Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 14, 1915, EDITORIAL SOCIETY, Page 4-B, Image 16

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The Bm Publishing Company. Proprietor.
Fatered at Omaha nostofflce a ae cond-olass matter.
earrtar By mail
per month. per year.
Tally and Sunday - o
Pvenlng snd Panday "... !
F.ventng without Sunday o j-J" i
an.f Be only Mo 3.00
Fend nntlr of rhange of eddrees or oomjplalnti of
IrregniarHy la delivery to Omaha Bee, Circulation
Pepertmont . - .
Remit bv He ft exprese or poatal' order. Only two
(cant postage atampa received In payment Of small ne
counts Personal checks, except on Omaha and eastern
exchsnre, pot eccepted.
Omsha The Bee Building,
oulh Omaha Kit N street
Council Bluffs 1 North MaJn street
Lincoln l Little Bulldlrg.
Chlraro MI Hearst Building.
Ntw York Room 11. V Fifth avenue,
ft. Louis MB New Bank of Comtnere.
Washington? Fourteenth St., N. W.
Addrees rommunlrstlons ralstlng to iwwi and d.
torial matter to Omaha, Bee. Editorial Department
Statu of Nebraska, County of Douglas, aa.
Dwlght Williams, circulation manager of Tha Bee
Publishing company, being duly aworn, says that tha
average Sunday circulation for tba month of January,
1U U 44,M1. , i
DWIitHT WILLIAMS. Circulation Manager.
Subscribed In my presence and ewom to baforo
mo. th la Id day of February. 1?is.
ROBERT llL'NTBn, Notary Public.
Rabscrlbers leaving tho city tmnporarUy
should Lav Th Deo moiled to them. Ad
dress will be changed as often m requested.
braery 14
Thought for th Day
Soocf eef hf too C JCrofo.
Friend art 1&4 mion$.- tshall I Ull you
wAyf To Und one good, you musi a kundred
Iry. Jfannet' '
Senator Wesley Jones--Jonss of Washington
-looms large as tho "Big Bertha" c( tho fili
buster artillery.
Jitneys are very far from being tho "last
word" In urban transportation, but they help to
shift iom weight from leather to rubber.
At any rate, tho senator's newspaper does
not propose to let the. president cot by unchal
lenged In bis dealings with tho recalcitrant dem
ocrats. ,. . . . ',.
" 1 1
All plans having , been, perfected for tho
evangelisation of Omaha, both saints and sinners
may Join In tho preliminary refrain: ."Every
day will bo Sunday, by and by." .',!'.,
Belgians are reported "craty about. Amer
ican pork and beans. Tho deft touch pt sub
stantial sympathy thus links tho oppressed ot
tho old world with tho culture cf tho bow, '.'
For another two .yeArn at leant Nevada win
not restore tho sign, "Divorces while you wait"
Tho defeat fa tho lerlalaturo of tho bill reviving
tho six months'; residence law It a triumph of
morals ever mercenary business. ,
The notion that Omaha politics is the only
brand cf politic In the state in fcttd of reform
finds support among country members at the
state capltol. The falsity of the notion has been
repeatedly demonstrated, but It serve as good
enough Morgan" for catchpenny politicians ' of
Omaha to put over a schema to get la on, which
ctuld not be worked successfully at some.'
One may well believe Editor Young of Des
Moines when he says ha did sot see tho American
flag flying from the steamer's mast oa tho Irish
Sea. but ho heard about , It. That tumultuous
body of water has a reputation tor rendering
passengers Indifferent to all flags but tho flag
stones on solid dry Und. Such occasions call
more for sympathy than qulzdcal doubt.
a ;
In tho death of Mrs. Margaret C Cuming an
other tie that binds tho present to the birth of
Omaha Is broken. For almost the entire term of
the city's life span Mrs. Cuming had mad her
home here, living quietly, but always with a keen
Interest in the welfare of the community. She
will be sadly missed by an Intimate circle of
friends, and more especially by that little band
ot pioneers who shared with her the privations
of beginnings ea the frontier. -
Solid for the Future.
The Nebraska Historical society Is carrying
os a vigorous campaign before the legislature In
behalf of an appropriation It desires for the
erection of a building which Is to house the su
preme court, the state library and the historical
society's collection. 8uch a building la an ad
mittad neceasity. Its desirability being apparent
to anyone who Is at all. familiar with the situa
tion, nor Is It wise to much longer postpone the
making of provisions tar properly housing thos
portions ot the stato government which are in
cluded in the pending mesaurs.
At present, however, the legislature can 'do
no better service to the state than to take the
necessary steps to carry out the suggestion made
by The Bee for the consolidation of the Univer
sity ot Nebraska with-Its necessary buildings,
and the buildings needed for state governmental
purposes, oa a single campus. It would be neg
ligible almost to a point of criminality to con
tinue the piecemeal, baphaiard methods of con
struction that have prevailed la the past. The
lent collection ot buildings on the university
campus Is such a snedley of architectural design
and constructive effort as must needs bring ,a
Wusn to any patriotic cltlsen of Nebraska who
looks over the scene. It will sot do to repeat
mistakes already made la future construction.
Let the present legislature provide for a com
prehensive plaa'for future development" ef tho
state buildings at the Capital City along lines
that will make them a source of pride and In-
iplration to the people. Immediate neceasity
should be given proper consideration, but
greater strees should be laid oa the future, and
thouEht should be taken of the Nebraska, not
n' iody, but for all comlng generations.
A Notable Anniversary.
Under normal conditions of life the present
month would have featured various publlo exer
cises commemorating the close of a century of
peace between the United States and Great
Britain. The treaty of Ghent, drawn up In the
Belgian city now ravaged by war, and signed by
the plenipotentiaries on Christmas eve, 1814,
officially terminated the war of 1812, though
hostilities continued for months afterward, ow
ing to the primitive means of conveying news
at that time. Fifty-one days elapsed before a
ropy of the treaty reached the American govern
ment, and official ratifications were exchanged
on the fifty-second day, or February 15, 1815.
The peace-time program ot exercises for the cen
tennial falling on tomorrow purposed the stop
page of all activities In the United States and
Great Britain for five minutes, during which the
people of both nations would engage "In silent
trayer and. contemplation." But the stress ot
war renders this novel memorial Impracticable
and vetoes the companion plan of church exer
cises on February 24.
' The occasion and the time equally appeal to
Americans for an outpouring of thankfulness.
Not only has the country maintained peaceful
relations for one hundred years with all nations
Involved In the world war, but It has preached
the gospel which' it practiced. It counselled
peace whenever possible, seeking on all proper
occasions the Justice of impartial courts In pref
erence to the arbitrament of arms. Now, more
than ever before. Is the nation's sincerity under
going the test Conflicting interests hedge with
perils the highway of neutrality. "National welfare
disrupted by foreign strife begets lll-feellng and
antagonisms, and the hardships of restricted em
ployment Increase the difficulties of the situa
tion. ' ,
8o far, however, the government has main
tained a course clear of all entanglements and
upheld the nation's rights with commendable
vigor. ' What the Immediate future holds in
store for the nation no man can foresee. But
knowing the spirit which animated a century of
peace, we can -face the future with confidence.
Where Our Oorernment Needs Strengthening'.
' Our preaaat syatam stvea US rovarnmant of law
yers to an extent known In no other civilised land,
and very largely a government of sanond aad third
rata lawyers. Lawyers can beat take up and lay
down publlo office, but even lawyers of the first
rank take office at a personal lota. Inferior lawytre
St larger Inoomaa la offloe than in praetloe, and fre
quently win new cllanta Prof. Richard T. Ely, In
Reviews of Reviews.
This observation by Dr. Ely will strike most
of us as, alas, too true, although the condition Is
not to be specially blamed upon the lawyers, be
cause It Is Inherited rather than created by them.
The fact that the lawyers take the lead In public
Ufa Is due In part to their intimate connection
with, the construction and enforcement of the
laws, and then to the making ot the laws, and
the curing of their defects, to say nothing of
their administration. When the principal func
tion of tha government was restricted to law
making and law-enforcing, the training, of the
lawyer was th training needed for the publlo
service, and much ot the work of the govern
ment, Is even today by Ita very nature absolutely
monopolised? by lawyers.
Expansion ot government activities, however,
has brought In all sorts of new fields of work
for which the training demanded la a technical
training along other tinea. There is no good
reason jv by lawyers should have the preference
for places on trade commissions, publlo utilities
boards, .railway commissions, boards of control,
and similar bodies. Dr. Ely ls'of the c pinion
that better results are secured In foreign coun
tries which require long and careful study and
special training as qualifications for . entering
the public' service, and that we will sever match
this efficiency until we make these place per
manent positions and award honors for distin
guished service. Accepting his premise that we
are ruled by lawyers, and usually, poorly ruled
by lawyers of mediocre ability, however, does
not force the conclusion be reaches or prove that
there Is only one remedy. It should be possible
by publicity and education' to bring the people
to exact higher standards jnl their, publle aerr
ante without handing the government over to
a self-perpetuating class. ''
Immigration and Naturalization,
Discussion of tha president's literacy test
veto evinces a widespread confusion and miscon
ception on the subjeot. . Tha most common mis
take la that which confounds Immigration and
naturalisation, which are completely separate
and distinct' Our immigration . laws govern
merely the admission of foreign born persons
seeking to come to this country tor temporary
or permanent residence. Our naturalisation
laws lay down rules and requirements to be met
later by foreign born residents In order to be
come Invested with the full rights of citizenship.
The policy of this country ever stnoe the
foundation of the republic has been to hold out
a welcoming hand to the discontented, oppressed
or persecuted ot other lands, demanding only
that they be mentally and physically fit. and
barring contract laborers, paupers and criminals.
For naturalisation, on the other hand, a miml
mum term ot residence, and some evidence of
appreciation ot our Institutions haa always been
exacted. Our present naturalisation law aa tt
now stands this part of It having been inserted
by former Congressman John L. Kennedy of this
district requires a satisfactory literacy test be
fore the Judge as prerequisite to the Issue of dtl
aeashlp papers. In a word, at present the only
possibility of Increase In illiterate vote Is by the
addition, not of Illiterate foreigners, but ot
illiterate natives.
Tf the publlo can be mad to percelv this
difference between the conditions of Immigration
and ot naturalization clearly, they will see the
logic of the president's veto better.
. Omaha will feel a deep sense of loa In th
death ot Rev. M. P. Dowllng, who tor so many
years took a large part In the intellectual ant
spiritual life of the community. - Jt was through
bis Influence, as much as that of any one man.
that the great Crelghton university waa brought
to Its completion as a well-founded and highly
endowed modern school. Father Dowliag's work
In this life is imperishable, for so long as Crelgh
ton University continues In Its useful and benefi
cial work will Its patrons and graduates recall
with gratitude the patient care and devotion of
Father Dowllng to the development of this great
r Txorom aoiswAm,
IN CONNECTION with tha eoaaoltdaUosi movement,
one of our early pioneers has raised the quaetton
of vested Hants claimed by Florence, which Is a
reminder that Florence Is the only one of our numer
ous suburba that la older than Omaha, unleaa we call
Rellevua a suburb, which la, of course, atlll older. But
Dundee, South Omaha, Renaon and Eaat Omaha, were
all laid out and promoted by Oinahav jwople and
Omaha capital, and with no Intention to detract from
Florence In ita Inception waa the halting point for
tha Mormons in their eroes-eontlnent Journey. It
covers the spot where toe Mormon column driven out
of Illinois In the fall of IMS hibernated la "Winter
Quartere," which, by tha way, la the name the town
bears In all the early accounts. It was from this
"Winter Quartan" that Brlsiuun Teung set out With
hU company ef choaea follow era In the early sprlag of
1M7 on the expedition culminating m the founding of
the new "Zlon" la the valley of the Greet Salt lake.
It remained a Mormon outfitting atatlo tor some
years, and the name waa only afterwards chaarad
from "Winter Quarters" to Florenoa. When tha ter
ritory of Nebraska waa ersanised. noreno had capi
tal ambitions, and waa Omaha's moat formidable
competitor in the llaU. According te th gossip of
tha day as veraciously handed down, the outcome ef
the capital location flsht was determined by the su
perior potency of Omaha's real money as against
Florence's town lota. By the time the railroads were
to be surveyed, Omaha had the center of the map, but
why, at tha be sinning, Omaha forsed ahead and grew,
while Florence atood still, will always bo aa tneorvt
able mystery. There was a day, however, when odds
would hare been given that U any annexation ware
ever to take place. It would be Florence annexing
Omaha, Instead of Omaha annexing Florence.
During a pleasant call from Dean Wt ot Prtnoa-'
ton the other day, he Inquired about "Billy" Annie's
eonnectlon with The Bee, manifesting special Interest
In him, and his work out here whtoh he bad taken
up almnat Immediately after gradaatlag from Prince
ton. "He waa a brilliant fellow In eoHege," said
Dean West, "aad we all expected great things of him,
and were not wholly disappointed. 1 saw him oo-.
cajilonally the last time In New York before he went
west to die. It was a real pity that such a career
should be cat short by phystolal Infirmities.'
I have recently received unique handbook issued
by the National Press club of Washington, which in
stead of the customary binding Is encloeee: In a cover
made of newspaper matrloes that have seen actual
service. The title on the front Is a reverse photograph
of the type, tied with the compositors' string and set
In the chase ready for locktng-up. A printer can read
It is easily as he would type, but any on else will
ret the correct Impression quickest by using a looking
glses and reading the mirrored reflection. This Na
tional Press club is the organisation which haa put
on numerous entertanment stunts sooh as Its "Lame
Duck" night. Its "Hobby-Riders" exhibits, and Its
famous debates on "Whiskers against Bald Heads" and
"Bowlegs against Knock-knees," with the distin
guished statesmen of the capital cast In the tltlerolee.
The membership Includes, besides the corps of Wash
ington correepondetite, quite a number of newspaper
men throughout the country, or men who have been
closely asaootated with newspaper work. The only
other Omaha name T see In K.. however. Is that of
General George H. Harries, recently come hers as
head cf the etectrlo lighting cmnpany.
Twice Told Tales
Th litfcalte One. ,
'. The late Admiral Mahaa. at the beginning of the
war, was arguing with tody at a luncheon about the
British navy. j
' "But, my dear madam.' said th admiral, "tt la
hard to argue with you bocaAise yon are so er, pardon
me so Ignorant. . c 1
"Tou remind me of the young wife wee said to her
brother about her volunteer husband:
'Isn't Jack Just wonderful? Thlak-Jis's already
been promoted to field marshai.' ..'
" "From private to field marshal In two months?
' Impossible,' said the brother.
" Did I say field marshal r murmured the young
wife. Well. perhaps, It's eourt-martlaL X know It's
one or the ether.' "Mew York Tribune.
What Cyril Saig.
' Qrao was specially charming and atteaUvw to
her father on his arrival home from business. No
more devoted, obedient daughter than she oa. this
Particular evening.
"Daddy," she said, softly, when, dinner over, her
parent lounged la comfort In his favorite chair,' "did
Cyril come to your offloe today?"
"He did," aald papa, quietly, knocking- the ash off
his cigar.
"What-what did he want, daddy ' ,'
"Well, my dear, I've been waiting tin Z came home
to see If you eaa tell ma Aa far a I 00014 gather,
he. wanted to marry me; said that we nad always
loved each other, and that you could afford to keep
him tn the style to which he had been aooustomed, and
much more that I can't remember. 8 I told Mm to
ge home, get calm, and type it out and sost it to
mer PiUebnrgh Ouronlol.
rwttfs that Kwvwa Mowntntavs.
A prominent Oermaa farmer, who baiter ea nothing
that to printed In the English paper concerning th
war, was, aecoated with the remark: , . , .
"Jacob, I see the Kuaataas have taken Feruna. .
I won't believe It until I read It so tn my Oermaa
paper," said Jeoobs-NaUonaJ Monthly.
Pees Marluntnmahly.
Sergeant (disgustedly to Private Jeoee) Ughl Don't
waste your last bullet. Nineteen are quite enough to
blase away wtthoot biting th target onoe. - O behind
that wall aad blew your brains out. ...
Jones walked qutstly away and tow seconds later
a shot rang oat.
"Greet aansageo, the fool's done whet I told hlrat"
howled the sergeant, running behind, the walk. Greet
was his relief when he saw Private Janes coming to
ward him. i.
Sorry, sergeant he said, apologetically, "another
mlsa'VOnttoburgh Chronicle Telegraph. .' - - . -v
The Sans Cereraonte held Its valentine party last
evening at Masoolo hall with about thirty, eeaploe
participating. Each person received a eomle valentine
enclosed Us aa envelope and numbered, there being
two of each number, by which the gentlemen were
enabled to find their partners for th valentine daaoe
Out-of-town guests were Mlao MeCord ef Milwaukee.
Miss MoCord of SC Joseph, Mr. aad Mrs. Perguso
Jennings ot Milwaukee.
A Hoepe announces that he will more his art and
plane store March g to Ull Oooglee street. Young's
eld stand.
An adjourned meeting Of the Board ef TraJe
finally decided ea a place of location for the projected
Chamber of Commerce building at gUteenth and
Parnam, which la to Vte acquired from th city at a
price ef tlaeuo. To raise the money the membership
fee wfll be Increased from US to 3M 1
The Xate Castleto company wae shewing al
Boyd's opera bouee. '
Dr. Smyth, alias Smith, has brought suit against
The Bee for 123,000 for alleged datamation of his
character. "How modest seme cf thee ejuecke are.'
The Bricklayers union sure Ita third annual ball
at Crounae's baa with fifty couples In the grand
march. The floor managers were W. J. CaUaghan,
Fred Iloye. William Stevenson, R. J. Holmes and
Charles tevenaon.
. Mr. and Mra II. D. Schell left tor New Orleans
to take la the Mardl Ores festival
People and Events
General Miles' latest fear to that poly
gamy may follow the war. The general
should look up the address ef the near
est "Don't Worry club."
Carnegie and Rockefeller, together
have blown In a fraction over fiOn, 000,000.
Still some people cling to the notion that
the shore-leave sailor Is the prince of
Sir Brneet Shackleton with his Booth
Pole expedition left South Georgia for
the polar Ic the tost of November, and
does not expect to get back to civilisa
tion until March, 1911 It seems a long,
long way to go to escape war bulletins.
The marquis of London berry Is dead
at the age ef a years. He was dis
tinguished a aa Irlsh-Knailshman of Ur
eter anteoedento, who Inherited 60,000
acree, and fought with all th vigor of
his Income to maintain his monopoly ef
the aoiL
Among th Jitney don'ts promulgated
by the chief of polloe of Seattle, two
are worth quoting: "Don't permit women
to alt on men's lap In your machines
or men to alt on women's lap. Don't
argue with a policeman you are wasting
your time and his."
The famous Morgan collection of
Chinese porcelains, which has been en
exhibition for more than twenty years
In th Metropolitan Museum of Xti. New
York City, has been sold to art dealers
for C 0000, 000. The purchasers Intend to
sell the collection la single piece.
X bureau of the government remarks
that th good dd days of cheap meat
are gone forever la the United States,
because th oonomla law refuse to be
come a dead letter. Although right on
the spot, th bureau makes no effort
te have commas repeal the odious law.
Over la Berlin, ' hotel and restaurant
keepers are making a separate charge
for bread served at meals, "as a war
rneasnre." Dining ear manager and
some hotel keepers started 4 ' similar
"war measure" in this country more than
a year go, and beat the BerUners to th
extra forty pfennig. r
Th purist ef pur statesmanship
bloetn in sunflower loxurtoao la the
Kansas capital. No lobbyist Is permitted
within th sacred precincts oc the upper
house, when that body is la session.
Even the women, who are booetlng up
lift measures cannot throw goo-goo
ye through the door, and must wast
their sweetness la the baked air of the
corridors. It I understood the honorable
body does not fear temptation. Simply
a can of safety first
A. trap baited with sunflower needs Is
one of the most efficacious meaas of
catching rats.
Scientists hsive estimated that more than
IS per cent of the earth's crust to com
posed of aluminum.
8 teal barrels are now made quickly aad
economically by means of the oxy acety
lene torch, which welds the Joints.
Wires carrying high currents should be
kept away from neighboring objects by a
distance of eight feet at least (
A dally paper of twenty pages with a
circulation of 100.000 uses each day the
product cf eboat six aad one-half acres ef
, It there were but one potato la the
world a careful cultivator. It is estimated,
could produce 10,000,000.000 from tt ta tea
An extensive maker of phonograph rec
ords, after more than &000 testa has
found that American voices are better for
reproduction purposes than European.
The debris left from coral after. It has
been made into articles of Jewelry, eta,
to crushed, scented aad sold as tooth
powder sA a htgb prion by Indian per
fumer, .
The adjutant, er marabout, a bird of
India of the stork sped, wtu swallow a
hare er a eat whole. It stands five feet
high and th expanse ef Its wings Is
nearly fifteen feet
Topographical engineers ef the United
States geological survey have been mak
ing profile survey la the Snake river
basin, Idaho, and the result of their work
Shows that the Snake river basin contains
many good storage site but only a tew
Toave been, utilised. About 400,000 acre
feet ef water can be stored ta Jackson
lake by a dam which has been constructed
by the reclamation service.
' A sUtoh ta time worth two needles tn
hayrteefc. - -
'it : takes a. quick-witted man to knew
when to say nothing.
' Life Is never monotonous to the woman
who can afford a cook.
The oounterf attar makes money die
Honestly, but there are ethers.
'Cheer va The fool who rocks the boat
may live to ride .In aa aeroplane.
The world's greatest misfit t Illustrated
by th big opinions of a small man.
Many a maa who knows his own mind
as not overburdened with knowledge.
The man who borrows trouble Is always
anxious te pay you hack to your wa
com. y'
TeU two women they resemble each
other. If you can afford to snake en em lee
of both. .
The inoonststoncT of womankind Is
demonstrated by the' society girt who
tarts la whan she comes out Ntw York
The one maa ta the world who thor
oughly believes tn hero worship Is the
Any artist, eaa snake his model stand
around, unlsee he happen to be married
to her.
' Even the people who stand up for their
own right might prefer to sit tn th lap
of luxury.
Th Income tax doesn't bother the man
whose principal holdings consist of castles
to the sir.
Bver notice that the people who are will
ing to share their last dollar with you
ever have a dollar T
Many a woman beasts that she eaa
marry any maa she please who doesn't
seem to please any ec them.
The pessimist may believe In heaven,
but he to apt to have his suspicions that
tt Is paved with gold bricks.
The man who ears be ha stover for
gotten to man one of hi wife's letters Is
either aa awful Uar er has never had a
wife. v
"Never give up la a good motto, but
the minister would hesitate to preach it
Just before the coUectlpa plat is passed,
New York Ttmea
fit touts Republic That St Louis
evangelist who says the dresses women
wear would shock the evil one does not
seem to have considered the tact that
there is no evidence that be waa shocked
on the occasion cf his first encounter
with the fair sex.
Kansas City 8 tar: A Oermaa arch
bishop has Just renewed assurances to
bis people that the Lord Is on the Ger
man side. French, English and Russian
prelates talk Just as confidently of the
Divine favor. It has to be suggested once
more that somebody baa got his Informa
tion wrong.
Nsw York Post: An ordained clergy
man, we read, la "employed" to write
upon ethical and religious subject for a
prominent Chicago nswspaper, while "a
noted gridiron star to retained to report
foot ball games." Following out this
distinction, the clergyman, we suppose,
to paid, while the gridiron star Is la re
ceipt of an honorarium.
Pittsburgh Dispatch: "Spooning par-
ors bare been opened In a Baltimore
church for the use cf the srlris ef th 4t
who board or whose home life to so re
stricted that they have no place to en
tertain their friends. The intention may
be excellent but that the plan will be
a success Is very much, to be doubted.
"Pttnese publicity.' touted as the solu
tion of so many of our Drobiem. ( niraiv
te prevent this scheme solving this par-
ucuier problem. Did any of the weQ
meanlng promoters of the idea hark baek
to their own courtship days arid ask
themselves hew ther. would have IIW
going to "spooning parlors r Imagine a
eii-respeeting girl receiving an Invita
tion to a publlo "spooning parlor." And,
of course, any other class would not be
welcomed, so there you ere. '
woanars Acrivrriia.
Little PhlUls May Huff, aged T. of Old
Orohard, Ma, baa. acquired the name of
the child whistler of New England. It Is
said that there to no musical sound that
she has not been able to Imitate.
By repeating 1.0R Bible verses from
memory Helen Lynn, 10 years old, won
first prise ta the annual charch contest
la Oalesburg, IU. I.ra Moorehead was
second with 738 verses. The previous
record was 3S verses.
The women of Cincinnati are Interested1
In a suffrage plan to help the working
girls of that city by organising a series
of clubs In that city, designated to house
twenty or thirty young women. The first
has already been established, with the
furnishings all donated. This Is one of the
many measures to help the poor, who
need work and Immediate relief.
By a new law that will go into effect
after February a, neither women nor
men will be obliged to state their wagos
when qualifying to vote in the state of
Iltlnola It is generally thought that the
principal objection to string the age
eame from women, but It to believed that
It works a distinct hardship against some
men because ot the prejudice In certain
kinds of work against th man "over 40."
Governor George A. Clarkson of Colo
rado nays that his wife la assistant gov.
ernor. She spends several hours dally at
the capltol to meet the women Inter
ested In soclologtoal questions and leg
islation of the humanitarian kind, espe
cially as It may affect women aad chil
dren. She says that a woman who is
capable of. being a mother to four chil
dren ought to be capable of having a
hand la affairs of state. '
"Hiram, them artnr and op'ry singers
mtiet be awful sickly."
"Whnt makes ye think that CynthyT"
Ain t th papers full of patent medi
cine testimonials signed with their
names?" Philadelphia Ledger.
. you'll get the road Into
trouble. You blamed this wreck oa the
;;". isn't thst the usual thing?"
Of course. ny this time the en
gineer wasn t klUed.'Wjoulsvilte Courier
Journal. that a genuine antique?"
.." replied the dealer.
Why here a mark that Indicate II
f!?..rn"d" cn,v twenty years ago."
doeent take nearly al long to male an
antique as u used to." Washington Star.
"I wonder if digging alt those trenches
"as anything to do with the earth
quake? "How could It!"
"Well Isn't it natural for the earth to
nvn whn l . i. i k .
Baltimore American.
.W.tfeUnrr. 1 w,"h you would tell me
why a bsrbers pole la red. white and
blue. I It patriotism?
Huh oh, not at all! You see, the red
represents the blood he draws, the white
the lather he uses, and the blue how he
fes when he doeen't get a Up. Boston
"A gossip is never willing to repeat
unkind remarks to your fsce.
No," replied Mies Cayenne. "Gossip le
a social attack conducted on the approved
principles t.f modern warfare. You are
not supposed to see the person at whom
you are shooting. ' -Washington Star.
"Ar pawnbrokers on the water-
wsgon? "
Hon?" d rou mtln bjr ruoh ues-
."?lJh'J'.r always taking th pledge,
aren't they?"-BalUmor Amerlcait
Jack ? ru una it so.
fv,. . ? yu l"' X always found
that It came bard and It certainly seems
hard to see It go I Judge.
rte"'."0"? i ' 'ouows keep house at
the fraternity home." - wwe
Tn'i bat to wash dishes
... 1 nave io. we have nlenrv tit
"l1?".' ,or th fraternity, Lodlsh
washing Is rreat a n i.,m..i " i7.r'..
Louisville Courier-Journal. w
ft? , Ue' who1" aHowanc for
clothes Is only three-quarters ot her
husband's salary." Ufa.
. still Emnmr things.
The Bentstown Bard.
LAtS Of COmnlsJnln aihui.. -
i2?0P&.Sol!ltiin' th.- kJn1 "how
cry " em, . wnue others
The best things always keep passls em
And wis unt right and that's all wrong,
But "iT ,n y heart there's aa old;
Ttatbrlngs me the lesson, mid all It
That the Lord Ip His heaven's stm run
nin thing
I wouldn't go crasy with grief and care
E)ven it tli I n a. w . l!.T .
As all things will in their .time and
Per always I've found there's the same
And beauty and comfort In loss and pain.
- .a 'u wunwiH o uluuipQ and
In the feeltn and trust and bcltovln'
that rings - ;
Through the thought that th. Lord to
Vi auii runout iJungs. -.
I pity the sorrowful.' God knows that
And to those who suffer I doff my hat
vuu a iry ta urn lenaor to uose whose
.mi. '
Is heavy to bear In this world of loss;
" to. DwiwB, ae i jisi u me song
vi we wwn oip una, uai a wing goes
vVlthouT- some blessla that ere long
The tnouirht that th lord to still runntn'
Kansas City runs a municipal sewing
department la gld of unemployed women.
Denver has sent to the Pacific coast
towns a special tratnload of business ,
Pittsburgh reports 10,9c children ' In
the publlo schools, aa Increase of S.046
ever last year.
In the Buffalo publlo hatha last year '
232,894 persons went Into thh swim, men
being la the majority.
Rapid City to slowing down. The u
tborltles have ordered the police to put
on the Hd and alt an U I
8t Louis night schools have a woman
cf TO among the pupils, She Is diligently
striving to make up for past neglect
Pittsburgh haa reached such a degree
of sanctity under the commission form cf
government that skating in the publlo
parks on Sunday la banned.
Two soup kitchens la Kansas Ctty fed
klOO guests last Tuesday evening. De
mand for meals Is crowding the resources
of Institutions supported by chart table
People. .
A hug haul cf fish from Utah lake,
amounting to 0,006 pounds, waa distrib
uted among the poor of Salt Laks City,
1,000 persons receiving about eleven
pounds each.
A tract of 10 acres cf land taken over
by the city of Cheyenne six years ago
has been adjudged worth $8,600 by a court
Jury. Interest and court cost runs the
total cost to the dty up to tll.OSO.
A variation of the tag-day Idea, a "keep-the-change"
racket worked en the street
cars cf Cleveland for one day, put 113,870
In a publlo charity fund. The scheme
look so good that St Louis wants to
try it
Mobile, Ala., good roads boosters nre
putting up coin to double-track the
famous shell road to New Orleans and
thus mitigate the ravages of the Impend
ing drouth. Even without a Crescent City
stimulus, the Mobile shell road to aa In
vitation to Joy riding.
At the recent "family dinner" of the'
Bloux Ctty Commercial club the presidents
of the Great Northern and the Burling
ton railroads were special guests, and
gave their hosts a fine line ef optimistic
talk. But no extensions or Improvements
were promised, because financial condi
tions were unfavorable.
Steel Trains
Illinois Central R. R.
Chicago, Reckford,
Dabnqno, Vtterloo,
Fort Dodge
Servico Eist tsd Scith
Information, Tickets, eto.. tt
City Ticket Office
407 Go. 16th Ot
Phono Douglas 284
District Patsenfar Ajant
Omaha, lab.
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Special Frame Prices on discontinued patterns of
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Our Picture Frame Factory is fully equipped with,
the lastest devices for making art frames and the fitting
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Art Brifc-a-Brac 20 Per Cent Off.