TIIE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, FKBlilfAUY 4, l!ir. Nebraska DEMOCRATS REEF WAREHOUSE SAILS Provide Committee from House and Senate to Draw Up Bill to Meet Campaign Fledge. MAST SUGGESTIONS ARE MADE (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Feb. S (Special Telegram.) Instating that every democrat In the legislature was bound to voto for a publlo warehouse bill In order to carry out the party pledge, M. L. Corey of Clay Center, chairman of the last demo cratic state convention, addressed the agricultural committee of the senate this evening. "Even If you can aee no merits In the bill, you must vote for It," said the speaker. This was the second public hearing on the bill before the senate committee and resulted In an agreement on motion of Shuman that a committee should be ap pointed to confer with a house commit tee and draw up a new bill which would give the democrats a chance to keep their party pledge without sacrificing too much of tholr conscience. B. P. Test of Omaha read a plan which he believed was a suocess. Senator Beal thought certain parties were anxious to stir up opposition. . J. W. Shorthlll. secretary of tb4 Farm ers' Grain and Live Stock asoclation, and Charles Wooster of Silver Creek op posed the bill. After-Hour License ' , Sought by Chambers irrera a oia.ii uorresponaeni.) LINCOLN, Feb. i.-Epeclal.)-Uy the paying of a special license of $300 an r.ually, Chamber of Douglas would al low cafea and - hotels of Omaha to sell liquor until 12 o'clock midnight each week day, and proposes such an. amend ment to the 8 o'clock law In H. R, 486, filed Wednesday morning. The bill provides for licensing these places only In cities of 100,000 population or over and adds the extra, license fee for the privilege of dpeartlng four hours each day. Dafoe of Johnson, would amend the liquor laws of the state and refuse to allow grape wine to be sold in quanti ties of less than one-gallon without tak ing out a license. He -proposes In H. R. 4! the elimination of that clause from the state law. BOX BUTTE COUNTY WILL EMPLOY DEMONSTRATOR ALLIANCE. Neb., Feb. 8.-i-(Spvclal.)-At the close of the. campaign for a farm demonstrator for Box Butte county $1,612 was raised, $812 belag given by the, busi ness men. The government also furnishes $1,200- each year and the Burlington $200 toward this work, and at a mass meeting held yesterday at the court house 11 was voted to employ a demonstrator for Box Butte county. v Nebraska has eight of these, demonstrators. Box Butte county nuvln& the third county in western Ne braska to employ one. The .Alliance Com mercial club was 'given a Vote of thanks by the farmers for the efficient . help given them, and the organization starts out with 200 members. Falrbary News Notes. FAIRBURY, Neb.. Feb. 3.-(SpeclaJ.) The Rock Island operating officials at this point have appointed Edward Worthy as chief olerk to Division Superintendent W. O. Sheahan, succeeding O. H. Bu chanan, resigned. Mr. Worthy has been employed as division accountant at this point for several years. . Traffic on . the railroads through this place is becoming normal again after the storm. The St. Joseph & Urand Island railroad suffered the worst tleup, as no trains were operated from Sunday eve ning to Wednesday morning. , On aocount of a rush of ' business on the Nebraska division a number of loco motive firemen have been promoted to be engineers. They include C. E. Raney, George C. Sutherland, Euston Hall, A. G. Schults and George B. Wylle. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Cole and children of this city have departed for Memphis, Tenn., to speVid a couple of months in the hope of (recuperating the former's health. . Two Feet of w at West Foist. WEST POINT. Neb.. Feb. -(Special.) The weather, which on Sunday was rain, snow and sleet, developed during Sunday night into an old-fashioned heavy snowstorm with a strong northwest wind. Over two feet of snow has fallen and is badly drifted. Railway travel is sus pended and telephone and telegraph service Is badly demoralised. The temper ature Is comparatively mild. The storm has been particularly severe on stock. Davis la V'lrarlala. LINCOLN, Feb. t (fpeclaD F. M. Xavls, first commissioner of public lands and buildings in. the stite .of Nebraska, Is now at Winchester, Va., where he la superintendent of the United States na tional cemetery. He held the Nebraska office from 1877 to 1S80. I Hall to Slater's Bedside. LINCOLN. Feb. .-Special.) Railway Commissioner T. L, Hall has gone to Hamburg. Ia., to be at the bedside of his sister. Miss Carama Hall, who is sick with pneumonia. RUSSIAN GIRL FIGHTS IN NINETEEN BATTLES MOSCOW, Feb. $.-Via Petrog'rad and London) Among the wounded who have arrived in Moscow from the front is Alga Kraallnikoff. a girl of II years. After taking part in nineteen battles in Poland, sha was wounded In the foot. The girl enlisted under a man's name and this deception has just been dis covered. The cross of St. George, fourth ' degree, has been awarded to her. M ister lsssla Work. Ia summer the work of eliminating poisons and acids from the blood is helped by perspiration. In cold weather, with little outdoor work or exercise to causa sweating, the kidneys have to do double work. Foley Kidney Pills help overworked, weak and diseased kidneys to filter and east out of the blood the waste matter that causes pains in sides or back, rheumatism, lumbago, stiffness of Joints, sore muscles and other ills re sulting from improper elimination. Sold by all dealers everywhere. Advertlse laeat. - New Bills Introduced at Lincoln on llosse Ralls. 11 R. 473. Ilunier l'ermits Judges and members or th bar to voto preferentially on the Jurtlciary. H. K. 4 'llohetto Appropriates $7,MV for the pm chase it land at the Hastings asylum. it. U. 475. Water Power Committee De fine Hater power corporations and enacts romprenensive law regulating such cor porations. H, It. 4.8. Revenue Commute Provides for ' new method of taxing sleeping car companies. 11. K. 477, Bronme Amends corrupt practice act to allow canuiuates for stais ofilces to spend more money. H. 11. 478, Richmond and Broome Pro vides for tne publication of iersnal tax Ikits In newa.perB. H. R, 4i, Uroome Provides for de struction of wnives and coyotes. H. R. 4)), lilausei Amtnas blue sky law. H. R. 4S1. Biauser Authorise the levy of a tax lor muHc and amuaement tund by villages, towns and cklea. II. R. 2, Harriott and Nichols Amends law governing the drawing of juries. II. R. 4SJ, Peterson Authorises super visors and county commissioners to lay out and cont.:rtici paved or gravel roads. H. R. 4S4. Peterson Allows stockholder of a corporation to take acknowledge ments ot Inxtrumcnta promulgated by that corporation. H. II. 40, Barrett Provides for the re duction ot telephone rates In South Omaha. H. It 41. Chambers Allows cafes and hotels In Omaha to sell liquor until mid night. 1. R. 4T7, Negley Provides that Omaha city commission ha power to constrtlfi sidewalks along boulevards. H. K. 4ka, Nutzman Prohibits duplica tion of state banks In communities deemed by the state banking binrd to be sufficiently supplied. H. R. 4N. Tlbbetts-Allows district Judges and Judges of the supreme court to tun for congress and 1 ruled States senator while holding office. 11. R. 4f, Barrett Allows county treas urer to puhliHh delinquent tax list In for eign newspapers at one-half to two-thirds regular legal rate. H. K. ifl. Judiciary Oommltt e-AboHeh-ln demurrers and simplifying court pro cedure. lJiKPaJe: Cou"t Delegation-Appropriates ty.tioo for the purchase of addi tional land to the feeble-minded Institute. H. R. 4W. Nelson-Prohibits the use and of age 8U'"' to mlnor under 18 years H. It 4M. Anderson Memorialising con fir .1. to ub"rit an amendment providing for the direct vote of the people ffcreH- wntiJBd .VJ .PW'nt. withoutilitet ventlon of the electoral college. Anderson-Appropriates for tne use of a temporary school fund 90 ii ct,nt.r? a. Icvy for teachers wages, h i .' Dfoe Repeals that part of i1'quK.r law llow"8 rape wine to be sold without a license. tionEnirYa JS-Sy ho'.pXirpondenc of '"m" "f H. H. , Committee on State Instltu r?.1,r.vdependent and neglected School rce,v care 'rl8' Industrial tlinJif Comm'tt State Institu MniMaJes new law relative to the ap UhOonsr'Haldm"""0n 0t Pat,ent ' tl,I,nii:-h,1COmmltte on 8tats Institu nitrTi"2?ln.5 "V"110, o Hastings hos H SS0 H"P'tl 'or the Insane. NehfTw EBrl" nai" of b"nd nstitute to Nebraska School for the Blind. VJf Committee on State Instltu larB.ai ma,e female chil dren tinder 21 to be minors. . CommitUe on State Instltu- ;,i?sPr?v'deB for employment of con victs at the atntA nihUiinil.. .. i direction of the Board of 3onroi " , ' vw. i-ommittee on State Institu tionsChange law iniunliiir -ml l of Inmates to the. feeble-minded Institute. ."it" . lt. -miee on istate lnstltu- iiS- T9h.anie" law wernlng the admis sion of inmatea to th rMhiI i pltal. lil'-iu504, c,m,nlttee on State Instltu. lions Chan it ea law mvtrnin. k. -,i M'i'fi wymen.to the InauBtrial homo at plbyment in this state of an rmed body tlons"61 private, persons w corpora 1. R. 508. CammlltM ai.i.' tions Changes laws governing admission of Inmates to Nebraska- Homo for De pendent Children. H. R. 609, committee on Suite Institu tions Allows the admission of delinquent and dependent boys to Industrial school at Kearney. H. R. 510, Committee oa'futo Institu tionsAuthorizes boards - of control to grant good time to trusty convicts era ployed outside the walls. H. R. ell, Rudisill Denominates rail road depot facilities as nubile market and provide for their regulation. H. R. 612, Rleschlck Prohibits removal or disinterment of dead bodies save from aoanaonen cemeteries. In such cases public officials may provide for the re moval of same to newly established ceme teries. H. R. 513. Rlesch Irk Relates to road overseer law and requires reports by such official in book form. , H. R. 514, Lanlgan Requires counties to pay the cost of transporting piisnncra to state penitentiary and returning fugi tives from justice. H. R. 51. Dalbey Appropriates $3,001 for the purchase of lots adjoining the governor's mansion. II. R. 516. Neff Prohibits school boards from Increasing levies fixed by voters. H. R. 517. Liggett Provides for election of county superintendents by , school ooaras ot tne county. H. R. 51S, Parkinson Provides county aid for agricultural societies. II. It 519, Horenson Makes more drastic provisions . relative to . acknowledgements to real estate titles. H. It bJO. Hunter Changes law gov erning the return of summons. H. R. 521. Hunter Changes law rela tive to. the time in which party must ap pear before a Justice of the peace. . H. R. 522. Fulls Makes uttering of any false or malicious libel a crime punish able as written libel. " H. R. 523. Naylor Provides that pre cinct assessors shall not receive pay until they nave ruea tne required statistics before the State Board of Agriculture. H. R. 624, Hunter Exempts Huanish war veterans from taxation and provides for relief fund applying to them. H. R. 623. Hunter Provides penalties for destruction or injury to railroad prop erty. H.. R. 52S, Hunter Provides for the punifhment of persons who shall destroy telephone or telegraph property. H. -R. 527, Hunter Antl-buckct shop bill. H. R. 528, Hunter Enjoins persons or firms from aiding or abetting the oper ating ot bucket shops. H. R, 629, Osterman Authorizes mu nicipalities or counties to grant franchises for construction of all kinds of public utilities service. H. R. 530, Hunter Giving railway train conductors police authority to suppress disorderly conduct. v fl. It 531, Hunter Gives railway yard masters police authority. ' 1 H. R. 6&. Hunter Allows sheriffs 40 cents per day for prisoners feeding where there are more than 100 prisoners con fined in the county jail. H. R. 633, Hunter Companion bill re lating to the feeding of prisoners. H. R. M4. Miner Increases passenger rates to $4 cents per mile in the state of Nebraska. H. it 536, Miner Relates to trespass on railway rigru-of-wey. II. R 36. Miner Making the duty of a land owner to keep all gales and openings closed when not in use. 11. H. 637. Miner Prohibits shippers from attempting false billing or false classification of freight H. R. &3. Miner Provides for pension for surviving widow ot any deceasel pub llo officer. H. R. 639. Richmond Changes appoint ment of secretary of banking Doara to the board Instead of the governor. ' H. R. 540, Lancaster County Delegation A i ,.M. m t . n nn.inluirv nnl.B vnirnt h.1 Brought In the county court wnere tne principal maker resides or may ba found. H. K. Mi. isegiey i-roviaa tor aaver- Using ( caucuses for selection of dele sates to county conventions. H. R.' 642, Negley Changes law relating to filing of petitions for divorce. If. it 641, Negley Makes all territory outside of Omaha one county commta- Monersblp dtaukt and require election ot other four commissioners in districts of Omaha. H it. Ml ' Lunifre. a Requires street railway company to pay post of paving elghteen-lnch space outside of rails In addition to space between rails. H. It 64f Druesedow Compels contest ants for state office to file bond with the secretary of state. H. It 54. Lanlgan Appropriates $126,0n0 for erection of state library and supreme court building. H. It 647 Provides for the election of county attorney in all counties in the state. H. It fv4R, lAncaster Delegation, Except Foster Prevents the selling or giving away of street csr transfers. H. It 6. cans and Vnamuers Changes compensation of members of . county boards In counties between 10,000 and 15. 00J inhabitants. H. R. 500, Barker Defines a legal news paper. H. R. ST.1. Fults-Affldavlts not relating to depositions may be sworn to before any notaiy public, even thocgli he be an at torney Interested Jn the case. II. K. 6n2, Kults Does away with sal aries Of clerks of the district court. H. R. 553, Renter Appropriates the Sum of tl.kQ.tM for drainage assessment of school land In Otoe rounty. H. It 6ii4. Trumbull l-evles a gross Premium tax on all Insurance companies doing business In the state. H. R. 655, Druesedow and Larsen Eight hour laboring day for employes on all public works. 11. R. 53, Larsen County commission ers' Jail feeding bill for Douglas county. H. it 567, Larsen Forbidding barber work on Sunday. H. R. 6W, Cronln Gross earnings tax for exprcua i kmii Hiiii-a. H. R. 6S, Larsen Makes county clerk of Douglas county cx-offlcio count comptroller. II. It 5H0, Sterns Amends law relatlvo to the stealing of water from irrigation ditches. H. R. 5fil, Fries Proposed constitutional amendment aliow ng state to develop its water power resources. H. R. 52. Fries Regulates charges for hay and grain at stock yards operating In the state. H. R 5KS, Fries Allow sale of liquor for medicinal purposes only upon pre scription of duly licensed physician. H. R. 564, Chambers Provides for Joint construction and Joint use of Jails by Douglas county and city of Omuha. H. It 565, Howard Regulatea collection agents and agencies and provides for their licensing. 11. It 566, Trumbull Provides for re moval of appointees or employes of Omaha Water district bv a majority vote, of the full board and for undue activity In partisan politics, ana provides further that members of the board and" Its' gen eral manager are disqualified from elec tion or appointment to any public oil ice during the period for which they are. serving the water district. H. R. 667, Matteson and Foster Consol idates salllon registration board and live stock sanitary board. H. R. 668, Blaugcr Requires full crew for light engines. II. It. 669, Fester and Richmond Al lows the state lauor commissioner to ap point not exceeding four factory in spectors at a salary of 11.50 per day and expenses. It. R. 569, Howard Forbids the sale of liquor on the grounds of the Union Stock Yards of Omaha. H. R. 570, Broome and Foster Regula tions concerning the storage of gasoline and subjects Farmers' Mutual to the fire commissioner's tax. . H. R. 671. Meredith and Liggett Eugenics law. providing an examination before a physician before issuance of a license to wed. H. R. 672. Hoatettler and Harris Pro vides an appropriation of $2,800 to buy land for tuberculosis hospital. Emergency clause. H. R. 573. RJescheck Permits owners nt adjacent lands to prepare for protection of their lands. Emergency clause. H. R. 674, Rlescheck Appropriation of $713 for the relief of C, F. Buchhols. Emergency clause. it. H. 675. livnek Ten-cent bnuntv from the state for the killing of each crow. it. it b.6, KudlHlll APDfoDrtatea 1LO0O to the university regents for experiments In killing pocket gophen H. R. 677, Ulauser Puts the control of rates of municipal public utilities under the control of the tStato Railway com mission. H. it 678. Brant Reeulatea automobile license tees accurdmu. tu horwnnwer from $! to $5. Emergency clause. it 6,. Hornby Fixes maximum commission for the sale of live stock at stock yards, 48 cents for cattle per ntTBu,- cents ior cejves. 11. It 6.S0. llornbv Sale of live stock In lots of tan or less, must be accom panied by a bill of sale. It R. 681. Trumbull Llauor licenses M)ust be printed in English' newspapers to l designated by the licensing board, andmakes an exception In the case of ootiin umnna. .Emergency clause. H. R. 682. Woodhurat Antl-dlHcrlmlna- tion Insurance bills, similar to the Howell Dill in the senate. R. R. 583. Nichols Provides countv licenses for auctioneers and fur bundina each in the sum of $1,000. H. R. 684. Wood hurst Requires motor vehicles to come to a full ston before crossing a railway track. it. it i.,iggett Compulsory attend ance at nubile schools of all children of legal school age, .n place of , those under u years or age. it. it t. Miner State Railway com mission may determine the terms on which any railway company 'or electric line may cross another such line. It R. 687, DrueaedowA-In oontemut nro- ccedlngs the Information must be signed by the county attorney. H. K. 688, Druesedow Prohibits direc tors of mutual insurance companies from noiaing other offices in the company at the salary of more then $500, and pro vides for the election of directors by ballot. H. R. 689, Relfenrath Banks shall not be liable for payment of forged checks unless notified within one year. it. it ts. Keirenritn Banks may par money to a minor depositor unless notice to the contrary by parents or guardian. H. R. 601, Trumbull Puts farmers' mutual stock Insurance companies under the tax of the fire commissioner's depart ment and makes the act retroactive to 1911. II. R. lot. Fries Petition of ten reel- dents shall make compulsory the repair of certain roads or bridges. it. It .Reynolds of Lincoln-Water power companies must give bond for the construction of she plant within the legal time and pay an annual tax of one-fourth' of 1 per -cent of" gross earnings. H. R. 694. Negley Requires a conduc tor on every light engine, no matter wnnre it may r in operation. H. R. 5flf, Parrlott-Judlclsl reform bill. 1L R. bit,. Negley Repeals the present law relating to gas franchises In the city of Omaha. , H. R. 697,- Negley-A- Jury . verdict la sufficient to establish the right of an illegitimate child as an heir. 1 H. ' R. 5DS, Patterson Provides for the appointment of a public utilities eomnilsi slon; salary $10 per day for 60 days. , H. R. iU3, Foster and Retsner A re vision of the regulations of the live stock sanitary board. , H.-It &. llelsner Public utilities must have a certificate of publlo neceueity from ire state railway commission before th?y Can make extensions. H. R. 6tl, Reianer Repeals prohibition of common labor on Sunday and puts a penalty upon all-kinds of i-iinday labor. Including the keeping open of stores; tor tus baae hall on Memorial Sunday, H. R. mi. Judiciary Committee Su premo court shall appoint a commission to Investigate "crooked'' lawyers. H. R. 603. Harris KlecWs at an annual school meeting may deelrto whether the building can be used for other than school purposes; decision binding on the board. II. R. 604, Reisner Provides for an op tional recreation system lor municipali ties. JI. R. 60S. Neff Appropriates $6,000 for exploring for gold and coal at bloom field. Neb. R. R. tiOi Matteson The secretary of the state banking board shall be ap pointed for four years and shall be re moved by the governor only alter a heat ing. 11. R. 807. by the Judiciary Committee. Parriott, Chairman hupreme court may reverse and order a retrial only on the Issues affected by error. H. R. m. by the Judiciary Committee. Parriott. Chairman Relieves attorneys from putting constant objections into the record H. R. 60. Parriott Permits the issu ance of bench warrants by a district judge where offenses are believed to have been or are about to be committed. II. R. 610. Parriott. Chairman ot Judi ciary Committee Makes mandatory upon the court t investigate bribery and per jury or evi.lence of such, the county at torney to file complaint IL It iil, Parriott. Chairman, ef Judi the Last Day ciary Committee The party pleading fslse allegations . shall le taert rea sonable expenses by the court In con sequence thereof. H. R. '612. Parriott. Chairman of the Judiciary Committee Attorneys need not repeat objections to a line of questioning offer once being overruled. H. It U. Parriott. Chairman of the Judiciary Committee One bond shall be mfficiont for any extemporary county Judge or series of ludges. H. R. 14. Druesedow Itinerant peddler law -hall apply to those selling hy sample lor immediate or future delivery. If. R. 16. Richmond Provides for state lax commission to take place of state board of equalisation. Three members and $2,500 per rar to serve six years and a clerk at $1.?00 per vear. II. H. 6ti Foster Appropriate $15,000 for a poultry department at tne state Term. H. R. W7, Richmond Provides for a boiler Inspector at Omaha who must' be a practical Inspector of ten years' experi ence. , . H. It '618. Lundgren Tlttn Insurance companies need not deposit securities with the Insuranre board. H. R. fil. Palmer Increases salary, of deputy county treasurer In counties hav ing 14O.0H0 Inhabitants to $2,500 instead of $1. per year, t II. R. J0. Mockett Repeals the Miller set of 1wh. which prohibited lilgh school fraternities. H. R. l. Jackson ami Mockett Fixes offices and employes of legislature and limits their-salaries. H. R. 622. Mattnsnn, Regan. Korff and Van Deusen Authorises the Incorporation of co-operation rural credit bunks and puts them under the regulation of the tat banking board. H. R. 623. Mockett Forbids consolida tion of corpora t lone which are found br railway commission to he competitor's and provides that capital - Stock of any consolidated corporation shall not exceed the sura of capital storks ot consolidating roJIes. . . , vast Bills. 'S. F. ail, Lahners of Thayer Authorizes Incorporated villages, etc., to levy a tax of not more than 1 mill for music and amusement fund. Emergency. 8. F. 212, Buhrman of Howard Allows executor of deceased saloon keeper to sell Intoxicants under the license for bal ance of term. - S. F. 213. Huhrman-Prohlblts wholesale dealers In liquor from allowing llnuor to be retailed and drank on the premises. S F. 214, Mattes of Otoe Repeals the law relating to annual report of corpora tions and fees. ' . s. F, 215, , Mattes Requires post six Inches in diameter painted white to be plaeed at end of each i road culvert and amends section a7. f. F. 216, Splrk of Saline Provides for ascertaining the amount of freight due at destination In carload lots,-and penalty for collection of more than- amount due. y. ' F. 217. Dodge of 'Douglas-Requires publication of liquor licenses in paper having general circulation In the county, or If one or more dally papers of general circulation may-be published In either. S. F. 218. Brookley of Clay Provides that telephone calls originating and ter minating in the same county charge can not be more than 10 cents-for each call of three minutes, and gives railway com mission power to determine reasonable ness or unreasonableness of such rates. 8. F. 219, Bygland of Boone Provides for summoning of grand and petit Juries by mailing copy-of summons by regis tered mall. Emergency. S. F. 220, Grace of Harlan Provides that listing of streets and alley partially vacated for the benefit of railroads shall be made by railway company, amending section R376. . F. 221. Grace Makes it trtilawful for any railroad to run a train between a depot and another train from which pas sengers are alighting or boarding wjthoia a flagman. .... 8. P. 222. Grace Allows damages In per sonal Injury cases for the loss of society, mental pain, suffering and agony. S. F. 33, Kohl and Splrk Joint reso lution petitioning congress to equalize the Union Pacific right-of-way through Ne braska. 8. F.- K4. Mattes-Provides that pre cinct assessors shall list value and assess separately every ' building or Imprdve ment on real estate, i 8. F. 225. Saunders of Douglas Provides for resurfacing of paved streets .In Omaha, s. r. 326. Wilson of Dodge Increases the state fees for notarial commissions from $1 to $5. ' 6. F. 227, Wilson Provides funds for public srnuseniQnts in parks In cities be tween 5,000 and 26,000. B. F. 228, WMion Defines the ' term "week" in reference to the publication of legal notices. . ' S. F. 229, Saunders Provides that im pairment .of the capital stock of domestle stock Insurance companies may be made good by reduction of outstanding capital stock by majority, vote of the .stockhold ers S. F. 230, Mallery or Box . Butte Pro vides penalty for false billing or - false weighing of. railroad and. express ship ments. B. F. 231,: Mallery Provides that twenty-five taxpayers may have 'an election called for establishment of a county li brary. ' . ' 8. F. 232. Dodge Establishes ' a state Replacing Coffee? People are waking up to the harmful effects of the powerful dniff caffeine in coffee,' .which poisons the system, often resulting in nervousness, heart flutter, headache, biliousness and many other ills and discomforts. The pure food- drink, Postum, is absolutely drug-free made only of the choic est wheat and a bit of wholesome molasses. It contains no caffeine or other harm ful elements. If you tloubt that coffee hurts you, a sure test is to leave- it off for 10 days and use Postum. It's an easy change, too, for Postum tastes much like the mild, high grade .Tavas. As the coffee-drug is eliminated from your system, your own feel ings will suggost Postum and better health. . Postum comes in two forms: Regular Postum must be boiled, 15c and 25c packages; Instant Postum soluble form, made in the cup with hot water Inatantly, 30c and 50e tins. . - Both kinds 'are equally delicious, and the cost per cup is about the same. free employment bureau and regulate private employment agenclea. 8. F. IV, Mnllery Makes trespassing on railroad right-of-way a misdemeanor. 8. F. Z.i. Henry of Colfax Provide for trial of cases In order, of tnelr priority. 8. F. . Henry Abolishes demurrers to Pleadings In civil actions. 8. F. IX Henry neqnires district iudges to hold rule sessions fifteen days efore the first day of each court term, when all motions and objections shall tie heard, 8. F. 237. Henry and Wilson of Dodge Mnkes It a misdemeanor for any teacher to be a member of any organisation which seeks to impose any extra statutory reg ulations upon the qualifications or eli gibility of any teacher. 8. F. 238, Henry Limits time In which objections to pleadlnas can he made. a F. 239, Mallery For a constitutional amendment ti provide a scale of Indem nities for personal Injuries under direc tion ot the stale commission In lieu of court actions 8. F. 24, Howell of Douglas Extends Omaha police pension to widows of any deceased officer. F. 241, Howell Provides for the con solidation of school districts In imiaha and adjacent cities If latter are consoli dated. M V Hi linden nf Cedar Forbids state railway commission allowing a rate, higher man tne maximum iixea oy me legisla ture. 8. F. 343, Wink Provides for the dis tribution of surplus Irrigation waters. 8. F. 244, Wink IVrmlts telephone, tel egraph or electric companies to secure right-of-way by eminent i domain for poles -k. 8. F. !4.-i. Wink Regulates use of seep age water. 8. F. 246, Mallery Compels land own era to keen sates adiolntruz railroad right- of-way closed. 8. F. 247. Kclchel or rsemana ciinu llshes small debtors' court In cities. 8. F. 24. Pillar of Butler Provides that nominees of more than one political party must file statement of atfiilutlon to but one party. 8. F. 24. Weesner of Webster Regu lates sheriff's fees. , . S. F. ', Wilson of Frontier Regulates withdrawals of fraternal societies from national organizations. g. p. 2.M, yulnhy of Douglas Repeals sections of Omaha charter relating to gas companies and franchises. 8. F, 252, (juliibv Amendment to con stitution .giving cltlea and towns homo rule In matters of taxation. 8 F. 253, Qulnbv Limits all public service franchises to twenty-five years. 8. F. 2.'4, Bedford of Douglas Permits Omaha city council to order pavement of any main thoroughfare leading out of the city. , , 8. F. 255. Bedford-Makes It unlawful txr h. hmiril of control ot university re gents to employ as architect or superin tendent ot construction any iniuu ..v resident of Nebraska. Emergency. 8 F. 256, Bedford Provides for revok Ing of contracts for the sale of real es- tagfV. 257, Weesner Provides for election of county commissioners by districts. F 8 258, Pillar Establishes a state sys teni of sickness and death benefits tinder direction of state Insurance commissioner. 8 F. 369, Brookley of Clayrtegmaiee Issue of school warrants In cities ot the second class. Emergency. 1 8 F. 2. Krumbach of Folk-Provides for the officers and employes of the leg islature and limits number to sixty for " 8h F.0USHl". Beal of Custer-Atithorlies special levy for hydrant fund In cities of the second class. ... B F 262, Shumway of Dixon Author ized cities of the first class to issue au ditorium bonds. 8 F. 263. Saunders of Douglas and Bushee of Klmball-Jolnt resolution peti tioning congress to psss legislation for the prevention of floods In the Mlssls- "'sP,l.ft24? ' Wilson of Frontier provides for service by publication on foreign in surance companies that have no agencies in this state. S. F. 265. Sandall of York at Request of Revenue and Taxation CommissionCre ates a state tax commission aim uuimii the State Brmrd of. Equalization. 8. F. 306, Wilson of Frontier Requires a certificate of publlo necessity and con venience from the State Railway com mission to construct, operate or extend any public utility. . , 8. F. 267, Mattes of Otoe Enlarges powers of attorney general. . 8. F. 268, Mallery of Box Butte Estab lishes clusslfied civil senlce for state employes. 8. F. 29. Henry of Colfax Provides that county assessors shall assess alt property. 8. F. 270. Henry of Colfax Taxes In vestment stock In building and loan as sociations. ' . S F. 271. Henry of Colfax Provides for the lessening of delay In litigation. H. F. 272. Gates of Sarpy Prohibits all aliens from acquiring title to land- In Ne braska. 8. F. 273. Henry of Colfax Repeals the Smith mortgage tax law. 8. F. 274. Mallery of Box Butte Pro vides for the commission form of gov ernment In counties. 8. F. 27B, Gates of Sarpy Regulates votmg of proxies by stockholders of do mestic, companies. S. F. ys, Henry of Colfax Provides foe deposit and property In storage. B. F. Z77, Mallery or nox iiuni mnnr. Ices courts of equity to enioin inallciour publication of libelous matter. 8. F. 278. Mallery of Box Butte Relate- fT arV rT" iTLFf s&x&Wi&W jl2r sr V "There's a Reason" for POSTUM Sold by Grocers everywhere. to powers of cities of the second class In n-gsrd to paving ard sldnwnlks. 8. K. 279, Henry of Colfax-Provtdeg for the nonpartisan election ot county as sessors, 8. F. 'FA Qulnby of Douglss-Joint reso lution proposing a constitutional conven tion. S. F. 2S1, Msttea of Otoe Provides tbst suits on written contracts must be brought In counties where the principal signer resides. 8. F. 2, Spencer of Gage Provides that delegates to a national convention shall IndUate their preference for presi dent and pledge themselves to vote for such choice In the national convention. 8. F. 2K3, Doilgn of IHiuglas Prisoners sentenced to prison for life after ten years shnll be subject to parole. 8. F. r4, Msttes of Otoe There shall be no Joint liability save as partners of people running saloons s. K. :.Hj, I odge Joint resolution for the short ballot reform. 8. F. 2.-, Renl-Creation of state agri cultural activities hoard. 8. F. SS7. Pillar Double fares for street railway companies for transportation of persons between nny two towns. 8. F. 288. Klerhrl Pnlawful for Hie Ini Mirance companies or their agent to dis pose of promissory notes received In payment for policies. 8. F.-SS9. Kleehel Authorizes 'drainage districts to refund excess funds on hant pro rata among members. 8. F. 290, Wilson of Dodge (by request) Requires com rentes and corporations to pav employes twice a month. 8. F. l. Wilson Salaries of city offi cials of cities of 5.000 to ai.flno population increase salarv of mayor from $' to $ ot year and eouncllmen from $2ii to $.00. S. F. 212, Wink Makes the use of water for power purposes secondary to use for Irrigation purposes. 8 F. S3, Wink-Narrowing channels of the Platte and North Platte rivers. 8. F. 294, Weesner thy request Mini mum wage bill. 8. F. &, Wilson of Frontier Gives sec retaries of the State Board of Healtn general supervision and control over san itation of the state. 8. F. 296. Wink Prohibits sale of any petlroleum products auch as gasoline that liaa a spectflo grsvlty of less than 64 de gress. Throst ana Las TroaMes. Quickly helped by Dr. King's New Dis covery. In uso over forty years. Every home should keep a bottle for emergen cies. All druggists. Advertisement. ii , Washington Affairs A bill to incorporate the Boy Scouts of America under a federal charter was favorahly reported by the house judiciary committee. Efforts to reopen the North Pole con troversy In congress were squelched In the house education committee, which voted to proceed no further with resolu tions for that purpose. The third annual convention of the Chamber of Commerce of the United States will open today, with about 600 representative businessmen attending. The program includes addresses by Presi dent Wilson and Secretary Bryan. President Wilson advised the senate that the secretary of state held that It would not be compatible with the publlo Interest to make public correspondence between the United States and British governments regarding the letter's action In declaring turpentine and rosin contra band of war. Representatives of farmers organisa tions met and organized the "Rural Credit League of America." A resolution was sdopted requesting the appointment by congress of a Joint subcommittee to hold hearings on such personal rural credit bills as may be presented by persona hav ing sufficient authoritative backing. Various bills to strengthen the pure food laws, the McKellar bill, to regulate cold storage and the administration to supply lapses in the commodities clause of the interstate commerce law, developed in court decisions, were put over to the next session In the house because of the Eressure of other legislation to be handled efore March 4, Secretary Daniels sent to the house a report of a special board of naval of ficers expressing the opinion that the navy's preparedness for war would be Jeopardized by the Hohson amendment to the pending naval appropriation bill, for bidding the purchase ot twelve or four-tcen-lnch armor piercing shells, unless It la demonstrated that they ran pierce ten- Inch armor at 13,ooo yards. - Foreign trade from January S to Jan uary 30. through thirteen principal cus toms ports, wntcn handle approximately 86 per cent of the nation's export business, netted a balance In favor of the United Statea ot $111,133,888, exceeding all records for any one month. The total exports for the four weeks, January S to January 80, was $238,67.0M. The Imports were $107,440,208. Representatives of labor organizations and railroads appeared before the senate Interstate commerce committee, the for mer to advocate and the latter to oppose pending amendments to the hours of serv ice and boiler Inspection laws. The amendments would fix a minimum pen alty of $iu for violation of the law for bidding the working of railroad employes longer thsn sixteen consecutive hours, snd extend federal Inspection of boilers to the. entire locomotive. This Man hasn't heard the news yet. But he'll be pricking up his ears, as all wise men do, at the suggestion that the KINO-PECK CO. has some mighty im portant news for him. Watch his expression Thurs day evening when the news will begin to develop. c Ask Any Kentuckian This famous leader in whis key quality is Sold Every where because Demanded Ev erywhere. Bond & UlUrd Distributing Company OUUIIotti Lawrwaeebsrg, Kr. (Musi 4lMlIiWsnsuKsaMCkr.lU 1HIHHIMIIiI1HH Typewriters rur hum l i any make you wmat X 1 and Up Per Month Central Typewriter Exchange Inc. 807-309 South 17th. Phone Dons 4121. IIB M 111111111 .iipi..i..i. '""" ' ' 'itih.nliili V COMMERCIAL ENGRAVERS PHOTOGRAPHERS ELECTROTYPERS AlL-UNDER-ONE-fiOOP OMAHA -DEE ENGRAVING 'DEPT. OMAHA-NEDR- -J I 2 ! ,'- I three fit gener- I 1 ationa I I 1 critical men l l f I have made III their toasts J with the fa- x I mou&l f B0ND&1 LILLARD Bottled In Bond jew Kentucky Hand Made Sour 6 Mash WbJakey. I , N M ( m T.IU" '"tWluusMa" I li will J IsasaBlJBW i