Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 03, 1915, Page 3, Image 3

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Superintendent Thomai Rules Ad
vanced Subjects May Be Taught
in the Country Districts.
(FVom a Staff Corrfsrxmfl-nt.)
IJNCOLiN, Fb. 1 (Special.) Dr. A.
O. Thomas, state superintendent of ed
uratlon. has rendered a decision that ad
vanced subjects may be taught In rural
schools If the same be not alio 3 to In
terfere with the regular work of the
pupils 1n the elementary grades.
The declalon Is set forth In a letter to
W. H. Campbell of CI arks, ot the com
mittee on education of the Nebraska
farmers' congress, who wrote requesting
a ruling.
The ruling; covers the case of mature
pupils -who wish to attend the district
schools during the winter months when
farm work Is light. Dr. Thomas cites
High School Inspector Reed of the Uni
versity of Nebraska to the effect that,
the university will give full credit for
each advance work dons In the district
schools should the student later go to a
regular high school.
Money Ifleant f or a
" State Show, at Fair .
For Belgian Relief
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Neb., Feb. J;-(3peclal.)-By
far the greater share of those who pur
chased medals and otherwise contributed
- to the fund for a Nebraska exhibit at
the Panama-Pacific exposition, a proposi
tion that failed, are willing that their
contrbutlons be turned over to the Bel
gian relief committees.
The temporary Panama-Pacific commis
sion for Nebraska, appointed by the gov
ernor, which made an attemptto raise
the fund, recently wrote to all the con
tributors Informing them that the at--tempt
had been abandoned and that they
might have their choice of having their
money back or of giving it to. the, Bel
gians. . In the latter the committee
would turn the money mostly In small
sums, directly over to the relief commit
tees. '
Secretary Mellor has received 176 of the
return postals, directing him to give the
senders' money to the Belgians, as against
sixty-eight requesting the return of the
contribution. There are a number yet
to- be heard from. The balance of the
money raised from the . sale of medals
remaining after expenses were deducted
amounted to $1,382.75 The expenditures
of the commission were audited by the
state auditor.
The sum Of $271 60. raised by women's
cluba and school ' children,-was kept In a
separate fund and returned penny for
penny by Secretary Mellor.
New Normal Board
Measure is Favored
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Feb. 2. (Special Telegram.)
The committee on , education of the
house tonight reported out for" passage
the normal school bill which Is Intended
to do away with the present .Normal
board, remove the opposition to State Su
perintendent Thomas, remove T. J.
Majors from the board, remove A. L.
Qavlneas as secretary and in other ways
irks tne state normals out of politics.
The bill makes the state superintendent
president of thetNormal board and the
state treasurer secretary. It provides
that the governor shall appoint three
members, one each from the First ana
Second, the Third and Fourth and the
Fifth and Sixth congressional districts.
It also provides that no member may
come from any district where there is a
Normal school and thus the now board
will have some new faces on it as TrJ.
Majors lives at Peru, the location of one
of the Normal schools,
LINCOLN, Neb., Feb. f2.-(Special.)-Thlrty-elght
farmers' Institutes have been
scheduled by the agricultural extension
vservlce ,of . the University farm for the
month of February. i
The places and dates bf the meetings
follow: Adams, 24 and 26; Allen, 10 and
11; Atlanta, H and 16; Arapahoe, 15 and
18; Beatrice, I and 4; Belvldere, 11; Brook,
2 snd. (; Brunlng. snd 10; Cadams, 5;
ClfEster, ; Concord, t; Davenport, 8 and
; Dunbar. S and 4; Edgar, 8; Elgin, 22
and 23; Firth, 25 and 2S; Franklin, 17 and
18; Guide Rock. 18 and 19; Hartlngton.
and 10; Heartwell. 1 and SO; Hubbell, 20;
Johnson, 1 and 2; Lew Is ton. 12; Loomls. 17
and 18; Mlnden, 16 and 17; Napone,' 1C
and 17; Nelson, 6; Osmond, It and 12;
Palmyra, t and ; Peru. 1 and 2; Platte
Center. 23 and 24; Sterling, 23 and 24; St.
Edward, 24 and 25; Syracuse 4 and 6;
Wtc, 2$ and 27; Wymore, 4 and 5; Wy
not, t and I; Zion Hill church near Cul
bertson, IS and 19.
Agricultural .'short courses are sched
uled at Ansley for the first week: Laurel
the third week, and Swanton the fourth
week of February.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Feb. 1-tSpeclal Telegram.)
A deelgatlon of Omaha citizens, among
them Rabbi Cohn, president of ths Omaha
Welfare commission; Dr. Theodore Han
son, member of the National Welfore
commission, and Dr. Cyrus F. Stlmson
of the National Recreation association a p.
peared before the cities and towns com
mittee of the house this evening to urge
ths passage of II. R. 137, the Omaha Wel
fare commission bill. They also took up
JL R. 10, the Burgees paving bill, giving
properly owners ths right Ja designate
ths kind of paving material.
HARTINGTON. Neb.. Feb.! 2.-(Specla1
Telegram.) The commissioners of Cedar
county have Just Issued a statement con.
ceraing the financial conditions of the
county. The county Is over $100,000 In
debi; od the commissioners say they
will Issue no more warrants for any pur
pose or grant no more roads until ths
county ta.out of debt. Eveu when the
1114 tax Is paid It 1 estimated that the
county will uu u aver $40,000 In debt.
K j t )
1 1 i
in i if
Coffey Appointed
Labor Commissioner
By Gov. Morehead
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, -Feb. 2. (Mpectal.)-F., M
Coffey of Lincoln has been appointed
labor commissioner by Governor More
head. in ranging tne appointment me
governor chose a man strongly recom
mended by union labor.
Mr: Coffey Is at present secretary of
the State Federation, of Labor and has
been prominently Identified with union af
fairs, generally In an official capacity,
for ycara past. He Is a printer and an
employe of the State Journal Publishing
The new appointee succeeds Charles W.
Pool, former labor commissioner, who be
came secretary of state the first of the
year. During the last month the duties
of the office have been performed by
Hotel Commissioner Ackerman, whom the
governor made acting labor commlHsioner
for the time belt-.
Mr. Coffey was a member of the Work
men's Compensation and Employers' Lia
bility commission created by the 1911 legis
lature and appointed by Governor Aldricli.
Mr. Coffey says that at present he Is
registered neither as a republican or a
democrat. - .'
Barber Kills Self
After Shooting Bank
Cashier Three Times
DEWEBSE. Neb., Feb. 2.-(Sneclal.)
William Hediick, a barber, entered the
bank here Monday ' noon while Cashier
W. E. Underkofler was at lunch and
Assistant Cashier Joseph Pcshck was
j alone, went behind the railing and ordered
j Pcshck to open tho sat. Peshek tried to
gain time by playing with tne comnma
tion. 'Hcdrlck, seeing the ruse, shot him
twice In, the shoulder and when he turned
allot him in the forehead.
. Attracted, by the shots, citlscns rushed
In. Hedrick. thinking he had killed hla
T. ... . ...a. l ' 1 1 th.hmWw vr
Yicum,. .olTuuiea; o. no- ,.v j
lean. We have a dead man here. Then
he turned tji gun on, himself 'and com
mitted suicide. Peshek Is still living.
Bobbery la supposed to have been lled
rlck s motive. Another story Is that the
two men
had quarreled over a girl and
the shooting was the outcome o. this
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Feb. 2.-r(Speclal.)-Tho Mid
west Jlotel Reporter protests aalnst any
merger of the state hotel commission
w ith any other of the admlnlalratue
office of the state, part of Governor
Morchead's policy of economy and busi
ness reform In the administration of t'.te
state's business
Claiming to represent the hotel men
of. the: state,-It proclaims ths present
hotel law to be a model one and ex
presses thhe hope that "well enough b
let alone." A merger fflth the food com
missioner's department is assailed on the
grounds that the latter office already
has too much work.
Notes from Beatrice.
BEATRICE, Neb., Feb. 2. (Special.)
At .the Vegular meeting of the Board of
Education Monday evening the members
voted to adopt health Inspection In the
Beatrice publlo schools. A number of
the city physicians hays agreed to do
nate their services for the first year.
Tho contestants in the proceedings to
probate the will of Albert Bednar. de
ceased, have asked County Judge Walden
to appoint G. P. Wevensonof . Wymore
as special administrator until the district
court has passed upon their appeal.
Charles Harlow Sapp and Mary T. Hall,
both of Wymore, were married Monday
afternoon by Judge Walden.
Ml. Sarah Bell, a resident of Beatrice
since, 1880, died. suddenly Sunday evening
o apoplexy, aged 7T years. She Is sur
vived by her husband and eight children.
Two (Seward Pioneers Are Dead.
SEWARD. Neb.. Felx 2. -(Special. )
Frank Green, a former contractor, died
here yesterday a,t his -home. He leaves
his widow and onV daughter, Mrs. Mabel
McGrcn. The funeral will be. held to
morrow afternoon at 2 p. m. from his
late home. He died from cancer of the
John Henry Ficken, ;one of the oldest
residents of the country, died, at his
home .northwest of Pltssantdale last
Saturday from paralysis, aged 79 years.
He .was born at Hanover, Germany, and
came to America when a young man,
living In Seward county forty years. He
kraves ten children, thirty-six grand
children and many other relatives.
7 hero la Only Ona
To 09t Tho GENUINE, Omll For The Full Nainm
Laizatixc Bromo Qmnmo
Uod Tbo World Over to
Whenever you feel a cold coming on
think of ths full nam LAXATIVE
BROMO QUININK. . Look tor this
if natura a tho boat. . Prica 2) cent.
Scotts Bluff Wants .
Editors' Convention
for the Year 1916
SCOTT S PLt'FF. Neb.. Feb. 2.-(Spe-clal.)
When the Nebraska Press asso
ciation meets In Omaha next April Scott's
Bluff will be representt j by a committee
beating a neatly embossed Invitation,
asking the association to hold Its 19t
convention In this . city. The objection
that Scott s Bluff Is too far away will
be met by an offer that will startle the
newspaper people. Ac roughly outlined
now, the plwn la to have the members of
f he association met at the most con
venient point by a special try In, and
then make them the guests of Scott'a
Bluff frftm the time they board the spe
cial until they are returned to the Initial
point. This will overcome the objection
of expense because of long distance pas
senger tariff. While in Scott a I'luTf the
newnpaper people will be taken In auto
mobiles all Over the great Irrigated sec
tions and shown the projects completed
and under way.
"It will be a big thing tor tho irrigated
country onl a big thing for Nebraska,"
said one of the enthusiastic movers of
the project. "We have been trying for
years to convince Nebraskans, who
really ought to know the facts that we
are 'not in the "Band hill' country, and If
we ran get the newspaper men and
women out here and show them that wo
bay so little; sand that We actually have
to ship It In before we can manufacture
cement blocks, perhaps they wll! help us
get the truth fixed In the minds of ths
During the year 1914 Scett'a Bluff
county produced more than $1,000,000
worth of agricultural products, and there
Is now being fed for market in the county
more than 82,000,000 worth of sheep and
Snow is Ten Feet
Deep at Hartington
HARTINGTON, Neb.. Feb. 2.-(8peclal
Telegram. Hartlngton Is snowbound. It
has been snowing furiously for the lsst
forty-eight hours and the snow u,es the
street ten feet deep. Communication with
the outside world Is practical y cut nff
and all traffic In the city Is suspended
and the public schools are closed. The
oldest inhabitant is unable to recall a
heavier snowfall than the present one.
District court wm to have convened In
Hartington today, but had to be post
poned on account of the storm.
Over Three Hundred
Auto Tags in Month
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Neb.,. Feb. 2.-(SpeolaI. De
spite the winter season, 361 automobile
licenses were issued during January by
Secretary of State Pool. The money at
82 v each goes into the various county
treasuries for road work. The total paid
in the state treasury "through the sec re
Vary of state's office during the month
wss 82.910.80. the big Item ot which was
82.099.40 received tor filing articles of In
corporation. Coffee Appointed
Labor. Commissioner
(Frof a Staff Correspondent )
LINCOLN. Neb., Feb. 2. (Special
Telegram.) Governor Morehead this
morning appointed F. N. Coffey of Lln
colnna labor commissioner to fill tho
vacancy caused by the election of Labor
Commissioner Ppol as secretary of state.
Mr. Coffey will take charge of ths office
at once.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Feb. I (Special.) The first
filing for water power rights on the Dis
mal river is in prospect. P. Wilson,
chairman of the Board ot County Com
missioners for Blaine county, has writ
ten to State Engineer Price that he In
tends to file ang asks Information as 'to
tho proper way to proceed.
Falrbarr News Notes.
FAIRBURY, Neb.. Feb. 2.-8peclaL-Eye
and ear examinations ot all train and
englnemen employed on the Nebraska
division of the Rock Island are being
conducted at this point daily by Train
master W. W, Cameron. .
Among the Jefferson county farmers on
th St. Joseph market .last week were A.
Fuma, L. Ktlhoffer, J. llamro. W. F.
Zlenerberg and F. Basil. Farmers ara
shipping out their cattle and hogs owing
to the scarcity of corn.
Oscar II. Buchanan, who has been em
ployed as chief clerk, in the Rock Island
division superintendent's office since June,
l?ll, has resigned and bought an inter
est In the McDonald department store. Hla
successor has not been selected.
Two Feet of 8oow at West Point.
WEST POINT, Neb., Feb. 2 (Special.)
The weather, which on Sunday was
ralnr snow and sleet, developed during
.Sunday night into an old-fashioned heavy
snowstorm with a strong northwest wind.
Over two feet, of snow has fallen and Is
badly drifted. Railway travel Is sus
pended and telephone and telegraph
service is badly demoralised. The temper
ature la comparatively mild. The storm
has been particularly severe on stork.
- Keea Reeralatr Rowel.
Nothing better than Dr. King's New
Life Pills for constipation. Indigestion and
sour stomach. Get a bottle. Only 20c. All
druggista. Advertisement.
Brglilrr a Phone Lobbyist.
LINCOLN, Feb. 2.-(Speolal)-E. Ross
Hitchcock of Sterling has registered as a
lobhjUt representing tho People's Tele
phone rompany in legislation affecting It.
Otwo m Gold In Onm Dmy
House Is for Pass
To Stock Shippers
Back from Market
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN... Feb. 2.-Speelat.)-Fenale
file No. M, tho Qraee bill requiring rail
road compsnlea to furnish transportation
both ways to carets kera of live stock for
shipment of one carload received favor
able consideration In the house today,
being put through committee of the whole
and sent to Its third reading. -
Several amendments offered by Repre
sentative Moaeley, restricting transporta
tion in such cases to the owners of the
stock and denying It -to agents or em
ployes were voted down. One other
amendment providing a penalty of $: to
V0 for turning a stock trip pass over to
another person than the one' for whom It
Is Issued also failed to carry.
Among. the bHs Indefinitely postponed
on standing committee reports was one,
house roll, by Regnn. giving grad
uates of certain medical colleges the
right to practice without "examination by
the ftate Board of Health.
Entries Filed on Near
3,000 Homesteads
...... . ,. j . . .
TFrom a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Feb. e 2.-Speclal.) Final
entries, were .filed, ort nearly 3,000 home
steads In Nebraska last year, according
to the land-offices.
The ' 2.64,1 final entries are distributed
among forty-three counties. The great
bulk are, of course, In the western part
of tie state. ' . . j
The total acreage taken up during the
year was approximately 800.000 acres, or
something over 300 .acres to the average
homestead. - The .Klnkald act allows the
taking. up of a section. The final grants
are certified to the auditor by the various
land offices and by htm certified out to
the country clerks and assessors In order
that the land may be placed on the tax
rolls. (.'-.;.
(From a' StafV Correspondent.)
. LINCOLN! Feb. .(Special.) Attorney
General WltUa E. Reed haa prepared a
hlll which will be Introduced by Rep
resentative Richmond, providing for the
appointment of deputy state treasurers In
the different bounties ot the state to re
ceive and remit -to the treasurer's off lea
fees and other charges due the state.
This measure' Is Intended to make af
fective ;the , recent ruling . of Attorney
General ,Recd that no officer or employe
of the state except the' treasurer la au
thorised to. receive or collect fees or other
moneys due the State.
' Carpenter Baes Railroad.
'NORTH PLATTE. Neb.. Feb. 2.-(Spe-cinl.)
Alleging that he was damaged to
tlio extent of fr.SOO' while working for the
Burlington- - railroad,' W.' K. Taber of
Staple ton la bringing suit against the
railroad company at the session of the
district -court that Is being held here this
week.' Mr, 'Taber alleges that' he was
badly Injured while employed as a bridge
cirpenter by the company. '
.; . ' , t .- . . .-..
r -I
Make$ Stubborn Coughs
VanUk in a Slurry
' Sararialaair Gee 'Coach lyraa
Easily ' ail Cheaply
Had at Hosse
If some one in your family has an ob
stinate cough 1 or a bad throat or chest
cold that baa been hanging on and refuses
to yield to treatment, get from any drug
tore 2ty ounces of l'inex and make it
into a pint of cough syrup, and watch
that cough vanish.
Pour 'the 2tf ounces of Tinex (50
cents worth) into a pint bottle and fill
the bottle with plain granulated sugar
syrup. The total cost la about 64 cents,
and gives you a full pint a family
supply of. a most effective remedy, at a
saving of .$2. A day's use will usually
overcome a Esrd cough. Easily prepared
in 0 minutes full directions with Pines.
Keeps perfectly and baa a pleasant taste.
Children lika iV
It'g really remarkable how promptly
and easily It lotoena the dry, hoarse or
tight oough and heals the inflamed mem
brane in a painful cough. It also stops
the formation of phlegm in the throat
and bronchial tubes, thus ending the per
sistent loose .cough. A splendid remedy
for bronchitis, winter coughs, bronchial
asthmt and whooping cough.
A'Pinex'is a special and highly concen
trated compound of genuine Norway pins
extract, 'rich in gualacol, which la so the membranes.
' Avoid diaappolptment by asking your
druggist for ounces of l'inex," and
do not socept anything else. A guarantee
of absolute satisfaction goes with this
preparation or money promptly refunded.
Tht Tinex Co., Ft, Wayne, Irid.
If You'll tfark Ita location on tha
- Slow nigrum, and Bend It in
Wa Will mil Treatment
4 .HOOSAiroa vain trs or cms.
tu- Uit),it k.i ....a.
ntarltehte rolH to such a multitude
& ww itiL wvviiuv uaa uruuui lucu
of former rapture sunerers, that ll
scarcely at-a any other proof of
Us value. However, wo are always
willing to prove it to any one who
may do interested, ana the oeat
proor is an actual trial. That's
wny ye cow oner you
free W tKaiit aad pkmU a trial
trestmeot K kw what this
woudarful metuod can do In
yeur case. - Just mark (as near
as yon com tne location or your
rapture on mis oingram of a
body, marking rlCBt over
lb type. h. nl IMS lo
w. . k;ob. mo
Mam hi, ai an.
I or.
Tfctre Is r
Toa'U aavar
keesreo sad
. rou'll go
arid war roe
Us roust iiwtth
n ssBai
B rl
saBor Us diMa-
that rspuira If
yea eoa'l so toate-
tad loners ef
that biadltt. elitist
Ulag about It. Wky
I truts wtihout mat-1
tut as atari to I
I'M tsarltlf f
1 from t t!Tr I
ft thUf
1 free trsatmtat
1 -today.
aot, at Iseat, m
kat thts Itit
Ireatmtat eoa so
tor your aces
tor It rlgkt
vary missis.
Would Compel
Return of Part
Of Right-of-Way
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Feb. 2. (Special.) A plan
to make tho I'nlon Pacific, railway turn
back to the state a portion of Its 0 feet
of right-of-way haa been embodied In a
bill Introduced by Representative T. M.
Osterman of Central City, which he
thinks will meet the1 test of the courts.
Heretofore the courts have held that
the railway company hiV a right to retain
Its rlzht-ot-wav.
The bill is meroly a requirement that
in each county of Nebraska the right of
w-ny of a railroad company outside of
cities and villages shall be of uniform
width, except for yardage, depots, freight
houses or roundhouses. Railroad com
panies are forbidden to acquire or hold
any real estate in excess of this uniform
width. '
The bill applies Mike to steam and elec
tric roads. A road msy have different
widths for Its right-of-way In different
counties, but In any one county the
width must be uniform.
Farm lloase .Near .tvsea Haras.
AVOCA. Neb., Feb. 1 (Special.) The
farm home owned by Steve Joachln of
Louisville nnd occupied by Adolph Han
sen, tw-o miles north of town, was totally
destroyed by flro last night. The family
waa away when the fire started. Only a
tow articles of furniture were saved. In
surance of $IO0 was carried on the furniture-
Put Stomach iri
in Fine Condition
Says Indigestion Results from
an Excess of Hydrochloric
Undigested food delayed In the, stomach
decays, or rather, ferments the same as
food left In the open air. says a noted
authority. He also tells us that Indiges
tion Is caused by Hyper-acldlty, meaning,
there Is an excess of hydro-chloric acid
In the stomach which prevents complete
digestion and starts food fermentation.
Thus everything eaten sours In the
stomach much like' garbage sours In a
can, forming acrid fluids and gases which
Inflate the stomach like a toy balloon.
Then we feel a heavy, lumpy misery In
the chest, wi. belch up gas, we eructate
sour food or have heartburn,' flatulence,
water-braah or nausea.
He tella tie to lay aside all digestive
aids and Instead, 'tot from any pharmacy
four ounces of Jad Salts and take a table
spoonful In a glass of water before break
fast and drink while It Is effervescing
and furthermore, to continue this for a
week. While relief follows the first dose,
It Is Important to neutralize the acidity,
remove the gas-making mars, start the
liver, stimulate the kidneys and thus pro
mote a free flow of pure digestive juices.
Jad Salts Is Inexpensive and Is made
from the acid of grapes and lemon juice,
combined with llthla 'and sodium phos
phate. This harmless salts is Used by
thousands of peoplo for stomach trouble
with excellent results. Advertisement.
r Good for $1 Pair
I of Drafts to try and Naw Book on
When filled In and mailed to FRKD
KRICK DYER, Dept. 036, Jackson.
Mich. ,
Name ..
Read my extraordinary offer below.
Cut Off Ham
Send Today
for this
Tells how to get
na or your
aad Wltkont
One rnay.
My simple
method has
brought comfort
and happiness to
thousands of suf
ferers from this pltllexa curse of rheu
matism, I can send you letters from
nearly every civilized country on the
globe telling of cure by my Drafts In
every stage of the disease, even after 10
and 40 years of cruel pain, and after the
must expensive treatments and hatha
had failed. Oet my book and learn about
my method. I have such faith ir my
Itrsfts that I gladly send them on ap
proval to any sufferer who writes. Just
send me your name. Try my Orafts
when they come
and If you are i y, ... I
ku 1 1 uf l with iuL... ijjx.m
I the benefit re- f p. f" 1
. celved you tan C-l I I
send me One , I ' tl 3 'Jo
Hollar. If not, ,F .
keep your mon- '
ey. X take your word. Tou can Bee that
I couldn't-poeslbly make audi an offer
If I were not positive that mv Drafts
ar better-and surer than anything rlxu
you can get for any kind of Rheuimtilsin,
no matter where located or. how severe,
fiend your address on above coupon (use
Sostal card if you prefer) and vou'll get
ly Free Book and Trial Draft bv re
turn mall. Addreso Trsdsrlok Xyr,
Dsp. Qaa, Jackson, Mich. -
ielsjst ,
tiearral Distributers
Oataaa, Neb. t
.j!';j';:i;:!i:T!:!! j: r'
, Treated -,
Through ,
the Feet
fSsi Ji iswaii nit
-!'' I.I I
T i s-ilDtw
At Orfce! Pape's Diapepsin Stops
Indigestion, Gas, Sour Stomach
Time It. - In a tew minutes all atnmach
dlMress gone. No indigestion, heartburn,
sourness or belching of gas, a"td, or
eructations of undigested food, no rilxil
ness, bloating, I foul breath or headache.
I'ape'a Diapepsin is noted for Its speed
In regulating upset stomachs. It Is the
surest, quickest stomach doctor In the
whole world, and besides it Is harmless.
Millions of men and women now eat
their favorite foods without fear they
know It Is needless to have a bad stomach
Relief for Catarrh
Sufferers Now FREE
You Can Now Treat This Trouble in Your
Own Home and Get Relief at Once. .
Careful experiment! and investigations have shown
that at the trouble! were expelled front the nose and
throat, the real cause of the disease waa overlooked
and in wort time tna citirrn would return
than ever. Mr. Gaun hat gone war
brdinary method! of treatment and has provided a
remedy that
Removes- the Cause
and Immediately Civet Re
lief to the Note and Throat '
Reese Jones, of Acranton, Penn., says that sfter trying
rnsny other treatments, he used this new method and
Mr note is now entirely clear and free and I am not
bothered by the disease any more. The New Combined
Treatment la worth ita weight in gold."
Temporary relief from catarrh may be obtained In other
ways, but the New Combined Treatment must inevitably
be accepted for ptrmantnt results.
s om mum
Sarsh J. Cape. Mount Pelia, Tenn., says, I
suffered the pslnt and distress of catarrh for
thirteen years and needless to state, tried nearly
every method. Hut by roar new method I was
complettly cured snd Yoo cannot imagine the
joy that hat come over me."
Trial Treatment FREE
This new method Is so Important to the wel
fare of humanity, so vital to every person aufler
Ing from any form of catarrh, that the oppor
tunity to actually test it and frtiv Ita results,
, will be gladly extended without out cent of cost.
A large trial treatment, with complete, ml
nnte directions, will b sent f res to any catarrh
sufferer. Send no money, lake no risks, tnske no
promises. Simply clip, sign snd mail the cou
pon and the test package of the New Combined
Treatment will be sent, fully prepaid, together
with the valuable book on Catarrh.
Hot Springs, Arkansas
The Nation's Health and Pleasure Resort
AN IDEAIj Summer climate A moun
tain resort where you can ride, drive .
or play golf. Magnificent hotels and ex
cellent boarding houses.
Best reached via the
Missouri Pacific Iron Mountain
Tolephone Doug. 104.
W feci ths th tiisM
stair verm blow that it
pomo wm havaaxit Mi da lh
la th
datiDOuairata tor i
Itivaly th floaaT whi&kay
or Bfutxi ana
America) to4j
eiuertaa. thai
1 7 Wi iutmj
t Fla -H(r
wtiukT thejr mrmr Uatcd.
A ;;:
Rectal-Diseases Cured
A mild treatment, that cure Pile. Fistula aad other Rectal disease ia a short
time, without a surgical operation. No Chloroform. Ether or other general antit
hetic used.' A cure guaranteed ia every case accepted for treatment, and no money
! be paid until cured. Write for book on Rectal Diseases, with toatimonialt.
. DR. TARRY Baa Building-Omaha.
Tho Want Ad Column of Tho Bee Are Read Daitf by IVopI,
ia Search of Advertising Opportunities.
. i
et a' large fifty-cent case of Tape's
Diapepsin from any drug store and put
your stomach right. 8top bring miser
ablelife la too shorl you're not here
long, so make your stay agreeable. Kat
what you like and digest It; enjoy It,
without fear of rebellion In the atomarh.
Tape's Diapepsin belongs In your home.
Should one of tho family cat something
which doesn't sgree with them, or In
esse of an attack of Indigestion, dyspep
sia, gastritis or stomach derangement.
It la handy to give Instant relief Adver
How the Remedy for Catarrh
Wat Discovered.
THIS terrible disease
has raced unchecked
r I., u-
ty th nrm
method th nor
mnd thtvmt trt
h-ra ltd ty a
lur years simpiy Lc-
tffrctn oral roue tvmtttnmt have- Keen
ttmtdv mitrd , '
iwtfr ih treated while the cause of
J:,1? the trouble has been left to
circulate in the blood, and
brine the disease back as fast as local
treatments could relieve it. .
C. E. Gauss, who experimented for
years on a treatment for Catarrh, found
that after perfecting a balm that relieved
the nose and throat troubles quickly, he
could not prevent the trouble beginning
n nun, all over aeain.
dttci trifs completely remove all
tZZlmtrnhnnV signs of Catarrh from nose
" lt nd throat, but in a few
ens ty remev weeks they were back. ,
ir th taut.
Goes to ths Root of
Stopped-up note
ttrongerkj otpki-h nun;
ahead of the nv.onitani irog-in-me-
Natal discharges '
Hawking and spitting
Snoring at night
Bad breith
Frequent coldt
Difficult breathing
Smothering sensation in
Sudden fits of meeting
Dry mucui in note ,
and any of the other tymp- '
tomt that indicate ap
proaching or present catarrh
Send the Test Treatment
8878 Maaa Street, Marshal, Mich.
Tf your New Combined Treatment will
relieve my Catarrh and bring me health
and, good spirits a fa In, I sm willing to
be Shown, So, without coat or obligation
to me, send, fully prepaid, the Treat
meet and Book.
Splendidly equipped trains,
round trip (area.
14-23 Farnam St.
Union Station ,
Thos. F. Godfrey
General Agent. Passenger Dept.
a a a ai : a
BaaaaBssBMaaWjaaaa j
haa exrmm to 4 awl eom
iptitioai aoch
wilt Mr raewiwl
atupaDdoua sua of
rr ttaia bur-
atutMDUoua aura of t&o QCtk lust a
aui xbvl a.a I aranui i.Nta m sw
tht ia ataiiiii!1t uywhar in
t eoavinea bil.Ow aaara whiakv aam. ait anr am
la turn Anaat. moat wholaaoma and moat alMM
hh llvoatrrhanca to ajai in ooj tho moat ajiaratntia
uadartoitavoft in Utm aUaiurf ut Um Waaia4jr hiiamaaa
You r.1ust Act At Once
ut " (filiis tonfoM taampta ti. lost bar omrcd ptk at tmtk ef
this &art of allwtiiMUwlaa'a liLrmily .aJ la vour bmada frr. sre yn.f
I II AU'.Ki ILKI-AIU, t l ull Quarts of our t-Slar wliiky mud uh your
r.t orW nalusa a button Llnr Uwri forkrt ti.U ild lth t):
um wtuuy, im for Uul ptrpoM, iJrink tlx la th
Pia:PAiO, ul mm n aaciuM, &UL. mm aitiiiioal buttla lu ron ut Urt
OS ths sain iibrl ImM.
1 bia MuMional BaiioB-vM fm dtetrfbtrtioa offar is for a IWto4 Mm
mir whoa our aipropriiua for tha puroM l so no shall boro to
draw mir olfor. l.ko advontavo of It oujio it bona ao4 soul ia sour aroar
"I OKt-o' umtmyl Mako rowlUanoM poyoblo M
rtL DiaTltXIslQ CO, n m tmmm, Kaaaaa City. Ma.