Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 07, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Page 7-A, Image 7

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7 A
Von Sternberg Sayi American Soips
with Food for Civilians Will
Not Be Molested.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 6. The Ger
man embassy declared In a statement
issued today In regard to the decree
placing tbe waters aronnd the Brit
ish Isles In the war zone that Ger
many "does not Intend to molest or
seize American vessels laden with
foodstuffs for the civilian population
of enemy countries."
The statement expresses the hope
'that England will not make neces
sary a reconsideration of this atti
tude by seizing American ships like
the Wllhelmlna."
The statement tn full follows:
"The German ambassador has not re
ceived instructions regarding- the decision
of the German admiralty, but according
to the text of the decree the following
seems clear:
There Is nothing new In the communi
cation made on February 4 by the Ger
man admiralty with respect to tbe atti
tude of the German imperial navy toward
ships of the enemy or toward neutral
commerce. It Is absurd to describe this
as the proclamation of a paper blockade
of the British Isles. The communication
Is simply a statement of what has been
since the beginning of the war the atti
tude of the navies of all of the belliger
ent powers toward fhlps of the enemy.
"A few months ago the English admir
alty proclaimed the closing of the North
Sea. the waters of which are cssentlully
neutral. Germany does not profess to
close even the English channel to 'neutral
commerce and it does not intend to mo
lest or seize American vessels laden with
foodstuffs for tho civilian population of
enemy countries; It is to be hoped that
England will not make necessary a re
consideration of this attitude by seizing
American ships like the Wllhelmlna.
"Germany does, however, announce to
the world that It proposes to continue to
destroy ships belonging to tho enemy, and
it adds the notification to neutral powers
that on account of the facts that British
ships are employing neutral flags, accord
ing to secret instructions now known to
have been Issued by the British govern
ment, bona fide neutral vessels may ac
tually be endangered.
"Although, according . to well under
stood and universally accejrfed usages of
warfare, naval vessels are perfectly Jus
tified in destroying merchantmen of the
enemy, the Gorman government now sees
fit to issue elmly a general reminder to
that effect, stating the actual radius of
operations of the German submarines.
'The warning also may be taken as In
the nature of an answer to the offer of
a prise of 600, made in England, for the
first British merchant ship that would
succeed In ramming and sinking a Ger
man submarine, an offer calculated to
revive the long abandoned practice of
State Department Nate Unanswered.
The State department today had re
ceived no reply from Ambassador Gerard
sent to him by wireless yesterday asking
Mm for the text and effect of the. Ger
man order. Neither had tle Qerman em
bossy here receive it of flclalryf- - 7
Chevalier Van Rappard, minister from
Tbe Netherlands, conferred with Acting
Secretary Lansing at the State depart
ment. He said he had no instruction,
from his government as yet and was
simply preparing himself to report when
called upon the probable attitude ot the
United States government toward Ger
many's action.
It appeared that the minister's purpose
vaa to ascertain for his own government
the likelihood of a protest by the United
Until the United States receives offi
cially the information it is asking from
Berlin there wll be no announcement of
Its course.
Kaiser Leaves for
Eastern War Zone
From Wilhelmhaven
LONDON. Feb. 6 An official announce
ment received here today from Berlin
says that Emperor William, after com
pleting his Inspection of the German
naval base at Wilhelmsbaven has gone to
the eastern Mar aone by way of Csen
torhowa, Russian Poland.
A telegram sent by the emperor to the
troops Which participated in the attack
on the heights at Craonne is given in
a Berlin dispatch as follows:
'Warm congratulations for your fine
success which Is to be ascribed to the
wisdom of the commanding officers, as
well as to the great bravery of the troops
whose month long activity In trench war
fare could in no wiso diminish their at
tacking power."'
BERLIN. Feb. 6. (By Wireless to Say-vllle.)-Army
headquarters today issued
the following statement:
"Two new French attacks against posi
tions taken by the Germans north of Mas
siees remained unsuccessful. A French
attack In the Argonne also failed.
Russians yesterday attacked on the
east Prussian frontier and south of the
Vistula, against the German front from
lluinln to the Rzura river. MX attacks
were repulsed. The Geimans made 1,000
tu ixonert and took six. machine guns.
'.Especially from the British, but also
from the French side, the allegation is
reepated continuously that the Germans
to commemorate the emperor's birthday,
made attacks on a large scale, which
were attended throughout with heavy re
verses for the Germans All German of
ficial reports of events on the days in
question prove that this allegation was
Invented with perfidious Intent."
TOKIO, Feb. .-Prof. Shailer Mathews
of the University of Chicago, who, under
the auspices of the Federsl Council of
Churches of Christ in America, has come
to Jspan to foster cordial relations be
tween the island empire and the United
States, today addressed large' audiences
at the Imperial and Waseda universities
on certain aspects of American Ufa. The
endeavor of Vr. Mathews was to create
a truer understanding of America.
Premier Count Okuma today gave a
luncheon la honor ot the American visitor.
Bee Want Ada Produce Results.
Sunday, Feb. 7, 1915-
Douglas 137.
Ami E
tt TF o
Just Arrived
Women's Tailored Suits
Early Heralds That Bring News
of the Latest Spring Fashions
LAST season styles, tho latest of them, look hopelessly
passe. You can't afford to delay on spring fashions.
They are radical. So, we've worked away ahead of
usual time and the newest tailored suits are here and at
prices within easy reach. For instance:
Built on smartly simple lines. Styles that will hold
good throughout the spring. The materials are gabar
dines, coverts, serges, etc., new shades and black.
MONDAY, $16.50
These show wide, flaring skirt, high waistline, coats
new length, clean-cut tailoring, well lined the best that
money can buy.
Bnxgsss-Hash Co. Second Floor.
TOSESS-NAS1HI Monday Morning
CO-OPERATION with the Pacific Mills brings about an exhibition of paramount interest to every woman ierhaps
opening the eyes of many who have not heretofore truly realized the worth of our own American products, the ver
satility of the weaves, the beauty of the fabrics and colorings and their adaptability for many distinct uses. Burgess-Nash
were- awarded this exclusive exhibition of cotton garments and lingeries, being recognized as the largest distributors of
fine wash goods in this community.
It la thf aim of this exhibit not only to Introduce m to American-
made products, but to help nil who are Interested in tho "Ht'Y MOKK
tXVTTOX" movement, no warmly endorsed by Tresldent Wilson, by dis
playing a large number of garments mndA tip from the new fabrics
for spring and summer.
The fabrics from which all of the garment on exhibition were
made arc on sale by the yard In the newly enlarged Wash Goods De
partment. The Plctoral Review patterns, from which they were
made, at the Pattern Section.
The Garments Shown in This Exclusive Exhibition Will Illustrate the Coming
Season's Styles, and Many Will Be Displayed on Living Models.
In connection with this exhibition we will hold a very special sale of rotton wash goods. A typical little, southern darky, 'midst bales of
cotton, will greet you as you enter the department and present you with a 48-page booklet illustrating the dresses on exhibition. If you cannot
attend this "I'se More Cotton exhibitiot,. write lor the free copy ot tne DOORiet.
Extraordinary Cleara way of Every
Fur Piece
in Entire Stock
sensational offer one of exceptional im-
portance and everyone who reads or hears of this
announcement will surely be here Monday.
Every fur piece has been radically reduced to clear at
Here's how they will go three groups:
Fur Scarfs and Muffs, Formerly
$7.50 to $20, choice at. . . i
A BIG selection including; a variety of styles in
Coney, Opossum, Mufflon, Fitch, Red Fox,
etc.: also Opossum muffs; were CO Cfl
f7.50 to 120.00, at, choice 3.OU
Fur Neck Scarfs, Formerly
$10.00 to $35. choice at. . .
ANOTHER remarkable lot including scarfs of
Black Fox, Nearseal, Hudson Seal, Mar
mot, etc.; were $10.00 to $35.00; fj" Aft
choice tOeUU
Fur Scarfs and Muffs, Formerly Jf a aa
$17.50 to $50.00, choice at. ... $ 1 U.UU
INCLUDING Hudson Seal, Nearseal, Mink, Black
Fox, Civit Cat, etc.; were $7.50 to $50.00; also
muffs of Raccoon, Clvit Cat and Mole (in ff
Coney; were $26.00 to $36.00; choice J 1 UeUU
Burt"ss-Hash OoSeoond floor.
lilKht house
iltuuiser, S cans
for loe
Uold dust. 4-ll.
packuKe 17c
Scrub brushes,
well made ot rife
root, at 3o
Galvanized iron
wash tubs, Nos.
1 or 2 size. . .390
Galvanized iron
water palls, 12
or 14-qt. size, lBo
Galvanized iron
wash boilers, ex
tra heavy, I1.25
values 5o
W'aHh boilers. No.
8. heavy, all coo
per, 13.75 val
ues 12.89
Wash boilers,
No. 9, heavy, all
copper, $3.95 val
ues $3.79
Wash boiler
trays, wire, To
. values 490
Wash wringers,
guaranteed iron,
for 11.98
Wash wrinsers,
S-ytar guarantee,
wood frame. S3.S0
Wash wringers,
for stationary
tubs, 6-year guar
antee, wood
frame $4.00
Clothes dryer,
wood, patent, loe
ti 1 e a v e boards,
cloth covered,
patent lOo
Clothe rack, 4
ft.. folding. SFvc
values 76o
Slashed mops,
heavy, 15-pound,
3Ac kind 25
Oas hot plates,
2 burner, cast
iron frame, S1.69
Washing ma
chines, bis; 3, $10
Values, at. $4.98
Wash Ins; ma- i Ironing- boards,
chines, Duuntlexs patent folding;,
water power, SI $1.25 Values. 95o
vu Clothes pins. Kx-
Klectrlc washing- celslor, 10- val
machine, one, I ties, 6 doz. for 6o
sample, siurnny
scratched, HS.Ort
value, at.. $29. 50
White Lily
washing- machine,
one, slightly
soiled, guaran
teed $50 VHlue
Clothes lines. .
foot braided. Sil
ver Lake brand,
for 33o
Wrinier benches.
hardwood ..91.60
N 1 c k e 1-Dla.fed
....$37.50 ' flounce irons, So
l c K e i-piated
sad irons, lb.. So
Wright's patent
ed gas Irons.
$1.98 value, Sl.&t
Thermax electrlo
siid Irons, com
Hot Point elec-
Irln 4 run.
complete ..$3.44
American Uea'itv
electric Iron i
at f4.9S
Washing ma
chines, Iteeal,
at $9.00
Ironing board-,
5-foot, at 490
Wash boards,
any kind, 40-
values $90
Clothes baskets,
3 sizes, eludes
for 450
Curtain stretch
ers, 69c values,
at 4o
The -following garments on display were
made l'rom
Pacific Mills Krr pontine Ctcm.
The materials by the yard, on sale in Wash
Goods Department.
Opera capes evening: dresses clown suits.
Ladles' domino ladies' house dresses-
ladies' tea gowns.
Ladies' boudoir caps boys' suits child's
Ladles' waists ladies' nightgowns ladles'
princess slips.
Infants' dresses ladies' envelope chemise.
The following garments on display were
made from
Pacific Mills GalsN-a Cloth
The material by the yard, on sale In 'a:,h
Goods Department.
Boy scout suits child's dresses boys'
Ladies' aprons girls' middy blouses.
The 'following garments on display were
made from
Pacific Mills Tango ITU r fori
The material by the yard, on sale In Wash
Goods Department.
Ladies' dresses child's dresses ladles'
The following garments on display were
made from
Pacific Mills PHsse Crp-e
The material by the yard, on sale In Wash
Goods Department.
ladles' dresses children's dresses ladles'
Ladles' waists ladles' dressing aacques
ladies' night gowns.
Indies' envelope chemise ladles' aprons.
Barffess-BTssk Oo Xoonomy Basement.
The following garments on display were
made from
Pacific Mills Pamlllo Cotton
The material by the yard, on sale In Wash
Goods Department.
Ladles' dresses men's pajamas girl's pa
Jamus. Men's night shirts children's dressea
ladies' waists. (
n-jy's Oliver Twist suits boy's rompers.
The following garments on display were
made from
Pacific Mills Manchester Cambric
Tbe material by the yard, on sale in Wash.
Goods Department.
Ladies' house dresses ladles' apron
ladles' waists.
Children's dresses.
Beautiful RICH NEW BLACK SILKS Are in Greater
Demand Than Ever Before-A Special Sale for Monday
SEVEJIAL thousand yards of these much "wanted silks the weaves now in greatest demand in a special underprice
movement for Monday that will interest every woman with a plan for a new spring frock.
Black Taffeta Silks, 69c
Rich shimmering black taffeta silks, 36
inches wide, very specially priced for Mon
day at 69c the yard.
Black Silk Messalines, 49c
Mossaline silks, deep lustrous black, 24
Inches wide, In the sale, Monday, special,
4 9c the yard.
Black Silks Monday at 88c
Three wanted weaves, all 36 Inches wide,
including black silk peau de sole, chiffon
taffetas and satin Duchess, extreme values for
Monday, at, 88c the yard.
SPECIAL in the
FIVE very unusual values that
will bring a generous response.
Mash Goods, 7 He
3G and 40-lnch sheer lawns, ba
tistes, India Unons, organdies, mill
lengths white goods worth up to
3Bc a yard. A splon- ei
did hew lot, yard 2 C
Wash fioods, HHc
The newest designs and colorings.
Fancy printed voiles, crepes, rice
cloths, etc., waist and dress
lengths, 36 and 27 inches wide
Worth up to 25c yard,
at, per yard
Muslln.H at 5c
Muslins, cambrics and checked
nainsook, 36 Inches wide,
mill lengths, yard ,
New Zephyrs, 8 He
New zephyrs for spring and sum
mer wear, pretty light styles and
colorings in waist and dress
lengths; yard, 8c, Ql
6Hc and 0C
Ginghams st 34c
Bolts of apron ginghams, fast col
ors, even and broken checks; also
light and dark dress
prints; per yard , . .
Burgess-Hash Oo Basement.
$1.39 Black Crepe de Chine, 98c
A remarkable quality and unusual value.
Black crepe de chine, all silk. 42 Inches wide,
usual $1.39 value, 98c the yard.
$1.59 Black Crepe de Chine, $1.29
All-silk crepe de chines in a rich black,
splendid heavy quality, 42 Inches wide - the
usual fl.69 quality. An exceptional value tor
Monday, at, $1.29 the yard.
$2.00 Black Satin Gharmeuse, $1.49
4 2-lnch black satin charmeuse, very soft and
pretty, lustrous black, a good $2.00 quality.
Very special. Monday, at, $1.49 the yard.
B orr ess-Bash Oo-Xala Xloe
$2.00 Black Corded Silks, $1.59
Black eorded silks, especially desirable for
coats, good firm heavy quality, usually sella
for $2.00. In the sale for Monday, special,
at, $1.69 the yard.
$2.25 Black Crepe Meteor, $1.69
Black crepe meteor, beautiful rich luster,
42 Inches wide, the usual $2.26 quality. In
the sale, Monday, very special at $1.69 the yard
$2.50 Black French Crepe, $1.95
Black French crepe, all silk, the best to be
had, 42 Inches wide, usual $2.60 quality. In
the sale, Monday, special, at, $1.96 the yard.
We aro going to move our Shoe Department to the Second Floor. The enormous growth
of our business demands it, and in order to reduce our stock in preparation. of the transr
fer, we inaugurate Monday a
Great Clearaway of SHOES
For Men, Women, Boys, Girls and Infants, Representing
Savings of 15 to 40 Per Cent
It Is the shoe buying opportunity for yourself and entire family. Not a
single style reserved. Here's as Idea:
Women's $3.50 to $5.00 Shoes for $2.95
A lot ot women's shoos from our best selling lines, all odd
pairs and discontinued stylea for the lines that are priced at
$3.60, $4.00 and $6.00. Sal price, Monday, pair, $2.05.
Women's boots, pumps, slippers, were formerly ffl.Oo, now
Women's boots, pumpa, slippers, were formerly $5.00, now..
Women's boot, pumpa, slipper, were formerly sU.OO, now
Women's boots, pumps, slippers, were formerly S3.BO, now
Cllrls' $3.r0 shoe, now $3.15
Misses' ftit.OO shore, now $2.55
MIsHce' $2.50 shoes, now $3.15
t hilds' $2.25 shoe, now. ... .$1.05
ChlldV $1.75 shoe, now.... $1.45
Hoys' ftf.OO shoes, now $2.55
Hoys' $2.75 shoes, now $2.85
Hoys' $2.50 shoes, now $2.15
Men's shoes and oxfords, were formerly $0.OO, now, pair $4.05
Men's shoes and oxford, were formerly $5.00, now, pair $9.05
Men's shoes and oxfords, were formerly $4.00, now, pair 1.S5
Men's shoes and oxfords, were formerly $1.BO, now, pair $8.15
Barfsss-STssli Oe, Main rieor.
A Remarkable One Day Sale of SEWING
75 Sixty-one High Grade, Drop Head Machines, Agents $
List Price $35 to $50 for Tomorrow, Monday Only
TERMS: $2.00 DOWN AND $1.00 A WEEK.
THIS sale is the first big special in our new department. Our buyer has outdone himself in obtaining the most remarkable bargain values in the
8cwing machine industry. The offeriuz affords you an opportunity of selecting from new and some very high-grade machines that have been
slightly used or marred while being transported as samples. Every machine is in perfect sewing condition and guaranteed absolutely satisfactory.
In some instance? there are but a limited quantity of kind and style.
$11 (tH
No Mail or Phone
Orders Filled
Easy Terms in Our Home Club Plan. $2 Down, $1 a Week
None Sold to
Agents or Dealers
Among these are some of tho most leading makes of sewing machines, such as SINGER, WHITE, NEW HOME, HOWE NO. 170, THE FREE, ETC.,
all drop-head with all latest improvements and attachments. Every one guaranteed. Only sixty-one in the offering.
Sale is for One Day-Tomorrow, Monday Only--You Must Come Monday
Only I White iVv,
$1.00 Wrji Macliines
A Week T&Sr $19'75 jf3r
Singer NewHome
Machines Machines
$19-75 $19.75
Linen Huck Towels 25c O) tttt f t
01 linen hack towels, German make, ex- it II IfrrVvTrli
ra heavy, plain or hemstitched, very j 'J j Xll
special for Monday, at, 2Sc wh,
Burvtsa-sTssh Co. 1ST sin noot
"everybody's store"
The Free
VV . Only
& $L0 Wm
jjPjl A Week JM
Doll Hospital Open
Bring your sick dolls to Dr. Fixem tX
the boll Hospital on the Fourth Floor;
he will make them well In short order.
Sargese-sTaak Ce Toortk Floor.
Those stunning State
Fouvemr Spoons, ad
vertised on Page 1,
Society vSwtion, can
be obtained of the
urgess-Nash Company
'everybody's store"
Silverware Department.
Positively the only
large department
store in the oity,
where they can be
a Bee