THE BEE: OMAHA. FEIIIIUARY 1915. WANT ADS Want ad received at any time, but to Insure proper rianeittcattnn tnniit ba pre. sented before IS o'clock nnon for evening edition and 739 p. m. for morning and Bunday editions. Want a"e received ater itch hour will be under th heading, "Too Lata to Classify." I CASH" RATES. eren mnsecutlv times, t cent a word aeh Insertion. ... Threa times wltMn on week, IVi cent word each Ineertlon. One time, I centa a word. CHAROE RATFS. ' even enneecutlve times, cent! a Una each Ineertlon. . Three tlmea within ona week, 10 cent a Una each Insertion. Ona time, 11 centa a Una. Count sis average word to a line. Minimum charge. centa. An edTertlaetnent Inserted to ma un til discontinued muat ba stopped by wrtv tea order. All et1m for errora muat ba made within fifteen dsys after tha last Inaar tioa of the advertisement. Ton can plica your want ad In Tha Bee by telephone. M T K LKTHON B TTUB 100. Unclaimed Answers to the "Swappers' Column" Hundred of other anawera have been called, for and delivered during the laat wee. It la reasonable to suppose that all of tha people below have made the deetred swaps, therefore do not call for HO. VI 110 ill XI t lit s tn r ti lil H? ) tut $4 m B.C. 42 lo ir.ii 1513 ir,n ir.JO ir,2S 15. 1M0 ir.45 i:M ISM iwr ViiO 1ST J 1578 IfWt 7 luM DR1THI AI4D rCHBRAl. KOTICEt. OUT-Mr. Oeo. H., wUa of ex -Sheriff Funeral services wUl ba held Monday, February 8. at 1:00 p. m. from HuUe A Rlepen's pa Hon, lim and J ones Bts. Friend Invited. CARD OF THANKS, We wiah to extend our heartfelt thank to the many irienda and neighbor for tha beautiful floral gift and to Dr. Semour Smith and the nurses of St. Cath orlne'a hospital, also Veata chapter. Order of the Eastern Star, in behalf of our beloved and unfortunate daughter, Charlotte. MR. AND MR8. HTBWART A. CUTLER. BIRTHS AND DKATIIS. Ftrths-Joe and May Pantlclrc. 14.13 South Fourteenth, boy; Harry and Bessie bpiegel, 21UI Grace, twin girls; 11. and Lffle Margadlne. 834 Lake, girl; Gulasaprie and Maria Schlro, 2WC. Pierce, girl; Oil F. and Myrtle K. Lawyer, girl; liutlno avid JCygel Manaco, Vili Maaon, girl; lien and Konle Uolden)erg, hoepltal, yoy; Ben and I-ena Mannlno, 1 (South Twelfth, boy; Mark and Chrletabel Mc Donnell, Ilia Bouth Twenty-finit. boy; John J. and Emily, KM South Twenty fourth, boy; Samuel and Anna Robin-owita,- hoepltal, boy; M. El. and Mamie ttiish, ua norm jwemy-iuui avenue. I. rtn; jamea ana Mnnu rena, n nwin '.lEhth. girl; John and Kranoea, 1U74 Kivu. elrl: Oliver J. and Kunlce K. Iiutuh, 2tbl Fierce, girl; Max O. and Mary Wagner, & Bouth Twtntylghth, boy. Leatha Water Mary Jan loreet to. Twenty-ninth and Hamilton; Mra. Abel Campbell. 4b, Kmint; Margaret Guy, 78, hoaiilal; Helen Oehnnaa, 44, hoa r.ltal; Auguata Weisa. H 1321 South Fourth; 1 C. Beaeman. 4S. hoepltal. TODAY'S COMPLETE MOVIE PIWXaiAMi Exclusively la Tha He. -1 Um ! tXJTB NO. 1, 1318 FARNAM. Jn Mother's Fooateps. J-r. Lubln drama. The lUKht Olrl. (Karle W II llama.) Vila. Vhm Gang's New Memler. Hloxraph aim. KARNAM,- 141i FAKNAM Bl Jluna absolutely four flrat-run Mutual films, with tha famoua Keystone ooro- dlea changed dally. mtP TUbATKH, 16TH AND UAitMUT llome of Paramount Picture. PAiUk 'IHlbAXlkii. sis n. writ Feature program dally. Keystone Comedies. PARLOH, liu IX)UaLA. The Lieutenant Governor. 1-r. Lss. dr. Tha Navajo Ring. VI tag rap h drama. 1'oee Kail end Trouble. Lubln comedy. J'RINLkM. tU7-l liOUQLAM. Lure of the 'West, thrilling western dra. Their Hobo Hero, heart Interest drama, f.lp and His (iaiig, L-Ko comedy. Merth. ALHAMBRA, 1114 N. 14TTL Among the Mourner a Key. Com. Joke oa Jlllow Town. Rel. lra. I.ovellnres of War, 1-rsel. K.-P. drama. ALAMO. KTH AND FORT. Duvu-oiiment. Majestlo drama. .The Master, 1-reel K-H. drama. As a Man Thlnketh. Beauty comedy. CLIFTON. Mililary Ave. and BurdetU. Mother of the hhadowa, 1-r. K.-U. Lira. 'atal Comli.g, Kt-ysune comedy. The Tin Can Kl ark. I 'IAMOND TliKATKll, 2410 Lake. The Millionaire KnslntHT, 1-reel Imp, Clue of the Fortriut, Krl. Llsxy llilijr Career. Nest. Com. KttASTcfjN THEA., "sith and Franklin. Tha Ierellot. 1-r. Ksl. Lra Tlta rliee of Liege, Mina. Com. The leend of the lone Tree. Vita. Dra. ORANL (THKATKIl HliAUTIFI'L) HIXTEENTH AND BINNET. Annette KelWrnian, in Neptuie'a Daugh ter In seven parts, show starts st . Jill'l-oDlUMk 2el4 CL'MINU. A I Oliver Romance, Thanhouser drama. MIIJ West Love, Keystone comedy. Kudora, episode No. , in two parts. 1TT11KATLR, llUh uid Lik uh. The Kacape on the Limited, Kal. Dra.; A Mix-up In Dresa Bultcases, 1-r. Vita. C; Rr.nUo Rlily and tha Ksraped Itandlt. fxTllTlUf HKAT UH, MtlTanTSoThropT out of the Darkness, S-reei Am. HMter Way. MaJ. The 1 luriUr. 1jVAI. TH, Caldwell. nten. e O'Rourke, No. t, t-r Uold beat. Winning the ITise, Imp comedy, i '.'rime of Thouii'it. Powers. ' f'ALAC iiirATiiS; 24 Davenport. Little Orey Home. -rael Victor. tM li'h a Mmtaks, Crystal comedy. fViiFHiiAti TirtATLiu 24'lH and Ames, '.'he Treai-herv in the Cloud Vita. coin. The Frorvlon's fetlnr. 1-r. Ksl Dra, Jiron ho Jillly and the Hst-rs. Ksa. W. D. So a Ik. ARBOR THEATL'R. tM and Arbor. No show Monday and Tuesday. lU-Kulsr progrem reet of erk. A KjL.LO 7, -4 Leavenworth. J be tin I 1 -ifraitier a ferll. Kal. Dra. J lie Kiiendaiiii) of liutond. 2-r. Lub, Dra. r.eelle and Her iHig, fny comedy. CULUMblXTilTLRritlV 8. TLSTiL The HMge-Brueh Oal. 1-r. Vita, drama. 1'itl hi tif at Wsyvllle K- ' ' twituin liit..Jtlt. , iulon. A Ainlas or tl:e iM-srlt, K.-U. liiamh Number 37, MaWstlc, A r'iv-r in r-cring Wairr, KoniU: - i-ivi l r. IMtvl t.ll. nit, Vi.jton. 'J :e fcn. nl y et '1 reinliling Mill, 1-r. Km. oiains; Auntu-s Jxuiit. Ha. comedy; ;s.ii, i yot'TH i.rni; Ma i'sp Quen of tirednliof fin. 2-r. O. e Mirry Maiy's Marriage. K Ko. coin. .4n iluiiaw'i Moonr. INiera. l i;l- 1 IIKA1 It. Iil7 VlNl'i i.v n M)Im i.inen. lr Rtaon: He jii in ijv iiu ins ioiltnr-iu-iaw, jukii iuiudy; ilia lKg Oune iirk, Nt-al. re ret reunite. B.C. B.C. C. SC. M na lffl W 404 . l.T'l 14)1 WO 413 1MT 1412 114 41$ 1M 11 819 4i i:l 1414 121 417 IMi 1424 ra 4H ji I- SJ5 4 14HI KM 4 3 JW. 343 81 477 14 14K 141 4? 174 1441 4 4X3 1.T71 1446 IS KM IX 144 8T4 HOT 1MW 14M Ml 11 IM tA 1H lfM 14f t l.W. 1403 14" J 871 i.w 14; i4;o 171 I'll 14 1471 84 Ui4 1407 1481 TODAY'S COMPLETE MOVIE rRfHiRAMS Ktrlunlvrly In Th lie. eaith. PATIMT5. n AND LE A V K N WORTH. h:ight reels of nlrlurea winning the pi lie. llowrdd, 1-r. Res. lave you nesrd snout tomorrow 7 VKNfcZIA, Ull SO. 13TU 8X, Four reels of Mutual picture West. MONROK, KS FARNAM. The Trofessor' Romsnre. Vita. com. Buffering of Busan. Hweeney'a Christmas Bird. MIIUon-Dnllsr Mystery No. 12. Brans, RENBON, M35 MAIN BT. Master Key, F.plaode No. 10. Pperial serial.' Village l'ontruasfer. Joker com. Hunting In Crasyland. Powers. Cosjacll Olaffa. FLtTB NO. 1 &4S BROAD WAT. Patsy at College, Lubln comedy. Hearsb-Selig No. I. A Daughter of Israel. 1-r. Vltagraph dra, N1CHOLAH THEATER. 647 Mroadwsv. The Treasure Temple of Phoeh, Vita coin. War Old Oirl. 1-reel Ksssnay drama. The Barrier Between, Rlograph drama. ItOPKR. 637 BROADWAY. Olrl of the Becret Beroe, 1-r. Uold Seal. The Bribe, Victor drama. He Cured His Oout, Joker comedy. BESS 15 THEATER, ' 14th and N. Patsy In Business. Ltih. Com. The Evil Men Do, f-r. Vita. Dra, MAGIC THEATER, 24th and O. Animated Weekly. Olrl of the Secret Bervlre, t-r. Oold Seal. Vaaae villa. ORPHEUM. Lay Down Your Arms. MTH AND N. ANNOUNt:KMETT8 NOTICE. a.a'Ji w H,rlS iu tunai iiuuiu ( v iiirn order early to avoid any delay In their plans. ' ANNA BIBTEK, Ladles' Tailoring and Dressmaking, 101- ma ,iiy ftaiionill pnnii niua. DRKHMMAKINO 'and tailoring, work guaranteed. 140 Caas Bt. Tel. Red. 7IB5. Wedding announcements- Doug. Ptg. Co. HAZEL Leaf Pile Conee. Beat remedy for Itching, bleeding or protruding piles; Wo postpaid; samples free, bhenuan 4k McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. ENROLL now. Y. M. C A. night school. LUCKY wedding rlnss at Urodegaard'a. AUTOMOBILES Oreenough Omaha Red. Rep. Co., Far, AUTO clearing house, 22uf Farnam, buy and sells used cars. Phone Douglas 14)0, C. ELBA 88 ICR, expert radiator and lamp repairs. Ty. 701. 2401 Leavenworth. ONE 1911 Cadillac touring car: bis bar gain. Cadillac Co., Doug. 42. Industrial Unease Co.. Utth tk Harney Bts. FuR RENT One-ton White truck with driver, by weuk or month. H. l'elton, r.H Farnam. Call Douglas Uni. AUTOMOBILE Overland JO, passengor touring, overhauled Dec. 1U14. Rear Urea new, nobby tread. Will buy tire to make deal. Jb-xtra tube and tirea cheap for cash. L. L. D., P. O. Box 144. Bouth Omaha. Detroit electric, overhauled and In flrat class condition. Ca II I'hona Harney 709. fc-ARa painted, according to also (Ford t-3) work inm rant d. Hanscom 1'ark Uarage. FOR RENT 1 high-grade 1-ton trucks by day, week or month. Call Tyler U'jQ. H ItEWARD for any magneto we can't repair. Coils repd. Baysdnrfer,210 N.H. o I Moturayelea. HARLET-DA VIDBON MOTOnCTCLKS. Bargalna In used machines. Victor Roos, ''The Motorcycle Men," 17ug Ies venwortn. ili INDIAN MOTORCVCLlfi now ready7; bargalna In used machtnee. OMAHA BICYCLE CO., itith and Chicago. D. 17tt. UU8INE8S CUANCKS C M. EATON, Bua. Broker, 1101 W. O. W will help you In or out of bualneaa. FOR BALE Cheap, small "planing mill." doing bood bualneaa. Address L M, Bee, C. J. Canan can aril your farming land. FOR BALIO-My tailor business, estab lished twelve veara IIa i. m.M busy the year round, and enough for three during the season; 1X worth of woolens, 12 masquerade suits thst are kept for renting purposes, and fixtures. All goes for thou. Come and sea for your self. Kanpelin, The Tailor, 1230 N Bt., IJncoln, Neb. FOR SALE Billiard parlor and bowling alley. Good location, good business; 4 tables and two alley a IT Ice tl 4i T.n 110 cash, balance one year' a time. C, H. uayaon, tAH j-oint, B. D. FOR HALE One of the best equiped blecksniith ahone in lh. ,t.i. in tM oi i.ow in eastern nieoraaka. B. oafi, Bee. LAhT biidlnoaa thancea, property for rent sale or exchange with me. I will write All manner of insurance. W. O. Tein plcton. Pen. BROKER. ul Bee. Ty. &. ONE of the best rutail bakeries In the city; no competition, Call Weix tmi, or address K W7. Bee. I.IBT vrT 'TJ utTarwcca ' ' with us for quick action and square treatment. OI 'ICV BAT.ITH cnu Dl w 411 Bee Bldg. Phone Red H64. SIGNS, show card. Clark . mm. U. U7V THEATER Buy, lease or ssU your the ater, machine and suppllea through Theater Exchange Co.. 14U Farnam Hi. Douglaa 11)7.' TO quickly buy a business of any kind" avnywuere in tnis territory, wilt Jim TO GET lu or out of business. Call on ill viiitut i n . i i . ,,, , . . M innji.oinu. W &)lUg. L. iit i . WANTKl In northern or central Iowa. t.,v. ,u uitoi u a Duainetfe whereby a good salesman can realise 1V0 on Investment, besides a good salary, tha l t I , - L. - . . . . ..... ihvh m vuve. aureas 1 Hit, Bee WE want a bookkeeper and all around ulflce man who rn in,i n ii l.u0ui In a good, aubatantlal wholesale lobbing buaineis In Omaha. Will stand close Investigation. If you have the money and wish to get Into business for yourself Investigate. Address. A m Bee " AlsTr.D Man with some money to In vest in manufacturing biialn.u.. .iu . lake exivuuve position at good salary YOITI businesa or real estste quickly sold. Writs Jim Wray. tiiuux City. KDUCATIONAL WINTER TERM MOSHER-I.A VPMAN COLLEUB. NOW tiFEN. tlnsumaaaed el--am iM hn-i.... . i. . hand and Engliah oranchea. Oraduatea guaranteed good poeltiona Plavea pro- vued ror young people to work for board. For free cataaogua edd-ea Mosher-Lampman College ' lth and Farnam Street. Omaha. Neh. The Van Sant School Stenography Day achool, uu tu 4.0a. Night achool. to 1.11. Uth an J Karnaiu till. - Daugas MI. BOYLES COLLEQE Day School; Night School; complete vwnii'ici, iiiuriiiiBua gr uvik vuurws; complete teiegrapny ..ww, v,ti wiin i.ra4icneo ana cng Hli. Btudenta admJltad at auy tune. Writ, phone or tall for 111 catalogue. HOVLEa CuLLh.Uk;. H. M. BOX Ltd. President. Boylea Bldg . omatia. Neb Tel. Douglas l.4 FOR sale tha following scholarships la a flraL ClmalkM liuaina.. i' Ons unlimited roiiibinsllna business ana snoii course. One unlimited business course. One iiiil'inltKl stenographic course. One inree months' business or stane- amtibtc ri 1 1 1 V ill be sold at discount at th office vi me v?nai,a net. FOB BALK EXPERT lady atenoarapher will take runils. PHORTHAMl touch tvnewrll. Ins. acelilng, punctuation, etc., taught and compiie training slven lor Dusineea ca reer. Private Instruction if desired. 44 Douglas St. Tel. Walnut 1327. FOB BALB Kar altar. Nsw 4V Id-hand furniture, caah or terms; reasonable. Amur. Furn. Co., (OS N. Hth NEARLY new bedroom suite, sacrifice for cssh or terms. Harney 64.riO. i Masleal laatraaeeaits. Slightly used high grade piano. D. 1017. t'PRIOHT PIANO. p0. 23L8 Bo. Slst. Phone Hsrney 4a Typewriters- All makes typewriters rented, sold, terms. Butte Typewriter, 1WK Farnam. D. L RENT Remingtona, Monarcna and Bmlth 1'remlers of their makers. The Reming ton Typewriter Co. Telephone Doualaa 124, Rental credited If you purchase and only very neweat and highest grad ma chines sent out. Itatea, threa months for 16 for underetroke machines or $4 per month for lateen model visible writ era TYPEWRlTKrut sod, reined, repaired. v entral Typewriter Kirhange, U7 t. 17th RENT An Oliver typewriter, months for 14. The Ollvtr Typewriter Co., Iy. 2H19 Mlseellnaeaas. 1-hand mch. Oroas Wreck Co., It A Paul. FOR BALE New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tablea and bowling alleys and accessories; bar fixture of all Kinds; easy payments. The Brunswick- uaike-Coliender Co., 407-40 8. loth Bt. I BAUKET8 coal. II. Wagner, sul N. 18th. I NEW safea, different sixes, below Cost. ur. Bradbury, dentist, luus Karnam. 15 NEW automatic weighing scales, M and 110. Match machines and lifting machines. One horse wagon, buggy and narness, aiso touts, inmoer' anu outer mlscellsnaoua article for sale or trade. J. C. 1SU, EXEOJTOI. 70S Bo. list Ave. Phone Harney 241. HELP WANTED FEMALE Clerical and ufflee. NO TJHT'AI, FILING FEB. 8TF?NOJR A FH ERS. BEE i 'fl. BL'HINEHH MEN H REFERENCE ASBN. l.)l-20 WOODMEN OK THE WfiRLD. BTENOU It A PH E R, legnl experience, 60. w atta Ref. Cr., K4o-t2 Bran. Tliea. BT ENOORAPHER Must be exiwrienced. MIDWEWT BOND1NO CO., Ill Bee Bldg. faetvry t-raaee. WANTED Experienced button holo maker. Appiy Albert cann. vsii rirnam. LEARN ha'rureasing. Oppenhelm Parlors WANTED Experienced millinery mak ers, call Mrs. Musnkln. ltiia f arnam. llaavaekeeaera aad Doanewtlaa. THIS Bervant Olrl Problem Molved. The Bee will run a Servant Olrl Wanted Ad Fit KB until you get tha desired results This appilea to reatdenta of Omaha. Bouth Omaha and Council Blulfa, Bring ad te The Be office or telephone Tyler loo. ELDERLY lady wanta young girl or midJie aged lady to do some house work and act aa companion for room and hoard. 2704 Grant Bt. Phone Webster 31.16. COMPETENT girl fur general house work, small, new apartment, 1 In fam ily, pleasant home and good wsgel of fered. I'hone H. V or Call at 10S) 8. 42d. OIRL for general housework; good waxes. 3514 Lincoln blvd. Thursday or Saturday. WANTED Woman to help with house work on county farm for one 'year: wagea $276. Address P, O. Bog 26, Thayer, iNeo. WANTED Olrl or woman to work a few hours a day for board. 1.11ft Douglaa. MRS. E. BUCKINGHAM, Sfio Wool worth Ave., girl for general housework. Refer ence required. i WANTED A glil for general housework; small tamiiy. lis n, eutn rt. w. mil. wXnTED Experienced girl for general . housework. Inquire SiOS Ixcust Bt. GOOD sound, worthy, respectable wo man willing to help with general work In boarding house, washing sent out good place and wagea the year around if wanting to work. Bo. 80L WANTED An experienced nurse girl with references. Those under 26 need not apply. Mr. Dixon, 42 N. 3th Bt. WANT a white girl for general house- work. Charles. Walnut 22M. WANTED A girl to do second work, 33U3 Woolworth. H. S342. A YOlTNG glri to assist In genersl Jiouse- work. Call today at 114 N, oih Bt. WANTKl A girl for general housework; one who understands cooking. &M Woolworth. WANTED A good plhln cook In family of 3: muat b mil hav ,rMnn. 831 B. 17th Bt, WANTED A young girl to assist with housework and care for child, ail Caaa. II. ?s:.ii. MUrrllaaraaa. LADIES' 6 misses' coats, suits, dresses It skirt samplea ut wholesale Dricaa. Hon. off's New York bample Store, 101 N. lth. YOUNG women coming to Omaha aa strangers are invited to visit the Young Women's Christian aasoclation buildlna at Bt. Mary' Ave. and 17th Bt, where they will be directed to suitable boarding place or otherwise asaiated. Look for our traveler's guide a.: Union station fit WEEK, expenses advanced: women to rv.i ana appoint agent ror concen trated food flavors in tuuea. Reliable Mfg. Co., 1M Conn Bldg., Chicago. WOMEN get government Joba. 70 month. uat rree. rrankiin institute, Dept &a B. Rochester, N. Y. HELP WANTED MALB flell mm llfflMi. aqrARR pegs in square holes. ' " i"l m iiiiniiiuii IMNl Ilia you. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO.. 1015-14 CltV Nat. Rank Hl,l 8THNOG FLV PH ER, out of town; Wstts Ref. t?o., 'mO-O Bran. Thea. NO Vll.ivri traoT BKST (tl.MM KRCIAL POrSITIONB. ROGERS REF. OQ 6Jg-l'Btsto Bk. H1GH-4 K ADE commercial posltlona. WEST REF. BOND ASS N., 7bi Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. saleaatsa mmA aallnllaia. Drug store snap; jobs. Knelst. Bee Bldg. Q(H)D advertising solicitor for siieclalty work at once. Call Douglas 40T&. Open Sunday. WANTED Energetic man owning Foro entirely new ahock absorber; whole o, vmr nine, iiiierei comnuaaion to rtgnt party; territory. Omaha and vicinity. Ad dresa Y 180. Bee. EXPERIENCED crew manager and spe cialty salesmen for fsstest selling article en the market: expense daily, pay weekly. R. II Crounse blk.. lis No. lth. THE flrat payment now covers Insurance till July f. 1M6. This makes our uollcv eaay to sell. Call or write. Mutual Ben efit. Health and Accident Ass n. 423-13 city Nat Bank Bldg . Omaha. Neh. WANTED Several htgh-claas salesmen to sell specialties direct to auto owner. Call 603 First National Bank building. Only high-class aaleainen need apply. Ad dies P 421, Bee. Favetery a ad Travdea. AUTOMOBILE WISE OR OTHERWI3H Be wise a I Independent In business for yourself or eara big money. Our large and well equipped school and shop will produce this result for you. Get our unusual Interesting off".' with Catalogus "(.'." I'ay aid night classes. Phone L KHS. 141S-U-1T Dodge hi, Omaha, Neb. NEBRASKA AUTOMOBILE fcCHOOU WANTED MEN TO LEARN THE BAR BER TRAUB. The world needs more barbers than any other, tradesmen. Few Weeke quallflea. Tooia Included. Board If dealred. Wagea while learning. Open to all. MOHLER BARBER COLLEGE. 110 S. 14th t. LEARN HARBK TRADB. Be lndoendent; wagea and tool glvea. Fletrio maaeage. Mrictly modern. Big demand for barbers. Call or write. TRI-CITY BARHKR COLLEGE. 111! louglas tt Oin 1KB ' "t . l.inco'a. Mlaeellaaeeaa. WANTED Saute of men wanting to be lallway mail clerka, .S month; Omaha txautl nations coming. A-idrcas Y tS, Lee. 1IKLP WAXTKD MALE M Iseellaaiewwa. Wanted at Once MEN to learn the automobile business; the demand Is great for our graduates; we hare trained hundreds of men; let u train you. Write for free booklet Natl Auto Training Ass'n, 2S14 N. IPth Bt. Omaha. Neb. UOOD YOUNG MEN WANTED IMMEDIATELY. Biggest demand for our Magneto. Elec. Starter Auto Oraduatea. Too many un trained tinker repair men; good men post lively needed. Big spring rush. Free catalogue. 'AMERICAN AUTO COL t.EUK. 2"fwt Farnam ft. Omaha. WANTED 1,000 men to est ham and esaa, l.'ic. Coffee John, 14th and Capitol Ave. IIELP WANTED I ALB AND FKMALR. THOUSANDS government Jobs op-n to men and women; f(S to 1150 month. Write for list. Franklin Institute, Dept. 221 U, Rochester, N. Y. WANTED SITUATIONS A BRIGHT and Intelligent experienced young man wanta a npitlon as ship ping or ofilce clerk in a wholesale or com mercial house; can do any kind of gen eral office work; ran furnlfh the beat of references; willing to start work st a moderate salary. Address C 170. Bee. WANTEI A position on the farm as Housekeeper, where my son. 'an ex perienced farmer, can get employment. I hone Red 2721 or address Mr. J. B. J., 541 th Ave., Council Bluffs. In. IOUNO man wants place to work lor board while attending Boylcs college. Telephone Douglas lafti WTl i Bund Ic washing. Maddte. W. 5fr. WANTED Employment by middle-aged man, several years, railroad ana office experience; prefer position as traveling salesman or office work; can ue typewriter; not a steno. K sj2. Bee. EXP. colored boy, 22 years old, wsnts po sition doing housework; can furnish good references. H. (Mi. MAN and wife want work of any kind. Harney 49W. EXPERIENCED competent nurse wants position. Phone Webster 411Ji. COLORED girl for chambermaid work. 11122 Cuming. Douglas fi;',3. COLORED girl wants position as cham bermaid. South i7MS. MOTHER and daURhter, with experience, desire position as first and second cook In a commercial house gut of city. Ad drees C 828, Bee. FIRST class carpenter wanta employ ment at once. Red 60K4. GIRL desires place for housework in Ree. I REFINED lady would act aa companion or light household duties for room and board. Address E 627, Bee. DAY WORK WANTEbTWebster 1267." GOOD carpenter of 60 want work in ex' nanus lor board and room. Addresa A , Bee. GERMAN girl desires (losltlon aa second gin or chambermaid In hotel, name Boebes, 1613 Chicago Bt. live stoc:: fob sale Horses aad. Vehleles. MANY' well-matched teams; young mares: some In foai, Cal at Brewing CO. ah Innn 19U Hi i. o . .. a,..- ajj, 4 (,! Ofc. TWO ptlri of mares in foal. 1D2J Cuia- ATTENTIONI Must sell this week four husky mares In oal; 1,200 to 1,400 pounda each: have li--n ,Di,.M j . . . , - 1 . . vll M ufui. xnis m ShZ?n- C.." ni 'nvestlgat. dug ... - ... i.wi nuwarg resiuence. WORK team. rt0. Two young mares in foal. 417 N, 20th. Douglaa 8238. 6HIF live stock to South Omaha. Save " anrinaage. lour oonatgn. UoA11" ,C'W romP nd careful atlen- TWO teams of younit. well-mtch.i chunky farm mares, heavy In foal weight from 1,350 tojl,4u0 pounda; all good' sound mares, right out of hard work. J Ryan, manager. 2508 Farnam. TEN good farm mares, some in foai "i"e navement sore, cheap. TwhijJIty Transfer Co. barn. 1G23 Dav'pt IT a r m . ,T" T FARM wona V-) mnX up; hmrneM, ). JOhniOfb-I )Rtt fnM h sTa 17 u a. s-iut T. . gwin gar v. ian BIB. FOR SALE The best team;, weight, 1.000. one In foal; also a team of nice, chunky mares, weignt 1.300 pound each. In foal; must be sold within the next few wS. 'ST- rr.d.l3r Inqulr TWO teama of well-mafched, chunky marea. weight 1,260 each; ages and 17 yeara old; sound; trial given if necea.arr- DriVatM TmlAmm.. Vltt -.- """j ' - . ... , . asmiffa, Fi)" hV-?).''A ? hors .d mar... . i - raja to s years, all well &Sk!.i?eJ2S,C"iL '-Phone SoSth b l.dMKfiCVi"" '" '"'""y must sell splendid big team of horses and good big team of percheron mares, heavy In foal. Call at residence, 314 No. 17th Bt TEAM of mares, heavy in foal- w.ih " . Jb"': ch,,P R taken quick. Pair work horaea lam IK. ! . JL - '.i lfJ.kenreek23umVnr; 2.raD. s-r":''rcow; lar,.; Lie Ituek Coaanalaako. Merekaatl" BQ& 4 CO.. Kxcnanse Bldg. LOST AND FOUND OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS BTREET RAILWAY COMPANY. PstrsMna haulni Ina4 . a '" iv Wilis, T II' IB WDUIO do well to cat! up the fflc of the Omaha S. f 1 n . a. 1 1 111..,. n. . 1 1 muiii otrviet ruiiiway cum nan v to aaeertalit whtkaii i. i . i the street cars. Many articles each day are turned In and the compuny la anxious to restore tl em to the rixli'fal owner. Call Doug. 4a. LAisr rriaay nignt between 16th and Farnam and Sid and Farnam, a 3-karat diamond ring. Reward 125. Phone D. 6s5s. LOST Between 60th and Isard and 32d . U - , v . . , , , i i j vi l,umui , i , m vorai cameo brooch. Phone Wal. 14J0; reward. LOST Gold mesh bsg. Reward. D. 7835. MEDICAL Piles and Fistula Cured Without SURGICAL OPERATION or PAIN. No DETENTION from BUSI NESS. PAT when CURED. A written GUARANTEE given in every case treated. Patients must come to th of fice, Omaha National bank, 17th and Farnam street. DR. WJLLIAM CREIG1IT0N MAXWELL, Twenty-eight yeara In Omaha. Graduate of Bellevue Hoepltal Medical College. New York City. N. Y. Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. B. R. Tarry curea nilea. fistula and tther rectal defeases without surgical op eration. Cure guaranteed and no money Id until cured. Write for book on rectal tin testimonial. DR. K. It TARRY. 240 Be Bldg. MONEY -TO LOAN NEED MONEY? Bee us Quick service. Half usual rate. RELIABLE CREDIT CO- lul l axtoa Blk. Dougia MIL PERSONAL $7,000. to Pension Invalids If we) receive tOs subscript ions to The Ladies Home Journal 11 60 The Batuiday Evening Post 1H The Country Gentkiuan 1.60 Each month till April to equal laat year' bualneaa, the original to.Ux) beooinea the pio.erty of the Invalids' Pension assrt, making t.Oue to pension invalid a We must have 23 subscriptions in Kebniarv. Your order or renewal add 60 cla. Phone Doug. 713 or address (Jordon, the Magazine Man, OMAHA. NER rERWONAL THE Faivation Army Industrial borne so Helta your old clothing, furniture, mags tlrtes. We collect We distribute. Phone Douglas 4:34 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home, 1110-U11-U14 Dodge St YOUNG women coming to Omaha as strsnger are Invited to visit the Young Women' Christian assocl.tlon building at 17tb Bt and Bt Mary s Ate., where they will he directed to suitable boarding place or otherwise assisted. Look for our trav eler' aid at the Union station. POULTRY AND StPPLIES DON'T forget that three time more chickens have been hstched In Oil Trusty incul stors than In any other In cubator. Catalogue free on request Ad dress, M. M. Johnson Co., Clay Center, Neb. STEREOTYPE matricea make the best and cheapest lining for poultry houses. Thee are 17x23 Inches, stronger and mora durablo than tarred felt and practically fireproof. 75c a hundred at Tha Br office. WANTED TO BUY GET Kaplan s prices for id hand furn., . "oca. clothes, be fore selling. Web. 7503. Yaie buy everything 2d nand. Tyler 1418. OFFICE furniture bought and sold. J. C. Heed. 1207 Fa mam. Doug. 614. WE miY 2d-hand:lothes. 1421 N. 24th. HIGHEST prices for furniture. Web. il. LIVE WIRE BUSINESS MEN OF OMABA A B C of Omaha EW and 2d-hand motors, dynamoa, magnetos, etc., and mech. repairs. Le Bron Elect. Vvorkn, 31-20 B. 12th, OMAHA PILLOW CO., 107 Cuming. Douglas 2467. Renovates feather and mattresses of all kinds, make feather mattresses and down covers. VACuX'Ai cleaners lor suie. Vacuum cleaning done tn the home. Sanitary a towtelCO; 80S Bee Bldg. WE rent, repair, sell needles snd parts for all sewing machine NE BRABKA CYCL.E CO., "Mlckel." i.'th and Harney, Douglas l2. Accoaatanta, E. A. DWORAK, accounts audited, open ing and closing books. Installing modern Offlc and cost accounting stems. Ad ores 481 Ramge Bldg. Pnon Doug. 74jg. Addlnar Maehlnea Dglton Adding Machines. 411 8. tt. D. 144. Aflder Mch. Co. (Wales). W. Q. W.DT533g. Architect. Everett B. Dodds. 412 Psxtcn Blk. D. 2881. Anto and Magneto Repairing;. Magneto repair work a specialty. D. tilt. Aaetleaeers. Dowd Auction Co., lia W. O.W. Rod 8285. Attraction.. nlAtn A rUmK FX" 14tfc n4 Dou- Motion r.: , . , nun iniifj aim iiini oarseaiiiS. Bine Prltttlasr HSaRtBYanBkLkTli.PRINT C ' Barbers. 11 Chairs, 10c she ye. neck shave. 1817 Far. Hrasa Konndrlee. ! ' Paxlon-Mltchell Co., g7th and Martha St. Cistern and Well Dlcgrlaug. ' N-?i? wiLUor. clcrn cleaned or dug? BCHAFFER does It. Phone Web. 6631. J?FEIl.?''ilv'n ContructlonCoj nothing top big or Impoaslbls: estimates furnished. HO N. 21st fit.. Omaha Carpenters and Coalravctora. BTBVENBON, 13 8. 21d. Douglas SCO. California Laads. W. T. Bmlth Co.. 111! City Karl Bit D.28H, Coal Dealers. . " $5.50 t?"Sia Pls-l. lso Victor nut. I lo-OO. Phone Douglas 102. Ckirosraelar. I Oeddl. D. c. gg Bee Bldg. Doug. 42M. China PalatlnBT. ' Ruth Letchford, decor ting, firing. R. 494a. f Ivlt ia,i... M. J. LiAC Y, 513 BtB BLDQ. DQpq, 4716. Crenn geuaratorw. The Sharpie Separator Co.. ifth A Fmm. Clean I aiar aisisl Dnl. mlM ROUECHB. 1505 Harney, d. Deewratora aisial e-n. mi.. BUSIER does it Phone Walnut 1521, Deatlsts. pr Bradbury. Ko palln. 1508 Farnam. Dr. Todd's alveolar dentistry. 403 Brandels Daaeiagf Aeadeaales. -O-.AUDI.-Spec'l rate, for club and " n. ur lei, sagr. u. 2424, Turpln'a Dancing Academy. Mth lf.rn Osnevleve Hauflalre. Phone Webster 33& jjtg!fJAJ;d'rny. ' Harney. D. 544! CHAMBERS' Academy, classic. D. 17L Deteetl vea. INVESTIGATIONS carried out In .ny .J't11 ot Ltil States, Csnada or Meslco. tn Paxton Blk. Doug. 1373. Walnut 1520. JAMES ALLAN. Ill Neville Blk. KiL denes secured In all rase a. Tyler 1188. Dreaaaajtkiag. Trry Dretsmak'g college, 10th A Farnam. EXPHKlENCED dreasmaker wanta work by day. Phone Florence log. PLAIN and fancy aewing done at your home: satisfaction guaranteed; by day or piece. Tel. H. 4R23. Mattie B. Black. WATSON 4k LUND, 2ou7 Caas St. MISS STURDY, 2418 Caaa Red 7320. Dentists. Bailey, the Dentist 701 City Ket'l Bank. Taft Dental Rooms, 1617 Douglas. D. 21M. Pyorrhea. Dr. Flckea. TU City Nat. Bank. Drags. DRUGS at cut prices; freight paid on IU orders; catalogue free. Sherman A Mc Connell Drug Co., Omaha. Neb. felectrte Bappllea. LKBRON Elec. Wka.. Ill 8. lith. D. zl7. Ererytktaai for W oaten. ACCORDION, side, knife, sunburst, bos pleating; covered buttons, all slaes and styles; hemstitching, plcot edging. Ideal Pleating Co tno. Douglas Bloik. D. liMti. HAIRDRESSING. all branches; combings to order. Apt , Wright Blk. R. ttui. SWITCHES from combings. 11.50. Psyche free. Mre H. M. Eck. 3stais Marcy. H. 5645. H A IRDR EASING at your home. H. t3j. Farlera. BEN FENSTER. 1410 N. Mth Bt W. 7777. Flerlata. A. DuNAGHUE, 131 Harnay. Doug. 1001. BATHS florists. 1m4 Farnam St HESrl A SWOBODA. 141a Farnam Bt L. H END EH SON, 15l Farnam. D. 12ua. Member Florist Telegraph DeL Aasn. llalr Ureulsg. . Harper method. R. g, Balrd Bldg. D. 311. Llghtlag FUtsre aa W lrlwg. THOMAS DURKIN Electrlo fixture and supplies, contract ing and repair work dons reasonable. t41 CUMING. DOUGLAS 261. Live Stwelt Heaaedlea. OMAHA Remedy Co., U7 8. 13th. Red 4251 Meaaewger aad Teaussater. WHITE IJXE. 30 B. nth. Douglas 11 Mask, Coetaaaea mm LeielaTO tapg-Uee. MNFR. of lodge regalia and costumes The largest stock of masquerade and theatrical cosAumea In the country. Theo. Lleben ms Son, UI4 Howard. D. 411a. coka'Tjellingy vai.":?- netlc treatment Invigorating baths, mass sages elegant and eatlsf actory ; hra. 10 to 1. 1V7 6. 17th Bt Nolle Entrance down siaira, baaement. corner building. M B RUG MAN, mass., alcohol rubs, ladles and gentlemen only. 2u3 Karbach block. MISS GIBSON, msaaage. 1711 Dodge St Second floor. WALTON, bath. masaaKe. Tel. D. .-!r. Hours to ; Sunday 11 to i. UlSd SCHMIDT, mass., elec, bath. D. 7U. Open eve.. I;, m; Sundays, 10 to 1 LIVE WIRE BI'HINFKH MEN OF OMAHA Masaeaaea. Ml fB JACOBS, mas., manicuring. Thon Doue. 1?!'7. Hour to : Sunday 11 to S. MASSAGE. lt B. 17th Bt. Mrs. Steele. M s Fisher, mass., elec. treat. Red Jorst. l AXNAf.F. bM WE,i RUii.dingI fllAOOAUrj DOUGIAS 8372. BATH and massage, alcohol rub. Laura Wilson. 1IT2 Farnam, R. 2, Douglas 8751. Open evenings and Sundays. Clara Lee, bath and massage. Doug. 8761. Kathleen Mack, massage A bath. D. 761. BATHS. 214 Balrd Bldg., 17th and DougT Mllllarry. Millinery tstight romp. In 13 lessons, trlm Ing, clean'g, dying plumes, rehlock. H.810. MoTlasT, "toraare aad leaalwg. W. C. FERR1N, 15th and Capitol. Ty. 1200. Oeallata. Exes examined, glasses fitted, pay as you ran. Drs. McCarthy, 1111 W. O. W. Bldg. Osteopathic Physicians. Pr. Rericha. 23-4 McCsgue Bldg. D. Dr. Peterson. 4.3 Brandels Hldg.. D. 2144. Prtntlnsl. WATKRS-BARNHART Ptg. Co., quanty printing. Tel. Doug. 21W. 524 S. lath St. DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Doug. f44. COREY A M KEN'AIE PTG. CO. D. 214. RIS-HALL Ptg. Co.. 1620 Capitol. D. 1102. CENTRAL PRINTING CO. DOUG. 3754. Patent Development. AMERICAN Machine Co.. 110 B. 11th St. Patents. H. A. Sturges, 838 Brandels Theater B1dg. D. O. Rarnell, Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 71177 Palatine aad Papering. HUGH M'MANfS, 417 N. 40th. H. 5728 Reacb F.xlermlaator, B. B. B. Roach powder at Beaton's. Pinnies Renovated. PLUMES A flower made over, cleaned A dyed. Bertha Kruger, 429 Paxton. D. 8394. gate aad Time Lock Kxperts. O A TT70 Opened, repaired, com. f1 changed. F. E. Daven- A-J port. 14- Dmdge. D. 1S21. Khoe Repalrlagr. Electric Shoe Rep. Co., 1807 St. Mary'a Ay. FRIEDMAN BROS., shoe repair. 211 8. 14 Store aad offlc Flxtares. DESKS, safes, scales, showcases, shelv ing, etc. We buy, sell. Omaha Fixture and Supply Co.. 414-lfi-l S. 12th. D. 2724. Igaa aad gkswesrss. E. M CLARK A 8QN. 113 8. 18TH ST. Steel Ceilings. CARTER Sheet Metal Company. 110 8. 10. Towe Sapplle. OMAHA Towel Supply, 107 8. 11th. D. 828. Trwnka and Salicasee. FRELINQ A STEINLE. 1808 Famaro St. Tailor. CHAB. C. LANDERTOtT, 108 N. lBth St V rterlnarlaae. DR. O. R. TOUNO, 4W2 Center. Wal. 8o2S Wine aad Liqaors. ALEX JETES. 201-4 8. 18th Bt. Wines, liquors, cigars. Plate dinners. 11 to 8, 10c. filobe liquor house, 424 N. 16th: California wine. 11.25 per gal. Wrrlte for price list. HENRY POLLOCK LIQUOR HOUSE. 15th and Capitol Ave. Ten-cent lunch. BUT your family liquor at Klein's Liquor House. 621 K. Uth. Douglas 1809. SWAPPER'S COLUMN AUTO to trade. A good 1914 Saxon auto; ' new tires, recently overhauled and in excellent condition. Will trade for good clear property or what bavo yout Ad dress B. C. 686. Bee. 460-ACRE Bioux county, Nebraska, Im proved; 120 acre; mortgage 11,600. Will trade for merchandise or city property. Address L 633, Bee ARM CHAIR Cherry, highly polished, new; win trade for mission rocker.- 8. C. S63. Bee. AUTOS--pasa., 40 h. p. touring car. In very good condition and fully equipped. Will trade for lot worth about 8t0, or a rood second mortgage. Address, 8, C. 5xl, Bee. AUTO TRUCK Hxve 10-H. P. car which, with but little work, could be converted Into truck, or used for roadster as It stands. Engine, magneto, differential and transmission lust overhauled and rebuilt; 164 worth brand new tires on rear; front tire in A-t shape. Want Ford or similar car that lady can bundle. Address 8. C. 618, Bee. AUTOMOBILES For other automobile bargain e th "Automobile" classifi cation. - BONE CUTTER, ETC One Maan Mo. U green bone cutter, been used aa sample. Cost 129; one feed grinder with three sets of burs, cost 135; one 30-inch tinner's squaring shear, cost 142: one Columbia printing press, cost 135; all' above ma chines are as good as new: will sell or trade, one or all; would like a email gasoline engine In exchange or a small screw cutting lathe. What have you? Address 8. C. M4. Bee. DESK Medium else roller top desk, will trade for 150-egg Incubator or a 600 pound platform scale. Address 8. C. 272, Bee. DIAMONDS 3 ring, weight one karat. price $210. for piano or light auto or Indian 1914 motorcyel. Writ 8. C. 877. Bee. DIAMOND ring karat Pi-toe 1126. ex change for typewriter. Piano or mako offer, Tiffany mounting. 8. c. ftOO, Bee. DOG FOR TRADE Fine Irish setter to good home; farm preferrod Address S. C. 683, Bee. FURNITURE Heavy mahogany musio cabinet for player roll or aheet music Cost 111 new and used but three month. WUl swap for anything I can use actu. ally worth $16 or more. Address S. C. 537, Bee. 120,000 Good income, Omaha property. All clejir. Will trade for merchandise or clear fsrro. Addrese K 6:11, Bee. GENT'4 gold watch ani solid oak side board, exchange for piano. Pay differ ence. 8. C. 5H7. Bee INCUBATOR One 3u0-egg Mandy Lee first-class Incubator, almost new, will exchange for electric fan, alelgh. or will sell cheap for cash. Addresa S. C. 643. care Bee LITTLE 2-room house, fine large lot, near Elmwood Park. Worth 1760. Will trade for auto or diamonds. Call H. 117. MANDOLIN, fine one, sell for 125 or ex change for diamond ring; alio 1100 phonograph, sell or exchange for dla mond, will trade both. Address 8. C. 613. Bee. MAIL ORDER SUPPLIES Consisting of clothes lino reels, pocket cssh register, sanitary aprons and all kinds ot toilet articles. Trade for jewelry or furniture. Address B. C. 62s, Bee. riANO A new electric piano with harp and flute attachment, leaded glass front. Will iay with or without coin. Will trsde tor diamond. Balance could be paid out S per month. Regular price J.V0. Will sell for 1376, or trade, wholesale price. S. C. 677, Bee. PIANO A good Standard upright piano, will be sacrificed, act quick. Addresa E. C. 878. Bee. FtAKO New England Piano, mfgd. at . Boston, Mass. In good condition. Will ba sacrificed. What have you? Address B. C. 60. Bee. ROADSTER One Oakland roadster, coat tl,A) new; has a thoroughly rebuilt en giue; two extra raaings with covers and rack; haa new top with side curtains; will trade for late model motorcycle and caah or will consider good lot or equity in all modern house. Tula car ia In aior age and I will pav eawe until spring. Address B. C. 6S2. Be. itUBbER BOOTS Have good pair ot . rubber boota almost new will sell or trade for something I can use; In good condition: sis S. C. 4al. Bee. SIGNS, showcards. Clark A Bon. D. 137s. Tf PEWluTER Oliver Stanaard Vlalble A' r Iter, only allghtly used and aa good as new Cheap for rash or will trade. What have you? Address. 8. C. V2. Bee. TWENTY ACRES OF LANIV-l'nln-cunrhered, located In the famoua John Day district, oear the Columbia liver in Oregon. Title perfect; valued at j0 per acre; will sell or exchange for clear Omaha lot or what have you. Address A 5!l, Pee. T W N TY acre rlvb truck land, near Gulf, 8 milea from Kobetown. Tag. Addresa. 8. C. 1&2V . swArrF.ny column TEXAS IA Nl Ten acres fruit snd gtr-ik-n land In gulf coast country ; cost 4.V; will sell for I") or trade for what havu you. E. Omaha Bee, Council Bluffs, la. VAOV U MW AS H I N a" MAC 1 71 N E S - H a v 6i0 well known vacuum WRsblng ma chines, all new and up-to-date. A guaran teed machine. Agents here Is your chance to make a clean-up this spring. Will swap for auto or what have you? Address. 8. C. 679. Bee. WINCHESTER, REPEATER. 12 giiage, will swap for something of the value of 112. or cssh. shell rest thrown In. All In good condlt Ion. S. 17. 273. Bee. WATCH Lady's solid gold watch, value 140; what havo you to trade? Address, 8. C. 681, Bee. FOlt RENT Apartments aad Flats. Fidelity Storage Co Storage, moving, packing and shipping. 16th A Jackson Sta. Phone Douglas IW. FIVE-ROOMS AND BATH. MODERN. 219 N. 2th Ave. Water rent peld. FREE RENT UNTIL MARCH L 122 50. Call Hvtrney 57(57. OGDEN ANNEX, lojncl! Bluffs. oom with kitchenette, sfsm heat Phone 4, 6-r.. modern Hat. 3tw S. 24th. 122. H. 47U. FOR RENT Most beautiful, finely fin ished and up-to-date 3. 4 and 6-room anamnt- In fltv Rllilltlnff 1llt fin. Ished. Flora Apartments. 2681 Jones St. 911 NO. 17TH 8-r. mod jpt. heated, IVX FURNISHED ROOM, heated. 4614 Nortk sis' Ave. SOUTH room. 507 N. 30. H. 2173. M ADltON 21st and Chicago; steam heat; 110 mo. and up: cale in connection. D.oWlS. OGDEN HOTEL. Council Bluffs, steam heated roome. 12 per week. Phone 643. La Verna, 1P12 Cap., front mis. Stem, ht ONE large room, private family. D. 6683. 615 So. 22d. THE COLLINS Steam heated, nicely furnished rooms. Good location. 2406 Harney. IN private modem home, for one gentle man who appreciates comfort; close In, near Farnam. Phone It. 67i3. ELEGANTLY furnished front room for gentleman In West Farnam distriot. Phone H. 2680. SINGLE or en aulte. 611 N. 18th Bt Furnished llowaekeeplna; Rooms. North 14th, 4758 8team-heated fur rooms. Ilonaekeeplng Rooms. A SUITE of modern housekeeping: rooms with heat 617 No. 2th St. BLEEPING and housekeeping room, fur nace heat. 726 8. lath. Tyier 1021-W. Ifafela aaa Apartments. CALIFORNIA Hotel. 16th and Call'oml Weekly rate 12 and up. Dougia 7088. DODGE hnTklU MoiWrn Reasonable, Famished H oases. 6-ROOM COTTAGE, furnished, cheap for the winter. Web. 1420. NICE furnished 6-room cottage. 8916 TJT -St, South Omaha. Webster 6680, Hoasea aad Cuttages. ALL sixes, 13 per month up. 607 Paxton 8-ROOM modern house, 206 8. 95th Ave. Inquire T. J. O'Brien, H. 1094, D. 1216. STRICTLY modern 6-room cottage, hot water heat: close In, walking distance, 403 Lincoln Blvd., 125. Apply W. H. Dorranoe. Dovg. 626. or Harney gist t-r., modern. 719 8. 87th St. 7-r., modem." 1614 Leav. St., good location. Web. 8590. 2813 Woolworth Ave., 8 rooms, mod.. 1-0. 2618 Be ward, rooms, barn, 116. 105 8. 28th, 6 rooms, 110. 2708 Farnam, room, mod. 150. 410 N. 22d, 10 rooms, mod., Z bath, $45. 2718 Howard, rooms, mod., 120. Others. RI NQWALT, Brandels Theater Bldg. l-RCOM modern house, with barn, hot water heat 2611 Harney St. vacant March L Inquire T. J. O'Brien, H. 1004, D. 1314. Globe Van&Storage Store, moves, pack. hlpa: s-nors van and 3 men. 11.26 per hr.; storage H per mo. Satisfaction guar. D. 4S38 A Ty. 130. FOE RENT We have complete liat of aU bouses, apartments and flat that are for rent This list can be seen free of charge at Omaha Van A Btorage Co.. 808 So. 18th St GordonVanCo. S5- git N. Uth Bt Phone D 894 or Web. ISM. 120 6-roora and laundry, all rood, exoept x u rn ace, zqi nn-miu. vvn ... llrms,,a In ail part of the city. U-OUacB Crelgh Son A Co.. Bee Bldg i 1 m, -T A 4Si. Maggard's Van and Stora ag COk, Lsrr van, I men, 8L14V per hr.; dray, I men. tU6 per hr. Ul' weoster. Lioug. is. J-CReedgaSLaga , gtoresi an A Of rioea. Downtown stores. L. II. Hilt 00 Bran, Tj. NEW modem store room, Uth and CasaT Conrad Young, 821 Brandels Tnaafiii Bldg. Doug. 157L ' REAL ESTATH FARM A RANCH LANDS BOB aAXB , Colorado. TO SETTLERS ONLY S20-am. M SWAi rich corn, alfalfa and wheat land, n sand. J. A. Tracy. Ft Morgan, Colo. "jehraalta. SECTION Kimball Co. nroaa, 1101 Paul. 600 ACRES, three miles from town, good stock farm, 100 plow land, 5 In alfalfa, rest In pasture A hay land, all fenced A crossed fenced, with fair improvements, plenty of water; price 135, if taken in the next 10 days. Address, Ansley, Neb.. Route 1. tot 11 Wlaconala. Upper Wisconsin Best tluiry and general crop atat la tit union; aut tiers wanted. Lands for sal at low prices on easy terms. Ask for book let Not S4 on Wisconsin Central Land Grant Excellent lands for stock raising. If interested in fruit lands ask for book let on Applo Orchards. Addreas Land and Industrial Department, Boo Line Railway, Minneapolis Minn. FARMS FOR RENT IDAHO IRRIGATED RANCH FOR 1 RENT. An lrrlgtaed ranch of 160 acres for rent March 1. it has about UH) acres In culti vation; Is two miles from Pingree, Bing ham Co, ldHho, railroad nation, with poHtoffl.-e and good school. Fenced and croaafenced. Trice IjOu per year. CHARLES A. GRIMMEL. Room 49 Omaha National Bank. PEAL ESTATE FOR EXCHANGM STOCK ranch wanted; have aplendld forty half mile from Grand Island, well improved, sll alfalfa, to trade for larger acreage. Pearson Wold Film Corpora tion, Omaha. ABSTRACTS tl TTTLS. REED Abstract Co.. oldest abatr&ct of flce In Nebraska. 'An Brandei Theater. KERR Title Guarantee ani Abstract Co., a modern abstract office. 8u S. 171b, bt Phone Dougia 547. REAL ESTATE LOANS CITY ami taim loAiis. a 64. per cent J. H. Dumoi.t A Co.. 16ul Farnam. Omaha WANTED Oly loans aud warrants. W. Fm Linn Bmlth & 'o.. 132o h arnam. Iiuu to llO.uuu iuad promptly. F. D. Weed Wead Hide, lxth and Farnam Bu. OMAHA homes. East Nebraska farm. O KEt l E REAL ESTATE CO.. 1018 Omaha Natl. Douglaa 171 WANTED City loans Peters Truat CT i AND 4' 4 farm loans. Wiu. McCor tnlck, U3 Paxton block. unshirtH 1 Rooms'-1 1 i