Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 12, 1915, Page 4, Image 4

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    Bringing Up
Fifth Day of Grace Expires at 11
O'clock Today and Guarantee
' Must Be Put T7p4 ,
And taJn It's delav. - '-'"
terita the fact that th Western
league moguls hava been parading Clil
tgo since Sunday doing absolutely noth
ing except watt for Toxica to art, those
sine moguls rant1 tha Ktr persons
another day of grace and Topeka ha
until 11 e' cluck today to moot the require
ment In theshape of a guarsnte.
O'Neill announced early In the ' Week
that th franchise citioMl.irj would be left
open until today, but subsequent, devel
opments led to the bf-lirf that everything
would be settled shlp-shaps Wednesday.
Then it u. Thursday, and now Ifa Frl
dai'. Hoserer, Attornry Flonn. who repre
sents the Jerman-Amitcan bank, has
, lrd to hla clients "to ak no more de
lay," according to Frcftle O'Neill. ' Evi
dently he remixes the moguls are tlrlng
waking.. AUo .lt fa. probable that Colo
rado Springs a n.1 Kansas City. Kan.,
chatter has had something to do with
fltoan message. Colorado Hprlngs busi
ness men have wired O'Neill again to In
vestieata the possibilities of the health
city before the Topeka franchise la finally
opposed of. If Toptka faila to kick In
pronetly It la rertaln that the club can I
Iut In tha Colorado town.
Frank lebell. owner of Dee alolnea, has
taken uj the, role of mediator, eay Chl
eo dlcratrrtpa.' It ix ld lbel plareit
'Ilr. VrrlK Jihno. the L.oa 'Atsgelea
hertto-, wno to the Fed a a alu-il
v !;!.'; sa, utiif.r his lns and brought
cr'r over to O. H. TiKadquartera,
ther Mr. Han Johnwin waa licldlnf aea
..n. There I!ell Introduced Ernie to
l.n and t.'itwo became occupied In coit
"traatlnn, The tory Invriiedlalely atartcd
tiiat lixll had brought about a return
-3p bv Johuw.n.
Hussano Vould Bet
55,000 on a-Match
Inspired wiy confHnce by his vlclery
Tu.1ay over Jea Wctlergaard, Youslff
1!i!!"ne, recent fltlsien, now wanta to bet
i vi'O he can throw "Myetry" EJ WhMe'a
finom maBlted wreatlrr. White has never
i iilotl tt. Irtt-ntlty of h!a man, who
a'.wayo wears a mask ttvr Ma face. He
iut thrown everybody he h mtu Jim
yivim. Htiaaan'a manager, haa poaled
I! f-fl a a, guarantee that he (Huaaann)
L!1 WTCatle Mystery for the above
mount. There U aometiilng eUrnlfhant
about the part to Omaha mat fane.
AVhen tscre 1 1 u sane decjirftd Joe Ftechv
9 asoort w,.t Wnoir 'ji that en much
wrey waa never bet -on match and
tt Htrher waa merely working a punk
Huff. Now Huaoane la talking with the
d:e figure.
PARBAPOE", DW? I. Tob. n.-Jack
Jehnson. the fiiglltHt, mcrompanled, by hla
wife and Frank llasmey. an Auatrallan
bnxlng partner, aalled yeaterday on the arhooner Henr Krager for
Onfuficoe, Cub, where he will conaect
w'lh a special boat, which will take him
to Temptt'o. Mexico, on hla way to Ju&rea,
f r Ma bout with Jaa Willard on
Svhlle here Johnson waa made defend'
in a auit of damagra brought by the
otcrg of the echooner Llllijn Klauvelt,
ho conirnded he had violated a contract
tf charter the veal. The puglllat acted
t hlu owu lawyer and won the caee, al
t Li, tii j;ttd t.ttinut the chief govent-
' u i n n.'irth from Montevldoo.
J hiituu actrd aa ahlp'a cook and prepared
ho f.Kl fur the entire crew,
r.rllrfue io I'lay l),
i t'ii tit -a li.imi-i bhil lKin lll play
!;.. juna-t ff.!, W)!,i .s..riujti , ,IU
at I !. wie. A siti mm tha
i ot ir. liesf Inr-muie u aOivdiiUd
French Capture
Notre Dame Hill
fT. HMf R, ri ain-e. Feb. l.-(Vla rarla.
I!, 6 15 a. m ) The capture of the
1.1 of N itre Uu.e de lofi-'ti by the
s s h raa tntea announced at Uead-juar
t. ( - , rt. The hul. mrh'iiiEtd Ihe
...- r- .-u.n, baa been fivrce'jr dp'.;ted
t r V. r . ' M.
A hi i:i i. ft tared by the britleh cl..a
1 t. !!( eit: n. waa vt cor.aid-
. ; t( e. as H ovcrlooKa l-a
i .j ; '"r-. 'i . ti i .; m nutie fterrbl a'.
ii In .!.. iuie It, bu the r.itiu.ii
l-'--- . l-L-.J n.ii.fciy fori f d linoa aud
r '4 tt.-'-e l!h hmvy
t , . t- t.
"I : - i s m rpt jrel .n ranl.iv night
' ' ' ' r Kv-t..iit. tekir.g
1 ' : I fj-n-litly to
. It
.1 f.
Continued from Page Ono )
and it. email, tona and villages per
cent. .
' 'Wheat lnerewae.
Detailing the representative Increases
coining under the category of the necee
aarlee of llfd the prernler aaid that wheat
lias Increased tj per ,rnt over y,e price
for February, 14; flour 78 per eentj
Drltleh meat per cent and foreign meat
U per ccM: sugar 72 per cent and coal 14
per tent Compared to the range of
Prices at the end of the Frence-Pruaslan
war the premier aald everything except
J was Jaror thnn It Is now, .
The large xpendltnre by the govern.
mnt on separation allownjiocs permitted
the working claaaes to rontumt food on
nearly th same ecle aa they did before
higher prices came, the premier eon
iiniwsd. There waa little evidence of any
diminishing diminution In tft scale of
eonaroption aid If rfllowance waa matle
for.tho new armies, the workln claaaes
wer now consuming more food per head
than In any prevloua period. ;
Rlatnea apecnla tora n America. ,
The premier attrihute the rise In the
price of wheat to diminished supplies and
Increased demands.
Among the factors In the shortaire of
wheat are the closing of the Dardanelles
and the depredations upon crops In the
arena of the war. Premier Aeaufth said
he did not think the shortage of wheat
would last long. The difficulties of
transport and freight i raU-s have been
lectors In the enhanced price, but thev
were not determining factors. "The de
termining factor has been the price on
the New Tork and Chicago i markets
the premier r(.tS, '.Thene are. In A highly
r.rrvous and Jumpy condition, and I know
ot no, way wheroby, any grvrnm.nt tt
the wor'. l can control arwcuhttlnn. ' A.
result ri '-culatlin provides a ea rm-
eay. a nor ex June (here la reason, to
anticipate that the fever of speculation
win abate."
(.'nneamptlan of Meat. -
Continuing, the premier celled attention
to the very valuable consumption of meat
by the troupe, declaring that no men
were better fed Tha:i the Prltlwh soldiers.
The stock of sugar In the hands of the
government was sufficient ' to last for
many months, and the price. .of sugar
si now approximately the same as In
the Vnlted Ptat-s, notwithstanding Ahe
Urt that the I'nlt-d Slates haa consider,
able Internal supples of sugar aa well M
dote, connections with Cuba.
President Wilson '
Presents' Medal
to Boy Scouts
WASHINGTON. pTb. It-President'
w Usnrt reoetved the members cf tha Na-
tfonei ' Council of ' the Eoy Scout ef
Amerlra today "nd prentd nMn!i to i
several scout, on of them for life!
Th president addreased th boy cout.
expretielng his Interest "in tb orgaxUsa
tlon and his belief In Its object.,
Th president said:
"Tou ar recruits in the rank that we
all stand In. of thoae who try to -rv.
th country In some way that .WUI tell
and that. has ttotluog o do particularly i
with mtr w! r"" rrf, j
"A mun who devotes hlmsaif to the'
developnHNit ot hla uwn character will!
succeed In nothing except making a prl, i
but tfhs devotes hlmsir to helping j
other people his charaoier will net only .
tske care of Itself, but It will grow to a j
very noble stature. I have always main- I
talned In the ianiruags 6f manufacture. 1
that character is a by-product. If you '
set to work to mke It rcaMs you love '
yourself, you make an mm. If you dls- I
rcgurd.the cnneiuences to yoursolvee lu i
order to serve other people you will make j
- .n.i.ii.n. inn, i pt;eve Is
fundamenuily decreed of gn organisa
tion of this sort" ,
Allies' Fliers Make
Raid OvorDussoldorf
INDON. rb. U.-A dispatch to the
Dally Telegraph from Rotterdam report
a succea-fuj air raid by the aHies over
Dusfwldorf. . . . .
"The Uermans," accortjlng t tbe corre
spondent, "fearing such a raid at Puutl
dorf. reoently built a secret storehouw
sni distance a-vy fnm the areenal.
Into which wajr materia i,ft4 sapivea
from the arsenal were moved. The raid
eis discovered thla at.M-vhou ,,d
dropped bomb on and set fhw to St"
Bulgaria Will Stay
Strictly Neutral
S.-.KIA. " Bulgaria.- Ttb. Vn.Bulgaria
ha a - i.led io malr.taln a strict au l loyal
t,u.,0;uy.- sld J-remler RadiUvoff.
at a Meeting t,.y with hi. parllanwntai
a.lhr.nt at ,hlch a German loan to
liu'fa-n .s dt-u.,i. The pre,. d.
dare I mat. the imliurv and fti.ani-laj
pr j a, Ktm vf tha country r ade
f..r any eventunlsiy. t,ut ,hat the
S'l.rriiri.eut was rrf.l,nt that ,h,
r:;en.jiy I. . I:njjc r.f'the pcufrs toward
tuii'ia uult cwnit to its advaolag.
Ceryrlght 114,
Kw fcecvia.
Will Attach Gore Substitute to
, Weeks' Bill and Try to Push
It Through House. .
WASHINGTON, Feb, 11. The
fight over the administration ' ghlp
bill underwent complete changa to
day aa tb result of cbnferenceg be
tween President Wilson and congres
sional lea'ders., '
It was determined' to relax the
fight in the senate, thus suspending -
the historic filibuster, while the im
pcrtant appropriation tills are
passed,. , . ' ,
Meanwhile ' Senator - Gore's Substitute
for th administration bill will be Intro
duced in the house as an amendment to
the Weeks bill, another ship measure
which already has passed the senate.
Under a special rule It would be perfected
to meet the view of the administration
and then be presented to the senate for
action a a new proposition.
The present bill, over which the long
fight ha ensued, would be allowed to die
In committee. , ... " ,
When the new bill come over from
the house, If the fight in the senate Is
renewed upon It, President Wilson will
decide whether to call an extra session
of congress for consideration of the ship'
bill alone, His 'advisers In congress to
day were giving him advice In both ol
rcctlons. At the White House the presi
dent's determination to press the bill ya
reiterated and it, waa a! a decision as
to an extra seselon,. swajted the develop- I
1T1 ant In AAr.aeaaa ' ' "' - '
In the house tentative arrangement
were made ,to take up the ship bill im
mediately after the pastage of the pend
ing sundry civil MIL ( '
It we believed the Ship bill could be
put through next cweek. '
The Weeks" bill already ha ped tho
eenate. It proposes use of naval vessots
for mall and fre!ht In times ot emr
Seruy. Py attaching the Gore bill. the.
. I
'mJ' W "
ilcn, Tlicrc Arc Dollars to Be Saved
on Clothing Purchased Here Friday
BissQent Sales Drirj Price Down to the limit
r-Suita and Overcoato, $3.85n
Clioico bf'Hll ilen'e Winter fruits or' Over- CQt
coats in our Basement Department, that have . p f
been celling up to $3.50, Friday
Men' All Wool Mackinaw
Worth 16.80. Special
Sr....... $3.00
Unica Made Overalls, Pair 45c
Men's Good Furnishings
A Stirring Friday Clearance
Tine Wool and Worsted betcr
C't broken lots, worth to
fl.60, iiasemeut, ( ff
Friday for O 1 sUU
Ken's Work Shirts, about fifty dozen, extra well
made work shirts in different shadc.3; an, unusually
good value in the Basement Friday, very AC
special, c'roica .jjjr1
and Itihlwd I nioa Ku Its
meuis, vciy pracui-aj ior yrvetiui
values to sl.oo, priasy. a garment
argaisiG in Boyo' Clotlies
lU)s' W
taluks, fur
5 c
Coya Chinchilla Overcoats
I'ulo etyle, in brown, blue
Uue and gray. 2 to 9
yrs. Hejular $3.5' " ry
vSi.M. t?iclAl 1 rt v)l if O
Boys' Norfolk Suits Many
wiib full llQel p.qu. All good
io f 4. Special Fri. s 1 0
ll)' Hnncl
lilui 6 0c
I . . ' 1 '
psrllamentry situation would simply
call for a motion in tha senate to concur
with the house amendment. A fight and
filibuster may be expected on this also,
It was pointed out, but the administra
tion force would be In much better posi
tion. ..'.
(Continued from Page One.) '
elans have been conducting a Hank move
ment against the force of Emperor Wil
liam In East Prussia, the situation is
becoming clearer. -The Germans have
rushed heavy reinforcement thither and
with" these men they expect to be able
ftn'ktalt lha Tluflfllan lAisnra. Th Rua.
however, already' would appear to
be la a position threatening tnsterberg,
from which German towp the population
Is reported to have been advised to de
part until the present military operations
are concluded. ' , '
Few Bnarasemeata la .West.
In th western arena of the war the
fighting for the last few days haa been'
of relatively smaU Importance, and the
promised big effort of tone side or the
other Is still-delayed pending the advent'
of more favorable weather. -
The situation in the Balkan state ap
pear to London observer to be rapidly,
crystallizing. Bulgaria will receive a
large consignment of it German loan,
within the next few week. Roumanla
to finding that Austria-Hungary' la clam-l
rlng tor a definite statement of It fttl-'
tude., Nevertheless It show no disposi
tion prematurely to reveal Its intentions'
and the entente power Great Britain.'
France and Jlussla seem to be quite sat
isfleit that Roumanians ultimata action
wCUbe on their alde' -.
r .
Des Moines Goes Dry' j
- Saturday Niht
DES MOINES, la.. Feb. It The city
council here today refused to grant the
saloon keepers a renewal of their licensee,
Thla means that the eighty saloon ot
Des Molnea, will permanently close their
doors Saturday night. ,
Work Pants
Men's Vorste-d aud Tweed
tVork Trottarra Worth
$1.60. at, per QC
pair .. yOC
III Lot of Men's Wool and
Hhmm1 I i1tw rr -Worth to
5Sc. Friday. Basement
Heavy and medium weight ser-
- seanoa wear. rieguiar
Iijs' Jersey
bMter 7fcc
value, for
I'auU .
Friday. 7 to vsl
ie, for
Drawn for The Bee by George McMahus
- ' - - V - if'.., . ...
Uerlin War Office Beporta Success
ful Advances in the Argonne
and Vosg-es Monntains. '
BERLlK Feb. 11. (By Wireless
to London.) At tha war oifice to
day the following statement .was is
sued: ; ' , -
"In thejsrestern theater, of war, an
attack In the Argonfi resulted In a
gain of ground for us. Six of leers, 307
men. two machine guns and six small
cannon were captured. In the central
and southern Vosges we also gained
a few small local successes.
"Eastern Theater On th East Prus
sian frontier engagement were continued
yesterday with result that ware alto
gether satisfactory to oa, although tb
deep snow hindered the movement of
our troop. TIi. result ot these engage
ments cannot yet be seen. ...
"In th Polish theater On the right
bank of the Vistula aa advance brought
u into th district north wast of Blerpec,
through which our opponents were re
pulsed. One: hundred prisoner were
taken.:' . '.' ' " a ; . 4
"Oo th left bank of the' Vistula there
were no special Incident. " .:
Drink Hot Tea
For a Bad Cold
. Qet a aroall paokag;e of 4 lam burg Breaat
Tea, or at the German folks call it.
Ianiburgar Brust Thee,V t any phar
macy. Take a tablespoonful of the tea,
put a cup ot boiling water upon it. pour
through a sieve and drink a teacup full
at any time. It Is th most effective way
to break 4 cold and cur grip, as It opens
th pore, relieving congestion. - Also
loosen the bowels, thus breaking a cold
at onoe. -
It I Inexpenatv and ntlrely vegetable,
therefore harmless. Advertisement.
i VJ ifUO0 ',1S iii. l,Tfi?r . -r-
.... v. vri3-iira ym i
I - . n.v-v.,".'.-.,'v::lv yvc.2r .. -sit i
'Feb. 21, 1840: In the Harrison ' Convention Parada was
a iaree canoe on wheels. - Beside it were largo banners
jvuh portrt, of Gcn'l Harrison and Tyler and the word.
I ippecanoe and Tyler, too". t - , -
Seventy five years ago
when. the hero of Tippecanoe was'-'
candidate for President, Lemp's was
established the oldest brewery- in
America vyith a national, patrdnage.
Through nearly four-score years of
constant .striving for a faultless flavor,
Lemp brought forth
6 cAv.i
perfect brew of
and exclusively Lemp quality.
Beer is a feo. Bread and beer are made
of the unit materials: cereaJa, yeast and
water, iiread Is solid; beer Is
both are highly nounnh.Bg.
pret.-rib ber to produce energy. bul..l
liaaua and strengthen Cvrves. . Uojd
beer la tb elixir ot life.
Henry RoUff Company,
Too Early to Talk
of Peace Proposals,
, Says Secretary Grey
'LONPON. 'reb. lt-'The recent public
utterance in Germany give . no reason
to urpoe that the purpose In view will
b prompted by adopting the count sug
gested." was the answer of gtr Edward
Grey, the British foreign secretary, to a
question ( In the House of Commons thla
afternoon asking whether with a rlew
to ending the terrible loss of life m the
war. Great Britain waa prepared to de
ojlare publicly the baalj whereon the
allies were wining to discus term ot
peace. The member of the house greeted
Sir Edwarj Grey's answer with cheers.
Block la I ., Jt, Barweel
''fved to have surfed' from
heated stove In a restaurant, early todav
destroyed half a block of building. l
. A Remarkable Sale of
WasE -Dresses
For Women and Girls
Saturday at the Growing Store
i wa
product ,
surDassInrlv tW
1516-18-20 FAENAM STREET.
Distributor, 2SG7-69 Leavenworth St., Omaha, Neb.
TelepLone: Dovur. 876 .
Wet Maple street In the hustnes district. '
with av loss eaUmated at $60,000. , v
. ... i . i
CHICAOO,. Fcfl. ItWill Bhafer. for
many year manager of the Auditorium
hotel here and one of the best known
hotel men in the west died suddenly last
night of pneumonia after an Illness of a
tew hour. Mr. Shafer ha been attached
to Chicago hotel sine ISTl. ' .' . ' .
' " "' . i:' '- ) ;
, Calomel make you sick and you lose a
day' work. Calomel I a nasty, dangerona
chemical. To liven your sluggish Ifcrer
and bowel when constipated, headacny.
bilious, just get a 10-cent box 'ot harmless
Cascarets. They work while you! sleep,
don't' gripe, sicken or aallvate. vAdver
tlsement. . . . I ;
a mm I 'Saw., -
!.sw t iri V , y. I ;
illlf A-rA-:
' A I:
Wr x m .
;. t ' A. ' f V :
Pi ' JJ'UH"rf"'
i i
I i
if 'I