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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 3, 1915)
TIIK BKK: OMAHA, "XDNKSDAV, FEBRUARY 3, 1015. 11 BW ArrF.R S COLUMN TWO P.1.ACK HAWK JACKS 6 anil 9, years ohl, work wall and are sure. snt rattle or young work mule, or will take eeh. W. F. Moore, R. F. 1. No. 1. Mur ray. Neb. 1 VIOLIN Wanted to trad a violin, val ued at W.V lor diamond, or what hav yon? A ild re K. C . Fee. WHAT will voa trad for a new iteno type maoM'ne; thin machine haa only been need S montha and la tn perfect condition. Will take anything of equal value, Address S. t K4. car Pea, WHAT nae rou In furniture or anything I can uae. for a baaeburner that ooet ti) and used two winters? t. C. 675, Bee. FOIt RENT Apartmr ta and Flate. 2-Roora Apartments $25.00 2-Room Apartments $30.00 Cholre apartment of two and three rooms and tath In fina up-to-date build in with evrry modern apartment house convenience, Including janitor service, heat, hot and cold water. Choice lighting fixture,-oak! In living room. The two room apartntienta have screened porches for aumraer; alao press brick fireplaces with ras loe. Ask to see these. They are exceptionally fine. -SCOTT AND HILIi CO.. Iotigla inoe. X MoCague Bid. Fidelity Storage Co Ptoraga, movtog, packing and (hipping. IHh 4 Jackaan Bta. Phone Pouglaa ins. FOR RENT Vr. brick flat. 1712 Jackson fct., ftv flna dondltion; modern in every respect. Rent reasonable. Phone Doug. '! ill! City Nat. Bit Bid. 6- ROOM Apt., 212 South 26th Ave.; haa aun parlor, or sleeping porch, nicely decorated; walking distance; heat, water and Janitor service. Send for our weekly printed list. HASTINGS & HKTDKN. 1fil4 Haraey St. 7- R. 2119 N. Kth. heat, water and Janitor service, all for $32.60 winter, IX sum mer. Pend for our weekly printed list. HASTINGS a- HHYDKN. 1614 Harney St. OODEN ANNEX. Council Bluff, -ooml with kitchenettes steam beat. Phone H 6-ROOM Apt.. 207 . Ave.. practlcall new, very choice, oak finish, heat, watei and Janitor eervlco; close in, no car fare. end for our weekly printed list. HASTINGS A H BY DEN. 1614 Harney Bt. ST. CIMRB. -room apartment Call H. 47. -r., modern flat. g.8 a. 24th. Ui- H. 4711. FOR RENT Most beautiful, finely fin ished and up-to-date 3, 4 and 6-room apartments in clt. Building Juet fin ished. Flora Apartments. 3661 Jones St. Board and Rooms. MODERN furnished rooms and good family style board. $5 per week. Call end see about It. g7U Capitol Ave. FURNISHED JROOAt, heated. 4614 North Slst Ave. - SUITE OP TWO ROOMS With' board in best neighborhood, West Fan) am Bwtrlct, newly furnished, steam heat,1 homelike surroundings. Address A. I TV.; care Bee. BEMIS PARK All mod. room to re spectable lady; housekeeping privileges. H. ZZ68- rtn..mi,UNS Nicely furnlsnad rooms, steam heated. ?KH Harney. NICELY, furnished room In private home; price rcasonaoie. n. iioi. LA ROE modern room, Hanscom Park dlttrU-t. W Pacmo tu t. voia. CAPITOL 2411. clean room, quiet place, . , i . MADISON lt and Chicago; steam heat; HO mo. and up; cafe in connection. OODKN HOTEL, Council Mluffs. steam heated gooma, W per .week. Phone FUR. room in private family close to town and both repots. D. 8433. MODERN room for two respectable girls, employed; .Reasonable, 161 Chicago tit;., o zioof' . n . ROOMS i& cents and up. 1109 Farnam, La Vema iMi Cap .- front rma. Stem, lit. .-. FaraUhed- A part meat. SPLENDID NEW FT-RNISHED APARTMENT .For Rent In the New Traverton, ' ' Fireproof J4TH AND LANDON COURT Catering to people of refined tastes. Apartment completely equipped for house keeping; up-to-date and comfortable. ; Traver Bros., Douglas ' 1153. 70S Omaha Nat Bsnk. Famished 11 oases. $-ROOM, all modern, walking distance, very reasonable terms. Doug. 808. ' BEAUTIFULLY furnished 6-room house, modern in every respect, exceptionally reasonable to desirable tenant. Ijaroey 3S34. 136 N. 87th St. Uafara lasted Hotinu. HI B. UTH. for men, steam heat. Be Want Ada Procnica Results. i Faralaaest pi as Haosae, FURNISHED housekeeping rooms; walk lng distance; steam heated. D. 7102. m B. ItTH St. Phone D. 7107, I or I hk. room;' east front; no objection to children. . North 24th, 4758 Steam-heated fur rooms. Helele aa aaartaaeais. CALlfrOsifetA Hotel, lain auu cai:orala, Weekly rates 12 and up. Douglas 7083. DOIKia, nu'l'tib- Mutuira twajtooaula Ilaaaea aad Cvttaajea ALL alsea, 88 per month up. M7 Paxtoa. STRICTLY modern 6-room cottage, hot water heat; close in, walking Uiolanoe, 403 Lincoln Blvd., Ui. Apply W. h. Dorrance. Docg. 126, or Harney 3151. a-R. BRICK, part mod., extra good. 8LL No children. aua b. lth. Red o lio.uu roonia. 8412 N. 241h. Web. liiT. 7-R. mod, house. 2304 Burdette. H. Uf. FOR RENT New five-room bungalow, j 753 No. lth. strictly modern, furnace, laundry In basement. Permanent tenaut, rent 85. Phone Webster 81W. VvALKlNU dlatanse to the city, 8-room modern hou, iia Dewey Ave.; price, $30. F. J. Fitzgerald, 8-7 Board of Trade, D. 4318. - RENT FREE TO FEBRUARY 15. 14 tioutn 2sth Ave., -r . moderif, $25. 3401 Jackson, t-r., modern, Zt.U). DuiHint, a-r., partly modern, $10. . 3iilO South 161b, 4-r.. ciatern, $. :ia Elm. 4-r.. well. s OREIQH, SONS CO.. Douglas MU. &OS lice Bldg. 6-ROOM stono bungalow..: $30.00 6- room, Cor. lHh and Sahler 6.00 7- room, .fine location...., 80.00 i- room. mod. x. heat 30,00 6-room, never occupied 23. .'4) 6-room. mod., paved street S5.U4 AMERICAN SECURITY COMPANY. Douglas aVIS or Walnut 8037, Harney 254a, i-r..' modern. 71 8. S7th Si. 7-r., modern. v oi.,iuoa location, web. 90. Globe Van&Storage Stores, moves, packa alupa; t-hor van and 8 men. II. per hr.; xorage U tx-r mo. Satisfaction guar. D. 4S At Ty. t-10. , FOB BEN1 We have) a oomplet list of all houses, apartlveoU and flats that are for rant. This list ran l seen free of charge at Omaba van Storage Co.. So. Uth St, Gordon VanCo. 811 K. Uth St. Phone U 8V4 or Web. IMA t-KOOM UftcLJ iuudcr.1 house, 1. ti. .'41. kt. liar. li. $-" 6-room and Uuudry, all rood, eiuxpl furna-. r '7 Cliiiagu. Call II. lUUS creigh cone t Co.. 1 Bee Bldg. Sunshim YXttl REXT lloaaee aad totta-a. Maggard's jg-fSg per hr ; dray, t meo. per hr. 1718 Wabater. Doug. 14S. J. C. Reedf Bip. tvo,, moving. 'acking ft storsa 207 Fa main. D. 614. ALL MOD. br house. $D. Web. M. Store nnd Offices. 2 North IRth St.. a dealraMe Ptora oni for bakery, grocery or restaurant. , CREIGH. BONIS CO.. Pouglaa aw. M IW Bldr. Downtown stores. U H. Hilt. S0 Bran. Th. WANTED TO BUY GET Kaplan's prlcea for td band turn., shoes, clothea. betore aelllng. Web. 7a OFFICE furniture bought and sold. J. C Heed. VM1 Farnam. Doug. 6146. WE BUY ?d-hand clothes. 14JI N. nth. price for furniture. Web. tel. ale buy everything Id nand. Tylr 1416. A PORTABLE or garage gasoline tank. A ililu- V t' - iu-:al. estate FARM RANCH LAND FOR SALIC. Colorado. TO SETTLERS ONLY-330-acres for $300; rich corn, alfalfa and wheat land, no sand. J. A. Tracy, Ft. Morgan. Colo. Iowa. TWO very good stock fsrms for sale near Council Blufls 429 acres. 6 miles north, at $70 per acre; 157 acres at $w) per acre. Day A Hess Co.. Solo Agents, 13 Pearl St., Council Bluffs. Mia areata. 160 ACRES, between Minneapolis and Do I uth. on the 9oo line, 4 miles from rail road town; 70 acres under cultivation, balance wooded pasture and some good meadow; no waste land; fair set build ings; near school; land borders on beauti ful lake; complete set machinery; IX chickens, plenty of feed, wagon, buggy and everything on the place goes at In "-half cash. Schwsb Bros.. Itt8 Plymouth Bldg. Minneapolis'. Minn! Mlssoan. FARM FOR SALE One of the best loO-acre farms in northwest Missouri for sale; well Improved, deep black aoll. well fenced and well watered, close to phool and . church. Owner, Joseph Burns. Bogard. Mo.. R. R. No. S. i Nebraska. Smcill Ranch For Sale or Trade . An Unusually Attractive Offer ' SMI acres in Hooker county, four ' miles from railroad town. Has a 4-room house, born, cattle shed, well and windmill. One-half of this ranch good farm land, bal ance good pasture. Will take one-half or more In good city pioii erty. Price $16 per acre. O'Neil's R. E. & Ins. Agency, 1505 Farnam St. TELEPHONE TYLER 124 SECTION Kimball Co. a runs. 2101 Paul. Miscellaneous. NEBRASKA and Colorado farm land on Iltteen yeara' time; email payment flown; 3.000 acres, Lincoln, Deuel and theyenne counties, Nebraska; $;.&0 to $2 an acre; also 3,20o acres In Weld county, Colorado, 36 miles from Denver. J) an acre. . Unusual opportunity for small Investor; good farm lands; can be sold in quarter and half sections; acreage limited; don't d -lay. The W. F. Shelton Co., McCague Bldg., Omaha. Neb. - o Wisconsin. Upper Wisconsin Best u-uy and general crop state In the union; settlers wan tod. Lands for sale at low prices on easy terms. Ask for book let No. 84 on Wisconsin Central Land Grant. Excellent lands for stock raising. ii imeresiea in rruit lanas tikar book let on Apple Orchards. .Address Land and Industrial Department, 8ot Line Railway, Mm iwnwui, jniHa. . ABSTRACTS OF TTTLK. RK.aU Abstraoa Co., oiucst abstract of flea la Nebraska. m B -ndeis Theater. IURR Title Uuaranlee ana Aostraot Ca, a modern abstract oltica. 3u S. lilh St Phone Douglaa 64s7. REAL ESTATE LOANS CITY and farm loans, 6. 64, per cent. J. H. Dumont & Co.,1603 Farnam, Omaha WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith Si Co., 1320 Farnam. $luo to IW.vuo maue promptly. k It. Weed, Wead Bldg., 18th and Farnam SU. OMAHA homes. East Nebraaka farms, O KWK REAL ESTATE CO., 1016 Omaha Natl. Douglas 2711 64 AND 6 farm loans, mlck. 637 Paxton Block. W'm. McCor- $iuu to Uu.ouo mauu promptly. F. D. Wead, Weed Bldg., 18th and Farnam Sts. GARVIN BEOS fcZEBk M.T SEE u first If you want a farm loan. United State Trust Co.. Omaha. Neb. WANTED City loans. Pater Trust Co. 6 CITY LOANS. C. G. Carlberg. jiv-oK pruuqini i neater uiag. CITY property. Large loan a specialty. W. 11. Thomas. 1C8 Bute Bank Bldg, MONEY on haud for city and farm loans. H. W. Binder. City Natl. Bank Bldg. REAL ESTATE FOR EXCHANGE FRONTIER CO. BAKU A IN. Highly improved farm of iba acraa. Land ad lay fin and ia excellent sou. Will exchange for good Omaaa reaideuce, C. R. COMBS, $1$ Brandel Theater. Omaha. Nb. Douglas 3916. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE ;or Colum bus, O., property, two lots Thorn burg addition, one lot Burlington addition. Omaha; all free of Incumbrance. Address owner, J. A. Hartley, 64 N. High SL, Columbus, O. FARMS, ranches and city property. John A. Olson, 324 Baird Bldg., Omaha. 160 acrea of land on the Moreau river; 36 acres susceptible of Irrigation; 130 acres farm land; 10 acres timber; house, lbx30 three trains . outbuildings; all fenced. Owner must sell and will sacrifice same at $1,060. Will take second-hand auto mobile In part payment. F. W. Yoder. Hoover, B. D. REAX ESTATE NORTH SIDE 7-ROOM MODERN HOUSE for only $2,400. Coiner lot, streets paved. 2&j0 Meredith Ave. W. II. GATES, 647 Omaha Nat l Bk. Bldg. d. 1234. FOR SALE By owner, 5-room bungalow; modern li every respect; In first-class condition; will sell cheap for cash. 181$ 6!andemon bt. Tel. Webster 6tlS. Owner Must Sell On account of sickness I "must sell my 10-rooiu brick flat; within easy walking dlsiance. 1 am behind in my pay men la and am compelled to do something Imme dtateiy. Call Harney 2646. $S0 CASH, $20 MO., thito. 6-rm. rood, but heat cottage, half blk, to car. fine shupe. nicely decorated. ORANT. Web. 7l or Doug. &JS0. REAL ESTATE MISCELLANEOUS Gallagher & Nelson 644 Brandel Sldg. Ui'iil Estate and luuruacu. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Trading- in May Wheat Rapidly De creating1, m Stock Are low, Considering- Demand. BULLS BUYING CORN AND OATS OMAHA. Feb. I. 116. Wheat prices have more than doubled In the last seven months, which la most unusual. The situation Is resarded as more bullish now than when wheat price were about $1 for May. Trading In May la rapidly decreasing and the market Is becoming congealed, as stocks are down to almost t.6"0,0ia bu., snd of contract to only bu which Is tot .small, considering the sle of the trade. The market has practlcallv tied Itself up. Farmera continue to dictate pricea and as most men in the trade regard th eltua tlon. It Is more of a question of getting the wheat than or prices. Many local bulla look profit on rom on yesterday's bulge around Me for May and c for July. They say they are wait ing for a reaction to get In again. Country and eleventh hour speculators have been good buyers for several days and locsl shorts have reduced their lines. Bears said that present prlr'S discount all bullish conditions and until foreigners come In and buy heavllt .they expect a setback. ' There are numerous bulls to be found on oats, who predict that prices will go much higher and that the country ha sold its surplus. Mavand Julv are sell ing at 2Sc spread, against H cent differ ence last year. Wheat was 4c lo 6c higher. Corn was unchanged to 1c higher. Oats wore unchand to hlg'.ier. On account of terrible snowstorms be tween here and Chicago all wires wera slow and Omaha was unable to get th primaries or clearances. At Liverpool corn closed IfiUM higher. CARLOT RECEIPTS. Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chicago Minneapolis .. Duluth Omaha Kansas City... St. Louis These sales Wheat: No. 3 150 213 S '.. 2J .64 SS 663 303 116 loft HO 1 60 were reported today hard winter, 1 car, $1.6i; No. 8 hard c-.- 1 car. 11.65; 1 car $1.64. l'i cxrs, $1.65. (Turkey), $1.66; Ka A h.M 1 , 1 car, $1.64. No. 2 durum. 4 cars, $1.66; No. 3 durum. 4 car. 11.54. No. 3 mixed durum, H car, $1.62. Sample, car. $140. Rye: No. -2, 14 cars. $1.26; No. 3, 1H cars, $1.31. Sample, H car, $1.30. Barley: Sample. $-6 car, Sc. Corn:" Nj. ! white, ! cars, mVc. No. t white, ;l cars. 76'ic No. i white. 1 car,, 76c. No. 6, 1 car, 76c. No. 4 yellow, 4 cars, 73Vio; 24 cars. 734c. No. 4 yellow, 6 cars. 73o. No. 6 yellow, 1 cer, 7iHc. No. 2 mixed. 1 cer, 731,. No. 8 mixed, 4 cars (near white), 75Sc; 1 car (near white), 75'uc; 10 car (near white), 75c; 4 cars (near white), 74c; 1 cer 714c; 1 car. 7c; 1 car, 3c; 1 cars, 72-c,No. 4 mixed, 1 car (near white), 744c; 1 car (near white), 74c; 1 car, 7i:V4c; 3 cars, T&Ac No. 6 mixed, 1 car (near -Mte), 75c; 1 car (near white), 73c; 1 car, 724. Oats: No. 3 white, 1 car, 4c; 13-6 cars, 65'ic No. 4 white, 14 cars, 55c. Omaha Cash Prices Wheat: No. 3 hard, $1.64M!'1.R; No. 3 hard, $1.63401.56; No. 4 hard, $1.44411.54; No. 3 spring, $1.6349 1.56; No. 3 durum, $1.6441.55; No. $ du rum, $1,6341.54. Corn: No. 1 white. 77-4jT7c; No. 3 white, 77ti774c; No. t white, 764764c; No. 4 White, 761i71c; No. 5 white. 764'Sl'6c; No. 6 white, 754 76c; No. 1 yellow, 73474c; No. 2 yellow, TSieWtc;' No. 3 yellow, 73fr734c; No. 4 yellow, 7i,(n73c; No. 6 yellow, 724T2e; No. 6 yellow, 7;'iS724c; No. 1 mixed, 734 73n; No. 2 mixed, 73tr734c; No. 3 mixed, 724734c: No. 4 mixed. 72r724c; No. t mixed, 727240; No. 6 mixed, 714fr724o. Oats: No. 2 white, 60, '(.; standard. 664'fij&5c; No. 3 white, 554f554c; No. 4 whit?, 64865c. Barley: Malting, 772e; No. 1 feed, 6tjj75c. Rye: No. 2, $1.244 1.2; No. 3, $1.241,25. CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Featnre of the Trading; aad. Claaina; Prices on Board of Trade. CHICAGO. Feb. 2. Every modern high priced goal for wheat was left behind todav except three $1. S3 a bushel paid by Joseph Letter In 1898; $2 exacted dur ing the B. F. Hutchinson corner of 1888. and lastly, the American civil war record when gold was at a big premium and tn U aluc of a bushel of wheat igas not very I far from $3. 'v ' " May wheat here today rose 8c to $1.65 more than double the cost of wheat for spot cash last July, before the European hostilities commenced. It simply waa a question of getting the wheat. Buyer appeared to regard the subject or price as merely a detail. Excited purchasing. which began at the opening bell, reached Its wildest pitch tn the last few minute of the session. As a consequence, th final quotations were the topmost reached and tli market In the end was virtually bare of offerings. Alarm at Liverpool, where a startling upturn tn prices of wheat resulted from submarine- attack by German on British merchant vessela In the Irish sea, waa what chiefly Influenced trading here. As sertions, however, by strenuous demand for export, especially the circumstance of. 1.000.000 bushels having been taken by tne Italian government, waa eriectlve In helping to produce the overwhelming bullish sentiment that made the market throughout the day a series of extraordi nary upward whirls. i Among- the most surprising; feature of the wheat trade was the absence of vio lent reactions. It seemed' In particular that no speculator wss daring enough to sell short to any large extent, and notablv so in tho May option, as the stock of unsold wheat available in Chicago ele vators for delivery on pit contracts for May appeared to have been almost ex hausted. July became eaaily the leader in volume of business, though not as to wide changes In price, the wide gain for July being 54c Response by corn to the bulge In wheat proved relatively small, with the market closing nervous. 4c to te above last night. The huge stock on hand here and REAL. ESTATE SOUTH SIDE B.of R.T. Take Notice s Houses and Lots Near Both Depots This Is a new addition, located on high ground. There are several 6 and 4-room houses, already built, which can be sold on monthly payments. Phone u for a more complete description. American Security Co. Douglas BHI3. or Walnut 3Q87. Harney 2646. HOT WATER HEAT 7 room, finished la birch, cement base ment, modern tn every detail, east front lot, paved street, close to car line, lo cated near Mth Ave, and Mi son St. Price. $3.6u0. C. G. CAELBERG, , 312 Brandels Theater Bldg. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS Eight Per Cent New double house, pressed brick, complete. Walking distance. ReutaJ guaranteed by owner. Walnut 3037. Bee Want Ad Produce Reaulta. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS- MKiTp Notice is hereby given that th regular annual meeting of the stockholders cf the bout I, Platte Land company will be held at the Hice of said company at Lincoln. Nebraska at eleven o'clor k a m. on the tliiid ceyf March. A I), is 16. C. H. MOKRIM., president. A. 11. MIN( Jit. Secretary. L.molr.. Ncbiaska, February I. 115. I F-2-d-Jt elsewhere kept corn traders In a decidedly conservative mood. ,) Oats, like oorn, were heavily traded In, but a'ao rose only o to 4m ic net. Hedg ing and realising were plentiful on the advance. Provisions wera In active demand, de spite bearish flgurea regarding ware house stocks. Buying was attributed mainly to the higher prices for hogs and grain. A rt I del Open. TlHah. U. I CloseXveiTy, Wheatl I I May. 1 ni- 1 6741 1 Co I 1 $74 1 65 1 W'i July. 1 394l 1 434' 139 143 1374 Corn: I May. S34' W4 82S-SN WV R-S July. 864 3641 M4 a4 4S Oais: I Msy. Vff4 ?4l 1 1T 61 July. 6ftf4 64 i W4 MS Pork; May. 1! 41 1l sr. 1 40 1 65 14 324 July. 19 K4 22 024 19 70 20 00 19 674 Lard: I I May. 11 30 11 W I 11 30 11 00 11 271. July. U 60 I 11 774i 11 474 11 774 11 424 Rl's. I I I May. 10 474110 60 10 40 . 10 60 10 4S July. 10 70 10 7741 10 6741 10 774 10 Chicago Cssh Prices Whest : No. 2 red, ll.5S4til.66: No. 2 hard. $l.W4lt'1.66. Corn: No. 4 yellow. 7:.4W77c; No. 4 ahlte. 70 4 764c Oats: No. $ white. nitMOc: N- 4 while. b94c. Rye: No. 2, $ 1. 3 vfr 1.3L'. Barley. Nurfnr. seeds: Timothy, t5.BOSf7.00; plover, $12.WVjH5.00 Provisions: Pork. $17.0OSfl9.00; lard, $11,274; ribs, $'..374 16.224. Bl'TTETt Firm', cresmery. 'J4ffc. KOOS Higher: recelpN. S.'.'SS enres; t mark, rases Included 24'1274c; ordinary firms, 2r27c; flrsu. 274'n'aic. POTATOrcS-Rcceipts, 10 cgrs; prices unchanged. POULTRY Alive, higher; springs, lb4c; fowl. 154c. OMAHA GEM En At, MARKET, PUTTER No. I, X-P. cartons, Oc; No. t en-lb. tubs. 2c. chkkbiu imponea, Ma. , . lean Swiss. 28c: block ftwtss. 2Sc: twtna 16c; daisies, 17c; triplets. 17c; Vountf j fi:nday, , Americas, "Heblu label brick. 17c; Jim- Receipt and disposition ef live stock hVT,,yib-: ,Dc''. l"lb "w Yr!t the Union Htock Yards. 8outh Omaha, white, 18c; Imported French Roiuetort. for twentv-four houra ending at 3 p. m. 4oO. vesrrt. TTlRir Trout. lie: laraa crannies laci I ' ssimon. 11c; nauuut, lie: channel cat tish. 12c; tnke. lie; pickerel. 10c. BEEF CUTS-Rlba, No. 1. 174'':, No. 2. 14Sc; No. 3, 114c. Loins, No. 1, lc; No. 2. 164c; No. 3, 124c- Chucks, No 1, 9c: No. 2. 9c; No 3, 84c. Rounds. No. 1. 124c: No. 2, H4c; "No. 3, 11c. Plates, No. 1, H4c: No. 2, 6c; No. 3, 74 POULTRY-Brollers. l4c; spring chick en, llo; hen. JUa; cock, so; duoks, 10c; geese. c; turkeys, 16o pigeon, par do., too; duck, full feathered, 10c; geese, full feathered,. $c; squab. No. L $1.W; No, 3, 60a, Market quotation furnished by Qlllnskl Fruit company: FRUITS Orange: Extra fancy Qlcn dora homo Eunktat navels, 26s, 230s, $2.63 per box; extra fancy Hunk let, San Juan, Washington navels, 100s, 126s, lbOs, $2.50; extra fancy Hunktat. ban Juan, Washing ton navels, fr-oox lots, X2.40: fancy Csll fornla Washington navels, 176s, 200s, $2.n0; fsncy California Washington navels, &-box lots, $2.40. lemons: Fancy Sunk Int. 30ls, 360s, $4.00; choice Red Ball. $3.60. Orapefrult: 36s, 64s, 64e, 90s, $2.M). Apples. Extra fancy White Winter Pearmnlnea, $2.00; extra fancy White Winter Pear- mames, )l.7t; extra tancy Washington Wlnesap, $1.76; extra fancy Spltscnburgs, $1.60; Oregon Spltsenburgs, $1.; extra fancy unwrapped Jonathans, si. go: Wash lnaton fancy and extra fancy Hoovers. $1.40; fancy Waahlngton Jonathans, 175s. 18Ks, Km, $1 2f; Idaho fancy Urlmes Oolden, $150; Idaho choice Orlmes OoMen, 11. za; wasningion rancy xrinics uoiaen, $1.60; Idaho extra fancy Jonathans, $1.50; extra fancy Black lien Davis, $1.32:; extra fancy Iflack Twigs, $1.60; extra fancy Black Twigs, $1.3u; extra fancy Oanoa, very highly colored, $1.3Ti; extra fancy Oanoa, very highly colored, $1.26; fanoy Rome Beauties, $1 50; fancy Rome Beauties, -6-box lots or more. $1.40; extra bbls., $4.00 per bbl.; fancy Black Twigs,, full S-bu. bbls, $4.00: extra fancy Mis souri Ben Davis, vary highly colored, $3.26, Orapes: California emperors, $5.50 per 'bbl.; extra fancy Malagas, $6.00. Pear: Anjou. $2.25 per box; Lawrence, $3.00; Jersey, $2.26; Bosco, $2.25; Bheldon. $2.26; F.aatcr, $2.25. Banana: $1.76 to I3.o0 per bunch. VEGETABLES Cauliflower, $3 00 crate; cucumbers, $2.25 box; celery, Jumbo, 76c dos.; leaf lettuce, 40c do, u head lettuce, $1.00 dos.; onions, yellow, 2a lb.; onions, red, 2o lb.; onions, white, 2c lb.; onions, Spanish, $1.50 crate; endive, 85c lb.; arti chokes, $1.60 dos.; Brussel sprouts, 20o lb.; cabbage, 2d lb.; red cabbage, 840 lb.; peppers, 60c basket; tomatoes, $6.00 crate; onion, shallots. 50c dos.; garlic, Italian, 23o lb.; beets, 60c do.; radishes, 60o do.; turnips, 60o dos.; spinach, bOo dog.; pars ley, 60o dos.; bean, $4.60 hamper. 8TRAWBRRRIKH 40o qt. POTATOES-Colorado Rural, 75o bu.; Red River Ohio, tOc bu.; Minnesota, whites, 6R0 bu. SWEET POTATOES-Kanaaa. $2.75 bbl. NUTS No. 1 California walnut. 18o lb.; black walnut. 84 lb.; filberts, 15c lb.; pecan. 124o lb.; Braslla, U4o lb.; almond, 20c lb.; 12-12 oa. fig. 860 box; 60-4 o. figs. $2.0o box; augar walnut date, $1.40 box; Hallow! date. $0 lb. MIKCKLLANEOUfcV-tihelled popcorn. 4o lb.; limes, $1.76 box; crackerlack, $3 50 rase; cracknrjack, 4 case, $1.76; checkers, $3.60 case; checker, 4 case, $1.76. Honey, 13.75 case. Cider: New York $3.50 keg. Cocoanuts, $3.60 sack, 75o do. Cranber ries: Late Howes,- $7.00 bbl. Peanuts: Raw, 7c lb.; roasted, 84c lb.; salted. $1.60 can; Jumbo, raw, sack lota, 6c lb. Mush rooms, 60c lb. Kaaaaa City (irals) aad Provlaloas. KANSAS CITY, Feb. 2. WHEAT Cah. 34U6c higher: No. 2 hard, $1.6441 1. 56; No. 8, jl.bsi.M; iso. z red, Il.56; No. 3, $1.55. CORN Unchanged to lc higher: No. 2 mixed. 77416 7Sc; No. S, 76c; No. I white, 81c; No. 3. 804c OATS-lo higher; No. 2 white, 69f094c; No. S mixed, 67tj68c. RYE-$1.S6. f Receipt: Wheat. 64 car. New York (ieueral Market. .. NEW YORK, Feb. 2.-SUOAR Raw strong; cenmrugai, .3Bc; molasses, 3.4c refined, firm. POljLTRV-Allv steady; western chickens. 164i61c; fowls. 17418c; tur keys. Italic. Dressed. firm: western roasting chickens, 17fr21c; fresh fowls, 13M 18c; turkeys, 1422c. Liverpool Orala Market. LIVERPOOL. Feb. 2.-WH EAT-Spot, firm; No. 2 hard winter, 12 M. Future were nominal. CORN Spot, firm; American mixed, new, 8; American mixed, old, nominal. Futurea were strong; February, 7s 74d; March, 7 8d. t. I.oals Grata Market. ST. IX)UI8. Feb. 2. WHEAT Higher; Msy, $1,604; July. $1.39. CORN Higher r May. STic; July, $54.0 854c. OATS-Hlgher; May, 604t,c; July, 694o. 1 1 " . (of fee Market. NEW YORK, Feb. 2. COFFEE After a very quiet tne market lor coffee futures weakened under liqulda- tlon and little trading aelling which may have been Inspired by the continued free Braxllian movement and talk of a slightly easier tone in the cost and freight mat keC First prices were unchanged to 2 point lower and the market closed at a net decllre of 6 to 13 points In the absence of any Important support. Sales, S.Z0 baga. Closing blda: February, 8 97o; March, .01c; April, 6.10c; May. 4.19c; June. 4 17c; July, 7.19c; August, 7.36c: Septem ber, 7.39c; October, 7.46c; November, 7.51c; December. 7.58c. Spot, irregular; No. j Hlo. 84i4c; Sai.toa No. 4, 94't10c. Milreia pricea In the Rio market were 73 rela loa-er, but Rio exchange on London was 1-16 higher and Santos wag un changed. HraixUlan port receipts. 75.KO bags; Jundishy receipts. 44.0OO bags; Rio cleared 14,0u0 bag tor New York. Osna Hay Market. OMAHA. Feb. l.-PRAIRIE HAY Choice upland, $11 .OOvrll to- No. I, $io.!tfp 11 ; No. 2, $.6iijiO0V; No. 3. $.Orjsoo choice midland, tin 6t tj 11.00; No. 1, $looti,i 10 W; No. 3, $HXmrn.ij0; No. , $6.0ixr) f. no choice lowland, $HoO'i.ur: Ho. i, S.50; No. 2, $700iu00; No. 3. $3.0(a7.U0 Straw: ciioice wneat. oj; choice o.t or Clioice wneat, oj; choice oat or bOI.UO. Alfalfa: Choice pea green, em and Uafy, $13.our 13.60; So 1 3.00-, No. 2. $11.0utru.ut; No 3, jo.op rye, . 1 fine stem tl2V"tH4 0U.U9. Dry Cioad Market. NEW YORK. Feb. t. DRY OOOD8 Cotton good market were firmer today, with drills and sheetings sdvanced 4o a yard. Yarns were steadier. Mens wear aaa more active. Retailers bought silk more freely. Jobbers reported a more active business. I Bee Want Ads Produce P.ceu;i. OMAHA LIEST0CK MARKET Killing- Cattle Stronger, but Feed er Lower Than Lact Week Sheep and Lambi Up. HOGS FIVE TO TEN HIGHER SOUTH OMAHA. Keb. 3, 1!I.V Meeclpts aere: Cattle. Hogs. Pheep. Official .Mondav ti.l.'K 1J.'.'46 il.W Kstlmate Tuesday 2,0n) 3.0H0 4.:( Tmo dav this week.. .813 Paine days last week. .ll.Oc.i Same da. a weeks aao Hani davs 3 weeks sgo 14.0'.H Sme daya 4 week ago 12.211 Sm day last vesr.. J.K I he roilowing tnhle shows the receipts of cattle, hogs, and sluep at th Houth Omaha Live Mtock market lor the year to-datu, as compared with last year: litis. isii. Inc. Cattle p0 4:! 6.r1 $.w4 Iok... 27117 J-a.r.93 10.404 ! ecp 40.6tM 2W.7M 6,HU Tl.o loUoWina table hH the average ,,,. ' ?.,,n,m, i, i! .'JJ price for hogs at the Houth Omaha live arket for the last few days, wun sons: Date 191S. II4. 11912.1 1912. 191I.I910.1!W. Ian. Jsn. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. 41 t 071 I 1AI d 151 7 691 I 3 ) $ 14) T 24 6 0t T 7-1 47) 6 744f f 7 26j 041 7 7 441 04 6 72S 1W 7 Si 1 " 7 M 281 I 6 9o T 09 $ $3 09 63 6 M4 6 57 t 31 14 S 1 7 71 t 67 9 3 a 97 s is t S3' S $91 1 21 6 Kl $ S3 02 $ U) $06 6 00 93 i 91 6 96 6 11 i 23 OH 6 61 I 21 I 27 $ 27 T S3 7 ' aj 6 61 6 (.:.! T ZV 6 94, $ 20 T so! I 7 Ml $ 96 7 o $ 06 7 9J 9 m t 03 $ 04 S 12 $ M 7 4: Jan. 27. Jan. Jan. 2!. Jan. 30. V.4 $ 19 91 t 93 7 49 6 K 3 OP 7 821 7 4N 7 64 6 774! I 071 7 23 6 78V a Kl 7 C Oil Jan. HI. $ 27, CTlfc 24' 7 W 6 0: 7 4 1.. Keb. 2. 7 2l $ 96 7 161 Ofv T 26 $ 30 a 30 RECEIPTS CARS. Cattle. ilogsheep. wsbash U.744 1.W2 26 11 2i.r4 wen ii.n 17,7 31.276 2i7!'l W.206 16.M) 1 5 2 13 1 2 13 2 J 17 14 5 6 3 l!t ! IX 4 76 3! 20 1'nlon Pacific C. N, W., east C. B. A Q . rsst C. H. & O.. west . li. 1. A- P., esst... Illinois Central Chicago U. W Total receipts DISPOSITION HEAD. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Morrl & Co.... 2.V0 6.J 34 Swift A Co MM 714 1.6-4 Cudahy Packing Co.... 7JI 915 Armour A Co 450 J.S91 l,7n3 I4ncoln Packing Co.... 6 , Fo. Omaha Packing Co. 3 W. H. Vansant Co JM Benton, Vansant A L.. 107 11(11 & Son 22 F. B. Lewis iM .1. B. Root A Co 3n J. H. Bulls 144 Roscnstock Bros 20.', Werthelmer A Drgen.. 40 H. F. Hamilton 47 Hulltvan Broa 16 Mo. A Kan. Calf Co.... H'l C'hriatle 84 Hlgglns 5 Hoffman 1- ...... Baker, Jones A 8 4 Tanner Broa 33 1 John Harvey 226 Kline 1 .., Pat O'Day 11 Other buyer 667 333 Totals 3,837 3.430 4.6i CATTLE Recelpta wtre very small this piorr lng, only eighty-two cars being reported In. As a matter of course tho meager rn wa the direct effect of Mon dav' billiard. On account of the light receipts there wni a little better feeling on beer steer this morning with the reult that pricea wero strong to possibly 10 higher than yesterday. Thl mean that Monday's wealtnes was made up today. The de mand while fair waa not eepeclally brisk, uycrs acting very much as If they were not In need of any very great number of cattle. Cows and heifer showed a little strength nnd were generally quoted as around 10c higher than yesterday. Buy ers for the most part seemed to went quite a few cattle of that description end the market was reasonably active, the offerings changing hands In good season. Bulls were generally aluady. There wa no improvement In stocker and feeders except that today It was possible to sell them while during the height of the bllxsard Monday it was very difficult to move eltner etocker or feeder tattle at any price. Price did not show ny Improvement being around 2fto lower than last week' close and from 35o to a much a 60c lower thsn early last week. Quotation on cattl: Oood to cbolo corn-fed beeve. $H.O"3.25; fair to good corn-led beeve, fl.Wa9.00; common to fair corn-fed beeve, $6.6097.60; good to choice cow. $6.7b6.&0; fair to good cow, $5. 00416. 60: common to fair cows, $4,004 6.00; good to choice atocker and feeder. r7.2M7S.3f: fair to good atockar and feed er. $6.60Q7.2i: common to fair atocker and feeders. $S.76Q.60; stock heifers, $.&$ ido.W: stock cow, $4 76t.26; stock calves, $6.0u6.00; veal calves, $7.604j9.7; bulla, atasa. eta.. lo.(IOjt.7s. Representative sales: BEKF fTEERS, No. A. Pr. No. Ay. Pr. 1 040 I W K 1IIM 1 M 14 10! 6 75 13 1144 It 1 41 1011 4 71 10 114 1 10 26 lira 7 10 11 Ull 7 It i ne T V so 13M 7 lo 1 i.llW 7 U V 14K 7 M 10 .1111 t li H 1M4 I V 17 1444 7 (A) . STEERS AND HEIFERS. 41 4 60 Id MI J 4 37 7 9) 9 951 t 40 11 171 T 16 CALVES. 4., M lH ' 2 Ill 4 H t 440 00 1 110 (XI 16 Ill 4 li 1 110 9 i 11 l:ll 4 73 7 W 4 M 11., 1.17 7 40 1 190 $ 74 . sao 1 00 BTOCixEKS AND FEEDERS. 1 4:i 14 I I1 6 7 n 619 86 14 Kl 9il to, Ml I 7 WI 14 t4 Ml :i 914 7 U I II 4 1. , ' 41. HOOS The fact that all road running Into thl point refused to take shipments yesterday made today' recelpla very light, and practically the only nogs that were on sale were some that arrived too ' 'ata 'ur yeaterOay's market. Shipping ucniinu waa tjuiri avain viiif iiiuiiiu'h, Packera' early offers were fully 6tjl0v. higher than ymterday's average, and, though seller held on In an effort to get more money, bids fsiled to Improve, and when the offerings finally started to move, It waa on the basis named, that Is. fully boplOo higher than Monday's general market, or a big nickel above yesterday's best time. Movement waa never very lively, but the very light run was cleaned Iuvtiiy, vuv up by 10 o'clock. Today s advance I Today s advance regain all that ws ,OMt yesterday and current price are teady to strong, with the close of last I week. Most 01 toasy s sale were ma e , at " W' wlth. a "j,,n1'nS. iloW XM ugure, anu a iui 01 ao.fv. 1 uuajr age cost la the highest tor over three werka, although the top of $6.85 has been psld ssvera tlmce durllng that time. For the two daya receipts totaled 13.244 head, being alinnat ll.OvO smaller than last week and 4.04) ahort of a year ago. Yesterday's heavy supply started out this week like another record breaker, but the storm bids fair lo cut the week's lun down a good deal. Repreccntativs sales: No. 11... 7... 41... 44... 17... 49... At. ..:i4 ..Ski ..217 ..Jr. I . .ilO ..till .. 15 ih. Pr. No. Av. h. Pr. 17 til ... 6 I III lit ... 4 90 li l.l ... ti'i 70 117 ... 124 74 Ill ... 4 4i M la 4 It 'ia. 74 IM ... 6 4 40 f 70 0 I 74 atf 4 774 ... 4 774 40 4 BO ... 4 40 P ... 169 SHEEP As a result of the bad condi tion of the roads In the country due to the recent snow ' storm the receipt of sheep and lamb dropped off considerably, there hoing only some 4.6JO bead of ewe and lamba reported In aa againat 12.643 last Tueaday and 9.147 a year ago. Qual ity waa pretty much the same as yostsr day, but no Mexicans were In the receipts. The bulk of tbe receipts oarae from Iowa and Nebraska feed lots, including the Scott's Bluff country, with a sprinkling from I ad ho. Chicago reported a run of 4,5(4) bead. As wss the case on yesterday's market tne packers were on hand In good season and started In filling their order aa If they really needed so in good kllisr. Prices on both ewea and lamb were any where from strong to lOso-lac. higher, and poaaibly more in oma cases. A load of Scott's Bluff lamba weighing eighty-three pounds sold up to $9. 76. Most of the sales were madp at $vlf'a66. Some Scott's Vluif t brought to.ij top for the day and the Mihest price !nte Mar of last year. There were no wethers or year lings of consequence Trade had a fslr d'-ire of activity, with a good clearance. The receipts for the two days of the Week o far monnt to 19,692 head, as com pared with 22.64 last week and 16,569 a year ago. Und-r the Influence of the, light supply prices have shown an ad vance of fully 2tj)30e since the doe of last week. W'otHtloti on aheep and lamh: t.amhs. Mexicans, $H.754it.9n; lambs, fed westerns, $.sna.?6; lambe. fair tn good, $s Ifcng.M; lamba, shearing, $7.'n9.m: yearling, l.ght, $: ';. 96; yearlings, heavy, 7.f 7. H0; wethers, good to choice. $4. aethers, fair to good, $6.3ffi4.6T; ewes, good to choirs, tA Ri-u.!',; ewe, fair to good. li.t'W.K; ewes, feeding, $l.7r4j.00. Representative sales: No. .71 Colorado lamh 2"7 Colorado lamb 74S Idaho lamb , 473 .xotith Dakota Iambi.,,,, :'t Colorado yearllnga , Colorado ewes 64 Colorado ewe , 11 cull ewe 14.", Montana ewea ' Idaho lamli 115 fed Ismbs , A v. Pr. , HO SRI ,79 8 50 ,97 8 40 ,77 M) ,74 7 96 , 106 15 W 4 13 ,. 74 4 60 . Pt 00 ,. 96 9 60 . 66 6 76 4'lllt 0 1.1 V 10 UTOt K MARKET faille Klrsn lloga Higher aee strong. CH1CAOO. Feb. 2. t- CATTLE Re ceipts, 1,0110 hesd: market firm; native steers. $5.7.'.(r9.;fi; western. $.".15ti7.60; coa-s and heifers, $3.1.VH8 10: calves, $.0i"fi 11 1'.. IIOOS Receipts, 10,o0 hesd: market 10 ftlSo higher; bulk, $.9iWI7.O0; tight, $.'. 7.0,'.; mixed, K 75(11'. 10; heavy, $i.&rf7.10; rt light, $ii.alI4.70; pigs, $6.5tvo4.70. CHEEP AND LAMBS-Receipts. MHO head: market strong; sheep, t6.l0rrf7.0Q; yearllnga, r.25a10, lambs, $7.60u910. Kansas l ltr Live ttock Market. KANSAS CITY, Mo., Feb. 1. CATTLE Kecelpts, 11.000 head; market alow and eeak; prime fed steers, $H.n 00; dressed beef steers, $7.HH S7' western steers, $7.rtfS..v.; southern steers, $.S.75.li7.25; cows. $4.boi7.t); heifers, $6.;i047.W; stockers and feeders. $.OOtf7.8o; bulls. $6.$5tT6.75; calves, $6.( 10.76. HotlS Receipts, 21.000 head; market 10 4T15o higher; bulk, $6.iit.0; heavy. $IK0 4iii.96; packers and butcher, $6.!jl.90; light. $6Hi90; pigs, $l.grf6.r. SHEEP AND LAMBS Kecelpts, 9,000 head; market 101? 30i' higher; lamba, $x..Vi 8 9T,; yearlings, rOOtj7.sO; wethers. $.0fi 6.7"; ears. 6.COm.50; stockers gnd feed ers. $4.60r8.00. 91. I.hala Live Ktock Market. ST. L41UIS, Mo., Feb. J. CATTLE Re. celpts, 5,100 hend; market steady; native beef steers, $7.501t0.2.; rows and heifers, $6.0041(1.50; Blockers and feeders $.V2&(i7i23; Trkas and Indian ateera, $5.2'4i3.25: cows snd heifers, $4.0nf4.00; native calve, $6.00 ft in.60. HOGS Receipts, 20.000 head: market 10c higher; plga and light. $6.0M!?.05; mixed nd butchers, $6.75117.00; good heavy, .7o ft7.00. BHBEP AND LAMBS Rei'elpt s, 1.40) head: market ateadv: native muttons. $5.mxn6.60; lamba, $8.25!8.06; yaarllngs, $7.00 7.7o. Hoax City Live stock Market. SIOUX CITY. Ia, Feb. 1 CATTLE Receipts, 200 head; mnrket 10c lower: na tive steers, $6..1Mi7.30; butchers. $5.00rg4S: cows and heifers. $4.401i6.s0: canners, $:t.50 4(4.75; stockers and feeders, $3.754.j0; bulls. $4.75'n6.0O. H0O8 Receipts. 700 head; market 10c. higher; heavy, $6.60U.R5; mixed, $8.774h 6.N0; light, $6.7.77,,. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt, 100 head. g. Joseph lire 8to-k Market. ST. JOSEPH. Feb. 2 CATTLE Re ce'pta, 2,3110 head. Market steady to 10a lower; ateera, $7.001iN.75; rows and hetfors, $4.0ol6.25; calves, $.0rii0.7(. HOGS Receipts, 8,5t) head. Market strong t 60 higher; top, $6.85; bulk of sales. 6.75itf.85. 8HHEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 600 head. Market strong; lamba, $80O8.75. .ew York Money Market. NEW YORK. Feb. 2. MERCANTILE PAt'KR !Ht4 rr nt. STBRLINti KX.CHANOE Weak : lxty dav bill. $4.8265; for cable. $4,847$; for demand, $4.M15. SILVER Bar, 4Hc; Mexican dollar, 374c. BONDS Government, steady; railroad, firm. MONEY On call, eay; high. S per cent; low, per cent; ruling rate, 1 per rent; last loan, 3 per rent; closing hid, l per cent; offered. at 3 par cent. Time loans, easy: sixty days, 242S per cent; ninety days, per cent; six month. 3'o3'4 Pr cent. Closing quotation on bonds today were aa follows: V. 8. rr. Is. tt.... 99 N. Y. C g. S4.... 9nt, do eoupoa 49 N. T. atu 4s....l044 V. R. 3s, rag P114 N. T . N. H. H. in ooupea 1014 er. U 104 V. B. ta. Tt IMS, No. raeifte 4a I4 40 eoupoa nut -no ps wi Panama Is coupon. .101 1 0. . U tvf. 4.... 94 1 Am. Hmcltm-a to.... JS 'Pao. T. 4 T. as... . Armour A Co. "M Psnn. MS. 4s. 924 I Aixhiaoa pa. 4s.... "W Rsdln km. 4 H, nai. a Ohio s. u a b. r. t. Chan. Ohio 4a 44 So. Pan. cv. is,. c. u. a u. 1. . wi o rr. Mo. Pao. cr. 6s.,,. 41 la. Local iecarllles. Quotations furnish br Borna. Brlnkor A Oo., 444 Omaha National bask building: Works ni. Aaked. Ararr A Co pfa u 70 Commonwealth Life lamraaca. ....... 14 90 lr Co. pfd U so Fairmont Craamsrr 1 par oset pfd.... 100 101 Lincoln Purs Butter 100 On.aha C. B. It. A B at 7 Omaha A C. 0. HI. Kr. pM ,.. 71 77 Htala Bank Stork. Omaha 1.. 170 171 Union mock Yard. Omalia. 94 94 Bonos ruOaKf parsing Co. 6s. 1914 94 1004 oampholl. Nab., Mrhool 9a iv Dundao. Nab., 54a, 1IM.. 1044 107H King Co.. Waah.. la, lK3f 104 104.99 III. Central H. B. I, lal II 99 ijm Anielea 44a. lti in loo In Lincoln L., II. A P. ia t II Iwla Co., V,'ti Bt. la. im...... K14 jot Omaha K L. P. g Vi 94 M 9t. Jut It., L. A P. Ha. 1VI7 9 4 97 4 Han rranriscs. Cal , la. 1I31-1990.... 94 101 HwKt A Co. la 1944 9414 M frrlbner. Nab.. Watar 6a, 19M 9 1 Kupartor, Nob., Watar la, 1914..' 91 100 WUblla laloa gtork Tarda to, 1914. . 94 10 Oil and Roala. NEW YORK. Feb. 2. ROSIN-Qulet. TURPENTI NE Firm. SAVANNAH. Feb. 2. TURPENTINFJ Firm. 414c; salea. none; receipts 109 bbls.; shipments. 1K2 bbls.: stocks, 35,006 bbla KOSI M A to 1. firm: K to -WW. rinll- I sales, 123 bbls.; receipts, 1.646 bbls.; ship ments, 1.4S3 bbls.; stocks, lf7,27 ht. Quotations: A. B, C, D. E. F. CI. $1 Oo H. $3.1": I. $3.15: K. $:i.00; M, $4.26; N, $5.30; WO. $.70; WW, $5.80. Cotton Market. LIVERPOOL. Feb. 2.-COTTON Spot flim; good middling, 5.42d; middling. J.iOd; low middling, 4.67d. Reports of a more active spot demand In the south were accompanied by an advance In cotton belay and the close was steady at a net gain of 6 to 7 polnTa. Melal Market. NEW YORK, Feb. 3. METALS Lead steady, at $3.7603 85; Indon, 14 12 d' Spelter, firm, at $7.87fc$.!2: London 37- ST. LOUIS. Keb. 2.-METAl5-I.d trong, at $3 . Spelter, nominal, at $7.4o! Wilson Speaks for Two Battleships WASHINGTON, Feb. : -Presldent Wil son told Chairman Tillman of the senate naval committee today he believed con gress should provide for two battleship this year and that he disagreed with Mr. Tillman's contention none should be built thl yesr, but that four should be con structed next year on lesson of th European war. HIDES AND FURS IIIgheBt prlca paid for Hides, Wool. Tallow. pUg and Furs. Writ for priceg and tag. BEATRICE HIDE CO., BEATRICE. XEB. ONLY $1.00 FOR 15 EQGS From my bis pura white PlymoWta Rocks, .by parcel post, prepaid. .'. W. GlltL.NO, Valparaiso, Xeb. NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Shares Consistently Strong Better Part of Day Session. for BEST PRICES COME LATER NEW YORk", Feb. 2.-Stock were con sistently strong for the better part of to day's session on the exchange, regardlesa of another spectacular rise In wheat ant adverse weather conditions, which wera partly responsible for the relatively light deallnga. Best pricea were registered In the later operations, but recessions wera general toward the end, when It became) known that tho British government ha$ declared Us Intention to regard all food stufis shipped to It enemies aa contra band. There was some early selling of Cana dian Pacific and other International (hares, which aeemed lo proceed from tendon, where our securltle again mani fested an uncertain tone. Latest develop ments In the war were reflected In the uncertain attitude of the British ami French markets. Selling of gilt-edge se curities was a feature at both centers, with little effect, however, on our mar ket) for foreign exchange. Leas than the usual number of specialties participated In today's movement, but among thse Pears-Roebuck was prominent for a sharp decline from Its recent rise. Amercan. Can sold off on publication of Its annual report allowing a decrease In net earnings. Local and Interior financial Institutions) bought moderately of commercial paper, but the low rate for these contracts la now on a par with ruling quotation for time loans on collateral. An Indication of the widespread ease of money Is found In the fact that Chicago ia quoting th same, rate for commercial paper a prevail In till market. Northern Paclflo wa the only Important railway system to submit Its statement of Iecember earnings. It showed a net loaa of $461,0iio. Numerous minor lines also showed decreesr In net for the month with reduced operating expenses. iiomis were firm, the feature being American Telephone 44s, which touched a record figure. Total mles, par value. were $2,O40,Oi. United State bond were unchanged on call. Number of sales and leading- Quotations on atorks were: Alaasa Oold 1.40 174 274 AmaliamalM Oortxr .... 7. Us) tit Anwn-iraa Hoet ttuiar.... 3,n 34 Js Axorima (an 114.700 t n Amarimn rt. R 1.404 K U 944 4, " ia I02 '4 10S4 14 cn J74 94S Tfl 974 lNa V7, 944 44 11 4 94 ' K 34 94 to 'a iu 93 14, 119 . i4 1 10744 94 '4 14 94 W4 IM 74 M4 114 '14 44 An.artran n. 11. pia Am. sugar tunning:.... 1.909 110 inaaj 3.1V) U14 1204 Amsrlran T. A T Amafiraa Tohaoro Anaromta Mining Atrntann ,,,.,,. Italtlmnre A Ohio ttronklvn t:apld Transit.. Oltrnrnla rVrolaum .... ranatltan Parino rntrHl lathor rhaaseeake A Ohio Chlraso O. W , Chleaio, M. a m. P.... Chlraan N. W rhino Copper 4'nlorailo r'sat A Iron.... IM son aia 400 6.4 1.100 ana DO l?4 7t H 1M'4 4 44t 74 704 9 19 1ST 144 44 464 1,900 99 1.900 44 olorado a Houtharn Panvor A Rio Oranria Panrar H O. pf4. niatilleni' garurltia Krl (lenaral glartrlo Orsat Norihara pM Oraat Northara Ora ctfs Oiilsanhalm Giplorstlon. 1,409 son oo "9 400 4 14.14 U&4 31 ' 414 'iii, 14, - ts4 1424 1H4 ' 614 . .. 64 Illinois ontral ...i.. Intarhorouh Mi(.' pf4... I.40O Inspiration Copper 1,100 Intarvatlonal Harvester.. 900 Kanasa t Hr HVjuUiarD.... :i"0 ih 744 114 1:4 14 i.i4 W4 111 '14 114 lhlsh aVMar too Maxioan Patrolaum 9,100 Miami Copvar 4 Mlaanurl, K. AV T 4"0 Mlraourl Parlftr 2,904 National Hlarutt National lad ,. .... Nararta CfMr an lit, 1:14 Naw York ontral a 904 914 N. T. , IS. H. H Norfolk A Weatara. 1094 Northern Paclflo l.On 1014 1044 10414 Paoitia Mall H'4 Paoino T.I. Tal.,.. 94 Prnnsrlvanla 9M 1004 10 104 Pullman Pala Car...... in 11.2 4 1M4 1M Har Con. Cop par l.ano 174 174 174 Raadln 29.400 14T' 144V 1444 oopuniin iron a& nisat... i"s av l 4 194 Ttork Island Co..., 100 4 '4 14 It's 914 14 904 194 1104 91 404 1M4 M , S 14 11 Rook laland Co, pM... 9t L A H. F. 14 pti. 9outhern Psrlflo 2,K 90s 4U0 154 17 904 14 104 South rs Railway Tannasaea ppr In ion Parino . . ! i4"0 Pol on Panlfla pfd loo lt4 si 11 414 44 Vottsd maiaa Ktaal...... 4.0"0 V. K. Htaal prd. 1'tah Copper ... 1.400 10JL, l3t4 2,100 144 UH wahaen ptd Weatont In Ion 4. aoo M4 g4 Waatlnghmiss Rleetrte .. 20 73 714 Total sales for U gay. 17,999 aharna. Caustic Balsam In Imltt'cn Eat U CezpiUtea. Safe, epeedy and rolUre (Mr) fef s9t A. a m , . rra, sju Siaghsta aa ether kaay 9a an. Vara all akia disss g at Taraauaa, Tamaa, Iltphtaarta. ftaaave ail insaaai nsasaatsaeesajeaue. , vmii, iara soie is B-r kMiia. Sold br aa(ia. er sm,i k, rsss, aaanraa paid, wita (all ahraaatans tor (ia aaa. irn4 (or SaserlMta SI ran la i nsUarsiws-Wllllaaia esCIrlgikt, 0. EVERY dollar you carry on a savings account adds to your Importance as a cltlien of this or any other city. Money in the 'bank means ' money at work earning; for you the highest rate of Interest 4; Your deposit is absolute ly protected by Depositors' Guarantee Fund, and may be withdrawn at any time It la needed. Open your savings ac count now. x 1 ' '. bUUlH UMAHA SAVINGS BANK 24 th and M Streets H. O. HOHTWICK, President fill' MAN HICK,. V. lres. F. It. GETTY, fJaabier. 19 S ELD OH SEE t big kne like this, but rotf tort may liavt i bunch or bnlit on bis Atilrls Uaeaa Calll. V . "VI . .,. iuva, DIIIIO( aWltTV Of A laXOslle will clean it oil without laying- the hone up. No blisters no balr KOne. Concentratedanlir a few drop required at aa application. $2 per konJa sallrticd. Dasciisa raw rasa tor aaadtt stsuwtiaaa U Book I K free. ABMJRB1N JR-Taoua baisMsa IM aasaisd gaavcaa l-alaral SwaUiacs. la. hired Ciaada. Oam, Waoa. Briuaaa, Varioaas Vena, Vara-alOaa, 4M Im Allan Pal. frk 1 4 U i konia at 4ru,,iMa ac alr a. 9,arartar-d aalr ar Wl.f.irOUNa. f.O. ..lt4Tl it iSihe(CISli, ra!lsaWal44 TauVL s 4 I I I 1