienc un
necessary. Railway. Y 351, Bee. o
MEN, WOUEN-W weekly collecting all
kind names and addresses. No canvass
mg. Send lUmp. . Superba Co., XI 7. Bal
timore, Md. o.
$80 MONTHLY aad axpenses, travel, dis
tribute samples, take orders, appoint
agenta, permanent Jap-American Co.,
Ogden A Taylor, Chicago. ;
WB ARK looking for a big, strong bual
neaa man to handle all our culvert pipe
business on a commission basis In th
state of Nebraska. If you cannot handle
and place men, do not answer.- Address
Y 3T4 Bee.
I NEED branch manager for my world
wldo mall order bualneaa; operate from
your own home in spare time; no can
vassing or peddling; experience unneces
sary; you should make l.'iO weekly. But
ler, Vl Factories, Toledo, a
you like to own a business of your ownT
A first-class opening at home; don't de
lay, write at once. D. P. Bhellabarger,
Springfield. Ohio.
WANTED At once, young men for auto
mobile business; big pay. We make you
expert in ten week vy mail. Pay ua
after w secure you poeitlon. . Century
Automobile Institute. Lo Angeles, Cn.1.
WANTED Name and addresae by
mall order houaea: big pay; horn work;
Information for atamp. - Direct Appeal Co..
Plymouth, Ind.
WANTED Men to run Ford cars; t&0
per week to capable demonstrator.
Dad co, Detroit. Mich
WK have several opening for establish'.
ment cf Independent mall order busi
nesses. Energy, good habits and sound
judgment mere Important than capital.
Spar time at flrat. Particuiara free.
Dept. J- Opportunities xcbaagq, Buf
falo, N. Y.
GOVERNMENT. oostofflce. deoart-
mental clerk bookkeeper and other
civil service exeminatione soon. ei pre
son Civil Service school, Rochester. N. Y.
era a social organisation paying weekly
rick benefit. t 0 death, provides cluh
room, wet or dry towna Box 127, Mor
rison, in."
THOUSANDS government job open to
men and women; 6 to 1160 month. Writ
for list Frank Ua Institute. Dept Z21B,
Rochester, N. Y.
MEN, WOMEN, tio weekly collecting all
kind name ana addresses; no canvaa.
sing; send stamp. Superba Co., X17t,
HalUmor. Md. . , . .
MAN and wife want work of any
Harney 440.
EDITOR1, at present employed, wno
baa both city and country experi
ence, dealrea to hear from publlaher
who has tie (or a good etreet and
deik jnan. familiar with advertising
department. Are you Interested,
Addresa Lock Box 612, Hampton, la.
SOBER young man want any kind of
work; strong and willing; references if
deslresd ss to my ability. J 64. Be.
WANTD Plain sewing, S0O4 California
en. .none u.
)TOUNG man want ptat to work for
board whU attending Bcylci cotlega
Telephone touglaa 16S&.
WTD Bundle washing. Meddle. W.
Wanted Employment by middi-ged
man. several years, railroad and
office experience; prefer position aa
traveling aalesuian or off lea work; can
us ty pewruen nut a tno. K Be
THREE colored girl want positions as
ch a m bermalds or housework. So. -Tat
COLORED boy. H year of age. with
laundry, private family and cafe ax-
Csrienoe; good cook and all around heuao
eeper. would like work In bachelor
quarter, best reference. Hrney 64,
A YOI'NG eastern girl desires position
s housekeeper: Catholic preferred.
1 WI, Postoffic.
A GERMAN girl wants position; bous
keeping preferred. Post office.
GERMAN girl wishe position for house
keeping. E. R. 1M, PoetoffVce, Omaha.
like work. Webster 41 in.
WANT position with ;iiney bus lo work
on salary or commission, neat city rer-
oreuco furnished, tali H. axw. - -
hV boy 17 years old on fsrm dolns; light
work: northeastern Neb. or Kansas
r ref erred E. L. Par sells. 21W N. 4lh St..
St. Joserh. Mo. .
SITI'ATION wanted by a refined, oa-
able middle-aged widow, as managing
housekeeper fur butel or widower bom
Cn give th very best of references. Ad
dress P. O Box 8T, Excelsior Hprtnga Mo
MOTHER and daughter, with experience.
desire position aa flrat and aeoond cook
la a commercial bouse out af city. Ad
dre C -J. Be.
W'ANTfT position doing general houae
work or chamberma'd. Mr. We tow.
Webster 147.
DAY work or bundle wash. Wtk 17.
YOl'NO maa. tt. experienced aa rasiiier.
bill and office clerk, desires position in
Omaha; am college graduate: good cal
culator and excellent penman: best of
references: will start st a moderate sal
ary. Addrar l OJ. Be.
YOUNG exp. chauffeur aanta puaition in.
Private family; punctual ta duty and a
vrycaul!ou driver, phon Tyler tow.
PRACTICAL" nurse wis he portion tak
Ing car ef Inealld. Harney st,. Best
rslcrem ws
DAY work wanted. Web. Oil
POSITION wanted as hotel Clerk, by a
man of middle age; single, experienced,
good habits, beat reference M. 1 Bee.
DON'T fornet that three time mor
chicken have been hlchil in oil
Tmaty incut a tors than In any other in-
cuoator. i aiaiogu iree on request. Ad
dress, it. M. Jubnson Co., Clay Center,
BTEREOTYPB matrtce make the best
ana cheapest lining for poultry houeea
They are 17x21 Inches, stronger and more
durable than tarred felt and practically
fireproof. 75c a hundred at The Re office.
LET chickens ray your rent; send for
fiee book. "Turning Egg Into Chick
en Into Ifo'.lars," and free samite world
only hatching chart; hook describe Kayo
incubators; give moat chicks; hatch on
one gallon oil. Rayw Incubator Co., 1015
S 12th St., Omaha. Neb. Phone Red SWI.
HATCHING eggs. Reds, Buff Orpington.
Brown leghorn. Phone Florence 148.
Leghorn hatching eggs. Tel. Floren - 21?.
FOl'Ii pair fancy ring-neck pheasant and
extra male birds, also some Rhode Is
land Red cockerels. Web. 3W5, 1MH N.
24th St
OLD coins wanted. f0 paid for 1S53 half
dollar, no arrows: tt 1H7S Half S. Mint:
ll for ISM Dime S. Mint. Many valu
able coins circulating. Send Bow 4c. Get
our Coin CI rue I ar. May mean large
profit to you. Numismatic Bank, Dept,
22. ... Worth, Tex i
GET Ksplsn's price for id band turn..
anoea, clothe, before selling, wen, itua.
Yale buys everytliing 2d hand. Tyler 141g.
OFFICE furniture bought and sold. J.
C Reed, 1207 Farnam. Doug. 614.
WE BUY 2d-hand clothes. 1421 N. 14th.
HIGHEST prices for furnltura. Web. UL
HOUSE, barn. 4 acres, 1 mile. South Ren-
son; fine place for hogs and chicken.
Cadet Taylor, D. 3604 or D. 162. o
A B C of Omaha
BF.Yi Rl'lLDING offices are always
In demand because they are In the
heart of the Shopping, the Business
and th Public Service districts.
EW and 2d -hand motors, dynamos,
magneto, ate, and rnech. repairs.
L Bron Elect. Work, 818-20 S. 12th.
OMAHA PILLOW CO.. 1007 Cuming.
Douglas 2467. Renovates feather
anH mutt m m . ui (... .. 1.
feather mattresses and down cove re.
rACt'UM cleaners for aale. Vacuum
cleaning dona In th horn. Sanitary
pcrriwi Dwm xiug
WB rent repair, sell nevdlea and part
1 1 Mtonhln XI C'
X f ud 1 D . 1 crcf IT -r ui.i. u
Hth and Harney. Douglas 0t2.
Aseeaataata ,
E. A. DWORAK. account! audited. oVan.
ing and cloalng books. Installing modern
office and cost accounting systems. Ad
dress 483 Ramg Rldg. Phone Doug. KM.
Addlagr Maeklaea.
Dalton Adding Machine. 411 8. IS. D. 144.
Adder Mch. Co. (Wales). W. O. W. D. 6338.
Everett S. Dodds, til Psxton Blk. P. mu
A ate and lisgscts Repairing.
Manto repair work a specialty. D. 8418.
Dowd Auction Co., IllHi W. O. W. R. S2S.
OMAHA Film Ex., 14th and Doug. Motloni
picture macnin ana turn pargaina
Blae Printing:. "
Nat l Bank Bldg.
IOC Omaha
11 Chair. Wc ahave, neck shay. MIT Far.
Brasa Foandrles.
Paxton-Mitchell Co.. f7th and Martha Sta
Carpenter aa Co a tract ore.
STEVENSON, ta a S3d. Doug la 6020.
California Land. " '. 7
W. T. Smith Co.. UU City Nafl Bk. D.KUl
China Patatlng.
CHINA for decorating. Mr. Chamber'
Art Studio. ltm V. O. W. Bldg. Eiring.
Ruth Letchford. decorating, firing. R. 441
Cistern aad WellDlgglnw.
NEED well or cistern cleaned or dug?
Btttxi i mi aoe it. rnone web. 68 XL
J. B. RICKERTT Well Construction Co. ;
nothing too big or Impossible: estimate
rurmsned. no is. zist bt., Omaha.
Civil Eagiaeers.
W. J. McEathron. Tel D. 6601. 1018 Om. Nat.
Coal Dealers.
& fi(i Johnson' apecJal, also Victor nut,
sJ.OJ n op. Phone Douglas 1702.
Cream Separator.
Th Sharpie Separator Co.. l?th Farn.
Uasvlsg A ea den tea.
DOUG. AUDI. Hpec'l rate for club and
pri dance. Call or tel. Mgr. D. W.
Turpln' Dancing Academy, 28th & Farn.
Mackle' Academy. 1818 Harney. D, 64
CHAMBERS' Academy, classic. D. 187L
Deworatara aad Paper Hasgut.
BILGER does It. Phon Walnut 1631.
Dr. Bradbury. No palln. ISM Farnam.
Dr. Todd a alveolar dentlatry. 403 Rrandel
Bailey, I he Dentist, .00 City Nat I Bank.
Taft Dental Rooms, 1617 Douglas. D. 2186.
Pyorrhea. Dr. Fickea. 724 City Nat. Bank
INVESTIGATIONS carried out In any
part of United States, Canada or Mexico.
Paxton Bik. Doug. 1373. Walnut 1S-0.
JAMES ALLAN, 111 Neville Blk. Evl
dano sacured in all case. Tyler 1136.
Trry Dressmak'g college. 10th Farnam.
EXPHHIENCisD dressmaker want work
by day. Phone Florence 80.
WATSON A LUND, 2u7 Casa St.
Mil-a STURDY, 24J6 Cass. Red 7m
DRUGS at rut price ; freight paid on ta
order; catalogue free. Sherman A Mc
Con o 1 1 Drug Co., Omaha. Neb.
Elvetrie Snppllee.
LEBRON Elec. Wk.. HI 8. 12th. D. 117.
Urerrthlagt (or Weaken.
ACCORDION, side, knife, sunburst, box
pleating; covered buttons, all sisea and
tylee; hemstitching, plcot edging. Ideal
pleating Co.. 3U0 Dougla Block. D.
SWITCHES from combings. 11.50. Psyche
free. Mra H. M. Eck, Marcy H. 6rl6.
HAIKDREK81NG at your home. R.
Karaace aad Sieve Repairing.
BEN FKNSTF.R. 1410 N 54th St W. 7777.
A. DON AQHUE, lil Harnay. Doug. 100L
BATH 8 f Horuts. 1804 Farnam bt.
HESS A -lUliiODA, 1416 Farnam Bt
1611 Farnam. D. 12a.
Member Florist Telegraph Del. Aaan.
Ualv Drsalar.
Harper method. rV , Rai4 Rldg. T. Sail.
lOahtlaa l IllsrM aad W irlna.
Clectrlo fixture and supplies, contract
ing and repair work dons reisuuable.
1418 CUMING. IhjI'GLAH Hit.
Mr Stark Remrdte.
OM AHA Remedy IM i7 8. 11th. Red 4i.
Meaaaaaev and .HailM.
WHITE LINE. X 8. nth. Douglaa Sill
Mash. Caatasar aad Ls8s SapplUs.
r-sR .r ii - n ....
I t'fe.-. 11 . VH. . .. . .... . .
' - - - l-.eWIU SBMI
tbeatrtcal costume In th ouunlrr . Tba.
ta Mt aoi 1-1- W.pJ t. ana
iavk xnnr.
netlc treatment Invigorating baths, mass
aagea elegant and satisfactory; hrs. 1
to 10. 107 S. 17th St. Notice Entrance
down stairs, basement, corner building.
Sunday 11 to &
. - ,t-t T .
4.P7. Honrs to I;
MISS SCHMIDT, mas., eleo. bath. D.
713. Open eve.. p. m. ; Sttndaya, 12 to 6.
MISS JACOBS, mas., mantcurtng. Phon
Doug. 4Zi7, Hour to ; wunday 11 to S.
MASSAGE. H 8. 17th St. Mm. Steele.
M'sg Flnher, maBs.. elec. trest. Red Ma.
iU.100.VUfi DOVGLAS 8372.
BATH and massage, alcohol rub. Lstura
WllasiM 1UOS k'.-iam , T.. ..!-. I
Open evenings and Sundays.
Clnra Leo, bath and maasage. Doug. t7L
Kathleen Mack, masaage & bath. P. 1681
BATH8, 214 Baird Bldg., Wth ind Doug.
Moving, Storage and Cleaatag.
W. C. FERR1N, 15th and Capitol, Ty. 1W0.
Uc a I lata.
Eye examined, glaaacs fitted, pay a you
cn. ira. wevrtny. nil w. u. v . widg.
fOateopataUe physirtnas.
Dr. Her'icha. Wl-A MrCagu Rldg. D. natn.
Dr. Peterson, Brandeis Bldg., D. 1144.
P.latl n r
WATERS-BARNHART Ptg. Co.. ouallty
piiniioa. -ei. jfuua. Dw. a. lain BK.
DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Doug. 844.
RIES-HALL Ptg. Co.. KSOCapltol. D. lift!.
Patent Development.
AMERICAN Machine Co.. 110 S. 11th St
H. A. Sturges, C38 Brsndel Theater Bldg. '
P. O. Barnell, Pmton Blk. Tel. Red 7117.
Roach Exterminator.
B. B. B. Roach powder at Beaton's.
Palntlaar aad Paperlaa.
HUH M MANU9, 417 N. 0th. H. (TU.
Vlamea RtxiinUd.
PLUMES & flower made over, cleaned A
oyea. nertna rruger. Paxton. D. 8394.
Safe aad Time Leek Eisrrli.
C A 17T7C Opened, repair., com.
OxA-r JC.O hns-d. h E. Daven-
w A-'W' riort. 1408 Unit.. n ic-,
Shoe Rrpalriaa.
Electric Shoe Rep. Co., 1807 St. Mary's Ar.
FRIEDMAN BRQ3.. shoe repair. Ill S. 14.
Iters an ft Off tea. Fiit.M..
BUSINESS success depend' to a larg
extent on where you ar located.
Tenants of the Bee Building ay that
men imuviu unu tnein easuy oecauso
the building Is so centrally situated and
ao easy of access.
DESKS, safes, scales, hcwcanes, shelv
ing, etc. We buy. sell. Omaha Fixture
and Supply Co.. 414-10-18 8. 12th. D. 2724.
Signs aad -howearda.
E. M CLARK SON. U 8. 1STH g-r-.
Steel Celllnsrs.
CARTER Sheet Metal Company, IIP B. 10.
Towel aiDiille-.
OMAHA Towel Supply, 207 8. 11th. P. 628.
Traaks aad Salxeasoa.
FREL1NQ A BTEINLB. 18. Farnam St
CHAB. C. LANDERYOU. 108 N. Wth rit
OLSE.N A itOL ECHE. CiDb Harney. D. 6RS.
DR. Q. R. YOUNG. 4nm Center. Wal. 3023.
Wlaex and I.le nora.
ALEX JETES, 101 -3 8. l3th 8t. Wines,
imuora. cigar, fiat dinner, 11 to 8. 10c.
Olobe liquor house. 424 N. 16th; California
wine, 81.16 per gal. Write for price list
15th and Capitol Ave. Ten-cent lunch.
BUY your family liquor at Klein'
Liquor House. 62 N. loth. Douglas im
A FINE larg Redpoll cow, will trade for
diamond or good piano. Coming fresh
roon or would sell. Addi s B. C 612, Bee.
AUTO 6-pass. auto, fully equipped and
In fine shape, 1911 model and cost $2.0
new; will trade tor Omaha lot worth oti0.
Address S. C. 1628, Be;
AUTO Empire, in good shape, can b
used as roadster or truck for light
hauling. What have you? Addresa S. C.
3, Bee.
Auto tire, nearly new casing, size 31x4,
demountable rim and Inner tube: will sell
very cheap for cash, or what have you
to swap. A fid res 8. C. 1531, Bee.
AUTO Truck, lisht delivery, two-cylinder
Maxwell; fairly good condition.
Would tiade for oak floorings or any
thing you have of equal value if takm
immediately. Addreaa, 8. C. 617, Bee.
AUTOMOBILE-We hold a bill ot lading
for an International automobile which
we expect to be here by Baturday over
tr.a Burlington road. We have not aeea.
thl car and will sell or trade same to
anybody who 1 looaing for a bargain.
W will trade for a cow, diamond or
team horses or buggy or whatever you
have to offer. Address. 8. C. 274. Bee.
AUTO Will trade automobile or will pay
cash for dependable piano hot priced
too high. Call Monday. Addresa, & C.
6a, Bee.
AUTO TRUCK Hxv 30-H. p. car which
with but littla work, could be converted
into truck, or used for roadater a it
Hands. Engine, magneto, diffsrentiai and
transmission lust overhauled and rebuilt;
164 worth brand new Urea on rear; front
tire In A-l abape. Want Ford or similar
car that lady can handl. Addreaa B, c
-16. Bee.
AUTOMOBILES For other automobile
bargain Lb "Automobile" ciaUl
cation. BEAUTIFUL upright piano and alool.
wauiui vase, awxsiii ion, la nn con
dition, for . sal cheap, or will trad for
-...., ..- .1.1. . . a t .. .
uuva, umu awi nil.,., Uiauii. ima, SUM OT
what you jiilght bsv to offer. Address
8. C. J. tare Omaha Bee.
BUS. CH. aU.oU) clothing, furnishing
and sho stuck, good eaat Nb. town.
Hurry if you want thla. Wljl trade.
What, hav youT Audresa, B. C. Sit, Bee.
BANJO and mandolin, extra grade, for
concert; want to trade for diamond
worth 8a0. 8. C. 6X2, Bee.
3 OOUNTY seat lots, price 2u0, for farm
machinery. aUx k or offer. F. Klrken
dall, (Hen wood, la.
CORN PLANT ER What have you to
trade for corn planter, dlak harrow.
Flying Swede cultivator, 10-ln. breaking
plow or 7-ft. woeder? Will trade 1 or all
for anything 1 can uae. Addreaa 8. C.
6S0. Bee.
2 DIAMOND RINGS, Ml and JliO each;
one banjo, lii. on mandolin, 126. nail
one or all, or trade for larger diamond,
or might trade one for typewriter, ti. C.
f, bee.
DIAMOND ring, quarter carat. Tiffany;
liaae or sell cheap, only IJf. g. c.
637. llee.
DIAMOND For watch or ahotgun. 8. C.
. 647. Bee.
brary table, rocker, with lover' aeat,
hraaa trimmed bookcaae aectlon, two
tops and two bases with drawer; iieautl
ful liitlsh. brand new; will trade for
aolid mahcginr, or what hav you. Ad
d re s 8. C, 6:5. Bee,
FINK now twin motorcycle to swap for
Ford chassis. What hav you? Address
K-xxx Bee.
FIRNlTl'kK Heavy mahogany musio
cabinet for plsyer rolls or sheet junto.
Con $18 new and used but three months.
Will wp for anything I can ua actui
ally worth lis or mora.. Address S. C. M7.
GENTS gold watch and solid oak slde
board, exchange for piano. Pay dlfler
ence. 8. C. 67, Ree.
G8 RANGE Garland cabinet gas rang. I
uaed one year.' leaving town, will sell
or trade for kitchen c bluet or davenport
Address H. C. Ml. lie-..
HAV K laig i l-ar lut In Co. Bluffs to
trade for Mdse., Id-hand vilo. dry
gooJs or what have you. Address C.
too. Bee.
INCUBATOR-Oue x-e miui
first class Incubator. aUnuat nsw, will
sxuhange for electric fen, sleigh, or wilt
sell cheap for cash. Address , C. tl.