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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 10, 1915)
- in WANT ADS Wert ads received at any time, but to Insure proper nofliv ation must be pre seated be'nro 11 o'clock noon for evening edition snd 7 50 p. m. . for morning and "nnday editions. Want e "a trltfj sfter such, hours wilt ho under the heading, "Too Late to Claa-lfy." , , - cafu rates. Pereti cvmaecutiv times. 1 cent a word Insertion. ... . Three timet within on week. 1V4 cent ft word each Insertion. Ono time, 1 cent a word, CHARGE RATES. Seven consecutive time. cents a lino en.'h Insertion. . ,m . Three times within one weeks-M eetat line each Insertion. One time, 11 cents a line, . Count six average words to a Una, Minimum chartre.-ffl) cent. Ab advertisement Inserted to til discontinued mutt be stopped or writ tea order. - AH claims for error must b wade within fifteen days after the 1t U I iob ef tha advertisement You run place, your want ad In Tha Baa by telephone. TELETTIONW TTLPR 10 Unclaimed Answers , to the "Swappers Column" Hundreds of other answer have bn relied for and delivered during the let week. It Ja reasonable to suppose that all of tha .people below have made yi d. aired we.i,s, therefor do not cell for the balance of thlr answer. Boa waul ad cure get remillav. (Ml ft G. 1 SC. B.C. 1!V1 1M 1'7 )i 1 1.1 1X44 !-. 1114 . yr, J.T." l.T!4 1-"S 14- )4 107 AC. 1 1411 14)1 Hit Jl 14 4. t- 14.i ' 1441 1445 144, 14'4 , 14 14.r li 140 1471 ltSl SC. 14"! K'4 1M1 W 1M7 V.--0 r.'S If. 4 I'.KI lf.5 IV A I'M r.'.7 V.T4 1V5 lht 1!.'7 lul H7 a 3 v P4) si . ' 4f ' sa too . in ' 11 ! - 4IS . me 4( lit 1 . 4'7 j r j it m f 4 ) 7 . H-cj S 47 2"1 J I 4 ?i 4 i II 2 .1 M S-4J euf .l Ml " 1' t-A . I'M 1 i 4 " S? IT 14) I I 1 11 i1 IS !! ta fcet m DRATIfS AKD FIKERAI. ROTICEI. PEMNIS-A. V.. Feb- 7. '15. asod M yeara. FuiktsJ aervkea :30 p. at J1""' " mann a funeral home. Interment, Format , Uwn cemetery. Auto ae4.vco. , ' FIMtNCI Mitchell W ana M yeara. at homo of hla brother. Chaa. K!omln. Funeral will ba bld from abovo real deoce, J..17 ninney 8t., Wedneaday, ieh. 1, at t p. m. lnternv-nt at froapact illll ctmetery.' JYlenda Invited. "17WPHAN y.e. ftv-d U yeara. dll at The (od Hhepherd convent. Kninalne at lleafey & lieafcy a variola awaiting relatlvea. pAcp.vpAirM Hiram Jefferaon. Feb. I, i'Mh, a Red M yeara. Uenuuna at iiufl mnnn'a funeral h..tna. "iurral notica l&ter. ItlRTIIS AKD BBATHI.' prlba-trt and Stella, Htevena. Flor ence, boy; Edward and Mary Vayna, 1WI o. l"lh. tclrl; hamiml and .iianna i'oata, -'biat.Hal, artrl ; Howrd-jtnd lprf!aret Oa lifisne, v t'orby. ttlfl, John nd Mary M.-Ketulf, lKis No. 1Mb, sirl; Arthur and ;1!lh lxirance, ;15 No. IHtli, lrl; Alflo and Conceit I eria, 171S n. i:uh, a-!rU A. J. xnd Maude Kciiinr, S34U No. &th, bov; C'harlta and K-thcl Johnaon, i'ill Ht, Nary'a Ave., bo, Joovph and Manr t'epuran, 14:( rk. l"th. boy; i and '1. J..rnlHky, tul So. boy. Ittth Alexander WUcrVowla, 1 month, i So. xtb Ave,; C. O. Taylur, 80, county jU; Way Tracy, iz, jno. Jm live.; AKied it. Tooaer, 7, 3t.1T Bo. th v.; Vincent R. tilovena, S3 daya, ;4 Xitii'l.erry ave.; lliit-itt A. IU, TO, 'iJ) en. !E-d; Mr MiUcr, 10, I'd (J l'oula; V alter E. lraon, 23, 50U No. Si-li lien, rietia. R, Morns, 1. 14 Miami; lanbtflla, Ireland, 75, '.I'M Manrierson; Hibocca J, llooiwa, Siin.Ko. 1Mb; Ann liartlamt. If., 3,5 William" Mllott. W, 1; I'Kiiiicl Ave.; Mr. Jlattie J. Lmltlna, fcx, hospital; C. B. Couch bJ, ic Ho. th; Amanda Coffny, bi, 2.1 and Howard. , . MAHRIAfaO LICENSE!. Alfred Hunann, Valley.... li i.lsle Nauineyer, Washington.... 18 S.iren O. Jensen, Oruaha era Halluu. OuialiH. -"" Vernon L lutiidall, Omaha .T. , H Anna i'l'J. k, Omaha li IKtla I.adu7.!iicr, O'nsha ?' i.H..iuih Ikov.i. Omaha.... ..2: .l'-hn Hacevlis. Chariton. la 24 laieanor ilnrkln'. ic. Omaha.. Kiel. hen Wilhum, Atlantlft, la 14 J!ecr Dulin, Atlantic, la .11 laivnc 1. fcurhsrt, I'-jr'.in jton. la.... ?2 Orsre A. Ross, Ui.coln..... ii Alfred Harris GlddHurn. Orua.v.a S3 Ae Irftiiiee Taylor, Kivrial 21 i'r! A. perklna, Danvere, Minn.. 31 Irsocea KiuK, Omaha Ut TODAY'S !PI,I.TH ' ilOVliJ PiMXiUAM,'! rxcluslyely la TUo ' IWS7, fUTE NO. i. FARNAM. ii carat'et Mnrr. tTom i.ore,) Kal. V ! .1 if d M r. ! I rl iy. sa. C. dr. i -K H . i .M. Ula" A it N AM BtT it jut abeltitely four first-run Mutual i,,,us, nh tne ftmoua Ksysloue ouiu- s,..e ctkar.scd dsiiy. "li.i PTiiUAXt;lt, iiill ANU UAjiNii x Home of Faramouiif, Fktuie iAi.lw iiiLAlali. ai N. HXii J A ivlit. U-n J .ol OLAfi n . Av.-i.tura at Ri-alrrl.rfu u l -r.V t- a C-e . : 1 i -1 , ' . Hate, lii.ln dikiua. ,ew iUfuUr. Hl.'Kial'h dr. ...i. iiu-I ltl,LAn. , vl 'lie est,sHUrii,ing .iern uia. ir ilr.'u Jlflo, litarl li.Ie.rtet aumv and Pis Wang, I o - i um.-d f. , na. Ai MAJSPRA. , 1S14 N. 2mt s -r-rr-sj lournera, lev. 4'oni, Joke u Jiiw lou. Iwi. Lia. i .- .-f Wr, 1 tee.l. !.".-!!. drama. .'iTii AND lJi. ) ' ': 'teT.ts, ?!.,eBUc OlSfliS. m,r r f k-H. Cf'm.v ;s ,m t iiicrvcl i.. lifn.-ly i I.:.- ;, v to I L. A V E"iTl ' HUE T fS '! ' i i, r t ti.e Ab. : r. Ttian. v i'Hl-t. i-i ' ;'4;ilak.eT . ,. i W.Vly. . - ....ted j'.ty. Vl.-tor comedy. 1 ' of l- Hil.e No 4. rij-r-. !nl. ; i- i c 1 .: 'J l!i-.A , 24in ai.4 1 laualitZ t i " :.. !. ! i. Kal. Pre. 1 jo of ).i i;r, M'na Com. '(.,.- I ,.nd ! i.. ! .!, Tre. Vita. Pre. Al lutalt'ii i-.J-LiiiUu. I Episode No. 3. ' w 4 V JuttH . I 4. " 'I' . : I'M A.Mi '! .MINUT -rt . '.c . luxal fjiu.elv, e ' ! r ..atute loon, ho. ! i '. i.iii a n J Ia- ust! ) : tie l.!.lil!.l, Kal. !.; A t i't..- ui! ae.-rt, 2 r. i"a. l . ; ' f t t-l it e t-wcni..d liMlldit. c l ANll ill.7l a ioo a 1 ii .. Ltvn. coiu. Or, t f.Y f'i'l ir. li. S r t.uld teal. (I lla(ii), . i'.t l. vl I 'it i - Z ri,-! In, it. TOim COiri.KTl5 MOVIK PRfHJUAMS Exclmtvpljr In The IW. kuaitk. ARBOrt THEATER t7d and Arbor. Ki ehow Monday and Tiierdar. Itefrular proa-ram ret of m'eek. A lti!,U TMKATKH, 'M leaven worth. The (i.rl Telexrrher" t'erll. Kal. Ir. The Friendship of Mmond, 2-r. I, lib. I ra. Sweed ie and Her Iva, Vttrnny comedy. tun mhia, iTio sonii init A Iap from the Water Walton. Kal. dr. A Iauhter of larael. It. Vita, drama. A Fafe Adventure. Ploaraph comedy. OiMrxTrtT, 2iTlfANI VINTON. The lwet Ileeelpt. 2-reol I-U-llance. An Tneldo Tip. Thanhoiiaer. A Girl and Two Hoya. Keauty. KAVOIUTB TH KATKR, 17l VINTON. The I.ady of I ream. l-r. Hlorraph dr. Cactue Jalte. Heart-Kreaker.' Hel. W, com. CJKM, . li.S BtHITH laTIi. .Maater. Key No. 11. '? rel tincciai. The Cnmaskln. Hlgr tj. T he. MrntlP Mirror. Joker r.omedy. . J.YRlf. K17 VINTON. The llirktnwn Rival. Joker comedy. Madcap Queen of 'Iredahoff en. J-r. (t. 8. Thou Hhlt Not Flirt. 1. Ko. comedy. rAsiiMK. nn ani l,ka vknwouth. Two of a Kind. Oltl of the rirtra. n Ian(rroua Ground. IVrlla of Pauline, Herfea No. 1. ' VEKEZJ.A. j lill HO. Ulll 87, Four Teal of Motual picture. Writ, MONROR TTTKATEH. ysSB FARriAM.4 Tha t ourtahtp of the (. ooka. Kdl. com.' The Champion vHear Player. ll "corn. ' Beaaoii, RKNflON. tm MAIN ST. A atrong drama Uteri Iny com. Mie Waa Ilia Mother. In three Part. Thoae tierman Rowlera. tvaacll Blaffa. T- FMTK NfJ.l. 548 BROAtlWAT. The Hroken Clrcull. Kalem drama, . The Msffaate of Paradise, l-r. Yil. dr. Hnakevllle's RlslnB Hons. Kss. W. com. NK'llOIJkS TH B A T K It. 547 Rroadway. The Treasure Ismple of Rhosh, Vitaoom. IVar Old (tlrl. reel Kaaanay drama. The Rarrter Hetween, Hlnraph drama. ROPER. Olrl of t Tha Hrli S.T7 HROADWAY. Olrl of the feeret Hervloe, J-r. Gold Seal, The Hrlbe, Victor drama, He Cured Hla Oout, Joker comedy. PEBSR TlEATER, 1ITH AND N. The Fast MaM a Danger. Kalem drama. War. 1-reei Vltagrapb comedy. Broncho Hilly and the False Note. Kaa. WAOIO, 24TH ANI O. Her Rarireln. t-reel Ela tT. Kip and Hla Oana;. t.. Ko. comedy. anaievllle. ORPHEtTM THEATER, 24TH AND N. Keystone plays, featurlns; Charlie Chap lin, j And others. - ' AXNOUN1TCMKNT9 S NOxTif E. Toadies rolnr to coast should place their orders tariy to avoid any delay In their plana. , t ANNA eWTEK, Ldis' Tflllorliigt and Ireasmakinc, 101 203 t ity National Hank Hliilt. ' LiRKS.SMAKINil end tallonns, work k-uaratit'.ed. 1U Cuss St. Tel. Rad,.'W. W Hiding aniioiinoenients. 1ouk, Pt(. to. HAZUU IvMf Pile Cones. Rest remedy for ItchtisK, bleed I or protrudinc plies; G0u jwstpsldi samples frse. CJtieriun St J.U tVintiell UrUK Con Omaha. KNRUI.L, now. Y. M. C A. night achool. LUCKY weodlns; rinaa at liroriAnaard'a. fal'Kl N1 , announcements should contain notii-w of your new of fixe location In The Hee Hulidlng, "the bulldlin that la aiwtys new." AVTOJ01irLE3 O.N 13 Ctt'lllisc, In ttood condition, t 11. PK!.T(N 8 OAUAUE. 2 Karnam t. Oreenoush lmelia Red. R p. Co.. Kr, AUTO clearing house, Farnain, buys and sells used cms. i'hune Doukiu iuiu, cTlJiAiBrilCH," expeTTrad.ator aud laitip repklra. i y. u,, ivu L.eaveiiwortn, Industrial .ui Co., litlt 4k lini ney Hla AUTO MOUliii.W)verlnd S", i 'pasa'cntior tourlim. ovsrhaulud l'v:. 11U. Rear tkiea new, ii.inby trend, Will buy tire to make UtaL fcstia tubsa and tires cheap tor tHuh. L L, LI., F. O. . iiox 144, fcouta CiinHha, - CAk.) pslnled, acccrUliiii to siie (Fold i ) work Ksiaranl d. uin 11 it OarsKH. I "vh7 A fcN T i blHh-srade Moa' trucks by day, week or inonui. Call Tyler 1 U KiiWAIU) for any utairiieto we can't repair. Coils repd. Havadoi fer.910 N.U. o I'UU hALAi Wy ml six cylinder Chalm- era uar, in tru clssa condition. Car can be sosq at J '-4 1 ..rnvuo. to. bplandid barsrain for cash buyer. - T . Moiereyeiee. i HARLKY-DAVIIBON MOTORCYCLES, Laratnins in used machinea Victor Rooa, "The hlotorcycie Man," 2,u3 lavenwortn. W lNlllN iuJlruRCcT.lJ uuw rd'7 kr.aina In Used machines. OMAHA DICVC'LiC CO ioiti and Chicago, UVHIMKSS C'HANCKS C. M. EATdN, Hus. Rroker, !ii W. O. W., will help you IB or out of business. FR KALE Cheap, 'small pliuilne; rnllC doing hoed busir,ca. Addrees L Hee, C. J. Car.ttii can sell your larm'na land. 1H KALE My (alior busiuess, ' estab lintied twelve years. Has ktyt two men busy the year round, and enough for tnn-e during tha settson, $j0 worth of wottlens, Li liiMsqueisds suiis that are kept fur rentli g purposes, and fixtures. Ail goes for icmv, tc-ir.e ana se for vuui. if. Ka; pelin, The Ta-ior JSit) N at,. Lincoln, Nch. . 1H (.ALE Owing to lii health. Only card I'Uutory Itj Onmha. 1 r detri ment jtonv 1-04 eritlna Were V.l. Ad-dr.-es ii t-tr, tf. , Ft Ht vt the best e.iwiped l.i.-t. l.Mrdm shops in the ainte in t, wn Of l.O'i 111 &'.rlM IScblj.i.a. 8 fio5. Iier. LiT. biit ti.t-M itihnccs, piciHTiy ije rent r cl m, with me, 1 will wnii all mennur-of iiinurance. . il Tern. p,ec-U. t,.n ItHunLK. J line. IV. H.1i. Ll.r YOl'H H l aiN with us icr Qui. k a'.llon and trefclito n. quare WL'H'IC BALES COMPANY, 4JS Peei !'. Phono K,d i.i.i.- :: e i f i , 1 7. 1 1 - c.r ii,,ici tih. o. iiujnit i f Pill l:t., oii. Ttlden, Neh. OA r. of lev l(l l',:llt III las r"r; rn rennet It Ion. Call Wet). 74, of SOHr K '-. t-W. Rr.Al. J..-TA1E lEALktii. Tl oaimr of a numlier of improved fHime, wit;i sod wlihout buifdlnns. in a uceiratde sctiun of eastern North la kota, ii' ?lr s to fomi fttnr.e. tlon wnh ac tive, r-t lil lo renl ii firm, wuh the oik.uxiUiit,u and at'. In y to prod-ice buai lics and buvois. 'li'" isWs ii good, are a i under cultlaiion, and offer ex ctliitut, pi .;. 'ta of ad vein's in alte, as thrr m uuij be iiatrd at fair pi Ices and on i.iiii.l terms. Thoroughly letjtuoiale pit. position. liisheet refxienites fcixeil and required. Jrn P. 1 loan, S14 tf turliy l r,k Rldtf., ,i lniiw i.ii, Minn. !K t I ' i N . Bli m St n.,n. I). 1 i t.AI l-.rt l.u'. iae or J vutr u.e. utt, nmchibS and supplies tinougk i nrwr i n. uaiige CO.. Ha r.rn.m lN,Ui.4S lfl. OL lO ,;ji.klv buy a bum t,f anv Win. antie!c la this temlvi r. aula Jim M.iUS t'lly ' TO .,i r In or out of buimTiML Cuil on .'A ' 5 'rAI. Hee ttidg. p. un. WAN! Litla nt.rviiern or cTl7ei o eaT a i.iu atth H.iw to lav e-t in a bin,!,,. ,, t tiny a ood salaeinao ran realiss lt-i Oil liiiemunui, beanies a food salary it,, f l )ear. if taken at uuce. Additas . Hp it 1' ir.cas or real estate ni.-kly te JPb Wry. M,.i -'-.' N ' 11 'S ,ANPYFAtT.,KV AST 1' I . 4, I . r . A ii 1 'AKH 1L CoOD c JT Y OF it P.'.l- T ; 1-ilNtj Hl'BlNIS OF r ,. a. iK4i.ii Kt.ii j.i UA'.i A. - s i. ni'i, 1 ATI VE ' 1 i ' " 1 M i. ii : .i CJ 1 X NATION AT TIIE - liEEj KDVCATIOX.1L W1NTUU TERM MOSHKn-T.AMPMAV COLtEOK. NOW OI'KN. Vnaurpaaaed rlaxaea In biwtneaa, ahort tiand and Knsllah pranrhna. Oradtiatea auatanteed tod poa1tkna. Flacea pro vided for you nit people to work for board. For free cataJngiie. addaa Moshcr-Lampman College " 11 h n1 Famam Straer. Omaha. Neb. The Van 8a nt School Stenography;. Pay school. 1. 00 to 4 C Nlht achool. J U-to 41.11. Ith and rirnim Fir rou;M a47. liOYLES COLLEGE Pay School; NlKht -JSehool; completa bualneas couree; complete shorthand or stenotyps course; compTae telegraphy course; civil, servlca trancliea and En Muh. flttKlnnta admitted at any tini Write, phone or rail for IMS catalogue. HOY I.K.I CfjL.l.ii.UK, H. JJ. BOYLKS. lYeatdent, Boy lea UMc Omaha, Neb. Tcfc roualaa 155. . " FOR sale tha foPowlnic eoholarchlps tn a first claaa Omaha Bualneas Colieaa: V Una unlimited combination business and shorthand course. i One nnilmlted bualiteaa course. Ons UnMmltexl aterTr Jrapnle coursa. 1 ' One three months' business or steoo- (rephlo courao. s s Will ba sold at & discount at tha ffloe of the Omaha Bee. . EXPKRT lady atengrapher will taka puplia. SHORTHAND touch typewrit ing, saalilns;, punctuation, etc, tntiKht and complete training (ilvcn for buainesa ca reer. Private Instruction If uslred-s 46-4 IJoURlaa Bt. Tel. Walnut 2337. ,v t , -7-A-rrrT r-rra FOB 8ALB Farnttare. New 4V Id-hand furniture, cash erlermej reawonnoie Amer. r urn. i. o.. wd n. mm NEARLY pew bedroom suite, sacrifice for cash or terms. Harney (H,k). Maaleal Isitrsawata v D. 1017. Fllshtly used hlfh urudaiilano. jPRKJllfs PIANO. IfA 2311 So. list. Phone Harney Typewriters, ' All makes typewrltora rented, sold, tertna. Hutte Typewriter. iw f arnam. u. proi. Hi-INT P.euililKtniis, Monarctis and Smith Premlers-of their mskers. Hie Reming ton Tvoewrlter Co.' Telephone Doualas 1A4. Rtsutal eredltetl If you purchase and only very newest ana mgneai iiuis ma chines sent out Rates, .three tuonths (or i for understroke machines or 13 per month for latest modoe- visible wrneTs. , TVPEWKITEHH ao.d, rented, repaired. Central Typewriter Exchange, wl tf. 17th RENT An Oliver typewriter, t months for The Oliver Typewriter CO.. J. wi , Mtserllnsieoaa. ' -hand mch. Gross Wreck Co., 11 A PauL Fuit rjAI.hIsew and second-hand carom and Docket billiard tables and boW'ing alleys and aceeneorioa; bar fixlurea of ail kinds; easy payment The Brunswick Raike-Coliender Co., 407-410 8. 10th Mt. i HAhKKTd coal. ti. tVacner. SU1 N. loth. 1 NEW safss. dUlerent slses, below eoau I)r, Pradbury. dentiat. IW4 rsrntm. U NEW automatio weighing aoales, IS and to. Match machine and lilting machines. One horse wagon, buggy and harneea, also tools, lumber and other miscellaneous articles for sale or trade. J. U, 1S11, EaECUTOK 708 Bo. list Jtve. - Phone Harney 243. HELP' WANTED FFAIALH Clerical Uffloe. . 6TENOORAPHKR HIGH SCHOOL. GRADUATE. MUST vHB FAIRLY OOOi. SALARY $: TO $40. BKM MIL BEKHE, lills-a) WOODMAN OF WORLJJ HLDG. V AHHUACTKll AND , CLluRK, ,OUT-OF ROOKKEKITR AND BTENO.J10. ROOK KEEPER. HOTEL EX. PERI' KNChi-Hl WD M ROAR1). HTKNii, CAPAULW Ol' RUNN1NO AN Or r i :k, m. i Ur EK K GiRL, ORDtiR CJ.KRK. S CO-OPERATIVK KlfiKKHKNCB -CO., (il.VlKCJTY NATiONAU 8ALESI.APY. draiter experience. ' h'J 'KNOGKAPH EK, legal experience, $50. WATT REE. C., e4-4J Rrtindole Thea. NO 1'W.INii FEI-.V. REST CO.MMElU'lAIi POSITIONS. Cilenograpliut and Typist, lilKU bchool Oraduato; some experience; ia-1 future; t to HA- Rogers Kef. Co , State Lank Hlilg.- i SALEcLADY, salary and corn. Hulemuiy, drapry exp., $15 tOa. $1 i'kir. and slvuo.... v....v ..& Mftio ..$ i Typiat M W'ATTt REE. CO.. s;W4-43 Pranopla The. B i'ENt MIR API! ER and bookkeeper. 'Ap ply 8U Hes Hidg. . factory sat Vm4t I.EARN ha'rdreaelng. Oppenbelm Parlora WANTEls Kxnerioiiced niUHnfiry mak ers. Call Mrs. Muslikln. r13 Farnara. , lloerllecpee aa4 Itoaaretlre, THIS Heivanl Girl Problem Solved. The Hee will run a bevant Girl Wanted Ad Fit EK until you get (he desired results. This applies to residents of yOmaha. ttouth Omaha and Council Hlufta Hrlng ad te The Hee office or telephone Tyler l'MX KI.l'KHI,y lady wante young gill or middle aged lady to do some house work and a t aa companion for room and board. it'i'M Grant ft. 1'hone Webster 1IS5, WANT LP A girl for general housework. 1.4 N. 2d fit. Phone II. Sutiu. WANTED by colored girl position as chambermaid or genet! housework. tX4 N. l.'th ht. Webster 47I. WANTEIv-A maid for general house, work. & 41 8. 2lh HL WANIKU Kktriaiiued whits girl fur general housuwork; small family; laun dress kept; good waaes. Pioase write to 4 W. luih oL. Fremont, Neb., lminedl aiely, , COMPETENT girl for general house work, small, tiew apartmei.t, 3 in fam ily. Pleasant 'home and good wages of fered. Phone H. 4.9 or Call at I'M a 4:d, OIKL for general liuusowoik; good wa4tea. ifll LincolQ vblvd. Thursdays or ttturda. WANTED Neat girl for general house ' v.oik; nn luuudry ; good wtigea. li N. 4th tt. WANTlriD Woman to help with house work on county farm tor one year; waxes Auuresa P. O. lios Z, Thayer, Neb. y AN l lp.l Experienced gu l lor general 1'i'iil.rtl ot'k. iliMUtre Site ltcunt .t. WAN f E D A t rf t o & J second "work, '5 Voolmirth. 11. fc-ii A YOl'S'l girl te uiit In general iKiuse work. ttail today at 1U N. jqi U M, WANTED A girl for general ho.ieework; 'on who understands cooking. S:u3 Wo"lworth. WANTeT A good plnTn ct,ok tn c( ii must be neat and have refereiiev. J U S. J, I u St. WANTED A young girl to asidet with hut'evrk and la.e for child, -iii Ca. II. 44. .1. WHITE girl f.,r soiiei al housenurk. Cass hi. II. IM4. "e lt il'SEKEEriift, liiiidle-ed lady. Ul-1 N. irth . . Mtieelisarsas.1 LAPIVS' eV Inissaa' routs, suits, dceeaes A sstit ssn.ptes at, V. huitsaie prices, (ton. off s New York feample More. t N. lulli. YOWNU women coiuiitg , to t'uiaha at airunsere are inMled to llsit the ouns Uumriil ChrlBllaii ac.',4t.iou btili.tma at bt Maiy's Ave. end i.'m bl., tshers tttvy will be oiretHeit to suitable boarding tdarca or ouit raise aiialetel. lok for our nude t.,u,n stntioa : WEEK, eiiiiBt-i advsjicH.-ij, vvomea to irvl and ajt ...Int ag uts f,r -evrt.-ti- trsted food flavor ill P.oabie Ml. i'o , iri Coiiio 1 liluu,.. WO jit' . N KAt "V el jtl,4 $ V) lUOUI'i Lint He--, l'lallsilll iusuibte, D(.'(. o.j R, Itoi'lieaier. N. V. Hl l.i VANTI-:i MAMJ I Uri.'nl aa4 lililtr, . HAt.ESVAN, .ep, falarv depends. ' f I, small, fuiiii ute, sal.-try depends. M.-iio . rs .- I en.- to W'AlId l i-E. CO, C.-J-W-4: 1 miidcis I OMATTA, FEBR1JARV HH.P WAVTKIe IALR (Irrleal unA Office. SAT.FflMAN, furniture eTperlence. HIOM-JUArF: commercial poeltlona WF.ST KKF. Ai HUM) ABH'X, 7T.J Omaha Nat l Hank Kld IIIOM 4HAIK commercial poeltlons. WI-;ST RTF. Ac BONP ASSN., 7HJ Omsha Nat. Hank Hide TRAVELlNtJ fialeannan, grocery experi ence, T1IB MIDWEPT PONDINO CO.. S11 Hees Rids;. (. Walesmen , aollcltors. Drui store snapa; Jobs. Knelst. Boa Rldir- WA NTK.I Kneraetlc man owning Fora car to demonxtrato and take orders for entirely new shock absorber; whole oi part time; liberal commission to ri(tht party; territory. Omaha and vicinity. Ad dreaa Y" 30. Hee. EX PKRIKNCKD crew matiipr and spe cialty salesmen for fasteat e;lln article on tha market; expenaea daily, pay weekly. R. 12 Crounse blk., 11 No. lfith. 11IK first payment now covers Insurance tilt July f, 1H15. This makes our policy easy to sell. Xall or write. Mutual Hen efit Health and Accident Ass n. 423-23 Clry Nat. Rank Kldt, Omaha. Neb. BH.Ly SUNDAY'S ME.tSAGE Author lxed. Greet oppuJetunlty for man or woman to make $i.Oi to 16.W a day. l"n usually liberal terms. Hrare time may be used. Particulars and samples free. rnlrarsaJ Rlble House, 42 Winston Bldg., I'hlind.'inhla. Fctor aad Taaeiea. AUTOMOBILE-W15E OR OTIIKTtWfSH He wise a I Indeoendent tn business for yourself or earn big money. Our large and well equipped achool and ahop will produce thla result for you. Get our unusual Interesting of (r with. Catalogue "C." Day and night ciaaaes. Phone D. J04A 1413-15-17 Dodge St., Omaha. Neb. NEBRASKA AUTOMOBILB SCHOOU WANTED MEN TO LEARN THE BAR BER TRADE. The world needs mors bathers than any other tradesmen. Few weeks qualifies. Tools Included. Board if dealred. Wages while learning. Open to all. MOHLEK BARBER COLLEGE, 11 8. 14th Ht. LKA RN BARBIOtt TBADB. Re Indeoendent: waxea and toola given. Electrlo maean!e. trli"tly modern. Rig demand for barbers. ChIi or write. TRI-CITY BARBER COLLEGE, 1124 Douglas St., Om. IA32 N ft.. Lincoln. M iaoella Neons. WANTED Names cif men wanting to be railway mail clerks. 17r month: Omaha examinations coming. Address YS3S, Bee. Wanted at'Once' MEN to learn the automobile buslnes tlie'demand Is great for our graduates; we have trained hundreds of men; let us train you. Write for free bookies. Nat'l Auto Training Asa'n, 2SH N. ith Bt. Omaha. Neb." GOOD YOUNtt MEN WANTED, , IMMEDIATELY. -Biggest demand for our Magneto. Else. Starter Atito Graduates. Too many un trained tinker repair mend good men peat- ttvttly needed. His spring man. ' f ree catalogue. AMERICAN AUTO COL- LEGK. pio.t Farnam ht.. Omaha. WANTED Men who are wHIing to work hard for themselves as for a boss and earn from 1-4 to $4S per week. Ad dress tu. Kdw. r surot, 311, junction Ave., Detroit, Mich. . . . ' WANTED Cresmery man; must be loe cream maker and butter maker; able' to tent any handle milk; Mate experience and salary expected In first letter. Ad dress Y 2ii4, lieo. ,- WANT-ED l.Oui) men to eat ham'and egga. 15o. Cttffe John, 14th and Capitol Ave. ITT LP WASTED - ' - HALO AND rBMALB. THOUSANDS government Joba open to" men and women: $05 to 1150 month. Write for list. Franklin institute. Dept. 231 B, nocnesier, x. 1 WANTRD SITUATIONS WANTED A position on the farm as housekeeper, where -my eon, an ex perienced farmer, can got employment. Phone Red 37:1 or 'address Mrs. J. li. J., mi wn Ave., council jiiurrn. la. Ht'KlNEtTa MEN I'oung lady desires po sition as stenographer, bookkeeper, of fice cJuik or combination job. Expenlunce 1 years, covering 4 lines. Earned $ promo tions last lob. No filrt I Will consider anything from $8 up, short time, or long time. Kejutea confidential. Address B 63a, care Bee. I'oe'ITION by firet-olass auto mechanic, T yars' experience with ail makes of rars; have plenty of tools; at present, em ployed, but desire change. Jr to, Hee. YOUNG msu wants place to work lor beard while attending ttoylea college. Tele), hone DoukIhs 1 WTD. Uuncile washing. Maddle. W, 6;' WAN.TKD Employment by middle-aged man, several years, railroad and tiice rsparioooa; prefer position as traveling salesman or office work; can use typewriter) not a eteno. K Bee. MAN and wife want work of any kind. risxna 4 wo. FI.X)R waxing and house cleaning. Call Webster 4M4 ' ' MOTHER and daughter, with experience. aesire pomuon ea iirat and second coon In a commercial house out of city. Ad dreHa C 6: Hee. FIRST class carpenter a ants v employ ment at once, lied 60M. ' G1KL desires place for houaework in Oiuaha. References. Address, B $35, Bee. - i - REFINED lady would act as companion K or light household duties for room and I board. Address E C7, bee. DAT WORK WANTED" Webater Si?'" GOOD carpenter of 50 wants work In ex. nan lor ooara sua room. Adareas A Hee. v 9 HUMAN tclrl desires position as second girt or chambermaid In .- hotel, iialue L.ittes, 11 Chicago bL A HKKiHT and luteal Kent evverivneed young man wants a isition as ahlp plng or office clerk in a wholesale or com mercial house; can do any kind of gen eral office work; can furnish the best of references; willing to start 4 or k at a moderate salary. Address C 670, liee. MOTilr R and daughier want positions aa first and second cook in commercial house out of city.- A-Jdreea L 475, lie. I ' - . ssar;. . , , 1 live stoc:: foi. salb llereee aaat Vrkioles. MANY well-matched teams; y6ung tiiarea; aoiue in foal. Call at Brewjng Co. s.ilooii, ls4 bo. 13th M. ATTKNTltlNJ Must Bell this week four husky mautts tu foal; 1,200 to 1,41 poun i eail.; have been tukco on a debt. This la a baniatn. Call and Investigate, sua t tli m.. near liuward realdeine. WuKb. team. $0. Two young maiss In foal. 417 N. Kh. lougla a:'jB. fcil If live stock to 8outh Oiuaha. fesve rnlleatse and wLrtnkage. Your consign meuls receive prompt, and careful atlsa- tlon. ' I TWO teams of young, w-rli-iostclisd. chuaky farm nutree. heavy la foal; weKltt froml.:V4) to 1 4.H) pounds; all wod.' sound mares, right out of hard work. J. H ,sii, lniiner, i. Kainam. 1 i'.X good faun niarea some la foal. some a little paveinont sore, oliap. Twin CHy Tianefer 'o. bam. lr,.J liav 'U FARM Mitoiii, t auvl up; liariieava, ('. Johnson- lanforth to, lv,i n 4k Clark 8ts. 1'olt riAt.E Tne best team; weight, t.iiO, one its foal; also m team of Dice, chunky farm mares, weiaht 1 'l pounds each, In foai; must be sold within the next few days; xeup for readiy caso. Inquire Jsttles llt'liry, 'lii l'odsa MlT aril 4 extra gwul lil mares end horses cheap. hmdJ.-m e, i4 N. 17'h et. TWO teams- of well-matched, chunky mares weight l.i eai ti; as and 7 yera oidKeoniui; trial givea II ceceassry; private ns'dente. i-v.1 Ink!,-. lilt SAl.i;-PJ li-sd of unites anl inarea, Sfie Iroiu 4 ytnis to S eia, sti wej hr.'ke to work. Call telephone eiulh 3c.J. S'-i JlHirlmin M.. hmm uniiths. 7i..M of tuurss. t,es in. i. u , Welst tu livs ; cbi p 1 taKu ;U. k. 1 1 ir woik lois.s. 2.av lbs.. a. I f.- f takru IMi Hftll. 1 i J Cuming. D. 4 . WANll 1' I'.i HI" 1 -Family iu( laxee. rn n in 1 1 k W i ( ua Inut 1 Llr stwes, I uaiuUui iif rvssatv. MARTIN A.-P. 04. 4x CO.., bldg. 1915. lOST ASD FOCXD OMAHA COI'NCIt. HI.l'FFH SfREKT RAILWAY COMPANY. Persons hsvlna- lost umi article would do well to call un th Wf.-e of the Ornsha A Council 'J!ltiffs Ptreet Railway com pany to ascertain whether they left 4t In tho street car. Many artlcln each dsr are turned In and the coininr,y Is anxious to restore tl em to the rlzhifa o-pr '"sll Pourj. 4. lit-T et the Rome hotel. Febriry 7, un elevnter, small black purse, two keys anl iiv-ny. Kindly please e-turn to denk. Reward. LOST-- months' old re name Mi'" Tel. Tvler Irish , setler, :lrt4. Reward. lJHT 4.Jo'i: mesh b. Reward. P. "v. LORT K rtC.'chaim. Reward. J. a KavanauKh. I'oPc.les rj2. 'MKDICAL Piles aid Fistula . CuredN " Without SURGICAL OPERATION or PAIN. No DETENTION from RCS1 NEfeS. PAY when CURED. A written fH'A RANTER given In every caaa treated. Patients m.wt come to the of fice, 4.eV--lo OmahaTaticnal bank, 17th and Farnam streets. DIt. WILLIAM CKEIG1IT0N I I. MAXELL, . Twenty-eight years In Omalm. Graduate of Ucllevue Hospital Medical College, New York Clty. N. Y. Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. K. R. Tarry cures piles, fistula and ither rectal diseases without surgical op eration. Cure jtusranteed and nO money paid until cured. Write for book on reutal dlseasea with testtmoniala, DR. E. R. TARRYjt40 Ree Bldg. IJnrvtnrA Cured In a few daya without uupmre . c-ix or wr, Dr, wray. tOS Bee Bldg.. Omaba eetabitsbed 1834.-4I MOXEY TO LOAN NEED MONEY bee ua. yulck service. Half usual rate RELIABLE CREDIT CO., tf Pax ton Blk. Douglas MIL , - PERSONAL -- $7,000 to 1'ension Invalids If we receive K4 aubscrlptlong to The Laaiea Home journal i.dv The Saturday Evening Post 1.50 The Country Gentleman 1.50 fTaeh month till Anrtl to enusl last vear'a business, he original! $fi,000 becomes the property of the Invalids' Pension assa., making $7,000 to pension Invalids. Wa must have 2K3 giefcsorlptions In February. Your order or renewal add,s to cts. Phone Doug. 7163 r address j , .- Uordon, the jNlagazine Man, - " 70MAHA. Ntta THE Salvation Army Industrial home so licits your old clothing, furniture, maga sines. We ttoilect. We distribute. Phono Douglas 4136 and our avagon will call. Call end Inspect our new home, 1110-1112.-1114 Dodge BL ' ' YOUNG women coming to Oraalia as strangers are invited to the Young Women's Christian association building at 17th BL and Bt. Mary's Ave., where they will be directed to suitable bosfrding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our trav tiers' aid at the Union station. POULTRY AWT NgVPPLIES ! LoN'T forget that three , times more chickona have been hatcheA In Old Truaty inctlbators than In any 'other in cubator. Catalogue) Tree on request. Ad dress, M. M. Johnson Co., Clay Center, Neb. i STEREOTYPY matrices make the best and oheapeat lining for poultry houses. They are 17x23 inches, atronger and more durable than tarred felt and practically fireproof. 75o a hundred at Tba Bee of fik,o. WANTED TO BUY GET Kaplan'a prices tor d hand turn., shoes, clothes, before selling. Web. 7503. Yale buys everything id nknd. Tyler 141k. OFFICE furniture bought and sold. J. C Reed, 12u7 Farnam. Doug. 4146. WE BUY Sd-r.and ulothea. 1421 N. 4th. HiiJHES'f prlcts for furnllure, Web. sol. LTVE TRB nusixEsy mex OF A B Cof Omaha Btlfl IiUILDING offices are always in demand because they are in the hetfrt of the Shopping, the Business and the 1'ubno Service dlsuicta. W and 2d -hand Wiotors, dynambs. magnetos, etc, aftd mech. repairs. 1 Hrou ivle-'t. Works, 818-20 B. 12th. MAHA PILLOW CO..-1S0J Cumin. Douglas 24s7. Renovates feaihaia and mattresses of aM kinds, makes feather mattresses and down covers. T7ACUIJM cleaners tor sole. Vacuum V ' cleaning done in the home. Sanitary eervice co., . x-tee xiiug, ' E rent, repair, sell needles and parts IW S 1 StSWlllB lUMUIUnSS iB HRAaKA CYCLE CO.. ' Mlckal a." 15th and Harney. Douglas loot, Aevoaatsati. IX A. DWORAK. acoounts audited, open ing and closing books, installing modern Office and cost acoouuUng systems. Ad dtesa 4os Ramge Hldg. phone Doug. 740$. Ad dinar MaeaJiaca, ... Dai ton Adding Machines. 411 B. 18. D. 144s. Addar Mch. Co. (Wales). W. O. W D. 53US. Architects. Everett B. Dodda, 12 Psxton Rlk. Ti. 29L Aite sa4 Magsets kesslrisg. Marnete repair work a specialty. D. til. Dowd Auction Co., 1125 W. O.W. Red 1TS5. Attrnettoae. OMAHA Film Ex., 14U and Doug. Motion - picture machine and film baraaina til oe Prlntlna. HORNBY BLUB PRINT CO.. 80S Omaha Nat 1 Hank Bldg. Markers. , llCh sirs. 10c ahave, neck shave. 161T Far. Brass Koviedrlca. f Paxton-Mltchell Co., rtli and Martha Bta. Carpenters anal i.omlracilora. BT E yE'NSON. -?3 H. 2Id. Peuglas SCO. California Lanels. W. T. Smith t-o.. 1111 City Nat'l Bk, D. SUA thlna PainllnaT CHINA for decorating, rs. Chambers' Art Studio, l.J W. O. W. Hldg. Firing. But,h letohford. deooratloK. firing. R. 4ihl C h lrsprarlors. I. Oeddis. P. V,. C Bee PIHg. Doug. VVS. 4 lateral and W ell Diaalna. NEED well or ciutere cleaned or dug? BCH AFFETl dtes It. 1'hone Web. 6oiL JTb. PIi'KEKTT Weil CoRstructionroT; nothing too biK or Impossiblo; estunales f'jmlshed. slO N. 21nt bt.. Omaha. llt sCnalavera. 1 , M. J. LACY. biS BEE BI.PO. DOUO. $71, Cm 1 beater. i r 1 1 Johnson's special, also Victor nut it, (W. ho,,, rvuslae ITPi. Cream stsaratsn. The Shariles Separator Ce.. l?th 4. Farn. C leaaiaar ana brtlsf OI PEN ROULCHK. lfOS Harney. D. Dssi'iag rnji'G. Al'lil. Speo'l rates for clubs and pit, daiicec. Call or tel. Mgr. D. $44. Turpin's Iianclng Acsdeiuy, ?vth At FartT Genevieve HatifiHlre. Ihone W rosier A s. Mackle's Academv, Is, 4 H ,n,ey. p. fvts. rHAMhKHi' Acadenivclasoicr" Di,L Ueesisttr and HIMit.K does It, i'st'l tt. 1'hone Walnut utt. Iwatlili. Ir Bradbury. No patln 15.4 Farnstu. tr. ItMld alve.,lHr O.'l.t lei r . 4vvl Hl-andeiS I, sti. y. it, I n- I lei. o i .y Nl 1 jtnk. lua. D. Taft 1' ul it,-.i.i. It,:! 1 lyvrihea. Dr. Iksti, 7.4 Ci' Nat Lauk, LIVE WIRE BVKINESS MEX OK OMAHA v Petectlvee. . v INVESTIGATIONS celled out In any pert of United Plates. Canada or Mexico. $f Paxton Plk. Doug. 1373. V alnut l.V-i). JAMES ALLAN, 111 Neville Blk. k7- dencg secured In all cases. Tyl"r Ilw PrFsssneklaa, Terry Pressmnk'g college. 20th . Farnam. EX FHRIKNCI-'D dreeaniaker wants work by day. - Phone Florenco Jh". PLAIN and fancy sewing done at your home; satisfaction frtaranteed; by day or piece. Tel. H, 432. Mettle B. Blsfk. WATSON J.FND, i7 Cass Ut. M1S8 STURDY, 2414 Case. Red 7320. Draws. DJU'GS at cet prices; freight' paid on $10 orders; catalogues free. Sherman 4L.MC Connell Drug Co.. Omaha. Nb. ICIer trie Aapplles. LERRON Elec. Wka, 31 S. 11th. D. 217S, Krrrythlna for Wsaf . ACCORDION, skle, knife, sunburst box pleating; covered buttons, sH slsea and stvles; hemstitching, picot edging. Ideal Pleating Co., 2o iMiuglan Block. D. 1M. II AIRD RESTING, all branches; combings to order. Apt. 31, Wright hik. k. pui. SWITCHES from comblnns, $1.50.epSyche free. Mre II. M. Rck. Hue!) Marcy. H. Sfi46. HA I RPR EPSING at your home. R. toil. Forlera. ' REN FENSTER. 1410 N. 24th Bt W. T7T7. alr Dreaalna;. Harper rmdhod. R. ,-Ralrd Bldg. D. 8TU. Florlata. ' A. DONAOHUR, Ifgl Harnay. PotnrAlflOL BATH'S florlnta, 1M)4 Farnam 6t. HESS A SWPHOPA, 1415 Farnam Pt" L. HENDERSON, 151 Farnam. D. 123. Member Florist Telegraph Del. Assn. Maktlna- Flxtsra aa Wlriaa. l. - TTIOMAiS DURKIN Electrlo fixtures and -supplies, contract" tng and repair work done reasonable. 2418 CUMING. DOUGLAS 2519. ' Live Stock Remedies. OMAHA Remedy Co., 07 B. Jlth. Red 42ffl. MesaensjeV as4 Teamster. WHITE LINE, 209 8. llth. Douglas 3311- Mask, tsatssies d Lodare Sappllee. MNFR. of lodgo regalia and costumea. The largest stochi of maaquerade and theatrical costumes In the Country. Theo. Lleben eV Son, 114 Howard. D. 4116, cora bellinoy riLris netlc treatment 'Invlsroratlng baths, mass- eagee elegant ana saltsiactory ; nrs. iv to la- 107 8. 17th St. Notice-Entrance oown stairs, basement, corner building, M. BRUGMAN. mass., alcohol rubs, ladlea and genflemen only. 203 Karbaoh block. MISS QIBSQN, message, 17U Dodge St Second floors , - MISS WALTON, bath, massage. Tel. 4ai7. Hours te 9; Sunday 11 to 6. MIPS PCHM1DT, mass... elec. bath. D. 713. Open eve.j p. m, ; gundaya. 10 to X Masaeaeea. MISS JACOBS, mass., manicuring. Phone Dong. 4?97. Hours to ; Sunday 11 to 4, MASSAGE,. li S. 17th St. Mrs. Steele. Miss Fisher, usase.. elec. treat. Red VW. MA&S!4f4V, 630 b Eti buildingI " BATH and massage, alcohol rub. Laura Wilson, 1x02 Farnam, R. 2, Douglas 875L Open evenings and Sundays. Clara Lee, bath and massage. Doug. 875L Kathleen Mack, massage & hath. D. 7M3. BATHS, 214 Baled Bldg.. 17th and Dong. Millinery.' - i Millinery taught eomp. in 13 lessons, t rim ing, clean'g, dying plumes, rebiock. H.SlC. Movtasf, Storms a CleaalasT. W. C. FERRlN. 15th and Capitol. Ty. 1200! OcnllStS, , : Eyes examined, glasses fitted, pay as you can. Dra. McCarthy, till W. O. W. Bldg. tOateosvataUa phyeteimse. pr. Remeha. VH-A McCare Ring. T. Dr. Peterson. 4t)3 Brandels Bldg.. D. 2144. Prlatlngy. . WATETtS-BARNHART Pt. Co.. quality printing. Tel, Doug. 21p0. 524 S. 13th St. POUGLA8 Printing Co. Tel. Doug. 44. COREY & M'KEN-Zjfo PTO. CO. Pi 24." R1ES-HALL Ptg. Co.. 1120 Capitol. D. 1103. CENTRAL PRINTING CO. DOUQ. 1764. Patent Development. AMERICAN Machine Co.. 110s8. 11th St Patents. , . ,- , II. A. Ptunres, t$ Brandels Theater Bldg. D. O. Darnell. Paxton Plk. Tel. Red 7117. Painting; anal Paperlns. HUGH M MANU9, 417 N. 4"th. H. 1728,. Roach sCaterualnators - B. B. B. Roach powder at Beaton's. Plumes Resvewated. - ' - PLUMES & flowers made over, cleaned & dyed. Bari ha Kruger. 429 Paxton. I. MM, Safe si4 Time Look Juanerta. O A T"T?0 Opened, repaired, com. SAH Kji changed. F. E. Paven WA AA JL-sW po,- Podge, b. 1IC1. Shoe Hesalrisg. Electrlo Shoe Rep. Co.; HOT Bt, Mary's A T. F R 1 E'pMAN bhua., shoe epalr. 271. S. 14. Store sad Of fie Klxtaraa, 'BUSINESS success depends to a - large lent . on where you 'are located. Tenants of the Ree ' Building say that their natrons find them aa ally beaauuva the building Is s? centrally aituated and so eaay or access, i DESKS, safes, scales, ebowcaeea, shelv ing, etc We buy, sell. Omaha Fixture and Supply Co., 4)4-10-18 B. Uth. D. 17ic4, Blgna and she 'cards.' K. M CLARK ft SON. Ill P. i?TH PT. Steel Celliuaa. CARTER Sheet Metal Company, 110 8. 10. Towe applies. N y OMAHA Towel tiupniy. 10T 8. llth. D. 028. TranVa aad Maitcasva. FREEING & BTEINLrE. lo$ Farnam Bt Tallies. CHAS.' C. LANDERYOU. 10$ N. 15th dt Veterlnarlana. I PR. O. R. TOl'NCl. 4o2 Center. Wal. Kf.25 V tnea and Llqnera. . ALEX JETES. ?!-$ S. 13th Bt. Wines, ll.Uois, clears. Plate dinners. 11 to g. lOc. GUh liquor house. 44 "N. 16th.Califoriila' wine, $1.25 per gal. Write for price list. HENRY POLLOCK L1QI-OR HOUSE, lith and c apitoi ave. j en-cent lunch. Bin your, family iiquora at -' Klein's Liquor House, ail N. ith. Douglas laug. SWAPPER'S OOLPV1X AUTO to trade. A good Li4 Saxon auto; new tires, recently overhauled and In excellent condition. Will trade for good clear property or what have you? Ad dress S. C 5X5. Hee. ' 4M-ACRE Sioux county, Nebraska, Im proved; 1J0 aiT; morwage ll.Wl. Will trade for .merchandise or city property. Adillest L 3. H"e. . A RM Til I AI li t ' be rfy llalily ' pjliahed, new; will trade fur mission rocker, tl C. 503. liee- ; - AUTOS .-! . 40 u p. touring car. in very good condition and fuliy equipped. Will trude for lot worth about $ti, or a aod second Inoitgafe. Address. 8. C. frv,. ft". " Al'Ttl Tl.rCK Iv S0-H. P. car which. with but little work,Vcould be converted Into truck, or used for roadster aa It stands, k nKtneniagneto, diilerantlal and transmission overhauled and rebuilt; tbt worth brand new tires on rear; front tiros In A-l shape. Want ford or similar car thst Udy can boauie. Address ti C t-la, ilee. " AUToWOxilLLS (er other automobile bsikius tte "AuUuuublle" via sut- Catlou. . HEALTH. l"L UP right pisuo and stool, walnut rase. rWttunt tone. In fine con dition, for sle cl.rap, or will trade fur good, sd furnlluna, diamonds, auto or a bat you n.i.lit have to offer. Address S C. cre OioHi.a Iee. DKS.K Medium ante mner top desk, vvlif lisdn ) -r 1.4iK incubator or a.6o pound ilsUorm scale. Aadietj S. C 2.2. Lea swArpErvcv colyix BoNH CHTTvKR. ETC One Mean No. II geeen bone cutter, feen tiael aa sample. Tost $3; one feed grinder wl'b three nets of burn, coat $P,"ne 10-Inch tlnner'a squaring sheara. post 142; one Columbia printing press, cost $.,i; all above ma chines are as good as new; will sell or trade, cue or all; would like a email gasoline engine In exchange or a small screw cutting' lathe. W hat have you? Add reaa-H. C. W. Hee. ' DIAMONDS 2 ring, welaht one karat. price $JI0, for piano or light auto or Indian 1914 motorcycle. Write S. C. 7. Hee. - ' m DIAMOND ring karat IVice tV ex chanpe fop typearlter. Piano on tnike Offer. Tiffin y niotintlitsr.- S. C. i", Bee. Dtxl FOR TilADK Fine Irish setter to - good home; farm preferred Add'eas S. C. lf Bee. LFURNlTUTifi-Heavy mahorany mualo ce.ornet tor player rolls or aneet music . Cont $l new and used hut three months. Will swsp for anything I can use actus jtlly worm $15 or more. Address 9. C. 537, Beo. . $2(,ono Good Income, Omaha property. All clenr. Will trade for merchandise or clear farm. A1drea K 631. Bee. GENT'S gold watch anl aollf oak side board, exchange for piano. Pay differ- . cnoe. B, C. 5S7, Bee. INCUBATti-One SOo-egg Mandy Ie ' first-class Hocubalor, almost new, will ' exchange for electric fan, sleigh, or will aell cheap for cash. Address S. C 643, cere Bee. , .. s- , . i INDIAN CURIOS Rare collection about one hundred pieces of rare specimens of -headwork, etc.. for lot acreage, auto, dia monds, or what have you to offer? Ad-" dreaa S: C. 607, care Omaha Bee. r PIANO A good Standard upright piano,, will be sacrificed, act quick. Address S. C. 87$. Ree. MANIXlTn, fine one, sell for $25 or ex- . change for diamond ring: also llfiO phonograph, sell or exchange for dia- monrx win trade both. Address . C. fiia Itfce. MAHOGANY buffet a beauty, almost new, for diamond. Jewelry, or What have you to oHer? Address' S. C 601, cara. Omaha Bee. ' , MAIL ORDER PUFPLIES-Conslstliig" of clothes line reels, pocket cash register, ' sanitary aprons and' all- kinds of toilet articles. Trade for Jewelry or furniture. Address S. C. 52S, Bee. ORIENTAL rugs, genuine antique and. vary beautiful, rare deslgna, yto frado for uisctl furniture, diamonds, merchan- dlae; or wtiat have you? Address S. C. 004, care Omaha Bee. , PIANO A new electrlo piano with harp and flute attachment, leaded glass front. Will play with or without coin. Will trade for diamond. Balance could be paid. , out $25 per month. Regular prl $hso. Will sell for $575. or trade, wholesale price. 8. C. ?? Bee. ' - ' ' PIANO New England Piano, mfgd. at Boston, Ms ss. In good condition. Will be sacrificed. What have you?. Address 8. C. $80, Bee. r )... ; ROADSTER One Oakland roadster, coat ' $l,Boi) new; has a thoroughly rebuilt en srine: two extra casinxs with covers and ' rack; has new nop with side curtains; will trade for late model motorcycle and cash or will consider good lot equity In all modern house. This car la In sior- age and I will pay same until, spring. Address B. C. 5S2. Bee. RESTAURANT DISHES About 500 pieces of hotel or restaurant heavy-weight .. china plates, runs and saucers, sugars. creamers, side dishes, bakers, etc., all or any part or. It, to trade (or anything thnc I mlqlit be able to use. or cheap for cash. What have yog? Address S. C. 603, care Omaha Hee. RUBBER BOOTS Have good pair - ojj . rubber boots almost new - will aell or trade for something I can use: In good condition; size BV. 8V C. 451, Bee. SOLID BRASS jardinler. a beauty, wort). - $23. brand new. to trade. What have you, to swap? Also one brass candelabra, new. for five candles, and one combination candelabra, heavy quadruplee-piated silver, can ba used either aa single candlestick: , or for three candles, a fine ornament on the table or on the mantle or on top of tho piano. Will trade fof used furniture, or anything of value to me. Address' B. C. 606, care Omaha Bee. SOLID copper chafing dish. ,wlth copper -ordered delft blue tile tray and alcohol ( . filler, all In copper, famous Bternau New York make, to trade for furniture, dishes'', or anything that I might be able to use. Address 8. C. 6oL Omaha Bee.. . , BJGNB. showcards. Clark ft Bon. D. 1318. TYPEWRITER -Oliver Standard visible vVriter, only slightly used and as good aa new Cheap for t-ash or- will trade. What have youT, Address. B. C. 452, Bee. '( TWENTY ACRES OP LAND Unin- . cunrbered, located Irf the famous. John Pay. district near the Columbia river in N Oregon. Title perfect; valued at $30 pr acre; wilt sell or exchange foe" clear Omaha let, or what have you. Address A DM. Bee.' . TWENTY acres rich truck land, near Gulf. 3 miles from Robstown, .Tex.. Address, S. C. 1522. Bee. ' TEXAS LAND Ten acres fruit and gar den land In, gulf coast country; cost $460; will sell for $J0O or trade for what- havo , you. K. Omaha Bee, Council Bluffs, la. VACUUM WASHING IMACHINE8 Have ' 6ti0 well knowiw vacuum waahlng vna- ' chines, all pew and up-to-date. A guaran teed machine. Agents here Is your chance to make a clean-up this spring. Will swap ' for auto or what have you? Address, B, C. 679, Bee. WOULD trade 10 acres of good land real close to Lake View, Ore., for ear, road- ! ster preferred. Address J. E. J., 1128 1 St., Lincoln, Neb. V . WINCHESTER, REPBATfcR. 12 aTuage, ' ' will swap for something of the value of $12. or cash, ahall rest thrown la. All , In good condition. S. O. 873. Bee. WATCH Lady's solid gold watch value $40; what have you to trad? Address, 8. C 5SL Bee. ' FOll RE VT vApeurtsacvnts and Plata, Fidelity Storage Co Storage, moving, packing and shipping. 16th 4k Jackson Bis. Phone Douglas 2aS. C'ODKN ANNEX, Council Ulufls, com, witli kitchenette, steam heat Phons 44 l-r,. modern list. s3u S. 24th. $21. li. 471L FOR RLNT Most beautiful, finely fin ished and up-to-date 8, 4 and 6-rooin apartments In city. Building lust fin ished, i Flora Apartments. 2--l Jones bt 911 NO. 17TH e-r. mod, xpt.. heated, $ fiiA Mo. 2, ih. tV-r mod. flat... $ W ell Po. 27th -r mod flat.. M 1000 Nov'th, 7-r mod flat............ M f. G. CAtLHBRO. 312 Brandels The. His;. , I IT.. " . , 1 , t . L. ' 30.) FOUR rooms, 2.1 rioor, a i n uu.. , swa , and loualae, $45 and 140. ; FIVE rooms. 1st floor, GEORGIA,' 1040 B. l-th St., $40 yr iund. FIVE and six rooms, td and d floore, Sherman, Si3 Pherman Ave., large. , ll;ht rooms. and w . ' PU'KhS TRUST cOMPAfT. PK3 Famatu St. ' Phone Doug. W. , FURNISHED ROOM, baa tad. 4614 North. $ls Ava i f NICELY furnished rooms, t-l B. loltu Apt. 11. Btil'TH "room. 507 N. $0. H. 1178. - ilTDIdON list aad Chicaso; steam heat; I itl mo. and up; cats In coonortion. D-fc nCDEN HOTEi-. Council Bluffs, steaa heated rooine. $2 per week Plionekti. rtiXId IN "ALL PARTS OF Tlfn CITY.' . There la no ned of loinfc to the Inoon venlence of looking tse city over for furnishes or uitfurnlsned rooms. V e have hundreds of very d.slrable idaees 4n our fcld FlUJiS RENTAL. UST and from this big list you no doubt will fin Just what ou are looking for. There le absolutely no charge to the one who lita their rooms with ua , or to the party who desires to renl. THE CEuSTHAL Fl'KNITl'Rki STORE, FREE RENTAL DEPARTMENT. 1 Verna, 1M2 Csp., front rme aigin. ht ONE large rouia, private laautly. D, 415 So. 22'I. SOUS. THE COi.Ll N a blestid healed. IiAoel furnished rooms. Harney. Good Ueielioll. 2-r.d IN private modern home, for out geutia iio appre iaUe con lorti 4Uv.s4 IPs dear raraam. Piivtie IL a-M. Y - 1 A 1 k at I V M 7 I. 1 v r .