Tlffi OMAHA 8UNDAY- BEE: FEBBUAKV 14, 1913. SOCIETY AT THE AUTO SHOW Tuesday and Thursday Nig-hta Set Aside as Occasions When Swell . Set Will Be ia Evidence, SPECIAL ' FROG RAMS PREPARED ocll Cmlrn&M-r. M"NPXy Veetn CJhapter of the Ftern Star, dam-ins; party at Chumharf' ecsd rmri .Bradford-Todd w-Mln7 at homo of Mr. and Mrs. R. BJnswaJt; BJh clwh . party at Chambers academy; Orlrlnat Monday' Bridge MuB, Mrs. A. K fterf, hnatea"- Tt'B8iAT Tualair Brldire . chin, MVa. DenUe. Barkalow. hoatess: Crefghton Medlral'rollege dancing party t Chem- traoMi amy: 1 wuuiuiia .jtiirixw ciui Mlaa Helen Clarke, hoetees; Runahlne rluh ofthe Gonre A. Cuwter Woman's Relief Corps, Mra. John Wows, hostess; l'nlMMv club Vaieottne - danclag party; Twinkle club dancing party .at Metropolitan olub; Trinity cathedral ynten eewtng, Mra. F. H. Davis, hos toim; Columbus club dancing party at MV'rr-pnWian club. - " WKDNE8HA T-t'omm club evrntng rartv, with Mr. and Mr B.IJT. Martin. THl'H9UAV Society Night at tha Auto mobile Show; Matlnne club, Mrs, Mo Cormick, hostess; Deffy-Dlll club. Mra Neal Hays, hostess; Omaha Woman s Tri-M club luncheon at Hotel Loyal; Original Cooking Club. Mrs.' Herbert Whjr. hotw; Wednesday Bridge clubr-Mra. llarold Pritrhett. hoateaa; Thureflay evening subscription party at the Metropolitan club. FRIDAY Minneapolis Symphony concert at tha Boyd theater! Dundee Woman- club tea with. Mrs.' 'W. I Belby; Qui Viva dancing party at Chambers acad- eATCnDAY-Oeorge ' MeHenry wedding In Pxearionv Oal.i Harmony club, with Mr. and Mrs. John Bobbin; Saturday evenlns-Auction Bridge club, with Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Kerrer; Week-End Dancing club party at Chambers' eced iy.,7, ; ; -. - . Not 'only Thursday nlaht, but Tuesday, ss wli, has beee at aside thU yr for Society nlsht at "the automobile snow. Society will turn out Id full fores on the two evenings to Impact the machines. Tha Auditorium will ba especially dec orated. Muslo will Its furnished free and nothing spared to make tha eooaslon the popular event It "has always bee. Tues day nlcbt a special program of mimic has been arranged and aU tha trots of the minute will be danced. A new brougham, the Wit model. Is of special Interest from tha fact that the combination ot color ings In the finishing- was designed espe cially by Paul Poirrct. . Tha Omaha women- driving these', models' are Mes damea 1 Oeorgs Brands!, J. B. Bchlanh and Dwlght Long. ' Mrs. A. I. Root U driving-the new BauchLange model, the counterpart . of which 'Will he on display at the show. . . Pla for Lent., -, AU the social clubs are planning a well dlapoted manner of whlllng away the quiet hours oif the Lenten season. Th Cooking club will meet next Thursday with Mrs. Herbert Wheeler to begin sewing for the Visiting Nurse association. Th regular members of the olub, who are', ten in number; usually Joined by as pnany more for the' Lenten meetings, and under the directorship of Mrs. Luther KounUe, a goodly contribution of useful articles is ready for tha visiting nurses by 'the end of LentTheregular mem bers era Mrs. Luthsr JCounUe, Mrs, Sam Burns. Jr.: Mrs. J. T. Stewart. Jd; Mra. HerWi Wheeler; Mr.'-Wtll Poppleton. Mrs. Moehtor CWapetaer, Mr. Prtns, Mrs. Ward , Burgess and Mrs.. Joseph, Barker. Among those who have always been Lsn tent members ars Mrs. O. C. Radicle, Mj-a. CowglU. Mrs. aorg Palmer, Mrs. BVljrs.r Morsman, Jr.; Mrs. J. de forest Rlchsrds. Mrs. Crotxjt and Mrs. Osgood Dastinan. The Pebutant Bridge club win continue as psual during tent playing bridge pvery Tutiday 'nftemooni, aji nmy of tha roftav bers are' beslruiers at tis gam and ara loath to $top. . ' ',.''. - , - ( i I The: Ydnsday Brldga elub will ff Vfi Just (he sajne during Lent, maeting nmt week with Mrs. Harold Pritchatt. 1 Th Tuesday Bridga club baa for two years sewed for the Child SavtaaT In stitute, during . Lent, but the two mem bers especially interested in tha Institute. Mrs, . Barton MlUard . and Mrs. Arthur Keellne, will be away untn Easter, and no definite work haa beea daotded upon, but" at the meeting this week with Mrs. Inle Barkalow plana will be made. ' aeassssMS) Off to the Southland. - ' '" Mr. and Mrs, John Brady and Mr. and Mii.T. L. Pa via and son leava today for BeUealr. Fla. Mr. and Mrs. Brady have spent several winters at this charm InK 'Utile southern roaort," whars an Ideal golf, rourse is tha special attraction tor' Mr.' Prady, and where they meat n little coterie of people wbo. Ilka thamselvas, go there year after year. it. B. F. Smith and Mr. W. Famam Knilla leave today '""for' 4 moatA la the soutu. going first to New Orleans for the' Mardl Uras and then to Talm Baaoh a ni .' other Florida L point. Mr.- B.. P. Sinkth-will meet his daughter, Mrs.-Joseph Ualdriga. at Atlantlo City the mid dle' of March and they wtU be . Joined there Hay her daughter, and two sons for their spring vacation. . ' hit. and Mra C. r. W'ellert have post-, poned. their trip tc New trle.n for two' weeks, but will then make a' mora eg tended trip, gulnr feom there to Califor nia Ao the rxpoeKiona far six weeks or two months. X - ' ' ' a-- To California Expedition; ' Mr. and Mrs. C r. MeOrew will leave for a twf ot California March i. vlsdtlng both the Baa t'lega and the San Fran clarw expoattiona" They will be (on about, sis weeks la all.- - 11 U Nell CarpnUr ioavas Monday for 1 Augales to Join her-aunt Mrs. J. y. .C&rpenter. and, Miss Marlon Carl-enter. They will remain tor about a month in Los Angeles and then g south and itMta to San rraooiaco to tha &po itie. .' ' : - Mr-.U.' C. Bradford expects to leave totiay jX tomorrow for Caltforala to Join liis.vlfff who left earlier In th week. Mm. M. C. Peters and bar daughters, Miws Gladys and Daphne, leava about the J hut week in March for California to several weeks and visit th ioa(iun tt Baa FVaoclaoo before their rrtura. ' Mra ' Richard Carrier ta apendtng the mont .! 'pi Febraary at tha Ban Diego' ex. Ioatt!-n . .' Mr -H K. Bruce, aoeoenpAnled by bis dauk i"ca. Mioses - Elisabeth and ' Mar garU -kUI leave March 1 for tb Call fornW expositions , t Leeva for Hoaulnla.- w ' ' Mm,- r.dward Hayden and daughter, Mia (H 'nelia, and Mr., and Mrs. Adolph Stora lve Wednesday mornUg for Ban Yanei. and win salt February St tar Honululu.' After several weeks stay oa the Ulemte this party witt vtatt ta aeatb trn C'aiircrtila and return by way at the toast expositions. , ... " 7a!enting rartie. ""' Mrs. C, C. HlddltBton entertained at a Valentine party Saturday evening. . la liunar tit her husband's birthday. Valen tM deeoettUons were uaed and theta- To Be a Brido This Week 009 ' " " A . .-.'is w ' ' .'''' .1 , - s . - i - ' , , ,."...4, r'..- r-'-e1-eaVa-.. Ing was spent In playing whist Another feature, of the affair was setting the husbands to trimming hats, whloh caased great deal of merriment. Those present were; Mesrs and Mesdarnes Oeorss 0. Adwers, v.'L. Lesvltt of Thomas FaJkner, Council Bluffs, F. M. Oane, Frank Waldman, J. Xlebarth, J. C. Bailey, T. W. Woif, J. p. Hlddfeston. - iUrry Miller. T . Mlas Oertrude Miller, .Mr. Frank Cs pel le. Mrs. Jennls, Whits entertained at Valentine, party Friday evening In honor of her daughter, Nellie. Cupids and heart wre used In th decorations and Miss Myrtle Custer gav vocal selections. Those present were: Messrs. and Melme . u Oeorgs Ekstrom, Thomas O'Brlsn. Hoy Dunn, Mlaaes Misses ' Myrtle Custer, Nellie White, Camilla Kankln, v 'Messrs. wesars. Alrred Thuraby, ' ' Jack Carroll, , F errand Hutherland. WIU Bentsier.t - iieorge Sutherland j ; ' Members senior and Junior classes of tha University ot Omaha gave a valuntlne party Friday evening at the horn ot Mr. and Mra. W. D. PerclvaL The rooms were decorated wltlOha school Colors pt scarlet and black, while large streamers suspended from the walls also dded t th attractive appearance ot th home. ' 1 . Music and appropriate games war played during the evening. Tha guest present were: Misses - Misses Olsa Anderson, ' Kathertn Cass, Jean Itorgar, - Klta larenstein, - Kathleen iiarrMl, Htith 1 aniphell, ' Florenoe Dow. t.ffl Cleliand. Fern Otlbert. . ,' Jeannio Dow, teener rinapp. Minnie Johnson, Maraaret MoCoy, Clara Undley, Marion 1'earaaU, torothy McMurray, Viola Pierce, Kuth Peter a, Dorothy Scott, Anna Purdy, F. Swartalandsr. Huth Sundland. Celia West. Uladys Tallmadge. - Marllla Case. Dorothy Wright,- Meaarrs. 1. Maaara. Perry Allerton," Frl faker. Jerald Bruce, V. H. DeBolt. , . Ioug!as Dlx. " ' Kdsar fcrnat. 'Enwrson Ooodrich, Hoy Creeling. . i iert iiughea. viotor Jorgensen. 1 tdwsrd More. Fdwln Kella. Jaoquee Hleur, William hoberts. t.verett Kosers, raul Selby. Floyd Wooaley, rnet Adams. . air. and Mra- W, T. Parclval. Mr. and Mra D. D. Jenkins. 1 ' Mr. and Mrs. T. Waters. Dr. F, P. Ka-meay. Dr. W. N. llaisey. Valentine Dance. "' Mr. . and Mra M. C. Peters gave a dancing party this evening at their home In honor of their nieoe and nephew, Miss Virginia and Mr. Samuel Carlisle. Stxty gusst will be entertained and the ball room at th Peters' home will be decor ated with palms, red hearts and Valentin favors. ; . . Mrs. , Floyd B. Used entertained at n keoslngton Saturday afternoon. The dec oration were auggesUv of at. Valen tine's day. Her guests included: Meadames Mssdames L F. Nancs, Florence butler. Mlaaea M leave Lut-ila Doddar. M rat.. rite LucUle hro a. , Army Newi. Captain F. O. Stritsinger, who has been quarternuutr here for the last three roars, kas been relieved from duty in that corps and is ordered to tha Twenty third Inflntry at Texas City, and will Join that regiment about the first of March. His- successor. Captain W. M. Luhn,. Tenth cavalry, has arrived from Uuavhuoa,- Ana., with his wife and daughter, and has taken an apartment at til South Thirty-third street. Colonel R. a Van Vllst. commander of the Fourth Infantry, will be retired at his own request In May, after thirty nine years active service. General and Mrs. Frederick A. Smith are, at Oalveaton, Tex., on their way ta Caiiforaia, on their wedding trip. Major. W. D. IXane, formerly stationed hare as adjutant general and recently adjutant , general ot tha Fifth brigade, has been, assigned to duty with the Foerih Infantry in place of Major J. S. gwltseev whs has been detailed to Chi cago, - -' :' Fis Work i Art "Word has been received that Miss day Williams, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Williams ot this city, who Is attending the Art Institute of Philadelphia, has taken' houors In her work. This is the first year for Miss Williams at the Insti tute, and the taut that she has already dons work In oil and received honorable mention ta conv4erd remarkable, equ ally flrat-year student during tha first semester are given only charcoal and - ' -t'Vi i - W ' i-;.e 'I " X w " 1 ( i AntH MM Psxto" crayon work. Miss Williams has already passed the two stages and in her fresh man -year w -permitted to work In oil, ; At the University Club. " Th' entertainment committee of the University club announces a serlss of tn- formsl dances to be given Tuesday syen Ings. Th first will be a Valentino party Tuesday evening of this week. Card ta bles will be placed In the private dlntntf rooms for th benefit of those who prefer cards. Th committee In charge of ar rangements Includes: .' Messrs. Messrs. v Bmue Ree, Jr., - John Latenser, O. T. Faatman. ' Frank Selby, B, A. Van Ordel. Entertaini Sorority. v C Miss Rita Carpenter . entertained the Sigma Chi Omkron Sorority of th Uni versity of Omaha at her homo Saturday afternoon. Th members present were: .Mlaaea 1, Misses Mlnnln Johnson, Annetta Nourse, tiell Charles, Marlon Pesrsall, Mabel Nelson, Kllsabeth rierryman, Jeanno Merger, Kf fie Cleland, May Leach, Helen Johneton, Ktta Karentaen, Rita Carpenter. Mildred Jones,- To Honor Debutante. Mlas Elisabeth Ptekan entertained the Debutante Bridge club and a taw others at bridge Thursday afternoon In honor ef ' Miss Eleanor Mackay, one of this year's debutantes. . The guests were: Mrs. Walter Griffith. Misses - - Misses F.leanor Mackay, ' Blanche Deuel, Frances JTothatetlar, Ann Glfford, Fusenla Patterson, Qladys Peters, Msrton Kubn, . Daphne Peters, Jsnet Hall, Lucille Baoon. Fhi Eho Sigma Banquet. Eta chapter ot Phi Rho Sigma national medical fraternity, located at th Crelgh ton Medical college, gave Its annual ban euet at tha Unl.rslty club Saturday even ing in honor of the new members admiu ted to the chapter this yesr. Plates were laid for more than fifty man. Including an unusually large number ot alumni A cabaret program followed the dinner. The- honor guests were A, A, -Conrad and Jamas Kelly, seniors; R. E. Roche. Junior;' E. F. Noonan, sophomore J. N. Oohlen and D. J. Qullty. frasbraea,: : Dr. A, D. Dunn acted as toaaUn aster. R. C. Ruasum, president ot Eta chapter, mad n short address of welcome to tha alumni. E. A. Msrrltt of Council Bluffs spoke on "The Slav Invasion;" Dr. JB. C. Henry, on "The Value of Enthusiasm;" Dr. C. XL Newell, on "Phi" and Dr. . 8. Foots on "Star-Wins." Th program was cleverly arranged, the menu taking tb form of a prescription. The committee In charge of the affair waa composed of Dr. W. L. Shearer. F. A. Pollock and J. R. Klayla. Tb offloer of the society InsUUsd at the last regular meeting are; B. 8. Bus urn, president; B. 8. Kelly, rice president; D.. J. Qullty, secretary; F. L. Wilson, treasurer; R, E. Roacha. senior warden; E. F. Noonan, corresponding secretary. "" preeeni at tna namjuet were: vociors A. D. Dunn, tC. Henry. B. riuahman, . R. M. Riley. A. U Mulrhead. Oeortie Stevens, J. W. Duncan, 'l'homfson, H. P. Ha ml! Ion. Rudolph lux. Coulter, V. J. Sohlelar. W. W. Davis. II t. Arnold, , Messrs. A. 1 Harr, J. Keiiy. C. H Mnlseed. J. M. Murphy, K. D. Kyder. A. A. Conrad. J. R. K ley la. F. P. Murvhy. . N. H Kaamussea. (. J Tnuug, T. Esen. H. J. Jenkins. H. K. Roach. Doctors . J. S. Foots, C. ir. NewelL' A. 1. Mack. Newell Jonesv . Krnoat Kelly. It. A. IVrmody. V. J. DwyerT Baretow, O. A. Young. O. C. lmrey, . J. P. Lord. Perk. Adolph Pacha Measrs W. U Shearer. , P. B. Oilleepie. C. U Martin, B. C, Ruas'im. C. F. hook. J. J. Frymana. K. F. Noonan. V. U Wll.ou. B. 8. Kelly, F. A. Pollock. J. N. Oehlen. . n. J. ilul'tv. C. M. Saab, ' Eecent 'Affairs. There was a large attendance at the Informal dancing party given - Monday evening by tha Coo 10, club in th new ball room at tha Rome hotel. Mis Nellie Orsy entertained at dinner Thursday evening la honor of Mlaa Ed'th etandevsa. - Th table was decorated with a mound of American Beauty rose and a small bouquet of violets marked the places ot the guests, who wsres Mrs.' F. 6tandvn. - Mlaaea Mlaaea ' Haxel Ryan, ' Catherine McCar- Hoee Vauek. thy. A number of the employes of the Braa dels Stores gsva their annual banquet Thursday evening. Short addresses were glvru by Mesai. F. K. Overholt, J..F. Cummins and David Cohen. Covers were placed fori - Mr. and Mra J. Mlaaes Anna Murphy, Vannle Watson, Henrietta 11 Irish man, Mesayn. O. C. Laraen, George Banner, F. Cummins. Mlaaes Mabl Harris. . 1 hylls Uatighao. en Freydell. Margaret Kerr, Mwrt. Frank B. Overholt. David Cohen. Waihingion Dinner at Club. The Omaha club has sent out cards announcing Ita annnal dinner to celebrate the one hundred and eighty-third annl Tersary of WaehJnxton birth en Mon day evening, February SS, t T o'clock. The Hon. J. Franklin Fort of New Jersey and Senator Ultchc-ock ar to be the speakers of the Oceanian. The club notifies Its members that acceptances for the din ner munt be received twenty-four hours in advance, s - ' To Play with Orcheitra. The many friend of Miss Frances Nash are greatly Interested In her per formance with the Minneapolis Symphooy Friday svenlng. Mls Nssh Is a most tal ented and an aftlstlc performer. She has always been art Interested worksr and ha been very generous with her art among) her friends here: Sire appeared In Berlin with the Philharmonic orchestra In Phil harmonic hall' and again In Dreaden, with the leading, orchestra of that place. She will be heard here Friday evening February, 19 at the Boyd theater. At the Boyd Theater, The O-Atka cluh was entertained at n theater party at Boyd' on Friday eve ning by Miss EtheT Sheets. Mies Mabel Miller was the guest-4f the club.- Those present were: . Misses Misses Mary Haves. "' Luna Caswell. Rose Hearth. - - Rnae Sheehan. . Carrie Hanaen, "Hulda Rllleon, Mabel Chllaon, Kthel Sheetsf tllldred Hannen, . Katharine Lawless. Isrle Ptelger, Oertrude Hill. Mabel Miller, . ' Muriel Butlln. With the Traveler. Miss Joy Hlgglns I visiting In New York City with her sister. Mis Mary Hlgglns. Later they will both go to Clinton, Vs., where they will be the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jaok Duval on Orapax farm, and where Miss Joy will remain two months. ' , MUs Mildred Rogers left Thursday vo nlng for New. York City, where she plan to visit friends ontll after Easter. With the ViitorT7 .. ' - ' Miss Oenevlere Uogan of Milwaukee la the guest of Miss Irene Langdon. Miss Jack of Aurora." 111., is anendlnv the week with Mr. and Mrs. John Wear. Mrs. Osorg BUndorlsnd and small dsughter. Betty, of Chicago, are expected today to be the guests of Mr. and Mira. George Wlllard Later. Wedding Plana.; Among the out-of-town weddings ot th month will he that of Miss Ella Fearon, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Fearon of Ocean Park, Cal., until two year ago a resident of Omaha and James P. Mutqueen, member of a promi nent Council Bluffs family and well known In Omaha.-' ' The marriage will take place on Tues day, February 18, at Ocean Park. Mr. Mulqueen and his bride will take a wedding trip across the southern part of the United States Into New Orleans, and after April J will, be at horn In Counodl Bluffa, ; ' ',''...'" ' 1 ' While in Omaha MUs Fearon made qulba a reputation for herself as a reader of ability and was often heard at women's club meetings and on various programs. . , The wedding of Mis Abble JtcHenry, daughter of William A. MeHenry of Pasadena. Call, and John Edward Georg t this city;' win take place In Pasadena, Saturday evening, February 10, at the horn of tha bride' fathers at 40 Ford Place. Mr. 1 Oeorgs and his bride win be at homo after May t in this city, at XU worm nrty-thlrd street. Dundee. Ambng those, who will go to th wad ding ' will be C. C. George, ' Raymond Welch and George Wright of Council Bluffs, who will serve as best man. To Sew for Kiiiloni, . Tuesday morning during Lent a number ot young girts and young married women ot Trinity cathedral will meet to sew for mission boxes to be sent out by the Woman's auxllliary to Alaska and Shang hai. Meadames Denis Barkalow, George Barker. Jr.j Joseph Barken M. a P. ILefferts, Walter Roberts, Ralph Peters; Misses Elisabeth 1 Davis. Katharine Thummel, Stella Tnummel;' Alice and Irene Carter, Blench ' ' Deuel, IDorothy nail, Janet Hall, Gladys Peters, Daphne Beter and Caroline Barkalow are those who will Join tWs Lenten work and they will meet at the F. H. Davis home. "'- For the Future. W .- . .: The Columbus club will give an Infor mal dancing party Tuesday svenlng at Metropolitan hall. The Twinkle cluh will entertain at a rube dancing party Tuesday evening at the Metropolitan HalL Vesta, chapter, Order of th Eastern Star, will entertain at a dancing party Monday evening at Chambers academy. Engagement Announced. Mr. and Mrs. Robert. C. Anderson of Benson announce th engagement of their daughter, Mlas Alloa Paulina, to Dr. Wil liam A. Walvem of South Omaha. The wedding will take place In tb near fu ture. Personal Mention. Mra JoseDh Allen, who aaen III fn the last five weeks. Is slowly convalescing at ner home. im south Thirtieth avenue. arr. Arthur- p. Qulou who has been In California for tha last month. Is on his way home, leaving Mra. Qulou and the children with his father at Hollywood. Hon. Thomas Rees. editor of tha tllinnla State Register, left Tor' his home In Gprlngneld. 111., : Wednesday evening. Mr. Rees came en to attend tha fuural r Mr. Samuel Reaa. ' ' M1S Adah Kkln."who had chares nf tha department of snusio In a girls' school at Sycamore. 111., has resigned her posi tion and will be at home for the reet of th year. . - - - - - ' Miss Louise Dtnnlns went Molnss Friday to be bridesmaid at ths wedding ot MUs Marv Denmaa anit Me. Cgvanaugh Tuesday. Mr. Wlllard Butler goes over Monday for th wedding. Mr. J. K. Gears Ikvu fa r-nr,i Monday for his marriage the following Saturday to MUs Abble McIIenry at Pasadena. Mr. C, C. George and Mr. George Wright of Council Bluff will ac company him. , ' Mr. and Mrs. Josenh ItmrkM Mniuil Tueedsy from, ten day in New York. Among the former Omaha People they met while there were Mr. and, Mrs. Oeerge N. reek of Molina and Mr. and Mra. Tom Crelgb of Chicago. Card were received tliU week from Will Play With Minneapolis Orchestra y-tyv , . ill FRANCE3 r, k jNA3H ;f - .r-t-:'--'.V;!4-:- i I 1 if' "" I . 1 V- , : "- ' I it , ' V ' ' t 1 ';j X "' " j jj!? --'''' '" ."-" 'i '. r' -V" ' j ''J -7" -: i 4. 1 wmliw . Mis Prlndevllle at Chlcnsm aniunmHni tha marriage of her sister, Cora, to Mr. Edwin Potter. Jr., of New York City on Monday. February L Mra. PottAr baa visited In Omaha several Uraes. Darwin 8. Cheaner. son of Mr am Mri D. B. Chesney, left Tuesday for Los An geles, where he Is to be married next Wednesday to Miss Glenn Way, formerly of Omaha. After a wedding trip they will make their Home in Dundee, about March Mrs. E. V. Lewis, who has been vlalf- ing her mother in Springfield. I1L. sine before the holidays, is expected In Omaha about March L and from her will go to Sheridan, Wyo.. to visit her daughter. Mrs. Sherman Canfleld. before amtnv to California for th summer. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Wolfe bam re turned from their wedding trip and are with her parents. Dr. and Mra. TvmM Maora lit Council Bluffa until their house Is ready for them or until the Fon- leneue- is opened, when they may go there to stay while waiting th comple tion of their home. Mr, and Mrs. B. IT snrunn win ta Bellealr. Fla.. next Eaturdav. tha fr.r.. tor a brief business trip to New York, while Mrs. Spragua will come north, stopping In Chicago on her way home, Mr. and Mr. Spragua expect to bo at the Fontenelle until they open their Benson homo for th summer. n and Out of the Bee Hire. Mr. E. W. Dixon expect to go oast next ween. Dr. and Mra Hull go to Chicago early next week. Mr. and Mrs. Ward Burgess want to New York Thursday. Mr, and Mrs. Jerome Magee returned Friday from tan days In CMoago. Mr. and Mra George Prlna left Wed nesday for New York fgor two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Baxter are ex pected home from New York Monday or Tuesday. Mr. and Mra Leonard Everett of Council Bluff have returned from an astern trip. , Mr. W. A. Redlck ha been In Mm- neapolla this week, but Is expected home tomorrow or the next day. . Mrs. Charlea T. Stewart and Mlas Marie Stewart of Council Bluff have gone to New York for a tew weeks. Mr. Robert Forgan of Chicago arrived Friday, to spend the week-end with his fiancee. Miss Elisabeth Congdon. Mra. E. W. Nash and MUs Nash have returned from Dubuque, where they have been for two or three weeks with Mr. and Mra. George Byere. Mrs. Albert Bwartsiander left Thurs day for Washington and was accom panied by Miss Mildred Rogers, who goes to Portland. Me., to visit relatives until Easter. BOXCAR THIEVES HELD FOR FEDERAL GRAND JURY ' Edward McKena and Thomas Moss were held for the grand Jury under 11,000 bend to answer a charge of breaking Into a freight ear engaged In Interstate traftlo and stealing two aaoka of wheat They were arrested last week by Special Officer Palmtag of the Missouri Padflo. In default of the money for bond they were taken to Fremont to be confined there In the county Jail until th grand Jury meets. FOR LIMB TROUBLES Wsa ooaxxsa xwacD rxocxxwoa Ideal support for AJU- OOsa TXUra, Weak Anklee and alt Limb troubles. SAXXTAmT, may be wash ed or boiled. OOKTOavXABUi. mads te measure, contain no slaa tic, adjustable. Laces like a legging. Mads of cool, lls-ht material. JlOOBOsaoaXs sort Si. so ewe, or two fos the same Urns, Saso, poat paid. , Writ for catalog and eel f meaaurement blank No. Ia. If vou have an ulcer write us. V. Y. Corliss X.iaab Bpee. Co, Xaew 1 W. ld bU Nw York. mr. fimm fmm IFiimo SOUTH OMAHA FIREMAN IS -REINSTATED SECOND TIME John Buglewios, twice removed from the firemen's payroll of South Omaha by ths Fire and Police board, was reinstated for the second time by the district court, when Judge Day held that sufficient grounds for bis dUoharge had not been shown. It was shown that Buglewlcs during a fire left his company for an hour and worked under directions of another cap tain. It waa charged that political mo tives caused hi removal. FIREMAN'S WIDOW IS TO DRAW MOJNTHLY PENSION Mrs.. Buale Henderson, widow of Joseph IL Henderson, a city fireman, who died of pneumonia In 190. has been placed on the pension roll of the firemen's relief fund at 13176 a month and th city has dismissed Its appeal In her mandamus suit, according to a stipulation fined In district court. Mrs. Henderson has re linquished her claim to back penUon pay ments.. I ! A going business can he sold quickly through The Bee's "Business Chances." A SUGGESTION Take advantage of these few pleasant, daya and hare your boavy suit, overcoat or wraps Dry Cleaned. They no doubt look a little dlna-r affair aneti a V A in tor's service, and a good clean- 3 1 a . - , ,., H l pressing will put a Fresh Spring Look on them that will last tha balance of the season. The extra service and satis faction you will get will more than pay the cost of cleaning. . Telephone today tor one of our autoa , to call, - or leave them at our .Branch Office at 2016 Farnam street. - ThcPAflTOniOr.1 "Good Cleaners and Dyers." 1515-17 Jones Street. Phone Doug-. 003. Guj Liggett, Pres. N. B. We pay special attention to out-of-town business. Writs for complets Pi-toe List and othsr Information. We. pay Express . or' Parcel Poat charges ens way on all orders. Don't You Know that Ants, Cockroach. Waterbugs, Rata, Mice, etc., are filthy, repulsive and dangerous "com mon carriers' of dls eaasT Use our guaranteed ROACHATONE and RODENTCNTE and rid your premises of these nasty pests, at once. Ask your dealer. . If he does not carry our rood a phons Douglas . or writs te us. Central Chemical Co. Boom esa BreaAele Theataw Bids. Omaha aTsbraaks. ' 1 NEW DIAMOND " MOUNTINGS Mounting Ilk every-. thins; el8 in thin day and ' ae chahfe In gtyle fre quently and the itore of Comb', being ever abreast with tha times, la lowing tha Try newest . It you have tired of ' that plain gold mountinet your diamond Is set In, coma In and gee aorxi of tha new one we are die playlnf. Our large stock of mount ings contain many new and novel ideas, . but , If we haven't Just what you) want. Our Special Order depart ment will make one up for you according to your own design. a, , fjf HusbandsListen! How would" you like to wash a batch of greasy, dirty, syrupy, egg-ituck dlahee then wipe, polish them and place them away three tlmea a dayt Can you Imagine anything more te dioua about your wife'a housework? Buy Hmr a u Whirlpool" Sa-itary Duhwnthmr You will notice Ote change In your homo at once. Your wife will be smiling when you come home. The cost of a maid will be a thing of the past. Toilet cream bills for the hands will vanish. You will ears real money. Hmr Hand Won't Touch thm Wat or and within ssven minutes the evening dieties will be ' washed sterilized dried and placed away. The "Whirl. Eool" le self-cleaning and sanitary. 'ih towels are unsanitary and may breed contagious germs. Coma In and see. demonstration Bally. Mag- This As Qes 10 JMseemnt. write for Booklet. . B. GRUNWALD Vbone Pong. 111. 1110 Famam St. A Safe Place to - Buy Diamonds The recognised hign char acter of the Edholm stora makes this tha natural place to purchase such deceptive . stones as diamonds. It la . necessary for all buyers to depend upon the word of tha salesman In purchasing a diamond, for few know tha reaj value of this stone. Our experts are Qualified to Judge all diamonds. Tbe guide you to tha most satis factory value for your money. Even If you wish to buy at another store, you are still very welcome to come here. Inspect our stock and receive advice regarding your purchase. ' Albert Edholm . Omaha's Oldest Established . Jeweler. Sixteenth and Harney Bts. Mrs. LE, Brady & Go. Exclusive Millinery 304 Go. 10th OL (9 Doors From Farnam) We are) showing the latest styles and patterns la Spring Millinery. a. " '.jjwjau ".m m Amu REMBRANDT STUDIO ARTISTIC PORTRAITS eoth ana Taraaaa. rheae IX aaa. Bsesn a. Balastge Blag. JLV XAEWELERS ISXe SOU LA ea- OMAMA r " v - - c , i . i' ev ' 1 ti t : '" .-e- -,-t , 1!M - '!