THE lit Ar. OMAHA, FEiUUJAltl 1115 !I i i 1 . 1 i WANT ADS Want ad received lit ny time. but T naure proper classification murt he pre sented be'orp 11 o'clock noon for evening edition and ) M p. m. for mnrnlni and Fundnr edition. Want '" feivetl after rh hours will he under the heading, "Too Lat to CInffy." CACH RATES. rVTn mnaecutlv timet. I cent ft wort ch. Insertion, ' ... . Tbre timet within on wee. 14 cent word each Insertion. On time, I cent a word. charge hates. feven cnnecutlv timet, cent ft Hi h Insertion. . -v Three timet within on week. ! centt ft lino erh Insertion. One time. II centt a lino. Count six average word to 111., Minimum charge, 10 cent. An advertltement Inserted to be run u 10 discontinued roust be stopped by writ ten order. All claim for error rniitt be " within fifteen dsv after the last Inter- j tioD of tbe advertisement. Too can plan your wtjit id In The Bee by telephone. . telephone tyler ioc. v Unclaimed Answers to the "Swappers' Column" Hur.dred of other answers have been called for and delivered during the la at week. It It reasonable to aupnoee that all of the people below have made the riealred awapa. therefore do not call for the balance of their answer. Bee want SC. lt 1411 1413 1414 , 14! 4?4 14.' I J'l 14VI 14" 1411 144K 144 144 IIS'' 112 1470 14T1 1431 B.C. UTi V' 1M1 1M! l.MT ir,2i ir,: 15W ir. Kij4 1 1W7 lo? 1573 157H 1'J5 1M7 1S KRATIiS AND FCXERAL NOTICES. AN WAOKNEN-E1I, recently of Omaha, at hi home near Htrae burger. Neb., on January SI. Funeral erlcea held at Oodder'a chapel Friday at I p. m. Interment, i'elrvlew cemetery. Council Bluff. VETERAN F1RKMEN, Member of thlt tseoclatlon are r cjueated to meet at the undertaking par lors of Rralley it lorranoe, l!th and Cum ing afreet, thl afternoon at 1 o'clock, to attend funeral aervlce of the late Al fred R. Tooaer. Interment private. F. H. KOK8TKRS. tiecrotary. W. A. KEblJCY, Prealdent. BIUT11S A Kb IKATH. Birth Frank and Joule Htajitney, X0n8 Fiiith Seventeenth, boy.i Jen mo li. and iHlhla. HneckentMnih, M9 lavenwrth, Iviy; C. U. and lucy Monroe, i'J7 Iaard, firl; Antonio and I'ltqu Citnrt, 11,18 3'lerce, girl; Ouatof iinntlannon, 17U4 t-outti Tlilrtecnth, girl; Menjamln and iNetta i.lieano, Z2-H North Mluleenth, girl. Deatlia Baby Rprlngborg, 1 month, 4020 North Tenty-fifth avenue; Jutin J. Jholmrty, 41. Dodge; Mr. Helen Uehrung, 44, 411 Francla; Mrs. Alice titlen field, 3a, ll North Twenty-third; Peter Anderaun, 78, SIxty-nlnlh ana Orover. M ARB1 AG1S t,lt KNSK1. The following marriage llcenaca were Uaued: Name and Rerldence. , . l-e Jornih, '1ajII, Neb,... l-'lorenc. Trexler, Omaha ... farmein in Vantl, Omaha . 2ttaa liuaceme. Omaha Age. ....... 13 a li ....... M Hubert Well Omaha J2 aleasela Fierce, Omaha j Iwdoro Oarllck, OmaJia ....... 14 AmiM Sueman, Omaha 11 John Hoffman, Jr., Omaha tl Joeephin Holtuy, Uwiglit, Neb ig Antonio Clrco, Omaha S3 Nugcata Fanclulio, Omaha a TODAY'S CXnLKTK MOV1K riUXUlAAta Exclusively in Th Bet). Dowa Taws, K.IJTK NO. 1. im PARNAM. he broken Circuit. (Helen Holmet.) KsJ. War. lUwisiin and Finch. ) Vita. coin. hy a Htrange Ho-.l. E nny dra ma. FA UN AM, uTi FAKNAM8t! lluna alwlutrly four flret-run Mutual films, with tite fvmoua Keystone oom- mnivm t-RMlltfVU UM.11. JUi P 1'iiUATUK, 1..TH ANli UAilNiii- lioine of far amount ricturca ' t'Alliw lila-AI&H. i N. iiiii. feature iirorram daily. Kcytton Lumxthu. k'HJNt-KMii, !317-1I iMJl'UUAa The Urtoe. Mry Puller and V. Ogle 1 Ridgeway of Montana. Thrilling drama. HIV ,nd I'gh. Uu ))Hllni ft.inwl y , Aurta. AI.HAMBHA. aniona the Mourner. 181 N. J4TH, Key. t'oro. ok on JIUow Town. Hal 1 r. lvellne of War. -ree. K.-R drama. JIAWO. X'l'H AND J-oivE nvii'iiimeiita, Majeatiu drama. rue iiati-r, -rel K-H. drama. A a Mwn Thiimeth, Heauty comedy. VUr'TON. kill.. AV KTaV' HCRUfctfS Kinwy June No. 1. 1 reela. ria Silent Vy. Aiurrlian drama. ve iieei!g ri1e. Keytone comedy; DIAMOND. " " Si iUA K a. Mneirr Key No. II. (-reel PpeMal J'l Over the Ulm-uHa. Nestor rouiedy, I im t'rluin of TlioiiKht. 1'owera I iiA.N K IAS '1 'li KAT KltT'lMki'' H AN K Ui N. A l.'aiiKhier of lamt'i. i-t. n, diania. Uro of tlia tirpn labl. Lut.iu dranta a 1 1 tor the Hoy. Iil!rph Uiattia. tHAMJ (Ttiealrr Hu(il rul 7lik Llnncy, A ! lal feature, Reputation. A O'l t hnre HII'i'oI'HoMK. 20 T 1 i AND I'lMlMi Hutual Olrl. leystone nltshL 6 big reel' ?nint of Two-tiun llicK. llrnnutto 1-rl tr. i'uuing It Over. Huyal comedy. rT thkatkk" HTM AND iLl'lTf. the Coiuiirl of the Ri.d llusears. 1-reei i'i.i.u.-d kMicua. 'Miua. ctilikcjiy. .IHinK. S4TII AND UlTHHviP A Fins ht f-r a Fortune. l!-r. Mnjestlo dr. tho Mourner. Keyeluim coin. Jiif UiOip rei'l ' LoVAU ir CAIJJWKIJ A liamn of tVlta. ri FV !r. ' Ijist I'.i fui n.uru lig C". , S i-.g l..iiin li-t. Neattir comedy. rAi.ACh. DAVL'M'UHT. ti.,1 Maatriy. of the World. 1-r. KU'lalr. , , i M i !.h.aN llliCATKU. WTII.Ailt.S ' " i-t i uil-. l.umri comwJy, i. nirl Na. A. "e i , .t Mi...r J-ee-l Kalem drama Avctk. i i. jju AND ARBOR. .I'm .-so s. i Ini.ifi- ii.M ir.ce. Thiitiouier drama. i i nul i'., I k i.. Kevfttona cnuiedy. ki ll.u 'jiiiiiU, I.e.' .uyverlli". ?v0Wuri;en. g r Vitngraph drama. i- Jimia Vn:i,.n. Ijii.iii --im. I- AU-1A rl iir.A'l hit. I . To . 1 TlT. ii (1,4 i,li. ! ri-i I y d'aiua- " ';. y tu i nuts llrlt. dr. f I-..MW kl liUKet I: If. i. W. C4MO. ''i f. -'1'ill AND VINTu.". M.i.-i. i,itf i'aait. .-If i '1 hcLUiloUStl e 1. t , ik Nil. i. i.'hV fti,'l 'i I. it i rt i i - h ev pfoiKi. . li.. l .1. I.: : I.tii-lu ii .' ! H ' (lu ; ,1, u ' d t' " 1x1. rn-ti v. I It ! i.H -.J t-ndt L 1 il .'Jl h" t.wuiijy. 1 U i i.i li.. I. 1 Uly. in . - i i i i n.i. I, 1 y 1 e1 aur get reaulu. fC, d 8C, C 11? ' tf 1S.11 ri . h is'i TO MO 413 . 1T1 J'l fit 41 1 IK m 418 j: 43 ?1 ?1 4!7 1:144 5l tl 4I IX'l ti 4.X) 1'EI l?3 Jttt 4 11 '.i has in iwt r liwl 4:- 174 tit 9 4X3 j:it t.j an i ?7 Kt '7 o m loi i-'i J) f'V, 1'S IflH 9 H' 7H ri 1PI IfC k-4 1,2 till Hfl tot 1X14 IMT, TODAY'S COMPLETE MOVIE PIUHj'RA.MS Exclusively In The IVr ( h. LYRIC. 1;7 VINTON. The Smugglers Island, l-reel Oold Heel. The lor Old Hypocrite. Big V. . Vlvltn Beauty Tent. Crystal comedy. r a sti 'mk.-afiTs DE av WN WORTlT Custer's Mt Scout 8-reel lllsnn. Pruning the Movie. Nettor cmedv. Something Iolng Mnndsy. K V wise? VENEZIA, feu mo. 11X11 mi Four reelt of MotuaJ picture. Writ, MOXHOE THEATER. 2666 FARNAM. Hesrt-Rcllg No. R. The Hete thiit Wither. 2-r, Kalem dr.- The City Orefter and 1'nprotected Rube. Renews,. RF.NHON. TK MAIN ST. The Mystery of the Throne llwrn. 2-reel. ifcrancla Ford and Grace t unard.l Hoy Mayor. Nettor. Aim k good comedy. toairll niafre. PI.ITE NO. 1. n5 RROAPWAY. Olive's Other Felf, f?dlon drama. The Family RJack Hheep.'B-r. Kalem dra. Pllppery Pllifl tietaKiiuare. Kea. W. com. NT''l"lTAf THEATEIt" "M7 TIROApWaV The Ariventurn of the llralrcllff. 2-r. Alia 4reod Ughntlng. The lcT'-nd of the lione Tree. Vita dra. nOP';R, A37 UliOADWAT. The Ruti-her'f Rrlde. ,. Ko. comedy. Her Haraain. 1-reel Rex. Cixay'a Dlaiy Career. Nettor comedy. BatM UiaaUn. v X4TII AND N 8Ti r.ESSE, Harry W. Thaw. Runaway June. MAufc, 24TH AND O. Old Peg l-eg's Will. Z-reel Bison. Treasure Beekers. sterling comedy. YaaaeTllle. ORPHEUM. 24T1I AND N. Pill lea Punctured Romance, 6-reel Key stone Riot i ANNOUNCEMENTS Timely Shoe Gossip yoil VFA )PLE WHO THINK YOU NEED NEW SHOES Pprlng time it coming aoon and you'll want a pair of low ehoes; why not let FRIEDMAN BROS, repair those winter shoes that need a half-sole, new heel or a stitch or two? Our prices ap reasonable and all work guaranteed. Try ua and be convinced. Friedman Bros. Shoe Repair Shop, 21 8." 16th St., Omaha, Neb. No. R Main HI, Council Bluffs, la. UilKHHMAKINo" end tailoring, work guarant-.-ed. 2406 Cass fit. Tel. Red. 72.1A. Wedding announce menla. loug. Ptg. Co, 11AZ.I.I, Ieaf l'1!e Cones. Best remedy for Itching, bleeding or protruding piles; SOc postpaid; samples free. Sherman McCtinneil Drug Co., Omaha. luNRoLL. now. y. M. C A. night achooL LUCK Y wedding rlnas at Urodegsard'a NOTICE. Jdles going to eosst should place their orilera early to avoid any delay in their plana. ANNA IBTEK. Ladles' Tailoring and lreamaklng, SOU 201 City National Bank Bldg. AUTOMOBILES ONE 1913 Cadillao touring car: big bar- gun. caamao lo., Doug. 431. Industrial Uetaga t o., iMtli 4k Harney Bta. 1100 REWARD for any magneto we can't repair. ' com rept. Baysdorier, lio N. la. FOR RENT One-ton White truck with driver, -by week or month, li. Pellon, K Farnam. Call Douglaa i)l. Urewiough Omaha Rad. Rep. Co., IoM Far, AUl'O oiearlug houua, luua Farnam, buy and sells used caxa. Plione Louglat W14A 1 ElisA&SER, exnert radiator and lamp repaira y. ivt, vun ijeavenworta. AUTOMOlilLE Overland .', e pasaengur touring, overhauled Dim. 11)14. Rear Urea new; nobby tread. Will buy tire to make deal. Katra tube and tires cheap tor cash. U U li., P. O. Hos. 144, South Omaha. L't'troll electric, overhauled and In first- i Iiim condition. Call Phone Harney 7u. CA RS painted, eoourdlug to til (I'oTtfXj) work w '"train d. Ilminoni l ark Uarage. FOR KENT I high-grade 1-ton trucks by day, week or month. Call Tyler Wart. Metorvs-eAae). HARLKT-DAV1DSON MOTORCTCI4CS. ' Harsalns In used machines. Vlotor Ruos, "The Viotnrcycls Man," 17uS Laavanaortn. isi& lSUIAN iiOOiu!TCLii new ready" l,lVlll. .1. Hl.1l IIIBtlllHffl, UMAMA UKJiCLiK CO., tblh and Chicago, li. Iis. liUSIXESS OIANCE8 FOR DALE Billiard parlor and bowling alley. Uood location, good business:. 4 tablea and two alleys. Price tl.auu. Terms rash, h lanes one year's lime. C. IS. Mvson, mi "oini, pi. u. FOR RAIK For catm to tbe highest bid- oer, on unursiiay, Feb. 11. uia, at Hoi drege. Neb. stooa of dry- good, clothuur and ahoea amounting to about $A,tAaA j. A. Van Hooaer, Trustee. FOR KALE Cheap, sniall planing mill. nuing woq pusiuees. auuress k sew, Bee. LLvi' bui.ijifa chances, property for rent tale or eachanga with me. 1 will write all manner of irniirnnu. W. l Tern pleu.ii, on. KROKKH, 0U1 Bee. Ty. t'iO. MONET AND BRAINS "WANTED. - o to help develop a large marbie business. On my Arkanaaa farm la a mountain of the finest marble in tbe country- three colors, gray, .md and blue alrlpod; pro. nouncrd ths hlahest standard by experta. i'ral transportation facllawa poaalblai railway station at foot of mountain. Ttieie Is a fortune waiting for the neoas sar capital anil a man of mining; ex perience. Addrvse M but. Bee, ONIv of tn lest retail b-n tn tQ city; no competition. Call Web. TwA or sditrcaa K Ti life. C- J. C'snan can aril your farming land. TO uET In or out of business. Cail oa IIAMIOTAI). 4 Baa Bid,. D. H71. f!-;NS. annw crd. ' 'lark st a.ia. D. D LARtiK.-ir cafeterba In lVa Moines, Is,, ii ovttsui tiu your own terms, ins. asreenieiit ot partners oompatis Immediate .e. nun ci any cuaineata aUlll can cler li.'t,t to IS.OiiO a yr: litimedlate action net-easatry. J, W. Welch, Cl:y Natl --i,i't r.riin , irinmilt, ,t,D, T11EA1 l.'.HS liuy, less or sell your the aler, iitacbin and supplies through Theater Fx.hange Co., ie Farnam bl. Liouglss 1 ty7. lOl'K b;lns or real estate quickly a. PI. Wiltn Jim Wrsy. Sioux City. LIST TOl.Tt Bl'SIN with us for quit k at tiou and square iieaimenT. Ol'lCK BALKS invpivv 414 Bee lltis. A-1,.. II. Red KM. C M. I AXON', Hua Broker," lToi W'7 o! W ., will heip you lnjr outof buslnesa AN 1N K'l MKNTcf $r. OuO carriea"mUa it plil..n of secretary and treasurer, groalnir omaha corporation. AN IX i.-rilKNT, to ll.OuO, get Vou mlo got'd poaaiun with two cspsble, encrgvilc uluirun who sre dovslopiug s fine iiim o'list turtos; hualneits. WAl.Ui CMPKRA1 IV IS RUT. CO. ItHi 'lTlf NATIONAL, EDUCATIONAL W1NTE11 TERM aosHtn-i.AMPMtv couj.jBr ,. NOW Oi'KN. I rauri mi1 rl.i.m a In bualneas. short, naiut i.l t ntfliuli Manchrs. t,radutat g i.t , a , !.'! a k1 poriuiMis. Plsrrs pio vi.irii f ir ( hi g pt.jis to work for board, l-or fiirx t,io. ae s14--ae i!o!lcrLa:I)IIlan College lth i.l buiil. Cm. ha, Neu. EDUCATION A L Tho Van Snot School Stenography I'ty trhool. :00 to 4.0b. NlgMt school. :1A to ;tf. lth and Fsrnaru St. to'irn M7. EXPERT Ih'Iv stenographer will tk pupil. SHORTHAND touch typewrit. In, spelilne, punctuation, etc., taught and omplete training given for business ca reer. Private Instruction If rsird. 4U4 DoukIhs HI. Tel. Walnut 2327. liOVLES COLLEGE Day School; Night School; complete business course; complete shorthand or atenotype eo-urae; complete telegraphy course; civil service branches and Eng lish. Ptudente admitted at any time. Write, phone or call for 1914 catalogue. HOYLES COLLEGE. . B. BOYLEB, Fresldent, " Boylea Bldg . Omaha. Neb. Tel. Pouglan 1.V55. FOR sale thefoliowing scholarship lu a first cIhs Omaha Ruslnes College: One- unlimited -combination business ana enoruiand course. One unlimited business course. One unlimited ttenographio course. One three months' business or steno graphic course. . . Will be sold at a discount at the otflc of the Omaha Bee. PRIVATE lessons given in algebra, trigonometry, keometry. ralculua or ma chine design. For particulars apply to noi rto. i' im, nee. FOR SALB Farsltara. New 4V 2d-hand furniture, cash or terma; reasonable. Anier. Furn. Co.. 60S N. 16th . , Mesleal laatraaaeata. Pllghtly tieed high grade pleno. D. miT. AT A iACRIFlCiO-Kine upright Kimball piano. Harney 4625 after !: p. m. Tyweiwrttera. RFTNT Remingtons, Monarch! and Smith I'remier of tbelr makers. The Reming ton Typewriter Co. Telephone Douglas 124. Rental credited If you purchase and omy very newuat and highest grade mt chinas sent out. Rates, three months for I for undoratroke inachlnea or 13 peg month for latent model visible writers. TYPEWRITERS soid, rented, repaired. Central Typewriter Exchange, 7 H. 17th All nutkes typewriters tented, sold, terms. Butte Typewriter, 1W5 Farnam. D. RENT An Oliver typewriter, months for te. The Oliver Typewriter Co., D. ll Mlaaellaateaaa, t-hand mch. Oroas Wreck Co., tl A Paul. 'OR HALE New and eeconu-hand carom till rtorltet V.I 1 1 u ct -1.1 .n,l kn.n,,. alleys and accessories; bar fixturea of all sinus; ausy payments, i ne Brunswick-Haike-C olwnder Co., 4U7-40H 8. luth (it. A HASKET8 coal. IL Wagner, sul N. ltftb. I NEW safea, dldereut slxea, below eoat. Dr. Bradbury, den lie t, iAu Farnam. U NEW automatic weighing scales, 18 and 410. Match machines and lifting machine. One horse wagon, buggy and harness, also tooia, lumber anu other miscellaneous articles for sal or trade. J. U, 1S11, EXECUT01. 708 Bo. "Hist Ave. Phone Harney 14S. FOK SALE 300 Alamo Engines Oil and gasoline; stationary and oort- able. I to lfr-h. p. at coat price. 1-h. n. Vertical ssiinlltis analn,, t a K Omaha, each U7.W). s-h. n. horisonlsl aaaollna snsrlnsa 9 a b., Omaha, each t.ts.uo. s--a. p. nuriaoniai gasoline) engine, X. 0. b., Omaha, each t4i.00. otner sues at corresponding price. . Knirlna ahloned on aDiimvul OrAe one today. ALAMO BNOINK AND 8UPPLT CO,, tLii-A rarnam en., omana, Neo. OXlOD Singer sewing machine, li. lill ci. join yive. jyier zims. POR HALE Oak telephone booth (7, pro tectograph tie, dictaphone with IS records, good as new do. phone D. 11923. HELP WANTED-FEMALK Clerical suad Ufftu. LADT from 16 to 60 to travel, soliciting good prop., tslary and oom. P-ollcltott for life int., salary and com, WATT3 RKF. CO.. 840 BrandeU TlSater. tin r'Kini. s'n imii rt-oi fll rl to An , flllnv mwA I - ,M . . work: hlirh aoltool r,itni, ,mi.. aalary 97 week ' BUS1NK8H MEN'S REJPERENC13 AB&tt, i iBir-a woocmen oi world. BOOkKKEPER and stenographer, toO. tUlllVS JV 11, l1 10. Aaeali mm A aAlewMM.A-,. ENEROETIC lady solicitor for corset wora. 9Ji weoster-punoerianq Illdg. raetvry aa . 1 rama. WANTED Experienced button hole iimner. ppijrjiDeri t ann. is-j farnam. LEARN ha'rdreaslng. Oppenhelm Pariora" llamekaeaera a4 Daeneetloa. THE Hervant Oiri Problem ttolved. The Pee will run a Servant U!rl Wanted Ad PREB until you net the desired result. This applies to residents of Omaha, South Omaha anrf Council Bluffa Bring ad to The Bee office or telephone Tyler luuO. COMPETENT girl for gunoral house- worn, stiisu, new apartment, t in lam i'.y. Pleaeaiil home iuij good wages of. fered. 1'hone H. 4o!9 or Call at li S. 42d. A NEAT and Intelligent girl to assist In general housework; lsmlly of 4. Call a i.i., xtniiiTi,. irrv. -u-s. COMPETEJs'T girl for general house work; no washing; good - wage. . 1316 Burt Ht. WANTEDA girl for general housework; no wasning. oj rn. tvtn rt. WANTED A girl for general housework. )uz rarx av. it. nu, WANTED A girl for general house work. So. JHth St. II. 1771. WANTA7D Kxpttrleuee-t girl for general housework. Inquire no lxcust ht. WANTEXl A girl for general housework. sAiM Woolworth Ave. H. 6141, EXP. girt for aeneral housework. 1 adults In family, good waarea. Har. 4C 37vu Woolworth Ave. WAN T ED A girl for general housework." Clarkson Hospital. WANTED A girl or woman to do gen ersl housework. Franklin St. M taoelAaavaitte. LADIES' luisaes' coats, suits, dresaea A skirt samplua at wholesale price. Hon efjfJ NwVork Sample htore. 06 N. lttn: WOMEN aanted, goverumeiu lobs; full .list tree. Franklin lnaiilute. leot. 01 A, Rochester. N. Y xOUNQ woman coming ta Omaha a atrsnsem ara Invtunl to visit the Young Vtomwn s Chrlatlan aasoclatloa building at 8t Mary's Ave. and 17th St.. where th.y will be direct-! to aultabl boartling place or otherwise assisted. Ixxik (or our travoutra guide a. Union station UKU WAN TEDM ALB Clvrteal and-Of flee, NO FlLIN't FF.K BEST COMMERCIAL POSITIONS. wUhVe.rJr7' " l "' ,'" riforvrt"" ;r. NbrMk Roiiers Refsrenea Ct., M6 State Bsnk. SALE. -..han. city swlsry and com" mn with sak- xp.. tu take charge of hard ware dit. tttenographer, 7i. ' Watte Ref. ty. lt---4JRran,le, Theater. JJL,:"utor; .A11 .TSw-t - -. v , -m 7rj aTAlUC. liIGH-ORALK cooifnert ut um.nt. Fwr- .toOND. A N t'liwiia niv itAna iii.ig. Prug store snaps: loba. Kneist. H-a Ri.t. WAN'i ktWisvaiaJ htgh-Ua sfuiam ti .m -.i-tTt-.nitt-ia uirtt-t to auto f.wnrr Cad (o First Natinoai Hn.k bulldmg. Only hith-cisss aaloaiiiea need apply Aj dirss P .'l, tte. FA I EKlAOti'FD crew inaiisgt.r and p. cUiiy saitsiiw-i for f.istral illng sxticls ea ths markot, er -s daily, tay V11'; .' roun "k, 1 N-t 14m THE firt pavmeat now covsra Inaurmioe lili July 1. D'.i. TliL makta our kj!icv ey to e)L Call or writs. Mutual lt-u-e'U. Htralth and Accitienl Ass n. 4il , City Nat. l ana Plug,- Omaha, Neu. 1IKI,P WAMKD MAIiE Atrata, Aalrraja and Solicitors. TravelingSalesman Man with several years' experience either In Nebraska or Iowa territory and who ean ahow successful record, with high standing among his customers, tan secure highly lucrative oslUon. Applicant must be over 35 yesrs of age, of good appearance, character and abil ity. Able to show esmlng capacity of several hundred dollar a month. Only euch application conaldered a la accompanied with full particulars, age, reference, etc. Address F 605, Bee.' o WANTED Experienced salesmen to sell nursery stock. U. E. Fields at Son, Fremont, Neb. Fnctory ! Trades. AUTOMOBILE W1BE OR OTHER WI3H Be wise a I independent in business for yourself or earn big money. Our large and well equipped school and shop will produce this result for you. Get our unusual Interesting offc- with Catalogue "C." Day a id night claes.. Pnone D. KiX 1413-15-17 Dodite St., Omaha. Neb. NEBRASKA AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL. LEARN BARB Kit TRADE. Be Independent; wages and tools given. Flectrlc massage. Strictly modern. Big demand for barbers. Cnll or write. TRI-CITY BARBER COLLEGE, 1121 Douglas St., Om. 10M N ft., Ltnftplr). PRINT" OR WANT ED-Man who can set neat ads and Jobs and make ready and .. -. - . . .4 .. I..k n .. . it-rit (M r-rm , r 1 1: it i j j " . kiiii nw.i n-Kfa to the right man. Address The Telegraw. Co., Coliimbus. Neb. Mtacellaaeotie. Wanted at .Once MEN to learn the automobile business; the denaand Is great for our graduates; we have trained hundreds of men; let ut train you. VV rite for Ire booklet. Nat '1 Auto Training Aes'n, 2S14 N. Wth St.. Omaha. Nob. WANTED Names of men wanting to be railway mall clerks. 17 u month: Omaha examinations coming. Address Y 33., Bee. UOOD YOCNtJ MEN WANTED IMMEDIATELY. Biggest demand for our Magneto, Elee. Starter Auto Oraduatea. Too many un trained tinker repair men; good men posi tively needed, tug spring man. Free catalogue. AMERICAN AUTO . COL LEGE, K61 Farnam St.. Omaha, WANTED l.ouo men to eat ham and eKfta, 16c Coffee John, 14th and Capitol Ave. MEDICAL Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. K. R. Tarry cures piles, fistula and ether rectal diseases without surgical op eration. Cure guaranteed and no money Said until cured. Write for book on rectal laeasea with testimonial. DR. . R, TARRY, 240 Ree Bldg. Kupt nrn -urea in a tew aavs wunout U-V. r-a.ll n, tw-lt.t I to A . , w tM Boa Bldg.. Omaha. Established 1894. o HELP WANTED MALE AND F KM ALE. W AN HE D Person to copy letters at home; pays 10 to 125 weekly. Send tamped envelope for particular. Na tional Coma. Co.. 8418 Brooklyn. Kansas Cliy, Mo. - . . THOUSANDS government Job open to men and women: 8t to 1160 month. Write for list. Franklin Institute, Dept. . 221 B, Rochester, . i. WANTED SITUATIONS TOUNO man want piaue to work f or board while attending Boyle coliegd. Telephone Douglas l&te. BL'BlNEtiti MEN Young lady desire po sition a Btenograpner, ooox Keeper, ot flc clerk or combination job. Experience S year covering 4 line. . Earned 1 promo tions laat job. No fun. will consider anythlnar from 88 up. short time or Ions; time. Replica conflaontlal. Aduresa B-eJo, care Bee. POSITION wanted by experienced young farmer. I have managed a farm for our year. Address Mr. Edwin Honls, littO Wirt 8t P. Webster 4H35. A FIRST-CLASS plain and ornamental Dlasterer. wants to correspond with con tractor and builders, in reference -o locating in small live town, where there is an opening lor a (irsl-ciass, sober Slatterer; beat of reference, Addret iT Bee. ' MOTHER and daughter want position as first and second cook in commercial house out of city. 'Address L 47S, Bee. WTD. Bundle washing. Maddle. W. 6666. WANTED Situation, Young man want to work for room and board and email aalary. P 6U7, Be. .- WANTED Employment by middle-aged man. several yaars. railroad and otfloe experience; prefer position as traveling saleaman or office work; ran ua typewriter; not a tteno, K 832, Bee. AMBITIOUS, strong young man on the larm. 1KM Wirt nt. Want position. POSITION wanted by- young married maa: have had experience in various lines; can operate typewriter .or sell any thing; 1 years' drug store experience; will consider anything for moderate sal ary tostart. Address G 69. Bee. WHO NEEDb MET High grade steno- graDher. ten years experience, cesire employment with progressive concern. Address K 671. Bee. - MAN 4 wife with little girl, want place on farm, where they can work. M. Carlson, 607 No. SO St. Red 1W37 A BRIGHT and intelligent experienced young man wanta a position as snip ping or office clerk in a wholesale or com mercial house; can do any kind or gen eral office work; can furnish the best of references; willing to start work at a moderate salary. C 6T0, tie. CHAUFFEUR Experienced young maa dealrea position in private family or elsewhere; strictly ober; can . furnish references If necessary. Address u stf. Bee. TO UN G man want position driving Jit ney 'bus, on commission or salary. A9- drea J-Jtfti, Be. " WANTkD A' position on the farm, as housek eerier, where my son. an ex perienced farmer, can get employment. V hone Red 3721 or address Mr. J. B. J.. 641- 6th Ave., Council muffs, la. WANTED Work on farm by ex- risrlenced slmae man So year old: Is no has been, loafer or hooter. Address O 6f (. Bee. EXPERIENCED flour mliler is looking- for situation. rteady and sober, jl j. Doude. 14U3 William St., Omaha. LIVE STOCH FOR SALB Horses aa4 Vehicles. MA N Y well-matched teams; young tnartie: aouia in foal. Cstl at Bi-ewiiia Co. saloon. 1114 Ko. 13th St. FOR SALE Team. 4 and i year oil. weight I.mO lba. ; alo team mares heavy in foal, wrtxht I.4 lba Each cheap for ash, t'rivaie rcHUlenya. iui IKh1k ht. TWO paira ut iiiaxea In foal. WJ3 Cum ing St. AT I 1N"I It IN! .Mvjet t-t-ll this w,-k four buaky mai-rs In foal: l.lOu to Dounds each; have been taken on a debt. TM Is a bargain, t all and Invest laateOuN 8. Ki-th St . near Howard residence. FOR SALE loiii-year old team, weight I.Wu lba.. one heavy In foal: also team of lumen, i and 6 ara old, weight l.AuO lbs. each, bulh in foal. Call residence, T.'23 Dotiv L HoK.SK.S. t.' up. Inu7 Burt St. Km! S7J. WOR1C team, 8. Two young tuarae in foal. 617 N. ANh. iKiugla A-'.'il. 1VK SALTwo tttm of -ear-ld nirea In fttal. one team of 4 and - ear old dark gray horea; very cheap for ready cli. J. Ryan, ntsnaarr, IjuJ Farnam. SHIP live aiock to Souta Omaha- Save mileage and shrinkage, lour t.-onaian menla rcctlv prompt and cajeful altea- tl..n. FARM wskoi.s. Am) snd up; barners. tw. Jolmaon-lisnftM-ih Co.. lih Clark Sta TEN sood fsrm marra. some In foal, Rome little nsvenu nt sore, rheap. Twm city Tianefir Co. barn, lc-3 Pav pt. mvk stock for rale Ilerees and Vehicles. FOR rVAEK: 2) head of horses and rnares. a from 4 years to A years, all well broke to work. Call telephone South 3029. fc'X' Herrieon ft , .outh maha. Live 4twk Cnaanlask) Alrrrkast, MARTIN Br.0.1. it CO.. BMg. 1-OST AMI FOUND liOHT lloston terrier, dark brindle. per fect marking, liameaa nameplste, M. S. Mliler. .'J9 So. 81st. Reward. H l.MH. I'T-K. of C. charm. Reward. It. HiVi. Iadles' locket with monogram K. A. K; . Photo Inside. Call H. S10, receive reward. OMAHA A COt'NClL Bf.t'F'FS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persons having lott some article would do well n call un the office of the Omaha V Council Bluff Street Railway- com pany to aacertain whether they left It in the street cars. - Many articles each da are turned In and the cotnnany I anxious to restore tl em to the rightful owner Call Pong. 4. STRAYED An Airedale pup. 6 months old. body black. fnc and legs brown. Return to William Hynea, Jr., 3ig Har ney St. MEDICAL Piles and Fistula Cured ' Without SL'ROICAL OPERATION or PAIN. No DETENTION from BC8I NKS8. PAT when CURED. A written GUARANTEE given in every case treated. Patients must come to the of fice, 4"--io Omaha Naticnal bank, 17th and Farnam streets. in? "vt t t t a a f n'DvrnTiTnv 1'iti ir jxjxjxxnx UiUJiuiiA jm MAXWELL, Twenty-eight years In Omaha, Graduate of Bellevue Hoepttsl Medical College, New York City, N. Y. .MONEY TO LOAN NEED MONEYT See ua. Quick service. Half usual rate. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., SOS t'axton Blk. louglaa 141L PERSONAL $7,03i) to Pension Invalids If we receive 5(0 subscription to The Ladles Home Journal.. $1.60 The Saturday Evening Poat 1.60 The Country Gentleman...., 1.60 Each month till April to equal last year' business, the original 85,000 become the property of tho Invalid' Pension assn., making 17,X0 to pension invalids. We must have 2M3 aubsorlntiona in February. Y our order or renewal add 60 eta Phone loug. 7163 or address Gordon, the Magazine Man, OMAHA, NEB. THE Salvation Army Industrial home so licit your old clothing, furniture, maga zines. We collect. We distribute. Phone Deaigla 413S and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home, 1110-1113-1114 Dodge St. TOUNO women coming to Omaha a stranger are Invited to visit the Young Women' Christian association building at 17th St. and St. Mary' Ave., where they will be directed to aultabl boarding place or otherwise aaalated. Look for our trav eler' aid at the Union station. POULTRY AND SUPPLIES DON'T forget that three time more chicken have been hatched In oil Trusty incubator than In any other in cubator. Catalogue free on request. Ad dress, M. M. Johnson Co., Clay Center, t, rw. . STEREOTYPE matrices make the best and cheapest lining tor Doultrv house. They are 17x23 inches, stronger and mora durable then tarred - felt and practically fireproof. 75c a hundred at The Be office. NURSERY PLANTS AND SEEDS ATTENTION FARMERS. Hay nroblem solved. Chesn beef aaauratl by planting Indian grass. Grows 10 teet high. Produce 6 ton per acre. Pur seed 30 cent b. prepaid. Ono pound plants an acre. E. Van Deventcr, Plalnvlew, Texas. SUMMER RESORTS " OKOBOJI cottage for sale. Best lot and most "homey eotlsge south of Pllla bury'a Point. H. C. Evans, Ilea Molnss, low- V a , WANTED TO BUT GET Kaplan' price for id hand furn., shoes, clothe, before selling. Wab. 7503. OFFICE furniture bought and sold, J. C Reed. i;v7 Farnam. Poug. 6146. WE BUY Id-hand clothes. 14a N. 14th. HiCJliEoT price for furniture. Wsb7ocl. Yale buy everything 3d nand. Tyler 1418. A PORTABLE or garage gasoline tank. Address Y 352. Bee. LIVE WIRE BUSINESS MEN OF OMAHA ABC of Omaha iN EW and id-hand motor, dynamo. . magnsioa, ate, and rnech. repaiia. T - LI-.. L-l u, f . . . .. - , n. "ivy itrv. tt ut It. O. lJltt. y v mama Piumv -n imi . . il. II Puuglaa Iiiii. f Renovate feathwr and mattresse ot ail kind, make feather mattresses and down covers. JTACl IJAl cleaner tor sale. - Vacuum ' cleaning don In the home. Sanitary . -- w., WW tl WE rent, repair, sell. needle and part for all sewing machine NE BRASKA CYCuB CO., ' Mlckel','' Uth and Harney. Dougla ldz. Accoaulaata. E. A. PWORAK,- account audited, open ing and r.luaiug books. Installing modern office and cost accounting systema Ad drea 4X1 Ramus Bldg. Phone Doug. 7js. Aiidl Haaklaaa. Palton Adding Machine. 411 B. 14. p. 144, Adder Mch. Co. tWales). W. O. W. d7"6338. ArekllMl Bverett 8 Podd. 611 Pxton Blk. P. 2981. Aala and Maaela Hrgmlrlaa. :" Magneto repair work specialty. D. 2418. Aactloaeera. Dowd Auction Co.. 1123 fUr. O.W. Red 8285. Attraelloas." - OMAHA Film Ex., 14th and Doug. MoUon piotuia machine and fain bargalna la Prlallaa. HORNBY BLUE PRINT CO.. 101 Omaha Nat I Bank Bldg. Barbers, ' 13 Cbslrs. 1c ehsve. neck shave. 117 Par. Braaa Feaaelrtee. Paxton-Mltchell Co., 27th and Martha Sta t lateral aaal Well Ditjgiac. MEED well or ciatern leaned or dugt SI-HAFFERdoes ir Phone Web, J. E. RICKERTT Well Construction CoT; nothing too Mg or Impossible: eatlinates furnltied. 610 N. 21t St.. Omaha. tarseatrrt aaal t'satraeten. BTEVgNSON. 118. 22.1. Pou.lae 130. I allforata laada. W. T. Smith Co.. nil City Nafl Bk. P.&tli. Coal Dealera. !j5 f() Johncn' peclal. also Victor nut. ipf.oo li.os. Phoi liouglss 17i2. tklrvaraclan, I, Geddls. P. C. ?8 Bee Bldg. Poug. 4r). Ala Palatlac. Ruth Letchford, deoorttlng. firing. R. 4948 4 ivl Cntlsacra. M J. LACY. Ml BKB FTJ-W. POI'O. 4718. 4 re-aaa seatratars. The Sharpies Separator On.. Ifth AY Tarn. C leatalais a4 Urtla. OI SEN ROUJiCHB. lo Harney. D. leaMratara ) lwser tlaitaetaw. HID1KH does It phone Walnut 15??. lxratlata. lr. Bradbury. N ralle 76M Farnam. Dr. Todd alveolar d-ntitr. 4 braodti j LIVE WIRE Rl MX ESS MEN OF OMAHA Da art as; Aeadenales. DOUO. AUPI.-gpec l rales for clubs and prl. dtnees. (sll or tel. Mgr. P. 14J4. Turptn! Dancing Academy. 2h i Farn. Qencvleve Haufia ire. Phone Webster m Macule's Aeadnmy. 1AI6 Harney, p. 644. CHAMBERS' Academv. cis""e"slc. D. wff lletertlrea. INVESTlOATIONSAcsrried out In any part of United Ptafen, Canada or Mexico. r Pagton Blk. Doug. 1373. Walnut liVjn. JAMES ALLAN. 311 Neville Blk. Evi dence secured In 'all cases. Tyler 113A Dentists. . Bailey, the pent!it. 70S City Nafl Bank. Taft lental Roorns 1fil7 Douglas. D. 2HH. Pyorrhea, Dr. Flckea. 71i4 City Nat. Bank. Dress sua klac. Terrv Tjrewsmik'g college. yth eV Farnam. EXPHHlENt 'ED dressmsker wants work b day. Phone Florence 3f. PLAIN and fancy sewing done at your home; satisfaction guaranteed: by day or piece. Tel. H. 4A?S. Mettle B. Black. WATSON A LUND, au7 C asa St. PLAIN and fancy tewing done at your home; satisfaction guaranteed; by day or piece. Harney 4S22. Mattle B. Black, MIS9 STURDY', 2416 Cass. Red 7330. Drug-. DP.tJS at cut prices; freight paid on HO order; catalogues free. Sherman At Ale Connell Pnlg Co., Omaha, Neh. F.leetrle 'applies.. LEBRON Elen. Wks.. SIS 8. 12th. D. 2178. Kverytblag for Woaaea. Woman'i Exchange. 433 Pax. Blk. R, 4S12. ACCORDION, side, knif. sunburst, box plcsilnft; covered buttons, all sixes nnd style; hemstitching, pleot, edging. Ideal Pleating Co.. 200 Potigiaa Block. P. 1!.W. HAIRDREKf-ING, all branches; combinRa to order. .Apt. 31, Wright Blk. R. 6WH. II7FF8 made from old" fur. H. 646. Farters. BEN'FENSTER. J410 N. 14th 8t. W. 7777. Florists. A, PONAGHt'E, 1B22 HArnay. Poug. 1001. BATH'S florists, IsCI Fnrnam St. Plorlsta. HK81 A BWOBODA, 1415 Farnam St. L. HEnTRh3oN, 1S1 Farnam. D. 125,1 Membur Plorist Telegraph Pel. Assn. nalr Dressing. Harper method, R. , Balrd Bldg. P. SU. Lighting; Ftxtwre and wiring;. THOMAS DURlxIN Electric-fixtures and aupplle. contract ing. and repair work done reasonable. - 2418 CUMING. - DOUGLA8 2519, Live Stock Reanedlea. OMAHA Remedy Co.. 07 S. 11th. Red 4251 Messenger -and Teamster. WHITE LINlfi, 800 8. 11th. Pougla 3312. Mask, C'oatassea mmd Lodore Sapplle. MNKR. -of lodgo regalia and coetumes. The largest stock of masquerade and theatrlcnl costumes in the country. Theo. Lieben & Son, 1514 Howard. D. 4115. CORA BELLINGY --S netlo treatment.' Invigorating baths, mass sages elegant And satisfactory; hrs. 10 to 10. 107 S. , 17th St. . Notlca-Entrance flown ttnlra, basement, corner building. M. - BRUQMAN. mass., alcohol rubs, ladles and gentlemen only. 203 Karbach block. i " MISS WALTON, bath, massage. Tel. P. 42S7. Houri 9 to ; Sunday u to o. MISS SCHMIDT, maa., elec bath. D. Til ' Qpetr oto.,' p. m.i 8undays. 10 to 8. MIS8 JACOBS, mass., manicuring. Phone Poug. 4237. Houra g to v; Bunaay u to . MASSAGE. 10 S. 17th St. Mr. Steele. Mas Klsber,. mass., elec. treat. Red Sfm. M A KM 4 UV) i2 BEK BUILDING. JllADDAUrJ I iOUGLAIJ' C372. BATH and massage, .alcohol rub. Laura Wilson, ltf'2 Farnam, R. 2. Douglas) 8761. Open evenings and Sundaya Clara bee,, bath and massage. Doug. 8751. Kathleen Mack, massage &. -bath. D.7582. BATHS, 214 Balrd Bldg., 17th and Poug. Millinery. ' Millinery taught comp. tn IS lessons, trlm- ing, Clean g, flying puime. rebiock. n.siu. Moviag, ft to rase and Clewnlagt. W.'e.'PERHIN,'16th and Capitol. Ty. 1200. Oculist. ' i ' - Eye examined, glasses fitted, pay a you can. Prs. McCarthy, 1111 W. O.-W. Bldg. Osteopathia physicians. -7 . Pr. Rerucha. 3Q3-4 MeCagne Bldg. n. WM. Dr. Peterson. 6tM Brandels Bldg.. P. 2144. Prl tine. WATER S-BARNHART Ptg. Co., quality printing. Tel.. Doug. 3l'.w. K.'4 a. latn Ht POUGLA8 Printing Co. Tel. Doug. 644. COREY A M'KEN-ZJE PTG. CO. P. 8S44. RlES-HALL.Ptg. Co.. 162i) Capitol. P. 1102. CENTRAL PRINTING CO. POUG. 3754. Patent levcIopnea. AMERICAN Maohlne Co.. 11A S. 11th St PAteat.- - . '. H. A. Sturgea, 616 Brandel Theater Bldg. D.'o. Parnell, Pnxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117. Palatine and paperlas;. HUGH M'MANlTfl, 417 N. 40th. H. B728. Roach Axr.rmlaater. : B. B. B. Roach powder at your drurflat Plane Renovated. PLUMlj.fl At flower mad over, cleaned oyea, rienna r,ruger, jf ran ton, u. sjya. af siad Tiaa Leek Experts. O A TT70 Opened, repaired, comb. SAM KN changed. F. E. Paven. A - -'-' port. 14 Podge. P. 1S21. Shoe Repairing. -- Electrlo Shoe Rep. Co.. 1807 St Mary' Av. FRIEDMAN BROS., shoe repair. 211 8. H. tor aad Oftlee Flxtare. DESKS, Safe, scale, ahowcase. shelv ; ing, etc. We buy, ell. Omaha Fixture and Supply. Co., 414-16-48 8. 12th. P. 2724. Ig;a. aad aowards. . E. M CtARK St SON. IIS 8. 16TH ST. tel Otliatts - . . ' CA RTKR Sheet - MetaJ Oimpany, 110 8. ip. Towe Sapplle. - OMAHA Towel Supply, 207 8. 11th. P. 628. Traok and Itiieaaea ... FRKLING 4HTEINLE. 1808 Farnam St. Tatlars, . CHA8. C. LANPF.RTOU, TOi N. 16th St. Veterlaartaaa. PR. (i. R. TOUNG. W Cent-r Wal. Wine aad I.lqaora. ALKX JET-Kd. 21-8 4?. 13th Bt. Wine. iluuors, cigar. Plate dinners. 11 to 3. 10c. Glebe liquor house. 424 N. 16th; California wine; per g al. Write tor price lle HENRT POLtXJCK .UwL'OR HOUSE. 1M h anu. apitol Ave. Ten-cent uincn. BUY your family liquor at Klein laquor rjoua. t& r- lr-th. pouaia SWAPPER'S X)LUM! AUTO CASINGS Auto vaainga and Inner lubes, want to awao for aaiue, six aeo- ond hand. S C. 6u5. Bee. AUTO Want to awap for a Stanley Steamer auto for other personal prop erty of quat value and will give a good lata to you. S. C &'7, Bee- AUT'-S WilL for liret Us, high grade. iitq. In l erfect condition. If you have It. S C. 68, Bee. AUTUS--A 4-pa.s. Auto, bedy. tup, wind shield ' and other part - to swap for anything requiring ' less room, it I a snap. If you can use it . S. C. 574. Bee. AUTu) TRUCK-OA -H. P. car which. with but Utile work, rouid be converted Into truck, or used for roadster as It atauds. Engine, magneto, differential ami traiisniiHn luat overoautea and rebuilt; $64 worth brand new tire on rear; front l.rea in A-l ahape. Want Ford or similar car that lady can handle. Addrea 8. C. 51A Bee.. ..!.- AU'TOMOBILESPor other aulomobil baraaln .tte "Aatouiubll" ciasatfl, cation. mi CEMENT UniCK MAi MINE Wnt a thouaand of gout ahlplap or a diao grapiiouhun frir niy vemeut bieck nua. SWAPPERS' COLUMX CAMERA 5x7 tSraphl- Extension Cam era, ria.IlKmnt Ina F-ti. Volute Shut ter, Tripod. Case. Plntehnldera, SxW Trimming board. 13-lnc! enlarging lens, electric; worth !M; want.diamond, what have you? Address P fo Bee. Cement BLorklAkTNa machinb WANTED Can give yon a swsp, a good deal awaits, you. S. C. .5' Bee. . CAMER.-WWhiTt'ha've you to swap for a first class 4x6 camera, something good. Be quick. S. C. f. Bee. ' DESK Medium elxe roller too desk, will trade for l.'iO-egg Incubator or a 61"- found platform scale. Addres S. C. 171, tee. DIAMOND GENT'S DIAMOND RING. valued at 8n, to trade for kodak or nlc ture card protector. Addren 8 C Bi. Bee. DtKl FOK TRADE Fine Irish setter to good home; farm preferred; Addreas S. C. 6x3, Bee. ENGINE ot o 1-horse power lnterna tloncl Harvester Co. engine. This en gine has been run about forty-eight nonrai Just the thing lor wash machin and ringer or where 'small amount of power Is needed Will sell cheap, or what have you to offer in trade? Address S. C. 554. Bee. FURNITURE Heavy mahogany tnuslo cabinet for player rolls or aheet music. Cost 118 new and used but three months. Will wap for anything I can use actu ally worth $15 or more. Addret S. C. 537,, Bee. GROCERY Grocery business wanted for personal property that Is next to money and that is making money daily. Old age leitatiii. H. C. 6iO, Be. HOUSE tj-room house In Minnesota for whnt have you In Omaha ? B 6S1, Bee. INCUBATOR Ono 300-efig Mandy Lee first-clas Incubator, almost, new, will exchange for electric fan, sleigh, or will sell cheap for cash. Address S. C. 643, care Bee. INCUBATOR I have a 250-cgg Triumph Jr., incubator and a brooder, used on Season; will trade for Buff Orpington hens or what am I offered. Addrosa S. CJ&T,Bee MAGICIAN'S outfit. 17 delusions and tricks like new; 2 voli.ncs, Enclopaedia Free Masonry, -10x7Vixa',4, l,w pages, treating all matters of science, philosophy and history of the drdcr. What 'have you to offer? Geo. W. Cappers, Kearney," Nebraska. MEXICAN hairless dog, good condition. will wap for tometlil'ig worth $5, or cash. Address 8. C DtiO. Bee. MAIL ORDER SUPPLiljj Consisting of clothes line reels, "pocket cash register, saiiilacy Hpiona und ail kind of toilet articles. Trade for Jewelry or furniture. Audi ee S. C. 628, Bee. riANO A new electric piano with harp . and flute attachment, lea.led glass front. Will play with or without coin. Will trade for diamond. Balance could b paid out $26 per month. Regular price $f50. Will sell for $576, or trade wholesale price. S. C. 677. Bee. PIANO A good 'Standard upright piano. will be sacrificed, act quick. Address S. C. 678, Bee. . PIANO Hamilton piano, coat $4u0, in good shape, only need tuning. Swap for lot or Virginia land, Indiana land. Will pay difference. Would swap an old house and lot, well located in Omaha, and pay dif ference. 'Address 8. C. 5t3, Bee. PIANO New England Piano, mfgd. at Boston, Mass. In good condition. Wilt be sacrificed. What have you? Address S. C. 680, Bee.' PIANO Good electric piano, cost $4:5.0u7 will take $A.00 In vacant lot E 683. Bee. POPCORN MACH. One of . tha lat est self-vending sanitary popcorn ma chines, something new, direct from tne factory. In perfect condition. Was bought for - the California Expo. S. C. 571, Be. REFRIGERATOR This $300 refrigerator, 10xa8 feet, full butcher size, in perfect coi.Qlilon, regardless of cost; will deal for anything 1 can use; require the room at once. B. C. bii,tiee. ROAPSTER-On Oakland roadster, cost ll.CoO new; ha a thoroughly rebuilt en gine; two extra casings with cover and rack; ha new top with aide curtains; will trade for late model motorcycle and cash or will consider good lot or equity In all modern house. This car is In stor age and I will pay same until spring. Address 8. C. 682. Be. KUBUER BOOTS Have good pair of rubber boots almost new will sell or trade for something I can use; In good condition: sise uVi. 8. C. 4.71. Bee. SIGNS, showcards. Clark & Son. P. 1378. KHOT GUN Want to swap for a single pump, or double barrel breech loader. In perfeot condition. 8. V. 673, Bee. SHOTGUN NEW SHOTGUN, WIN chester 16-gaOge take down, and hunt ing outfit; worth $31, to trade. What have youT Addresa 8 C 60S, be. TYPEWRITER Oliver Stanaard Visible Writer, only slightly use and as good a new Cheap for cash or will trade. S V h at have you? Addresa. 8. C. 462. Bee. TWENTY ACRES OP LAND Unin cumbered, located In the famous John Pay district, near the Columbia river in Oregon. Title perfect; valued at $60 per acre; will eell or exchange for clear Omaha lot, or what have you. Address A 6fl, Bee. TWENTY acre rich truck land, near Gulf, a mile from Robe town. Tax. A C M Re TWO BLACK-HAWK JACKS 4 and t year old, work well and are sure. Want cattle or young work niulea, or will take cssh. W. P. Moore, R, P. D. No. L Mur--ray. Neb. VACUUM WASHING MACHINES Have 6oD well known vacuum washing raa tMn ll nets- nit utwtodat. A ruaian.' teed machine. Agent her i your ohano to mane a ciean-up tins sprina. nm swap for auto or what hav youT Address, S. C. 670. Bee. WHAT will you trad tor a now tn, typ machine; this machine ha oaly been used 3 month and I tn perfect condition. Will taks anything of equal value. Address 8. C. (24. car Be. WINCHESTER, REPEATER, U rtuure, will swap for something of Oi ram of $12, or cash, shell rest thrown la. All In good condition. 8. C. 878, Be. WHAT have you in furniture or anything I can use, for a baseburner that eoat $ and ucel two winters? S. C. 875, Bo. WATCH Lady' solid gold watch, valaa $40; what hav you to trader Addrwsa, 8. C. 681, Bee. FOR RENT Apartments and Flats. Fidelity Storage Co Starage. moving, packing bjiU shipping. lth t Jackson Sta phone Douglaa 2et- MAEWOOD APT. Living room with dia appeartns bed. kltcheneUe and bath; cho.c location, 26U Haruey Bt; $30 sum mer. $34.60 winter. Vacant February L . ERNEST SWEET, Office, 2511 Harney St. Pougla 1472. TH E LIN WOOD. Very deairabie east front, aecond flooxs 4-room apartment; large rooma. new building, tine location, mar 2511 Harney; low rent, ERNEST 8WEET. Office, 2611 Harney St. Douglas 1472. FOR RENT 8-r. bilck flat, 2712 Jackaon St., in fine condition; modern in vei-y respect Rent reasons bio. W. T. SMITH CO., Phone Ioug. 2iill. 1113 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. BEST 6-room flat in the city, modern. ueauuiuiiy QKuiaieu, walking Olstanc mnA i ii . I think nlv tHi ...nM,w CALKINS A CO.. City Nafl. P. 1S1J, OGDEN ANNEX. Council Bluffs, 'com with kitchenette. at- m heat Phone 44, 6-r., modern flat. A a. Illli, $J2. H. 47 U. PtIR RENT Most beautiful, finely fin ished and UD-to-date 3. 4 and A-raom apartment In city. Building lust fin- MneuJ r lora Apartment. il June bt PURN18HED ROOM, bealed, 41 North 8ls Ave. SUITS OP TWO ROOMS W'ith board In best neighborhood. West Parcaro diotrut, newly furnished, steaju heat, homelike surrounding. Address A. U W, car Bee, J thine. AdJrta 8. C. 6b7, Be. . '. A 'J :.'... - . .