Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 12, 1915, Page 5, Image 5

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Yields To Lydia E. Pink
k ham's Vegetable
' Compound.
Elkhart, Ind.: "I Buffered forfoar
teen jreui from organic Inflammation,
iiemaie weakness.
pain and irregular
ties. The paina ia
my aklea were In
creased by walking1
or standing on my
feet and I bad such
awful bearing down
feelings, wai 6V
pressed In epirita
anS became thin and
pale with dull, heavy
eyes. I had six doc-
Ion from whom I received only tempo
rary relief. I decided to give Lydia E.
rinkham'a Vegetable Compound a fair
trial and also the Sanative Wash. I have
now used the remedies for four months
and cannot express my thanks for what
they have done for me.
"If these lines will be of any benefit
you. have my permission to publish
them." Mrs. SUJIB WlIJJAMS, 455
James Street, Elkhart, Indiana.
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound, made from native roots and herbs,
contains no narcotic or harmful drugs,
and to-day bolda the record of being the
most successful remedy for female ilia
we know of, and thousands of voluntary
testimonials on file in the Pinkham
laboratory at Lynn, Mass.; seem to
prove this fact.
If yon hare the ("lightest doubt
that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vejreta
tl Compound will help you, write
to Lydia E.Plnkham MedlolneCo.
(confidential) Lynn,Maes for ad
rice. Tour letter will be opened,
read and answered by a woman,
and held In utrtct confidence.
Mont soape and. prepared shampoos
contain too much alkali, which Is very
Injurious, as it dries the scalp and
make the hair brittle.
, The best thing to use Is just plain
mulsifled eoooanut ou. for this Is pure
and entirely greseelees. 1 It's very
'cheap, and beats soaps or anything
else all to pieces. You can vet this at
any drug store, and a few ounees will
last the whole family for months.
Simply moisten the hair with water
and rub It In, about a teaspoonful Is
all that Is required. It makes- an
abundance of rich, creamy lather,
cleanses thoroughly, and rinses out
easily. The Balr dries quickly and
evenly, and Is soft, fresh looking,
bright, fluffy, wavy and easy to
handle. Besides, It loosens and takes
out every particle of dust, dirt and
i -
No matter how long you -have been tor
tured and disfigured by Itching, burning,
raw or -aly skin humors, just put a lit
tle of that soothing, antiseptic Reslnol
Ointment on ths sores. The suffering
usually stops right there! h C
Healing lgins that very minute, and
In almost every case your skin gets well
so quickly you feel ashamed of the
money you threw away on tedious, use
less treatments. ' ' ' .
Reslnol Ointment and Reslnol Boap
clear away pimples, blackheads, and
dandruff. Prescribed by doctors for SO
years and sold by all druggists. Contain
absolutely nothing that could harm the
teadarest skin. Advertisement.
f .i-..ii.ys,Jp. -mi i ...
s-t8-I -
Geaeral Dlatrlbatera
Ossaaa, Ifee.
tlake Teething Easy for Baby-
feVfetafs Seething Syri:?
Iowa Fanner Grain Dealer Are
Enthusiastic Over Work Accom
plished by Association,
MASON CITT. la. Feb. tl.-9pclal )-
When Secretary Ray sjmeanoed, to the
Farmers' Oraln tealere Association of
Iowa yesterday that at a conservative
estimate they had saved In ten years
nearly $S,B00,np by co-operation, t was
the blow that almost sent enthusiastic
delegates up through. .the roof.-
D. Hathaway, the president of the so
ciety at Pearsor Ia, stated that the
Transmlsslssipt't Oraln company had
tried to drive them out of business by
bidding from 1V to t cents more per
bushel for grain than the market war
ranted and that It had been Indicted by
the Blou City grand jury tor discrimina
tion. The association without a dissent
ing vote said that they would Stand by
the Pearson society financially and mor
ally In the prosecution. .
Producers on the farms of Iowa were
urged to organise In self-protection
against trading corporations dealing In
farm products, by W. B. Quartan of
Algeria, Ia, In , an address here this
afternoon. '
Other causes cited as reasons for closer
organisation on the part of the farmers
wero the so-called "constant Increase of
middlemen and the emasing Increase In
the cost of marketing products.
Mr. Quarton criticised existing I laws
which he said prevented the farmer from
reaping the full benefit of his efforts,
particularly those laws which were
framed for the purpose of preventing
illegal combinations, but which are now
being urged against co-operative societies.
The whole theory of the laws referred
to, said Mr. Quarton, '.Ms that competi
tion governs trade." There may have
been a time la the history of our country
and state when this rule of trade was In
general vogue, but I think I am safe In
saying we are far past that time now, in
the case of large capitalised commercial
corporations ; and when competition
ceases to. govern trade, the only thing
left for the- people to do is to pass such
laws as will govern the transgressing
trade associations; but such laws would
never become necessary If we bad only
fanners co-operative societies to deal
with. These lawa were not made or in
tended for them. The laws rft the coun
try should not prohibit their legitimate
organization for protective purposes. '
"It is not fair to say by the lawa of the
state, that competition shall govern trade
as to one class and not to all others,
Does anyone here think that the price of
grain and live stock on the Chicago mar
ket is fixed by competition V .
Mr. Quarton urged whole-hearted sup
port of the co-operative societies and the
repeal of laws inlmlcable to their exist
(Continued from Page One.)
of Spanish minister, you have given to
Caso, hiding him In your legation and
earing him from the punishment which
he has merited, obliged me. as first chief,
to Inform you that Inssmuch as you heire
disobeyed my orders you must leave the
country within twenty-four hours from
midnight, February 10. No offense te
the Spanish government or people Is Im
plied by this act."
' Mkely te.Star.
ft was not believed here that Carren
sa"s action would be followed by the Im
mediate retirement of the remaining dip
lomatio body there. , Though It has been
reported generally they deeply resent the
treatment accorded to their colleague, it
IS believed they will auborlnate this to
the. urgent demand for their presence In
the Mexican capital to look? after the
lives and property of . their nationals
during-the present crisis..
Angel re Csso is well known in Wash
ington, having paid several visits to the
city. He consulted with officials here
regarding the conditions In Mexico, upon
which he was regarded as an suthorlty
by reason of his long residence there and
his large pecuniary Interests. It Is known
that he has been acting as a confidential
agent for the Spanish minister In his
communications with General Villa, so
that hli relations correspond to those ex
isting between George R. Carothers and
the State department here. ' .
Kearney Appointed
Receiver for Wabash
ST. LOUIS, Feb. 11. Rdward F. Kear
ney, acting president of the Texas ft Pa
cific railroad today was appointed re
ceiver of the Wabash railroad. He will
share the duties of the receivership wth'
K. B. Pryor, who has been one of ffie
receivers since the road went Into bsnk
ruptey and who la now president
of a ft. lonl bank. The appointment
a as made by I'nlted States Circuit Judge
Adams, who also authorised the Issuance
of receiver's notes to the extent of 11.-
These notes wilt be used to take
up equipments notes of a slmllnr smrumt
now psst due. Installment payments on
the old notes Were defaulted last July
snd In January.
The authorisation of the new note Issue
and ths appointment of a co-revelver
were considered In railroad elrelea as
Mens toward the reorganisation of the
Wshssh. A plan of renreanlmtlon enb.
mitted'to the Missouri Public; Hrrvlr
commission tsat Mny has been with,
drawn and a new plan must h drafted
before definite iteps can be taken. It li
understood that Mr. Kearney Is to tx
elected president of the Wsbash whel
the road Is reorganised.
Pee Want Ads Produce Results.
, . : . i . ...
. (Continued Irons Page Ona)
Hotel Srcslm
Broadtj at 29$ St
Z&V 0tU '
"An Hotel Wbere Custto are Made
to Feel at llotne'
Not too large, yet large
..enough to afford the
maximum of value at
minimum expense.
Exceptionally Accessible)
SOi JCoesu JKeaVrsJs fcsesareaf Omrgf
2 tula Jtoeou with lassies Vitar
f 1. 00 tstJ.OO swear
Slosh Seams vlik Tsk ec Sbewer
tl.SOtsli OOptresy
Deceit Roots. Hrk tn 'tttt
Dontls ReosM with Tub ar Sbawar
i.U0 le $0.00 per say
EDWARD C FOGO. Musihf Nractos
ROT 1 MOWN, KnUmmt Mwt
cap or hat- Mrs. Williams give them
a greasy old black telt bat.
Commissioner Kugel will attempt
t influence the - appropriation t. ot
enough money for a suitable reward
for anyone furnishing Information
leading to the arrest of Ring's mur
derers. - ' i ' 1
The police station has been decor
ated with crepe and all members of
the detective department are wear
ing black on their arms. ' The crew
of officers, , who worked .all night
searching for the murderers, took a
two-hour rest in the ' morning and
then returned to the man-hkunt for
the desperadoes.
Three la tas Boons.
The. police are now certain that, three
men were In the room at 401 North Fif
teenth street when Ring was shot, a
several people saw a fellow answering
the description of No. S run east on Chi
cago street and fall at Fourteenth. , The
two others jumped from the window and
escaped by the alley te the rear-ot. the
Madrid boarding house.
Detectives Lahey, Sullivan and Van
Dusen. taking with them Adolph Madrid,
proprietor of the house In which the
shooting occurred, left about o'clock
for Paclflo Junction to renew the search
in that vicinity. Near this town, in what
l localljr. known as ths Burlington cut,
a switchman saw two Msxicans, one sup
porting the other, making their way
along the tracks . . , ,
xvsney oi i'iatumoutn with ; a
force . ot men worked , all night . with
Omaha officers In scouring the country
for further trace of the trio.
Captain Maloney bad all the doctors in
the city called by phone to see it any
Mexican had been treated by them, but
this revealed nothing.
The Ring family has been visited' with
a host of troubles within the Isat few
years, starting with the death of their
eon toward, following an operation for
appendicitis. Mrs. Ring, who was in s
serious condition owing to Illness and the
shock of her husbaad's death, to reported
o vm mucn better yesterday.
Fnasral Batardav. I
Funeral services for the dead detective
win ds neia from St, Phllomena's church,
cmn ana William streets. Saturds
k,"," a w ocioca, wltn Interment In
u siarrs Uerman Catholic cemetery.
Sa.srts MW,4 a iow-.
At 3 o'clock in ths afternoon detectives
stsrtsd from the poUce station In an
automobile to see two suspects arrested
at noon at Crescent la. on charges
of answering ths description sent out ot
the two men wanted In connection with
tha. murder of Ring.
Accompanying the detectives was a
man who rooms, at 401 North Fifteenth
stret and who would be able to Identify
ths sufpects it they are tha men wanted
by the 6wiaaa polios.
. .... . miimiiii mil- --nir-
the handiest thlngyouever
handled Handy Oil Can
tun oi s-inxjnc vjiu rns
the pocket like a pocket
book. Goes in eewing
machine drawer,
typewriter desk,
workman's kit,
hunter's knap
sack. Oilaevsry
thing. Never
leaks. At all
stores, 3X oi.
25c 5-in-Ons is
also sold In bottlse, lOo. 75c
50c. A Dictionary of 100
ether uses with every bettia
.Thrse-ln-One Oil Co.
41 N. Broadway, Mew Tors
ail win
Give youf "beat girl" a Valen
tine that she will alwayr cherish
a handsome Diamond Ring.
Special sale brilliant genuine
diamonds, any style, solid gold
Has rsea ( aAaakerlala's Coach
Heseedy for Twenty Years.
' Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has been
used In my household for the last twenty
years. I began giving It to my children
when they wers amalL As a quick Ve
lisf for croup, whooping cough and or
dinary colds, It has no equal. Being free
from opium and other harmful druga, I
never felt .afraid to give K to the children.
I have recommended It to a latge num
ber of friends arid neighbors, who hsvs
used it aod speak highly of it," writes
Mrs. Mary Minks, fihortsville, ' N." T
Obtainable everywhere-Advertisement.
snsi dies' Rlnsr.
14k solid gold, Ioi- ' B70 Slamo a d
tis "1'erfectlon" Ring, 14k solid
mounting, brilliant Bold mounting.
Diamond, -Cfl 'na tl-9f;
V" tuonfl . . . v s w
f9 a Koatn.
s.eo a KoBth.
ia buiiu
See Scarf ( Pin, TSS Men s Ring,
Bolld I O 1 d. Vl.f huTf
scroll Belcher ens-raved. 14k solid
usnsu. Tins gold, tins
mond ...Via. S4.60 a
Sl.M a Month. Month....
Call or write for Illustrated Cata
logue No. (OS. Phone Douglas 1444
and our Salesman will call.
frr s.nT i r. s . $Ms.siiMsr. .
w ATCiotumocn
m-m am a a im
Lz3 eros & ca tia - U :z
A Simple Way To
Remove Dandruff
There Is ona sure way that has nsver
failed to remove dsadruff at enoe, and
that Is te dissolve It. then you destroy
It entirely. To do this, just get about
four ounoes of plain, eommon liquid arvon
from any drug store (this Is all you will
need), apply st at night when retiring;
use enough to moisten the scalp and rub
It In gently with the finger tips.
By morning most. If not all of your
dandruff wUl be gone and three or four
mora applications will completely dis
solve, and entirely destroy, every single
alga and trace of It. no matter bow much
dandruff you may have.
You will find all Itching and digging
of the scalp will stop InstanUy and your
hair will be fluffy, lustrous, glossy, silky
and soft, and look and feel a hundred
times better. Advertisement,
Candy Special ff
HomevMade Not Patties All
flavors. Full of chopped nuts..
Made while you wait. Reu-'
lar 40C grade, Friday,' in
pound ......... J, . v ... C
v j vs.
Drapery Specials
Let ef 1te and 25e Scrims f A
snd Cretonnes A yard luC
Bungalow Nets Any piece f f
world to 36o, yard IOC
Odds and Ends ef Cretonne,
Scrims snd Sllkoline A yard....0C'
; Stockings
Wesaea's sat t blUrea's Fast
Illssk Ribbed SesMlesa (
Steklacs Ribbed tops, all
ribbed; split solss, doubls
soles, spliced heels and toes.
Worth to le. &p- 11.
del. pair C
Great Are the Values Offered
In the Friday Basement Sales
is a a tarsals Steek-
lasis Black, tan and white.
Peamlesn, medium weltrht; also
cotton mixed Rockford .etock
Inas In medium - and heavy
welrbt. Worth to 16c fit,,
Friday, pair JV
Wash Goods
White and Colored.
All Kinds of Cettea sad Silk aa4
Cottsn Ureas Kabrles Ruaslsn
Cords, 811k Crepes and Woven Strips
rrepe. Plsln and printed voile la
remnants and luu pons, ml
to 40 Inches wide. Worth
to 10c. Special Frl., yard..
ae-Iaeh Silk Strip Oeps
Flae ejaalKy a4 llsat weigh,
la Mark mm white, bias and
white and laeler n 1
' and white stripes. SBe tA-ftC
valaes, rrt, a yard..
ST-lach W.Tts Stripe Ttssae All
colors. Wide and hairline stripes.
Tor women's and chll- A I
dren's "dreeses. A yard, I AttI
lday, for.. aasw
White Oatton Wladsa'r Pllaae
Hrgular IHe valae. Baeel
leat far Sfnas.llM. 1 O 1
. XH laches wide. Spe- lAlkP
rial Friday, yard.,..."-'
as-laeh White Sstla ralassa
Cheras l&o value. Spe
cial Friday, yard
One' Large Table ef Feary White
Goods Can be used for dresses, ap
rons, ourtalns, etc. Kxoellent as
sortment, worth to Ito a
yard. . Special Friday, per
Knit Underwear.
Women's Part Wool Vests
With ankle pants to match.
Worth to 76c. Special
Friday, a garment.
$2.00 Sale of Women's Wear
Bargain Basement Friday
Worth as hi.h aa $10.00
Worth as hlfa. as $10.00
1 Worth as high as $5.00
Worth as htgn aa $1.60
Friday you may choose from hundreds of splendid
garment for misses and women which, regardless
of their former prioe or present desirability, ara
to go Into one great group. They are worth to $10.00,
but all will go at only $1.00. simply because they
must be cleared away and cleared soon.
Dresses Of silk snd
cloth, and sold usually
for $3, $4, $5 and $6.
More than 200 of them
In this lot and every one
of them an exceedingly good value
at such a small price. Friday, $2.
Suite More than 800 of
them, not this season's
styles, but all good prac
tical garments., Includ
ed are whipcords, fancy
cloths, mixtures, etc. Either long
or short ooata. Splendid suits for
practical wear. Here are suits
worth to $10. Friday choice, 12.
For $2
Linen Bargains Q
n 'el "e lf e . H
specials m variety
tea la new g f
Speelal (or tM
a yard v
i Skirts Good styles. In
A 0 tunica, yoke tops, straight
3) A Hne skirts and other
t models. Made of fine
. materials and worth $3,
$4 and $6. Choice of any sTclrt
Friday, only 2.
Coats More than 400 In
) I this lot; all good styles
2) A I In long or short models.
I Coats of ehSnchllla.
boucle, fancy cloths, fins
black materials, caracal, etc. Good
practical coats In blaok and In col
ors and worth as high aa. $10.
Friday, 12.
200 Doten Cotton HucK and Turk.
Ish Towels Hemmed and a
fringed. Special Friday, each. . .tC
1100 Yards Full Bleached Towel
In b With red borders. Very O
absorbent. Unusual value, yd..4jC
18 Heeea af Table Dasa .
ask Hies eked and anbleaeh-
rd. all llaea
ae day, a
250 Yards ef 64-Inch Fleece Table
Padding Durable and heavy f q
quality. 29o value. Special, yd. 1 C
Remnanta Mercerlxed Table Dam
ask 68 and 64-lnch widths. Linen
finish. . A large variety of pretty
patterns. Worth to 49c
Special, yard....
tee tHtsea IHeaehed Mercer
ised Xasklas la dire and
stripe patterns. Hear a Lar
aes to Sperlal J A
fer Friday. Sit tr
' only "'
2900 Scarfs, Csnters and Fancy
Squares A traveling man's sample
line, slightly soiled. A rare
bargain for Friday, each
Knit Underwear
Children's Fleeced- Lined Pants
Small sites only. Regular
19c values. Special Fri
day, pair,
- ' ' I I
-"'-', U-W--- -.mmvmtmml,,. . . 1 1 1. I ...,..,.,... - , .. - flm p IT II It ...
3 SJQQ HIRTa 1 ;
. :- than - (Sw:- k .' ;-;
... , rr , , i .a rw '.rf.-1" niiniiiui.asn m , .hnh' n' m.a
Special Bargains in Notions
Good P s a r I
Buttons Spe
cial Friday
per dozen
100-Yard Spools ef
Good Sewing Silk
25c Oiled Floor
Special. . Uic
One Big Lot Wash
Edging r
Special, bolt.OC
"Hickory" Hose Support
ersSpecial, pair.
S5c Notion Boxes
prloed, each lUC
Wooden Coat
Hangers Special
Lerge $le
Nets Sale
price, each. . . 1C
Large Boxea of Assorted
Wire Hair Pins Box...
M a r o a r I ced
Crochet Cotton
Friday, per
Household Needs Friday Specials
Ivory or Ex
cel Soeip 5
bars for
Wlsard Floof
Special 25c site,
Psarl Whits Soap
rxamond "CSeap
for. .U 20c
"Beat 'Em All"
10 bars 22c
Naptha Washing
8 pkgs lUC
Oil I Old Dutch Cleanser I Celling Dusters On 6
. 18o I Special Frl.. can, 7c ft. bamboo sUcks,20o
20-Mule Team Bo
rax 5-lb. o 1
Household Ammo
nia Frl- n
Say, full Qt..lC
Johnaon'a Floor
Wax 1- )(
lb. can Frl.yC
O'Csdsr Oil Fri
day, 60c . on'
Fela - Napthdi
Sbap 10
bars, foT
Corset Specials
CeatH , Cersets New medium top
model, effectively trimmed with
lace and satin rlMon. Well boned,
with relnforoed front steel. Six
heavy gsrters are attaohed. An un
usually good value. Bps- 1 Ort
clsl Friday (basement) eJIsUV
Wes Oarsrt a Twt ssedela
eeaWertahle and damble. Iw
the I
rnedel Is llshtly heact
edlass tep madel ssere
heSTlly hsaed, aad has wide
elastie band at bettesa ef hack
wires. Uses ae te SO.
Friday (iwieit)..
-With wide band ef em
broidery around top. Iutbon shoul
der straps. Special for Frldsy O C
(basement), half rerular price. w
Dress Goods and Silk Bargains
All-Wool Dress Goods Drummere'
matched samples, 86 to 44 inches
wide, consisting of serges, diag
onals, crepes, novelty worsteds,
etc. To close oat quickly, each,
at 5o and lOo
Dress Goads Mill ends from two
to six yards long, 88 to 64 Inches
wide. In broadcloths and whip
cords In a good range of colors.
Worth to $8 each. Friday, each,
at 50c to tl.GO
Importers' Samples of Plain
and Fancy Chiffon
Crepes, Gold Embroidered Vesting, Nets- High- -j f
grade silks of ail description and color combine.- I "
tione. Worth to 75c piece. Special Friday, piece y w
Rubber Footwear
Price Friday
1,000 Pairs of Women's Higk.Grsde '
Rubbers All sisea in styles oft
that fit. Bpeclal, a pa!r.....)7C
Children's Rubbers Alt or
a less to 10. Friday, pair.... XOC
M lease' Rubbers Sires to '
8. Rolled edges. A pair ..... UC
Women's Storm Alaska a a
All sixes. Special Frl., pslr...g"C
Men's Storm snd Lew Cut Rubbers
All slsea. Friday at, r
a pair i.OiC
Women's Shoes About Half Price Friday
An accumulation of adds and ends of women's shoes In a wide va
riety of styles. In ths lot are shoes worth up to 13.00. nf
FHdsy, a pair Isl I
Women's Fine Dress -Shoes Now Reduced
Smsrt mod sis wfth black ar grey sloth tope, lacs or button styles. All
llxes In this lot and values up to ISJO. FrMay, very spe- Art m f
tlal.a pair .4J
Learn To Be Your Own Dress Maker
We inaugurate aa early spring; coarse of lectures and leeeons, beginning Monday, Febru
ary 1 StL, under the personal supervision of y .
Mme; Coates of New York and Paris
Originator of this method of teaching, who wSl give special aeries ef lessons ia dress
making from February 15 to March 20.
Free Explanatory Lectures Friday and Saturday, 2:30
In this course of instruction, every stitch In plain and fine needlework will be twifht,
torether with the latest most approved methods of doing up the household sewing, while the
Enndpies of correct handling or different portions of garments, such as plackets, button
oles, belts, gtrdles, collars, sleeves, cuffs, etc., are dealt with as Individual subjects.
The principle of accurate and economical cutting thoroughly taught, together with per
fect fitting and correct altering, construction, making and fuvUhing of underwear, waists, skirts,
dresses, coats, suits and children's and infants' clothes. The cutting, fitting and conatruetion
work on all garments Is done in the classroom and special work is given for home study.
Classes will meet on the Ttilrd Floor at 3:30,p. m.
Class A wUl meet Mondays, Wednesday and Fridays.
Class B - will meet Tnecdaya, Thtaradays and Saturdays..
Each coarse will be exactly alike and comprises fifteen lessons. '
Tickets for tha entire course of 13 lessons only 50c, bow on sale at Superintendent's Of
fice (Main Floor). The limited number suggests your early enrollment and reservation for
your place. Be sure to attend the free lectures Friday ana Saturday afternoons at 2i30,
February 12 and 13, held on the third floor.
This Course Is Positively Complete, From the First to the Last Step in 'Garment Making.
Domestics, Sheets,
Pillow Slips, Etc.
American and Simpson Prints la
dark and light patterns, new spring
goods. . Friday, off tha bolt, a
jrard 1C
Pretty Dainty Printed, Birred and
Striped Dimities and Laoe Striped
Voiles Lit tie rosebud patterns and
Persian designs. In Uwirtha rjp to
10 yards. Worth 15c. Spa- y t
eial mday. yard I2C
Set neeer Waits Oatta ay
Klaaawl Keaular lao quai- f
Ity. Ott bait Friday, yard V
OfSs al eaas af aU at4s af
maasats, Mulals( Olng
aM, Msdraa, fr lVTfc :l
jls ase lft-rsra r" I
2T f
y a.
rSsSe Saaaaea Sfcseta.. l-tn
haras. Irooed. ready for
use. Worta ISO. YL sack
"'f yfe iei.
? Seal knkrr eiaaraaas s 1
Kemnaat UqUis so to 14 I t
yards. Worth Ko. Friday.. . 2
Ifrw TmmmrJtjmtnrtm
ill lt ml mmrimj
trilm.J m-rti, at. Hmm- m p
flel Trtd.T. .r4 1 jg
Wars Strip "'-r--r-T
rill bolls, lie euaillr. ttwe-
clal Friday, yard