Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 03, 1915, Page 2, Image 2
r 2 TlIE BKE: OMAHA, WiDMUAY, rimcUAHV . 1915. HOUSE CONSIDERS CA11CELLJRG RIGHTS Resolution Introduced Directed Ajtinit Holders of Water Ap propriation in State. FUETHEE FILD7QS HELD UP (Prom ft Ptaff Correspondent.) t-IXOOLN. Feb. 2.-?claM-Th can cellation of aeven Important water power rfghtg catne up In the now thla morning and th Plate Board of Irrigation waa empowered to receive ro other filing until after the Irgtelatiira ha adjourned. Ground for the action wo takrn borauae H wag claimed that thee tights hod sot been Improved according to la. While the action was taken In the form of a resolution, and the rnlc omild have gone over a day unanimous conaent wee given to take It tip Immediately, and lha following grants be subject to (ha order of the legislature: Nebraska rower company, 1ap and Ttatt river at Columbus. Arnold C. Koenig, Platte river at Co tumbus. Commonwealth Power company, Tlatte river at Schuyler. Fremont Canal and Power company, Platte river at Fremont. Charles I. Itoss, Plaltc liver at South Blend. H. P. Bushman, Mobrara rrver at ftxwteer. Ml I Kirk, Niobrara river at Nlo crara. 'Court. House Levy Bill Passes House (From a Staff Correspondent.) LIXOOUN, Feb. 1 (Spectal.)-Theae Mil war passed by the lower branch of the leglaletare this afternoon: H. R. , Richmond Permits county boards to make a special tax levy not exceeding mills, or 1100,000. to build rourt houses or Jails, when petitioned for by U per cent of legal voters. H. IL M. Broome Provioes that none but taxpayer, Including women, shall vote at municipal bond elections. Hi R. 4, Us foe Requires notice to ba Jlvcfc within thirty days where damages are hlalm.d for street or sidewalk In juries asalnst cities of the second class. H. R. 164 The Richmond bill, memorial ising congress to pass ship purchase bill, was laid over because eight democratic members were absent, and this tact might have endangered Its passage. MYERS SUGGESTS STATE WORKHOUSE IN NEBRASKA (From Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, ' . .-8peclal.)-Pherlff Ou Hyera of Unooln la an enthusiastic good roada booster and believe It Is criminal negligence for tha state to allow so much good labor to go to -waste when It might be put to work on tha roadg and tha etete benefit thereby. Ha suggests a state work house located at soma place where there la ft rock quarry to which all hoboes may ba sent and compelled to labor for time. "Hundred of dollars of the taxpayers money are feeing spent on feeding pris oners of Nebraska each day with no re turn whatever." says Mr. Hyers. "yet B moat every ease tha man convlotad Is mora ablo-bodled than tha man who steps up to tha county treasurer or city trcas tirer to.psy hi tax. Of course. It Is understood county prisoners watting trial for felony cannot ba worked or go to the work house. ' "Better let these men work your roads thai) tha convict t the penitentiary for then the fanner has no fear at r all, whereaa tha presence of ft convict camp Is a worrt to many farmers In. the lo cality where, the camp Is locate!. U RE'S TAX PAYMENT BILL RELATING; TO CITY OF OMAHA - (From ft Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Feb. t Beclal.)-Aneiig the bills Introduced In the senate this afternoon was one that has tho backing of the Douglas county delegation andj County Treaaurer Vre of that county. It make all taxes due at ana time and rrovldes tor their payment In two Install ments, Jf such la desired. At preeant personal taxes are due at eao time ftod real estate taxes are due ' at another. , The new bill ' proposes to make tbem payable all at the same time In August, thus obviating the confusion that now exists. ' The new re would also make the proceeds available to the county treaa urer earlier la the year. ' t , . , New Bills at Lincoln Haas gUlle. M. R. Nay lor lrovdea that all buildings used lor school purposes, two stones or oo In helfchl, knail have lira e'Mpea 11. IL SiiZ. Broome Provides for compul sory uil'Ping of live bu. iiiietteu wlih oolts. Kmei y. H. it. SM, Broome Requires Insurance com ranks to jupuh their annual . state ments. 11. R. 5. Chamberlain of Thurston Requires dialers In Mutuy to keep a rec ord of sJl poultry purchased. H. R. l-J. liaiker Appropriates 110, Alio for a statue to 3'lHnas Jefferson on the state rapltol grounds. In charge of a com mission (onMsitng ot the governor aud two others appointed by hiin. II. K. 1, a board of i -Uiuuiiealoitbra cf tuiuinlty la every county coiioiduig o( the clerk ot the district court.' Count y ailorney and county physi cian. M. R. &. Regan Provides that in r.erltao tan appraisers shall he the reg ular 4lte appraiser mPvlniisd by coumy H. R. . Mevsenburg and Clayburn l'rovtura Miat township boards shall hav the ptiwer to tni ra levies over those Uxed at town meetings, not. to exceed lo'irteen mills. H. it t'ivsmbers of Itouglss Pi-o- idea for a pni'i.' dttfeiidrr in lHuglas county; iiiiirv II iht er. o I TO- II. R. i,L. (i.sinlwis of l iug! Mdne that Suv man l o (Hall it if. Uiiertly or itxllre. ily. any nu.ney 1 ,om a proatitoalo U.r I la ain.port or malniu- nam-e hail be guilty ot aiirl-rln. II. H. r'imrrr of ii.iicia-Makea It the duty u' louni)' la InM I labor ii g a In rourny orfl r H. H. t'layl.m and lya-nburg Fiovl.ira Dial lh liiimxii of Ihu tu n rnp bootd alia 1 autnrviae al road aort In hl luonvlitp, and aliall b paid tt per uav therrfvi- . ... ... '" " v 1 fur mli mi, propnau ti .,..j inr a avrvejr 01 (ir ,.,.. ...r ,....1.1 hi. I. Vl.r..L. .P...- 1 III. l ihe direuitvn of Hie iute !uid'of Irrl- IlVi u ii uy aunj uiotW of the I ntle.1 Male. H. K. .j. Water Pomr i'u'iiniit ire Korllda th Htate Koard of Irilaatlon to l.u any appiuali' t.a for aprrurl.itKn of iiut tr powrr uuipoata fur Xa ra urttl April 1 1IT. U ii. X.i. H rgiM Provldda that lerk of a roll- l omt ahull te appointed Uy th po'l'-e inaci.tralr. H. R. SiT. by i-inrw-rrovldr for a !irn on lan4 hy writ and n.l.-rr dtfgeia U. tn'r paytornt for arvl.ea. H. K V. by J)a'oe t'rot itra that rer isier of ler.1a ai.all kiD a i.'Hiid of all mv tiimr. Ibna llrd and rprala law t-f'iuifU.g tax rrgUlrr of mortgage to be k.'.'t. If. ft 31. Pafee frovUioa relating te lr' f:rl'r' r U. II. tad. Pafoe-Rtate to th coavey- i snce of reel estate. II. H .Kil, ' I aioe Provides Ihit sub- contractors who (uminh materiel to coi.trartor must file with owner of prop erly descriptions of such material. In oroer to protect Hon. M. R. F.lnielund and Mredlth Pro-vld- thai municipalities may take pri vet property for the extension cf ceme teries. It. n. Meredith Provides penalty for using the title of "M. 1." or "U." by anyone not complying with the laws fncurnlnB nrartlrn of medicine. 11. II. 2S4 Moredlin sna rAiwrr vtdes for a stale health commissioner. who shall be tho governor, and a deputy , jj R Cronln Hurety companies appointed by him. Also provides for a . must (rive notice and hearing tiefoie wlth board of medical examiners appointed drawing their bond from any person, by the governor, consisting of four I'hysl- . , j., o,,,,,, ,nrt othcra-Super-clans, and abolishes the present rnarrt or vlplon an(j rt.KU,,llori of manufacture of .,'.",.,ItJ' 17 ,h TU. H.Td.H:. -..n h" cholera scrum by private concerns H. It. JSS, Howard-Provides that women j unfrr )f , y( fc g, ,mlll d property ownersmay vote at all munlci- R 0rf and fron.inor,.,,,,, pal election. I maximum levy lor i ltke of second cihrm employment of drua clerks end appren times; puts limit at seventy hours per week. II. a. rr. I low srd Abolishes sll pro vision for grantlnx divorces. 11. R. 3l. Mstteson Creates a commis sion to dclse a stnte fl". 11. K. &, Maiteeon llcteals Inw per mitting oflenders to be limited to bread and water diet In county Jails. il. R. S. Islley Provides ror oesiruc lion of Canallan thistles nd cockie-!"ct jm-s. to be paid out of county general . H. R. 391. falhey-Provldes for rompen- bu fu satl'on for hand mowing of weeda on pub lie highways. , II, it. xn, Kaufman and Others Appro prlatea normal sthool endowment fund lor the lour state normals, it ii i-n lniB.n-Relates to property ! t.ken under execution and amends law in sllnw hnndina comnsnleS to guarantee . mmf kMtnlnv nf nronertv H. R. JC4. Lanlgan-Hepeals law pro hibiting rourta from Including In. Judg menu sums not allowed In other cases. 11. R. X. larsen Appropriates money for use of minimum wage commission created by act of 19U. ... II. R. . Negley-Kepeals annual reg istration lew reisting to dentists. 11. 11. JOT, Negley When remliliturs are filed and persons for whom made .-.ppeel anions, then party remitting shall not be barred from maintaining that said remittitur should not have been filed. II. It. aw. N'egley Provides tor an lcwa-Ncbraska boundary line commls- r 3W. Hoffmelster Flva per cent Igross earnings tax for water power oora- ' H.C"i. 400. Hoffmelster Two rrlla state tsx for common schools of sitae. II. It. nt, Hoffmelster Makes Pubjlc Welfare commission censors of all movie flima shown in slate. II. R. 402, Drucsdow-Appronriates W.7W for paving of street adjoining Stat School for Deaf. H. R. 403, uruesdow Double shift for Omaha firemen. It. R. 404. Hornby Compels railroads to spot cabooees of stock trains within one fourth mile of Stock Exchange building at South Omaha. . H. It, Provides nw apportionment for slat school fund. H. R. 408. Hmlth Provides for settle ment of old Inaane fund accounts without payment of Interest , H R. 7, Ia Bounty Prohibits sale of liquor within two and a half miles of ftny department or school of tho state uni- '"'il 4M, Oormley-Anows majority In stead of two-thirds to carry bond ques tions In school districts for erection Of new buildings. ..... -II. R. , Nichols Create office of at torney for tha railway commission, offi cial to receive 13.000 a year salary- H. R. 410, Negley Provides for pay men of attorneys In appeals from lax assoss ments as fixed by equalisation boards. II. R. 411, Alnlay Prohlbts newspaper subscription contests. .. . H. R. 412. Richmond Cresting, state de pository boards and providing for an ointment of bankers as pedal deputy tat treasurers. .... ' . II. R. 413, Nichols Judicial reapportion ment bill. . . , H. R.,414. Parrlott Repealing provisions relating to contributory negligence ol plaintiff figuring In fixing of damages by the jury, ii it tin. Richmond Increases salary of deputy sheriff of Douglas county to II.KW a year. . ....... H. It. 41", iticnmona iiriumwi leotinns agvncles and provides for Stat license, , M. R. 417, Palmer Jurors not to recelva psy for day's excused.- VL. K. 41. Latuaiister County Oelogatlon Provides for creation or road 'Improve piiht dlstrlcta, by lncaster county. II. R. 419. Lancaster County I Allegation Provides for payment of ImpiHjvftment, taxes for paving of West O street road. H. It. i'A. Lanoeeter County Delegation Provides for chanieea In methode of creating paving dlstrlcta In Lincoln. IL It 4-1. Richmond Foreclosure sal on alleged personal property shall be duly advertised be lore goods ar sold. L'mer- ""il'R. 42i, Orennwalt Members of county board get $i a day Inatead H ft day where compensation is fixed by the year. II. R. 423, Mocket Deposits In hanks ipade In tiuat may upn death of trustee be twld to person tor horn deposited. II. It. 4i4 Limiting the liability of bank 'or nonpayment of checks through error. II. It. 1?S. Nichols County insurance companies and employers of laoor shall repoit accidents to labor commissioner. It. It. 41, Nichols Authorises) stato hanks to subscribe to stock of federal reserve banks and become members thereof. Optional. II. It. C!7, Palmer Defines means of be ginning actions agslnst unknown heir irpresentatlves of deceased person by service of publications. 11. R. 43t. Palmer County attorney of Douglaa county may sppolnt special de tectives at not to exceed 110 per day each. H. K. 4 A Palmer J ual Ices of the peac shall demand fee In advance and pay to the county all excess over blank amount. 11. it. 430, Douglas County Delegation Substitute for present corrupt practices act to make It more efteeliv. Emer gencies. 41. K. 43U Peterson Servle on unknown c femlunt shall ilve doecrtpUon of such person. II. rt. r simer t-osirici iers.e euau nut irtah tistiirailxatioii fees. It. It. 4S3. Palmer present umir ot in debtedness 01 corporations shall not apply to public service companies of re il. It. 4;t4. ' Lundgren-SUlts Tor mal practice shall begin not later than one VM.r rtr allseed injury. 11. It. 4.3. Palmer Cor reel lv bill chang ing "'country" to county" in Section 32.t nf rvlM.i statutes. Knievaency. H. 1L 4". Palmer Designation and service by publication of unknown owners snd defendants and claimants ot real estate In lltlaatlnn. II. I 4u"7. Moselv Forbid county at torney of Latp aato cout.ty to practice law on th side. 11, K. 4s8. Motly and Peterson Amend ments to th present registration law rekisnaiing penalties for fraudulent rtgla tiallun. II. It. 4. Woodhuist Where land 1s sold for tax sale for less than amount due. slat auditor Shalt credit th county 0.IU1 the state's share of the uncollectible taxes. It. R. 440, Mesely Permits ektrlo com panies to string lights to steel towers. It. R. 441, Moaely Creates a state bar be. board, provides for fee, regulation, license, etc. H. It. 44'-' Oeterman Cntform rlght-of- Iasv for the Cnlon a:if1c. II. U 44. Regan and Nichols Apnio rrlstes tv for a new building at the Nor- I folk hospital. t ij ft, j. Trttmht..Ai1na hm as a- I m..,.. ...... .1.. .,.,... .,..,. i I.I. K .tntr nm.t . .v In 'emnltv. Kmcr- 1 , ,,... i tl at mi ti. Tavlot Mte maximum 'ee nay be vliaigrd ly laweyis of the 1 nie. II. Tt. t. rHrretl-Tl graph empanle and toll telephone tompaiilea o.'i.l main tain ity oft In tirat-t'laaa till'!. 11 R. 447. MuaMey-Kliminalre iloub'.e l:lft for flrenvn In city of IJncoln. II. H. tH. Harriet I ounllea mar Pay i-ov-menl of road, leading Into or more out of lntieriiani'9 S. MoneleV I.ltu-oln cllv firemen hJl not b penaivned until u year ut j 1, V. AJ f . . . .(.. I'.nant 1 Fo.ter l:mpoeia city of Llnroln to aell unuMd oliy property If worth leea than titi.umi t public au Hon. Ii. K. 401, l.n .xter rvlegatton, VIxrept Foater and SlockeM Hve lUvard of fon Irol the light ta petition for pvenint adjafll to any atate Iti.tltutlon alUiateit In a ilty of Hie atala. Kmerarncy. II. It. 3,00 for paving eaat of th oititopedlo hoapltal la Lincoln. It. R. 4, Kt.liunyr Olvea, telegraph and electric comiManle tbe right to condemn prmat landa for their um, and preavribt th method ot aettUug dainagea. 11. . 4U. Wockett and Peteron-Pre- I vldfs for llcening dance halls In tho .country by county boards, annual license to be tJS. H. It 4.S, Fuller Ptste Railway oom mlssloa shall furnish Rate. Board of kqualtzaUon annually Ha valuation of telesraph. telephone and railway com pa Die within the state. H. R. 4V. Jearv I tstr1ct Judge shall prencrll rules under which municipal Jails within their districts are to be con ducted. H. K. 4r.7, Elmelund I'nlon depots de manded where two or more railroads en ter same city, State Hallway commission rnforce 10 to lu mills. lih a mlximtim of " mills to be used on the roads and street. H. R. 4H1, Oeterman New townships rriHy bo created by the county board within any city of the second class upon a petition of tiO per cent of the voters, tmernoncy clause. 11. It. 42, Howard of Douglas Wages must be paid In cash. 11. It. 4ti.i. laioo Citlra having munici pal lighting plants may furnish the prod- outsloe the limits of said cities, scc- ond cl.... M,gBllnnAbn leliea the banltary board of Linooln an l- d makes the county commissioners, county attorney and county engineer ex officio members cf board. II. It. "i. l ulls of Furnace Abolishes sheriffs fee for summoning Juries; for leeolng prisoners In county Jail, and re- lices saiarica generally up to counties Ot TO.OO. II. it. 464. Liggett Land owners must trim trees end heuges at cross-roads or road overseer shall do esme and charge Up against said land. II. H. 47, r'rles Makes It unlawful to destroy witness trenches and pits of town snip corners. 11. R. 4i, Fries Appropriates I10.OS0 for testing grain in a lulx.ra.torv under di rection of Mate Board of Regents. II. 11. tS, Miner-Authorising sale of twenty acres of state school land at Long Pine to the Northwestern railroad. II. It. 47". Hunter of loulas l"rovldes a tneana by which sureties of public old cers may be released from their liabilities. 11. R. 471, Hunter Provides means for release of sureties upon bonds of execu tors, aamimatrstors, guardians, trustees. II. R. 472, Hunter Provides for an extra employ on switch engine to be known as lu lookout. Senate BUI. P. F. 174, Spencer of Osjre Raises the salary of stenographers and clerks of the supreme court from $1,000 to tl,20i per year. B. f. l,o, Krambacn ot Polk Prohibits tho construction ot any dams across rivers and stream without a suitable flshwsy. 8. F. 17. Douglas County Delegatlon Ure's bill, providing for uniform payment of all classes of taxes and amending ta laws. . F. 177. Qulnby of Douglas Mayot and council shall regelate and provide for lighting ntreots snd salo and use of gas, electricity, telephone and etreet rail ways, and determine the nrlce of aas. and electric power, etc. B. , 1,8, Qulnby or Douglas Constitu tional amendment that a majority of those voting on amendments shsll carry them and not a majority of those votlns at an election. S. F. 17, Quinby of Douglas All wsgon scales In the state to be public scales, and requires owners thereof to weigh thereon. H. F. 180, Dodge and Others Relates to control, operation and powers of Inter urban railway corporations. n. r: im, uoage of Douglas Provldeo new form for platting of city subdi visions. . H. F. IM, Dodge of Douglas-Makes It unlawful to commit waste by removing buildings, fence and other Improvements ob real property upon which there ar ni satlsfied mortgages. 8. F. 1S3. Dodae of Dousias Relatrs tn foreign wills. - ' 1 el. F. 14. Dodge of Doualas Prevnnla fee splitting by doctors. K F. 1S5, Dodge of Douglsa Prohibiting hiring or confining any child under id in any reformatory or religious institu tion where child labor Is used without court ordr. H. F. 1M. HDlrk of 1 Pallhe Court may designate place where lands sold on exe cution shsll be sold. H. F. 17. hhumway of Dixon Fixing number of pounds for docklryf of stag hogs or sows In fsrrotv. 8. F. INS. Marshall of Lancaster Mar ried woman while marriage relation aub alata may make earn real and personal property contracta as husband. . r. 110. Marshall or Lancaster Alettes Lincoln's birthday a state holiday. 8. F. ISO, pillar Prohibits misrepresen tation of dry goods or other clothing by sale, by word of mouth or catalogue. . r. Ml. eai or custer wnere trans portation given with live stock, care takers entitled to hav their coach stop at the depot. 8. F. 1!'-' Robertson of Holt Rural tele- Phone lines with capitalization of 15.000 Or less not required to make, reports to railway commission. t . F. 193, Robert son National guards men required to perform ninety days' labor on roads. 8. F. IM. Wesner Prohibiting sale of Impure Ice for domestic us. t. F. 1S6. Wesner Ninety per cent of guaranty fund to go to state In case of liquidating atat banks. n. . i'J. wesner ana Bushee Antt- gifl act. 8. F. 197. Werner Limiting ssle and manufacture of hog serum to manufac turers designated by state board. B. r. IK), ttygland of Boone ilealgnat ion or death of an Incumbent of a fee office entitle him V prorata proportion of fees collected By th office. 8. it. iw. tteal ot custer pronibits sale of liquor to students of any educational Institution of state. 8. F. "), Beal of Custer Amendments to dependent children act. 8. F. til, dates of Sarpy Permits re moval of certain kinds of fish except cat fish from waters and streams, snd th selling of same to .defray expense of re moval. 8. F. 302, Ho wall of Douglas Amend ments to employers' liability law. tt. F. SOB, Howell of Douglas Provides that the comptroller of metropolitan eltlea shall audit account of water district. r). F. 204, Howell of Douglas Creates THE FOK1VIAL, 0PE1MING Today, Wednesday, Fcl. 3 L I M C O ILi M I M BASEMENT U. S. BANK BLDO., 16TH AND FARNAM STS. , AMITAKT XBTIOB BBTTBB VOODB. LOWIII rmiOZB. mBAJKJWABIBBB AUTO TOUaUBTI. - IVaVmeiBaY, HIT BQVXTVS9 CATBTB&IA. MBTAVBAVT aa QTIOB master blumbers' board Snd provides reg ulations, etc. 8. f. 206, Howell of Douglas Railroads to eoiilp and maintain transfer awitchea and passenger conveniences at all cross ings and intersections with other rosoa. under supervision of railway commission. 8 F. 20n, Howell of Douglas-Filing of notice with patrons before suspending train service. 8. F. jnrr, Howell of Douglas Licensing, regulating and governing employment agencies. 8. F. 3. Howe's of Douglas For sals and taking of sand, gravel, etc., from beds of river In state. 8. F. 3, Howell of Douglas For mak ing and fll'ng with state insurance board by surety, and fidelity companies schedule of rstes, 'of premiums to be charged for obligations or bonds. British Money for U.S. Duck Hunters Shot by Canadians WASHINGTON, Feb. l-Under an agreement reached tonight the Canadian government will settle claims growing out of the recent shooting of two Amer ican duck hunters by Canadian mllltla men by paying flO.ono to the parents of Wslter Smith, who was killed, and SS.OuO to Charles Dorsch, who was wounded, In addition to the legal exiennes. The settlement was made entirely out eld of tho State department, but It has th depsrtment's approval. Sir Joseph Pope, under secretary of foreign affairs for the Canadian and the British am bassador, recently called at tho depart ment and formally expressed th regret of the Canadian government on account of the shooting. Mir Joseph was Insistent that 710 part of the money paid to Smith's family and Dorsch should fall Into the hands of law years. Consequently, it waa agreed all claims for legal services should be paid directly by the Canadian government. RUSSIANS LOSE ' LINE OF TRENCHES Continued from Pegs One.) vance with success along th front from Ntjnla Politanka to Loudoviskl. "It should b related that during the night of January 10-31, at ft point near Mollmow, a Russian detachment ad vanced upon th enemy's forces and dis lodged them from certain positions which threatened th heads of our trenches. In this encounter our men used th bayonet freely and wa captured some machine guns. "Local inhabitants relate that after th Lipno Dobrzyn fight th enemy used sixty wagons to remove their wounded. Germans captured near BormlJow ar authority for the statement that , be tween January 24 and January SO tho Germans on ft front near Borjimow one and one-half versts long (a little less than ft mile) lost over 6.000 men In killed. Th wounded were numerous. "In the Carpathian, between January 26 and 29, on tha front between NUnla Pollanka and Loudoviskl, wo captured seventy-eight officers, 4,0u5 soldiers, four pieces ot artillery and ten rnacnln guns." ) GERMAN DAMAGES CANADIAN BRIDGE Continued from Pago One.) of tli span waa not injured and repairs van lie made within ft day. . .Temporary repairs were to b made at once so that cars could be pushed across one at a time.. .... Van Horn later in tha day said h was a German reservist with tha rank of cap tain, that he had been fh Mexico, and bad vainly sought to Join his colors. Tha officers say he denied having dynamlt In his possession in Maine. lie said ha re ceived It from a man he never had be fore seen, aftex which h put it in place and set It off. Will Demand Rewtalton. 8T. JOHN, N. B.. Fsb. 2.-Extradltion proceedings for the surrender to th Canadian authorities of Werner Van Horn will be instituted Immediately. Th at torney general of New Brunswick, J. B. M. Baxter, telegraphed today to the Cana dian Pacific railway representatives at Vanceboro to have information laid against th prisoner so that th extradi tion proceeding might be facilitated. 4 onstrarttoa of Treaty Involved. ' WASHINGTON, Feb. 2. Whether the man who damaged the Canadian Paclflo bridge across th St. Croix river at Vanceboro. Me., may b extradited to Canada, depends largely on the Interpre tation or the word "political" in the ex tradition treaty ot 189, which declares "a fugitive criminal shall not be surrendered if the offense In respect of which' his sur render is demanded be one ot ft political character." ' ' DEATH RECORD tlersaaa Braalas, Jr. BRUNINQ, Nb., Feb. S. -(Special.) Herman Bruning. Jr., died last night of pneumonia. Owing to th poor wire service no arrangements have been made for his funeral. . i STEPHENS OPPOSES MONITIONS BILL Congressman for Third Nebraska District is Against Measure to Oppose Sale of Arms. SHIPPING BILL SEEMS LOST (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON, Feb. 2.-(FpeclaI Tele gram.) Congressman Dan Stephens of Fremont missed the hour he expected to address the house in opposition to a joint resolution pending before It proposing an embargo on arms and ammunition des tined for the belligerents now at wsr In Europe by twenty-four hours. Mr. Steph ens had expected to speak yesterday, but when he reached the house he found th order of business called for "unanimous consent day," and accordingly tie could not command the attention of the body of which he Is a member until after 3 o'clock today, when the navy bill held the right-of-way. Having been given ten minutes with "leave to print the rest of the speech." Mr. Stephens took occasion to state that he waa a full-blooded German by descent on his own account, and that on the ac count of his wife there were several first cousins, natives cf Germany by naturalised parents who are now fighting In the kaiser's army, If they have not already given their lives for their coun try. Will Not Favor It. It was Mr. Stephens' contention that if It were wrong to sell arms to bellig erent nations now It was wrong to sell arms and ammunition to them in times ot peace, when they were preparing; for war, and he had no psrt in tho resolu tion that would stop the United Btstes from selling arms to belligerents while the same people who ar now agitating the question are aiding and abetting their own nation In maintaining a rea sonable army and navy "against the day we may want to begin the slaughter of the Innocents on our own account." Mr. Btephens stated that he had re ceived many letters from correspondents In his district urging htm to support the Joint resolution prohibiting the shipment ot arms or ammunition to belligerent na tions from the United States, but the more he had examined the question the more he Was convinced that It would be the height of folly to pass such a resolu tion and he would not stultify himself by supporting It. Kfclplag( Bill In Bad. Tere seems to be no hope for the ad ministration's shipping bill. If the .dem ocratic caucus accepts the amendments proposed by BenatorNorrls and supported by Senators Kenyon, Polndexter and La Follette, then, according to one of the democratic leaders, there .will be enough democratic defections to defeat the measure. In other words, th difficulty for the bll! rests In Its compromises. Senator Hitchcock, who will go envn into history as one of the seven demo crats senators standing against the ad ministration's pet measure to create a merchant matins by the purchase of In terned vessels of ft belligerent, wanta his bill to prohibit the salo ot arms and ammunition to belligerents made a part of the measure. He also Insists, but not as "powerfully," that there should be provision made that vessels be lesaed to private parties on public bidding, subject to government regulations as to routes Gerlas Mem 1st Capital, and rates. A. N. Mathers and Robert F. N'ealy of Gerlng hav arrived In Washington to co operate with F. N. Sands and J. P. West- ervelt In their efforts to secure an ex tension of time In whch payment must be made by water users under the North Platte Irrigation project ftepresentative-eiect Steele . of Sioux City, who will remain In Washington until after the caucus ot the democrats called to elect officers for the sixty- fourth congress, is hopeful that he will secure a place on the agricultural com mittee. Tom Steele was owner of a paper In Wayne. Neb,, years ago, and says out side the money he sunk in the venture Nebraska is a powerful good state to be next to Iowa. M. F. Rohrer of Council Bluffs Is In the city. OVER THQUSAND GERMAN JURISTS PERISH IN WAR BERNE. Sltrland (Via Parla), Feb. t According; to pfflotal statement given out In Berlin today, l,fT German Jurlet have been killed In the present war. Thl total la mad up ef profeaaor. S judge. I lawyer, SU aateaaora and barrliter. Ca Iaae Kew Stock. From a Btatf Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Feb. 4-SpeclaI.)-The Slate Railway commlaalon ha laaued a formal order rantln the Arlington Heat, Light and Power company authority to HUTOi 1 th VKITBB T ATKaWCOatS . Issue SS.ano worth of new stock: The irtocs. wss originally Issued without the per mission of ta eommlastou. Admits Self White Slaver; Goes to. Pen MUSKOGEE, Ok!.. , Feb. t-W. B. Crump, bank president of, Wynnewood, Okl., pleaded guilty today In federal court THOMPSON. Display of New White Goods Wednesday, 2,000 yards of 25c Special White Underwear Crepe, 15c " ,1 Embroidered Crepes. Voiles, Neigeux 45-in. Embroidered Organdies, $2.25 and $2.75 a yard. 40-in. Embroidered Voiles, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, $2.50 yd. 40-in. Embroidered Crepes, $1.50 and $2.00 a yard. 40-in. Embroidered Neigeux, $1.25, $1.75 and $2.00 yd. 42-in. Plain Ne&eox, 75c and $1.00 a yard. 42-in. Plain Voiles, 25c, 50c, 75c, $1.00 and $1.25 a yard. 45-in. Plain Organdies, 50c, 75c, $1, $1.25 and $1.50 yd. Long Cloth 17c 36-in. Long Cloth $1.35 a bolt of 10 yards. 20c 36-in. Long Cloth $2.25 a bolt of 10 yards. 25c 42-in. Long Cloth $2.75 a bolt of!2 yards. 30c 45-in. Long Cloth $3.00 a bolt of 12 yards. ANNOUNCEMENT I ' " - I have taken over the Tailor ing Business of the late John A. Kervari, which I will continue in the same high grade style that Mr. Kervan always produced, for his customers. To reduce his large stock, which is composed of the very best grade of foreign and domestic woolens, I will, during- the next two weeksi sell all his suitings rang ing from $40 to $60 at the reduced price of from $30.00 to $40.00. CHAS. E. MOLONY, tailor J 404-410 City Nat Bank Bldg. ZiMRJ2 '. (The Pure Food Sim) - City National ' f ' fit Boat leta MiMt sr Bank Bids. . -u . imm Th. aame quality of marUla. th. bet. m, puwh1 or 5?SS eVt tkat Mr. Welch um tn bis own horn.. PIANOG FOR REf4T $3.50 a Month Tree Tmalar, luuaiM, aHoel and Boarf. BU asoatha ra aUowed It jq aecla to par- SCKMOLLER & MCELLER PIANO CO. 1311-13 7araaat Bt. Don-. 133. C(t 'or First H OUC Mile. 48a for taoh idJttionil mi! ftirt- after for thi tlisUict y riet. It chirxi for Mil iaj r rtiaritnj. WarUaa- Tla a Bat f LM Vv Mour. Tbat'g Oar errtce" Telephov,. Dong. 00. Onialia Taxi Senlss Co. 2104 Fanuun St. OMAHA BT ADYKRTIRING 1 t-M lxld fast to the trade jroa b. sod mim yaw hakr4 ot the trade you UU lack. to violating the Mann" net and was sen tenced to eerv a year and a day ta the -United States penltentlkry , at Leaven worth. Kan. Crump admitted translbrt lng OiU Cobb, a freephone operator, from Wynnewood to Colorado In 111 She wss 17 years old at the time. Crump Is 68. lie left tonight to begin serving his sentence. Investors with money read the Real Es tate ads In The Bee. Advertise your property for a quick sale. BELDEN & CO. Damoselle Cloth , 30c 42-in. Damoselle Cloth $3.C0 a bolt of 12 yds. 30c 40-in. Phantom Cloth $2.50 a bolt of 10 yds. Checked and Striped Flaxon All 25c Checked and Stripe Flaxons, 15c yd. c.lSL'u Lunches ABtl'SKHKNTS. BRAHDEIS TODAT.' Mat. K0 int., a;oo, a wd ILL TKIS WEEK TM OftBATDBT BXVSATIOBT BTE BBBaT XBT OJMLA-KA. THE IV HIP Th. World's Gr.atsst ' M.ledrsma 100 ropl. Oar of Boeaary, Mat To day See t 01. KTealag, 6Qo te 01.60. H(lYU-t)oa i. Soaight. An Week. scat. Today S:1S LAOXB TXTVS.M , a Bepertmeat Store Drama. atatS5o. aTlghta, sso 6Cg BTamt Wkl BIO JIK OABBITT. Taaa T.a. , Seototy Might, prof. Cea TloUa Chat ef so. Added attraotioa vary pertormaao. Kla Zroaer, Marry Walker ta modrn daae. HIPP THEATER Douglaa 00S0 15th snd Harnev TODAT ABO TXTTUOAT taaky y-r..nt BAorrr KAjtaoxaUTX civabb; u "TlIE GOOSE GIRL" BT KABOUO KoOBATV. OatAXA'B TV CZBTXK" KKTtTIM Ot TOl'R OU TAU, AL BEEVES r.l Big Beauty Show Wllbor Dokb. H.I.. lauri, SMBlta Wrtht. AL fU.TMT IUiinU, Leal ktc. Aiutia Bli m CUlm, MilUr A gnllb, AL RmW Hwit-u-HMit Talk at rT pwloraiaaca. Hi. gtmt gMutr 13am ihl. awoa. Ladl.e Ptm Katla BT.ry Waek QT. Fhen . Soaalaa . ADTABTOBS TAtTDBTIUBJ Dailr kiiiw. lilft gliabt a. It. Otw A. TkVB BVED B.B ASS' wtta Jaaae B. Cera k.r- iu Ta. T.. KUDM. Mu.ttsa , Frucjp. Hr k r I w. !!. fri Tram WMkli FWItV: MH, allr I. fcM IM.U lx.. aeiwr aa4 Baikiaji i. )ikl. 1., , t , )