Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 14, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Image 10

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    V . .
EYE VaiKESS' 13 CUT AGMH.Morgcnthau Reports
On Sinking of Ship
Washington by Russ
Eritisli Army in Tfnc Uow Uei
Heavy Howitzer, According
to Official Ofcsfr? er.
IXiNTVIV. Feb. 11 Thx. nrt'tah army
In Frew's Is now using heavy howlt
, hlri, according to a report from
the official "eye wltnesa," with the e
TefHllonry force, have rmlnM ascend
ancy over th,hevy German Onna. Thee.
howitzer, he state, were need In uc
refdl attack on tbe German posithm
" In tbe brick field outh of L Bs
canal a weeft ago. tonJpht.
"Onr beavy tiowltxer' took purl. In thl
.bombardment, their fire being directed '
or. th railway triangle," the "eye wit- J
ress," aay. "The boom of then plecei
and tha detonation or their ahell were
audible twenty jnlle away above, tha roar j
of tha other artillery, while to those
close at JiOJid tha shrieking of the great
projectile through tha air waa moat im
pressive, aa were tha vohimea of amok
and dehria thrown op. Tha effect of
the lyddite ahella waa truly terrlfc. one
house being blown bodily Int tha air,
and aa they burnt among- the brick atacka ,
they created great havoc among tha
er.emy. '
, Has Warka. I
"Tha au!t waa launched glnt a
strong position or 'keep1 among tha atacka
of brlcka held by the German. Our
storming column rnahed the work from
three aide at once and captured It with
very llttk loea for, a a prlaonera after
ward elated, the nolae of. the bursting
ahett waa a great and the clooda of
dun with which the defender waa ur
rouoded were ao thick that they did not
olxsnrve our men advancing until too late.
At the aame time treaobe to the north
of thla point between It and the
Nrere alarmed by another rrty. Hy
seising these point we were enabled
to oncupy a ronttnuou line aouthward
from our forward poet on the oanal
which formed an ' advantage in front of
the brick flolde. '
"We captured nineteen .unwoundad prla
onera and many wounded, a trench mor
tar and machine gun. The Germane left
eventy -dead on the ground, while our
casualUe were alight.
Imn Jferelty. N
"Th German, however, ehowed no Jn- !
ellnailon to accept thla revere, for In
the early hour of February 7. m body
of thorn advanced along the canal bank,
houtlng Aut 'Don't ahoot we are engi
neer.' Thla form of stretegm for the
enemy, ha a now Joat It novelty. ' O-ft
men beld their field until the euppoaed
sharpshooter were only a . few yarda
way and then opened with a machine
run with the result that the enemy fell
kack, leaving thirty txjdlea In front of
our line. In the afternoon another at- (
tack waa attempted, but It melted away j
under our heavy artillery fire and did it
arrive at doe quarter.
"A. treat feature of lb recent fight
ing haa been the accuracy . of eur ar
tillery fire. On one occasion our gun
achieved the feat lot blowing the Oer
man out of tranche they were occu
pying on an embankment, althought It
waa only forty yarda from that which
yr were holding.
"On the sixth of February moat of the
. (enemy caaualtle were due to our shell
fire. The whole of the area, both behind
and Immediately In front of the trenches
we now hold, wee found to be littered
with the iilie of hundred of German
killed in' the varlcua fight alnoe the ZSth
t January. Our artillery fire here lia been
" of Mi h proportions that on kne aay our
troors nero. actually able to put up
larNd ire rntangtcmentl In front of
the German trenches In broad daylight
Tlthout being fired at by the enemy' In
fantry. Primmer raptured here were
detSfind.-nt and much ahaken.
. "The (icrirana roly very much on the ln-.-
ndlary jholl for .lamattng town and In
their rcrit boinlKi'lmcnt of Arltlnee they
ied projoclllc of thla typo packed with
andlra anl celtuliVd. phoaphorua and
l.-e, which material I to Inflammable
that it will Ignita If placed In the un."
7h't "eye witne" aay that ome of
the prlaonera captured lately have been
of comparatively poor phylQ0 "d tell
fit finding In the pocket of a d"d Gnr
nr. n two medical certlfl'-ate atntlng that
be u aufferlng frram consumption. The
rtlflcatea were accompanied by an tp-
;!tcMon fr$o the a-jlrtler'a fatiier aak-
Sng that the eon be relieved f'om.Ui
riecruity of going Into active aervlca Ttie
fflrla.! ouaerver alao quotca letters which
1. a:j were received from aaildior fium
home and which were found on bodic,
t onip'oJnlng of the Increaae hi the coat
ef ll1ng and the acarclty of bread and
atating that the young men were being
tailed into the aervlce.
Reverting to the attack on Cnlnchy on
3a.nua.ry K. the "rye , wltneas"aay that
th ilTmini pieaeed on in awarma, b!ng
M(!wi down but yet In places reaci:lng
1 he Hiitlah trenchea and In cth. ra pene
trating beyond them.
"i! it even when our Una waa broken."
he continue, "portlun of It continued lo
realtt ' and our Infantry holding them.'
when asaaited from tbe rear retnalnd
r!a--1r fifing about and niot the tnemy
fciili rifle and bayonet.
' of thoefl tn the village who hal
ru ensKed in clearing the enemy out
of t. e hoiiM-a, bU hot aomerwhat "-at-tjd
(mill of one party only fifteen ro
?iuuarl tot U;er wheu thry aw that
aome of the enemy Here 0U!ilUlieJ la our
Irem-Lr Juet oulsltle. They at once
t';aii:i-d t!i ciiiiiiiiuiileatloa treniir led by
jinur vH'fT an-i Killed' and raptured all
itf ti e tii-i nmit, forty In number. The
'eye uum'ju' telle of a German officer.
wit 'u In Ins a I'-iiush aointer partially
V'inr-1 in a trench, t.irw,t to flij- ,im
itjt -iJ $t him liraTy despite the fact
tid l,a 9. ujh uuier fire.'
Th'w lrrc5n a'trrward waa killed by
a a'iy bulic-t.
WAFH1NGTON, Fob. 1.1. AmbadfV
Mnrgenthmi reported from Conatantlnople
today that th etcamer Waahlngton,
partly Amer)an owned, had been unk
fn the hifrrmr of Trcb'ronHe, Turkey, dur
ing the Ruaelan bombardment of that
port, lie ftald he would forward a full
report of ?!ie Incident later.
It 1 not known wnethw-. the ateamer
flew the Greek or American flng, though
It waaVnt under American eglatry. It
(til owVd ' by th Greek Archipelago
company, a concern incorporated in me
etate of Mnlfie and In which a majority
of the atnek la underetofld to be held by
Ureeka who are naturalised American.
If no formal notice of bombardment
waa given, the State rlepartment probably
will be aeked to preaent a claim for dam
agea to American' propel ty, although, If
th vearel flew tho Greek flag Investiga
tion probably will be conducted by
Greece. SfoM offlcln! of thla country. It
la understood tonight, usually sail under
th Greek flag.
Noonday Club Not
Ready to Endorse
Light Plant Bill
That the electrlo light plant If one I
to be eatabllshed by the Metropolitan
Water board, should not be eubject to
regulation by the State Rellwayeommla
slon, was the opinion recordeJ by th
Noonday club at luncheon nfter heArlns
It. Beecher " Howell' objection.
There la a bill In the senate providing
thnt If th Raunder electric llprtit bill
rajwr and a publicly-owned plant I
established, such plant shall b aublcct to
rat and other regulation by th railway
commission. Howell doe not Ilk thla
bill, eo be told the Noonday club. He
also told the club the merit of the
electrlo light bill Itnelf, but d!1 not get
n endoeaement of that measure. It wa
moved iht no takea until the
other side of , the question be heard. Oen
erl 'George Harries, president of tha
Omaha Electrlo Light and Power com
pany He to be invltod to adore the' meet
ing Hwo week hence.
Forces-of Villa Are
Completely Defeated
EL, PAftO. Tox Feb. U-A aomplete
defeat of the VlUa force, attacking
Guadalajara, aeoor.d largest city In
Mexico, and metropolle of the west coast
country, wa reported In advices received
tonight by Carransa agent here from
Vera Cnj. It waa It arned that Villa
had asked for reinforcement,
WASHINGTON .Feb. U-RepreeejiU-
tlon hava been sent by th United State
government to General Canranfta, pointing
out that serious complication may fol
low Interference with tit right of tlte
diplomatic corpa tn Mexico City, in dis
charging their official function. 1
Street Cars Stalled
By Sand Over Track
Dundee street car wy talld at
Forty-alxth and Dodge street last wight
at midnight by th flood from adjacent
hill that washed and orer th tracks
to the depth of a foot OP more. ' A oar
jumped the track, and alarge number of
people,' mar.y of whom had attended a
8nce and were In evunlng costume." were
obliged to remain In th" car until I
o'clock this roorhtng before they could
get out
Some, braver than tb rest, waded
knee-deep In mud and water to get to
their home. .
Expfrti at the Game Engage in An
nual Competition for Ayocia
, tion Trophiei.
, ,
About seventy -five member of IV Cen
trnl Whlpt- ssocltJon spent all of
Friday and until jrly 11 o'clock last
nls,lil t t.'ouncll libiu Intensely absorbed
In the game they hnd com from half a
donen Male to play:
At the opening ekn thla morning th
flrrt hour will be devoted to election of
the new officer for 191. It wa admitted
lst night tht Pt. Joseph will be desig
nated a a place for holding th next
tournament. Thl makes It certain that
the new aecretary and treaurr will be
ft,. Joseph nvtn. There will be quite a
contest for the preeldency, and om dif
ficulty, la exj ected in filling It with V
man who I aa capable a Colonel Mo
Nuttnf Knns.i City, who anitnunced last
evening that he would not consent to re
election. H U an enthusiastic lover of
whist, nd ha devoted much time to
bringing Into Hi Central Whist aesocla-'
tlon th bent player to be found in half
a doen midwest states.
The following Is tfi official for of
yesterday' play! ,
ralr Pier f"r . Jmeab Trophy.
' riu.
Hoberg and Ilanlnn. Plou City ,. g',4
Ijinsrfellner find Jeffer, Prairie Park
cltih, Omrfha Vi
Brewlngton and Stlmson, Council
Hluff f Vi
Bcnjnmln and Benjamin, Council
Bluff V..TT. Pi
Nelson and McC'ann, Omaha. I'i
Kosa and rtebbins. Omaha .M'j
Cook anit Tliaemnn. Omaha.
bcMcsl and L,ll.bc,Ht. Joseph,
A lilmtt and I wl. Omshs
W'l' kham siul 'Wlajtrm, Council Bluff.
Price and Holland, Omaha
- Minus,
.v. m
mo m
D and ChllderaCpuncIl Bluff.. V-
. Team Play, tor Richards Cup.
Al'I'relfus. Georee McNutt, A. .W.
Scrlbner, A. H. Kcrlbner. Omaha, plu
l' by winning two tnatchea and losing
John Organ, Jarhec Mlthln, Jerry Shea,
H. Krhiira. Council Bluffs, scored t by
winning two matches and losing on.
Harry Silver, J. A. Injrtn, John Cor
nelllus, fVed Dohma, Grand Island,
.-cored I minus by winning on and a
half mutches and losing one. ,-
Will Hchatxcl. Iwrenr Anthler, Olaf
Jchnsnn, Jamea Vkalsh. Elk Point. B. D.,
scored S minus by losing one game ami
winning one snd a 'half matchse.
J. H. Keefe, Alonxo Cunningham,
Michael .Water and Master son, tHoux
City, won Vine and Inst two; score, o.
Dr. El II. W. D. Btewart, C. W Martin,
M. Cook. Omaha, scored t minus by
Icslng two and winning one.
FtralgV.t "whist 'wa the gam played.
Thi morning the annual election of offi
cer will be held, and In the afternoon
and evening tho contestant will play th
finula for the two ' trophic. Th big
event of the tourney will come off In the
evening at I o'clock, whan the free-for-all
pair contest for the Schmelter cup
will be played. .- t
Most Complete Line of Popular Priced
Cars Manufactured by Any Com
British Ship Again
' ; Victim of Enemy
SCAHpOnOUGH, England (Ytt
London), Feb. IS. The new cargo
ateamer Torquay of Dartmouth wan
towed Into Scarborough harbor to
nixht in k alnkJng" condition, after
either atrikins a mlna or having ben
torpedoed esght mllea east of this
port. TLo daiug gustalned by the
steamer u amldahlps, on boiler
tarJr.c tcca penetrated. One man
waa killed and two were Injured.
Hampshire Hog Sells
At Record Price
I-TONS. Neb.. FVb. 1?. (SpeclaUVrhe
Hetni shire brood sow site Of K. N. ilabky
ws attended by big uoJ ut tt,imm
and breeder. Korty-five ow were oM
at an average of $44.$o,
Jitney Bus Men' ., .
X To Form Company
Th majority of the Independent Jitney
bus men operating In tha city met In
room t37-4v9 Stat Bank. building laat eve
ning and, took preliminary ateQ toward
the organtcatlon of th Omaha Bus and
TranaJcr Servlca company. The meeting
waa decidedly harmonious . In an agree
ment to start the concern with a cap!
tallied stock of $100,000.- J; .
Jo Steinberg wa elected trust, for
the member of th organisation until the
corporation ha1 been Issued a permit tn
transact business. Attorney E. A.- Con
away, Clyde Harris and K. P. Anderson
were prime factor In the work aocom-
pllahed. Stock eubacrlptlonc were re
ceived nd member' pledgedxthelr car
for ieby the company. A complete
llet of the stockholder will be Issued by
th company In the near future.
LONG UKACTI, Cal Ftb. 1S.-Wht tbe
nollie believe wa an attempt to et fir
to the municipal auditorium today during
the prcgreta of the l-lncoln day cele
l.ratiou of the Jlllnot oclety threw a
throng of men, women and children
Into a panic. Homebody shouted fire.
There wa a general rush for th door,
but cltment ubslded tiulckly and
most of tre assemblage returned to eom-
plet th program, after the. polio had
arrested . on man a an arson suspect.
A pile of smoking rag was found In a
corner of tha alructur.'
.The' auditorium .wa th seen or a
disaster two, year ago. In which nearly
a acore of men andwomen attending a
British "Empire day" celebration wer
killed. t
WAR1HXGTON", Feb. 1J. James CVeel.
' ,",","""' sows i nis winier. a .spring . ti.,nn inH.. . r,
s n nines of several weeks. The Ftate
licpartmeiit wo notified by Ambassador
Gerard.'. Mr. Creehnan, wh home wa
In New York, wa 55 year of ag.
gilt brought going to Vera I'attcraon
of TtUrmont. Kcb, Till la th most
money ever paid for a Hampshire eow
under 1 year old at public auction. The
hogs acre sold by K. Z. KtisU of Uenson,
Regal Four-Cylinder ' &&& fh
Includma Electric Starter and Lights V V
a ' . . . w
Unit Power Plant, Three-Speed Sliding Gear Transmission, Full Floating Rear Axle, 106-inch
Wheelbase, 30x3 Tires, Demountable 'Rims, Weight 1,750 lbs. Completely equipped. '
Regal Four -Cylinder rStandard & 11 fhQ
Including Electric Starter and Lighting '. p. Js
'! p "
Gulls from the Wire
To run tf hitoiilo msk'i. authentU 1
-.(.j k4 ii. live bn ili-ivpr.1 In
1 nrta Onya (;o ther wua one
i.::l liolll llniS llli ,,ne. Alt ,.f the (a-
' - liu -d to I ho urlsinated at the
i ,t.a ur(i Ijy Kut'upruki ittrKiiir ra.
i Hi tlrr llii, e.'h bearing a ies-
'reAt'i.t . V Urn; a, were released
. ' N-w Vol!. I''uitry siol i'w.rnn
. .'I'M. 1 li III" JltldK.'jf K 'l e 3f xl p
' .! it t'ofr rt...l-!it t lllulll t(j "H'e
. r., wt'.ii l.oiior.'
V i rv Ijn i;.,n. former aMiledr
!:! be ?, Imh tor M'tiro until
.r o jo.ri t a-iuii!ti,tiauoA tftveiwva
- in itii.-. iv r I't.iil a tiew -
:i(iti.., coioiiiiUt-4 to ! 'uiilirt.'
' ii.itf sOiOurt .oa'tl'ul uillt- and
.i.e In me av of In!. ilK,iit evoiu
o, nii- Inly I''er.''
i ii't'!y ii-wSf rtiel I n s of un
.1 1..- il un o r ttiu Hui.., of ti,
t i-i'v to i ..urn Kiumr. Near A 01 k
... l i-.m oj(;n i'.,.ri:d .It-minil-
I.' .fi.l tot, o..i.,.. o.m it.riini v
i ii.-.t.j 1 1. in ..ninit in i,!l
. ; ! t 1 a'.' i.l1 lo'iiil. II'mI ioli..
-i.. i i .-..' l a law j..h.I,ii,ii nig
. . i..!,. ,, in .tM(t and ti.ecie
' t I . : i! tl .! 'or lil.ui-
The Chrintiaa F-ndeaxorer of tlie North
Frrsbyterlati church gav an entortaln
meht at the church parlor Thursday
evening . at which the Omaha lilsrh
iVtuol C.'iPe club an att rat tion.. Th
glee club gav th greater Part of the
program. It consisted of piano solos,
venal solo and tbe club work. Follow
ing the glee club some of th talent of
the church presented a little play enti
tled "Dinner at Six." The coach for tne
play waa Kranklln P. Hamsey. The fol-
1 . . 1 . , UK t I. .
" M
sua. Aiiiriia i xii race. sue Virginia Wellr Tuul Keynoidii
Mrik. LomiMt l'ayson lla Kthrl )lott
1 en y Mikell t'hurlra Itobel
Mrs. famul fcniJns,...MIae llemn Kales
Mr. -"-olKiiins' Uillil HrU-n Haknr
1 ii Mui4 Mis Rutiy UaMUsou
Th meeting of Crook Toit ' of th
Crand Array of the Republic, which waa
hvdolfd for uut eveiung. post
IfuiM'd until next Tridsy oanlng to th
bail niiiiio. t , nomi er or tneinbcr
turned out, Inrluoin i cne nian I vlng
to mile n.M-tg sif Morenca. lutreuv
liapwoitent vii e. prt1 fo 1 1. a '.
vntor conductor at the ourt hout by
;iiu latter liidtvldual.
Intraturs wim money read the
I's'.iitu ill rj The lire. Advertise
Vroiny for a quitk bait.
Omaha Rfeal Estate
Is Gcinir to Have .
A Small Boon I
"With the loosening up of the
money market this spring will
undoubtedly come a brisk real
estate spasori. ' '
lliuiclreds of people have -"teen
waiting; to buy eiuce
away last fall and now .
have ,very -bright pros
pects cf . realkicg thir
Value will increase actyrd
iiiidy. If yorTare able to, buy
now. The J tee 'a real estate col
umns today contain eoma'ex-'
cellfiit offers. '
Telephone Tyler 1000 '
JTr,eyy KmJ, Z? it mnt A.J
o l
Kew Four-Cylinder Standard Regal Five-Passenger Touring Car or Roadster, $f,"ft3o.
greatest performer for that price on the market. Fully equipped. ' - V - ' "
Regal Eight-Cylinder
Five-Passenger Touring CarFully Equipped
Cylinders cast in twoblocks of four? each. Bore, inches; stroke, 4Vs incTies. Oiling,
force feed through crank shaft and connecting rods. Stewart vacuum fuel feed.' 112-irj
S3x4-mch tires. Demountable rinis. Weight 2,550 lbs". . - ,
inch wheelbase.
This line, with its range of sizes, styles and prices, from thq small four at $650 fully equipped, .
to the eight-cylinder, fully equipped, at" $1,250, tit' fers to the purchaser the very best that can le
offered by any automobile manufacturer.' , ; , . , . s
. Remember, .the Regal is an old established line, backed by a million-dollar fSclory,' and an
' executive force of experience and proven ability,- There are 'no experiments in the Regal line
. You can see them at the Show Booth 12 and there get further detail specifications.
TvT .11 ,11 TV
IW I -v ja T-r- rrA 111 -af-Vf-v
12 at the Show
914 Jones Street, Omaha, "Neb.
Also Sioux Ciiy, Iowa
1 I