Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 04, 1915, Page 5, Image 5

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    T11K REK: OMAHA. TJIUKKDAY. FEltl'TAKY 4. 19i:
Girls! Lots of
Beautiful Hair
25 cent bottle of "Danderine"
makes hair thick, glossy
and wavy.
Removes all dandruff, stops
itching scalp and fall
ing hair.
'- "'"Is" I
V f 1 f r -1
L , . i . ; .
To be possessed of a hear! of heavy,
beautiful hair; soft, lustrous, fluffy, wavy
and free from dandruff la merely a mat
ter of using a little Danderlne.
It Is easy and Inexpensive to have nice.
soft hklr and ots of It. Junt set a 25 cent
bottle of Knowlton's Danderlne now all
.drug; stores recommend It apply a little
as1 directed and within ten minutes thero
will be an appearance of abundance,
freshness, flufflncas and an Incomparable
gloss and lustre, and try as you will you
can not fmd a race of dandruff or fall
ing hair; but your real surprise will be
after about two weeks' use', when you will
see new hair fine and downy at first
yes but really new hair sprouting out
all over your scalp Danderine Is, we be
lieve, the only sure hair grower, destroyer
of dandruff and cure for Itchy sialp and
It never falls to stop falling hair at once.
If you want to prove how pretty and
soft your hair really is, 'moisten a cloth
with a little Danderine and carefully draw
It through your hair taking one small
strand at a time. Your hair will be soft,
glossy and beautiful In Just a few mo
mentaa delightful surprise awaits every
one who trlea this. Advertisement.
Vlhy Remain a Slave
To Drugs?
Drug Treatment
Glren by the Dot-tors at 828
South 20th Ave., is a positive,
guaranteed, harmless and pain
less remedy for all drug addic
tions. It remove permanently
all desire and ' craTlng for
opium, morphine, cocaine or
other habit-forming drugs in 5
IT1 to be freed from the slav
ery of drugs.
Pay When Satisfied
that all desire and craving-" has
been removed.
Call or write.
Address, S. E. , Goreham.
For Sprains
and Bruises
Tha Cfrf tfimrv frt An f ftr a. sorain or
1 v Ut auaa,f w "- - - " C ,
a bruise is to cover the hurt with a
p'ece of flannel soaked with Omega
0:t. Quick relief usually follows this
sinple treatment Tria bottle IOC
Quit Sneekmg!
A littla Koadnn't Catarrhal Jelly placed la
tha no.triis will brink relief. Your drucrla'
guarantee! It. Money ack if it tail". A 25c .
Original and Genuine
Don't delay. Uzu It at one. Its coolingr,
soothing, bealinr effect are wonderful.
best thing you can u.a for chronic nasal
catarrh, cold, in head, sneezing . dry catarrh,
era noae, not bleed, etc. 18.0u0.0U0 tubea
tiava bean told. Writ ua for generoua frea
ample. 35.000 druggiats aell till apluDdid
remedy. Avoid dangerous substitutes.
KCNOON MFG. CO, Minneapolis. Mfan.
I waa badly ruptured while llftlna- a
trunk aevaral yeara ate a. loctoia saiil
mv only hope of cure vtaa an operation.
Truaaee did me ns ood. Finally I ot
held of eomethiu that Quickly and
cotu-plelalv cured me. Yeara have paaed
and the rupture has never returned, al
tnouah I am doins hard' work aa a car
penter. There was no operation, no lost
tuna, no trouble. I have nuthina- to aeil.
but will Rive full Information about how
nu mav find m coiiiuleie cure without
operation, if you write to rue. Kusene
M. Puller,. Carpenter. (07 A Marcellua
Avenue. Manaaquan. N. J. Better cut out
thta notice and thow It to any other
h ax ruptured you may ave a life
or at leaat the rolaory of rtmture ajud.
: 11
Iba worry and (U-aaer or aa operation.
Engliih Stiategists Unable to Un
derstand Heavy Sacrifites of
Men Kaiser is Making in
Vicinity of Warsaw.
Move May Be Intended to Prevent
Sending Reinforcements to
the Austrian,
LONDON, Feb. 3. British mili
tary experts arc unable to explain
the sudden and violent offensive
movements begun by the Germans to
the west of Warsaw, In Russian Po
land, and In the vicinity of LaBss
see, on the northwestern end of tne
ba.ttle line In France.
In both these regions there had
been a return to the old style of
German battering, the men being
hurled forward in close formation,
great sacrifice, with," British reports
say, little permanent gains.
In Russian Poland the Germans
are holding some ground in front of
Warsaw which these attacks netted,
but the reqent German onslaughts on
the western battle front, military of
ficials assert, almost Invariably have
resulted in' failure to consolidate the
positions gained.
It Is suggested that Field Marshal von
Illndenburnr, the Oerman commander. Is
again hammering toward the Polish cap
ital with the idea of' holding there Em
peror Nicholas" crack troops which other
wise might b be transferred to the
Carpathians where the Russians and
AuHlro-Cierman forces Ftltl are fighting
In the mountain pause. Neither side
has been able to force the other onto
the plains, though the Russians claim to
be mote than hbldtng their own.
IaBassee, twelve miles south of the
Belgian border, long has been a crucial
point oil the western front and the Brit
ish troops congregated In the neighbor
hood have suffered heavily.
German Official Report.
BERLIN, Feb. 3. (By Wireless to
4he Oerman positions near Perthes have
been repulsed. On the remainder of the
western battle front there was yesterday
nothing more than artillery exchanges.
"In Poland, north of the Vistula, cav
alry onslaughts by the Russians have
been repulsed, while south of the Vistula
German attacks at a point cast of Bnll
mow eniled with the occupation of the
village of Humln (to the northeast).
Flghtli)? for possession of Wolaaxye
Lowlczka has been polng on since Feb
ruary 1. In these engagements we have
taken over 4,000 prisoners and captured
six machine guns.
. "Russian attacks at night against the !
German positions near the Bzura river
have been repulsed."
French Official Report.
PARIS, Feb. S. The French war of
fice today gave out on the progress of
ihe .military, operations reading a fol
lows:' "In the country of the Lya there Is
nothing to report. "
.' "Between the Iy and Olse, in the sec
tor of Nouvette, to. the west .of Iens,
French batteries put an end to a spirited
fusillade from the enemy. The Germans
endeavored to float down the river Ancre
some blazing rafts, starting; them from
a point above Avelly, " which Is north of
Albert. We were successful, however, In
stopping these floats before they ex
ploded. ,
. "Our artillery has continued to secure
excellent results In the valley of the
A lane. WeN have made slight progress
and have taken prisoners and repulsed a
counter attack of the Hill, No. -200, near
' On the Argonne, a second Oerman at
tack took place yesterday near Bogatelle,
at about f o'clock in the evening. -
"The front from the-Meuse to the Vos
ges has been quiet. In Alsace we' ara
organizing our forces on the ground won
by us to the south of Ammertzyvllltjj."
Secretary Defehds
'Methods and Work
of the Foundation
NEW YORK, Feb. i.-Jerome D. Greene,
secretary of the Rockefeller Fondatlon
and formerly a member of the personal
staff of John D. Rockefeller, today spent
two hours and a half on the witness
stand before the federal commission on !
Industrial relations explaining: the work
ing of the Foundation, hla personal ac
tivities, and defending the charter under
which the Foundation la doing business.
Mr. Greene admitted. In reply to ques
tions, that the charter was broad In scope
and that under It there was nothing to
prevent' the Foundation from engaging In
propaganda against trade unions or con
ducting a campaign against compensa
tion for workmen. But ho asserted there
was not the remotest chance that such
things would ever be done.
The witness declared there . were no
grounds on; which to base a suggestion
that the charte, which was granted by
the New York legislature, might be un
constitutional. Aa for conditions in Colorado, the wit
ness saw no reason why' the Rockefeller
Foundation should Interest itself more In
the workers, than Jn any other place
where there appeared to be a need ot
assistance. The trouble in Colorado he
believed to be economic.
Mr. Greene said that since the start of
the Rockefeller Foundation about a year
ago the Foundation had dispensed in gifts
ll.S34.0O0 on its own behslf and Kl.nt.OuO
on behalf of Mr. Rockefeller, sr.' All
told it had expended about ll.QOO.OW for
Belgian relief.
KANE, Pa.. Feb. I. Nine men were
burned tvdeath and alx others seriously
Injured In a fire which early today de
stroyed the bunk house of the Tlonesta
Chemical company at Mavburr, Forest
county. The men. mostly wanderers, were
enployed In the forests aa woodmen. The
houa waa heated by gas, and It Is be
lieved increased preasure In the mains
caused aa explosion which fired the build
ing. Only on occupant of toe building
escaped, unhurt. . .
General Felipe Angeles,
one of General Pancho
Villa's most trusted aides,
now slated to succeed Gen
eral Garisa as provisional
president of Mexico.
lO jr 1
KaV . J
v Zfc-
Continued from Pago Ono.l
liberty, but provision haa been mado to
forestall such procedure.
A. local trial Justice stands ready to
Issue a warrant for the arrest of the
dynamite on nny one ot several charses
that have been suggested. Theae Include
the illegal transportation of dynrt ..c nnd
of causing damago In this town, as win
dows of some bul'dlngs jvore brokeS by
the explosion.
Under tho auspices of Canadian , off 1
'cials, a court session was held last night
at-'McAdam Junction. Just across the
New Brunswick border, at which' testi
mony was given before a , police magis
trate, who later Issued a warrant against
Van Horn. -
No esrvlce was mudo on the prisoner,
however, local authorities" having decided
that the warrant had no legal standing
unless accompanied by an order for
Canadian Uw on Battjert.
8T. JOHN. N. B., Fen. t-The informa
tion laid aeainst Werner Van Horn, upon
which the Canadian authorities seek" his
extradition from Vanceboro, Me., was
stated today by J. B. M. Baxter,' attor
ney general of New Brunswick, to be
baaed on section 282 of the criminal code.
This aectlon la as follows.
"Everyone Is guilty of an Indictable of
fense and liable to life Imprisonment who
unlawfully, with Intent to injure or en
danger the safety of any person traveling
or being on any railway. Injures or de
stroys any train,' bridge or fence of said
railway or any other portion thereof."
Mr. Baxter said that if Van Horn were
brought to Canada and indicted he would
be tried In Charlotte ooupty. New- Bruns
wick. The-offense charged, ho saia was
covered by an extension made In 1900 to
the extradition treaty of 1SS9 between
Canada and the United States, pronounc
ing aa extraditable any "willful andDp
lawful destruction or obstruction of rail
roads which endangers human life."
fitronar Winds t'nnae Nearalarla.
Don't suffer, get a 25c bottle of Sloan's
Liniment, it penetrates to the painful
parts at once. Kills the pain. All drug
gists. Advertisement.
Burn Good Coal
No matter how good your heating system, poor coal will
render it ineffective. The best of furnaces cannot do its
best work with poor coal. But the old furnace will do
better work with
The Coal That Satisfa
The superior quality of this coal is due to the fact that it
contains more carbon and more heat units. Steadily, con'
tinuously, unfalteringly it works without fuss or bother. Its
' WSell
k .Jiu Liavau, A.ikc7I , he
McCormick Buildin&r
i ""'am iswiif iiTaSViTjtl
Price of May Option riuctnatei Ten
Cents on Rumor of Peace nd
Opening of Dardanelles.
CHICAGO, Feb. 3. Peace rumor
today dealt a sudden blow to the
high price of wheat. At the outset
as much aa a cent a bushel was
knocked off the value of the May de?
livery, In which, however, transac
tions were relatively small. The
July' option, In which buslnesB cen
tered, was given a setback of 2 cents
at the opening. May sold aa low as
$1.57, whereas the close yesterday
was $1.65. .The break In price,
however, was only temporary and
Boon May wheat touched a new high
record $1.65H,
Fear of the opening of the Pardanelles
ha.I concl'lcrablo to do with the wlldnei
of the fluctuations In wheat. Reports,
thoiiKh, that seversl of the chief forts de
fending the straits had been demolished
wore not fully credited and did not have
a lasting effect. The same was true of
th peace talk, which rested ci gossip
ab to action by financiers likely to be
tttken by May 1.
During tho break May reached for a
moment aa low as 11. Wi. a fall of SVic.
Contrary to what might have been ex
pected, the scene In the pit gave little
hint of any greater strain than usual.
On the rebound May wheat Jumped
eventually to ll.fis, making the range
covered by that option 10 cents, a swing
seldom equaled In so short a time. July
dropped fi cents to ll.SS, but recovered to
Price fioea Down, '
Subsequently 'the wheat market con
tinued to ahow great nervousness and
fluctuated rapidly on Btnall orders. For
the most part tho tendency waa down
ward. Exporters were said to have with
drawn temporarily from the market
owing to steamship companies altering
lei-ma because of new uncertainties of
ocesn traffic. The close was unsettled
to 4 to 04 cents under last night. '
Htop loss selling led to a fresh break In
rorn In the last hour, when depression of
the wheat market again became acute.
I Tho close was nervous at Vk cents to 2
to 2V4 cents net decline.
(Continued from Page One.)
tu Issue a franchise to themselvos, and
that K that should ever be declared per
return as that of the electrlo light com
pany has been by the supreme court, it
would at least bo perpcfhal to the people
themselves. D. C. Patterson championed
it. saying It waa but a question whether
the people should have or should not have
the right to own and operate an electrlo
littht plant.
Wronarlr Kamei,
"General Harries, president eif the Omaha
Electric Light and Power company, de
clared tho bill waa, wrongly named, that
x( should d named "A bill, to authorise
the assassination of tha Omaha Electric
Light and Power company."
"If this new plant Is to he a club," he
said, "I ask why, and what has tha com
pany done to merit a clubbing? If a
club Is necessary, why shall that club be
placed In the hands of the Water board?
Are. you not aware that tha city at pres
ent is In legal possession of all tha club
that Is necessary, and that It has the
power to regulate rates?"
He pointed out that the city was glad
to get the electrlo light plant twenty
years ago when It was established here,
No More Pilos
Simple Home Remedy Easily Ap
plied Gives Quick Hellef and
Costs Nothing to Try.
The Pyramid umiU from a Mafia Trial.
- Pyramid Pile Remedy gives quick re
lief, stops Itching, bleeding or protruding
Mies, hemorrhoids and alt reutaJ troubles.
In the privacy of your own home. Pyra
mid Pllo Remedy Is for sale at all 'drug
gists. 6oc a box. A single box often cure.
A trial treatment will be mailed .free
for the asking. Pyramid Drug Co., 617
Pyramid ttldg , Marshall, Mich.
abundant heat . will heat your
house, then keps it warm.
Tell your dealer that you want
LrJiigh Valley Anthracite, If
can t supply you, write
Chicago, III
J and that In his estimation the keynote of t
the bill h condsratlon.
Tn Aaanrr In Wrlllnn.
C F. Harrison, Jumping at the oppor
tunity to aak questions, wanted to know:
"What Is tho capital stork of the com
pany at the present time?" tlneral Har
ries declare 1 hs would anewer the ques
tion In writing, giving the minutest de
tail. Harrison then poured oiff a storm
of vital questions, as to total outstanding '
bonds, common stock dividends, snd a
lt of other matters. Then Harrison at
tacked the iras company, directing all hla
bltfrr remarks to tleneral Harries, as
though Harries were the owner of the .
gas company Instead of the president of i
the electrlo light company. The exchange
nun m cmi jiarrinon aown anil 1ctnan1
that he deslat from hla vltrnllc attack.
H. Berrher Howell Talks.
R. Reecber Howell got the last word,
sud made a speech that lasted probably
a half hour. He declared that If the
present company could not live under a
system of competition with a public plant
It must go the route of other concerns
that cannot stand competition. "This
company drove out the old It. T. Clark
company years ago," he said. "It wss
dog est dog then, and this company ate
the Clark company. This company must
be considered as subject to competition
ss any man hero In tho room In the con
duct of hla real estate business. What
competition In this business means Is
squeezing out the water, and that Is
what Is the matter."
He cltrd sn err.iy of figures on rates
In other Titles tinder private ownership
and .under public ownership, and do
to emancipate ourselves, or do we want
to Vcmanclpatc ourselves, or do we want
to remain shackled?"
The vote wna taken Immediately after
Howeir speech with the result stated.
Thla waa the larncat exchange mect n
held In a good many moons. The south
dining room of tho Commercial club was
Crowded. Nearly aixty men. members
and nonmembers of tho exchange, were
prest nt.
WASHINGTON. Feb. S.-Ituasla todav
Informed the Fnlted States that the dis
tribution of food, money and clothing to
Oerman and Austrian prisoners in Plberla
would be permitted only by tho Husslan
military authorities, declining to nlve
foreign relief expeditions that prlvlego.
An Amercan expedition had slartcd from
You must conquer Stonlach Ills
at once if you would retain the
controlling; power Iti health
matters. Such ailments as Poor
Appetite, Indigestion, Bilious
ness, Constipation, Colds and
Gripe soon" undermine your
health. , Help nature conquer
them with the valuable aid of
Stomach Bitters
"1 p. TRY IT
New Orleans
wjaroi bras
February 16, 1915
' Via
Personally ponducted
mid-winder vacation spe
cial train party, including
excursion on the Missis
sippi, tour of New Or
leans and National Ceme
tery Park at Vickaburg,
Interesting lit e r a t u re,
full information, tickets'
eto., at
407 S. 16th St.
Tel. D. 264. Omaha, Neb.
Di8trict Passenger Agent.
SIOCX FAtXS. n. H., Feb. 3.-.peelsl.)
Consternation has been created smimg
the yowna enplo of I-esterville by the
action of the town authorities In placing
a ban on such dances as the tango, bear
cat, lame duck and other ragtime dances.
Schaffner & Marx Suits and Overcoats at
$6, $7.50, $9, $10, $11.25, $12.50, $14.50 and $17.50
''j8y"""i'" i
Becaast it hat a taste and
1 L' .
BecaatM it is always the tame cdwayp good.
Beeauf it U brewed so carefully and under such sanitary con
editions that it is absolutely pure.
Iiecaa$9 it is to nourishing, so appetizing and so uniformly good
that it is enjoyed by every member of the family. ,
Becaaa every user is constantly singing its praises and
will use no other.
m .
Vol " rgamenw
tlat Bnw'mg Try a
Company a-
An Apartment
you would like to '
' call your home
may be easily located in the "For Rent,
Apartments" columns of The ' Bee.
Apartment house owners know .
that lice readers are desirable .
tenants and accordingly the
best offers are 'always
I l-'.'.-t i f
Pome of the dancers believed that If they
gave a private danrlng party and In
dulged In these dances there would be
no objection. They secured the 1p.stcr
vllle opera house, hut In the midst of
tho entertainment the town marshal and
the owner of the building appeared and
stopped the proceedings. The order of
the town authorities placing a ban on
sensational dances speedily followed.
Now That Wonderful
and Startling Reductions
is tho cry of every clothing
store in Omaha, we cay in
behalf of our superior gar
ments to "Look around'V "Ex
amine the makes" and com
pare the values that are of
fered; we feel sure that
double value awaits you here
in one of "Kuppenheimer,"
"Society Brand" or Hart.
individuality that cannot be equaled.
'. . .i ' 13I&tJ
cannot oe gomstsa jjr CociD&nV
Cos and b OMAHA. NER.
Conwneaif Ft., rwu. S663
IIIH Hill III II I ) I i I
advertised in The . Bee.
Finding an apartment through
Bee Want Ads is the
quickest, most economi
cal and satisfactory way.
Telephone Tyler 1000
The Omaha Bee
Everybody ruadt Bm '
Want Ad