Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 13, 1915, Page 6, Image 6

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Democratic Leaden Amendment to
Make it Temporary Measure
is Unsatisfactory. '
WASHINGTON, Feb. 12. Presi
dent Wilson today rJectl the' com
promise ship bill evolred yesterday
by democratic leaders of the bouse.
He refused to agree to an amend
mend tennlnatlnr the activities of
the government the ship bill two
years after the close of the European
war. .
Representing the president, Post
master General Burleson made a
counter proposition to the leaders.
It was that the bouse combine Sena
tor Gore s substitute for the admin
istration bill with a bill by Senator
Weeks, which has already passed the
senate, proposing a line of naval aux
illaries to be nsed for passengers
and freight In emergencies at the
discretion of the nary secretary. Mr.
Burleson Bald the president would
sot accept aqy amendment to de
stroy the permanent character of the
project. ,
nTiN ta am.
IVmnrrata who had baen wnrkins; at
both ends of th raplU4 to irat the bill in
form acceptable to both iintU and house
before Match 4 were confident It could
b passed If tbe Amendment maklns It
a temporary measure were attached. Ths
tounter pnfsal advanced by the powt
master feiteral threw' the whole proposl-tlrtn-MrJi
Into the region of uncertainty.
Itepreeentatlve KKshin, the heue dm
eratlo leader-elect,- detard he would
pot wote for tbe bill In the form proposed,
but that he had ne doubt It could pee
the house. The democrat who favored
the temporary amendment fared a re
aumptlon of the republics filibuster were
it not attached.
With the White house proposal aa a
new basts, further nefotlaflons went for
ward. Meanwhile th shipping Instillation
awaited the reformation of the adrnlnls-,
tration lloes. Plane to brlna up the clo
ture rules which the Ions filibuster has
auscpated were knocked awry In the sen
ate when the ruls committee failed to
act favorably. It appeared that the senti
ment In favor of artttna; through with the
waiting appropriation Mils was arowlnt.
Marshall Breaks Tie.
Senator Reed precipitated a parliamen
tary battle In.-tbe senate today and by
ak!nt; a voto on the shipping bill
w-Hh .a final - rote ' not later than
February IS. .This rame
an..rie aiivi a tJiig wrsVnfl followeS
Telco during the .debate roll calls on
motions resulted. In a tie. S to 44, and
each time Vice President Marshall broke
the deadlock. Voting with the artrnlntstra- j
tlon ' forces. ' He sustained rVnator
liodge's point of order, - however, that
ttenator Reed's proposal 'was debateabt.
Senator N orris then moved to amend
RenaUtr Reed'a motion by adding his
)roposed cloture rule that no senator
should apeak mors thaa three hours on
na question. Mr. N orris spoke at tengtll
upon It. )
The parllamratary reeutt of the wrangle
11 developed -was to place the ship bill
so It cannot be -brought up again without
a motion. Benator N orris declined to,
withdraw his amendment and Banalae
Ia Foliette got the floor and began a
dtaruestos of his resolution foe an inter
national peace conference.
, The development did not materially af
fect the senate deadlock, because repub-'
lUans wars prepared to filibuster against
the lleed resolution.,
Measure Favored fay Home that Ex
tendi the Hour Polls Are Open
, Until 8 O'clock in Evening.
(From a Btaff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Neb., Feh. is. (Special.)
If house roll No. JOn by flmlth meerta with
the same favor In the enate that It did
In the house today, the polls will open at
I o'rlock In the morning and close at
o'clock at eight.' the house In committee
of the whole afcreeing to that proposition
In committee' oS the whole. An attempt
to make the closing hour 7 o'clock failed.
Measrs. BbrhMns and Van reiien ob
jected to running ns late as o'clock In
the evening cm the ground that election
boards sra slready renulred -to work- too
long hours and that this bll would delay'
the aocount and make the boards more
careless. i ;
The opposite argument was made by Mr.
Norton that farmers fan 'vote more con
veniently after the day's work Is over
and In aa much as the present law pro
vides for rloelng primaries st f o'clock,
he thought that general elections should
run not later than o'clock.
Mr. Meredith eeld that In Ashland pre
cinct last year flfty-sl railroad men lost
their votea by being unable to reach home
before o'clock. Mr. Itegan aid that nine
teen voters eloot out In his precinct In
Platte county. Mr. Neff en Id that farm
ers In his county, Knox) had requested
him to Introduce a hill of this kind.
Germany Receives .
The American Note
. BERLIN (Via London), Feb. U. The
communication of the t'nltod State gov
ernment regarding Germany's navel war
one wag received at the embassy today
and will be presented during the after
noon. '
BKLLF. FOl'IlCHE, f. D.. Feb. 12.
(Ppeclal.) There is considerable demand
here at this time for farm hands. The
farm hand problem has been a big one
here for the last few years; a number of
farmers being lit orally forced out Of
business becsnse of their Inability to get
dependable help. t
The Belle Fourrhe Commercial club has
been working on the problem for the last
year with the hope of bettering condi
tions. The Jobs open now are good- for
from three months to a number of years
and carry a aalary with them of to
3o' per month and board, etc., but no
man can secure one of these Jobs unless
he is well recommended.
A line to the secretary of the Commer
cial club will bring to the applicant a
blank to be filled out and returned.
Settles Freeholder- Question.
LINCOLN. Feb. 1!. (Special.) Twelve
members of a tennis ejub to whom were
deeded undivided Interests in s lot
sre not looked upon by the supreme court
ns bona fide freeholders In a, village where
the saloon question Is un, according to the
supreme court. The question arose In the
matter of the application of W..E. Vln
terrlnrer for a liquor license In the town
of Bholes, Wayne county.
Got competent help through The Pee.
(Continued from Pate One.)
toens from South Omaha and Council
Blurts, together with representatives
from Dundee, Benson, Florence. Blair,
Plattsmouth and Fremont will be there.
Pel lee Have Seaplelnsm
Shortly . aftof 2 vesterdsv aftarna,.
two Mexicans, whom. Special Officer Finn
beeieved to be auspicious looklna. entered
the Brandela stores and ordered the blg-
sesi irunK in the stabllshmnt, ddarlng
money was no abject. The Mexicans or
dered thst the trunk be delivered to the
Union Pacific roundhouse at Council
Bluffs by 4 o'clock, and If the delivery
ewuid not- be made by that hour not to
make It at all. Finn Immediately re
ported the matter to ths police station
and Officer Johnny Holden was dis
patched to Council Bluffs to watch for
the appearance of ths Mexicans. It Is
believed by police officers that the trunk
waa ordered by two of the Mexicans con
nected with the shooting of Deteotlvs
Ring for the purpose of smuggling the
smaller Mexican, who is thought to be
wounded, out of the city.
iFrom a Staff Correspondent.) '
LINCOLN, Feb. 12. -(Special. -On ao
count of the runtllng abilities of Colonel
Harry ill e ley. Junltor-ln-chlef of the
senate chamber, a large picture of Abra
ham Lincoln graced the apses above the
lieutenant governor's chair this morning
' when tbe senate was .called to order.
aj House Reflects
Sentiment Against
Rail Board Control
(From a Staff Correspondent,)
LINCOLN, Feb. .-(Speclal.y-An In-1
dex of the sentiment In the legislature
against giving tbe railway commission
any further control over local public
utilities la found in ths action of tbe
house commlUeeTon titles and Ttowns,
which filed a report In the house this
morning recommending the passsge of
the Druesedow bill, II. R. ns requiring
electric; light snd power companies to
file their schedules of rates with ths city
clerk of each" municipality where they
The bill makes It unlawful for any
company after filing Ita rates to deviate
therefrom. It miet also file an aontrect
forms in use and Is forbidden to make
any other contract than the kinds shown
In such filings. Ths ptyielty for violation
ia-Tixa at a fins of lloo ta $1.0)0.
Mr. - Druesedow has a companion bill,
it. k. an, to fix maximum ratea of
electric t ompanlee at 7 cents per kilowatt
for llKhdng and 1 cents for power or
heat. This bill will be considered by ths
.cities end towns committee at Its next
meeting. ' t.
PA Rift Feb. 11-The Chamber ef
Oeputies today adopted ths bill prohibit
ing ths sale of absinthe.
HTAPLETO.M. Neb.. Feb. lt-4 Special.)
Tue W'errlase e.f Mr. Henry E. Dress,
ron of Xir. snd Mrs. T. T. Dress cf ft.
"JvJwerdo. Neh., and Vls Bertha Schmidt,
daiiKbler of Mr. snd Mrs. W. 1L gc-hmldl
of this Sty, was solemnised at the' borne
of the Lrl'.k1 s parents at o'clock Wed-
Bimiixy 'M nJng. " The bride Is one of ths
po,u1 ;o,unrr set of our city. Tho
, croont,.' who Is s - graduate of the Ne
braska law school, came here from Kear
ney three years eao and has been prac-tti-ing
his profession very successfully.
The cou$ie left on the noon train Thurs
day for a two wet-ks' weddlnar Ulp to Bt
Kdwaidi. Columbus and Omaha, after
which thty will ba at home here to their
Ii lends after March 15.
YORK, Neb., Febv 12. (Special.) Miss
Jr--ti Dellord snd CJIen Montgomery were
rearrkd Bt Hi home of the bride's par
ents. Mr. and Mrs. George K. DeBord.
lei r nt Jtlatu street, W ednesday evening.
IU.V. W. C. Waseer officiated.
sen r iMHiasii iiaewp"wawi
c:::ixnoi STnorio
' jr.s t!J.l-ea ci 1 eat a.Haeat
!' :r tio'Xrr, Ls v tdli a!: if coIJa,
tLit tL'Jjr sjs ttlioa tick
1 joiir ti.UJrea ar pale or fraH,
If tLy catch cuUs f, Isxk aaa
LUiva or are b l war! ta school,
they r.e.J SCUTTa i-'AULSJO-M
wt.uh Is rich is the food dements
to rrti t J food ta strenrtSetl
t r !-' - and tntine fcCulTjJ
1 . t U U free fcosa at-
..i;..4 n i..tit tormuif drag.
(From a ftteff Correepotident.)
LINCOLN, eb. li.-( Special.) When aa
Infuriated steer, mad with the effects ef
a blow that did not kill but only maimed.
la chasing In your direction, tb law does
not require thst you exercise mature, and
careful deliberation , In your efforts to
estapa. " - ....
Puch Is the decision thst ths supreme
court hands down in affirming the Judg
ment of ' , secured sgamst Swift Jt
Company by John Frtah, an employe, lo
the Douglas eounty district court
Kecause Frisk Jumped and caught
moving chain and had his hand badly
mtMled In a pulley, the paeklns; company
claimed that he was guilty of contributory
negligence and could not recover. The
supreme court, however, was of a differ
ent opinion and sustained ths Judgment
of ths oourt belOjW. ' ,
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Feb. li.-(8pecial.-Tbe ros
ter Lumber company must pay for
larger car than it ordered of th Union
1'aclflo railroad, despite it did not wan
the larger car and that the railroad com
pajiy f jrniahed It, only as a matter of
convenience to Itself. ....
It coat the Foster company, which does
business at Gallaway. th sura of 1130 sx
ces freight, not to mention court costs.
to find this out. Ttis supreme court de
cision affirms the Judgment of the Lan
caster county district court.
C.b I .aw Aseadaai Killed.
LINCOLN. Neb.. Feb. U (Special.)
The ststs game warden wll havei to
worry along with the same number of
deputies which he has had In. the past
an4 they will have to auhsist on th same
klud of fodder, Uie house this luuraln
ktllng 4iouse roll No. ," which would
enlarge the number ot.depotlea. . ,
. Hers Issnva Blank fall.
LINCOLN. Neh.. Feb. ll.-Spclat.)-BVcretery
Boi se .k Issued a rail for re
ports from s'i lii banks for the close
cf bustness on February I. Four of these
rails are made at various times dm In
th year.
Savsaer faaipUlal f ares.
Dr. Kings New Ufa rilta will rid lb
system of fermenting foods and polsuiia.
Keep stomach and liver healthy. Sc.
All drusgtat. Advertisement.-
Stockings 25c
Women's' Pure Threed 811k Boot
Stockings Fiber silk and silk lisle,
.with double soles, high spliced heels
, and toes, and garter tops. Worth to
50c. . Special Saturday, a
pair ,
m pa
Stockings 12ic
Women's and Children's Fine Ribbed
Stocklnge Fast black cotton, seam
less. All ribbed, ribbed tops, full
fashioned, spilt soles. Worth to 2bc.
Special for Saturday at,
a palr......
Women's Glove, Formerly up
to 89c; Saturday, at the pair . . .Q DC
In this lot are about 40 dozen kid gloves and about 65 'doien genuine
Leatherette Glove. They are odd lots In black, white and colors; but
not all 1ses in every style there is, however, a good assortment of
sites. All are perfect and rare bargains at this price, a pair 65c.
New Veils, the Very
Smartest Styles, 39c
Cape and Mantilla Veil The most pop
ular modes of the season, in all the new
spring shades. A variety of pretty
meshes witn fascinating borders or che
nille silk and velvet. Worth
up to Hi. 00. Very special
Saturday, .each.
Cut Flowers
For Valentines
5,000 of the Finest
Home-Grown '.
Carnations .
Saturday )lr
each, only . . . .UZ
These carnations sell regularly
for 75c a dozen. They may be had
In all colors at Saturday's price.
Violets. Tulips and Potted Hya
cinths also will be here Saturday.
(Cut Flower Dept. Main Floor.)
Clean-up Sale of All the FOX SLIPPERS
Saturday we shall offer at a price which thould sell
every pair, the balance of the fine drees slippers "
from the Chas. K. Fox sale that we held last week 55-
All1 Fox Slippers left in J flfi
the lot we sold at $1.25 '
and $1.85. Saturday at ... . JL
In this group there are pretty slippers In patent
leather, satin and In dull kid. Many sises left and
a variety of good styles.
A Clean-up of women's fine
shoes worth to $4 for $2.45
Included In this assortment are boots with black
and gray cloth tops In the "spat" effect and button
or lace styles. There also are white-top models la
patent leather and tan calf, a few bronze, suedes,
etc. Splendid values and all good stylea. o e r
Saturday, a pair .......f $)
All Fox Slippers left in
the lot we sold at $2.45
will be sold Saturday at .
Many beautiful slippers In this lot, especially up
to also 4tt and In narrow widths. Patent leather,
dull kid and satin slippers. V -
A Clean-up sale of men's fine
shoes worth to. $3.50 at $2.45
The smart gray-topped shoes . In dull calf ' are In
cluded In thia assortment In button and lace styles;
also tan calf and dull calf In button and lace. Flat
English lasts or high toe effects' as preferred. ' Here
are shoes worth $3.60, .all In one . & m r
lot Saturday. Choice, a pair, 1 j&it)
Rubber Footwear (In' the .Basement) at Half Price
Men' Rubber r?A I Women's Rubbers, qq i Children's Rubbers
Pair. evv, pair.
Art Needlework
Some very attractive
Saturday specials
Stamped and Tinted Sofa Pillow
Tops With back. Floral and con
ventional designs. 86c , 1 Q
Quality. .Saturday.., i. i JC
Crochet Cotton Green, rsdj brown,
nsry, gray and tan. No. 3.) Large
ball, worth 26c. Saturday, 1
ball... ; 1UC
American Beauty Packages
' Containing Scarfs, Night Gowns,
Sofa Pillows and Baas Values
, from 60c te $1. 6peclsl ) P
' while they last, choice. . . aeuC
Pure Linen Strips for Bed Spreads
Selvage ' on both sides. Cream
color onljr. Special for 1 f
, Saturday,' yard 1UC
100 Hand-Embreldered Sofa Pit.
lows Neat' designs. Values up to
- 13.50. Special, your choice Oft.
at, each, .OVC
Free lessons every day in
11 branches of Art Needle
work,' Knitting and Crochet
ing from 8;30 to 5:30.
Candy Specials
Saturday In the Pemoelan Room
Something 8pecial Qulntex Choco
late bream ensrnes Keguiar boc
grade. Special at, per .
box ;
Cream Dipped Brazil Nuts
Pound ,.,
. Special Delicious Opsrs Crsams
tilled with pecan-nut meats; '
a pound ......... . .CuC
Old Fashioned Blsck Walnut on
Taffy A pounds.... Lvt
Assorted Cocoanut Kisses Vanilla,
strawberry and cbocolste. r
A pound IOC
Our Delicious Pompslan Chocolate
BIttsr-Swsets snd Swiss Style Milk
Chocolstss Special, per nr
Maple-Confsctlens Ftesl)
eery Saturday; pound ZUC
Valentine, Hssrt Boxes Filled with
the finest confections. Special, for
60c, 76o, S1.00, 11.25, )5Q
A delightful variety of Valsntlne
Novsltlss and Vslentlns Heart
Learn to Be Your Own Dressmaker
Join the School of Dressmaking Which Will
Begin Here Monday, Feb. 15, Directed by
Mme. Coates ef New York and Paris
The originator of this method of teaching, who will give a
special series of lessons in dressmaking from February IS
to March 20. .
Free Explanatory Lecture Saturday Afternoon '
. at 2:30 .'Clock, oa Our Third Floor. Attend
Ticket for the entire course of IS lessons now ere on sale
at the superintendent's office, . main floor. Tickets for all
lessons are only 50c
In this course of Instruction every stitch In plain and fine needle
work will be taught, together with the latest and most approved
methods of doing the household sewing, while the principles of cor
rectly handling different portions of garments, such as plackets, button
holes, belts, girdles, collars, sleeves, cuffs, etc., are dealt with ar Indi
vidual subjects.
The principles .of accursts and economical cutting thoroughly
taught, together with perfect fitting and. correct altering, construction,
making and finishing of underwear, waists, skirts, dresses, costs, suits
and children's and Infanta' clothes. -The cutting, fitting and construc
tion work on all garments Is done in the class room and special work
la given for home study. .
Classes meet on the Third Floor at 2:30 p. m.
CLASS A Meets Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. '
CLASS B Meets Tuesdays,. Thursdays and Saturdays. ;'
Each courss will be exactly alike and comprises fifteen lessons.
It is advisable to secure tickets early as possible as the number Is
limited. Enroll early Saturday so that you may have space in the
school reserved for you.
This course Is positively complete from the first step to the last
sten In the making of garments.
Attend the Free Lecture Saturday Afternoon at 2:30
Delightfully . Styled and -New in Every
Characteristic Is This Women's Apparel
A new spring's most winsome
styles, forecasting the fashions
ttiat will predominate,,thesea,
son now offered lnv-vaiety
sufficient to please every de-sireV-'
. '
New Tailored Suits
at $25.00 and $35.00
New models in the season's litest
Ideas, In a vast range of materials
and colors. Tbe military effects
are very noticeable and tbe mate
rials are most modish. Smart cov
erts, gabardines. Pooling, series.
'etc. One of the favorites of tha
coming season will be the famous
model-suit designed by Drecoll that
he called the "Meadowbrook." We
are showing a large range of
cloths and colors. Anp A A
Smart Dresses for Afternoon Wear
A remarkably pretty assortment of modish and prac
tical dresses for afternoon bridges, teas, matinees,
etc. . Here are the smart combinsUons of chiffon
wiin cnarmeuse or crepe meteor, in the sen col
orings mei are oouna to rina favor.
The prices are $15.00, 119.00, $29.00
m rm,w-
I. II III 1 1 IK
;. Models wholly, unlike fhose
.Jvr7t thsLt hve iTone. before, em-
c-V i bodying the salient style ideas
A-V -'most' lately? conceived - and.
above all, priced in a manner
truly most attractive. '
A Sample Models at
i Very Attractive Prices
: Exclusive ssmpU medals of select
I stylss In advanced season Tailored
i) Frocks, at -
V 4h . S4Q ssQ SRZ
, and $75
There is a wonderful amount or
satisfaction in buying .these ad
vanced models, especially the ex
clusive sample garments. Insuring
you aa Individual style of your own
Spring Dresses Specially Priced
60 Bssutlfut Wool Crepe DressesIn six different
colors. These sre made with the new high waist
line, the wide flared skirt and with buttons down
front. Their beauty la enhanced by the fancy -em-
vtwuotvu uiun, ah are entirety
new and have Just beea received.
Your choice Saturday, for
iv iac7 em-
NEW SKIRTS j An endless variety of modish flared models with the new yokes
$f! 'fl0 ail $fi QR r; P0Ctkcts bclts and buons. . Made of smart covert cloths, serges'
spsJeUV pu, JO ) popLns, etc., in the styles, that spring calls best , -
ChildrenVWash Presses in New Styles for Spring
AU t.?e.s"rt Wttle effects to be shown in the coming season's-rar, CO f
!ctSnpGUndJ 9inams,.chambrays, challis. lawns, dim- VI OR
ities.. cia. All-favored colors. Special, $1.00, $1.50. $1.98. $2.50. LsUQ
Smart New Blousesand Moderate iri Price
Wortdsrfully pretty snd smart are the new military
models In waists. With their trim natrK vi. i.
buttoned collsrs. long sleeves; the semi-dress blouses
of dainty, serviceable Georgette Crepes snd Silk
cnaaow Laces. ana, maixe and flesh
colors predominate. Specially priced, at
13.98 and...
as BU4 Oil
pesiai lots or crepe de Chine Wsists A very liter
estingjtroiip of several models collected in this lot for
Saturdays selling. .Many, have. aold. for double, and
every ooe la a splendid spring model and
or silk and laces. All the good colors fn. V 1 II I?
... Y esU
eluded. Your choice Saturday, for.
A melr com
plete telectlon.
comprising dain
ty nmltles, do-
me s tic and for
assortment not
variety. '
1 eqaaled
jValentlne Post Cards (sli new
ansa) Each...,
Valentines In hundreds sr aa
of styles, at 1c up to pD.Ul
Articles for Valentine
Party Decorations
Red Crepe Tissue Paper red
cardboard paper garlands plain
red hearts In all sizes dinner snd
tslly cards dollies snd paper nap
kins Valentine writing paper for
invitations on sale In Stationery
Hair Goods
Some special values
Js for Saturday .'Jejgjj )
12 to S3 Quality Real Hair
witches, for.........
$1.50 to $2 Quality Real Hslr
owncnes, tor k
All Our Gray Switches, r aa
S8 values, Saturday. ..... pD.UU
Large Real Hair OC."
Fl 1 T ! ' ' A . 1 ' 111 lir n r - . ' '
irugs ana i ouet Aruciesu vveli ixnown: Standard Goods-.Snprl'iU for
j, cm w. i n. y . tnr Ov I six tnr . i Huua Hrl. .asiii
I " I r ri . noKDIt.t tJJ
ia4crBturSar. te sis mo
llis, for , IC
- - .'AM
la atarh. race rwSr All
snaa.a. uox
Mrlba Pt Prer All
h.Ue. ic sis bus (or...
PprP Mtth evvrr SO Tr C.Ia.t.'s
a 1 r..M, lasrrS Tth Dints.
Have Your Pictures Framed
Now and Save One-Fourth
One-fourth off on all orders taken for picture fram
trig dIs cjjAny framg mmi or to be made"
'from the" tig beat : priced"lvan3 modeled fraro7down to
the lowest priced yuunwood moulding.
Ac sis, far.
H.rllTk.' M.ltr4 Mllfc
rp.ri.i, noitpltsl sls
W kllf MBlrr rUrm SI.
o values, for C
Dcalal A
fewSrr alS Saiara.jr
600 Gtnulns Hsnd-Carvsd Picture
Frames Vslues to $3.25. Complete
.villi Haas and back; -
Saturday, f or . v. 1 ,y )
500 Mstsf Frsmss Odds and ends
from the sesson's selling. Values
to 11.50. Choice Saturday. rn
Brandeis Record Service
Is Nearest to Perfection
l.TKK) Small Wood and Cold Frames Cut from short f
lengths and remnants. Special Saturday, each.... JJC
rlaL tha uk
fvlrk's Jav.ail Hpci''l
Saturday, iraJi
". i ? m - 2e 1 KellaSaMaa Plast
niurfiv, ior viji,, kind, for
Tmtm tha mala with T.ry Bi ef rnrDCC
.,......... 1 UJb
Nets Special, at.......
rlair DrMiin ManSrarinsr
Shampooing and Massage. Ap
pointment made by phone.'
...... 20c
-ris- T
.n I cial. tb cak
(JC Baturday. 2it sis tottl. "C
1 fr alvllaSanaa Plasters Saturday, o
Cl2oo kind, for C
This New Style X Victor-Victr;6la
W a ss as
Is belling Here for $75.00
Here is an instrument with all of the latest features of the higher
priced, Victor Victrolas, Including the automatic stop, the tilting mo
tor, improved tone chamber, horizontal shelves for holding record
albums, etc. . ; ,
The selection is complete You can' choose that
instrument which best matches your furniture
Utilize It