10 TllE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 2. 1915. OIJAIIA RECEIPTS LEAD THE WORLD Wheat Friers Soar Here in Spite of the Ileavy Receipts, Making Kew Top Mark. COHN GOES UP TO 77 CINTS On "or receipt oMnday Omaha led the rorld, having ?3 csrs. agslnst Chicago's ir, on oale. Wiiet was true 1th respect to corn was r.lo tru wlb wheat, there being thlrty-r.ln cant on th exenoat Vera, as tint fourteen, in Chicago. On account ol the abnormal demand for wheat for milling purpose a new trp mark raa rod h No. I bard went to P M and Durum to II. S3 per bushel. In loth Instance the whoa ! ten by tKe Updike Milling (ompwr, while the Maney Milling compeny, alio nn Omaiia concert1, toclt severaJ cartada at n.i to Tfca bulge lu vrjca.t prices, it was as serted, was !n no wise du to the foreian tiemsnd. but solely on avo.int of the miller needlnt the oereii to grind Into Hour on eonlri-t entered Into several vteks aa. The -wheat bouaht, howcvai. -waa specially fine for mil it p. Vbeat started over a cent abort the noae of last Saturday, and going op H1 V.t. er slopped uniil the ton was reached. The hlta waa iH oent above that of Saturday and within a couple of tffita of tli Chicago blgh. Xrw Corm Flrwra. VST.tle ThMt waa making Its new high record, corn wa dolnw the some thine, no far aa thla season's I rice waa con cerned. Fefore the tlone of the market It touched TT cent per bushel, two car load being- sold at thla figure. The built of the sales, ho ever, were made around H to 78 cent. Jty continued lb skyward movement started several drtys ag'j and set a new Mirh mark, when two carloads vsold at tl. S3, an atfvanos of I centa over Saturday and I rente a box lie former M8h price. Wheat receipt, thlrty-nlno cars, were light, but corn, 4S car 'was heavy, and wetl op toward the top There were fifty-five cars of oats, on aale, most of thl grain going sotifh, buyer being here to take tt off the hands of the dealer te whom It ' consigned. ' Sidelights of the Blizzard Which Greeted Ornahans Monday Morning On maa from gouts Omaha earn te work on Benson ear with a Croa Town conductor on the Fhermsn avenue line. The weather will have to change before morning or the groundhog wilt not b able to aee hi ahadow. Principal Doyle of the Central school waa a buay perron lnrklng after her flock. Phe net the youngster at the door and with th janitor brushed t'ie now from all. She seemed ia know all who hed come long ways. "Tell Harry Turner to come here," she aald to a pupil who waa rsKairi- through the half. "Harry," eh aald, aa a tall yuth put In hi appearance, "ta'ie off yoir- shoe and Blockings and riry out your trouaei. I know you have com a long way and must be wet through. " A mint later little girl appeared who had nearly fomideied in a enow drift. And alt wa huatled Into the principal offio o a to be dried out, ao ah would not eatch eold when ahe went up to th srhool room. ' The Aoited Charltlea put twenty two men to work yesterday before o'clot.k in anwer to varlou telephone call for help. In cleaning walk arid other work Incidental to the storm. The Ac!ated Charities aleo says they oaa ue eome clothing and ho a they have had many call, especially during the lt week. Fourteen car were stalled In one group near the High school grounda at o'clock and paeeengers atarted out for the cen ter of the city on foot. U1ICLE SALI HELPS HY T0FI1ID JOBS Kew Scheme it Jot Being Worked Out Louin Poit Sayi Army of Unemployed is a Myth. POSTERS ARE BEING DISPLAYED '"Ye, we had a cry out of tTikago about a month ago about the unemployed problem," aald Louia F. Pot. aeeiatant secretary of Labor of the United Ptate. in Omaha. "We had a cry out of Chi cago, and when the rrcretarr had the matter Investigated It waa found that Chicago had three municipal lodging house, that one of them had not yet had a s)";la lodger, and that another had at no time run at fuil rapacity. A trolley wag pulled from a ear at FIx-jThat wa how much the cry about un- teentli und Howard streeta -and struck a pedestrlun .but lit was on hie wy. kbl to continue Barking Dog Saves Slatina from Fire Which Burns House OMAHAS IN SEVEN STATES But Kebiukajii Trolaoiy Never Heard . of Other Six Unlem Workir.f n Postofftce. ALL NEAR THE EDGE OF STATES A maa regiblcied at a locSl hotel yea terday giving hie home a Omaha. "Tea," he faid, "I'va lived in Omaha for forty yeaia, but thla I the flrel time fv been In Nebraska." Il lived in Omaha. III. And mnsuUaUun Ailh the Wan-tVho-Know-AII-the-Towna, ovor at the poet office and ubequcnt arduou reerjh In varlou larg town, d'sclosed the fact that there are Oman In eeven tte. to wit: Illinois. Arkauius, Georgia, Ken tucky, Trxna, Virginia and KebraaUa- It'a no wonder If you haven't heard about six ot them, for you could take their total Inhabitant and find ample accomodation for them In tho Omaha, Neb., hotel. The largest I Omaha, Texas, whlrh bnanta i'A Inhabitants, and the smaileet Is Omaha, Va., with twelve people. Omaha, Texa, Is in Morris county. J right In tho northyast corner ol ' the tats- It I on the Ft. Ixul tt Fouth-i westera railway."- About three rrilles oh ona aide is the Big Cypress Vlver. 11 Illlaele. The home town ot the man who reg Istored at the local hotel, Vmaha, ' 111., has OK) people and Is located In Gallatin At 5 o'clock UoivlHy rnornlnc Mr. and'oounty, right on ths eitern edgn of th IWrs. Frank Flatlna, SOU Wouth Thirteenth Ktreet, were aroured by their pet Aug, who barked vigorously when fire threat ened the lives cf the occupants of the bouse. . The upper part of tho building 'was destroyed.. Jt 1 believed a defective flua caused the blaxe. The Sl&tlna family ruuhed out (IKo the atonn, picking up a few personal effects f they went Neljshbora took them In. Mr. blatlna was not aware ot the fir tmlll ha heard the dos bark. Police Now Believe Peter Peterson Did Not JumpinBiver . Tolioe and frlcml of Telcr N. retet .rt, the Herman contractor whose coal va found on the river bnk Satuday, declared they do not belleva the man Jumped into t'ie river. Iete:tlvea who looked tip the case have been called off. Cliii f of lrloctlvc Maloney ay. and be Is expecting to find that Peterson tt alive In Ornaha or back at his heme. Tlifl roan' wH'o ciime here and a!o dia credits the suit Ida theory, as dues Jiseph i-epto, ::3 North Fifteenth street, whe Vnows Tcterfon. Omaiia Builders Are Back from Meeting Clark Miclly, secrctnry of the Omaha l-iutiilei-a' ejkclinc; ( -i atit rarou il J. V. tiiilth, meml-ers of the exchange, A.r to a rer j,nny evenlee, V(.truaiy 9, at the nn-ft'njf of the Omaha evi l nre on tlie convention of the Hi tini Aru tntlmi of KuiMera' aschanget tl h they attrudvil at 'olumbus, O., i.it nn:k. Ktieliy and Parson returned feiinttKy. btiutn tiiiM!-J lu lo ;it to tv,-i.:eto mo.lern hrlek manufarlurlng j 'h- ts Ix-fore rt biiiiaiii las plant, tn Lttitiy UvatroycJ by flsa. Th's fourth nruil cimvcniion of the piu,t!l Aewlllou ( liulKlei' CX iliiiifts hl a lars.-r rtlendanre than f. ny -f h rtrei-ccciitnf vm entloi.s, ac ..(it!:i,g to Mr. Mh lly. "The inrmber kl. H l.tia lvrir-'-l ov-r r r t ent dur i.. 11!'.4." 1:6 tsva "3 t'e prt eiit uu'in . U fitiiil for.-lwo local x i..a;..ea. i-mivra-lris a t!l inemberehlo cf a.i out e.tv.l. Only thirty builders' ex-f;ir-;.ii li the I'nHeil Male tltst are wt-nl.y the name are L"t limlri of 1 ti -s; vi!ttiLU." Spirits Fail to Move City Dads to Exempt Licenses The aplrlta failed to move the city com missioner in committee of the .whole when an ordinance affecting spiritualists wss up for rnnslileratlijn. A dlesonant note wa heard when tlie.eplrlta met In the counrll chamber. The ordinance waa laid over for a week. i. V. Ouye, on hchalf of the local mem ber of a att organization of (ptrltual lat. Is pushing the ordinance through. The proposed measure exempts spiritual ists from the yearly license fee of exacted from clairvoyant, trance medi um, fortune tetters, palmists and others who deal In fuluresat so much per fu ture. " - The contention is that .spiritualists are members of a religion aect and should not be classed with those that gaze into crystals,'-read palms and In other ways have to do with the occult. The opposition to the ordinance came from spiritualists who claim to be mem ber of a national "-organization and who ssy the defenders of the ordlance are not In good standing with the national body. The spirits arc, at war and the commis sioners understand the end it not yat, . state, it Is on the Ohio & Southwestern railway. Our city's namesake down in Arkansas Is known at "Omaha Poatoffice." or Crliket," the latter perhaps Indicating that it Is a lively place. It is In Boon county, rlht on the northern edgo of the slate. Three hundred Inhabitant throng It street and probubly crowd the doepo" when the train of the Ft. Louis, Iron Mountain Southern rairway go through. It la ten nillen from Prosper- ity, which I the name of a town. And now talk a look at Omaha, 'way down south la Uawja. There it la In th land of cotton and In th county of Stewart, at th western edge ot th state. This, too, has thrice an hundred people whose transportation want ere served b the Southern Air Una railway. And -Jot this upon th tablet of your mem oryIt I situated upon th lovely Chat tahoochee river and near th picturesque Cnnnahache creek. Oh, happy Omaha, to be thu ltuated. Th only way It re leniblcs it tlg sister in Nebraska ia that the town of Florence lies Just four miles away. ' - ' 1 2V KallraaA la Coast y. Down In old Kalntucky, in Knott county, at the very east end of the state. Ilea Omaha. Far from the maddening crowd is this Omaha, wltlj Its IM ln hubllants. The nearest t''l'J station ia Fulton, thirty mile to the northeast. Thei isn't a railroad In U Knott county. Knutt one. It's pretty Inconvenient for th but then, It's J-jftt as herd for the InhsMtsr.t of I'lnetitp, lvn, Neaty, Amrtla, l'.'nimuliit. u;ta and Hath, which are within a radius ot ten mile. Just over into th Cumberland (silent "r," please,) mountains from there lie the baby of all the seven Omaha, Ouiaita, Virginia. H's in IJkkoninin county. The twelve people who lived there when the latest census were taken were not kept awake ntght by the noise of railway trains, for th nearest rail way la the loulsville 3. Nashville, twelve mile to th aouth. And, though probably pa Oin&htinrbiaskans outside the pot offlca ever .heard f Omaha, Virginia, mnybe none ot these Omahavlrglnian ever heard of Omaiia. Nebraska. For it la a county wher the doings of the big eutttlile world ar given scant attention Tin uniMit. like ail th rest,. I in a county on the cJge of the ttate; In this instance In the ftevicra eJ. It seems o.lti, this J.-UiiiilntUm uf all th Omaha to stick nround at the etl"8 of their respective tlcs. liven Omaha, Ne bra.ka, you kuon, is on trie eJbo of th state. P,J. Nichols, Former Railroad Man Here, Answers Last Call Peter J. NIchoN, well known by the pioneer railroad men of Omaha and th west) Is dead In IiitUanapoll. aged Ka year.- HI death occurred at the home of hi daughterfMr. W. T. Dtimleton. where ha had resided soms time. Mr. Nlrhot w born In 1830 In Chen ango county, New Tork, and oon after leaving; achool went Into the railroad work, helping to build a branch ot th Pennsylvania, Afterward he becamo a brakeman and aubesquently, a conduc tor. In 1871 h cam to the Union Paclflo tut yardmaater here and oonx after this was promoted, going to the Wyoming division as superintendent. Then ho came to Omaha, n superintendent of th lines between iter and Cheyenne. Tdls position he held until be rtlrod sev eral year ago to become superlntendeut of Hi Denver Union Depot company. About two years ago h went on pen- itioa and since then bad lived with his daughter. ported to a oentr.-l office, where they are filed In a card eystem for resdy reference In helping the man and the job to get together. "Thl ought . to eeompllsh something." said Mr. Post, "as It has tha machinery of th Potofflce depart ment and the reprtment of Labor back of It For Instance, the United State Department of Agriculture ha It 170,000 field men Instructed to help In th matter." Dt aWt Catiap, Cwla. Dr. King New Discovery should be la avery home for cough and colds. Chil dren and aged like tt. 50c. All druggist. Advertisement. Spring Style Show During Market Week A big style show Is plsnned In connec tion with merchant' market week, which Is to begin March I. The style show I to b a demonstration af th latest and best style and make of garments by living models. This will be stsged at the Com mercial club rooms at least on evening during the 'week. This wss th feature that attracted most attention last year and the promoters have decided to make It a feature agAin thla year. ) CANT FIND DANDRUFF j Every bit of dandruff disappears ter one or two application ot uanaenn rubbed well nto th scalp with th fin ger tip. Get a S6-cnt bottle of Dan derlne at any drug store and save your hair After a tew applleH'on you can find a particle of dandruff or any falling hair, and tha ra!p will never Itch,-Advertisement. TOE OMAHA BEE THE HOME PAPER TUESDAY THE SECOND DAY OF THE l n employed In Chicago amounted to when It waa actually lnvetlgted. Yet tha cry had com to the government that Chicago could not take care.of.lt un employed. - . Have you an unemployed problem here?" bo asked. "It Is not o bad," was the reply of the Interviewer, "but we hear the prob lem is" great in the east." Tes. and in th east w hear the problem la great out eere, ao there you ar." Mr. Poet I In Omaiia attending the meeting of the National Farm Labor ex- chdnge at the Hotel Rem. Mr. Poet wa until a Utile over a year airo the editor of "Tho Public," the tngla tax magasln published In Chicago. . PtThrough a ytem of co-operation that jtii been worked out between the De partment of labor, th Department , of Arllculture and th Postofrka department Mr. Post believes much will be accom-1 pllshed In the way of helping th Job to j find the man and the man to find th Job. .The system was Just inaugurated J during th flrt part of January. Circu lar ar out. posted In postoffke build ing and other places, catling th atten tion of th unemployed to the fact that they may apply to this government divi sion of employment and distribution of labor, and calling the attention of , th employers to th fact that they may apply to ttii same department for Just the kind of man or woman they want for a Job. ' Reference and - qualification -are specified and the applications 1 re- Offers buyers in connection with nearly all lots shown on Monday, scores of new bargain opportunities. Sale will continue all week. New bargain surprises off er ed every day. Watch window and ads. It will pay you. 'J- t.1 Lira ' r r- lUuilreili f Wuiura jv. as.-hjs fete risU-rlj? the prf bt-ioon cr l uiif iii woilJ ui fo to work ty , ii r Any in heallii, all tided with e.-i'ie fenial ailment, tlissiitisff w foot t.eaiily alter t'.i other, working with in -t; on t!it rlutk, ami vlflii!ii lor tluMiit ttltliJ to Ctttne. U u-ii- ii in tltia mi lltltui ahoultl take X-i -.j. i-.- i I. 1 i-.ti: a Vtx !a' t"t i:ti i-iiiinl. fiilU Units ft lid hei t.. U hs i....it beittin and bari-ttse to inoie tti .-: !i !:i Ai.-iiri'-s (t un my tidier rem--e . uivti it a ttibl. Advci-tis meat. Bennington Coyote Hunt is-Called Off Dent on the instant obliteration ot all rojotes In .Nebraska, a party cf ten Orna hans, led by T. H. Dawson, spent three hour Sunday ntornlng, enroute throufti divers snow drifts, to Bennington, Neb., where a big coyote rundup was ched uled to occur. After three hour of tedious tramping the Omaha crowd arrived at the ranch of Fred H. Burmelster, about seven miles northwest of Benson. Thei they learned that th roundup had been postponed until next year. The Omahan idiot about fifteen rabbit on th Journey home, hut rabbit were far i'rom satis fying when poyotes were planned upon. All human experience look back te motherhood as. tha wonder of wonder. The patience, th fortitude, th aubllma faith during the period of expectancy ar second only to the mother lov bestowed upon th moat helpless bug most narrl u creation a baby, ' Women ar quick, to learn from each other those helpful agencies that aid to comfort, that conserve their nervous energy and yet ar perfectly safe to usa and among the, they recommend. "Mother Friend.", It Is entirely an external application designed to lubricate th broad, flat muscles and akin that protect th abdomen. It has been 111 favorable us for nearly half a century and I known to mothers In almost every settled com munity, in tb United State who hlgrhly recommend it. You will find It on aale lu drug stores. "Mother' Friend" is utterly harmless, contains no deadenlrig drus and yet Its Influence la th skin ; ana muscle Deneata. ss-eiso upon uia network of nerves beneath th skin I very beneficial, very soothing and a wonderful help. Th muscles ' expand aeturally entx r not subjected to, uauec ewary surface strain snd psia. - , Oet a bottle of "Mother Friend" to dsy t any 'rug: rtore and write to uc for our ln"tructlv little book to mother. Addreaa P.radfleid Rerulatcr Co-, Lamar Bldj?., Atlanta, Oa. ' Silk About Half Genuine Shantung Pongee 26-in. wide, natural" color, hand loomed, $1 quality; per yard . . ; . .4.S& Imported Shantung Pongees 34-in. wide, hand loomed, regular $1.25 quality; per yard ...V -....v. '...68 $1.00 Black Chiffon Taffetas 3G-in wide, soft finish; on sale Tuesday, yard,' 68 Vool Dress fioods All Wool Storm Serges 40-in. wide, black and all colors, $1.00 yard values ... . . 48f Handsome -Wool Novelties, 54-in. wide, to .$1.50 values, yard . .. . . . . .4.8$ $1.75 Broadclotha 5-in. wide, sponged and shrunk, black and colors; on salet, per yard $118 f Many Other Specials. Phenomenal Bargain Offerings Tuesday in Women's Furs, Suits, Coats, Dresses, Skirts and Children s Garments V TERRIBLE DREJD IEAI M if Itched and Burned. Child OUT t Vu ttj TO 'CZ PA r- r ITC r rn TMrrn v t:ie -. ! i.-M- Tie ti .i witr loiti'J oiiiiii'tiii-e jMli!!l.'i"i.i!el, at-t et toe ik ;i!r city . il it.'iii. ii T'J'-.i.y intirii.K-. In .-1 -13 ef t';tt t.:;nU- l!io t-tintmt.iitn- r ...i-t,v R r.nrttv-ti I ttTtl i tt H t I i- .- ::. Cl.i.. n .f Tfinple . 1 hi if.ii J 1-turj inr oinn it and i tt.o r. -sity of a !fi buatd i'i l Of I litae or Jn( MafiMf i i..-ii !!i aud ttirritl liver um.! t tti'-i U tiiiv ttoi tiskti i jn, f ,. ... .-a ti Scratch and Cry All K'A Spread Ver Fust. Caused Hair to Fill Out, Use d Cuticura. Trouble Gone, s a ! i t. i'f ft t'il rtni'l:'. vn r or l.tiiint -inti I rt'l liiU'Jlt ti!' t.U.rr -i in tun mnj,.: u ji.vte utrutu, liliirni. C t..'f Clin- l o t y a I ;. in. i... u. i t r. -. '! in i a i . ! , a i r -It ). ii ( !j nt.ii e. A 'i ftrt.iDg. Mo. "Whea my li-tie dught-r was two eai( old tb hd a tcurtoia break ing out oa her head obi. n aanoyrd ber a treat dtl. 1 caut In yei .iw btnter whitji would tn--k aud run S'.id wber tlio matter . ou)d go It would break ntt attain. Pit could ciol mat at biaht. 1, lv Jj4 au4 but uvii tiha o tld viatitl and cry ail Bla:t. The trout 1 isreal very fast. It gave ber grut ilisu-nia bod rauwd her ba-'r to fall out. "I an Led various ren.ii, i'Uiut bar rw t-ii:.a uy tiiiif.i. At Uel with but Utile fans 1 l tit um f ( uiicor roap a a aliampoo anj tfcrn spiked tl.a C'u'tctira Ouiiiueui. la one wtw htr troutiJe as I gtt aitU i.A, itet vr bee a tiv 0 - d autea.' (iul! f i !,. l u. y 8. I sley. JotM V9. ll 4. fur re t. roLga, chaiiEit and k'lloitf liamM, It i. h a, turutiig palinn, bud painful tanr-en ; aita ,x.ntfia, iia.S. a ot.e-i.et: 1'wltcu.i tr-ur.:i.V otk.s eitdrra. A ! n. i i.a tijttk ti svtat-M. Ad' il uiktuia, I Ac ft- T. Relieved I ne minute. Money back II It (ails. Oet (.10 of t tub ol CzlZTThvA Jelly .f.',lSuKi. Tct crostl nsriFl'e tarrh tJty catarrh, sore doss, coughs, neetii t. uo,e hleeit, ,to. Wrira for lt .u.j,.e. Tliahrsl drop used wUl 0t gota. A' (tru,Ht.t,. Koadoa Ml!.Cat,MlaaapIla.ttask . For Ail Pain "Th fllfleney of ny drug" ssy TT. CP. Robhln,, "Is known to us by tbe results w obtain from It ns. It we ar abl to eon- trol pain and tlaae by mean, of acy pre- I r a rail on, we eertblnly ar warranted In It: ue. tineof the principal symptom, ot all i dt, ees la pa'n, and tb I a Is what tha pariont mo,t often spnile, to us for, I. a. something to rsllev bis pain, it w eao arrett tin promptly, th, psiiettt It most liable to tru.t la o, for t be otber remedies whir b will ertrl a permanent euro. Doe remedy which J bar uaert largely In my practice I, Anlt kaiuuia 1 aliletn. Many and varied ar the! u,e. I Lave put them to th teat on many occasion, and have never been Olnappolnt ed. 1 iuund thsia pactaliy aiuable tor ' heatlncbe, of malarial orlsln, where gtilittn was beluic t&ken. They appear to preveut ! the bad e'!er-(Tet of Ui quinine. Aofl- 1 -IIM"ii . (. i . iv nu iicniiQut mr (na J L fcersfbes frc! lTrrreper r!'?'rn- eiA il (or heaiianbe of a batiralste on, In, and es- ; I peoiaily fnewoman atibiect topaintitiosrta'.a t ti.-ua. Two .AuU-aamnta lableta glv firouit relief, and to a abort time tha patient I shl, to to tbtxit U9tl,l." the, tablet mar be ubUlueJ at ail uru((lta. A,k fur A-hL l ablats. 1 bay ar also unaxeeliatl fur tkaatlbcuas. ueuiauata jutd all paiua. , 1 ,1 V e- f Beautiful Dresses; to $35.00 values, silk or wool fabrics. . Fur. Sets, Scarfs and ' I Muffs; to $20 values.' f Fur Scarfs and Muffs To $12.00 values. Silk Kimonos and Robes; to $7.50 values .Silk Waittg; regular val ues up to $4.00. , BUk Petticoat; made to (.sell at $2.00 and $2.60.. ,Ctilldrfn' DrMes and Coots Good assortment o( regular $2.60 and $3.00 values; all sizes -S1.00 Tailored Suits Made to sell to $30.00. Winter Coats Made to sell to" $25.00; your choice at one price. .. Pretty Dresses Val- ues to $12.00 ....... Winter Coats Val ues to $12.00 . Handsome Wool Drews Kkirto Made to sell ud to $ 00 L Fur bcarrs tnat sold in a regular way to $6.00... Don't Fall to Ot Your Share of Tbeee Wonderful Values. Boys' $3.95 Suits, $2.65 " For one day we offer choice of the entire $3.95 assortment of Boys' Knickerbocker Suits, ages 6 to 18 years. All wool suits. Many have two pairs of knickers. Co operative Sale price Tuesday r only; $3.95 Boys' Suits p&0d Boys9 Mackinaw Coats Chpice of entire stock at $2,50 sizes 6 to 11 years only: $4.95 to $7.50 Mackinaw Coats. There are only about 35 coats left from our winter selling. Tuesday for one day we offer choice of all coats 9 left at ONE PRICE. . . ......... .$&DU iaieefc- 1 A The Sort cf Employes You Like to Take an Interest in .' Read Bee " I lelp anted ' ' Ads. Advertisers tell na tat tha class of inquiries is much above the average. They come from intelligent, ambitious v.orkers the kind you feel are going to te 8-cce::f ul. Make a lid for buch employes through the "Help Wanted" columns of Thfl Bee. Judging by the expfrienoe of others, you will get them. Tehphons Tyhr 1C00 THE Or.lAIIA BEE "Everybody Read Bee Want Ads New Edged Veils, 98c Values, Tuesday for 49 c Large and small mesh, black or colors, and edged in silk or velvet. , A Special Purchase cf New Shapes Just 10 dozen in'the lot Military Turbans," Sailors, etc., in black, white and popular new colors, made to q ty sell at $2.00; Tuesday choice. t70C Underwear Section Domestic Room Tuesday Ladles' Medium Ribbea Cotton Union Suits Long - sleeves and ankle length, b0o values, t ...35 Boys Blouse Waists with mili tary collar and button cuffs; colors black, - sateen, blue chajnbray, plain white and fancy stripes, 60c Talues, at, 1 each. ... j ... , -. . 25 Ladles' OuUng Flannel Gowns, $1.00 values, at -GO Men's, Ladles' and Children's Hose all sizes, 12 He values At Q 4 Iadten' Fleaceri Underwear vests or pants, 6O0 values at ...85 Men's Heavy Fleeced Underwear, shirts or drawers. 6O0 value, at .....Si. Soa Minxes' and Hoys Fleeced Union Suits, all size. 1 to 1 years, at 3& Ladle' Cotton Klbbed Underwear, ail aixea. vests or Danta, tia values, at ise Glassware Specials Kiih Floor 5 and 6-inch Cut Glass Happies Regular $1.25 values, at 75 Cut Glass Water Bottles Regular $1.50 values at, each 50 Utrhed Sugar and Creier Set $1.50 value, set, ff35 Domestic Room-First Floor Selection Can. Be Made Here from VnusuaJ Values. 12c Outmg' Flannel, full yard, wide i.Oc4? , 131,0 Dress and Ehlrtlng Percale, standard, 36 Inches wtde...lOJ 20c Corded Pongee, xolors light and dark .....12Hc 6c Twilled Cotton Toweling, fall bleached, yard ' 25c Curtain Madrasj white or ecru, yard '. . ...... .... .'. .". .18v 16c Curtain Scrim, novelty "color borders, yard 9 29c Dress Toplln, mercerized, all colors and black, yard. . . , 18ff 7c Unbleached Muslin, yard wide, yard. 4J 121ic Skirting Stripe, Seersucker Gingham, 38 in. wide, yd.. 9 95c Bed Spreads, white and colors, crochet, each 'COcf? Pure Food Exhibit cf Quality Goods February 1st to 13th inclusive w 1 ! t . : n drox i -.ti.--. h Ice Ly Hull Ivll i-jt t- Ot id. i Our aim is to demonstrate tha High Standard of Quality to the people. In our Mammoth Grocery Department 40 Demonstrator, Free Rumples and a eavtns: of 25 to 60 on the cost of living. Try HAli:.VS HU-VT, It laj. 19 lbs. heat Granulated Sugar. t 4 8-1 b. sacks lUydcti's Diauiond II Flour, nothing like It, for bread, pleg or takes, sack -$1.-75 1-lb. cans DUujoad H. Baktng Fowder, equal to powders sold for double it mcney. ca..itc Skinner's Famous Macaroni, Ver micelli or Sjiaghelti, free dsmon- Btrstlon, per pkg ,7tc Advo Jell; "It islands Alone" nothing finer for dessert: Its quality goods, per pkg....7He Loo-Wlles Famous Cookies and takes, made In Otcaba; free IXfUionntratloa; its Quality r.oods I lts. best Rolled White Break- last Oatmeal vc 10 bars Beat-'Em-AU, White Rus sian, Lenox or Laundry Quevaa White Laundry Soap ..... .Sc 7 bars Haokln .Bros." Electric Spark 8Vp 25c S ce.ns Oil Sardines li-"c 10 lb, best White or . Yellow Cornmeal 1 Tall can Alaska Salmon lOc Don't tail to samp! the famous Yellowstone Canned Goods. Fancy Golden Santos Coffee, per lb SOc The best Tea Sittings, lt. ..ISHc BLTTtR, 1.GC9 AND CHEESE Try Dayden's Flrt The beat iJtrlctly Fresh Eggs, not storage, per do 33c No. 1 Storage Egrs, per, dos..5o The best Creamery Butter, carton or bulk, per lb. 83c Fancy Country Creamery Butter, per lb Xc FuU Cream, Young America. W is- caaila Cream or White Cheese, per lb aoo It I'ays-Try HAYDEIPS First-It Pays Fancy Dairy Table Butter, lb. 25c imported Swiss -or Roquefort Cheese, lb v.0 Highland Navel Orange and Grape Krnit pale Tuesday 96 aite, reg. 45c, our price.. SOc 12 size, reg 40c, our price, ,25c 150-176 size, reg, SOc, our price )c Chase's Fancy Florida Grape Fruit, Tuesday, per dozen 80c, 45c, OOc, 0o THE VEGETABLE L1RRET for the PEOPLE of OMAIIA Potatoes, 15 lbs, to peck.... 20c The best. Wisconsin Cabbage, per pound lHe Jersey Sweet Potatoes, i Ibs.loc Fsncy Cape Cod Cranberries, per quart 74e Fresh Beets, Carrots, Turnips, Shallots or Radishes, bunch.. 4c Fancy California Cauliflower, per pound .7He I large Sorp Bunches. . ' . ...loo Fancy Head Lettuce, head.. 7