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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 3, 1915)
1 V FEBRUARtX 1915 Tim BEE:- OxfA)IA, WANT ADS Want ads WrrtvM at iinr time, but to Insure i-roper rlnsslf nation must be pre sented be'ore 12 o'clock noon lor evening edition ml 7 30 p. m. for morning and Pnniar editions. Want received after rh hours will he iiprer th heading. "Too I-t to Classify." CASH RATES. Fex-en eonseeutiv 'tips. 1 cent vWord (-h insertion. . ... Three time within on week. H eenta irord each Insertion. One time, t cents a word. CHARGE RATES. Fevrn consecutive time. cent a, lino (V-h Insertion. .... Three times within ono wee. 10 cent a line each Insertion. One time, 1! cents a line. Count el ax-era ce word a to.a una- Minimum charge, 20 cents. An eovcrtltrment Inserted to h J""" til discontinued must be stopped by wrii tea order. All clatma for errors mnat b ." within fifteen days after tho last lnsor tlou of tho advertisement Too can pine your want ad In Tho Bee By telephone, TELEPHONE -Mn Unclaimed Answers to the . "Swaprera' Column" ftur.dreda of other anawciw hax-e been railed for and d'llvered durln the lt week. It la reaaonable to euppoae tliot all of the people below have made tho d. aired awapa. therefore do not call for the balance of thrlr mtwora. Boa want ft V.S B.C. 14. 1 4K1 1411 V' l,U 1414 141G 1424 V-ft IV H 1411 V 14C! 14:v, . K..41 1441 14.5 l-'A; 109 IV.f I 14 4 . 1ST) 144 14W 15' i4,a 14U ir-"T 14X1 DEATHS AM) FINKHtL NOTICKS, BAUER Richard, beloved son of Mr. and Mra. Charles Hauer, aged 4 years. Funeral services at family residence, H10 North Twenty-llfth street, Wednea oay, at i p. m. Interment at Forest Uon cemetery by autoinubiles. Frlenda Invited. OLSON Mrs. Albertlna. age Lincoln. Neh,, January 31, Funeral Wednesday at 1 Johnson ik Hwunson'a &" yar. at llu. p. m. from undertaking rarlora. TXH Cuming ht. 1 ntermeiit at Forest Le.wn cemcU-ry. She by one eon, Fred, of Little and a daughter, Mra. Oscar Omaha. Is survived Roi-k, Ark., Johnson, of Entered Into Rest. J IDA lONE HOPPER, Huniliiv. Jun. HI. Daughter o J. FltANCIM HOPPER. Interment private, Feb. 3. from N. 41st Ave., at 3:30 p. tn.. to Fnlrvlcw cemetery. Council Bluffs. l.ouoic Nurio.i, ET. JOHN'S LODCJE NO. K. A. F. A A. M. Member will assemble at Masonic tem ple at 1 p. m, sharp Wednesday, February S. 1D15. to attend the. funeral of our lute Jtro. Benjamin V. Morris, which will he held at th temple. Interment at Forest Lawn cemetery. ALFRED M. -ONQWF.LU Master. C'AHO Of THANKS. We wlah t extend our heartfelt thanks to the many friends and nctnlioora who o kindly assisted us during the Illness and death of my beJovd -wife. We wish to thank them also for the many baautl lul floral offerlnga. Mr.. WILLIAM OlM ri'lU AND MUd. J-ULLA ltLS'flN. We wiah to extend our ' heartfelt thanks to the many friends and nelgh boi who assisted ua during; the late 111 nes and death of our beloved wife and ister. MRS. ALliKilTlNA HARLAN, JACK W. HEIBERT. HIRTIIS -1D DEATHS. Births Oulseppe and Agnta Tucema, 1110 bouth KlHhih, boy; Alfla and Oul aeppa Castro, 14i2 Bouth Thirteenth, boyj Ouuicppa and iabaslliina Urasso, i.'4 houtti Twelfth, buy; Ulovsnla and Idn Tucohto, I'lcrce, girl; Rudolph and lleule Volnnec, 1MW Houth Hecond, boy; Jlarry and Kathleen Hawklna, Omaha, tlrl; H. Otto and Mabelle llalberstetMin, Wirt, boy;- Mark O. and Mary 4i Jlogera. 4076 Marey, girl; Ralph M. and Joiee M. Langmlorf, ai.l Evaua, bay; Mike sijI Mxrle Loreiu. 6.uj Ninii Elgiucenlh, boy; Walter and Mary Hesseurion, hos ).iial, boy; Charles and May me, Oleen, 2Ji i'leice. alrl. Dcallia Luclnda Copaland, 60, hospital; I n d Hanbcrg, ;(-, hospital; Ada I. Hopper, 1 J North J'orty-flrsL MAIIRItt.i: LICKNftlEa. The (ollowlng niarrlake license were Ikftlicd: Nmns and Residence." Age. Chsrli s W. peiersvn, Omaha Oxer 21 May A. Mt'Cuiley, luualm ....Over U l runk rmlth, 'Omaha so Laura Orvnluud, Oinulia Si Arthur M. btylon, Omaha...., , 13 O.jia .Vlttcr. On.iha..... HI lieorgo E. Nearhoo1. Minneapolis. ..... S Ann M. Glebe, llullsltl, fs'eb U Cm! XUUeiiinK, eniuth. Omaha !i lulua Peters, Aurlh Hdid, Neb l joHeph W. lllbuky, lliuuo. Neb.... ...... 22 'i'lliie It. Aslk. 4ee. Neb n 4tlLl)l.U PICUMIT. II ncr Realty Invistment Co., till Nortn 'jwmy-sevcam street, frame tlMU.iillg, H.ijO. today's co.urx.irrK MOYJE I'ltOUUAMS l.'kdUHivel.v in The lie. IWMW ItlSH, THE PAOE-HKl till OAL," three-reel X i'.aKi'ai'h diuuiH. A ilruadway star fouture. -Tut Ale Off at Wayvllla." Km). 4'oin. OxJiAHi-itOiK ilitA., Hua Duugias. ih eioien, Kalem Drama. iiisAn truu iue s-r. iuum drama. J rifc l.ixal fcla iut.. beiig y, t'oim-uy. LUTE NO. 2. UU FAHnTm! Heaist-cllg No. 7. The Lady of Dreams. S-r. Blograph dr. iinimt Mil man. cng comedy FAKNAM. liii FARNAM x r" ICuaa abclutcly four urst-ruu Atulual with toe tsuious Ksysione cuiiv. eJies chang. d dady. w liii i' 'iaiA' uiil AND iiA-KNEr Home of I'aramouut Plcturea i-Ai.K int-Ai t.t, tls n. UTlt Feature progTam dally. Keystone ConieoiM. P A ULj tZ 14u DoUviLAa. Wtihln aa Inch of Ml Uf. -r. Eclair, l at Olils Roiname. Crynal comedy. TiASClMi 1.117-lso;LA"a7 A.leiuii and latest Htoi y of the Mailer ivt y. All over the lil ults, uiu. Anl l'""'' No. 1,1. y,Hr Xwiii, A I.HAMHRA, ,814 N um Aiouug the Mournera. Key. Com. Juke ua Jillow Town. Uel. lra. 1 velin. s of fftr,J-w..jf.M. drama. A1.AMU. JI'i'H AND VtiirF i..ui,o. mei,u. MaJe.tFu drama. 1 ii Utrr, a-jKcl K-H. ilra.-na. i- 'JLjLT lilftKeih, Fa utyj-umed y. 'U'.tVA' .:JIU Vli la-RDETTET ltie till princea Jr,a. Ji.e MtMiiuig fall. (L i t I -r. drama. '"'".I Ai-.Unt.-A Keyatwne. 1 i a a i ; u, p Uiil LAKE Je j. l.ii ln Elopviuciit Nesivr coiu-dy' i.linalea Xkl. -ujr. i 'Hun, ot r.iMii.B No. j. Re rid 1. I 'U'V,Ki;i';' t "HI AND FrXnkI.In: J us .M-yc.r. K.,.utr, J-re. k1. !.,. A Old 1 OIU. 'J Xoluiiin-r liurulMr. Ki-s iis. i.x.M. t Ti,ei, r Imkuui j.7."l.Hh-Lmi7ey! I..i,r.jty Juno ,V,i, 2. J iii. ii Ko f.. l)riii. c.w i d l,!iiiy. da aura not result. PC. PC DC, PC. 117 WH5 4S 1WI t ins 4ii ixs no :tii i3 is 7 ill l 415 l-T'A VI 5 Sis 41 i:.42 1 X?l 417 114 fl ?22 4' nrl ri X 40 I'M 2."3 sm 4,-s i.: 2J7 fCH 427. ' 14 l 4:H 1174 f A .14(1 3 j7 t"l iaH 1W 247 ' 3M !W7 l.W ri P'-J )M'. 1X)3 i:4 it W!t 1 H3 ft x.i run nt 7j rm i4" m 204 irr TODAY'S COMPLETE MOVIK PltOURAMS Exclusively In Tho lire Nor lb. inrronROMK,' 2.-th akp cuming. Question of Courage. 2-rce Feature. Link I lissppolntment. Reliance drama. Limping Inlo Happiness. Hcauty com. IT THEATER. 1'iTM AND I.OCUST. The Black Diamond Fxpres. Kl. Dra. By the Ooi.-nmrs Order, x-r. vita. Dra. Their Cheap Vacation. Ess. Com. I.0THK0P, 24TH AMI 1ITHROP. Nal drau the Iream Woman. T. D. On the lycflire. 2-reel Reliance drama. Her Mnther'a Voice. Comedy. IXIYAL. S4ti CALUWEU Ctiatrr'a Last Scout. 2-rcol. Htson. The Yillase Postmaster. Joker Com. On Dangerous Ground. Imp. I' A LACK, 230.1 DAVENPORT. i I The Wine Guy. Joker comedy. The Olrl Stag Driver, 2-recl Ed. sukuruanFthea., jith AND A.MKS. Mix up In Dreai Suit Caaea. 2-r. Vita. Com. Iove'a Havage Itate. Luh. Dra. -Oallantrjr of Jlmmlo Hoera. ra. O. Dra. a neon. 32D AND ARBOIl. No ahow Monday and Tueaday nlghta. Regular program balance of week. a i "oF.77 2k "L'have n w o rth. '.'he Kacana on the l.lmlted, Kill. Dra. The Premature Compromise, 2-r. Ed. Dra, The Hattle of flnakevllle. Eaa, W. Com. COU'MBlA. 17l0"76ttTMxlflTH. The ltrl Telenrapher'a Peril. Kalem dr. The Iarh. 2-reel Kalem drama. HUly'a Waaer. Vltaaraph comedy. COMFORT, 24TH AND VINTON. A IlHnakie Maiden. !treel Reliance. Ills lcsson. Majestic. Puttin It Over. Royal. FAVORITE, 171 VINTON. The Fatal Opal. J-reel Kalem drama. The Professor' Romance. Vita. corn. Pnakevllle'a Blind Pig. Ess. W. com. OEM, SOUTH 13TH. Master Key No. 10. 2-reel Special. Fool and Pa.lamas. Joker comedy. When Its One of Tour Own. Nestor. LYRIC. 117 VINTON. The Hmugglers" Island. J-reel Oold Seal. The Dear Old Hypocrite. Big U. Vivian's Beauty Test. Crystal comedy. PASTIME. 2.!D AND- LEAVENWORTH. Perils of Pauline So. 11. Mixed Up Hon eymoon. Vlrtroso. Victor dr. A Man' Temptation. yKNEZIA, Ull BO. UTU Four reel of Mo.ual picture Weal. MONROE THEATER, 1 FARNAM. The lonK Way. (Featuring Mabel Trun- nelle.) -reel Edlaon drama. Rrannhian'a Rand. Luhln comedy. lleaievak- B EN SON, iW MAIN HT. Th Little Orey Home (Theby-Myera.) 2-r. Pruning the Movies. Nestor oora. Vlewa of the Panama Canal. ruanuil iMafrs. ELITE NO. L 646 HROADWAT. A Ix-ap from the Wkter Tower. Kal. dr. rurs-'0 it mirii T" n , . r- . ..n. . . A Matter of Court. Blograph comedy. The Hha'nty' at Trembling Hill. 2-r. Esa. The Treachery In the Clouds. Vita, coin. All lor ino tiny. ni"rpn jrin. HOPKR 637 BROADWAY. Carda Never I4e. 2-reel Victor. The Blank Note. Joker enmeuy. j . i .. ui..nw IT rwven ana ceveiuy. umK'!"' Vaedevllle. ORPHEUM. 24TIC AND N. Zudora Wednesday night. No. 11. vatte OaaalMt. BES8E, 24T1I AND N. Francis X. Bushman and Beverly Bayne In "One WotKlerful Night" MAU1C. 24TH AND O. Old Peg Leg' Will. -reel Bison. Treasure Becker, sterling comedy. ANNOUNCEMENTS L)Hh.rirfMAKlNO aad tailoring, work guaranteed. 14U Cass Bt. Tel. Red. Tiii. Wedding announcement. Doug. Ptg. Co. HAZEL Ieaf Pile Cone. Bear, remedy for Itching, bleeding or protruding pliea; tOo postpaid; sample free, bhermaa 4 McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. FATEK PAVL1K. Buccesaora to Joseph Patek, plumbing, team, hot water, vapor and vacuum heating, new location, IU B. liui bU Tel. D. HHA. ENROLL now. Y. M. C- A. night school. LUCKY wedding rlnas at Hrodegard'a! LOCATED IN Tins BKE UUll.DINO. "THE BL ILDiNU THAT IS ALWAY8 NEW." 18 EVER A HAFK AND SEB1RAOLE ANNOUNCEMENT. NOTICE. Ladle going to coast should place their orJcrs early to avoid any delay tn their plana, ANNA S18TEK. I.aJles' Tailoring and i'reasmaklng, 201- T03 CUy National Bank ttldg. AVTOMOniLES ONE lull Cadlllao touring car; big bar gain. Cadillac Co, toug. 4:2a. lutlueirial Oarage Co., Xutlt 4k Harney Bta. tiuu, REWARD for any magneto we can't repair. Cull repu. Baysdorler, MU N. la, FOR RENT One-ton White truck with driver, by week or month. 1L Pelloa. Ti'ia f arnam. fall Douglas mil. Oreenough'Omaha Bad. Rep. Co., i4o Far. A UIO i-loeJing house, Im Farnaw, buy ana sella lined care. Phone Oougiaa S319. C. EIAbiiKR, expert radiator and lauip repairs. k y. iv. awt teavenworxn. AUTOMOU1LK Overland SU. 6 uuHiiior louring, overhauled lec. 1K14. Rear Urea new. nobby tread, will buy tire to make deal. ExUa tube and tiree cheap fur Uul. 1 u., t . U. UOX 1H, tfoutb Omaha. Detroit electric, overhauled and In first- class condition. Call Phone Harney Tin. CA Rii painted, accoiillngU alia (Ford M) wuia auarauiu. iiuiiikoiii t aia tiara. Folt RENT 1 high-grade 1-ton trucks by flay, week or mini In. Call Tyler KJo. Metoreyelea. II ARLET-DA V1DSON MOTOR CYCLES. Barkaln In used luachlnea. Victor Koos, "The Motorcycle Man.'1 iu3 Iea venwortn. lN'l'lAN MoioItCVCLE uow ready; bargain In used maclilnea. OMAHA Bicici.ii, CO.. iota and Chicago. D. !u. llVSIXLSS CHANCES t3.JO0 CASH will buy the best delicate- sen. care, oakery, randy and soda fountain busmen in Omaha. Lo cated right tn the heart of numer ous falgh-vlas apartment houses and the most aeleci rooming district .of the city. It alford unusual oppor tunity for making money. Doing excellent business now and making good money, but rould be doubled by anyone with some experience la this line. Suitable for man or woman. No trade considered; must 1 caslK Addrraa L 6.7. Bee. FOR Good bowling alley with put seller, two box ball alleys, all miner all l balls, good fixtures, guvd soft drinks and tobacco trade; would trade for good second hand car. Win. pelts, David Ctty, Neb. There are Better Business Chances For Tbose Who OfMca tn a Oootl BuiMing For Rouiug in The Bee Building "The building that is always aew." S'- th r.uiH'ritileii(lent. room Kd. FOR SALE First class picture' theater! d.diig fine business, btt location In Liucolu. An excellent buy. Owner de ceased. B.ricaiii lor qwlek sale, exclusive agent. Miller-Winship lnv. Co., IXi No. llih St., Lincoln. Neb. 0'OI 11m.iL 1IALI for sale: in good le caiity; baigalu. Address Y tl bee. nVKINKHS CI1AXCFS r.l.ST bmilncnii han ee, property for rent eale or exchange with me. I will write all manner of Insurance. W. 4. Terr ! plcton, -n. BHOK KK, MS Pee. Ty. 2. ONE of the beet retail baknea In the city: no competition. Call Web. 76H or addreaa K M7. Ilea. C. J. Cannn can eell your farmlnt land. OiCT In or out of bunlnr. Call on (MNUKSTAI). 4i4 Hee Pld-. D. 8477. PIONS4. ahow cr lerk)n. I. 1I7 LAHGKST cafeteria In Dca Molnee. la., ran be bought on your own terma. 11a-aaM-ement of partner compel Immediate sale; man of any buKlncea ability ran clear to IS.Onft a year: Immediate action necessary. J. V. Welch, City Nat l Bank Bid-., Omaha, Neb. J-IIEATEnn Huy, leaae or sell your the ater, machine and supplies through Theater I-:xchance Co., 140 Farnam Bt Donvlns 1I7. TOUR buetneaa or real estate quickly old. Write Jim Wray. Bloux City. WANTEI In northern or central iowa, a man with 1.0u0 to Inveat In n business whereby a Kood aaleemsn can realize 10 on investment, besides a good salary, the first year, if taken at once. Address Y 3.A Pee. A LIVE, ambitious man with !. to $2,600 can form an excellent combina tion with growlnr No better line of manufacturing; good profits capable assoviN tea. WALLA K'S CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., 1015 CITY NATIONAL. LIST VOIR BI.xiNF.uf4 with ua for quick action, and square treatment. QUICK PALES COMPANY. 41 Bee Bid. Phone Red S2M. C. M. EATON. Hue. Broker, 1108 W. O. xv., win neip you in or out or huslnees. K wo mi I n a; Hoesee for Hale. BOARDINO and rooming house for sale chesn. ill health reason for selllna. Furniture in excellent condition; aleo high grade piano. 2213 Howsrd l. ymo. FOR HALE Newly furnished. team heated. 14-room rooming nouae: walk ing distance; full of roomera; owner go ing Into other business; rent Is reason able: cheap for rash if taken at once. Could arrange for terma Call D. tr02. EDUCATIONAL- WINTER TERM MOSHER-LAMPMAN COLLEGE, NOW OPEN. Unsurpassed classes In business, short hand arid English Dranche. Graduates guaranteed good positions. Place pro vided for young people to work for board. For free catiWogue add Moshcr-Lampmaa College lth and Farnam Street. Omaha. Neh. Tho Van Sant School Stenography Py school. :W to :0. Night seliool, 8:16 to 1:15. ' Ifth and Farnam gta Do?i4!Tas 447. liOYLES COLLEGE Day School; Night School; complete buslnesa course; complete shorthand or tenotype course: complete telegraphy course; civil service branches and Eng lish. Ptixlent admitted at any time. Write, phone or call for 1914 catalogue. BOYLE8 COLLEUK. II. B. BOYLEB. President, Boyle Bldg., Omaha. Neb. Td. Doug I a IMG. FOR eeles the following scholarships In a first class Omaha Business College: One unlimited combination business and shorthand course. " On unlimited business course. One unlimited stenographic course. One three month' buainea or steno graphic course. Will be sold at a discount at th offloe of the Omaha Bee. FOR ft ALE I'araltsr. New ft Id-hand furniture, cash or terms; reasonable. Amer. Furn. Co., 606 N. 16th Masleal la.stran.eate. Slightly used high grade piano. P. 2017. AT A SACRIFICE Fine upright Kimball piano. Harney 4625 after 7:30 p. m. Typewriter. RENT Remington. Monarch and Smith Premier of their maker. Th Reming ton Typewriter Co. Telephone Douglas 13tt. Rttntal credited If you purchase and oniy very newest and highest grade ma chine sent out. Rate, three month for 16 for undersirok machine or 13 per month for latwt model visible writer. TYPEWRITERS old. retted, repaired, central Tyiewrlter Exchange, 7 . 17th All makes typewriters rented, sold, term. Butt Typewriter, liV Farnam. D. 6U31. RENT An Oliver typewriter, i months for 64. The Oliver Typewriter Co., D. 2V1V , Mlsoellaueoss. Buy beat coat for th money; try It. Web. S4K. Harmon tt Weeth. $5.00 1-hand inch. Gruea Wreck Co., 21 4k Paul. FOR WALK New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tablea and bowling alleyaand accessories; bar fixtures of ail kinds; easy payments. The Brunswick- liaike-f olionder Co., 407-4D H. luth bU t BASKETS coal. IL Wagner, wui N lth7 I NEW aafea, different six. belowWst, Dr. Bradbury, dentist. 1S Farnam. 15 NEW automat lo welxhing scales, M and 110. Match machines and lifting machines. One horse wagon, buggy and harness, also toois, lumber ana other miscellaneous article for sale or trade. J. C. 1S1L EXECUTOR 70S Bo. list 'Xv. Phone Harney 243. HELP WANTED FEMALE tltrlMl anal Vffioe. BOOKKEEPER, also good typist, willing to leave city, good future, 146 to (60. ROGERS RKF. CO., 624 tte Bank Bldg. STENOGRAPHER and clerk, muet be good. Apply at once. 13l2--ic0 Woodmen of the World Bldg. CLERICAL One who la rapid and ac curate at iigurea to u Bixikkeeper and stenograpber 6.0 to t Bookkeeper and typist to tad WATTS REF. Co.. Ml -40-41 Bran. Thea. r'snisrir as 1 rssrs, LEARN ha'rdresalng. Oppenhaim Parlor lleeaekeers liesmeatics. THE Bvrvunt Gfrl Problem folved. Th Bee will run a Servant Girl Wanted Ad FREE until you get the desired reaull. This applies to resident ot Omaha, South Omaha and Council biufta Bring ad to The Bee office or telephone Tyler !". WANTED A girl tor 3neiai bttuaework. Small (amity. 416 8. a 'Hi St. H. --Mil. WANTED A comtietent second girl. References required. Mr. N. A. bpies berger, Seia Farnam St. It 1X7. WANTED A cesoMMiit second girl; ref erences required. 411 S. 4th St. MOTHER and daughter want position as first and second cook In commercial hotel out of city. D. WANTED foung girl to work for room tend board; scnuol glii preferred. M is. 13d St. A WHITE firi for general huusework, 4 a weea. aoo ptv. . eu. iju i . WANTED An experienced maid fur gen eral housework where colored boy i'.s kept. None but first class cook need apply. Three adulta la family. Private luh, good room, good wage, fail at 216 N. M Ave. between 10 and 12 a. tu., Mon day and - ues.iay. WANT Eli Girl for general work in boarding house, ull IHiuglaa WANTED A a ure bohU; reference. Mra L- HUler. io S. qli Pt It. Kloii. B laeetlaaivesxa. LADIES' ft misses' coats, auit. dresses ft skht earn pica at wholesale price. Bort- oft New ioik r-ampie More, m N. liith. WONIEN aantedT government lobe; full list free. Franklin loslUuLe. DeiL s4 a. itoincsier. w. i. YOUNG woiueu ooimng to Outaha si stranger are Invited io tiie louug W omeu a I nrlktian aasw lailon building at St Mary Ave. and l.ih St., where they wtl! be directed la boarding place or oilier eise asaisted. 1xor fur our imrier v u ui . cuiou BUAlloa If ou have a "bupaulny Room" let people know about It In Oita column of bve Want Ada HELP WANTED MALE Clerical mn4 Office. WANTEI Experienced wMeawfce sales men, who hAe the nbllltv to get the signature on lite dotted line. Tho Mid west Ponding Co., 312 Bee Bldg. STKNOORAPMER and typist, must take rapid dictation and be accurate, 4.8. Office clerk, young man 1 to 23. high school or college education, good penman, giKMi position splendid future. ROOERH P.EF. CO.. A- Plate Bk. Bldg. GOOD PENMAN. ONE FAMILIAR XVITH AHSTRACT WORK: PERMA NENT AND PLEASANT JOH; OUT OF TOWN: oonn f ALARY. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., 1015 CITY NA TION A I... STENOORAPHER 75 MOlt. INSURANCE Salary depends Mgr. nnd Balesman Investment Salesman, city Snlarv and commission Salesman, ntper, ex-perlenced "76 Bookkeeper, out of town FA to 78 W ATTH BFF. 6.-W-4QS Bran. Thea. BTENO One who Is capable of meeting th public and desirous of learning the banking business. 160-175; excfllent adv. WATTS REP. CO., MS-40-42 "ran. Thea. IIIGH-nRADH commercial positions. WEST RKF. BOND ASS N., 751 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Rnya. BRIGHT voting man, 11 years, for posi tion as off Ice boy. Apply atonee. 1319-20 W. O. W. Bldg. 1 j Isests. Maleemea and solicitor. BIL7..Y SUNDAY'S MESSAGE Author ised. Great opportunity for man or woman to make M.nn to HS.flO a day. Un usually liberal terms. Ppare time may be used. Particular and sumples free. Universal Bible House. 402 Winston Bldg., Philadelphia. o Experienced, Salesman rirst-clam salesman who la over 30 year of age, can show a successful rec ord .and furnish good reference can se cure position with urfusual opportunities. Man preferred who I now employed but wants to better himself. Applicant must furnish full particular In first letter to J 6?i Bee. LEARN BARBEft TRADE. Be Independent; wages and tool given. Electric massage. Strictly modern. Big demand for barbers. Call, or xvrlte. TRI-CITY BARBER CfOLLEOE, 1124 Douglaa St., Um. 1032 N Bt.. Lincoln. Drug store snap; Jobs. Knolst, Bee Bldg. EXPERIENCED crew manager and spe cialty salesmen tor fastest selling article on the market; expenses daily, pay weekly. R. 12 Crounse blk., 119 No. lbth. WANTED Experienced salesmen to aell nursery stock, B, E. Field tc Bon, Fremont, Neb. TH H first payment now cover Insurance till July 1, 1915. This makes our policy esy to sell. Call or write. Mutual Ben eUt. Health and Accident Ass n. 423-23 City Nat. Bank Bldg., Omaha. Neb AVANTED Ten energetic young men for high class advertising proposition In city. pay dally, experience unnecessary. Apply 33 Brandels Theater Bldg. Fncterr and Trade. v AUTOMOBILE WISE OR OTHERWISH Be wise a t independent In business for yourself or earn big money. Our large and well equipped school and shop will produce this result for you. Get our unusual Interesting offe: with Catalogue 'C. Day ana nlgnt classes, pnone o. S041 1413-15-17 Dodge St.. Omaha. Neb. NEBRASKA AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL. WANTED MEN FROM EVERY WHERE TO LEARN BARBER TRADE. Can be your own bos or sure of steudy employment. Few weeks' qual ifies. Spring rush soon. Bosses already engaging helD. Earn while learning. Country or city applicants accepted.. M OLE R BARBER COLLEGER UU S. 14th St. . llBcelismt;Ott. , Wanted at Onctf MEN to learn th automobile business; th demand la great for our graduates; we have trained hundred of men; let u train you. Writ tor free booklet. Nat'l Auto Training Ass'n, tklt N. 20th St.. Omaha. Neb. WANTED. MEN-Prepare a flrmn. brakemen, electrlo raotormen, colored train porters; hundreds put to work; 6n) to 1100 month. No experience necessary. 600 wanted. Large western roads; steady work. Write Inter Railway Dept. 236, In dlapolla, I ml.- o WANTED Names ot men wanting to be railway mail clerk. 175 month: Omaha examlnatlona coming. Addrea Y 133. Bee. WANTED l.OuO-men t eat hum and egg IK,. 1 '..f f I .. li.k mw.A P.nlnl GOOD YOUNG MEN WANTED IMMEDIATELY. Biggest demand for our Magneto Else. Starter Auto Graduatea. Too many un trained tinker repair men: good men posi tively needed. Big spring rusn. f ret catalogue. AMERICAN AUTO COLr- lege, zuul Farnam St.. omana. HELP WANTED MALH AND FEMALE. WANTED Persons to copy letters at home: nays 110 to 626 weekly. Bend stamped envelops, for particulars. Na- .i . n .. t ' .. qjiu 11 l. I ., l Ciiy, tiO. THOUSANDS government Joba open to men and women: "5 to 6160 month. Write for 11L Franklin Institute, Dept. EilB, Kochwiler, in. x. WANTED SITUATIONS YOUNG man want place to work for board while atteuuina iioyiea college. Telephone Dougla 165. ' A FIRST-CLASS plain and ornamental nlaaterer. want to correspond with con tractor and builder. In reference to locating In email live town, jsrhere there Is an opening lor a nrsi-ciesa, soDer plasterer; best of referenca Addrea Y WANTED Situation. Young man want to work fopvroorn and board ana nuUl alary. P 67, Beev WANTED Employment by middle-aged niau, several years, railroad ' and etlice experience; preler . position as traveling salesman or office work; can use typewriter! not a ateno. K ais. Bee. WTD. Bundle washing. Maddle. W. 6655. YOUNG ma of experience wants posi tion of any kind, chaufteur. yard man. Janitor or porter. Referencea. T. 2Q4. COLORED laundress want day work or liraning. XX eb. 13- WANTED Position doing general house work. Mr. Maltte Smith. Web. 747. A BRIGHT and intelligent experienced young man want a position a ahlp plng or oil ice c.eik in a wnolcsale or com meicial house; can do any kind of gen oral otilce work. Can furnish the beat of relervuccs; willing to start work at a moderate ealary. C 670. Bee. LADYith boy i year old xvUhe a po- siticn as nouseaeeper in small lamuy. Ill Claikson St., Fremont, Neb. WHO NEEDS ME? High grade steno grapher, ten year experience, desire employment with progressive concern. Address E 672. Bee. SITUATION wanted, drug clerk, fuil res lalered; good reference; 14 year' ex perience. A. A. Berger. Harlan, la. blTUATloN wanted by first class cook. or general nouaewor in smalt lamuy Call Ikmglae 4.'4. YOUNG girl wishes position as light noueke-er. Aoureas A-Aos, Bee. AN ambitlou young man wis he work. xxebaler 4k JiUU Wirt St, HOUSEKEEPING by refined, capable yrung woman with email child. Keier- HOUfclvFlCl'lNG by young widow with two children; either country or city. Address, G a.4. Bee. lil.lHKIl Uiv. 22 l a,..,t ...... - doing houeork: good referencea. Al oe ri nun. in a. -in m. YOUNG auto student desires tu work tor room and board, or 111 do any kind or wora, evenings; neat ana honest. Ad drees P 67H. Bee. PRAlTl'lCAL nurse xx iehe position. T.lX.t WANTED SITUATIONS EX PKRIEN'f ED stenographer wanU position. Web. R345. WORK of any kind wanted by reliable colored woman; cleaning and scrubbing a specialty. T. 1. ijve stoc:: for sals Ilereea aad Vehicles. FOR SALE Two teajn of 6-rear-ld mare In foal, one tram of 4 and 6-year-old dark gray horses; very cheap for ready cash. J. Ryan, manager, 2503 Farnam. FOR Sain Nice dapp'e gray team, 4 and 6 years old: weight LfW) lb.: rhean for ready cash; private esidcnre, 2421 Dodire. FOR Sale Four-year-old team; weiqht 2 600 His one heaw In trtal ...n of nxxxres, 6 and years old; weight, 1.100 lbs. each, both In foal. Call residence. 22-a I odge. MANY wcil-mstrhed teams; young mares; some In foal. Call tit Brewing Co '. snloon. 1214 So. ISth St blT sell immediately, the best 2,e00-lb. team, well mated bay mares, In Doug las county; quite gentle and well broken; have been taken on a debt Call resi dence, .TPS S. 2nth St. BIG team of work horses 2,NK lbs., nPO; 3-year-old draft colt. 1.400 lbs., $150; t-year-old draft colt, 1.2H0 lbs., tiw. 34th and Co'jnty Line. Phone South 202S. SEVEN horses and Barn. 90S N. 21st. ire! transfer SHIP live stock to South Omaha. Save mileage and ahrlnkage. Your consign ments receive prompt and careful atten tion. FARM wagons. 0 and up; harnesa, 140. Johnson-Danforth Co., Sth A Clark Sts. FOR farm horses see Henry Gllaaman, ( ml. W. of Omaha. Tel. Wal. 16311. . Lin Rioek reBBaleateai Merekaata MARTIN BROS, ft CO.. Excnange Bldg. , LOST AND FOUND FOUNT1 At all New Stand. FREE LANCE JUNIOR. Livest youngster. Read it - OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Person having lost some article would do well to call up the office of the Omaha ft Council Bluffs ' Street Railway com pany to ascertain whether they left it In the street rars. Many article each day are turned In and the company I anxious to restore tl em to th rightful owner. Call Doug. 48. LOST Female Esqulmo Spit dog, black eye and nose; answers to name ot Teddy. Reward. Call Doug. 6384. LOST Small purse between 2uth Ave. and 16th on Farnam. Tyler 1S70. Reward. MONEY TO LOAN NEED MONEYT See ua quick service. Half usual rate. RELIABLE CREDIT CO.. JOS Paxton Blk. Douglas 1411. ' MEDICAL Piles and Fistula , Cured Without SURGICAL OPERATION or PAIN. No DETENTION from BUSI NESS. PAY when CURED. A written GUARANTEE given in every case treated. Patients must come to the office, 48--10 Omrhn National bank, 17th and Farnam streets. . DR. WILLIAM CREIGHTON MAXWELL, Twenty-eight year In Omaha. ' Graduate of Bellevun Hospital Medical College, New York City, N. Y; Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. B. R. Tarry cure pile, fistula and tther rectal diseases without surgical op eration. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rectal diseases with testimonial. DR. E. R. TARRY, 240 Bee Bldg. Tinnturn Cured in a few day without jtupiure palrt CaU or wrU, Dr Wr,y. fO Bee Bldg.. Omaha. Established UM. o NURSERY PLANTS AND SEEDS GARDEN aeeda, small fruit and vegeta ble plant of strictly first else quality; catalogue free. Bowker Plant Nursery, Bos 10, Kearney, Neb. . PERSONAL $7,000 to Pension Invalids If we receive 600 subscriptions to The Ladies Home Journal $1.60 The Saturday Evening Post........ 1.60 The Country Gentleman 1.60 Each month tin April to equal last year's business, the original S5,0U0 become the property of the Divallds' Penalon aasn., making 17,000 to" pension invalids. We must have 8H7 subscriptions in February. Your order or renewal adds 60 era. Phone Doug. 713 or address Gordon, the Magazine Man, OMAHA. NEB. THE Salvation Army Industrial home so. licit your ola clothing, furniture, mags tines. We collect We distribute. Phone Douglaa 4126 and our wagon will call. Call and inspect our new home, U10-UL2-1114 Dodge St ' YOUNG women coming to Omaha as stranger are Invited to visit the Young Women' Christian aasociUloa building at 17th St and Bt Mary's Ave., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our trav elers' aid at the Union station. POULTRY AND BUPFLTES ' . boN'T forget that three time more chlckena have been hatched in OH Truaty Incubator than In any other In cubator. Catalogue free on request Ad dress, M. M. Johnson Co., Clay Center, Neb, STEREOTYPE matrices make the best and cheapest lining for poultry houaea They are 17x23 Inches, stronger and more durable then tarred felt and practically fireproof. 76c a hundred at The Bee office. UTK WTJIB BUSINESS MEN OF OMAHA A B C of -Omaha A GOOD LOCATION la th first requl alle ot a successful business. Th Bu4 Building, "the building that Is always new," is welt located aad It looms easy or access. EW and 24-hend motor, dynamo. uuc.u ic, sou uiecn. repairs. f L. . . k L' I .. . m l . . am . . . . OMAHA PILLOW CO., 11SJ7 Cuming. Douglas M7. Renovate feulher MV - - Wl mil UUUI, IIMAttl icamer roaiiresaea ana aown covers. I 7Ac I'U.M cieauers tor s&ie. Vacuum cleaning doue In the home. Sanitary Service Co.. K Bee Bldg. WE rent repair, sell neudlee and part for a II sewing machines. NE BRASKA CYCLE CO.. 'Micksl'g," l.'th and Harney. Douglas l(s2. Aoceailssls. E. A. DXVORAK. r -counts audited, onen ing and closing L.oka, Installing modern omce ana cosi accouuimg aystema Ad dreaa tii Ranige Bldg. Phono Doug. 74 j. Adding; Markisn, s Dal ton Adding Machines. 411 B. It, p. Uft Adder Mch. Co. (Wales). W. O. W. DTaMa Architect. Everett S. Dodds. 611 Psxron Blk. D. SKI. Ante aad Maaaete Mcyalrlag. Magneto repair work a specialty. D. Mil. AsetlosMra. Dowd AucUoa Co., 1123 W. O.W. Red rsi itlraetUss, OMAHA Film Ex.. 14th and Doug. Motion picture machine and rum barsaUia llae Priming.. HORNBY BLUE PRINT CO.. M Ojnaha rai 1 nana tiidf . rsrker. U Chair. 10e shave, neck shave. 1S1T Far. Hsmas Faaadrlea. Paxton-Mllchell Co.. rth and Martha Eta. . LIVE WIHE BIHIXESS MEN OK OMAHA 4 Istera and Well IHslaa. NEED-well or cistern cleaned or dog? PfHAFFF.R does It. Phone Web. 6M1. J. E. mckERTT Well Construction CoT; nothing too hlg Ot Impossihte: estimates furnished. MO N. flit St., Omaha. Carpenter and Contractors. STEVENSON, r3 P. 22d. toiiglas tW. 4 allfernla Lands . . W. T. Smith Co.. till City Nat'l Bk. D ni. teal teealere. & Kit Johnsrwi's special, also Victor nut. xa.'Y i-hone loiigin 170:. L. Geildls. D. ,C. ;?HBee Bldg. Doug. VM. I kins Tainting. rrath I.eichftird,-deepr.itlng. firing. R. 441. Civil Enalneere. ' I , M. J. LACT. SI 8KB J3T.TX1. DOUO 47l. Cream Sefiarntors. i The Sharpie Fepsratnf Co., l?th AV Farn. Dae,.Jaa- Academies, 1X)UG. AUDl.-Specl rales for clubs snd Trt danes. Call oritel. Mg. 1 1. ' ?4i'4. Turplrl' Dancing Aoiitrmy, rth ft Farn. Qenevlave Hauflalrc. hone Webster tMt MackloV Acdemyifl1g TIarney. D, 6410. CHAMBERS' AcaderryTcrassic. h. 117L Decoeatoes and Pa ie r Hangrer. priiER does It. Vhr Walnut 1K22. lenOS(s. I Dr. Bradbury, No fcafln.160 Farnam. Dr. Tod. i s al-eolai-dentistry. 41C Brandela INVESTIGATIONS carried out In any part of Lu ted Stntea. Canada or Mexico. T Paxton Blk. Doug. 137.1. Walnut 1620. JAME8 ALLAN, SIJ Neville Blk. F.vl- nenoe seeureyi in ail casea. Tyler liiw. Dentlals. , t Ba'lry,'the Ientlst. 7st City Nnfl Bank. Tnft Dental Rooms, 1617 Douglas. D. 2m Pyorrheu, Dr. Flckes, 724 City Nat. Bank. DreaaanahlasT. Terry Dressmak'g college,' 20th ft Farnam. EXPERIENCED drensmaker wants work by day.. Phone Florence hm. . WATSON-ft LUND, XI7 Cass St MISS STURDY, 2416 Cass. Red 7330. Drngrs. DRUGS t out' price: freight .paid on $10 ' orders; catalogue free. Sherman ft Mo- Connell Drug fo..-Omaha, Nb, Electrle gertplies. LEBRON Elecv Wki., 81 8. 12th. D. 2176. P.Y.rVlklM. fAP r IVlkM.H. Womn's Exchange, 433 Pa. Blk. R. 4911 ACCORDION, side, knife, sunburst, box Pleating; covered buttons, all sizes and Styles;, hemstitching, plcot edging? Ideal Plsatlng CO., 100 Douglas Block. D. 193. HA1RDRESSING, all branches; combing to-order. Apt 31.. Wright Blk. . R. 6931. MUFFS made from old furs. H. 6645. Farters.. BEN FENStRR, 1410 N. 24th St. W. 7777. Florists. A. DONAGHtTE. 1622 Harney. Doug. 1001. BATH'S florists, . 1MH Farnftm St. florist.- ...- HESS ft SWOBODA. 1415 Farnam St. L. HENDEHSON, 1519 Farnam. D. 12J. Member iFinrist Telegraph Del. Assn. Hair Dressing:.. i; Harper method- R. , Baird Bldg. T. 3S11. Lighting Fixtnres and Wiring. - ; TPIOMAS DURlilN Electric fixtures ard suoDllesl contract ing and repair work don reasonable. - - 241 OLMJNO. DOUGLAS 2519. Live Stock Resahdlea. - OMAHA Remedy Cp.. 07 S. 18th. Red 425J. Meaaen'aer and -Teamster. WHITE LINE. ,209 S. 11th. Douglas 8312. Mask, Cto tosses and Ledge Bapg-lles. MNFR. 'of lodge reg-alla and costumea Ttnr-largest stock. -of masquerade ana theatrical costumes; In-the country. Thea. iie oen & on, ifti4 liowara. v. 4110. Iaanaea- , CORA. BELLltfGY rSSSt netlc treatment ' Invigorating baths, rfim eages elerant and SB-tlefactory; daily, evening, 10J S. 17th St Notloe Entrance Down siaira, oasement, corner ouuaing. MISS SCHMIDT, mass., elec. bath. D. ' 713. Onerf eve., 0 p. m.; Sunday. 10 to 2. MISS -W-ALXUN, .bath, massage. Tel. D. 4297. Hours 9 to 9; Sunday 11 to 6. MISS JACOBS, mass., manicuring. Phone . Doug. 4X17, Hours to ; Sunday 11 to 6. MA8SAGW, VH & 17th St. Mra. Steele. M;bb Fisher, mass., elec. treat. Red 6038. MASSAGE ougxs1 BATH and' maksage, alcohol rub. Laura Wilson. 1802 Farnam. R. 2. . Douglaa 8751. Open evenings and Sundays- Clara, Lee, bath and massage. Doug. 6761. Kathleen Mack, massage ft bath. b. 76S2. BATHS, 214 Baird Bldg., 17th and Dou Moving, Storage aad Cleaning. - W. C. FERRIN.- 16th and Capitol. Ty. 1200. Ocallsts. ' Eyes' examined, glasses fitted, pays you can. Dr. McCarthy, W. O. W. Bldg. Oateopathlo Phyalclana. Dr.' Rer'leb,-I-4 MeCague Bldg. D. S6M. Dr. Peterson, ug Brandels uldg., D. 2144, Printing. i ,... . ... WATERS-BARNHART Ptg. Co;, quality printing. Tel. Doyg. 21 W.. 624 S. 13th St DOUGLAS Printing Co. k Tel. Doug.. 44. CORKY ft M'KENjJE PTG. CO. D. 2044. RIKSHALIPtg. Co.x 1620'Capltol. D. M02. CENtRAL PRrNTINO- CO. DOUG. J7S4. Patent OeveIopatent. AMERICAN- Machlh Co.. 110' S. 11th St. Patent. . ' H, A. Ptures, tSt Bran jeUhei eater Bldg. D. O. Barnell, Paxton on Blk. Tel. Red 7177. Paintlna; aad Paperlaa. . . HUGH' M'MANUS; 41 N. 40th.' 11. 6728. Reach ternlnator B B; B.' Roach-powder t your druyglst Plnntee Henevated. s PLUMED ft flower made over, cleaned ft 4yed. Berth.a.Kriiger, 429 Paxtos. I. 6894. Bate aad TU Kock Ksperts... , SAFES Opened, repairs, eom. changed, k t K. Daven. port. ! Dodge. D. lV.'l, bkoe Herla. . . . a . , . , , Electric Shoe Rep. Co.. 1907 St. Mary At. FRIEDMAN BROS.. shoe repair. 211 8. 14. tore and Office rixlarea. DESKS, -safes, - scalea showcases, shelv ing, etc. we our, sen. Omaha Fixture and Supply Co.. 4li;a-ll S. 12th. D. 2724, bisjns A.lkuwosrdi. E. M CLARK ft BON. Ill S. 1TH ST. Steel Olllaai. CARTER Sheet Melal Company, 110 g. 10. Towel Saanllea. OMAHA Towel Supply. 207 8. 11th. T Ej. Traski and Ishrsiea . . FREEING' STEINXH. ln Farnam St. Tat lore. CHAS. C. INDERTOU.. 10 N. 16th r5t. Vetcslnarlana.' ; ., PR. Q, R YOUNG. 4602 Center. Wal. 3021 XA inee and Llenete. : .. -. i- 1 ALEX JETES,. 9m-t .8. 12th St. .Wines, illuora cigar. Plate dinners, U to I, 10c. Globe liquor house, 424 N. J6th; California wine. 11.26 per gal. Write for price list. HENRT POLlIOCK LIQUOR HOUSE. Uith and Capitol Ave. Ten-cent lunch. BUY your- family liquors at Klein's Liquor. House, t:t N, Douglaa lao. . . SWAPPER'S CX)LUJUI AUTO Bulrk roadster, ' 6-paaengei, model 10, cut down 10 oadter (racer type), with -gailon gasoline tank be hind; I new Non-skid 314 overslse casing behind; just recently overhauled; nealy painted; also t-paseenger body that goes with It. Price, Iam. What have you? b. C. 6;. Bee. ARM CHAIR Cherry, highly polished, new; will trade tor misaioa rocker. 8. C. 664. Bee. ... ' SWAPPERS' COLUMN ATTKN7 ION1 TAILORS AND CLOTH ING MEN! I have a Stanley Steamer roadster automobile Ir. excellent running condition, good In paint and cqulppe-t with top. windshield and lnte type road ster body; ccr Is easily worth the $;J0 f K lor It. I xxam a ogni weigiu ana hegvy ox-ercost and the balance In suits. In a trade with a tailor might consider one suit and overcoat In "uncalled for" tuff If good. Will also consider r.ffer on "ready made" cvercosts and suits from clothing men. but rlothes muni be good, as I -want to wear them myself. Will store car until uprlag If you have no plac tr keep it. Here vour opportunity to get a good cr without cash. S. C. 5.VI. Bee. AUTO CASINGS Auto casings and Inner tubes; xvant to swap for saaie, 34x4 sec ond hand. H. C. 665, Bee. AUTO Want to swap for a Stanley Steamer auto for other personal prop erty of equal v.Mue and will give a good swap to you. .-. C. 67, Bee. AUTOMOBILE-e-WIU exchange one or more hlh grado automobile In first tiaas condition-for 1H0 acres eastern Ne braska land, clear or nearly so. Address S, C. 54S. Bee. ... AUTOS Will swap for a first class, high graae, auto, in perrect condition, if you hax-e It. S. C. 673. Bee. AUTOS A -4-pass. Auto, body, top, wind shield and other parts to swap for anything requiring lea room. It Is a snan.- If you can use it. S. C. 674, Be. AUTO TRUCK Have CO-H. P. car which, ; with but little work, rould be converted Into truck, , or used for s roadster . as . R stands. Engine, magneto, differential and transmission Just overhauled and rebuilt; 164 worth brand new tires on rear; front tire In A-l shape. Want Ford or slmilsr tar that lady can handle. Add res 8. C II. Bee. AUTOMOBILES For other automobile! bargain see the "Automobile" claulfl- ftlan. . BASS First class condition, - made In Cleveland,. O. Retail price, $160. Will trado for good cow and two small plga Address S. C.-531, Bee. BASE BURNER La rge base burner and some caal to trade for service of man, team ancT wagon, for i po of moving. Address 8. C. 629. Bee. CEMENT BLOCK MACHINE Want a thousand of good shlplap or a dlaa graphophone for my cement block ma chine. Address S. C. 667. Bee. ' CEMENT BLOCK MAKING MACHINB WANTED Can give you a swap, a good awalts you. 8. C. .669 Bee. CAMERA What have you to swap for a llrst class 4x5 camera, something good. Be quick, 8. C. tS, Bee. CEMENT BLOCK MACHINERY Have '. "complete outfit of machines for making cement blocks and tile. Also quite a stock of blocks, tile and cement fence poats on hand. Can you uae them? Located in eastern South Dakota town. B. C. 641. Bee. DIAMOND Ring, two-third karat. 'Tii' feny; price, 1140; exchange tor good Planoi light-auto, motorcycle, or offer. Address 8. C. 649, Bee. DIAMONDS 8wap 2 rings, man and lady's, about ne karat value; 1210 for L,tU,'9od n,ftno or "ht car Addrs J. S C rez, Bee.L Omaha. - - DIAMOND GENT'S DIAMOND RING. valued at 136. to trade for kodak or nle ture card projector. Address S C 60S. Bee. DIAMOND Wish to trade -carat dla Ave -1 ccneixer, en b. 34th ENGINE Ore 1-horse power Intema--tlonia Harvester Co. engine. This en Bine has been run about forty -eEh t "niirs.; Just the thing for wash machine alid ringer or where small amount of power is needed. Will sell cheap, or what ar? t??ur,,' offer in - trade? Addres a. C. 504. Bee. $UO0 EQUITY 6 room, all modern Omaha J..mI;o'rlntt',ma" towo Property, clear. 4JI0- N.-2Rth Ave, EbkTRiC FAN. ETC-16-lnch Gen" Electric F.n for wall or deak. A-I L, n' V8ed month. Sell reaaon- mym ;r ; 10 looia,- such as sw, brace. V'.'.."'-.''.'.10 tr,de- Wha? have i n jrj., - preterreo. - Aflare, FOUNT AIN-47oO soda " fountain outfit"; " a ' - r's""! vrai AI6A VY Ileal liaV VfJ you frtf one or both? 8. C M0, Bee. FURNlTUREVHeavy mahogauy . muelo ' CADiriftt for nlfiVAfl rrillsa Me l,-. - i - Cot l new and used but three months. ..hi lor auyining i can us aotu. aUy .worth $16 or more. Address 8. C.,637. GROC ERY Grocery business wanted for ' neraonal neoneetv tti i- -.A M ' and that Is making money dally. Old age i T:nrvyi( p. v. oiv. nee. HOUSE e-room house In Minnesota for what have you In Omaha? B 661, Bee. . INCUBATOR One SOO-egg Mahdy Lee 'first-class Incubator, almost naw.'wlll exchange-tor electrlo fan, alelgh, or will ell cheap for cash. Address S.. C. 643. care -Bee. . INCUBATOR I have a 260-egg Triumph : Jr., -incubator and a brooder, used one season; will trade for Buff Orpington hens or what am I offered. Address. 8. C.. . 623. .Bee, i LADY'S WATCH Beautiful lady solid gold watch, full Jewel: also pin for same, set In pearl. Will trade for upright prac tlce piano. Addres 8. C. 661, Bee. MODFJL F Bulck engine1. Will sell or i trade.v Fair condition A' F. Parker. 1 uimuuin, reo. MANDOLIN French mandolin, fine tone. In perfect condition will trade for dia mond ,rlng or typewrite?. . What have youV Address S. C. 5o4. Bee. MEXICAN hairleaa- dog, good condition. - wiu swap ior aometniag worm w. or cash.' Address B. c 60, Bee.- ' NEW OLIVER typewriter, also Remington,-two1 diamonds $70, i40 garnet ling. What have you for any one of these? Will, take - high-grade rocking chair and bookcase for typewriter or ring. . Ad dress. S. C. 277. Bee. NOTE Will trade a first mortgage of i.ouv ior a goou ousines. vvnat nave You? Address 8. C. 632, Bee. . - . PIANO In good shape, swap for an auto that will make good truck; good engine and, running gears and tires are tho prin cipal things; might give a little cash for extra good ''thing on wheel." J am a building contractor. Address 8. C. 666. Pee. .. . . I'lANO Hamilton piano, cost $4u0. In good ' shape, only needs tuning. Swap tor iot or Virginia land, Indiana land. Will pay . difference. Would awsp an old house and lot well located In Omaha, and pay dif ference. Addrea S. C. 63, Bee. PIANO Beautiful mahogany Conover .piano, used but three month, good a new, cost $u00. Will sell at a big sacrifice, or would trade fox diamonds or what have you? 'Address S."C. 647. Bee, - PHOTOGRAPHY 10 VOL. COMPLETH LIBRARY OF PHOTOGRAPHY, leather, with mission book rack; Ilka new; com 130 00, will eell for $i000. Address. C682. Bee, V. PIANO Good electric piano, cost $4.1.00; : will take $3t 0 In vacant lot. E 683, Bee. PIAN'6 PLAYER Almost new player : pi no. Will trade for diamond or will -111 on paynients. Address S. C. 646, Bee. IlTp Ped. greed Boston bull pups to . trade. . W hat have you? Address S. C, 633. Bee. - POPCORN MACH. One of the lat est aclf-vendlng sanitary popcorn ma chines, something new, direct from the factory. In perfect condition. . Was bought for the California - Expo. 8. C. 671,. Bee, . REFRIGERATOR This $J00 refrigerator. I"x6x$ feet, full butcher aixe, in perfect conottlon, regardless of cost; will deal for anything I can use; require the room at once. S. C. 6h, Bee. RUBBER BOOTS Have good pair ol rubber boots almost new will sell .or trade tor aomethlng I can use; la good condition: slse j. C 61. Bee. $6 SET printed dice instruction, with photograuh showing manipulation, to' trade tor Jewelry, etc. Add. S. C. 6JU, Bee. SIGNS, showcarda. Clark ft Son. D. 137. PIANO PLAYER W will sacrifice our player piano; coat $A new. will sell for $.V or trade for diamond. Addreaa c- 6.i6. Bee. - f - SHOT GUN Want to awap fur a siagia pump or double barrel breech loader, la perfect condition. S. C. 672. Bee. SHOTGUN NEW SHOTGUN, WIN. cheater 16-gauge take down, and bunt ing outfit; aorth iU.fto trade. What have yeu? Addres 8 V? 60. Bee- TYPEWRITER Oliver Sianoard Visible .Vriter, only allshtly used and a good a new Cheap for cash or will trade. What have you? Addreaa. 8. C 462, Bee, T W ENTY acres rich truck land, mT Gulf, t m'.les from Rebate g. Tax. Address. 8. C.-152S. Be - A I) A. 1 a; V