Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 06, 1915, Page 3, Image 4

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CUTLER TO HOLD AN INQUEST warm contest is on '.
i rnn rttnoiiDV nnpTiiiPTrn
run rwnnuni ruo I ivihoi en
Effort in the Home to Cut Down'
Hit Stipend Fails in Spite of
Economy Fleai.
(Tram a Ft lift Correspondent.)
IJNCOL.N. Feb. 6. Fpeclal.) When
an attempt was mads In the house todsy
to cut the salary of Pure Food Commis
sioner Harman froin 15,250 to- an ven
B.OOO, the discussion drifted Jnto politics.
Nockett of Lancaster, who u partly
responsible for the late republican can
Bldate for governor. getting, Into tho
gubernatorial race, threw a sneering re
mark at Harman by. saying that the $250
was needed for campaign headquarters.
Representative Nichols of Madlsoft said
the house might Just as well out out the
whole commission aa to try to cut its
efficiency. Jerry Howard came to the
rescue with an amendment totals Har
man's salary to II, MO. but It was voted
Tlbbets of Adams thought that when
a man had given excellent service, for
two years he was entitled to an increase
Instead of a decrease . .. ..
TrumWe was against any Increase In
pay of the Inspectors and on the other
hand wanted all Inspections cut out In
May and September. Huntor of Douglas j
opposed such action and the matter was
finally left as at present, the Inspectors
drawing t per day.
'Convicts Will Clean
Capitol Sidewalks
Coroner Sceki to Fix Responsibility
for the Death of Chris Liebrock,
Whose Skull Was Fractured.
FAIRBVRY, Neb.. Feb. S. -(Special.)
Keen Interest n. being manifested among
Jefferson county ' republicans and dem
ocrats over th selection and appointment
of a roatmaster at this place to succeed
Lww heUey. the present republican In
cumbent, and whose term expires en
February 11. Mr. "be! ley has held the
Falrbury poatofftce for two consecutive,
terms, being appointed by .President
Roosevelt In the early part of 1907. A
number of democratic aspirants are work
ing hard to land the appointment. In
cluding Dan Kavanagh. A. P. Pugger,
W. F. Oramb and several others. Mr.
Cramb Is proprietor of the Falrbury
Journal and haa the alleged barking of
the Bryan faction, while Mr. Kanavagh
la supported by Senator Hitchcock and
other leading democrats of that brand.
Ths Aspirant are all faithful ones to the
cause of democracy and the contest ts a
warm one. Kach candldatn haa worked
hard among hla friends ever since the fall
of 112. Mr. Kavanagh has contributed
liberally to the state democratic fund for
a number of years past, while Mr. Crsmb
hss foufht the battles for democracy
through the columns of the only denj !
ciatlc paper In this county the Fatrbutf.
Wheat sixty killings.
LONDON, Fb. S.-Whfcat fetrhed
hll1lnS4 per quartet- on the IOnn mit -ket
today, the highest price In upai' s
of hslf a century.
rvmm a Btaff Correspondent)
UNCOL.N. Feb. 6.-(Speclal.-Trumbl
of Sherman poses' as a Joke artist, but
when hs said today there was no airier-
ence between a member of the legislature
mn Inmate of the penitentiary the
house failed to laugh and Chairman Rich
mond tem!y rebuked the Sherman cougiy
member with a loud rap of tne gavei.
Hostettler of Buffalo had proposed that
h. warden of the penitentiary up
a few convicts from the penitentiary vto
rie.n off the walks around the capitoi
building. Trumble was afraid he might
get mixed .up with the penltentiaryitee
.nd be taken back to the state institution.
The proposition, however, so pleased the
k,. rter thinking about it
, e.whila they agreed to the plan.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Feb. 5. peclal.VTrrts State
Hanking board has granted two charters.
, one to the Security State bank of Ansley
and another to the First State bank of
.h Dickens. The former, which is organised
with $20,000. capital, has the following!
K.rri of directors: C. B. Mawe, a. v..
t, ... A. P. Dobesh, F. N. Austin
n4 w F. Sanders. -
) The Dickens bank Is organized with
, ro.OOO.capltaJ and has the following board
of directors: Charles A. Liston. r.'
Meliitlcker and M. B. Scott.
A charter has been applied for by the
German-American State bank of Chalco,
which is to have the following directors:
William' Blumer, Frank A. Schlele and
Rudolph Bltfm.
' News Notes of Hastings.
HASTINGS. Neb., Feb. B.-(SpeclaD
Mayor Ingraham is considering the ad
visability of calling a mass meeting of
cltisens to take action regarding house
roll 2tf7. pending in the state legislature,
which makes all material extensions of
municipal public utilities subject to ap
proval by the State Railway commission.
Business men here regard the bill as a
hindrance to the expsnslon of municipal
ownership. This view is also expressed
by city officials of thher towns having
municipal plants..
The annual banquet of the' Hastings
Chamber of Commerce will be held at the
Hotel Clarke next Tuesday night. Ex
Mayor Miles will be Joastmaster. Ths
speakers will be Mayor Ingraham, Com
missioner R. H. Manley f the , Omaha
Commercial club.. Judge H. 8. Dungan of
Hastings, H. M. Busbnell of Lincoln.
Because they will be able to make trips
tn a few hoars which formerly took two
days traveling men's organisations have
christened a new train on the Burltngton
between ILnooln and Oxford the Jitney.
Tfie train was ordered installed as a re
sult of an application by the traveling
men. It will go into commission Feb
ruary 15. '
Wolf Hut FVaitless.
FAIRBURY, Neb., Feb. 6.-SpeclaL)
Several hundred Jefferson county farm
ers and sportsmen from Falrbury par-
ttcipated In a big wolf round-up In the
country west of Falrbury and south of
Gladstone Thursday. Each side of the
"round-up"' wis five miles long and the
center or final "round-up" occurred In
Henry O, Pleie pasture four miles west of
Falrbury. The men were only permitted
to carry shotguns and each side had a
captain who directed the, line up. The
wolf chase started at 10 o'clock and three
large prairie wolves were seen escaping
through the west line .which was thirty
formed. Approximately 100 Jack rabbits
were shot by the hunters and no one f?as
Injured. Several round-ups have occurred
In the northwest' part of the county anl
altogether ten wolves have been slaugh
ered. Two years ago at least 100 were
killed, fcince then very few wolves have
sppeared in this vicinity.
Coroner Cutler of Council Bluffs has
ordered an Inquest to fix the responsibil
ity for the death of Chris Liebrock. who
died at the Edmundson hospital In that
city Thursday night after he had been
struck over the head with an Iron bar ,
during a quarrel In the room In the Metro- J
polltan hotel, occupied by Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Ooetting. The blow s alleged to
have been struck by Ooetting. and he
does not deny it, hut so far .has refused
to make any further statement than that
a quarrel had occurred over family mat
ters. Ooetting was yesterday removed from
the police station and taken to the county
Jail and a charge of murder placed
agalhst him on the police court docket.
Coroner Cutler yesterday caused a posi
mortem examination to he made, which
disclosed that Liebrock had died from a
fracture of tho skull and injury to the
brain. The Inquest will not be held be
fore Monday and the date will be fixed
Q arrl la the Room.
It is asserted the fatal blow wss struck
within a few minutes after Goettlng en
tered his room when he returned from
his work at the noon hour and found Lie
brock there. N.'P. Jorgenaen. proprietor
of the hotel, and Hans Petersen, a cook,
were In the kitchen, which adjoins the
room occupied by the Ooettings, and
heard the words spoken during the quar
rel and the thud of the blow from the
heavy poker. According to their story
told yesterday, the quarrel was of short
duration. They assert they heard Ooet
ting enter the room and immediately
after heard someone say:
"You get out of here." followed by a
woman's voice,- saying, "He don't have
to go unloas he wants to."
"Then I'll put him but," came the re
Joinder from the man who had first
spoken. This was followed Immediately
by -the sound o"f the blow.
The stories of Jorgensen and Petersen
coincided, with the exception thaT one
thought the command to get out was re
peated several times. A few mlnujtv
later, according to H. C. Leek.'iotcl
clerk. Mra Ooetting appeared In the of-
in tne meantime LIsbrock was saf.i
Saturday Morning This Store Ushers in
em iniave JLver
In our determination to bring about a positive
clearance in the quickest possible time we have ignored
cost and have marked oiir entire stock of high character
Suits and Overcoats at prices which seem incredible.
to go staggering from the hotel, dia
gonally across the street until he cam
Into contact with the brick wall of the
barn on the premises of the Council
Bluffs Coal and Ice company, where h
sank down unconscious. 1
Had Beea Warm Friends. I
. Inquiry yesterday disclosed the fact that j
the men had been warm friends for many
years. Both lived formerly at Seward,
Neb., and together came to Council
Bluffs. Both were working for the Bur
lington, shoveling snow. Liebrock fre
quently, visited Goettlng and his wife at
their rooms In the hotel and Ooetting
often called on Liebrock at the Burling-
ton hotel, where he boarded. Wednesday
night Liebrock. spent . the evening with
the Goettings and they played cards, the
hotel employes say, until 1 o'clock In tho.
morning. Liebrock: tried to get a room'
in the hotel for the night, but was re
fused. Both men bear excellent reputa
tions and both have worked steadily
when work was available!
Mrs. Goettlng is apparently in -feeble
health. She suffered recently from c'
paralytic stroke that has caused her left
side to be almost useless. Six months ago
she gave birth to a baby." The baby hax
been very feeble and a week ago. when
it was believed to have developed small
pox, it was taken by Mrs. L. B. Creppen
to her home to be cared for on account
of the fear that the mother In her crippled
condition would not be able to give It
the attention required. Mrs. Goettlng is
of middle age. -
affects 2.641 Quality winter ( weight-suits, representing
our entire stock, as well as of 1,335 high grade' overcoats. Every Gar
ment is a regular stock garment, the usual KlNG-PECK Quality.
Men's and Young Men's
Suits and Overcoats
Come Get Youri Share of These Most Wonderful Savings
This enormous number of better clothes include sizes to fit all men
$85,615 worth figured on the basis of our regular all-season selling price to be offered for
$39,930, a total actual saving to Omaha men of $45,685. ( Average having per garment is al
most $11.50.) ' v
Steinhart Heads the
Casualty . Association
J. W. Steinhart of Nebraska City was
elected president, of the Nebraska Manu
facturers' Casualty association at the
meeting of the newly elected directors at
the Commercial club rooms Friday after
noon. This Is the organisation of manu
facturers formed ' last fall to' cover the
members with mutual blanket insurance
to meet the requirements, of the work
men's compensation and employers'
liability law.
3. W. Towle of Omahe. was made vice
president. Jomn ,B. Miller of Lincoln was
made treasurer, and Frank I. Ringer of
Lincoln, secretary. Andrew Hartt of
Omaha ts assistant secretary.
The members elected to the executive
committee are J. W. Steinhart of Ne
braska City. J. E. MlUcr of Lincoln. C
D. of Fremont. II. E.
Lincoln and A. C. Scott of Omaha.
The report was made that the license
were obtained January 21 and that a good
ousincss nas already been done.
Torrens Title Bill
Will Have Hearing
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Feb. S. -(Special. )-A hear
ing on the Torrens land title bill has
been set for Monday afternoon at 4
o'clock. The bill when it came up Fri
day morning on general file was laid
over until after the public hesrlng.
84 of
143 of
116 of
83 of
Here's the Story in Three Big Chapters:
Suits, KING-PECK Quality, at
O'coats, HNG-PECK Quality, ati
Suits, KING-PECK Quality, atl
O'coats, KING-PECK Quality, at"
Every hody will
be pleased. The
rorn who mad
these fin Suits
and Overcoats
who offer
rill and the
men who . get
them and make
the savings that
go with them.
He predict this
store will hold
tomorrow the
greatest crowd
of really pleased
men In the cloth
ing history of
Omaha, And re
Kardleaa of the
crowds oar serv
ice will pleaae
you more than
.Notes front Central City.
. CENTRAL CITY. Neb.. Feb. I. -(Special.)
As evidence of. the fact'that the
Nebraska Telephone company is making
a strenuous endeavor at this place to re
store local service, following the heavy
dam&ges Inflk'ted by the storm early In
the week, thirty-five men are toda'y en
gaged in line work, and every effort Is
being msde to augment the present force.
All lines, including the toll, will soon be
In full operation.
n il inc prcKni con oi nour rs pro
hibitive Is noted locally in tb fict that
one of the bakeries at this place haa an
nounced that It can no longer abide by
the time-worn custom of selling six
loaves of bread for Jfi cents. The price
hereafter will be S cents straight
Investors with money read the Real Es-
tate ads In The Bee. Advertise
property for a quick sale.
Life Policy Foraa Aaprevee.
LINCOLN, Feb. SMSpeclal.) The Puts
Insurance board has approved the form
of polioy Issued by the Bankers Ufa
company of Lincoln. A certain , clause
concerning ths right of the insured to
contract to defer dividends was ques
tioned. The board under the law roust
approve all policy forma
314 of
264 of
132 of
47 of
654 of
331 of
763 of
312 of
516 of
117 of
62 of
38 of
LJ I- -1 '
. . . . ... . . . . .
It . i . y. iyi .-
a 4
426 t
to Sell .
: - III. ... -A4-iY
'' 7 .A
Suits,' ICING-PECK Quality, at
O'coats, KING-PECK Quality, at
' . ; ' ......
Suits, IGNG-PECK Quality, at
O'coats, IUNG-PECK Quality, at
Suits, laiG-PECK
d'eoats, KING-PECK
The 2,641 Suits included in. this sale represent ev
ery good style and fashionable cut the season's
smartest fabrics and hundreds of choice patterns.
Sizes from 33 to 60 in all proportions.
Quality, at
Quality, at
to Sell
''''' .jj
a iii f I " ." -' . rr
$G)) fZ
Suits, IGNG-PECK QuaUty, at,
O'coats, KING-PECK Quality, at
Suits, ICING-PECK Quality, atl
O'coats, KING-PECK Quality, at1
Suits, ICING-PECK Quality, at
O'coats, KING-PECK Quality, at'
Of the 135 Orerooats included -you'll encounter
silk lined dress coats, great storm coats, English
coats, Balmacaans, and chinchillas, a world of
smart fabrics and patterns, to suit every taste.
I M 1L )
to Sell
Far Cellar
lined ani
Ttso Far '
Lined . j
Coats r
In $12X3
All garaenls in our display windows are for sal. j
The original price, sale price and sise are plainly
designated on every price card, no baits, if you ;
want a window garment it's your's for the asking. !
Liver CeaanUlat Makes
Pfo Joy In living If your stomach and
liver don't work. Btir your liver with
Pr. King s New LUe 1 ills. All druaglsU.
Get Rid of Humors
Humors in the blood cause Internal
derangements that affect the whole
system, aa well aa pimples, bolls and
other eruptions, and ars responsible for
ths readiness with which many people
contract disease.
.y For forty years flood's SaraapariUe
has been more successful than any other
medicine In expelling hunvors and re
moving thir Inward and outaard ef
fect. Get Hood's. No other mtdlclns
acta like it. Advertisement.
A slight charge will be
made for all alterations or
if you choose garments
may be taken to your own
tailor. No exchanges
garments laid away.
II r"C3! iLJI j I
kXLUWU ill m
16 tb HOWARD
-J j.
All Garment
On Main Flo 01
: : -.0
Tor the convenience of jut
customers we have as
semtled all winter reiiit
Suits and Overcoats
our mala floor. ;riey;
of salesmen to serve ; j i t
1 !