Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 10, 1915, Page 2, Image 2
Till; HKK: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 10,1015: TWO BILLS AFFECT BIG CORPORATIONS Slattei and Bedford Have Measure! Vitally Opposed on Taxes Fii by Tie Companies. LOOXESOj IXTO THETB" EFFECT (From a Ptaff Correspondent.) L.IJCOOLJS7 Feh, I (flpcutl.) Bsnator Mattel ef Otoe ) noxious to know J up how much money is paid Intd tb state treasury under thworrrporatlon occupation tux law, what percentair of tb total Is paid by publlo service corporations and bow much by smaller private corporations and how much it costs to collect the tax. A motion that tha secretary of atata, who collect the tax. b Instructed to f ur nlah the sonata with such information waa Introduoed by tha Oto county xnaa thla morning. Tha tnotkit. carried. Bllla V'lUllr Opposed. Fenator Matte explained that tha. de sired Information concerned B. V. hy Bedford of Douf)aa, and B. TV B4, by him self. Tha former . rsls. tb occupation tax for each' additional mltlton of Capital stock over, tha first million from $78 to 125. The Utter rapaalc lb tax alto-stler. Bedford's bin "would hit the railroad practically to tha- exclusion of other cor poratlona.' ' it -would affect tha common carrtcra vttaPr. soma of thara for almoat ae much at tw.onn additional to what they are now paym;. " Frrca Road froaa Ta. Malt'.' hill would of couraa free them from any tax whatsoever. Both 111 era yet In tha committees. Bad ford ' bill Is with tha committee n rTnif' and taxation, ha-ln,.been trans ferred td that commute from tha com mittee on ' miscellaneous corporations. Mattes' htiris with the latter committee, of which 'he It chairman. i Howell Objects , ' To Hunter's Bill On Water Board . i . " ( From a Ptaff CbYrsseondent LINCOLN. Fb. .-pecla1 Teieram.) Reprtacntatlve Hunter of tha Deuglss county delegation and General Manager R. B. Howell, of the Omaha Water board, had a tilt bcf-re the committee on stale- Institutions this afternoon, over Hunter' bill, providing' that Hhe' sta auditor should make an Investigation of the affairs of the Omnha Water hoard. While Howell absolved Mr. Hunter from any connection with tha corporations, ha said corporations were behind tha bill for the purpose of crippling tha work of the Water board. Hunter denied the charge and said that If1 the i Water board i ail tight. It ought not t. be a trail of an Investlfa tlon by the statei auditor or anybody ' fiowell waa will leg for an investigation, but he wanted to prohibit thtra from going too far by stipulating that the lft Vejrtlgatton should not eost orer 160. PRAIRIE CHICKEN SEASON LEFT OPEN BY SENATE ' (From Biaff Correspondent) i MNCOI..N. Fb. . (Special.) Prairie chicken can get no protection from tha senate this year and suckers wl.l ba pro tected, If the action of the senata gam and flab, commission way be taken a tha fwllng cf tha members. 1 This noon a larse crowd of flehermen an.! gunmnn met with tha Cdnimlttea and ruiistrred Vigorous prolent against Beaat File 115 by Lhners. which makes It un lawful to illl rralrio chickens, quail and like birds for e term of flv year, and Brat's. pvnet Fl'e 154. which provide that sucker and like fish could be take any old time., s , As a result both bills wera reoommendad for IndnfinitepoatponemioL However, Gates' bill, benete Pile 3)1. which pro- KW- the manner and kind of coarse flh nhich may be taken by'aelne wlia their presence In waters are fli-trtmental to tha Frnasilon of good flat), was reootn mndd tor paasage. A going (usineaa can be sold quick) through Tlia lite'e "Bualnaa Chaocta." Ecgistcr Reveals Sharp as Lobbyist (From a Ptaff Correapondentl UNCO UK. Ttb. . (Hpeclal.)-W. E. fharp, preslden of the Uncoln Traction '"r,iny and of the Itoyal Highlanders, has rectiitnrrd as a lobbyist at the aeo i. thiy of aUtc's offka. He signs as In termcitnl iu li.suisivia hitS ccfporatlaa !". It la tiiouKht that the Iramediats 'Ua of las rtilatry Is tha Peterson bill. II. R. 214. 'h-h provides, that no street tllay aervto shall be dlscontiauad upon certain conditions. . 1. Si lihldr of Chicago has registered as repivaenUog himself In leglalatk-n f- leiti:ig loan. Ihxt to Destroy Catarrh Gems ana End Catarrh Forever A KpeolaUst's A.drtoe. CArrh le a p dlaa and tha only uv So ciiro It o it ,iy rurad and i vr coma ra k la to kill and drive out of '"' I rMlnrrhnl gnna Mx I. ate tuuiid Iveigeisent there. NVhca the 'riiia ko lha ratriirli will atop. The trou. wan i"ori trtiainumia. iiks apraya. ltr. f.eun. sry bkiuia. luliuns. eic.i i)i.y nt tniiy trmpurer v relief by r ! .! H. :ii i..r a bll II. rli.sgMj heaJ. r.i n.jetriia. in a lltlis tuoe the uriii .o.ura t . s aa 14 aa evr. i'. .). n.i, u!tr coit!iiully from c Iir.i !iuu:j (Up a n h teru.ira4y uake- . . i-.'n ana gri aomeiriiiig n,t realiy urti tv n,- riAi in ii, a itiHdM and :! Tin-ie la iioir.iiia beiLcr for auch (tan bread. tng into your nose and .... i, Mjir.ia, l.rallliN, ri.'Mroi in 0f Hyumel (pro- i.ouiueU : i: i-iiii m...lA fi.i,, ...l of l.uaJi;tua ai.d r..ii,i,lrn-4 wild oilier (owirrl l.r,.::g, fcntu- .uc and srin da- H'Mntf li..e,i.,.nt,. liyomel polrale i.J r.i ti.a iu.'iam,l. aawt&n mi- fanva cl your n.i-a o l thrust, i.'i d.e '"""' ' "'' ti.e p..Hs-a anu roir. I .v.i..v ttr,.j,w u.a cmsmi by drUrvy. ;' l:a 1 .r ,Kirrti svrinia .jn.n.t i;.e lu. .r U.viy i.r Hyuiuet m 'i.iini.,i . k.-C'onn itrug u. r,i ,,.r.v ou r U""4 druHM in (,m4, e. J v, lint r t.-e lui.g Hyouiei on a n'r '-'' ef si'ooneaful result ''..""'v '" ''" .U enr,u... ' k w-.-et drunMat ara no gu. i': .. .. .rt l.-imr im. ia rrxm hird rof- i..i:-,..i U!nelit and. I o. V et a -t w m ........ M - . ji . - .l ko .. ij w.oloueMy re-!- 1I 1 ' ' " " ' u -i"a u! i- u (tigai- SCHOOL BILL IS IN .DEMAND Senata'i 8apply of Code Meaiare ; '. ' Haie Been Completely ' .Exhausted. KULEBT GETS ' SARCASnC (From a Staff Correspondent.) 14NOOUN, Feb. . (Ppeiclal.) A lively Scrap was fntrlpltaied In the senate this morning, when Senator Mattes of Otoe, rose to remark that there was no more copies of th school code -bill avail able, either in the senate or th house. The bill Is a bulky met.sur of, over 100 page, weighing something like thirteen ounces. ' - ' The Otoe county member further re marked that of $10 4n postage had been expended In sending th bill out. Where Is your vaunted economy wss tha ques tion he put, Senator- Mallery, who introduced the bill, answering In a warm manner tfia attack of Senator Malt, and proposing that more copies ef the bill be printed. It shows that the people are vitally In- tereeted In thla hill and that by all means they should' be protected even at tha expense of a few 'pennies. . "fou talk about ecmomy and then provide pay for sixty employes," ho added. - . ' ' Mallery s motion was lost. ' Geeoa Beada Beegki. Tb Stale Board of Educational lands and funds has purchased IHOnO worth of tha sewer bonds of th city of, Genoa. .' Sal of Coppers. Attorney General Rd has furnished a ruling to the pharmacy Hoard ito th effect that any person, not llcansed pharmacist, may kell copperag.) er sul phate of Iron. Th ph ami arista bad ob jected, because general store, wens sell ing th drug. It Is used largejy as a bog medicinal i ' . ' Favor Sufficient Weights Inspector (FVora a Btaff- Correspondent.) UNCOLN, rb. l.-(flpecil. In spit of vigorous criticism from its opponent H. R. J06, Increasing the number of weights and measures Inspector for1 tha Rtata Food commission from two to six. received the O. K. etamp of th hove to day and waa. sent to IU third reading. Tha plea of economy was raised In oppo sition to this bill, some members declar ing themselves opposed to th creation of any new Jobs. Friends of the bill mat this, argument by saying that unlets a sufficient number of Inspectors Is pro vided It will be Impossible to protect tits publlo from th tmpostur of fals weights and measures. , DOCTORS AND LAWYERS HAVE A DISCUSSION (From a PtaJf Correspondent) UNCOLN, Febv . (Special r-Th doc tors and th lawyers got Into a discussion this afternoon In tha house ever th merits of a' bill prohibiting th lawyers from charging fees for assisting in tha settlement 'of estates. 1 tianlgan ol Oreeley and Hotfmeistar spoke, th former Insisting thst aftar. a lawyer had' paid no nay and spent time In getting admitted to the bar there waa nothing fair tn rastrioUttg Id field ol labors.' ' - ' f .- Hoffmslster Insisted tha, If h wanted his son t .settle h! tstat after ha was dead that ha ought to b abl to do so without a lawyer butting Into tha gam aad charging a fee. Legislative :) Proceedings eaata Coaaatlttea at Whol. E. F. SS, Eushee of Klmball-Rertucea collection fee on district Irreaatloa funds from 1 to per cent To aaa. i U. F. &. Klcchel of N'emalia Provides that common carriers cannot require of an employe that he secir any speclfio company on bis bond. To pus. Bill Thirst Heading, Seaat. a. V. Si. Krumhach of Polk Provides for a lt parol officer. A yea, in; nay, I H. F. M. Mai a on ef Frontier Makes It sufficient for a voter to writ In th nam of a cahd'ulat without marking a Cfoas St tha same- time. Aves, SO; nays, It H. if. 3, Howell of Ioi((la AnnaxUlon H'l with emergency clause. Ayes, 2i; nara I. t. . F. F". Tluder of Cedar and Beal of Cutrbtiuaiis and sllirhtty raises schedule of county junes reea in civil and criminal cauea. Puts probate work on flat fee ba)o, varying with sis of estate. Ayes, Sa; nays, a ; Ifeese Com !(( f be Wkelt, H. R. ITT, loup!& County petesatlun Public welfare bill, To pass. 11. H. T., pousiua County Delegation Provide for a'lj'nirnrr.ent of Jusllc court ciM-a. To riaj. ii: R. . ! pom rtlention Atloas chanre of ven'i fioia Justice courts to conte'Rolated iininl.'..."! ouima. 'o paaa H. H. si, Douslaa Uelefratloa Allows for aptoliiUiKnt of constables inalaad of ele-ttu. To pss" H. K. t, Duualas Teloatlon -lamlU Jui Isdu-tlon of J'iii. of the pea to his own 1ilrlt. To patia H. Ii. M, fH'utes lelegatlon Creates two Juetioe of tue (iwci dlaUlcts i In Uougias oa u uly. To paaa. Third Readlag, lieu. M. R. IJ. Ulnar uWe rullroad com panies the rlalt l condemn and take as niurh aa forty atTe In a ahool lani M-tion when twenty acre id be used fur slock varda or feeding yards. Passed, H. K. liu, t'ronln Allows ortlera to ( in chambers aiiinat hoir la oa'alrs. pnaani. 1. It. Ik Croaln Pernjlta Ucaoa of to a urjin of prprty tj L !. sued belwreo resular court teitus. Paaeed. H. H. 1n. biooiiie M)ulra liaa fi.r aervlce of atailiona. jai-ka and buns to be filnd by Ot tuber 1 ausr the (spring has teii foaled. Paeaed. 11. K. Pa foe Apportion ti coat ef boundary line fcacea Passed. Bills roatpeaed la Iteaa. H. R. 133 snd H. R. ITi-Providir.g for a county tlx levy to r. i soldiers' utotiuiiieiits of m-nioHttla lViatpotwd The Tiblwta bill. II. It. Ji. ruyuiritig railroads to advertise their time tall, ia newspapera at all Junction puiota. also went Into Ilia distant uu th racoia nu'iidntum of th railroad committee, H. H. l-A. Fuller L;apetsalt.g with ad-. ni l uls t rat u.n iMweextinga In estate wurtlt iot to exoeed t'.Wn. Iruletuuteiy post poned. Bllla Paetpaaed ta teaat. . Y. t. Beai of Oualr FJImlnatea as a defense to charge of embaaalement pie that mt bad some part ef ttie money AliieaV'l iv"i iviva uua null. S. VI lol. Ruden of Knox Permits muney raised tor county fair association t. be uawd la pameot of apseu ur niiunis. i. 1 . V. Beal of Custer Permits era v t.aer fun t b taken at ail tune of ttia year. e. F. l.a, Labtiara of Thayer I oea svay a-ilh th otwn sssson on prairie chicken. Uparsaeat Oraera. WAeiGT.',!. Feo. . Kpcll Tale gram.i trvin W. Kanduany ha 1-en ap p.atmaUBr. l'owe, Nrrr.aia tu.inty, Nutjiaa, vioa H. H Ktuinpuw it. R. Xiinti4 aa aptwntad rural hit t. r i' r at Dana, and c. A. btxk at i ledi Ii H. la. h.beft f. Jurnay of 'Jncoln. Nb., has t-i t ppuiiuad au asaiMant in S..H ,.r, , t .i i.5 s.iruc vt Ilia. Agrictilurtl a- SENATE PASSES - ANNEXATION BILL Howell Meaiure Ooei Through the Upper Home This Morning- by , i Vote of 24 to 8. ' EJffiRGElfCT CLAUSE. EETAEfED From a Ptsf f Correspondent) LINCtHJ. Nab , Fab. .-(Bpa4 Tele gram.) Fenat file No, 2. the Howell Omaha annexation bill passed the senate this morning by vote of 24 to 8. On sen ator, Beal, being absent. Th vote stood: Ayes , Marshall. ' Bedford. Mattes, . flrookley, . Plller, B'jahee. Oulnby, nygiann, Kunen. Uouthett, I'oripe. Hoesland, . Howell. Xsndall, launders, Hhiimway, Ppenrer, . Hrlrk, Wllenn of Dodge, Wlnkud M. Kiechel, Kohl, Krumbsck. Mallery, Naya- Tihners. Robertson, . Veesner, ' ' 'Vt'lliion,' . ' of Frontier,--. Flu hrm an. Gates, fJrace, Henry, Dodge, Mattery and Kiechel voted against the bill bn the roll rail, hut changed In order to make tb emergency clause go. Bill Would Provide State, to Pay Loss - , Sustained by Hail " From a Staff Oorreapondent.) . LINCOUS', Feb. .-(Special.-Pet!ton signed by several hundred business men at Archer anH farmers in th surround ing country, wsr filed In th house Tuesday morning, asking for the pas sage of the Osterman hill, H. H. No. 829, for th creation of as tat hall Insarenca fund. Th Mil wm Introduoed by ' Mr. Osterman upon the urgent . request of many of hi eonsUtuants In Merrick county, where great danger ha been dona by hall storms th last year or two. k fThe tneaeiir propose a state levy of oh-fourji of on mill for, th purpose of creating th fund. Th governor Is authorised to appoint' thre commission ers for ch courity, who shall pans on all claims for loss, ' and award the sam according to their best Judgment Tha commissioner will receive 40 cents per hour, while engaged In thla work.' Tha bill do not limit 'Its botveflU to farmers alone, but provide that resi dences of cities and towns may show losses du to hail and be re-embursed therefor. Governor Suggests ' Peace Observance From a Btaff Correspondent) -' ' JJNCOUN: Ttb. .-(Declal.J-Oovr. nor- Morehead today sent a soaolal mes sage to- tha legislature, .calling atten- Uon to tha-dat of tb coming centennial anniversary, o.t the signing of the treaty of Oh an, by which peace waa .concluded e-n l ' I a yv ".'1.3 " "a f " V J V State ami breat Britain In IMS. ,Th anniversary falls on February 17, and the governor sug gested m fitting obeercatice, and that the two house -meet In Joint session at 1 p. m. ,on that day to hear an address by Jenkln Uoyd oJnea Thla will prob ably b done. " Measure Aimed at Coroner Has Smooth Sailing in the House i -1 -I (From a Ptaff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Feb. - (Special.) -County coroners may find thmevee without pay checks If the legislature n both branches looks at the Job the way the house does. TheIowr body this morning took a turn at th bill known as H. R. 208, by Tib bets of Adams. The only thing that saved It was a1 mo tion by Mockett of Lanraa-trr that the hilt ha given a rest until a similar bill was ready for discussion, when the two could come up together. The bill sboltshes th office of county coroner and gives the duties to the county attorney, hut gives him no compensation for performing, the work. Tlbbets declared thftt the - coroner's offlc I a useless) burden on th taxpay ers, and In many counties It serves no purpos. except as a feeder for the-undertaking business. Palmer, who Is an attorney, said hs waa speaking- against the Interest of bis own profession when h argued that th coroner doe nothing except hold. Inqueets snd bring out ad vance testimony to help th lawyer In any subsequent proceedings. He saw no excuse whatever for continuing ths coro ner" of floe, , - I . Light Bill Eeferred To Club Directors - It will , take the board of director, of th Commercial club to decide whether or not th club shall' endorse tb electric light bill In th legislature, which pro vide that th metropolitan water district may angaga in tha electrio lighting busi ness. Th , executive committee of the club had the matter up for discussion at noon.. Zt was then that tb matter was referred to the whole board of directors of sixty members, which Is to meet next Monday, Th recommendation for endorsement of the bill cam from th municipal af fair commute of th Commercial club. This committee after a hot discussion a few days ago decided by a small majority that ther should h endorsement of the bill. Bo Gould Diets; chairman of thd' municipal affair committee, recom mended the endorsement to th execu tive committee at th meeting. He Old If in th form of a motion, tut failed to get a second. . Immediately some wis head who knew th consideration of th bill meant a fight Jumped up and moved that the mat ter be referred to the entire membership of th club In a referendum vote. ' By th tim thla waa seconded someone is cam along with a substitute motion; t!pt th board of directors be given a oracle at It They r to hav that crack next Monday. between the United I .. - 1 JLJE" was wise enough to know, cm' honest , enough to toy: "You can fool all of the people some of the time, an some of the people all'of the time, hut you can't fool all of the people gll of the time."1 The public won't he fooled about its pipe. It can't smoke adjectives it wants good tobacco. , v , . " v s- i Smooth talk may sound gooCbut for good smoke yea want smooth .tobacco. That's VELVET. v ' 7 Cool,' slow burning VELVET, .. The Smoothest Smoking Tobacco, is cji improvement even on Nature's pipe ' masterpiece' Burley de Luxe. For two years' careful curing gJvci VELVET . that lenda a "tcasonexJ' taste to even a "young" pipe' and aJJj a eurpasing "richness to an oia one. . r lOaTia fvc Metal -line J Bag Ua r-awaj (..Us klcoiiort QUINBY SEESJflRE PULLING Douglas County Eepreientatire Sayi Effort it Being Mada to Kill Franchise Tax Keainre. ANOTHER HXAPJKQ SCHEDULED (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Feb. .-(Ppccial.)That the Snemlca Of denote File No. 31. which de fines the method of. fixing the value ef franchisee tor taxation purposes, are try ing to kill the bill r!y delaying It, was the charge emphatically made by Sena tor Qulnby of DoiiKlas, Introriucer'of the bill, on the floor of the senate today. Qulnby was brotiRht to his feet by a motion of Buhrman, chslrmsn of the committee on revenue and taxation, to have tha bill referred back to the stand ing Vommlttee, It having been ,retorted out for paasNgesome time ago. Buhr man said It appeared that alt parties in terested, through, error, had not been given a hearing on the measure when It was tiefore the rommittee. Qulnby strenuously denied this. He said that h himself had It recommended at on time Just to mak sure that every. body might be heard. , He thought that for a committe to report a bill out twice should b enough, t -Qulnby's motion lost, howjever, by a vote of 1? to 10, h having demanded a roU call, ' Th Mil as a result is now back In th Committee and a hearing upon it Is scheduled for J o'clock Thurs day afternoon. Th bill provide thst the assessor shall fix the value of the franchise of all publlo service Corporations at tha market value of stock; and bonds lee the value of the company's tangible property. , Read The Bee's "Business Chances" and gH Into your own business. Lord President of . Live Stock National Moiti A CO. hav purchased th Me Grew Interests In tha live Stock; Na tional bank of South Omaha, C. M. Mae farlane, treasurer, Morris At Co.. Chlcagoi becoming a director. C F. McGrew con tinue With the banka director. H. O. Edwards, manager of Swift Co. South Omaha, also continues on 'th board. L. M. Lord remain with th bank, being elected president. Mf? Lord has been the cashier and th dominating faotor Jr the business sine it organisa tion in 1907. i F. W. Thomas, who has been wIUi th bank since l5lD as assistant cashier, take th position of cashier. All other members of th board remain the same. Morris A Co., Chicago, ar the largest individual owners of bank stock in that city. They control the Kansas City stock yards, the Drivers National bank of that place and also hav large investments in packing house and banking Interests In all of the western packers centers. Two years ago they - took over th Omaha Packing company's plant at South Omaha and it Is an acquisition to Omaha to know that this financial powar Is ex tending it Interest to the hanking field In thla city, which means a strengthening powstr for th Live stock National hank as well as tha packing nous and oattl Interests 6f tha northwest . . 1 SHIP BILL BATTLE . V IN SENATE ENTERS ' ; ON ANOTHER NIGHT i Continued from Page One ) mittee of the house for me tline has had a special rule realty for an? emerg ency on the shipping bltL Senator Hitchcock declared he did not criticise the president for attempting to enforce his convictions, but h hoped senators would respect their own. "Not one senator here on this side -(the demo cratic side) believe in the bill, I my opinion." ','..-. Senator Itced moved to amend the Hitchcock substitute by providing that "all secret meetings, conferences, or cau cuses between disgruntled or bolting democrats or republicans, or proprietors or agents of any pool or trust Interested Iri legislation shall be held to be a con ference In the meaalng of the order.- Senator. O'Oorman. In a denunciation of the conductof the. senate's business declared It was doubtful If th state of New York would remain In the demo cratic column and that It certainly would not If the people should find that their representatives In th senate could be bound hand and foot by a caucus.. Barleaqae Gaverniaeat. 'Th proceeding of this senate In the last week have been a burlesque on con Wednesday VIiite Wait Linen .-- 10 Pieces 50c White Shirt - .Waist- Linen . 29c a yard English Long Cloth ' By the Bolt ' 15c, 36-inch Long Cloth, $1.50 'a bolt I of 12 yards '. 20c, 36-Inch Long Cloth, . $2.00 a bolt 'of 12 yards ' 25c,' 36-inch Long Cloth, . $2.50 a bolt of 12 yards The Store For Shirtwaists 1 Receiyed Monday (yesterday), more of those very popu- lar Flonshaw Blouses; , '.' CO prices. V. V. ..i.,!.i;vV.;., , . P3-p Blouses; '.' ; ..... ,., : . . ... .., . , Easily $5.00 Value" Women's Corset Covers of- Nainsook, - Silks, or Silk : White Silk Corset Covers ."with, shield-shape, sleeve lace trimmed, all vsizes" at ....... $2.25 .White; Silk Corset Covers . . with short lace sleeves,. and .yoke; sizes 34. to 46 . priced .A.......,. $1.63' TJadaimosUss r.a,siy - ir.Yj - - t - - - ..t!! - I, i i tT 1 - proved Its merit In. orer 460,000 casca t. W give value received, sud'that Is tb rea'on w ax at th head la our specialty. , - . . '. . . , . . The only Keeley Institute ln'th stats ot Nebraska Is located la Oma- na. corresponasnc conndentiai. Xlic Keolcv Intstltutc ' OMAHA. Cor. fStfc aki Cass fttae Omaaa, Yak iMl'SEMB.TTS. A tilzM ot Dig City Life Ru!)E!S:owsS With All Ttaaaplaa S-larLn at AU Omaha Thsster at rutat AJiaUiL Fcto and Grand Oall CLwaaa"Z,odr Vo. 3, n p n Theatrical 1 Mil Mechanical Association rideiTheitr, fri, Feb. 12 Lilncula's smhl. Tk 8taa. Th BaUcaom TUk- Now Sel JUS rarsoa at Principal I t. ata Hot.1 l.'lnr Sts4. as AU It Vxailmlaary Taadevlll Show at :39 Cass "A" All the Way SCF Vitoau Tr.EtELLCv;sTc::FAns Kinbt motion plcturea of the Park evar pro1uc-rt, taksn under tuirvliina of the Uuvcrenuiit snd colored true t nature. Takra for timwlay at 8ae Fraju lace Imposi tion, w p be etioan one day only at, Farnam Theater lath aad raxaaa. 1 : I 1 I 1 stitutional government," said O'Gorman. "The command comes from without th walls of the carftol to pass thla ship plirJ , chase bill before the appropriation bills " "Th situation In which the democratlfl party now finds Itself may well excite the anxiety of those who lov th party." Concluding, Senator O'Gorman declared) there would be a muchwarrant for th president sending for the chief Juatlc of the United States to come to th Whit House to discuss a pending case aa td send for a Senator tb take his orders. ' MAJOR MORRISON-BELL' - PRISONER IN GERMANY I i in liONDON. Feb. . Msjor Arthur C Morrison-Bell of the Beets Guard, who recently was reported missing In Franc, Is a prisoner In Germsny. Mrs. Morrison Bell today received a letter font her hus band announcing his safety. Major Morrison-Bell is a conservative 'member of th House of Commons. He saw service In the South African war and was aide-de-camp to the governor general of Can ada Mn 1900-O4. , HYMENEAL , ,- naadall-Btoclc. Miss Anna Marie Stock, daughter ef Carl Stock, and Mr. Vernon L, Randall, " wera married by Rev. Charles W. Bav tdg at his residence Monday evening at ' o'clock. , They were accompanied by " Mis Ruth Jailer and Mr. Earl Merrlam. T" Goods' Specials 50c Checked Embroidere4 i Voile ' . . SOo a, yard - 50c, 36-inch Linen Waist ing v 29c a yard 25c Irish Poplin, 19c yard' 35c. Checked Dotted Swiss, .' at . . , . . . 19c a yard 25c Lineweave Suiting1 -at . ,. . . . . , 15oayard 40-inch Voiles . 40-lncb Crepa . New Embroidered fcmbroldered .SIJUO, $1.75 Embroidered. 0-inch. Naw x NeisTuex . flJSO, l.T, $a.0O 45-inch New Organdie at . . $3.25, $2.50, $2.75 yard and Lace V Fine- Nainsook Corset Covers, lace or embroidery trimmed; all sizes 65c, 85c, -' $1.00, $1.50 $2.00 up. - . . .' i Third floor. 1 - ttsw. 1. Praninn, OPtasa, SforpMo aad othsr gu ad&ioUoas ar dlaa oosditlono. I. Tbarefor'e, elentiflo medical treatment Is aao ssary. . , J. In caas of sickness, von hut tha beat should be accepted. . . 4. . Our treatment is known the world awsr and haa i NEBRASKA Xaraay Btrert Car from either Xye g tlake Tectiiing Easy for Eafcy . i i - - ,V J!rs, Vifetays Sccttirig S)icp . A SPLENDID REGULATOR , PURELY VEGEX!.2LEJ0TKARC0TI5 AHUBEMEXT9. OYD ' OMAHA'S HOIT rOf UJuAJI .Tbaater kfsA, Taday ;18. ToUrht, AM Weak BI3 JK.1 GARniTY Added attraction vry.' perforniaao BsUa Xroaas-Harry Walker 'ta daaoe. Mat. W4 TharaH BaV, a So. Wurnts. 5o, Boc West Week I A Woman' Way. Tea... res. 1. Society ailffat. lug, Zaa lilsworta Dale la Bono between acta. cnnnoEis John Bunny - (xzanizu) T01UT. KU i3o Ere., a:a, aad Tkoxsday aivaaiaa. And Company of aa aUB(r and ItaAears, "L'snny in Fenny! ..all atla t-. aSo.-aOo, tS. Bvealnr. tic ti.oo. Ssi, Moa, Tue.. Ciiauaoey Qlomt. Whoa bee. aaa. AfiwaVfren warmawnw Dally Matmee. l is U;hu, t.'lt. fttiLv o rrOik .eim : The 1 Kar. I i. . . ... 'I "' 'lr. a a to. siun.l Ktawr. kvinui Irvla, nM ackuiau. jrfbM it. vJ s-air.v rri: klai., al., Ivc beat seats (txcmrt ?at. A- Bun ). i:,c. Nishta. 10c. iir. i -jMtJLt a (vs . ta-aa-aoa, a-k-tvt-Taa, .TO. GLOBE TROTTERS l-i)ilei lu everflowln, with Jollity, failarw Ity, girl enl sy' t . Th two-aft Ktu s!cl hurleauue. "Ttie-lJuwry beekeca.1 I s. i Si il. mm , m wmn i -