THE BKE: OMAHA, SATIHIDAV, FEBRUARY 6, 1U15. RUSSIANS HOLDING LINE IN POLAND Oermiai Hurl Great Force Afalnit Narrow Section New Village ' of Borjimow. . COUHTER ATTACKS ARE BEGUN TETriOGRAD. Fro. S.-Th nrI tff of th Ruain army under dat ot February 6 ha tesiacd a ifport of th flMln whkh read follcws: "In Eaat Pruel we are making pro rrn hy fthUn our way along both hanki of th river Schesestipp. 10 the vi.-lnHy of Pdmrn, to th et of TllnlC "On tha left bank of tha river Vistula the fls-hfln; between Borqlmow and VaIa Ssdylowlecke ha continued with extraordinary ferocity. Tha enemy tiaa trourht Into the. nemn complel mas of men. In tha endeavor to penetrate our front tha Oermana have liera Introduced Into tha aetor of ten vert about lx ml1s no fewer than even division M.K) men), upirted by 101 batterlea of artillery. Certain di vision advanced on a front only one mile wlda. Ceaater Attacke Besla. "Our counter attack fcetn tha nltht of February S and wae Immediately followed by a aerlea of enrearnent at the point of tha bayonet. We succeeded In com pelling tha enemy to aaaum tha defen sive. At a point near Borjimow, wa took poiopiuion of two line of Oerman Irenchea and wa drove tha enemy out of oumlna. After desperate fighting, which haa lanled two dy. our troopa entered "Wola SidlowKvka. Tha fighting her I atlll going on with desperate atubhorn iieM. particularly around a neighboring distillery, which wa atlll In the posaes alon of tha anemy the night ot Feb ruary ." "In tha Carnathlana tha fighting con tinue along tha front which la between tha Duels, pea and Mount Tyaakow. Wa advanced at a point near Bvldnlk, In tha valley of the River La bo rt eh. moving In tha direction of Oujok. Vim took i.OOJ prisoner and ten machine gun. ttaaalaa rara te Withdraw. "At Mount Toukoholka and at Mount ekld our troopi during tha liat few day hava baen confronting tha eaemy with a qprt reelaUnca. They ac cepted no lees than ten engagement at tha point of tha bayonet. On February wa resolved to withdraw our soldiers from tha mountain positions to other previously selected and organised by us. Tha offensive strength of tha enemy In this vicinity Is very considerable. "Offensive operations of the enemy In tbe vicinity of Mount Wyaakow hava been repulsed wth tbe Infliction of heavy losses." Bryan Tells Solons ' To Obey Orders of . Their Constituents INDIANAPOLIS. Feb. I.-Wlllla..t 3. Bryan, secretary of stalA In speaking to tha Indiana general assembly here today pleaded for tha enactment of a direct primary law and defied tha legislators to refuse to give to tha people of this state tha initiative and referendum. "No mai," declared. Mr. Bryan, "who violates the " primary provision of the democratic platform In Indiana, win. be able, to go back to his people and give them hi real reasons for doing so. If you do not knew what I mean, I believe you 'will understand what yonr constitu ents mean when they leave you at home and elect real democrats In your stead at tha nest election," . Secretary' Bryan told tbe legislator In enacting a primary law they should so safeguard U that It would not be a bur densome expense to the people and curo- ttereome to operate. II reiterated that the candidate for the president of the United Mate should bo alctd at a primary. The N'ebrakan launched Into his sub ject by; declaring that ha had coma here to urge'the substitution of democracy for "boaeecrary" In Indiana. In rpfrrrine tn the Initiative and refer endum. Ite styled them the greatest re form In government of all times. ftvfemng to the antl-tobby bill which hers me law with the governor' signature yesterday, Mr. Bryan complimented the legislator on the v "great step In ed ranca" they had taken In "making a mail lep out Into the light when b ant to lobby." .. CARNEGIE, THE BENEFACTOR That it the Role Andrew Prefers, According' to Kit Testimony Before Probe Board. Most Popular Graduate at the High School is Secretly Married EXPERIENCE WITH WORKMEN NFW TORK, Frb. 6. Andrew Csrnegle testified before the federal Industrial re lation committee that up to the close ot 1X14 his donation totaled rU4.KT.m "The work atlll goes oravely on," said the Iron master. "I tii Indeed most fortunate msn and think of myself In nothing else so happy a In. a soul remembering tiy cWr friends, to whom f owe so much." After Mr. Carnegie had settled himself In the w'tness chnlr and prepared to read his statement, whlrh he had prepared In advance, he was sskd what his bust Be wa. "My business." ho replied, "I to do all tha good In the world that ' tan." Ills statement wss, in psrt. as follows: Tin atock Jabber. "I never bought or old ahare on the exchange; all my earning wrre from manufacturing. If It were necessary for m to return to tht railing I should not consider the problem of labor a at all difficult. On the contrary, 1 enjoyed conferences with oiir men. We had one rule, come whst my: We would never think of running our works with new men. "Able, sober, well hehaved workmen, such as ours, are not to he picked up on the streets, and we wished no others. We were particular In regard to drinking. First offense men were excluded thirty days; sernml offense , sixty days; third offense, we parted company." Mr. Carnegie said he "had had only one serious dlssster with labor." This ws at tha time of the riot at ll.m stead. Ta. Mr. Carnegie was 'abroad at tha time and when he heard of It he wanted to return home, but his partners J rTde"ted him not to do so. Men Cable. "Borne of the men at the works," Mr. Carnegie said, "cabled me, 'Kind master tell u whst you want us to do and we will do It for you.' Wage were advanced 3D per cent, Mr. Carnegie ld, after that Incident. Labor and capital," h aid, "will some dcy rank as one." Only onne Mr. Carnegie said, had he experience with a determined effort to commit wrong on the part of labor. This wo when men at the Edgar Thompeon blsst furnace sent In a written demand for an Immediate advance In wage with the alternative of leaving their furnaces unworked. Mr. Camcgte said he talked with th leader of th men, all of whom admitted that they had contracted to work at certain wage. "You havo signed that treaty," Mr. Csrnegle said ha told them, "and you can break it, but the grass will grow over the work before we will hava such men In our employ. It will be heralded through tha world as a disgrace to labor. Ton have your answer. Oo. la No Strike. "There waa no trlk. Tht wss the best service I ever rendered to American labor. "We began manufacturing with a capital of t7.B00.MO; mr hara, I borrowed from a bank In Pittsburgh." aald th wU nsss, describing hi start '-as; an iron master. Mr. Carnegie referred ' to an article whjeh. tie. published , In MO. in which ha expressed th opinion that the msn who die rich, die disgrace In this article Mr' Carnegie wrote that the day .was not far distant when the man who died leaving behind, him mil lion of available wealth which were free for him to administer during life, would pass away unwept, tinhohqred. and un sung, no matter to what use he, might leave hi fortune ; Rlnc tha Carnegie pension fund waa founded by himself and tha United State Steel corporation retired employe of the corporation have received , n pensions !1,I7o,0Z1. Mr. Carnegie testified. Lt year the total disbursement from tha fund amounted to SU,K7. There were I,M1 beneficiaries. . if the ret marriace fit Miss Helen King, a popular Oniaha sorority till at the T'nlverslty cf Michigan, and Mr. aCYl a. Schoessel of Freeport. III., a student at the same place, whMi took plena In Omsha August, . 1111, hss Jut leaked out. The young peorle are attend ing srhonl now and will both be grsdti tied in June. Miss King I the daughter if Mr. ami Mrs. C. If. King and Is fleter of Mr. K. I Potter, who w the only ono to be let Into the secret. Th marrlnxe was arranged last summer when Mr. 8choeescl visited In Omaha. Mr. Pchoessel Is a T1tln-hlred t-cauty and won. the title of the most popular graduate of the Omaha High school, "he wa an honor graduate of the class of 111. and wss assistant editor of the High School Register. Shu wa the lead ing lady In the production of "Monsieur Beaucalre." which waa given at the Hrandels theater by her class, beside holding many other office In choo omnlatlons. Her record In scholarship at Ann Ar. hor, where her brother I a member of the faculty, haa been a particularly bril liant one. MRS. HKLBN KINO SCHOESSEU Th young people will make no plan for the future until afler their graduation. Chicago Bakers Will Be Asked to Show Their Books CHICAGO. Feb. B.-Federal Investiga tion In Chicago of food price wa directed today to th bread situation. Charle F. Cllne. Fnlted State district attorney, planned to confer with leading baker In an attempt to learn tne causea back of the Increase from 5 to rents In the price cf the small loaves of bread. Statement have been made that many of tho large baking concern have a sup ply of flour on hand bought several month ago at the lower price then pre vailing. The bakers will be asked to show their book and record In order that the government may obtain correct figures on thti subject. From Our Near Neighbors Arliacto. ICi v. (lurreit .lonssen. sn evsnK"ll"t, F. I ward Million of Fremont vi-'le.l ! Pec'c.l with the tate conference, the last wek with relatives east of town. hav'' charge of the meetings. con-w'll J. I. Tewcotn nnrt Pr. It. A. Davlcs d;iy. Mis. li O. Jones of Chadron was tl.e auet of her father, O. E. liasen thi w-ek Mis. W. V.. Peller of CotincU Fluffs I visiting this wk at the home of ' Kev. John I. Ilammel. II. f.. M' Kibhen. ag'-m for the Nye. fv hneifler-Fowler company, was u Fre mont visitor Thursday. F. O. Reynolds and O. H. Lowe shlrred a carload of hogs to the South Omaha market Thursday night. Fred Kchtenkamn returned Tuesday afternoon from Ies Moines, la., where he went on a business mission. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Wolburn departed Thursday frr I'ort Moraan, Colo., where they will make their future home. Mi. and Mrs. Rov Roberts returned Mondav evening from Ohio, where they had been visiting for the last month. Mrs. Anna Robert and daughter and Mrs. John Hammang of Omaha were tho quests of Mrs. X. J Itterta the last of the week. . Mrs. F. 1 Fsssett of Herman came over Wednesday to visit with her par ents. Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Long, for a short time. A bis" wolf hunt was held Frldav cov ering six miles square between here and Kennai'd Five wolves were scared uik but escaped and the hunt ended without results. The Rev. llallerberw prearhed Ms fare well sermons In both the church north of town and the city hall, where he has been holding regular during the last two years, Rev. Hallerberg leaves here to nerept a call from the church of Farmington, Mo. Special meeting commenced Sunday In the Methodist church following three weeks' service Just closed In the Congregational church conducted by the Rev. Mr. Shollcroe of. Bellevue. The Wffslif Wslfr. A baby hoy was born to Mr.nd Mrs. Homer Jameson on Tuesday. February 2. Mrs. Fdlth Allen was called to Ashland Tuesday by the serious Illness of her mother. Miss Porothy Murley visited Saturday and HunJay with her rlster. Msrel, In Lincoln. . ' Miss Kva rhlllln returned to l"nl versitv Place Monday nftor several- day' at home. Mrs. Parry ha returned from an txtemled visit with her (laughter. Mr, fc. J. Moe.r at Falls City. Tr. M. M. Put!er and Ira M. Paine left Tuesday for a six weeks' visit to Florida and southern points. Mis. A. M. Rockwell of Mason City. Neh., I here visiting at tho home of her daughter, Mrs. Frank Bokclman. C. R. Kuglar has purchased of B. V. Marer-Mll what is known as the Charles Oilniore property on the south side. Mrs. P. K. Vlller hss returned to 'her home at Chicago after a two week' visit with her parents, Mr. and Mr. C. M. Cherry. Revival meeting are being held at the Oran'L View country church, northeast of toitn. Rev. V. W. Meyers, state evan gelist of the Christian church. Is conduct ing tho series. Peter Jensen arrived Sunday from Den- ir.arK. tie Is a carpenter py trade and Intend to become a cltlien of this coun try. He Is a nephew of Martin Nelson, who liver north of town. two weeks' visit at her former home In llurr. Mrs. Orev of Lincoln hss been the guest of her daughter. Mrs. Long, the last week. Marlon Tucker tame home Saturday from iwane college with a severe attack of measles. Mrs. N. J. MrKitrick delivered lectures In the Metholist and I'nlted Brethren churches last funday. J. M. Palmer left Tuesday for San An tonio and Lvep Wells, Tex., on a land prospecting expedition. Mrs. Win Porter returned to her home In L'nion Monday after a week's visit with her mother, Mrs. Carper. Harrv Swltxer and family of Olenwood Springs. Colo., left for home Tuesday after a week's visit with relatives. Mrs. KUa Norrls of Avoca, who lias heen taring for her mother, Mrs. William Rose, through a spell of sicknes. re turned home Monday. E. A. Klikpatrick has returned from a two months' Slav at a Minltarlum at Hot. Springs, H. D., where he took successful treatment for rheumatism. The Nehawka Boosters' club held a business meetine Tuesday evening at the Klrkpatrlrk home, after which they wero entertained by Mrs. Kirk Patrick with an account of her visit to Mexico. rhewka. Mr. 11. W. Bates fell on an Icy step Monday, breaking her wrist. Rhoda Wunderllch ia In Weeping Water for a few days' visit this week. B. F. Moore of Wyoming I here on business for a couple of weeks. Mr. Guy Rood has returned from a Steamship Asturias Dodges Torpedo SOUTHAMPTON (VI Ioiidon), Feb. 5. -The British hospital ship Asturias. which narrowly ccaped being torpedoed by a Get man submarine off Havre a day or two go. arrived here late today. It hnd some wounded abroard. Member of the crew say that a catastrophe waa pre vented by promptitude of the captain, v ho. observing the white track made by the torpedo, altered the course of hi ves sel, bringing It sharply around In a half circle. The projectile r"p(1 harmlessly astern. A going business can be sold quickly through The Bee' "Buslnes Chances.' Steamship Arizona is Jammed in Ice CHICAGO. Feb. Ordei weie sent by wlieles to tha captain of th steam ship Arteena. which la Jammed In th c In Lak Michigan, two mil off this port, to i hake, no , attempt to force It way through the ic until Joined today by the Alabama, which wa speeding to th rescue from 11 rand Haven, Mlrh. Officials of th poodttch Trenail com (any. owper of th Arlsona, feared that if th hlp attempted to fight Us way Into Chicago It would meet the am fat of th steamship Iowa, whkh ea t'rdny foundered three roll eft shore In forty feet of wtr. -Thr ar aeveoty persons, ininber of ' the crew, on board th Ariiona. It. car . ried no passengers whan it left Milwau kee Wednesday, It waa announced. The steamer City of Racine, which also wa caught In the Ice, docked her aafely last night after a twelve-hour baitl to relcaa Itself. Berlin War Off ice Eeports Defeat of - Russian Advance BJCKUX. Fab. l.-(By Wirelea to Bay- vllle.) The Qerman army headauartera staff today gave eat th following state ment: "On th whole western front, accept for an isolated French attack against th Oermen position to tli northwest of Perthes, wtilch wa unuooeful, only artillery duel took plao. "On the East Prualan frontier renewed Rustn attack to th outh or Memel river war rpuled. "Strong Russian attack against th position recently taken by th Oermen to th east of Bollmow (east of Lowlcs were equally unucoeful. We have taken prisoners In that vicinity since February 1 twenty-six officers and about .W men." I Violets-Special for Saturday! Fine large bunch of California and r Jlomo-grown Violets, Saturday, a bunch. ... 1JC J (Oat Flower ' Depart mwit, Main Floor) ninvac More Than 1,000 Pairs UlOVeS i a BIG SALE Saturday 70 A Pair Saturday for Kid Gloves i&(P worth to $1.50, Some Even More Jf W Women' Two-Olaap Overseam and One Claap Fnll Pique Kid Glovesseveral lots of black, white and colors. Some of the white gloves have the stylish embroidered backsand all go at the one low price. All these gloves are perfect and should sell regu larly at $1.25 and $1.50 some would bring even more. There may not be all sizes in every stylo, ; bnt there is a good assortment of sizes and colors. Although there are about 1,100 pairs, the price is so little that we do not expect the lot to last more than a few hours therefore, come early. EnBC3.C3a art" Women's Stockings 59c New Veils Very Special I Capg and Mtntma; Veils the atyleg that are nioat popular this opr1n. 1n manr pretty and different meshes, trimmed with attractive bor der. All of the newest spring shades, as well as black and whit. .. Women's Pnre Thread SUk Stocking In black, white and colors. All full fashioned with wide garter tops. High spliced heels and toes and double soles, Worth to fl.00. Special Saturday, per pair Women's Inre Thread Silk Boot and Fiber Silk Stockings In black and white. Full seamless. Garter tops; double heels, toes and soles O Q Worth to 60c. Specl, pr &7C Women's "Black Oat" Brand Stocking Fast black cotton. Seamless. All ribbed, ribbed tops; full fashioned, split soles. Also seamless stockings, In reg ular and "out slses." Double soles, spliced beels and toes, Regular 25c values. Special, per pair. . . . Bags 12ic Veils that are worth up to $1.00 will sell here Saturday for 59c Handkerchiefs Men's and Women's Plain AU Idnen HandVerrhtefs-wlth nar row hem ; embroidered corn er; Vat lace edges; Imitation Armenian lace edges some slightly mussed from handling and display. Worth to 20c. Very special Saturday, 71 each 21 fRibb ons Special for Saturday! U Warp prints, messalines and moire 1 A " jl ribbon, good colors, values to 25c, special. . j j (Saturday, on the Main Floor) j M ureat Saturday Date urrers Many Wonderful Values in Bags worth $1.50 to $3, Some Are fl flft Worth to $4, Choice Saturday at j MY These are Real Seal, Real Morocco, Real Sof- JOL fien and Great Seal Bags. Some leather lined; others silk lined. All the newest shapes and styles. The Real Seal Bags have two fittings, purse and mirror. All others have three and four vanity fittings. Wonderful val ues, Saturday, choice, $1.00. Bags Worth $4.00 to $7.00, A Few Worth $8.00, Saturday at These are Real Seal, Real Walrus, Real Pin Seal and Real Morocco Bags They come in colors, all shapes and styles. These are exceptional bargains choice, $2.98. Theae are the bag which have been on display In our window for the last few days, so you know how great are the value. PRETTY JEWELRY Very Special $2 98 Solid Gold I-a Valliere Beauti ful designs In gold pendants, on gold chains, worth to $4. QQ Special Saturday, Choice. $l.0 Solid Gold Pendent on 1-10 14Kt. Gold Filled Chains Regular $2 values. Very special (1 Hfl Saturday, choice, only..plUU Solid Gold Scarf I'lns Set with all color stones and real pearls. Very pretty designs. Special Saturday rt.7.a.1..$1.00 Preee Aeevctatiea Uleete. filOI X WAULB, 8. P., Kb. S.-Hpe.-al VcUsram.) At a huslres session of th Koulb Dakota Pre aseorlattoa. which held It annual midwinter meeting here yesterday and today, the following; of-ili-era were elected for the coming year; rreeldeat. Robert aehaber, Hudoa; vice president. W. C. Luak, Yaakten; Clate R. Tinea, Kimball; secretary. J. P. Hall, tiay. Iroquola At th closing elon thl afternoon Herrelary Hallady aa pre sented with a diamond stickpin with th compliment of th member of th -K'fiatlon. Do You Know tho Real Fod Value of Spaghetti? When you talk about buying ten canta or one dollar's worth of any foodaluff. whet do you mean by "worth?" The only measure of genuine worth in the pur cheee of eatable must be nutrition. But 1o you keep nutrition In mind when you buy the family provision! 11 us ee. Meat Is probably your Mnet Item. Yet no less en authortty than lr. Hutch iaon. the dietitian, euva that nm... I. dear food. Why? Becauaa we pav far too I much for the antoant of nutrition that ' wa aecur. aleal contains 7 per rem i water uuna or tnai wnen alrloin la (lialked up at 35c a lb. three-uuartrra water! Now. take Kauat fpaghettl. made from Durum wheat, a rich, slutinoua cereal. or eitiMthettl and Ita aJllad product, the am authority av that they contain only I per cent water, an theae food ar aoaorue ajmoel In ttielr en to to make blood, niuacle .ml 'aut Himah.ttl coata 10c a larce Dack- I ace neaiiy all worta. MAl'I.L HHOef Candy Specials For Saturday (Pompelan Room) Special Opera Krutt Nut Itoll Worth 4 Oe a pound. SP-OC- clal Saturday, for awOC Cream Peanut Naggeta Vanilla, strawberry and chocolate. Special, pound Special (Md-Favahloned Black Wal nut rongee Special at, per pound, only Onr Delicious Chocolate rotnpetan Chocolate lUtter Sweet and Swiss Style Milk Chocolate Per pound, only W are ahowbig beautiful line of Valentine Novel tie for I arty favor all kinds of red and white hearts. Saturday each oe lite and Conversation Heart and Kant) Heart Candy special, per pound Saturday. ears Shaped TaJeatla Boa Vllled with finest confection, I anl 2-poiimt boxee, each, at CI CA Oo. 7Sc, l.uo and up to There9 s a Welcome Breath of Spring in Women's New Attire 15c rk Wal- 25c outpelan ad Swiss 29c 15c 25c s anil Ihesses characteristic in every way of the new modes of the fast approach ing season displayed here now in variety. DHKS8KS In fascinatingly versatile variety, emphasising the most lately conceived models in taffeta, crepe de chine, inensaline and poplins. Their newness Is evidenced In the full flare skirts and In the shades blue and sand as wrtl . as the always-popular black. Priced Specially Saturday at $19 SUITS In the styles and materials that tbe spring seasons call best. There are the Jaunty Eton Jackets and the military coats suggestive of the time. Their smartness Is enhanced by full flare and pleated skirts. Very Specially Priced at $25 WOMEN'S SUITS, Just 48, Including every suit left over front our winter storks, Saturday, regardleas &A of former price, choice for. Oe O 400 Women's Coats, former prices $15 and $19 Saturday special, choice, for. . . .$4.75 New Blouses Late arrivals these and in the smartest and most be witching models for the com ing spring. Fascinating and very prac tical styles, in crepe de chines and Georgette crepes, with high collar and ' long sleeves. The shades are the spring's most favored sand, maize, flesh as well as white. The are . . . , $5 and $550 A newly arrived collection of plain crepe de chine blouses, in low neck and long sleeve styles. They are un-dn qq usually good values y ) O Smart Fabric Hat for $2.50 Just 200 of these fetching new models to bo sold at this. price Saturday. For trimming wreaths of fine flowers, effective ribbon loops are used to advan tage. Among them are models with the much-admired veils. The colors that now predoml- S it at fashion are In this assort-V , raent sand, gray, blue, brown, as welt as black. K Tliey are worth to $3.00. Saturday, special at the very low price of . . . . V , X V' . $2.50 Valentines Articles of decort.tiou favors for valentine func tions, etc. A large and at tractive assortment of Val entines, including hundreds of the newest Valentine Post Cards. Hfd crepe tissue pu per. red cardboard, paper garlands, plain red heart, dinner and tally cards, dollies and paper napkins, writing paper for Invitations, etc. On sale in Stationery department. St. Louie, I', S. A. be Waat Ada Produce Meruit. - - Dr1aeaf Oraer. WASHINGTON. Feb. a (Special Tele- rem -Nebraska peruaoa granted: Ansa C. FeUreon. Oaaland. 1:1 foaunaaior aniwlnud: low Mace dot.!. fottawBttemle eountr. Nannie hradoo. vle W. P. Dlnwtodl. kuth Ieot ThaJli Butt.' Uaae eounty. ArmIis M. (idt(n, vi J, J. McKln. re irvttd: Columbia. Broe n county, Mlaa fcda K. W ilbur, vice I.. C Wilbur: I'ied moot. Meade county. William A. THest. . H. o. Nun. V. O. Iluaeay and C. K. Robbln hav ln api-vlnted rural Utter rarrters at ntU. . V.. and Alviri a. Olmated at Alvuona. la. "tSiU Saturday's Great Sale of Drugs and Toilet Goods 04- I PeaeV Cold Oreaat 9Q e I Katunlav. nD.i ilia hni 12c 59c 9c 1 mr WlUsa M Hpectai. full quart bpeclai. 4b. bottle rietanerl Oaateda 21 r Heturday. 80 bottle. v 67c Boett lailMt n ttal. ! bottle.. eef, Xrea aag Wlae 50r r"ull pint bottl. for etduta wr Sat urday, 10 In box X,na trite sTeU X aaaaak- hpecial. ibo also tor 12c 14c Ikabbe 6eaa 41 val. V't 16c 31c 98c 79c XmariBe Special urtay, alae bottle.., Meteroe Beealy Oreaam opeclal. o else. for.... Meloreee rerfoaae sat urday, II. 4u boilit t Bakoeek's ToUe Wet ex ttectal II. Hit aise D baturday, 60u alae box...' I'aeXer' Tar Boas t-pectal Saturday, cake.. Madam Yl' BUa Wuiteae II ane Babeeck'a Craeked BUa Taloum rewder n rkyatotaa' aad Barteeae' ap L'aJi araM't Veffetakl Boa fa pav 1 a I, rak , . . . reside Boa Special, a 10c eixe cake, fur XaaklB Oeeoaaat Oil on, ok --;).. lai. baj-e for."'"'' Xlrk's aider riewe 11. oaaripectai. I cka... TM White BVoae Oly- 19, wlaa Baae KL rake 4Vt Far OaatU Boa. Bpe. rial. bar fur aye' Sal ealtk boevial oOu a lie bottle.. 6c 6c 6c He 29c -aaart He Wate Bet. tj Worth tl.i.0. for.... aahber Bkeetiag Kxtra quality, yard Kabber Ol All sis Worth 60c, pair L aleapltal Cottea l-lb. roll, for Aaparla Tablet, e-rraia Saiuiday. dosen for.. Qolala anil. B--rmla . 8eclai. Ititf in bottle.... Blyoerlae aad Be Waler-ilalf-plut bottle. rvery er Beras Beep f a fprcUi. & bare for OC Baat-riaak Special . f p baiurday. lie aise caa....aOs Z4al Teaeer Hneclal en. bOu iae bold for JC Special al of Chamol All aise. t' lean In Chanioi. All at treatly reduoed price. 88c 33c 24c 19c 19c 24c 19c f - I - 5 ii Victor-Victrolas New Style X, $75.00 This instrument has all the latest features of the highest priced Victor Victrolas, in cluding automatic stop, tilting motor. Im proved tone chamber, horizontal shelves for holding record albums, etc. Our stock Is complete; come in and select the case tf& that matches your furniture. Brandeis Record Service is Nearest rerfection Handsomely fashioned, high-grade shoes they are, with the new spat cloth toi in cither black or gray. Both button and lace models with plain toes and no tips. They all have the modish Louig Cuban heels C(AC in leather, and the styles are most desirable in every way. y ru All widths and all sizes are included. Saturday, choice, a pair Td Women's boudoir aUpper. made of soft black kid enhanced with pretty ilk pompon. All aiae ar included at this price. Saturday r r special, pair..-. iOC Sale of the Famous Fox Footery Will Continue Saturday For Slippers Worth Despite the unprecedented sell- Fox SllDDers worth a rrt c . J ,n tht ba ""fked this great 1 . to Saturday annual sal of Fox Kootery. to 6. Saturday a a D D e wlu ,tl11 hay soma of theae not- . . ' at, rer rair, 913 able values to ofter Saturday. prn$1.85 and $2.45 aaa D n -. I 0 D D Women's Smart Shoes at a Very Small Price H mm D D