TITE CttfAIIA SUNDAY BEE: FEBRUARY 14, 1015. 9-B BROWNSMEJEX. SEE MAP On of the Interesting Spots on This Globe It Going Into Fast Decay Near Border. GOSSIP OF THE FRONTIER By EDWARD BLACK. Get out your map and look way down the) western coast of the Qulf of Mexico, tn the aouthweatern part of Texas. an1 you will see the name of a town known as ' Brownsville. This out-of-the-way place was little known to the world until a few years ago when t'nlted States negro troopers stationed st Fort Brown "shot up" the town. Then Brownsville was put on the map. The people are not proud of that eft-en t; It clings to them as a sort of a nightmare. Brownsville Is one of the most unique towns of the country. There are about 11,000 resident, with approximately 9,000 Mexicans and 3,000 Americans. It rests on the Rio Grande river and from the edge of town one may look across the river and see the trees of old Mexico In the dlstsnce. The town Is as level as a table and It Is built right up to the river bank. Fort Brown Is within a few blocks of the business district. There are no about 1.Q50 United States soldiers cavalry men, field battery and coast artillery men at the fort In charge of Colonel A. P. Blorksorh, who has part of the border control. This town Is a typical border town. I was talking one day to Chief of Police. Billy Linton, who said: "This Is one of the toughest towns along; the border. It Is In the free state of Cameron." lie meant Brownsville Is In Cameron county, and between the lines he meant that In a sense It can hardly be regarded as be ing; In the United States. Place to Be Qelet. Brownsville Is not a healthy place to "start anything." The men there know how to fondle blue-steel hardware with precision. Thoy do not believe In wasting ammunition. Conditions have been Im proving of late. It Is not many years since the first railroad was built Into Brownsville. The only real line now en tering the town is the "St. Louis, Browns ville & Mexico, which now Is tn the hands of a receiver. There is a twenty-mile narrow gauge line running to Point Isa bel, on the gulf. This town has the most execrable streets of any town of the else In the country. During the rainy season the main streets leading to the new oourt house are a foot deep with a black,- sticky mud which Is churned up by the Mexi can "hacks," which are the chief means of conveyance. The fine new court bouse was built about half a mile from the main street, and at times It is hardly possible to walk to this court house without get ting Into mud up to one's shoe tops. The American residence section Includes some beautiful homes, but the Mexican quarters are typical of old Mexico, with small - dingy structures along dismal streets. 1 asked an editor why1 the streets were not -Improved so as to drain the moisture during the rainy season, and he replied by saying that It would be Im possible from an engineering standpoint, because part of the town Is lower than the river. Rowboat Ferry. From one of the main streets Is a board walk whloh leads to the Cnlted States Immigration and customs houses at the river. At this point is what Is known as a "ferry ,M consisting of swarthy Mexicans wtta ttfw coats: For 5 cents on may be taken across the river, and on the other side Is the terminus of a street ear line which goes up to Matamoros, in the state of TamauHpas, Old Mexico. The street cars are drawn by little Mezlcaa homes. After a ride through aa uninviting' waste of country, the street car enter Matamoros, which today is a relio of what one was a prosperous Mexican city of f.ooo people. Today the population Is about IS. 000. Poverty and gloem are seen on every hand. The visitor may see Mexi can soldiers here and there, peering under large hats with ominous glances. They are a nondescript lot, with all sorts of garments-and taking a seeming delight in exposing their loaded belts. People Frlarhtened Away. A year ago last May Matamoroa waa enjoying prosperity under the Villa regime, but the constitutionalists came la and took the town, burned the bull ring and scared most of the people away. They crossed to the American side by , thousands. There was a fine band of tMrty-ftve men and that is an gone. Gone are the bull fights and. the social life of the city. The Carranslstas have estab lished a so-called military headquarters uptown, with General E. P. Kaferrata in command. I wlslted the headquarters and saw many machine guns stored and ready for Immediate use. The soldiers have built earthworks south of the town. Some of the well-to-do Spanish famtUes still maintain their residence there. met Elisabeth Chandler Hendrix of At lanta, Ga, In Matamoros and she told me the poverty there Just now is almost unspeakable. Last Christmas time she succeeded tn getting a carload of pres ents and clothing from people in Texas for the children of Matamoros. She has written "My Brother's Keeper," a story of Mexican Bte, which will be out soon from a Chicago press. Che has spent a year studying Mexican life as it really exists and she believes the Mexicans are a benighted lot, with Invaluable natural resources at their very door and yet they are hardly civilised. Woman Smuggler in Running Fight With Officers LOS ANGELES, Cel., Feb. 11 A woman smuggler, known as Goldle Evans, led a band of nine men In battle against three United States Immigration officials at the Mexican border near Cellcxto last night, according to word received by fed eral officials here today. Bullets were exchanged in a running fight among the raesquite bushes of the desert but tn the end the women, one of her male follow era and six Chinese who they were trying to smuggle into the United Btatea were taken prisoasrs by the three government agents. There were to automobile loads of contraband Chinese In the smuggler' party, according to official Information. All but six escaped to the mountains of lower California. DAUGHTER OF THE LATE E.H HARB1MAN GOES WEST la a special car attached to the Los Aawel Limited. Mrs. C C Xtumsey, dauarhter of the late B. H. HanimaD, will f west Sunday, accompanied by a party of fUteea persons. The party is routed to Lew Angels Chauncey Olcott andIiA Mtttze Mi it 0 Trances 7I?Hniy W1NGINU along on an unde niable prosperity, the success of the stock company at the Boyd theater seems to be as sured. This is certainly a plume In the cap of Manager Burgess, who took hold of the venture under the most unfavorable conditions. Omaha's experience with stock organisa tions for the last two or three years had not been the most pleasant, and outward indications were all against the possible success of the new venture at the Boyd. But Mr." Burgess had faith in the capacity of his company, in his Judgment as a manager, and felt sure that once he could get his company fairly before the public. It would no longer be a question of pa tronage. He has dona this, and Is now eeelng the reward of his courage. The company Is one of the most competent ever presented here tn stock,; Miss Mo Henry Is an actress of uncommon ability, evenly balanced In her capacity, both for expression and repression, and with a qusllty of natural charm that gives her efforts peculiar power, no matter what cnaracter she is asked to put on. Mr. Lynch has also shown a wide nuun adaptability, and has made a great many "" mmam oy nis wont with the com pany. Mr. Bliss Is a stage director of much experience and cathollo taste, and pioyer oi excellent parts, and the com pany under his skillful handling Is ac complishing wonders In the way of In telligent presentation of a most Interest ing list of plays. Commonly It won't do to believe what you hear about the amaaing salaries re ceived by vaudeville performers: yet It la r . t ' "t v.- - uro-t xi it? V R i - km ) ' Moore p7v'-' y 'vX I V K -c-artl .TrinceiSlSajal. 0-7. ?i m vsi ? .jtss- I a 4 as SI nlable prosperity, the success . jr 7 - s'-w, V.-V-1 I t -f I I of the stock company at the I t?.' ' .i v .' f I fe , II an esiaoiisned fact that such celebrities I D eowra will be tne attraction as Bernhardt and Ethel Bsrrymore have Ul Brandels theater three nights, be ars wn stipends of astonishing proportions sinning Sunday, February tL with apodal it was the renown of Bernhardt which mun on wonaay, wasmnaton s wrtn made It possible for her to command a'day' 8elwyn Co r ndlng the or- saiary of f5,0W a week: but now there an entertainer, a mere variety performer, who receives as much as she received. True, be Is not guaranteed that much. out, working aa he does on a percentage basis, he never falls to get his f&OOO, and in some weeks that figure Is exoeeded. Who Is he? Doubtless you have heard of - him Sylvester Schaffer. Manager Byrne of the Orpheum has word that this highest salaried entertainer In the world oomes to Omaha during the week of February 24. This Is what Schaffer does: Ha pre sents ten headline acts entirely by him self. First, he shows card and eota manipulations; then hs paints in oil; next does Japanese Juggling; fourth, ho enter tains as a German Juggler; fifth, ha is a circus horseman; sixth, appears aa animal trainer; seventh, as a rifle marksman; eighth, as a violinst; ninth, as a strong man; tenth, a startling finals that ha calls "Apotheosis." Schaffer works alone on the stage, but he carries with him a musical director, a physician and a physi cal trainer. Chauncey Olcott's annual engagements always bring this favorite star tn plays of romantic Interest and la his new comedy, by Rachel Chothers. Mr. Olcott Is said to have a vehicle aulta unusual. Its title Is "The Heart of Psddy Whack," a quaint name which will itself attaract much attention. To tell the plot would 10011 the interest of those Who will see "The Heart of Paddy Whack." but a glimpse at the start of the play will be Interesting. Paddy Whack Is in reality Dennis O'MaUey. a (presentable barrister who prefers bis quiet town to greater legal success In Dublin. Here he lives anting his friends and his kind heart and bright wit make him a favorite with his neighbors and clients. Into his quiet life oomes Mona Cairn, his ward long away at school. Mona Is. yeung and pretty and vivacious and one of her first acta is to nick -name O'MaUey. Paddy Whack. Dennis soon finds his affection for her deepening into a greater love, but be stlUs his love and tries to arrange a fitting match for her with a younger man. But Mona and the fates will otherwise and a I manoe develops that is said to sparkle with rollicking fun and shade often Into deeper sentiments. Its scenes are laid In the barrister's picturesque garden and Is the living room of bis home. As the play haa Its scenes In the period of ISM, brilliant costumes and color form a part of Its production. Mr. Olcott will have gft X mmlyAi- the Ctiyely several new songs this season, among thsm being- "A Little Bit of Heaven." "A Broth of a Boy," and several old time Cettlo favorites. The engagement Is at the Brandels theater for three nights, be ginning tonight with a special matinee Tuesday. "Under Cover," Rol Cooper Hegrue'e entertaining mystery melodrama of the secret servioc transatlantic smuggling and New York's emarteet set, produced a,IK,DW -nlcma company to uus aiy, This Is headed by H. B. Warner, the well-known star of "Alias Jimmy Valen tine,' and it Includes such noted players as Isabel Irving, Rita Stanwood, Wil liam Courtlelgh, Jr.; Frank Klngdon, Thomas MoGrane and Ruth Donnelly. Abe Potash and Mawruas Perlmutter, Mcntague Glass' heroes, comes to the Brandels theater for four nights and a Saturday matinee beginning Wednesday, February 14, with Alexander Carr, Bar ney Bernard, Lee Kohlmar, Pearl Sin delar, Grace Fielding and the same com pany that played It for fifty-six consecu tive weeks In New York and twenty slx weeks at the Olympto theater, Chi cago. Omaha will bo the fifth city to be played by this ora-aalaatlon. Manager Woods describes "Potash- and Perlmut ter" as "an up-to-date garment in three pieces, made by our special designer from material In the famous stories by Montague Glass," a description so can nuy woroed that you may take your choice aa to whether Mr. Glass wrote the play as well as the stories or not Pinochle and politics, love and law con tribute to the rapid succession of in cldents la which cupld and cloak cutters take leading parts. Two stellar features are to share head Use prominence this week at the Or pheum. One of the acts la to be contri buted by tfco musical comedy favorites, William Montgomery and Florence Moore,- who are making their Initial vaudeville anpearaaoe. The other Is to bs offered by Homer B. Mason and Mar guerite Keeler, who appear In the one- act play, "Married," written by Porter Emerson Browne. For her Cleopatra dance Princess Radjah is best known. She herself Is aa Egyptian whose beauty and oriental grace Is well known to the variety stage. The Arabian shalr dance la another of her unusual creations. George Austin Moore and Cordelia Haager, who have appeared- In the sup port of Gertrude Hoffman and Sam Ber nard, will offer a clever parcel of stories sad songs. The act Is one ef the moot pleasing announced for this week. "Sov ereigns of the Modem Dance" is the de scriptive phrase applied to Carlos Sebas tian and Dorothy Bentley. Their par ticular numbers are the ross Walts and the Sebastian drag. Aa aerial novelty of an astonishing sort Is to be offered by Kremollna and the Darraa brothers. In an eccentric musical and dancing act Al Rover will appear, cleverly assisted by his sister. Tns Orpheum Tiavel Weekly IS.-- will one again project motion picture, views -of picturesque places the worla over. For the coming week at the" Boyd, "A Woman's Way" Is to be the bill, the first performance coming at the matinee this afternoon. This Is the first really "smart" comedy the company has pre sented, and wUl be the more welcome because' of that fact It tells the story of how a clever wife rescued her hus band from the wiles of a fascinating widow by Just showing htm "the differ ence." The play Is cleverly written, and sparkles In every act with its bright wit happy humor and cutting satire. It la also the first "dress" affair of the spring season, and will give -the ladles of the company an opportunity to display their new gowns and hats, a chance that Is not going to be overlooked. Miss McUenry will be Marion Stanton, the wife, and Miss Dewar will play Mrs. Blakemore. the wtJow. Mr. Lynch, of course, will ba Jack Stanton, the husband who al most makes a mistake, and Mr. Llnd holm, Mr. Watson. Miss Warfleld and Miss Gilbert will be prominent in the oast For the special Tuesday evening attraction, Lena Ellsworth Dale has been secured and will give a program of her own songs on that evening. Manager Burgess also announces that he has re engagd Helen Kroner and Harry Walker to give their dance demonstrations at each performance during the week. "A Woman's Way.' will be offered first at the matinee this afternoon, and will be presented each evening; during the week. with other matinees on Wednesdsy, Thursday and Saturday afternoons. Jake Goldenberrifay New York ers" company opens a week s engage ment at the Gayety theater, with the matinee this afternoon, continuing throughout Auto show week. There Is enough action In the two acts of the plsy to occupy, the busiest mind, and sufficient amusing dialogue and original musio of the better kind to please alL Daniel Murphy and Irving Gear have been entrusted with the comedy of the play. The presenting company also names Miss Dolly Morrissey, the Parisian nightingale; Stella Morrlasey, Alma Fleming, Beatrice Loftus, Percy Pollock, Jack Manly, the Three Harmony Girls (Pearl Ross, Dorothy Drew and Annette Marion), Jennette La Dove, Lillian Erter, Dot Cariyle. Milton Hammer and the Fifth Avenue Fashion Plate Beauty chorus complete a standard of show that Is well worth patronage. Ladies' mat inees wUl bo given dally, to which -the ladles are Invited to atUnd. Mollle Williams wlU.be the special added at traction. t William Benson and eompsny head the bill at the Empress with their novelty of fering known as "Hop Lee's Dream." The skit Is a comedy musical rendition ef the first water and has an Interna tional reputation. The three Halson boys are premier cabaret entertainers and ec centric dancers. . Bernard and Meyers have their "Fresh Cabby" comedy and the peculiar horse. Nsdel and Kane are the closing act and have proven to be a veritable three-ring circus in themselves. "Captain Swift" Is the photo-play offer ing for the week. The story deals with a wide range of material from the life of the Australian bushranger to the high society of London. Four vaudeville shows are given daily and the photo-plays are shown at noon, at supper time and after the last evening show. Si - , With films of Gaby Dealys, and with perfect picture productions of "East Lynns" and other sterling features. Man ager Schlaak. has -made an exceptional selection of reel art to show at the Hipp theater during the week. He also has had the theater handsomely decorated again, to add to the pleasure of his patrons. Mile. Deslys, presented by Damn rronman, ana witn Marry nicer aa her dancing partner, will be seen In elaborate motion pictures of the dsnce drama, "Her Triumph," at -the Hipp Wednesday and Thursday. A beautiful film revival of "East Lynne," with T.OOO feet of wonderful photography that cost tkW,O0O to produce historically correct In England, with British stars, will be pro jected Monday and Tuesday. The at traction for Friday and Saturday will be John Emerson, another Frohman star. In "The Bachelor's Romance," filmed after the famous comedy of that name. The special bill for today only la the Broad way Star feature film, "C. O. D.." a hilarious concoction, with Wally Van as tEe chief funster. CORNELL FORCED BY JUDGE Order by English Compels Attorney to Withdraw from Defeme of Matten. RULE AFFECTS ALL ATTORNEYS W. J. Connell has practically been forced, to j-etlre from the defense in the Matters case, now being tried In the fed eral court by the action of Judge English Of the state court. While actually engaged In the trial of the Matters case In the United States court Friday Mr. Connell received a telephone message thst Judge English had set down for Immediate trial the case of Lang against the Omaha Street Railway com pany and that a Jury would be called at J o'clock. Mr. Connell at once got busy during the noon recess, and explaining his .dilemma to Judge English over the phone, tried to arrange for passing the Lang case until be could get through with the Matters case. ; Ooee Into Lamar Case. This, Judge English refused to do and at t o'clock the erapannellng of a jury In the absence of Mr. Connell was com menced. In the meantime James E. Rait of Sullivan and Rait had been called into the Lang case to represent the street railway company until Mr. Connell could free himself from the Matters trial. This Mr. Connell succeeded In doing by pulling out of the defense la the Matters case and leaving it entirely to his associates, Burkett ec Wilson of Lincoln. He says he waa obliged to do this by reason of the Importance of the Lang case Involv ing, as It did, a claim of tlO.OOu, and It being a ease that ha had tried once before and one which be knew the facta and points Involved. Mr. Matters strongly objected to his leaving the defense, but Mr. Connell stated that In view of the action of Judge English he could not do otherwise. Had Agreement with Lena's Coanael Mr. Connell Is very Indignant over the situation and says he greatly regrets that he waa not permitted to represent Mr. Matters to the end of the trial, which ho believes will be concluded In a much shorter time than has been predicted. He says before he entered upon the defense of the Matters case be had a full under standing with the attorney representing Lang and It was agreed that the Lang case would not be crowded for trial until after the Matters cose waa concluded. He further says that under the rules of the district court of Douglas county It Is expressly stated that engagements of counsel In the actual trial or hearing be fore some court of record Is a sufficient grpund and reason for passing any case called for trial. Affects All Attovaeye. Mr. Connell asserts that forcing him out of the Matters case by requiring that the Lang case should be Immediately tried was not only contrary to ths letter ana spirit oi me rules oi court reierrea to, but is a matter that Involves the rights of every attorney In active prac tice. He says that it Is a mattsr that should be considered and actsd upon by the Bar assoclstlon to avoid such oc currences in the future. He says that an injury to one should be the concern of all," but he says he haa no expecta tion that the Bar association wilt take any action. It Is made up, Mr.. Connell says, of a number of attorneys who run It la their own personal Interest. ' and for that reason, Mr. Connell states, he has nothing to do with It He eays he can stand what has been done if the other attorneys can do so. He recog nises that the street railway company has no rights that oven Judges are bound to respect, but that his own shoulders are broad and that he can take without complaint whatever blows are directed toward him. Ho Wanted a Jos. "Senator, you promised me a Job." "but tnere are no )oos." " "I need a Job, senator." "Well. I U ask for a commission to in vestigate aa to why there are no Juts and you can get a Job on that" Wash ington Star AMrSEMKST. Daily Mat. 2:15 Nfcht 8:15. ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE Wr-ek Rtartlnit Sun.Uj Matinee, FH. 14. Initial Vaudeville Appearance of the Muelral Comedy Favorites William Montgomery and Florence Moore Well Remembered Stars of "Hanky Panky" "The 1'leamire Heekers." n.l maa DmiIIaK Juet P0 From the War Zona. Prln ess Radjah . . . Georga Aastm Moora r? Creator ofJlentaI Dances, r W-6 m n I II U Her Famous "Cleopatra Dance." , & bOTflO'lS H S36T Carlos Sebastian - Tn Sftnr" ninriM- & Dorothy Bentley Kreinolina & Darras Bros. "Sovereigns of the Modern Dances AnAflal Novelty. - 7Z"Z . ommxm. tbatbtx, wiiot Al nOYBr Th World at Work and Play. Assisted br H1e Bister ' ""IJZI? In An Kcoentrlo Mualcsl and ,, Circuits Motion Picture Dancing Novelty, ' Photographers. Prtoee atatUee, Oallery, loe. Beet Seats (saeept Saturday and Sunday), SSa, Tights, lOo, See, aOo sad Too, RRANDEIS THEATRE CRAWFORD, PHILLEY 6f ZEHRUNG. Mtfr. TONIGHT : tKSaV. f.lflTINEE TUESDAY In Rachel OrothetV New Comedy Heart of The HIKKT MlbkBK, assnegev An Irish Bachelor' Romance, Tender in Sentiment and Brimming Over With Fun A HALF DOZEN NEW OLCOTT SONGS The Supremely Triumphant Dramatic Sensation of '15 "UNDER COVER" WITH H. D. WARNER KiX eSSST'Si HEAT B.VLK TOMORROW A. M. Feb. 21 22 . 23 SPECIAL M ATM EE MONDAY Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra Afiss Frances Nash, Pianist BOYD THEATRE FRIDAY EVENING. FED. 19TH Tickets SOo, TOo, tl.OO, tlOO I? THEATRE If Ooaglas toe U iBtk. aad Baraey ana. SPECIAL TODAY ONLY WAXX.T TAW la the Broadway etas Teat are "C. O. D.' Taj jnay Tie mt the XaMg& Xa fcaufate Monday and Tuesday The Verpeioal revorlte "East LynnoV Terfeot raotograplij, Oorrees BagUga Staging, Temous Brltlsk Mara . , Wednesday and Thursday EXHIBIT EATRAQRSIXABY rrobmaa Breseats The lateraatloaal Beasattoa ' GABY DESLYS Witt Barry BUoe la a Ttlaa Saaoe-Brama "HER TRIUMPH" Friday aad Saturday Aaothet Trohmaa art at JOHN EMERSON Xa the remoae BeaUiaeatal Coauay "The Bachelor's Romance" D s jfJ Omaha.'. Most IDOyU Popular Theatre Starting Mat Today- All Week Grace George delightful comedy A A woman' p'ay that the men like, too Woman's Way A Rill Ssow At'Riil'Prlcii Mat.. Wed., Thursday, Sat, 25c Nighti 25c and 50c Re-ngaged for Week by Popular Demand Helen Kroner -Harry Walker la Besses Tuesday SOCIETY Night Mrs Lena Ellsworth Data Boyraae otwooa Aets Next Week-SEVEN DAYS AMOKHKilTI. Tele phone) Doug. 434. Homer B, Mason & ite Keeler Presenting The One-Art Play "MiatniB" Bv Pnrter Kmerson Browne. - CHAUNCEY CTTnI Paddy I'Jhack H aote ot ban Oar, Feb 14. f WM. WCN HON' A Co. Offer REE'S ttUir A CharaotPrtstte Novelty Bony and Panca Artists "T1MIL end RUSE BER.M.rinrTMr la The yre.li Cabby A m i la s Parte An Intense eoctolerloal Drang, of Ixrrw aa4 Adeeettare. X. B. Will be shosra oil al Moon, Bupper-tiine and after th a lbi mo-ADMIOOION-in IUU- CHAUNCEY GLGOTTS Hew Songi ct 2Ss "Irish Eytt of Lov" "Broth of a Boy" "Little Bit of Heaven" On SsloAt Uaydea's "OaiAKAii ymr cbbtbsv &&Zf1AJj' BvaoolsattotTo! Burposeiy Bookee fos Aate Baser Week. CAY KEN TOXXEES SKSEbW oaJJiaal MCUIE XillM&l Danny Murphy, Morrissey Sisters. Irv log Gear aad a Cast of foee Maniacs. Joy-Riding Beauty Chorus, Mat lass week Daya, SIGMUND LANDSBERG, Pianist, Composer and Instructor Music rooms nor located In Suite tot of the newly remodeled Lyrlo Building, northeast corner Itta ami iarneia street.. Phone bougie Itta GenerteTt HnJlaire School o! i DANCING Vp-to-the-minute Deaees, leas oe S rivets lessons. Assembly every vyt sy evening. ' CblUlrea's, BatJr-Aaye Ladles', Monday 1 p. m. Ffcooe Web ster J8t, Kg)