Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 05, 1915, Page 8, Image 8

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Beautiful Belgian Actress is Here
in Interest of Her Countrymen
Thursday, February 4, 1915.
WITil the revival of old-time fashions, such as the colonial bouquet,
tLe vohmlnous wide skirt, a forerunner of the hoop skirt, which
is to be with us so soon. It would be an Interesting thing for
.ne society folk of today to turn their, engagement books intti
a semblance of a dlery, those charming little books our grandmothers usea
to keep so religiously.
This old-fashioned custom seems to be hopeless and unfortunately
;one forevr r. .
I found In an eld trunk, Just the other day, one of those tiny volumes
and Into It ho painstakingly written were the impressions or a sea Toyag
taken, oh so manv years ago. It was filled with Impressions, sentimen
talities and" feelings, which In this present day rush would be impossible.
A word, or at least a line now and then "I wag at a tea the other day"
Is all that could be expected. But, when you think of the pleasures sucn
little books will hold for future years, let us have them live again.
With the Dancing: Club.
The members of the Thursday Evening
Fubacrlption Dancing club will meet at
the Metropolitan ball this evening. The
members Include alt thou formerly belonging-
to the Just-for-Fun club, with
the esceptlon of Mrs. Charles W. Turner,
who is now abroad. The members arc:'
Messrs. and Mesdames
Sum WeMheim. Hurry Felsheuner,
Sam frank,
Jay B. Kitl,
I. Zlecler,
Henry Rosenthal,
N. Mantel.
Mrs. Victor Rneewater.
Mia. Ijoulee Strauss,
M. Miller.
Hoi I Desan,
William lloltman.
Louts Hlller.
Arthur Lanudauer,
Harry Ooeti.
Edwin Klrsch-
Milton IJvlngstone.
Herbert Arnateln.
Morton Prgen.
Fred Meyn.
Jerome Ileyfl,
Frank Ooeta,
Inyal "ohn,
Henrv Roaendala.
The membara or one or mo weanesasy
evening subscription clubs met J the
Metropolitan hall laat avantng. Thli club
meet each vteek and tha members In
cludei ,
Msara. and Mesdames
TV R., C. C. Fadler,
Keat Abbott. A. A. McLaughlin,
Ouy Ft. Fpenrer, Rodney lillaa.
R. Watson.
For Mill Deuel. -
Complimentary to Miss Blanche Deuel,
one of, the aeaaon'a debutante, Mrs. E.
P. Pock gave a beautifully appointed
luncheon today at her home. A color
scheme of pink waa uaed m tha decora
ttnns, carried out with pink shaded can
dlea ana a large basket of pink aweet
peas. Mrs. Peck's guest were:
at Bsoalsior Springs. Mr. McVann win
return tha first of the weeJt. Mrs. Mc
Vann will visit In Kansas City before
Coming home.
Hlancbe Deuel,
Ann Ulfford,
Janet Hall,
Stella Th'immel,
Marlon K'lhn.
lx.rothy Smith.
Eugenia Patterson,
Lucille Paeon,
1 Ntrothy Hlsrs,
Mildred Rogers.
M !,
Kleannr Mackay,
Helen flarke,
Maria Carter,
Halcyon Cotton.
Helen Van Dusen,
Miriam Todd.
Harriet Mots,
Musical Wednesday.
The event of Interest yesterdsy was
tha musical given for the benefit of the
aortal settlement, at tha home of Miss
Jessie Millard. It was a 4 o'clock pro
gram given by' Mra 1 F. "Crofoot,
pianist; Mlsa Harriet Mats .and Mrs. A.
.1. Root, vocal soloists, and Miss Helen
flommera. violinist, with Mrs, "Walter
fltlver and ' Miss Ellen Anthes, ocom
pan lets.
Mrs. Edgar "eott, Mra. W. F. Bai
ter and Mrs. Harold Oxford 'had charge
of the entertainment, assisted by Miss
Harriet Mets, Miss Eugenie Peterson,
Miss Marlon Kuhn, Mlsa Oretchen Mo
Connell and Miss Marjorte Ilowland. -
About 309 guests were present.
Sews of the Amy Folk.
Ueutenant Scott leaves today tor Gal
veston and Captain Nesbltt returns to
Galveston Saturday of. thla weak. . Cap
tain Nesbltt and Lieutenant Bcott have
been spending their two months' leave of
absence at Fort Crook.
Lieutenant and Mrs. Everett N. Bow
man, who are now stationed at Oalvaa
ton. will leave early In the spring for
the Phliliplnea. ' .
Wednesday Bridge Club.
Mrs. Harold Prltchett entertained the
members of tha Wednesday Bridge club
thla afternoon at her' horn. Those pres
ent were: l
Meadamea Mesdames
Harold Prltchett, John P. Wsbeter.
Pen Wood,
M leans Misses
XalherinaThummei, Elisabeth Bruce,
iiianys 1'etera,
Liaphne Peters,
Kicked by Violent
Woman, Now in a -
Critical Condition
Aa the result of her having been vici
ously kicked In -the stomach by Mrs,
John Wlttenburg, Mrs. Katie West, Oft
South Twentieth street,- is In a critical
condition at St. Joseph hospital, accord
ing to Dr. R. R. Ensor. .Mrs. West waa
kicked aa aha was attempting to assist
Police Matron Gibbons who had been at
tacked by Mrs. Wlttenburg. Mrs. Wlt
tenburg, whose home Is In Schuyler, waa
arrested In the Burgeaa-Nash store sev
eral days ago and who brought to the
matron's department, attacked - Mra
Gibbons with a hatpin. The matron waa
stabbed through the left hand and re
ceived several other wounda about tha
body. Mrs. Wlttenburg Is confined In
the violent ward of the St Bernard hos
pital. Council Bluffs.'
. Sootka lair Coach a a 4 Cold.
Pell's Pine-Tar-Honey goes right to tha
spot. Checks tha cough, eases throat,
kills tha oold germs. Only 2fcc. All drug
gists. Advertisement.
Mayor Speaks Before
Sixth Ward League
Mayor J. C. Dahlman spoke Wednes
day evening In Peterson's hall. Twenty.
fourth and Burcffflte streets, to members
of the Sixth Ward Voters' league, an
organisation of colored rltlsens.
President John E. Jelts introduced the
mayor, who waa received with consider
able enthusiasm. The mayor discussed
the home rule charter law and repeated
In part his speech of Tuesday evening.
He again answered some of httt critics
and challenged them to prove the truth
of their assertions.
Daily Fashion Hint
Elisabeth Davis. .
Original Cooking Gab.
The Original Cooking club bad luncheon
today at tha home of Mrs. Moehter Col
peuar. Covers were placed for eight
Celebrate AnniTertary.
Dr. sjid Mra. B.-'A. MrDermott enter
tained at dinner Wednesday evening at
tha Omaha club In honor of their wed
ding anniversary. Covers were placed
Vt. and Mra. U. L. Arnold.
Mioses: Miaaea
' Ioulse Mora, Ophelia Harden,
Oiga titora. Marie Wooaard,
Clajre Helena Woodard.
leaers: Messrs.
Vy Furay. Joseph Kinney,
Oiarfoa Mclaughlin, uf Salt IjvWe City
lr. T. 10. iailey, Dr. 1 T. ,111.
Eecital This Afternoon.
Kdlth 1 .Wagoner waa presented in a rev lial by tha Omaha Conservatory
of Music, and Fine Arts this afternoon In
tha conservatory auditorium.
Future Affair. ( .
'Tha Kculpture of the Fifth Century"
ill be the subject of Prof. . B..lough-
tua Hlhorn'a lecture before tha Omaha
horlrty of Fine Arts, Friday svenlng at
8 o'clock at tha Young Women's Chris
tian asaorUtion auditorium. Prof. Hoi-
iHirn's series will Includes one more lec
ture. 1-a I'lasoiiia club will iive an Informal
dancing tarty at ilart hall, ' Dundee.
1'riday evening.
Mrs. C. C. pyan has Usued lnvltstlona
I f'r a tea from 1 until o'clock Baturday
vflernoon In honor of her gueet, Mra.
Kisnk, of Mnnlpeg.
Kews from the Wayfarers.
Registering- at Hotel McAlfln frota
Omaha during tha last week have been
Mr. i;ua A. Hense, Mr. J. A. WhaJen and
lit. C. W. Morton, Jr.
Personal Mention.
Ulna Ann:e To Is left last night for
New Yorh, to be gotui several weeks.
Mr. Henry Wunoky returned Wednes
dy teing frotii a six weeks' trip to
Mrs. M. S. Ji'.iler is 1e!iii,g aitn rla
l '. In I'es Moines, lua.
Mi. 4, i.J Mi. K. J. .M,rin jit leave
ITiJsy iuitg iu nJ the rk-end
ALD VAN LOAN, author,
after a long and exhaus
tive study of present day
conditions, declares that
the betterment of such can
only come in the co-operation
of employer and .em
ploye, which will be
brought around within a
short time.
Eecreation and Publio Welfare
Bodies Created by Ordinances
of City Commisiioners.
Funeral Services'
for Father Smith ,
at St. Patrick's
Funeral services for the late Father J
T. Smith of St. Patrick's church were
held from - that institution yesterday
at 10:S0 o'clock with Interment In Holy
Sepulchre' cemetery.- Father Bmlth died
Monday nliiht 'at Kt. Joseph's hospital
following an operation. He had been
pastor of St Patrick's church for twenty
High masa conducted by Bishop Scan
nail formed the services which were at
tended by fifty priests, many of which
were from other oltiea than Omaha. Pt.
Palrlck'a church - was not large enough
to hold the vast host of friends who con
gregated at the church to pay homage to
the man who waa dearly beloved not only
by. Catholics but Protestants as well.
The city commissioners heVe passed
ordinances which provide for a recreation
board of five members and a public wel
fare board of five members. This action
was the consummation ow a campaign
which haa been carried on for several
Dr. Cyrus Btlmson of the National
Playground and Ileorcstlon association.
and Prof. Theodore Hanson of the Public
Welfare league of America were present
t the council meeting and felt gratified
that the ordinances have actually been
paascd. These measures will become laws
flftenn days from passage, or February Y). ;
In the meantime the maypr will decide ,
on appointments, which must be con- j
iirmea rjy me council.
The personnel of the recreation board
will consist of the superintendent of parka,
the asuperlntcndent of schools or some
one selected by the Board of Education
to represent the superintendent, and three
other persons. The first five members
of this board will serve tor one, two and
three years, respectively, one new mem
ber being selected for a term of three
yeara each year after the first "year.
There is a feeling now that the Board of
Education will decide to co-operate with
the recreation board. - Thla matter Is
now In the hands of a Joint committee of
the school board, with power to act. It
la believed the recreation board will enter
upon Its work within the next four weeks.
Women May Serve.
The first membere of the public wel
fare board will be selected for terms of
one, two, three, . four and . five years,
respectively, a new meml-er being chosen
for a term of five years eacti year after
the first year. Women may serve on
thla board whose duties and responsi
bilities are quite broad. It Is stated that
It will take six months or more to make
a aurvey, of the local situation and to
outline some . definite program. Thla
board will be aubject to control of the
city council and will have charge of in
spection and supervision ofcommercial
amiroemcnta and -entertainments and.
may make needful regulations for tha
same. The ordinance empowers the
members with authority to Investigate
and regulate care of prisoners, conduct
of penal Institutions; to establish a free
employment bureau and legal aid bureau;
to study causes of poverty, delinquency.
crime and disease.
The welfare and recreation boards will
work Independently. ,
Encouraged by the offer of an Omaha
business nisn. Mile. Philippine Artois, an
Anglicised Pelglan artrese. Is hoping to
complete arrangements here for a large
colonisation project, whereby many Bel
gian refugees will be able to leave their
ruined and desolate country, come tJ
America and make a new start In farm
communllloa to be provided for them.
8he has already conferred at Hotel
Pome with Omaha people Interested In
Btlulan relief, and announces tbat she
will lecture Sunday at 8 p. m. In the hotel
convention hill, to Inform local peopje
of the situation and needs of her coun
trymen and of the movement which she
Is forwarding for their relief. Msny
Omahans have already volunteered to
Mile. Artois says that she wss visit
ing with relatives at Tlldonck, her na
tive Village, seventeen miles from Krus-
sells, when the war atarted. They walk
ed to Brussells and later walked forty
miles farther to Malincs and Antwerp,
as the fighting crowdel them back.
Her husband, Valentine Prentls, sn
American clllien, was mistaken tot' an
Engllxh spy and narrowly escaped being
sentenced to death before his Identity
was esta'u'.Uhcu. Her sisters, brothers
and other reiatlves and many friend are
among bclg'an refugees now in Holland.
In her public lectures she tells of her
excitir.jr experiences, for the purpose
of raising lands for Belgian colonization
In this country.
"My people do not realise a thing until
It strikes them on the head," she says.
"That is why they are up against It
now, sa you Americans say. Their con
ditions now are hopeless, but if they
can get a chance somewhere else, they
will make good and prove to be worthy
of the help they are given. There are at
leaat 6,000 people of my home village
American Beauty velvet Is combined te
advantage la this frock, with white gold,
nrod sstln and crystal beads. The
bodice of velvet, loosely dnwd over the
shoulders and worn low over the hi pa. Is
finished with a large, soft bow, tha long
ends taaseled with crystal
Hot Tea Breaks
A Cold-Try This
Oat small package of Hamburg Breast
Tea, or aa the Herman folks call It
-tuunourger Brust Thee," at any phar
macy. Take a tablespoonful at the tea.
put a cup of boiling water Upon It. pour
through a stave an drink a toacup full
at any tbne. It la the must effective way
to break a cold and cure grip, as It opens
tha pores, relieving . congestion. Also
loosens the bowels, thus breaking a cold
at once.
It le inexpensive and entirely vegetablu
tni-iuto! v liarmlt . Adkerilavnic-nt.
C hamberlala'a Cesgk Remedy.
From a amall beginning the sale and
use of this remedy haa extended to all
parts of the United Statea and to many
foreign countries. When you have need
of auch a medicine give Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy a trial and you will un
derstand Why It haa become so popular
foy coughs, colds and croup. Obtainable
everywhere. -
! ' '
il ew. JS
who are now homeless and anxious to
come to America."
She has already covered the northern
states from New York tq Omaha, and
spent the last two weeks in Minnesota
and Iowa. Accompanying her Is her hus
band and manager, who Is also a writer,
and married her in London three years
Charles Jordan, I negro, made a speech
In his own behal before- a Jury In Judge
English's district court, where he was
tried on a charge of breaking and enter
ing Cackley , Bros.' saloon, . 1519 Capitol
"Honest, boys. I'm not guilty," said
Jordan so convincingly that the Jury
returned a verdict acquitting him.
Miss Loretta Beacom, formerly with
the 'Nebraska Clothing company In the
millinery department, haa been made
manager of the millinery department of
the Berg Clothing company.
$3.50 a Month
Tree Tnniag-, Insurance, stool
and Boarf. Biz months rent
allowed if yon decide to pur
1311-13 raroara ttt. Dear. 1633.
r i
Hdspe's Dollar Window
Sale Friday; Feb. 5
1513 Douglas Street
ajfjjf gggfl Bsaf gag ajf -l agsT gggf gi" -"A r - -1 T -i a" T iggf gggf aaaT" -"A aaaf easT ggaj W gggf - ggr ggsf agg flS
"ajj1 Hi 4r - y ap I'f -4' If -jf .rrm-j -r1 h "v vt!i
Friday-Nut Pattie Day
Home-Mada Nut Patties All '
flavors full of chopped nuts.
Made whuQ you wait. Regular
40c grade. Special for in
Friday, per pound. . . A J7C
...... m, .. .. i.. .... ii .. .. ,mm.m. ...!...., ..j.mii.wi.w .. n ,aj
Carpets and Rugs
Lot of odd rugs, carpet sam
ples, remnants, bath rugp, '
etc. Worth to $1.50, Friday,
choice for CQr
only JJ
TP 1 Mpnn C
rcrnin lrnoav fnr All liicfrtririgairc
gjB ' fy viuvuivus a v a avaa waw,waaawa aj
Even Those Who Long Have Shared in the Far-Reaching Bene
fits of Bargain Friday Will Be Surprised at These Great Specials
3B la diss wiaat Batra
fine enaHty, , soft fin
ish, eaatlf bteaahed and
laaadersdi So value
epeolal (or Trlday, 41.
a yar wiO
Zephyrs and
Dress Ginghams
Fine quality in a beau
tiful assortment of col
ors and designs, le and
loo values. Hpeclal for
Friday, per yard Jq
Outing. Flannel
Friday Special
B7 and 3B lnohea wide. Bx-'
tra - waUrat with warm
fleecy map. Worth lOo.
Friday, very epeoiat ill
tot Trtday, yajrd a
Apron Ginghams
Genuine full standard.
In blue and white
checks and broken ef
fects. Indigo dye. J
Worth c, yard....
American and .
Simpson's Prints
Zn a fun ranrs of color
ing's I dots and stripes
and ahirtint atylea. Bo
valuea. Friday An
off bolt, yard aV
M Uahea wide. BeeatJ.
tnl anality. Meat floral
and rvrelan atvlea. 10a
and llVie valuea. C
Tard MW
Samples, 5c
rillk 8mplc-a of prao
tleally 1 eyery known
weave and coloring.
Are worth to 36c a yd.
Your choice) Frl.. a.
HI inchea wide and of
an extra fine quality,
soft finish and wholly
frea from dressing. 7c
value. Bale price,
TV 69c Remnants, 25c
Hundred of remnants of Vel
vets, Jdessalines, Satins, Taf
fetas, Poplins and Crepes In
plain and novelty effects.
Iiengths from 1 to 5 yards.
Worth' to 69e. Special p
Friday, yard .aCOC
To 39c Fou
lards, 18c - -
2-J-inch Printed All
Silk Foulards In two
color combinations.
Worth to 39c. Sale
price, yard
1 1
riae Quality, la all the
seat 191S desla-na. 87
lnohsa wide, - Worth So.
Bpeolal rriday, Ql
yard aM
. Embroidered
JT inrhea wide. Baull
fuT new aeaaon'a styles.
Neat atrtrx-a tn, figures
abaolutrly fat rulora.
Warth 19c and inn
16c. ftpeclal. yard I W
To 25c Percalines,
Etc., 6V.C
Mill Ends of sa-inch Per
raline and Hatn litninffn
Fine weaye and aoft
finish. lienfrtha front 1
to 5 yards Worth to
23c. Kpecial, 1
yard 0$C
. ' Wool Goods
Mill Ends o All-Wool Broad
cloths. Serges, Diagonals, Pop
lins, etc. 44 to 54 ins. wide..
lengths 2 to S yard)
Values to 69c,
a yard
Valuea to fl.OO, AQ-
a yard.,
Wool Dress Goods,
Matched Travelers' Sam.
pica A U -wool arrgew,
diagonals, batistes, nov
elty woratedH, etc, etc.
86 to 44 Inches wide.
Special price, 1 A.
each 1UC
Beautiful EngUah Shirt
ing atylea neat stripes
and colore. 3d lnohsa
wide. 19e and aBo vaU
aea. Speelally I OU
priced, yard ... gW
maaet auellty. sUk fla.
laa. AH tha
shad as and colora.
and lee value.
m uwjr, gmwm ....
Women's Shoes Worth to $3.50 for $2.45
800 Pairs of New, Late Style Shoes Make Up This Collect
tion -They arc patent leather, with medium short
vainps and gray or black cloth tops; they may be hadi
in Uh but inn nd lacfl sttles. and are in the new spat'
effect with Cuban Louis leather heels. Plain toe models
with no tip. Flexible close edge soles. Every size -con-
tained in this lot Shoes worth to $3.50. Specially
priced Friday, a pair. . . . . .
. i a e j
Wash Goods
Bamplea and swatches
in various sixes up to
14 yards long. A full
range of cotton wash
fabrlca and some silk
snd cotton materials.
While lot laata Frl- l
day. each piece....
rax0 lnohsa. Xxtra
rela-ht and eueltty. -laoh
same, ready for
o valuea,
Bargain Basement Clearance Sale of Women's Winter Wear
Suits worth $10, $E!
$12.50 and $15.....5'
Take your choice from 89 handsome suits for
women and inlsees la, the past season's heat
styles. Various length coat suits of fine wool
serge, diagonals, fancy cloths, etc.. In the
staple, colors and In black. Splendid suits
for Immediate wear for the next two months.
Not a suit worth less than $10; many worth
SU.SO and 115.00. Choice of them all. .V(K.
$3 and $41 ftQ and $6 tJO OQ
Drenet ylUJ$eOtJ
All the silk and cloth dresses la the Base
ment Department now are in two lota and
are priced for t quick clearance. All are good
styles of serges, Isncy materials, crepe, mes-
saline, etc. 'rtday,
on sale at two
small prices, for. . .
$1.69, $2.89
Suits worth up to $085
$10, choice at . . .
A lot of women's and misses' suits in all,
close to 100. They are all In rood and prac
tical styles. Some are In short coat models,
others long coats. The materials are chetlots,
whipcords, novelty cloths, mixtures, etc.
suits that you can wear for several weeks
yet. In this great Bargain Basement sale
Krtday this large group mill go In at one
price values to $10.00 for. 2.83. .
Quickest, Surest Cough
Remedy is Home
Made ,
Kaslly Prepared la a Few Wta
tea. Cheap bat t'aeqaale
Pome people are constantly annoyed
from one Tear's end to the otner with a
persistent oronchial cough, which is whol
ly nnnecesaarv. Here is a home-made
remedy that gets right at the causa and
will make you wonder what became of it.
Get 24 ounces Pinez 60 cents worth !
from any drupgirt, pour into a pint bottle
and fill the bottle with plain granulated
eujrar eyrup. (Start taking it at once.
Gradually but surely you will notice the
phlcrrm tli in out nn'd 'then disappear al
together, thus ending a cough that vou
never thought would end. It also loosens
tlie dry, hoarse or tight cough and heals
the inflammation in a painful congh with
remarkable rapidity. Ordinary coughs
are conquered by it in 24 hours or less.
Nothing better for bronchitis, winter
coitehs and bronchial asthma. '
s This l'ines and (Sugar Svrun mixture
makes a lull pint enough to last a
family a long time at a cost of onlv 64
cents. Keeps perfectly and tastes pleas
ant. Kasily prepared. ; Full directions
with Pinex. . .
Pinex is a special and highly concen
trated compound of genuine Norway pine
extract, rich in guaiacol, and is famous
the world over for its ease, certainty and
promptness in-overcoming, bad coughs,
chet and throat colds.
. Get the genuine. ' Ask vour druggist
for "2V4 ounces Pinex," and do not accept
anything else. A guarantee of absolute
satisfaction, or money promptly refunded,
goe with this preparation. (The Fine
Co.. Ft, Wayne, Ind.
We Make It Easy for You to
Own a Gnuine Diamond
We ?rutt the People
Deaful Diamond Rings
ITs Loftl "PsrfocUon'i
Diliaond Ktn.
14k solid sold, 0 J
ILant Diamond. Ii I I
foil cut brll- Vf I I I
?rTc,.:.!.,.,. HU
$1 a Week
Wadding BfBg, AA
lsk solid gold ye.liil
asms. 14k aolis
ttt Six prang
monniins. lK
olid sold. Hua
bamala at tTi,
$6 a Month
SM Cluster Ring.
tola, 19 lunu
la Dlamondttv
T n r uoiM or
Opal center.
Our p o 1 1
$2.20 a Month
KMT Flat Bolokar mount-
Ins. 14k solid
zold. flna bril
liant Dtamnad.
Vary popular
stria. BpooUl
a Month
Har aw4ua '
ngravpd, pol
ished 14k sol
id sold, extra
flna Diamond.
$4.50 a Month
tM R e a n d
aol d
Ren nd
soW," flna S n il
'."paoi UtU
$1 a Week
All sfnda of Jowolrr r-
fj ct.' MatDprlua. It cu.
Open Bali Till I F. V. Baturaaya i30
Call or writ fur Illustrated catalog ino. iuj.
PIiodo Oougla 1444 and our salesman will call.
nanmaaA Th National
Cor. 18th and
Karaey, Omaha.
IVt i : v -jr if t p - -
f -Ma. iAs OraanKsnOfFI
4 I rVliWtT I
1 1
Uearral Dlatrlbatara
Omaha, Nab.
s r s m
,fgii!-i siiMigissis-Tj m MW l ,
a it
Itione Douglaa and have casa
sent home.
SOt a aad raraaaa.
raoae B. 394. atooaa a. Saldrtg Bid.