Tirn OMAHA . SUNDAY, BEE: -FEBRUARY ll. .1915. iU i L ..Hi ALL CUDRCHESSHOY GAIN Ilernbership for last Year Three Quarten cf k Killion More... Tfcaa Tear Before. TOTAL MXKEEESIUP 40,000,000 thftn, tbev feet up again and Tire at them from behind. "While retratlnir the Turku frrnuontly discard numerous articles of clothing-, l't they should Imped their fllsht. Be. for thrlr rMrrat ha ltd Ion-, they have nothing on but their shirts and am munition bejta. . No matter how hot the flKlillns; la, one cannot refrain from toughing at th spectacle of -several hun dred men running at top apeed with their Ions; ahlrta flapping around their bare Itss" . . . ' THREE NEW YORK GUNMEN TAKEN IN SAN FRANCISCO Tork gangBters. weie arrested hoi lent night after two months of trailing. Tbmnss, whd Is anil to be wanted In New Tork for the murder of a. policeman, recently arrived here from Honolulu. RUSSIA HAS BUILT SEVERAL NEW AEROPLANE FACTORIES (Oorrespopdeno of The Associated Frees.) FKTIlrVjRAD. Jan. . Russia ha re cently completed several new aeroplane factories, which are each to supply twenty or thirty aeroplane weekly for srmy lue. Undr-r scfvW corulitiiris. the life of an aeroplxne ir cortilira.tlvrly fhort, and a considerable pnrt of the output of these factories will le neelet to Replace wasUitte at the front. SX . FrtANClSKYl. Feb: U.-Char)e. allaa uch Thomas; Penny- Hall, alia "Stlfter." and t hai lea WllJIams, aaid by the pollc to be nntorloua New Ihvestor with mmey read th Real Relate ads In The Fee. Advertise your property for alulck sale. Bead The Bee'a -nusineta . Chances" And tH into your own business. ' . Skeeter aia;M t'oatntct. Fkeeter Fanning signed a contract to pitch tor the Han Francisco enb. t -A' 1 M The religious bodies of the United, Flute hare no fans to be dlscourared over the' results of th year l!Ht The new com muni can I a, or member, added made (nod all th loiw by death. pulsion or withdrawal, and left ft ur-i j ln of nearly 7rA"Ai. That la, the total membership I "fiXOTs greater than It was In 1911. This la tn sveras-e Inrreas of 3 I-rr cent, for all bodlea pre a I and email. Christian ' and non-Christian. Elaborate statistical table prepared by Dr. H. K. Carroll and Issued, by' the Federal Omn ia of th Churches of Chrlrt In America, show In detail the rain and loaeea of the rar. ' - '' " ' The rrand total of member la now e&.708.1. All th largor denomlnaUona share In tlx Increaae. Baptist - gained 522.125: Easterri' Orthodox, Roman ITatholSc. 1-W.RhO; Lueheran, M,J4S; Jr ran Evangelical synod, representing th atate church of Prussia, 29415; Methwrtai. S1,R; rresbytcrlan. H.W9; Protertant Kplseopal, .ML' ' ' The Protestant Episcopal church has crossed th 1.0(10. 000 line, having- gained t.m sine 1910, and over XOO.OCO since 1800. The Roman Catholic church has gained nearly 1.25O.0HO alnce 1310, and mora than 6.SVfOO since 1W. The Methodist F.piscovdtl church, the aerond largest denomination, gained -IK.W In mi. and nearly 700,(o since 1800. The thirty churches, constituting the 'Xai3rsl Co&noll cf th Churches of . rlrt In America, report, aa will be acen, nearly 17.SOO.000 members, somewhat leas than half of tha aggregate for all de nominations, with 103,000 ministers and nearly 139009 churches. These bodies hare a net Increase of over 600,000 mem . bei-m, or mor than two-third Of th en tire Increase of all bodies. ' JTla with a ftfUllwa. There are nine denomination which have a million and upward, th Roman Catholic' 1J,7M,(E7: the Methodist Episco pal. S.SC3; the Southern Baptist. t,592, 217; th National Baptist (colored). 2, 01,MS; th Methodist Kplseopal, PoutH, 2.C05.707: the Presbyterian. Northern. 1, 44ita;. ih lusclple of (Christ, MM,13; th Northern flsptlst Convention, l,.-!,-X3. and th Protestant Episcopal, 1.01L,. J. These severe denominations aggre gate ever ,ooo,ono members, of more than three-fourths of the entire aggregate of the 170 rsllglous bod lee. The effects on church membership of the Europoan war In ' narrowing the stream 'of Immigration were probably ii'ilte small, ae only the last five month cf the year were Involved. The emigra tion of" men to tak part In th great conflict, would not b e very larg fac tor for Mh same res ton. The (jtarman boillfjI.uthersn,, Reformed and the rep iceentatlve of the Prussian Ktate church, all show unusual gains for l!il On the other hand Roman Catholic gains are oulte small. The summary show thai th total In crease, of minister was 3.213, which Is unusually large, while th total Increase of churches was which Unusually small. , . . . QTTTT 'J 1 I I 1 11 1 I ""-J I' f TT i Automobile Show Guests Are cordially urged to make free ustf of these stores' many utilitiesRest Rooms, Parcel Checking Booth, Tele phone, and then other conveniences. B Great MountairiSs of 'M Powerful Prices Are - " " ' ' ''' " r - J J -r- " . jgc .t . - . . -Jil i Ear't ' ', - Special in Calling Cards jj P0tTfmrZ CALLING CARDS, ANY OA l Q ) W 1 0S TYPE, MONDAY ONLY ZilC Zntraao Pompeian Boom. ercsn C Coatings '& Suitinsrs A Worth to $2.50 vdJ .Monday we olfpr at this little price the entire surplus stocks f eoatln&s and'suitings that our buyer in New York just purchased of one of the best-known' imynirters. . Included are'l-iach and 56-inch Matlesse, handsome silk and wool eponge; sturdy tweed mixtures and elegant broc ades tha materials most in favomow. t neatlful new sprina; ahsxlew In both plain and two-ton effert. ' Inrhiflinjf the) new sand shiuW, tlu rrjr popular utlr, tot, ' " -vau.. v .... iiiwij vi mhj viii nti in im i mi'nnjf mil i9. These would be' rare valiies at $2.50; (l m Monday Aocse ycir faYcrite, at a yd. Ddin& Th se to Be Moved ' O eir Utm6st to Move Them 7 Coates' School " of Dress Making V ill Begin on Monday "''IJ . HaTaaTAaBaVI iBaMMaaTaTaMaMaTI MaMH lVLMNaBiaMMBMMBB ' Secure 6ur ticket Monday forenoonuf you ' ' . 1 wish to learn to be your own dressmaker. V Tickets for tha Entire Course of A Fifteen Lessons Are Only 50 Cents , -As U1.2. number of attendants must be limited, . it is-advisable to register as eaVly as possible. Tickets may be secured at the Superintendent's Office,' Main, Floor., Procure yours early. First lesson Monday. 1 Spring Wash Goods, Superior Quality; Low in Their Prices II On a , M ' denlgns. V ;$i.25 y vi Beautiful, -lich NeW Sillcs for Spring at Magnetic Prices HM , . u-lnch chiffon taffeta' (blatk'only), oft ' ' ' ' '' New silks for arjrinir M ' L" ' .1 ' ' M ' ' i nn,sh.,a,itythat,.Lwear spiencliair. VfO ' ',7 I S-incirhlffon fHllie.. a beautiful wear. i trylnK advanced aeowon'B D 1 1 Sill hi" P ' r . ai-Vch-ncesali. of od we,ht and .oft. fft Iff tdcflfs, In tll ct c"l- i UU Jarender. Nile, sarid. pu,ty. nnih. - i nrlnr. . 1 w-mcn siik and wool faille. In all colors. I rr '. f 1 : a 1 . .r-r I -J- - , .-i.:u , .iiimm taiieta, -correct t sprlns- I t , weignt, sort finish, Hand-Emhroldrred Orffaadl BeaS tifnl collection. In dain'.y colored de signs on white backs-round oeie o in most favored aheei fabrics for thia comlns; season tnche wld. Special priced, n.BO. i.78 KnRllsh Vol! ' . Black and whit hairline stripes; al so shepherd checks, 40-ln. tide. Special price, .sow, jj yard. ... DC U OriaaU in whit and tinted ' rroundaw with large floral de-' sls-na, ! Kche r wide. Special 'iJP Smbroldered TUked Toll white background, co'oredi deals very new tor hlonnee and oresres. 40 Inches wide. a yara Hag-Hsh Voile Jn prettv evening shades: embroidered In selfv gf tonee. 40 Inches wide. Mf Special, yald ; -. Tinamt Qunllty Bilk and Cotton Crep d China 40-IboIi wiAe, la beaaU ful ev.nliut shads for party dressaa, blouses, danolns; frocks, 0 to. Bpeotal for XhJ Mftny. , yard . V '3-lnch, extra heavy -tub' silks, .'striped ?7 - Inch" J printed' "alt-silk. ; ahantunr Si-)n printed poplins, in beautiful destro". h moire; 40-Inch ell-1'k rajisltneres. Mj 40-lnr E 1 t Ktal ' Ila. k FaifV The much M admired null and drss fabric tor t surmg, ii&;nas just been re- it reived. This exquinlte llk Is 42 inches -vjae. well worth 13.50, but at, a yard P2sDU (Modish Htrlpce fucb -this spring are the striped patterns and msny In crepes, taffetas, radiums, satins snd poplins; the widths 36 and 40 Inches. Spe cial, yard. 08c to. . . N wmvm,: as- sninblcd In two eomprr hensive lot and -prrd very sprcinlly for a grvat -, -' . w J ' Monday sale. ; j- JfQ. in vogue I'aUlM Matrrlals thai still fci-t sway in fashion's realm, in a spe cial offering; Monday, Suiting faille, 42, inches-wide, in all of the newest colorings snd worth to $1.76 a yard; nn Monday, at, yard . . . . J 1 .aW Monday, yard Ilordered Voile Imported Voiles 40 Incheti wide. Irr" white and . plaiit shades. Bpe- ey f claU yard. OUC A dainty fabric for the new ruffled dresses; i 45 inches wide. SpecialA Monday, at, the ' np yard .....i.,...r OOC 4cV-Inrh M:erccriipd Ilatlste Specially adapted to ellps, Unlnga, f-o u nda tlons, , etc. White and plain oq shades; yd. 3 C , Cotton Ovorg-ett Crepes,' For,blouBf arid dresses. In plain shades, al white; 40 Inches s?r wide. Spe'.dally IjC priced, a ?'ard . Tissue Filet A dainty now print-- and chil- rood OT 4'-tnr.h silk' and wool noverty faille. In tb ed fabric for women's dreifs wear. Floral and scroll de signs. 8 6 Inches wide Special, yard 35c ran (re. handHome we show $2.50 newest colorings most favored for sprl n g. CassbnCre Cliarmeune All Bilk, in a good weight; Just th mate rial or the three-plecd spring suits; in new- grays, Bulgarian blues, brown, navy, etc. Splendid $2.00 'value. Monday, A ia per yard . . J) 1 i7 Dress Good Rarely Sell War Time Offers v Roads to. Wealth . ' To Alert -Traders I (Correaivinclf'nce of the Ammclatpd Iresi" ) IXfSDOS, Jsn. Men of bUAliieaa with a rvsdy ev to clmnslnir conditions liav found tnai war-tlm offers many nrw roada to wealth. If thr opportunity is e'l7,e4 quickly. Alinoet evrj day e!;ic thn war lean sasue alert IlrltUh mann. faclurer or trader has found npenirias in The khaki boom, s!Hl at Its height, re-I sultf j In tl: uadia Mitai'llshnient cf ! liiine faoloriea In tlie heart of London. I JiiMidieds of youtiK women Iff t aood ' placvs In. th Jiiia Ed phkle fiw unlcs ' near t.y f.,r the frk f iiiaklnf uniform. 1 TallVirs and pretmer, who wore glad to ' earn 10 a week In norma! tlmeis, are able to take' In three times .that sum at) preaTat. . A prominent hardware manufacturer In I hu-mlnKhsm put his fa. lory Into th. ; l'snda of a niauaifrr at the, beginning of the war and himself hurried to a nearby ' town and f rot tAcJ a plant for the hnuiutai'. ture of . emlilrnid anil buttons, lie ha. Wen making thi-ee tiovnlilea In nar-tiiu dfliina by the million at a handnom Profit. t , ! A lithographer found a similar (Told jnlr.e by turning his entile plant over to the printing- of pairlotlc postcard while a strucfc'iinit novelty dealer h as put his . Ui.nh c."!. on lin feet by the ih of I'll, W I or mur sewing kits for soldiers. jf-SM-r urfcnM have been achieved by i ti.e men hu Iia iimrkoUd uh minor V 4 ariikilt-s fr aulillKia umo aa a lxut-li(. a Jr.i 1 ii e liKhter and a patriotic brooch. An I I Aiuerit'a traveWr at the UiKtnning of P tr.e r chanced to learn that the supply . f cheap buttons In h'ngland was precwi- 1 E J imly 1, niuht t f th KiiKUsh supply 1 havdiK t.rcn Importrd from Autftrta; h i tix, limiu mw orders lu tM-half of an ' ks A;m--ncan firm at prices presumably well ahove the ordinary, H.n wr ha. brought moderate 'de sre cf prof-peilty to maker acd dealers In fn.d, vlothlnr, medical supplies, war inuiiitions and an Immense, number of i Fl mail artl'-Ns required by l,nd or sea 7j f,,r,.,. Ship bullijera and ship owner m J eorr-d hvily, nd the Prttlwh fa ;nn'-r Is tnlU.'i uii.cr.lfnld prlc rue-. 4 hts prodticis. Kven trie dn'int. have had I..... share cf mar luini?, for It Is a j.t.e.ury that the man ho in (uliig ti ? the front to trrve th kins In ster-fillod t.fnt h4 should bsve Ins teib In sound ii5i- if he U ta enjoy the excursion. Two Forts Taken lifiHrted French it chiffon flnUsbA C--lnch Uood weight, so All the new wanted shades, special, Monday, . CI 1 Q , per yard pJlf Very Such As Tiiese For So Little ains in Quality Linen 54-Inch All-U'ool Epinelo Dress and suiting cloth. In a beautiful range of new spring colorings. specially priced tor Monday,, per 40 and StVinch All V o o 1 H e r K . IVtpe. V"hliiH(l, (Jranltm, Novelty Vort!, H 1 a c k ond VMslto t'hecks, Ktc, fr:fcr )n anle in llHcin"Tit Do part iiutst, at, yard: 3Sc and 49c yard X 0 f Here's Extreme Value Giving . I'ilrrKirtllnai-y sale of new Ail-Wevi Dfvh and Multing MaterinlM Monday All the newest coloring worth to f 1.75 yard. JWInrh lre-shrunk SierRcs. . .M-Inrh French rWjre.,., Fancy Suiting.... , 44-lurri All-Wool Poplins.. 5'J-lnth AIMVool Melroso. . 44-inrh Alt-Wool IMagouals. 12-lnih Ail-Wool Tftffftas.. 4'Jlnrh Atl-Wrwil Oc-ix-s. . 5(1 and Rl-Inch Ail-Wool lUack and 8uiting4 J r ji... . . ' . later nri! 'n-T"frPe fa,n tMI Unen prices surely wlU be higher later on Th.-re is the rertainty ot a great linen scarcity, mat una it highly advisable to supply all linen Btx-ds Just 4 soon si poibl """"" naun iamasit.iju ratlin , od.l Ki.if.rv..., i.,. an , -" "a.ia aAfu VI iaUtiinca Specials ir( Basement Wash Goods r.jnrTY ?r t The colored drees linen tliat cannot crush or AaUi'JvlCUOll'v crease. "Xon-Krush" linen promises to be ' ; r?"BT,w J even more popular for the season 191 B. It is . " made In Ireland of Jong saaple pure flax, ab solutely rree from totv and hemp; yarn dyed. Thirty different slutdes. 38 Inches wide, allfast colors.- The name, "Non-Krusli," stamped uu selvage of every yard. .Sold exclusively by the Jlran dels r r Store. Special, a yard - - tlSr Woven Cotton Crepe Blue, pink, rray, green, brown, lavender and in black stripes, all fast colors, and 2 7-in. wide. Special o r price, Monday, yard.,.. 30C , Fine Voiles A splendid collection in white, and tinted grounds; flor al and Dresden designs, striped and coin dots. 39 Inches sp Damask -Du rah t a Scotch 'and Irish iinea. All new patterns. Worth $1.25, Spe cial, juonaay, a v.98c 179c and 89c IT 1 l a iara yard 'AH - xaaea. wassv vowels, with wrerth ror mnnofrrams. Some with embroidered Jnltlois, J'sjuea In this lot s.r up t rt to He.. Kpeclal. ; I 4f v-, . .v. , l.aMMJ.,,. 1,000 Koarfs. Cnsm sad Ranar iwvt HionmiDi or ranoy vrwvwm. , aaues np 10 J..bO, Bpeclal, Monday, Sacb , . , Aapauui An accumulation from our recent linen" sale. Values in tnn iot.UD to 1.38. 8p-. cial, Monday six for. . , ' mmsuaoa4 Oottoa Xaok Tow. 19c 75c 'la riaia a a 4 fancy r d r . vrlosd. ; if aak ' V atla Miritlllti Bad Uprcads Scalloped and cut corners,' with embroidered rujs.,, noisier yirows t prtce. JI.60. For, a set 8,000 Bleached Tnraiah Towels Sx. tra heavy double twist Of yara. Sis ax43. Befnlar ZaC $4.52 id coin dots. 39 Inches wide. - A yard . .'. . . . .. Mm Wov?n Tlssu Fast colors, la broken plaids, stripes, checks, . etc. Made from super fine yarn.' ti , Inches wide. Monday, special. roudatioa Bilks Kedluaa feeavr walrht, for slips, llninra, aadarmas- uns, etc a iMankifDi vans' of vwwrs, aiao wnrc. sa inon.s wtd.. Upaelal Monday, a yard lj r ' ... ortoa'f 1 Printed JTrw-Olota In 1e"' an!S "oral " deslims. . c rea srounfl. - r" incna wiae; worth loo. I Tlf M.mm vrnsswaf, a fashion yoaa; Aro" A printed fabric white and tinted around. Neat floral- designs, 'it Inches vide. Special r MOndey, at, per 13C yard. . 35c tr Irish SlmltlM Our own Importations direct from Ire'ind, Rosebuds, Flor al - and other designs. 11 Inches wide. Or JmLf?:;.v.:......5c- ' Cliiffoa Crspe Th krlaklca fabrto i taa Is vary practical for hones press aad ohlldrsa's wear. m r rioral aad aea deslrn. .84 I DC laches wide, Bale prtue, yard . . .v , . Wntbe Toll Whlta and tinted jRTounds: floral designs. A new ma- renal ana very aeeiran e ror 'jc Embr6i'dcries---A Very Special Lot 18, 8? and 9-lnch Smhrdder. Including Xmbroidrd Crrp.s. iuonaay. a yara I wide. Soeclal Monds.v. yard. j.. aieroruwm xjnea ony Tat eoloT. in strip. asa plaia sj4s a, rpUndld fabrlo t or wamw'i and children's dr.sses. salts aad Moose. 87 tnob.s wtd7KcBday, a ardf 25c, Women Who Look Upon These New Spring ' X Suits Immediately Wish to Own One uml by the newer modola is theirs;. every stylo is wholly individual and many ofjtho modeja are fotmd here exclusively.i ivre anus oiienng a raost versatile range tor se- i m -eve n - tb t , X "'Si i .iiax Domestic Specials A Closing Out of Certain Lots of Wash Goods in the Basement Broken lota of wash fabrics In remnants and full bolts extra special valdes at notable redactions for reusing sale on Monday. v." Silk and Cotton Crepea 37 and S6 inches wide.'. Silk and Cotton Jncquards-3 6 Inches wide sortment. regular 15e qual- Q ; w'oven I?lack and White Striped Crep 27-ln wide ity Special. Monday, yard. .jJC . yyhite Marquisette 27 inches wid .V . . Dainty llosehud DatlstM Prettv I -. . . .. .. . . 10c '(On Bale in the ltasement.) 811k Kmbroiderecl Tissue and Fancy Corded Crepes A large as sortment. Kegular lSe qua! Worth from 18c to 60o At $20' and $35 lection, featuring the models witly pronounced military effect, in tho materials that will be most in favor for spring wear.. , Predominating are smart covert suits, suits of gabardine, of poplin, of serges and like ma terials. 'The style variety is sufficient to insure every woman u model adapted to her taste. . - Tailored Frocks in Styles of the New Season Sample Models price 15c. Special, yard. . Standard Apron- Check Gin hams All the wanted checks. in blue and brown. 4ic AVhite Mcrceriicd IopHn 27 Inches wide. White Bilk Stripe' Voile 27 lnchea wide., Soisett 32 inches wide. . . . . . .'. Kimono riisse 30 lnchea wide.... i oi 14 a Yard. ' Charming Models in Afternoon Gowns Just the drensos for afternoon bridges, teas, mati nee snd kindred functions, acconipliHhed in smart combinations cf chiffon, with chsrmeuse or crepe meteor. In the new shades destined to be most favored 515, ? 19, .$25 and $35. Froiui tuU fcroun aeleoting on that pleases tha most fas-.' tiaious taste ana gives that air of exclusiveuess so much dosired, is a simple matter. Tailored frocks la the ad vanced reason a monrs aitpiajinf rara chsrm and empha elins; fashion ideas not apparent in ordinary frocks add to the Interest of this display. The prices 15, $10, $59, $63 and $75. Clever Styles In Spring Skirts In variety unequalled are separate skirts embodytns down to the minutest detail style polnta that belong only to thts hew spring. Kull flafed models, feat uring pockets, belts and buttons altogether new A , . Tt.. .1 TT . A. . . MA e. ' uuu&uAi vjuues at ana vii.uij- 8ecial, Monday New Spring Prints Grays, blues, and wjtlte and, black figured ail the .pew spring patterns, a 1 Special, Monday, yard . . 2 C l'nhAeatheK Musllu 36 Inches wide, good quality, . j a yard' . 3C lYetty Printed Dimities, Lb Mtrlped .Tissue to 6 yard Special 30-Inrh Comforter Sateen , lrelty 1 lural dcaigna. quality, racial, Muu- f 55c Special Demonstration Monday of ' Famed "Free" Seeing Mactines Opportunity to buy a "sewm? machine recogpizea as one oi tne nest inacnines man- JTintea Dimities, Loa e 1.1 '. . t i rJ 'ttZXY, today,' at prices that are most g "Mon.. 7ic allractlve. v J' J. .. .. ' .. g By British Without yort'r.s 1-palr, and V. p.r luta. siuUi l 412 kl WIIUJ s Draperies at a Special Monday Price V a . u I: Kootoh Madras I'.egularly sold for 45o and OHf 80c. Monday, yard..'' X-acs aaa Kissioa Curtains -AU 1- an'l 2-iatr Iocm, urii i ana It a pair, each 69c Sortma -M'ith plain and col. ured bordera liaular 20o valuea i f. I f) Monday, yd l , I U G Good -Runs at Prices Unprecedented day, a yard .73zo-!ach Xrauratcasd. BeamUss tmmmKM ' i-min nems. itej ular J0c quality, Monday, each , , . , T3x0-Jaeh aiasd Bhets lte-ular 3c cjuality. t.ial Mundy, eai-h 4itees ana Sx3 Hamst!tcha ViUow ""PS Kegumr price l.ic Your choice Mondsy VBih ; n3 rtUow 8 Up Resulsr sy 10c Quality. Special Monuay, f each , 1K . -y 25c Large roomise rus of varied kinds, but The rags that you will be needing goon can every one a superior value. Smaller ru-rs be bought Monday at prices which mean a IiO" of ShlP-lfi Mnn si U pricc3 vvhi emphasize birgain are in- saving of more than one-third in many in xju, ui t3iubiu luau.sj cIudcd jn thi3 gre&t offering $mccg Note the size of the barinii . 'M I.,, j. r. i,c:e w.yjll Hu-s J i 'jiuliir ;2.C0 S 3?10-3 Royal Wilton Hvlss A large i112 Ky Vlltor at Ad.mi sr.J Kve I nb-jdu. tit Uwrdi-n 1 t..i -ii." riii) a luiic coivura! itfe k J nf.'h r.ircc iithunt the TtirWs to iiir- tfci.k of th 1'irni.A aulf. v s . rr but, :i(l tU couiijry U no I i t 1 r a. l.Ko men. ' live cjo 1 reaJ, i hux -! TI. t.rati.t Uardshtp Is - i- i f i :. y c f wat. r. I liav mi haj a j i 4 r a v.Bii fur vriitn rtnyH. i ! ' i ii.l to furts kud ti-lc-l -; i t y.ti-i.Iiy wi'Jiout tie iooa i-.(,:i. '! i.e Tails l't f riy. fc.iinf 1 l-i.!'. il if tl. TllhS In s. tion . ' A : ..i:i t.n k cf li,.ira U to i 111 ' -- 1 "i a if &. I, and t' i Kl . ' 'l L4 viilucs. Vt iy spociAlSy I'rifod for ?.Ionday, at vo'.ir r j r- eiioii'e. assortment i in Oriental and Conven tional designs, liegular $13 and on I 512-50 values. Special for .yjUJ Wilton Ruts Oriental and Conventional patterns. Regular $15.00 fSnr valne3. Special. . y5D slS Aaininstsr Hug K-aulii- r, r glUu tiia T)f;t Bul Woi-ta ISO 00 ll Ilartfvird Saxony Ruga A few discontinued patterns. Sizes 8-3x10-6 ard 9x12. Regular $45.00 and $50.03 values. Cpe- ?:.ch?ks....:..$29.75 fa4 Axadasts Koj Ilag-uUr for MisUa 3ex7S asmlatr i . 4 lM( Value, fr.r Hf s-ular C2.G5 7 y"wT ruse WALL PAPERS At Special Prices Kitrlin and lVdrti rKf . With borders to tjiatcn. L-ight and medium colors. Worth up to O 6 He. Special. Monday, roll. OC New I'arlor, Dining lUxun and More 1'attt-nis With 9 and 18-in. borders to match. New shades of tan, brown, green and high light effects.-worth up to 9c. p 1 Special. Monday, roll: . . . D C Varattahed Til Ppr for Kitch ens and luth 1Uhu(s The kind you can wash, All pattarn sold with, binders. Special. a Monday, a roll I'iC Nrw IJ.iuid Gold rpera With or without border. All tha sefcaon'r newiAt stjioa. Jiegalar 18o aluic. Biieclitlly priced, a nt rcu ltd rc TIIE FREE run3 lighter than all others. Tllf FREE sews faster than all others. THE FREE makes a more beautiful stitch , than all others. THE FREE is easier to operate than all others. THE FREE attachments, tark smoother . than all others. , THE FREE is guaranteed longer than all. others, t i Tho Free is a thoroughly insured machine, needle', belts, shuttle everything covered by insurance. The machino itself will be replaced without cost should same be burned or broken in any way .by moving, etc The Brandeis plan of buying makes it possible for you to save at Ieas20 on aewing machines. f ' asBsisBBsSBBBBBBssaBf aBBrssassaHaaiBBBBBBi "pssMaMB mmmmmmmmtmmm $2.00 Camera, Monday, $1.39 SCOUT CAMERA Takes pictures 2hix3 itwhes. A sim- pi. camera to operate. Regular $2.00 value. j QO Special, each. , O 1 JJ Special Sale of Films pi., m v.. i i y474 iMU. Eeciai lor. . . . Y rv""f 'nf i.j f rmf -- A.-s . Wife, Bf"J"-Mrr-rsi Ska 24x4. No. 2A, 6)e'ial for . .23c4 Size 34x44 No. 3, special for .". . . T: 32 i EKTjutr Tovm rzzou Tun wau rausrs in omoxusn. ibS&3aW4i kiaHtt4 ia.-rk.Ma "1 f-" j i if ymmi r rmmr yn,n nw ymmm'f T'T Tia f Z i-iu 1 i 1 1 1 iff l i I n ri t I iiiti i 1 - ti-m t ' - i fiiTtmt iniiifisiil 1 T J . V a-4 0 1 -