Tim (tttAITA SUNDAY BEE:. FEBRUARY 14, 1915. INSECTS MAHf& GREAT EHEMYlS Junes EncUud Deicribei Their " Baregei tad Kikes Flea for PreBermtioB of Bird Life. HIED 13 EEEATUM OF X2TSECT TT A "KINGTON. Feb. U,Amonf the Kooloelfal article! In the Smithsonian Annual Report la on on the value of birds to man. In which th author, Jamea Bueklend of London, makes the astounding etatement that although man Imagine himself the dominant power of the earth ha la nothing of th sort, the true lords of tha universe being th In sects. For, although man baa attained predominance over th moat fierce and powerful animals and most deadly rep tiles., he and his work would be of little avail before an attack of Insect, which Include a greater numtxr of specie than all other living creature combined. Rome O.nto c peel c hav been described, while pmiiMr twic that number atlll remain unknown. I Th author aaye that the Incomputa ble horde feed on nearly all living ani mal and practically all plants, and mul tiply Into prodigious number In an In credibly short time. Computations ahow that one specie developing thirteen gen erations a rear would, If unchecked to the twelfth generation, multiply to ten sexMUlons of Individuals, whll a single rlr of th well known gypsy moths. If uncnerked, would produce In eight years enough progeny to destroy all th follag ef the I'nlted Ftates. . On pair of potato bugs, be ststes, would develop un checked (O.OOO.nno In a single season, at hlch rat of mutlpllrstlon th potato plant would not long survive. laseete Urea Feeders. According to Mr. Buckland's artlale. In er.ts are quit as astounding In their consuming qualities aa la their rata of Increase: a caterpillar ats twice Its weight In leaves a day, and. In pro por tion, a horse would consume a ton of Jiay In twenty-four hours. Certain flesh eating larva consume WO times their or iginal weight In twenty-four hours; In this manner an Infant would devour 1.100 pounds of meat during th first day of it life. It Is reported by a specialist that the food taken by a silkworm In fifty- 1 1 days equals M.MO times Ita or iginal v.-elght. All of which facta ahow what tremendous destruction Insects may cause.' Through its predominating Insect diet, and on account of Its exceedingly rapiA digestion, the bird becomes tbs most In dispensable balancing force of nature; without Its assistance, roan, with bis poieona, the weather and animals, aa well aa the parasitic predaceOus Insects, would be helpless. - The author then ' states how the bird la a benefit to man In a great number of way.; In checking Insect Invasions, In preserving foresta and orchards; their service in th mead ows and garden; their value In protecting llv stock, and their usefulness la th preservation of, health and elimination of else. bleed Work Des by Birds. Remarkable Instance of the birds' service to man Include th Introduction of the English sparrow Into Mew Zealand with the resulting elimination of th this tle and th caterpillar, which war ruin ing th laud and crops, and th saving of Australian agnoultur from the grase- hoppere by th straw-necked fbla, la in dividual craws of which an average of I. to grasshopper was found. Tb store f Frederick th Great, wherein h la allege, te hav ordered all small birds killed, because th sparrows had Peeked at some of his cherries, and th resulting Ik ef fruit but fla ero of eater pCU art two yearn later, prove a grabble lesson. Th ."sealp act" of Pennsylvania, which paid In bounties 190,000 for th extertninar tlon of hawks and owls, lost for the atat f3.ttf.000 In damage to agriculture, due to the Increas of small rodents whtau resulted. When Montana was free from hawk and owls It became so overrun with destructive rodent that tb Vegala ture offered reward for them a task which th banished hawks and ewla had performed free of charge. But during th flret six months such large sum of money were paid out that a special ses sion of th legislature wa called to re peal th act before the state went bank rupt. In Mil Lord Kitchener pointed ut th necessity of prohibiting th 4etruo tlon of certain Egyptian bird which pre vented Insect pests. . Pleat for Preservation of Stras. In closing, Mr. Buckland makes a plea for the preservation of all birds a valuable natural' resource, stating that If their destruction la not checked there will be wrought a mischief, a universal dis aster, greater than word can express. Another article on bird, contributed by Howard H. Cleaves, review th work of th Amerlcsa Bird Banding association. Ir. Alea Ilrdllcka of th National mu seum write on th most ancient skeletal remains of man, and Dr. M. Hoernea prcavms an interesting aiscusslon eon- cernlng the earliest forms of human habi tation and their relation to th general development of civilisation. The feudal eyetem in Persia la described by Jaequea de Morten of Paris, while another Paper. by K. Kanokogl of Tokio, discusses the significance of KhlntoUm. Papers on en gineering subjects Include problems la smoke, fume and dust abatement, by T. O. Cottrell: progress In marine contrac tion, by Alexander Oracle, and th con struction uf th great aqueduct from the Catikill mountains Into New Tork City, by 1. Bernard Walker and A. Russell Bond. the official Journal of a complete list all persons and houses furnishing tup. pile to th army, with their addressee and the nature and amount of their con tracts. The subcommittee of the budget committee baa alo asked the minister ef war for all records concerning army eon-tracts. No detailed eemplamts ef Irregularities have been made, but the socialist group declares It has Information concerning certain abuse. Investor with money read th Real IDs- tat ads In Th Be. Advertise your property for a quick sale. BATTLE F0UGHT IN MID-AIR Up Among Cloud. German Ttvbe, and French Monoplane En-gag-e in Death Struggle. FBXNC11MAN IS THE VICTOR (Correspondence of th Associated Presa) DUNKIRK. Franc. Feb. it -A fight between a French aeroplane and one of the new armored German monoplanes, a type whloh hss only recently begun to appear on tha northwestern front. Is de scribed In a letter from a French officer. He writes: "For half an hour the black Taube had been describing Infernal circles over our lines, while our men crouched In their trenches, covering with their bodies bey onets, mesa tins and everything else, whose glittering surface might betray their position. I alone stood up, observing th enemy through my field glasses. "Suddenly a French airman emerged from a cloud above the Taube. The dry bark of a mltrallleur announced that the Frenchman wa attacking. The Taube turned tall, without replying, but only to return to the battle. Then the two great birds charged head-on. From below It seemed that thoy mut meet In a terri ble ahock. Nothing of the sort. The Ger man passed a little above the Frenchman and the machine guns spoke. Carried apart by th speed of their charge, like knlghta In a tourney, they awept about In great elrclea to renew the combat. Taebe Drepe te F.arth. 'The Frenchman hovered -and waited; th adversary returned quickly with a clever maneuver, flying above, then below the Frenchman, firing when he could, while the Frenchman, seeming to remain almost stationary, replied with energy. - "In the trenches our red-pantalooned soldiers and the splko-helmeted German alike auepended sniping operations) and foilowed that death struggle with equal emotion. An Involuntary 'Ah!' broke from l.ons throats as a biplane emerged from the same cloud that had hlddea the French monoplane, and the Taube turned to flee, "But th French monoplan pursued, snd It had th advantage here,' for the German aeroplane, being armored, waa too heavy for high speed. The 'French machine quickly passed the fugitive, forced It to turn and come again toward th French line, where the biplane was awaiting It It passed near the latter, and again there waa th bark of guns, but apparently without decisive result. "Again the French monoplane lalurasd to the charge. Flying high over Ita ad versary. It auddenly dived headlong anew. K, seemed to touch It, and then mounted again grace fully in the air, "At a ditty speed the Taube, mortal wounded, fell almost vertically late th German lines. Dea't Kearleet Cewarhs or CeSda. Dr. King's New TMaoorery should be la every home for coughs) and colds. Child ren and aged. like it. SOo. All druggist Advertisement. A gotng business can be sold quickly through The Bee's "Business Chanoes," i We Extend a Hearty Welcome to All Auto Show Visitor a Vifitors Make yourselves perfectly at home in this store. We're here to please you. No Lot Up to tho Dafftaln Surprises In Our February Salos Five Splendid Lots of New Laces Specially Priced Our Lace Buyer has just returned from New Tork and the first shipment of new laces just arrived will be on dis play Monday. Offering Five Special Lots to Begin the Season's Selling. LOT 1 Oriental Ijmcv Reg ular 26c values, dainty new designs; on sal at, per yard 15? LOT 2 ; Oriental Flounctoftft Regular tl yd. values, 18-ln. wide, new pat terns for waists.. .50 ' LOT 3 Oriental Laces ' Reg ular 60o yd. values, 5 ln. wide.' for neckwear drapery, etc, yd., 29 LOT 4 Oriental Laces 6 So yd. values, same as Lot 3 but much wider; at, yard 39? LOT 5 27-ln. Lace Flouncing (for party dresses, $1.60 to $2.26 values; newest designs, yard . . . .89 Torchon, Cluny and Val. Laces r-Frorn 5c to 15c yard val- Three Special Counters of Cluny Laces Real linen in white ues; in throe special lots at, yard S' 3V and 5 j and ecru, for tho new curtains, yard. .5, 10 and 12 V Auto Show Visitors Can easily find by inveaftga- tion why Try HAYDENS First is a household word in Omaha, Prices and quality will tell you. New Spring Silks Underpriced A Special Purchase of 200 Pieces of New Spring Silks at Bargain Prices Monday. $1.50 to $2.00 Silks on sale Monday at $1.18 a yard Silk Crepe ole Chines, Poplins, Printed Novelty Moire, Crepe Meteors, etcv-HBurplus and discontinued numbers of a well known New York manufacturer, all perfect goods, made for the spring season ; all 40 inches wide and in every wanted color: made to sell at $1.50 to $2.00 a yard, choice, yard. . All Bilk Foulards la the new Tans, Greys and Blue, also 34-lneh 811k Poplins. in a full yZT.....38c-68c Black Chiffon Taffetas and Ba , tin Mesaalinea, $1.00 qualities, , 36 Ins. wide, twenty plecos In . tha lot or your aelec- f tlon Monday, yard. ...DOC $1.00 Quality Chiffon Dress Taffeta, yard. 40 place of beautiful Chiffon Drees Taffeta In 15 of tb most desir able) spring colorings, one of the most fashionable silks for spring. Too wlU want two or three patterns at the price, 68 C i I t I I i French Revenues Show Big Decrease (Correspondence ef the Associated Frees.) I' A Rid. Feb. U. Fiscal atatlsUoa for the year 1914 Just compiled show that diminution of foreign commerce aad de crease la returns from Internal tasea i caused a loss of revenue to France segregating 193.000,000 franoe, or about M 40(1.000. The ratio ef decrease was areaiest la September, which showed t4.000.O0S franos deficit; slno thea th ratio ha steadily dev-reseed by reason of aa tnwovemeat la foreign trade, the difference la ctii t fur Peoember belac M0U0.0C& . Tik decrease la the consumption of taied beverages daring th last five iituuth of the year aooounU for 1 000,00 franca of the deficit. Tha consumption of . tatacoo is also shown to have dlmiulshed notably front the heglpolng of the war. Socialists Seek tho Information (('orreecttuwlence of the Associated Presa) 1'ARIH, Keb. llTbc aodaltot group la in Chuubvr of PepuUe has decided Vareue vlgroue!y th supervision of all army contra. Th Secretary has writ Vou If. Xllileranl, demanding pubUcetlaa I e I I I I I I I e I e I I ft I I I I i i New Spring Dress Goods Our "Wool Dress Goods Section is now replete with all the beautiful new colorings and choice weaves in Spring Dress Fabrics among them Gaberdines, Serges, Poplins, Chudda Cloth, English Melrose, Taffeta Spingles, etc., eta, in all the popular new shades, including Sea Sand, Newport Tan, Oregon Green,1 Eocky Mountain Blue, Gettysburg Gray, etc ... ' A Visit Hre Will Orrtalnly Pay Ton. Two Splendid Specials M Monday M ' npnns; vress r nunc a, so o gt us. wide, including Dlagonlal Bull- In gs, serges, ran am as, Taiietaa, Immwtue Vienth HenrtotBn. . a beautUful, soft finish, 44 Inches wide, all wool dress fabric. In ' nil new spirits; iortaf,--- SOO ' piece! for selection,'." 'C5CIe at. yard OOC ... a- a . l J fcn J A ir Till .nit i,w ' ' t 35C, HJC, UOC Dress Skirts Tailored $ UOO To Your Measure $ U00 te-saT sW I M I From Fabrice Bought in Our Drew Goods Section .at $1.00 the 'Yard or More - . . . . . Sin Chmrming Ntt0 Mo4U Now om Display fa JDress Coocfs 5ctoa,-' ' - jfcfa floor . , i ..-.-, .. .;. Every woman needs an ettre drees skirt or two to finish out the season and thla opportunity, Is a particularly timely one. - ; Perfect Fit, 8plendl4 Tailoring Guaranteed. ' A Rousing Furniture Sale 15 Regular $20 (f J f For One Day, Articles, choice yjJLJ Monday, Oct 15 Any $20JOO Dresser in stock . . . ". . $115.00 Any $20.00 Chiffonier in stock .'. .$15.00 Any $20.00 Dining Table in stock .$15.00 Any $20.00 Brass Bed in stock ......... .$15.00 Any $20.00 Set Dining Chairs at. ......... . ... -.$15.00 ; Any $20.00 Buffet in stock . . . J. .$15.00 Any $20.00 Dressing Table, choice ...... . . . .$15.00 : Any $20.00 Rocker in stock $15.00 Any $20JOO Davenport in stock . .$15.00 Any $20.00 Book Case in stock $15.00 Any $20.00 Kitchen Cabinet, choice .. . . $15.00 Any $20.00 China Cabinet, choice ...... $15.00 Any $20.00 Ladies Desk at $15.00 Any $20X)0 Lounge in stock $15.00 Any $20.00 Library Table, choice .$15.00 $2.00 Fancy Needle Work, 59c A big line of Embroidered,' Sofa Pillows, Center Pieces, Scarfs, Hand Drawn Linens and a few Hand ; F" Painted Ooze Leather Sofa Pillows; regular ; : Bwf values from $1JD0 up to $3.00, choice V7 35c Fancy Goods 10c Linen Center Pieces, Pil low Tops- Poarf s, etc made to sell at 25o and 35o each, at '..'..!.:.-v.. . .10 . New Embroideries A special lot of very f ino Corset Cover Embroideries on sale Monday at, per yard ...AUJ:J!....155 Domestic Room Savings Always the Keenest Economies Offered; in 5ales.HertCf Watch the Domestic Room Specials Advertised'i)aily. , Sheeting Bleached 24 yards wide, 26oqualityr.rEl9y2 Muslin Bleached Hope or Lonsdale, 20 yards limit:'.7 Pillow Cases 42, 45-in. size, hemmed, 15o grade, eaV lOVfe? Bed Sheets Single bed size, center seam. each. . . 1: , . Bed Sheets Double bed size, hemmed, each 39J V(UvaM wwud ijcu wuia wge; wiuie, cream ana ecru yard i'ti"it t . . v'.-v. .... .vr.10 Ginghams Dress styles, neat checks, plaids, Btripes. .7c Flannelette Soft fleecjr quality, in pink and blue stripes for gowns, etc, yard 77. . .7T.". ...... 10VJ OomfortabJew Home made,. tie large, soft, well filled, kind;" eorered with best aualltr slllollheT VeDhvr tlwi ia " ' ' " : ';. Wash G odds Section Silk Stripe Voile, 27 inches wide, variety of leading oolors and shades for the new eea; son; sheer, crisp, new fabrioa usually 25o here Monday, yarc . . . , . .... .15 Printed Plisse Crepe, 30 inches wide, beau-' tifui designs for ladies , and, children's dresses; usually 18o yard; here Monday, per yard 12Vt Printed Percale, light grounds, all 36-inoh standard quality . fabrics, neat figures, stripes and dots; best grrfde here, lOV Some Mighty Interesting Specials in Famishing Goods Dept. Domestic Room . .' Ladies' Outing Flannel Gowns, worth to $1.25, at 69 Knit Underwaists for boys or grls, 2 to 12 years, special ..... .9 Ladies' Heavy Fleeced Union Suits, all sizes, $1.00 values, at G9 Ladies' Chambray and Percale Aprons, bungalow style, 50c values 35c; 3 for $1 Children' Medium "Weight Bibbed Under wear, Vesta or Pants, special .10 Ladies' Gauze Vests with" short sleeves and low neck, 12o values, at ....7Vs Ladies' Square Knit "Wool Shawls, worth 50c, at . .......lSf Ladies' and Children's Hosiery, all sizes, 19o values, at 12H TheNeip ifti&s, CQQtsDresses, Skirts are Here In charmingly varied aasortments-Tew Ideas that every woman will want to see Authori tative yet. expressing originty to rny vys Superior vd , New Spring, Tailored Suits Scores .of butifuV and distinctive designs in all the fabrics and colorings that fashion fav ors for spring 1915--moet chaxmmg assort ments and values at every price , ;, at . .$25.00, $35.00, $30.75 to $G5.00 Ask to See Crown Jewel Suits at $25.00 . One Hundred Extra Size Suits J ust Receiv ed, clever designs and most wanted mater ials and colorings $15, $1.50 and $25 , New Dresses ' In plain and fancy , silks and wool fab rics,' all new styles, matchless values, choice ..... $9.00 Othar Splendid Dress Bargains Monday at $15, $19.50 and $25 Women's Tailored Suits, one small lot that sold , up to $25.00, on sale at, choice, $5 Long Flannelette Kimonos, also Crepe Kimanoe, ,to $3.00 values, at $1.45 $1.50 Long Flannelette Ki monos, Monday 79 Household Linens, jEed;Spreads 70-inoh all. linen silver bleached Table Da mask, choice dedgnsj quality ; ! worth $1JQ0 or more. Monday's special price,' yd. 78 68-inch all linen," full bleach Circular Table. Cloths, safe-stitch scallop edge," $3.50 value, each '...V.... .... '..'.$2.95 8x10 size, all linen hemstitched, fine bleach Table Cloths, heavy weight; an excep tional value . ..' ... .... $2.95 Full bed size Marseilles Spreads, scallop or fringe, cut corners, compare with usual $4.00 values. On sale here at. . . . .'$2.88 Bed Sheets; full bed -wze (2ix3V&), made 'of seamless extra heavy ( linen - finished sheeting. The best sheet for 'service, 69 ' ALL FUES MUST GO We will not carry one gar ment over. Prices for Monday made without regard to former selling prioe or manufacturers COSt. f . : . ,v Try HAYDEN'S First.' -New Dress Skirts Every imaginable style, coloring and material that is de sirable; v a 1 u e 8 you'll find it diffi cult to deplicate at the prices for Mon day, $5, $7.50, $10 and $15.50 Your choice of all Winter , Cloth Coats, that sold to $45, Monday in one big lot at .......... ......$9.90 AH Winter Coats that sold to $25.00, in Monday's sale, at, choice .$4.95 Drugs and Toilet Goods Monday I doiT&n 5-irala Asperln Tablets 254 6O0 bottle of 'Phenolaz Wafers ...... 25t -ounce bottle Lysol ................... 1-lb. bottle of Hydrogen Peroxide .25 S60 Pond's Vsnishlng Cream ............. .j 5 uuu . , wiMiujj 5 .......... . fC 21) 190 ..5 500 600 Jar of Headheara Cold Cr 25c Jar Peroxide or Cold Cream 6O0 Dr Charles' 'Flesh Food .., 26e package of Borax Chips ....... 3 packages Ammonia Powder.. 10c bar Jap Rose Soap 4 100 Rolls crepe Toilet Paper 100 can Sweetheart Talcum . ., . 4 bars Imperial Peroxide Soap . . , !5o can of Parma Talcum 60c else Aubry Bisters' Beautlfler 2 Se bottle Elmo Sisters' Rouge . , $1.50 bottle Oriental Cream .... $1.25 Hot Water Botale $1.50 Fountain Syringe r Slj $2.00 Combination Syringe $1.50 Get you a regular 2 60 end J 6c Auto Sponge Satur day, while they last, for 5 30 fme .OO Read the Big Special Grocery Sale for Monday r.f?.?.? .t"ee. . eoe. see nothing Oar aim la enemy reeoa, wtta a eevtasT e( Se e o p eeat ea th seat ef Uvtaf. -lb. Aaoas of high srad Diamond l flour, netblna finer for br.ai. tta r eekes, seek X. 10 bars ideat 'Km All. Lenox, Vt'hU . Huastan er iMin&ry Queen WWK laundry seap .. .......So I lb, beat wuite er yello-w wrameil at if 10 lbs pur buckwheat floor , .See T lbs. best bulk laundry start) ,.6e 4 1 t ee. cans condensed milk Bee I !-. )ara pure fruit preeerve.. .e I cans oil eardlnee -Sse The best dotneeue roacaxeal, vermt- cllll or speabettt. pkt. THe 4 Iba cbulo Japan rice ...,a 1 lbs. rolled white breakfast oat- eal Sfte IBi-shey breakfast eoooa, b . .So K. C Com Flakes, oka Oracle Nats, pkg. 10 All re, lie cookies. Won. lb. ISHe All re. IIH clokle. Hon.. lb. 10 t-n. caaa fancy eweet eusar corn. at TVie lTf bottle pure atraloed honey So S-lb. oana wax, atrloa, areen or lima beans H 1-lb. case hointny, pumpkin, sauer kraut or baked beans TV 1-lb. fans LUeinond H baklns powder eiaal to baktn powder sold fr double, per can .............. .Mo 1-lb. California peacbea, per oaa S"-e Choloe Cent, prunes, for deaert. lb . at ...... VV, Choice Calif, eeoklns; fir, lb. ..S'o Kancy Moor Park aprltiota, lb. 1SH Caiirornla eeedlees raisin, lb. .ae Calif, bleached Cult as. raisin, lb.. at ......ISH Kancy eleaned CAirrant. Jb. ,.1U Kanoy pitted pi wees. lb. ISH (iolden Santo corfee, lb. SO The beet tea slftlnss. lb. . ...14Ve Xla-aUad Mavel Oraare aad ej,s rralt Cele. Hlcliland Navel Oranges are the finest quality orange grown la Call fornia. It has no enual. Re-. Ita alie, thla sale, dos. ....as Keg. Ia elie, this enle. doe. ,...Soe K.g. too slie. this sale, dos. ....la Iter, per its lr dosen This Is fancy clean fruit, no nner grown. . Tae bee rnirhuUr freak esTrs, Iteaaay, pee aeeea See This is No. 1 stock, tresb eeunuy receipt. The best creamery butter, carton or bulk, lb. No. I ouatrr erwamery butter. o No. I dairy table butter, lb. tfrood dairy taile butter, lb. ....See iiU creaia wklLe er colored che.ee, per lb. . t i ii .1., .Si Tancr domeette wis cheese, par It. block sa Tk TetretaM Marke fet the reepl ef OasaM. Potato, 11 lb, te th peck ...SO Th beet Wisconsin cjtbba-, lb. lUe Jeraey eweet potatoes, I lb. ....IS li'reeh beets, carrots, turnips, shal lots or radishes, bunch e S large soup bunches ,.10e ( Best Malleable Steel Range Made---The Range Eternal They last lifetime. The body Is made of Keystone" metal and win not rust out like range made of other cheaper material. "Range Eternal' with or without base, up from -955.00 Other Steel Ranges, up from ....$2500 Black Nloke finish "Renown" Cast Ranges, up from S-45.0O Plain finish "Renown" Cast Ranges, up from ...21.50 Cook 8toves, up from 813.50 . We Sell "CARUWli" Gas Ranee. 1 J IT VnV MAfPIP?PS fS FIQ5T " Enamelware Ona lot of good quality Blue and White Knamelware, consisting of medium and large Preserving Ket tle, laxf a Berlin Kettles and Sauce Pots, I -el Coffee Pots, 10 aad 11 qt. Water Pall. 10 and 14-qt. Die it Pans. 4-qt. Coffee Boilers, etc at. choice da Brooms Brooms wood eaalltr 4-tl Partor worth se to 6e, speetal Mas. is On Broom to a Customer. Doable Quality Toil Papon 10 rive-coat moils Toilet Paper. .SO a T.a seat SVuUs Tolle Paper... So J6o worth to a customer. No tele ghone or C. O. D. order for Breosas or Toilet Paper taken.