Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 10, 1915, Image 3

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    lliii j)bi: U.IaS11-, ui'.H.i i'.U, i i.nitl.uiii lu,
their homestesd. one mile northeast' of
I town, where they resided nntll Mr.
i Francis' death. IriHW, when she moved
tn Hils city, which hss since been ' her
Representative from South Omaha
Declirei Measure Would Cut
Him Oat of Right to Vte.
rm Staff Correspbndent.)
tXNOOIjN, Feb. .-SpcUI Telegram.)
A frank confession by Representative
Barrett of South Omaha that ha rsys
no taxes featured the discussion of house
roll in the tower 'branch of the lesis
lature Tuesday morning. The bill. Intro
duced by Da foe, is Intended to apply the
commission form of tfovernment to eecond
'' claaa cities and villages. Jti amendment
offered by Alnlay to restrict the voting
privilege at municipal elections' to tax-
TMlVera rinlv. ' va wtint . nr-calnnw1 Hf r
Barrett's statement . ,
v 'Doesn't Pay Tstn.
'I don't pay' taxes on personal , prop
, erty," said tl'ie South Omaha member,
"and I ownSio real estate. Wijlle I 'pay
I no ' taxes directly, I am, nevertheless,,
' indirectly a taxpayer. When the merchant
sells me his goods he charges up his
taxes In' the price that I, paf "
"Since the gentleman admits that he
pays no taxes, I think if is high time
this legislature should instruct the clerk
of Douglas county to place on the tax list: ,
that . I ' I i . '
Hotfmeister, amid the laughter ofvthe
house. . ; :
"Tes, but I don't own thlsateh, re
itorted Barrett"
Doesa't Owi vWatcK.
The Alnley amendment Was voted flown,
fift-nv MAlt Kill n W Am
irtlttee" on city and towns to be VhaUfced
ao UitJt will provide for one primary
election, at which candidates will ,be
chosen, and later a final election to chooso
the officers, ,' ,
. WINNEBAGO, Neb.; Feb. l-Bpeelal)-f
; Plana and specifications have been com
' pleted for converting the dormltery and
laundry formerly, usod in connection with
the Winnebago school Into abospltal for
Indians and (Superintendent S. A. 'M.
. Tong has been authorized to Af the
work either in open market or through
contract The expenditure of several
thousand dollars will be involved.
The hospital will be primarily for. the
treatment of tuberculosis and trachoma,
which diseases are prevalent among the
Indians. ..-
.The building to bo remodeled are of
brick and are pleasantly situated some
what over a mile east oi the village of
"Winnebago in a'beauttfu grove of box-
elder and cotton wood trees with a spa
clous and gently sloping campus. - These
buildings, after being remodeled, will
make one Of the best hospital plants in
he sen ice and will be worth about $,00O.
H. E. Chamberlain - "
s Is Declared Sanp
MADISON, Neb., Feb. .-Speclal.)-Tho
habeas corpus proceedings brought
before County Judge SfT-Sk" McDuffee
yesterday afternoon to liberate Henry B.
inamoeriain or Brownleo, Cherry county I
from the hospital for the insane at NorVJ
folk resulted In a-wdlrt of sanity. Allen
ft Dowllng of Madison appeared 'for
Qhamberlaln and Dr. Quttery, superin
tendent of the hosRltal who has prac
ticed law as well' as medicine, appeared
In behalf of the hospital. Chamberlain
is a graduate olVPartmouth college. He
has resided for the last fifteen years at
Brownlee, Cherry county, where be has
been holding down a Klnkaid claim, upon
which he1 must prove up February (K
He -was brought to the hospital Febru
ary S.
BEATRICE. Neb., Feb. .-(Spcclal.)
The' bakers of ' the city held another
meeting Monday morning and decided to
continue the price oh bread at 6 cents
peT Ksf. At a meeting Saturday evening
theyagieed to raise 1 cent on the loaf,
but hen it was announced .Monday that
a Lincoln bakery Intended to deliver Its
ptoduct in Beatrice at 6 cents a loaf the
bakers met Monday and rescinded their
former action. ' "
" The two bloodhounds nufrhaiuxl re
cently from "he Brookfleld kennels in
Kentucky by Sheriff Acton arrived Mon
day'and will be used for running down
criminals. They will be in charge of
Special Officer Brandt-'
Carl H. DaubendlcTt of Arthur. MontT
and Miss Bertha -Kreycl were' married at
the . bride's home In this city . Monday
afternoon by Rev B. F., Oalttjer.
. The business men of Beatrice have sue
ceIed In raising $15,000 to apply on the
second mortgage of the Paddock hotel.
and aocordlng to their arrangements with
vJP. C. Roush of Omaha he la to purchase
t fine block arM Trennen that Vi rt t
Rev. J.v M. Darby, who' recentlv ml
tired from the ministry. Monday closed a
aeai iof the purchase of the meat mar
ket of May born ft Lyndea. He will as
sume charge ofytha business on Wednes
day. ' X
( HASTINGS, .Neb.. Feb, B. (Hpeclal Tel-egram-Tli
Hastings Chamber of Com
merce held' its fihriual banquet tonlghj,'.
37 Miles presiding as " toastmaster.
About 250 men were present; The speak
er were Mayor Ingram, Juage H." S.
f Dungan,' Commissioner - Manley of the
Omaha Comemrclal club and II. M, Bush-
nun oi yrjcoin.
The Hastings cHy council
delegation to Lincoln tomorrow
the fight against H. R. !C6. which places
extensions and-new ventures In puhllo
oonnrsnip utilities under the control of
the Stale Railway commission.
The county treasurers of Nebrsska metJ
in imuu convention looay, tresiaent W.
. Q. Ur of Omaha presldlfTg and respond
. ing to Mayor Ingram's address of wel
come. Tomorrow the treasurers will
elect officers and choose the place of
'next meeting, which pn,bably iii be
tuner juincom or Omaha. '
(From a Staff Corresnondent.1
LINCOLN, Neb.. Feb. 9.-Spclal Tel
egram.) Application was made to Gover
nor Morehead for extradition papers for
the return of Joseph O. Arnutronr to
Cochsle. county, Arixonia,' wanted there
for, embexslemeht of the tunas of the
Bowie Bank ft Trust company, of which
he (a cashier. DepdTy Sheriff A. W.
Howe, of Cochise county, who Is expect
ing to take Armstrong Vack with, him,
says thst his county had $4600 on deposit
in the bafik, but that the bank, examiner
found only 30.hen ho examined -the
bank. . j ' .
. Armstrong is now In Omaha, wliere
It la -said he makes bis home. His at-
-v , -.
Fifurn from the Auditor! Office
Rereal WhatTariom Official!
. Hare. Pad Out.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Feb. 9 -(Dpeclal.)-Wheteher
economy had been practiced before th
house detectives began looking ' for a
chance to' cut salaries and help In depart
ments Is shown In records of the state
auditor's department on .the office of
governor alon.
The Statement, going back fourteen
years, which Is the time since anVxecu
tlve has been provided with a house to
live in at state expense, shows thst there
has been Considerable difference fh of
fice expense of. the seven administra
tions since the time the mansion was
bought by the state. S
The Items' for office expense and main
tenance, which also covers dallway fare,
are as follows, the maintenance for the
first three administrations being some
what lower, because of the use of rail
road passes by the executives , ,
Savage. 1901. total appropriation, 20,03:
maintenance, tS.OGV
VMIckey l!3, totnl appropriation, .20.80;
maintenance, $3,000. f ( . ' .
allckey, iWO, total appropriation, $21,180;
maintenance, J2..'.
Hholdon. 1907, total appropriation, $26,280;
rallrond and maintenance, $7,r00.
ShallcnberRcr, 1H0, total approrrlntlon,
23.9W: rallmnd and mslntenanre,t'5,n(X).
Aldrlch, 1811, total appropViatlori, $26,280;
railroad and maintenance, f.ai0.
y Morehead, 111.1, total appropriation, $18,
580; railroad and maintenance, none.
The blank space in the maintenance
column opposite the Morehehd adminis
tration Is, caused by the fact that Gov
ernor Morebeid has paid his own house
expense and -has paid h!s own railroad
fare. It also shows that the office ex
pense has been kept down lower tnsn for
any other governor during the fourteen-
yeart period.
(From a Staff Correspondent),
.LINCOLN, Feb. a Special.) Tha next
meeting of the Nebraska Hotelmen's as
sociation will be held In Omaha, the time
to be selected later onby a referendum
vat. "" . "v
The msting closed here this afternoon
wlh a luncheon at thcA Commercial club.
Yesterday at noon the hotel men were
the guesta, of the Lincoln hotel and In
the evening the annual banquet was
given by the LIndell hotel management.
After that a theater party at the Lyric
and a Dutch lunch at the -8voy closed
the entertainment part of the program.
The hotel men decided that they would
not monkey with the legislature this ses
sion, being prcyy well satisfied with the
Iowa ea they now stand. However. tlK
are opposed to merging the office of hotel
commissioner with any other department
Officers elected are.
P. D. MFadden, Wrlllnaftfn Inn.
Omaha, president; vice presidents. John
M. Feeling. C'lsrk. Hsstlnga; Ralph Kv.
sns, Oolden, O'Neill; K. P. Thompson,
Hlodfrett, York; H. 11. Reed. Evans. Hol
drege; J,. L. Whltesell, llttsburg.. Blue
HIU: I. A. Medlar, Midwest Hotel He
porter, Omaha, secretary treasurer.
Koenigstein's Office ;
Is Declared Vacant
NORFOLK, Neb., Feb. .-Bpeclal Tele
gram.)FoIlowlng hie refusal to resign,
City Attorney Art J. KoenlgsteJLn's office
was tonight declared vacanCby a reso
lution adopted unanimously. Jby the city
council. Koenlgsteln. was formally de
rtered to be discharged. Mayor Verges at
first refused to put the motion to the
Lcouncll and a lively tilt ensued.
LINCOLN. Feb. .-(peelaI.)-The Tor-.
rens' land title bill. S. F. No. 6. is sched
uled to be condemned tody and soul r
the eighth annual meeting of thei Ke-
braska Association of Bended Abstrao-
tora"ln session here. ' -
Among the first arrivals, the bill was
the chief theme of discussion. Several
a I - . II A A W. A I 1 . .
declared that they were not Interested
In the 'measure, that ft would not hurt
their, business, and that all the fnte rest
4hey bad was in a general way along
torneya have notified the governor that tne mtter of lani1 M-
they would- Uke.ia hearing In the mat
te r; before the papers j-f raated. '
ant Adg Proauct Itesus.
The bill waa condetmned ' In" Infbrmat
discussion, as being burdensome, expen
sive, useless, and as ' giving the county
registers of deed more power than the
courts have. .' - ;'. , ' ', , .-. ' T
Hotel Men Are
: Satisfied With ; .
' Laws as Stand
bom. .
She Is also a pioneer of the state-of
Iowa, cowdng there with her parents-In
f BEATRICE, Neh., Feb. Special Tel
egram.) Sheriff Acton returned today
from Bennington, where he recovered a
trunk containing about $1,000, worth of
silks. Jewelry,', etc., which were stolen
from Bon Bright ft Bunte'a store at
Cortland on the night of January 80.
According; to the. statement of Henry
t'ntlde, who la In Jail here charged with
receiving the stolen good at Dewltt, he
and David Kldd serving thirty days In
jail for bootlegging shipped the trunk to
Bennington last Wednesday. It waa
found at the home of Henry Kahler, a
brother-in-law of tlntlde, ' an innocent
party to the transaction. !
Pioneer Observes Birthday.
ARLINGTON.. Neb., Feb. a (Special.)
Mrs. Louisa J. Francis, one of the old
est pioneers of Washington county, re
cently celebrated her elghty-ixth birth
day at the home of her granddaughter,
Mrs. Henry Lallman. " '
Mrs. Francis ''came, with her husband,
S. A. Francis, to Fontanelle, Neb., in
1KB, vwhere they resided until 1870, when
they moved to Arlington, then called Betl
Creek, where Mr. Francis built th first
business house. ' In l71,thy moved to
(From a Staff Correspondent)
LINCOLN. FM. a-OHxrlaJ Teleitram.)
Th stat railway commissioner this
afternoon received a letter from'Clifford
Thorne, chairman of th Iowa railway
commission, urging them" to get busy
on the appropriation of $J.W0. which the
Nebraska commission needs to complete
Its. payment 'of the expense of th west-,
crn advance rate cas Investigation, which
will cost the five states making the In
vestigation, $S00(X The Investigation has
been carried on about two months and
Is ablutNhalf completed..
Attacks Bryan's .
. Speaking Trips
WASHINGTON, Feb. Representa
tive Mondcll, . republican of. Wyoming,
launched another attack In the house to
day on Secretary Bryan' speaking trips.
" "Week after week." he sald,-"wlth war
abroad, turbulent relations on our south
em border, foreign . eotnplloatlona alt
around, including our affair in fan
Domingo, . the secretary of stat , ha
been away time after time, haranguing
crowds in the Interest of th nation
whose affairs he has neglected, wander
ing miner ana yon.
WASHINGTON, Feb. t-Th American
embassy at Mexico City will not go to
Vera Crus on t.te Invitation of General
Carrania, who has asked all foreign
diplomats to go to that point, president
Wilson told callers today. '. , .
Chnfllctitig r ports on the fighting 'at
Monterey were contained In dispatches
today to th Bute department-and 'the
Carransa agency hers. The former told
of death, the latter of victory of Carransa
fercea. .
LONDON. Feb. a Lord Charles Beres
ford is going to-jut a Question tfl Premier
Asquith In the Hous of, Cnmmons to
morrow, in which h will demand that
Great Britain treat German raiders von
undefended places at ptsates, after a
trial by court-martial, hang thsm in publloi
for th murder of women, and children.
Lord Charles asserts that the govern
ment should no longer trsatauch raiders
m honorable foa. ' , .
For Upset 'Stomach, Indigestion, . '
vras, rieart uurn -rape a-iiupcpoui
s 80ur. slck, upset stomacHf Indigestion,
heartburn, dyspepsia; when the food you
eat ferments into gases and stubborn
lumps; your head aches and you feel sink
and miserable, that's) when yoa realise,
the magio in Papa's Dlapepein. It makes
stomach distress go In flv minutes; If
yout stomach is In a revolt-lf you can't
get It regulated, .please, for your sak;
try Pape'a Dlapepein. " IV so needless id
have a bad stomach roak your nextJ
meal a favorit food meal, then tak a
llttl Diapepsln. Ther will pot. b any
dlatrsss eat without fear. It s because
Pap' a' plapepstn ,"rally . does" regulate
weak, ' out-oC-order . stomachs - that gives
It tt'a millions of sales annually.
Get a large f if ty-oent cas ot Pape's
Diapepsln from any drug store, t It Is, the
Quickest mwasV stomach relief andveur
known, tt acta almost Ilk maalc It Is a
sclentiflo. harmless -stomach. prepatlon
which truly belong In every home. Ad
11. m. Bush- i-'-'-'TI
W 111 send a J j
rrow to Join
, Notes from Loonili, . 4 .
LOOMIS'. Xcb., Feb. . (Hpeclsl.) The
I.oomU Grain and Milling company hare
definitely decided to build a flour rnfil to
replace th one. burned last December.
The size, capacity and material of which
It'-wiU be constructedThaveiot been made
- public. The plant destroyed was a three
story frame structure with a capacity of
J0 barrels per day. -' '
In th section which was swept by fire
on November a one new brick bulding,
- th meat market la already in process
of erection. Abramaon ft Johnson, the
1 proprietors, are si so considering the oper
v atlon-of an artificial Ice plant in connec-
tlon with their meat business.
Loomts'.' annual poultry show try) farm
ers' Institute will be held February 17-lt
A. 'H. Smith, secretary of the Plate Poul
try association, will act as Judge and will
also speak at the Institute.
' News from Stapleton. ,:
8TAPLKTON. Neb., Feb." . t Special.),
The recent heivy snow over-this entire
section w Mown Into monster drifts,
- blocking all traffic.'" No serious stock
losses have been reported. ".
L. 8. Boten. who runs, a dray line here,
sustained a broken right forearm, when
--he slipped 'and fell on Ice-covered steps
Theodore H. Msdsen, who formally con-
ducted the Stapleton feed atont. has
traded that buslnes to Ora 8. VWis for
th letter's section of sandhill land. '
Jo Hough of the hard war firm of
iJWUley ft Hough has disposed of hi la--t
to hla psrtner.
irs. uaalel Mf'M
PLATTSMTir, Neb Feb. t.-d5pe-
claO-Mre. Daniel McC'reery passed away
in ber home In Alma, Neb.. Saturday. The
-1ody was brought to Nehawka this morn
ing. - The iscessed was a daughter of the
late L. O. Pollard of Nehaaka and Is
well snd fsvorsWy known. She U sur
vlved by her husband, on, aa and ne
. I
. Otutrrre Thirtieth Aaalreraarr. .
AIJBION, Y. f.-(Kpclal.)-ilr. and
Mrs. W. II..' Longnexker. living south
east ,of town, crlebrated their thirtieth
wedllng anniversary today. A laree
number of -friends Snd relatives helped
them to celebrate the, happy occasion.
They have been residents of Boone county
for sout ten years, coining here from
Harlan, la. ,
i ; . v. .
' Hohillle Hr-rlrr-la gsrrlateadeat.
.' KUbilVILLE. Neb., Feb. .-(8peclst
At a meetlog of the Board of Education
rluperintendent R. O. Jackson was, re
elected to take vharge of the citv-echool
at a substantial Increase of salary. Th
hip a . uwt ww-nsri ana grsas leacoers
tll be eUct4 at the next rotetin.
' '
H liMiiili W : lilL
J ' ' VALVE'IN-HEAD fi) - .
':''', ) .'.. ryi MOTOR CAR5- '
Cff For ttoseasonof l9l5'oYer 26,000 of thisv .
number have alroadybeen built and mar-'
r keted up fo" February lstpr even two
thirds of the entire season's outputr ; , :
Apprpciating the fact that the 'demand .
for Buick cars ; during the coming . spring
would far-excepd that of 'previous years,
fBuick dealers all oyer the country have
availed themselves of therppportunity to get
cars duriner the winter" months, and are .
able to make deliveries to suit convenience
of customers. - '. N .
what has created this enormous de- '
mand?. Did you ever stop to think
what it . takes to build up a business
Of his magnitude? Did you know
there were already in use over 200,-'
000 Buick cars? v A . :
ThSso facts alone should convince
you that the Buick is the car you
want.' It is a tested. article, not an
experiment. v
ThreerChassis Six Body Styles
C-24 Runabout . . . $ 900.00
(C-25 Touring . . . ' ; $ Q50.00
C-36 Roadster ; . , $1185.00
C-37 Touring-. . ; . . $1235.00
C-54 Six'Roadster . $1650.00
C-55 Six Touring . . : $1650.00
'j All F. O. P. Flint, Hch.
i Omaha,' .
LEE nUIT, Mgr.
II. E. SIDLES, Gen'l Mgr.
0. II. SHORE, Sales Mgr.
. "" , lll)ll,,,J ,
Bioux City,
S. C. DOUGLAS,- Mgr.
The keenest, liveliest
appreciation of the Eicht
Cylinder Cadillac comes from
the man whoso sense of what
constitutes luxurious motor-
ing .has been driven to 'the
highest pitch. -a . j
To locate the Cadillac at the
Show just look for the
busiest exhibit. ,'
Cadillac Co. of Omaha
Omaha, Neb.
;IB2st-o FaF?
Which', episode do you prefer ?
-What has startled you the most? .
What has v caused the greatest
flutter of your heart drawn the -
tear ;t your ,eye, made your lip
quiver most? A -
Write us and well be glad to :
publish' your opinion in your
own,words.r . ' ; ,
' V
- A . ; OF
Now running in the following
theatres, is creating the greatest '
interest yet felt in a. serial.
' ' . '
, South Omaha ' ,
1716 Vinton Street
. 14th and Doug'&a Streets ;
: I6th and Binney Streets
. 1258 South 13th Street
Council fluffs, Iowa
2555 Famam Street
V 2410 Lake Street
' 3212 North 24th Street
Dr. Tarry's mllJ system of trestment cures PUns, t'lstuls, snj other I'ect:
dlsettsea. In short tlriKV without s surf ical ueititlun. No C1.U.1 uior.n, l't.,r or
snr other gener! antstJie(te used. A 1 ure iurnirrd in evrv cusa m-ren ft
I treatment, and no inunsy to be paid until currJ. Write for book on He. tal dis
ease couisiumc isaiiinf.uiaia t.r prominent ioi ia ito Imvm len tai uiiieiiilv
1JI, T.U;iU Iiulldlajf Ouiali.