Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 12, 1915, Page 7, Image 7

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    T11K HKK: OMAHA. I'KIDAY. l-T.P.UrAlJV 1:
Dress Warm and
Keep Feet Dry
TelU Kheumatlsm Sufferers
' Take ftalt Mid Jet JUd
of I'rto Acid.
Rheumatism Is no respecter of sga, sex.
color or rank. If not the moat dangerous
of human affliction It la on of the moat
painful. Those subject to rheumatism
should eat lees meat, Area a warmly aa
possible. Avoid any undue exposure and,
above' all, drink lota of pure water.
Rheumatism la cauaed by urto add
which is generated In the bowela aad ab
aorbed Into the blood. It la the function
of the kidneys to filter thla acid from
the Wood and raat It out In the urine;
the porta of the akin are also a means
of freeing the blood of thla Impurity. In
damp aad chilly, cold weather the akin
porea are cloaed thua forcing- the kldneya
to do double work, they become weak and
alugglah and fall to eliminate this urle
aeid which keepa accumulating and cir
culating' through the system, eventually
aettllng In the. Joints and muaclca caue
ing Stiffness, soreness and pain called
At the flrft twinge of rheumatism get
from any pharmacy about four ounce
of Jed Salt;, put a tabl'eapoonful In a,
glass of water and drink before break,
fast each morning' for a week. Thla la
aid to eliminate urto acid by stimulat
ing the kidneys to normal action, thua
lidding the blood of these impurities.
Jad Salt la Inexpensive, hermlee and
la mad from the acid of grapea and
lemon Juice, combined with Uthia and
la used with excellent reaulta by- thou
sands of folks who are subject to rheu
matism. Here you have a pleasant, ef
fervescent drink which over,
cornea urto acid and is beneficial to your
kldneya as well. Advertisement '
Jldeltiy torag Ye Oo. Xoug, CSS.
KT. Belbj Voas, general Insurance,
Have Bool Mat It New Season Press
Bargess-Qraadea ; Oe Lighting fix
Waaed Choice real estate loans. W.
a Thomas, tit State Bank Bldg.
Xmprerers Meet John Breea will ad
dress the Monmouth Park Improvement
club on "Municipal ProBlems" at the
Monmouth Park school Friday night
"Today's Complete Morle rresram"
elaaslfied section today, and appears In
, The Be EXCLUSIVELY. Find out what
' the various moving picture theaters offer.
riles to Bankruptcy Frank O. Bterba,
grocer, 153 South Twentieth street, South
Omaha, baa filed a voluntary petition In
bankruptcy, stating his liabilities as
15,630 and his assets aa W.132.
exposition Open Sundays It has bean
decided by San Francisco people to keep
the grounds and all exhibit buildings, as
well as sons, open every day during ex
position period, Including Sundays and
holidays. V '" . ,
Boost foe X-aeal Basiasss, is the slogan
of the Retail Hardware men, now in con-
, vention. It should be your motto all the
year. An office In The. Bee Building-,
, "the building that la always new." la
the bast way to boost for yourself.
Walters Inspection Trip General
Manager Walters of the Northwestern
has gone to Cheyenne to look after some
business matters and before returning he
expects to make a short inspection trip
over the Wyoming and weaturn Nebraska
lines, of the company. ...
Aettoa ia Dundee--A plat of a
new Addition to Dundee, to be placed on
the. market, has. been filed In tha office
of 'ilarry.'Pearce. register of deeds, by
George' Jt Co. The tract consists of
blocks 125 to 138, extending from Howard
to Dodge and from Forty-ninth to Fifty
third streets.
Vice President of Bank So Testifies
in Trial of Attorney T. H.
George Honey, rice president of the
defunct First National bank ef Sutton,
testified In the trial of Thomas 11. Mat
ters yesterday, that be bad not been
aware his bank- had outstanding; loans
greater than the law allowed and that;
he had not known how. to what extent I
the bank might make loans legally.
An extra big table waa brourht In to
hold more than 300 documents, which
have already accumulated. .
President Melchlor Luebben of the bank
wss finally turned ever to tile defense
for cross-examination upon the evidence
he baa given In his Indentlfleation of
l exhibits. The defense objected to
starting Ha cross-examination until the
government has finished with him alto
gether. Cross examination by defense
was postponed and oHney waa called.
Attorney B. J. Burkett for tha defense
read a long list of homes of persons,
whoso notes are alleged to have been
held by the bank. Concerning certain
names that the witness did not recollect
or know, the attorney Inquired, "That
was a fictitious, person, waa It not?"
United States Attorney Howell finally
objected to thla kind of cross-examination
and Judge Toumans austalned him
on the ground that the defense in Ita
questions recardlng these alleged notes,
assumed that suoh notes were In ex
istence) without advancing proof that they
were. i
Pass Beek ta Kvldesice.
In the morning a two-hour fight
resulted In a. victory for the prosecution
In having admitted as evidence a . pass
book of Matters containing" entries of
his account in the First National bank
of Button.
President Melcholr Luebben of the de
funct bank waa on tha stand all morning
Identifying exhibits to be used In the
trial. AH went with only the usual
Stereotyped objections of the defense
until the pass book waa reached. This
was objected to as, evidence on many
grounds, ons being that there were two
books, one kept at the bank and the
other sent back and forth from the banH
in ,8utton to Matters In Omaha. The (
court finally held that the book, If ac-J
ceptable aa evidence, must be offered
in connection wVh letters Identifying It.
Luebben then looked through the cor
respondence and picked out seven letters
and the government again offered the
book lit evidence. -
Bosk ! Correct.
The defense offered seven objections and
Attorney Wilson for the defense declared
in a speech that Matters had protested
In some of' these, seven letters that the
passbook .was incorrect In Its figures,
which showed that his account was over
drawn. ' I
Judge Toumans signified that the book
would not be admitted If this were true.
and asked to see the letters In which such
protests were made. Mr. Wilson was
unable to find any. The passbook was
admitted. 1
United states Attorney woweu men
started reading the seven letters to the
A carbon copy of "a letter purporting
to have been written by.. Luebben to
Matters, April 15, 1913. stated that Mat-
tera' account In the bank was overdrawn
S. In s. carbon copy of a letter pur
porting to have been written ' by Lueb
ment to Matters, May 13, 191J. the former
notified Matters. "Tour nooount Is t,2
overdrawn." ",.
KeerJ the Children
Bright and Happy
Happy youngsters must be healthy.
The' digestive organs of children get
out of order as readily as do those of
their elders, and the result Is equally
distressing. When the bowels are
clogged with an accumulation; of re
fuse from the stomach the child nat
urally becomes crow and fretful from
thedlacomfort. and is often punished
for temper when nedlcnl attention Is
really what is needed.
The next time your child Is cross
and unhappy, without apparent rea
son, try giving It a mild laxative. Vr.
Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin Is a mild,
pleasant tantlng combination of sim
ple laxative herbs with pepsin, and Is
especially recommended for children
because of its freedom from all opiate
or narcotic drugs and Its gentle ac
tion. It is sold In drug stores every
where. A free trial bottle can be
obtained by writing to Dr. W. B. Cald
well, 452 Washington St., Montlcello,
Prohibitory Amendment Will B
Before Hawkeye Senate for
Action Today.
Sundry Civil Bill Contains Appro
priations to Start Number of
Nebraska Projects.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DE8 MOINBS, la.. Feb. ll.-peiUal
Telegram.)-Not only will the prohibitory
amendment to the Iowa constitution b
before the state senate tomorrow for ac
tion. It desired, but also the amendment
providing for woman suffrage will be re
ported favorably to the senate from the
committee. It was so decided today. The
committee also decided to report ad
versely the bill to repeal the mulct law.
Thla assures a conflict over the tem
perance question.
The house today passed a bill which
had already passed the senate appropriat
ing tTS.OpO for the Iowa exhibit at tha
Fan Francisco exposition.
Saloaaa Mast Close.
Dea Moines saloon men prepared today
to move, over $300,006 worth of liquors
out of the city before next Monday, hav
ing given up alt hope of keeping the sa
loon open but one more day. They can
open and do business Saturday, but not
tomorrow nor afterward. Over WO men
will be out of jobs because of the order
of the council to close saloons. The city
council took steps to retrench In expenses
because of the loss of more than 100,M)
annually from licenses.
(Continued from Page One.)
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON. Feb. U.-(Speclal Tele
gram.) The sundry civil bill now being
considered Is the house contslns appro
priations for carrying out the building of
some of the postofflces la Nebraska that
have previously been authorised.
The publio building act approved March
4, lflS, contained authorisations for over
00 projects, and the supervising archi
tect's program up to this date includes
only US of these. The new buildings ars
arranged by the supervising architect and
numbered In accordance with the chrono
logical order in which the sites were
actually 'acquired.
Of the 14 projects that have been num
bered by the architect's office the first
sixty carry an appropriation ranging
from S10.000 upward In the present bill.
The bill also contains a uniform sum of
11.000 for the next forty projects.
This leaves a balance of forty-nine
which have been numbered but for which
no appropriation la authorised by the
bill this year. ,
. Falls City Stands First.
Falls City comes within the first group
according to the date the site is actually
acquired, and the sum of tlOOOo has h,.n
appropriated to commence tha work
Alliance. Aurora anil CttuAmn . s
the class of buildings for which 11,000 Is
appropriates to take care of the preliml
nary work; Wahoo ia number 121 on the
list, the site having been acaulred later
and no appropriation is made In thla bill
nor xor uentrai city, Neb., where the site
was acquired even later than at Wahoo.
'From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Feb. ll.-(Speclal.)-The
Board of Control has appointed E. J.
Maxwell of Nemaha as an adjutant In
the old soldiers' home at Grand . Island.
The duties of the ofrice . arethose of a
bookkeeper and steward.
I - T
the commission, but only on the com
modities In question. -The net result of
the greater relief Is that industries la
the Chicago and middle west section will
continue in the business ot supplying
customers on, the Pacific." . '
Mlasoari River Differential.
The order permits railroads to carry
carload freight from Chicago, Burfajo
and New York to Intermediate points 15,
26 and 35 cents higher than from Missouri
river to the same destinations and less
than carload commodity rates from Chi
cago, Pittsburgh and New York to Inter
mediate points rosy exceed those from the
Missouri river to th same, destinations
by S, 40 and K cents respectively.
Carload rates on coal and pig iron may
be less to the Pacific coast than to inter
mediate points, but the ratea on auchH
articles to the higher rated intermediate
points must not exceed 6 mills per ton
"Tha Pacific coast terminals to which
these rates will apply," says the ex plena
lion, "axe the point at which the Atlantic-
Pacific steamships deliver freight."
' It Is evident from the whole record,"
says the commission's opinion, "that
whatever may have been the degree of
competition in the past between tha rail
carriers and the water carriers aa to the
rates en these articles, concerning which
additional relief ia now sought, we are
witnessing the beginning of a new era of
transportation between the Atlantic and
the Pacific coasts. ,
Baals sf Cssiaiulss Opinion.
"To secure any considerable percentage
of this coast-lo-coaat traffic ratea on
many commodities must be established
by (he rail lines materially lower than
those now existing. As we view It, the
Panama canal is to be one of the agencies
of transportation between the east and
the west, but not necessarily the sole car
rier. If the railroads ars able to make
such ratsa from the Atlantic seaboard to
the pacific coast as will hold to their
lines some portion of this traffic with
profit to themselves, the should be per
mitted to 'do so. The acceptance of thla
traffts will add something , to the net
revenues and to as extent decrease and
not increase the burden that must be
borne by other traffic, it will also give
the shippers at the coast points tha bene
fits of sa sddltlonal and a competitive
We are of tha opinion that these car
riers should be permitted to compete for
this Jong-distance traffic so long as It
may be secured st rates which clearly
cover the out-f-pocket coat."
The commission says thai few, if any,
of tha intervening interests really op
posed the petition of .the carriers, but
that the intermountain territory pro
tested. The commission suggests that the rail
roads themselves readjust the so-called
"back haul" rates from the Pacific coast
to pobtte Inland.
Requisition Issued
For Kellog's, Return
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
t.tnpoiN. Feb. 1L Speclal.)-3overnpr
Morehead has Issued requisition, papers
for Harry B. Kellogg, alias F. E. Mack,
who . Is under arrest at aDtroif. Kellogg
Is wanted In Omaha on a charge of forg
ing a 5 check. T
It Will UelUve Backache.
Annlv moan's TJnlment to your back.
Pain gone almost Instantly. Don't rub.
It penetrates. Xo. All druggists. Advertisement
-William F. Jens.
GLENWOOD. la.. Feb. 11. (Special.)
William F. Jens, one of the most highly
respected citixens of Oalt township, died
at his residence four miles northeast of
Ulenwood Wednesday night Vr. Jens waa
In his sixty-seventh year and haa resided
in this locality since coming to this
country In early manhood. He Is survived
by his widow and eleven children.
. J. fJreeo.
SHENANDOAH, la., Feb. ll.-(Spe-
cial.) 8. J. Green, an elder In the Men
onlte church, died at his home on Wash
ington avenue yesterday afternoon.
Pneumonia was the cause of his death.
Ha Is survived by his widow and several
children. The family moved hers about a
year ago from New Market, Is.
Thin Peoole Can
Increase Weight!
to increase their Weight with 10 to 16
pounds of hith-. -...r .L
snouid try eating a llttie Sarsol wifh
ineir meals tor a while and note results.
Hern Is a good test worth trying. Flref
weigh yourself nd ineaaurS yourVeTf.
Then take feargol one tablet with every
meal-tor two weeks. Then weigh an'l
measure again. It Isn't a question of
how you look or feel or what your friends
say and think. The scales and tha tape
measure will tell their own story, and
"et eny thin man or woman can easily
add from five to eight pounda in the tlrst
fourteen days by following this simple
direction. And best of all, the new flesh
staya put.
bargol does not of Itself make fat. but
mixing with your food, it turns tha fats,
sugars and atarches of what you have
eaten, Into rich, ripe fat producing nour
ishment for the tissues and blood pre
pares it In an easily assimilated form
wntcn tne blood can readily accept. All
this nourishment now passes from your
mar aa waste. But Sargol stops the
waste and floes It nulclrlv anil n.
the fat producing contents of the verv
same meals you are eating now develop
nmlnri unit lutnnH. .e ft u ,,... ... .
, - ii n 1 1 u , iivsu l),.
tween your skin and bones. Sargol la safe,
iMeaasiu, emcieni. aim inexpensive, bner
man 4k McConnell rug Co. and other
leading druggists in Omaha nl vicinity
sell it In large boxes forty tablets to a
package on a guarantee of weight In
crease or money back. Advertisement.
AiniMTLiiinic for
Were $50 to $2.50, at
A Sale I Menu's
See Friday evening papers and
0th St. windows for. par
.. tlcuiars. - -
; Distributors
I'lione Douglas I8fl9 and have m easel
sent home.
Broke Out in Blisters. So Bad Could
Hardly Bear To Wash Heads.
Used Cuticura Soap and Oint
ment. Children Were Healed.
Gilchrist. Mich "My two children were
covered all over their heads with sore erup
Uoa which I was told waa enema. It broke
put In blisters; a
patch as large sa
a quarter would
break out and
on top of tbs
sors was a seals.
I cut the hair as
near down to tbs
bead ss I could
when the first
eruption broke set. Tbs eruption was so
bad r aould hardly bear to wash their beads
and there wss not a spot as Urge as a pin
on ta aaad that was not broken out.
"I shampooed their hair, then rubbed the
Cuticura Ointment on. After I bad used tbs
sample I bought ons bos of Ointment and
sos caks of Doss and I bad not used all of
them when tbs eruption bad dried up and
my children were healed." (Signed) Mrs.
Jobs Rolsten. August 6. 1014.
Sample Each Free by Mail
With p. skin Book on request. Ad
dress post-card "Curicura, Dept. T,
torn." But throughout the world.
68 t
he eaEiii lEiurn
Make Butter in 3 Minutes
Cut shows how SIMPLE t la. It's all metal;
cleaned in a moment; highly sanitary; makes
the finest granulated butter you EVER tasted.
Weighs but 5 pounds and churna up to 6 quarts.
Two to four pounds butter may be churned la
S minutes and in some cases thla has been done
In less than ONE minute. Every home needs
one. Every farm needs one, no matter how
many larger churns it may possess.
Simply fasten it oa a wall; pour
In the cream; give the handle a
simple up and down motion and
jou'll have butter ln'3 minutes or
less. A child can operate it easily.
Buys one. and It will save its
price in 3 months even if you
churn but oncea week. See It
The Belmont Restaurant makes all of its butter and
buttermilk with the "McCann" Churn, and has
enough over to sell. Good live agents wanted. See
the rburn, see how simple and cleanly it is. Send ior
descriptive literature if you live out of town.
Daily Demonstration in the Windows of the
elfiiont restaurant
C. N. DALL, Prop.
1516 Dodge Otreet Omaha, Neb.
?Store Hours: 8:30 A, M. to 6 P. M. Saturdays Till 9 P. M.s-
urgess-Nash Gompmiy.
Thursday, February 11, 1015. HTOHEJ NKH's FOK fc'RIDA V.
riwn Itonelas 1X7.
More Remarkable Values Friday in the
thst brings with It the most unusual saving possibilities.
duo enwa at 10c
Table of. odd pieces of dinner
ware, decorated plates, cupa and
aancer nlattafa -
table dishes, creams,
sugars, etc Were to
60c. Choice
that should appeal to everyone who keeps house.
$1.00 China at 25c
Table of odd pieces of dinner
ware, large platters, sugars,
rresms. . sauce-boats,
bowls, etc. English,
French, etc. Were to
fl.dO, at
China at Price
Tsble and odd nieces of dlnnerware. Including: aaa
Havlland and English wares, covered dishes. I L9a
A big clearaway of
100-plece seta.
plates, sets of plates, cupa and saucers,
r naay at
Semi-Porcelain Pinner Bl. were 1 2.4ft . $
. . . aW
Homl-Porif lain Dinner Hots, were lP.ftO. 911.08
Austrian ITnlna Pinner Hols, were 923.85. 810.50
IfmHKwwasaawaSvy mwmih
Henil-rnrcelnln Pinner Rets, were) 111.00
Beml-PwrceUlft Pinner M, were a.0O.gl7.4f
Thin VMtewar Pinner Met, were 3S.OO . 2X .49
Bnrs-sss-sTaab, Oov Tourt Xloor,
Entire Winter Stock of Women's and Misses'
That were $5.00, $7.50, $8.50 to $10.00, for
IT'S a determined effort to clean house
in this section and to do it in the short
est possible time. The offering includes
our entire winter stock an assortment of
unusual style variety, and the values aro
simply extraordinary.
The models are the season's very latest
and them are all sizes represented for wo
men and misses. , .
The materials are gabardines, broad
cloths, serges, novelty cloths, etc., in plain
colors, plenty of black and navy blue.
Borress-assh Co eoad Iloer.
Crochet Cottons
Rises 1 to 10, at T
Rites 10 to 30, at 8
Rlzea 30 to GO. at f
Slses 60 to 100, at 10?
, Crochet Hooks, 2 for 5c
Crochet hooks, steel, slips 2 to
11 only, special, 2 for 5c.
75c Linen Towels, 39c
Alt linen towels, large size, scal
loped and hemstitched edges,
stamped in cross stitch, French
embroidered and eyelet designs,
slightly soiled, were 75c, for ftftc.
aurgess-sTaah Co.- Thlra noor.
Valentines for Feb. 14
MANY pretty and attractive
novelties that lend the good
old-fashioned colorings to this de
lightful day. Wide variety of
fancy valentines, also cups, paper
.rt!'.?r.p!:,:....5c to 25c
Plane Cards and Dinner Favors.
Valentin Post Cards, neat and at
tractive, dosen, 10o.
Bnrgess-7ash Co Mala floor, . .
Economy Basement Salesroom
Women's Winter Coats That
Were $10.00 to $19.50, Choice at
000 "
A BIG lot' of our high-grade coats transferred from
our Second Floor Section to the Basement for
quick sale. Scores of splendid styles from which to
select. Made of such materials as mixtures, plain cloths
and novelty materials in the most desirable colors.
Hand $1.50 Knit Scarf. 50c
FANCY knit scarfs, ia
white, black and combi
nation colors, made of wool
or silk and wool, regularly
SI. 00 and SI. GO; Saturday,
In the basement-
Children's $2.9SCoati $1.75
CHILDREN'S coats of
gray chinchilla, plain or
novelty cloth, velvet trim
med collars and cuff a and
belt, 12.98 values, la the
basement for
Borgsss-lTasa Oe Baaesa.a.
Common pins,
400 count, per
psper ..... .2o
Shoe string
shopping bags,
each ...... 10c
Nickel-Plated Saifety , r ,
Pins. 3 cards....... DC
Men's ShirtsA Broken Assortment:
Worth to $1.50 for 48 Cents
A MIXED assortment of shirts, consisting of heavy Jer
sey, madras, buckskin, flannel and chambray, collar
1 attached; also fine percale shirts with neckband. Every
one strictly first quality, but broken in assort
ment; were to $1.50; choice
Friday, at
A big line of colored borders and plain white
handkerchiefs, full size, hemstitched, slightiy
imperfect, from regular 10c and 15o o
lines, choice s3 C
Made by a standard high-grade maker, and
we guarantee the fit and make to be first
Class. If perfectly matched would 70
retail at II. f2.R0 and li; choice., 4VC
MEN'S $2.03 SWEATERS, 48c
White Merino, most all sizes, the a o
usual $2.00 quality, Friday OC
nrgsss-Vask Co Basement.
In the- Wash Goods and Domestic Room
Twist, all col- &00-Yd. basting
ors, spool... le cotton, spool, 3o
Darning cotton, . Wire hair pins.
4 spools .. .Oc 10 pkgs. ...5c
. llone Hair Pins, in ni
box. 1 dozen... lafagC
60-Yard spool Ironing wax, a
ilk 8c for 8o
Finishing braid. Pearl buttons,
bolt ...... .Be card 2c
200-Yard Machine o
Thread, spool OC
each ..
Children's hose
supporters ..7o
98c Dressing Sacqu'es, 25c
pLANNELETTE Dressing Sacquea
In floral and Persian designs or
Hsht, medium and dark colors, Sj
were to Use. choice ..,
Bnrgess-sTasa Co. Basement.
I2V2C Cheviot Shirting, 5c
27 and 36-lncb blue and fancy
stripe and checked
cheviot shirting, good
selection of colors,
worth 12 e, yard..
Zephyr Ginghams, Bl2c
Bright new washkble zephyr
ginghams, neat checks and
stripes, best Amerl- QJL,
can made, jard O2C
Wash Goods at Zy2c
Assorted lot of all kinds of odd
lengths-or waan goods, a
ai cuinulatxil from the I
week's selling of "L'ae
More Cotton fabrics.
on bargain square, per
Peggy Cloth at 10c
32-inch Peggy cloth for chil
dren's new spring play clothes,
win wash perfectly, at,
Bargees-Baa Co. Baa sweat.
, Muslins, Etc., at 5c
Great assortment of bleached mus
lin, cambric, long cloth, nainsook
ana lingerie, desirable
mill lengths and bolts,
special at,
25c Mercerized Poplins, Uc
Printed and plain mercerized pop
lins for morning dresses,
worth 250 Friday, yard. . X 1 C
Specials for Friday in Housewares
No telephone or mail orders accepted. -
Orsy enamel pudding pans,
milk pans, drinking cups, jelly
cake pans, pot covers,
ss long as they
last, choice
No. 1 Roll man's
food choppers,
one to a cus
tomer, at
Another lot of
those heavy 4
sewed kitchen
brooms, at
bottle of house oil, wss 10c, at Ac.
Red Star floor oil, pint bottle, lo-.
Water palls, I -quart, galvanised
iron, aa long as they last, Be.
Toilet paper, special, 10 rolls ISO.
Light House cleanser. 3
Irge aluminum sink
2Sr values, only 1 to a
f1olene floor oil mope st . ' ....
Hottls of house oil. was iiv. at ISO. 1 at lUc
Burgess-Nash Co. Everybody's Store -16th and Harney,
cans, lOf.