TIIK OMAHA KIWDAY IlKK: .JANUAKY 31, 1915. HF.LV1 A X T K ! l.W.K A'aa-to -! Tndri, LEA KM TO BB A WOY1E OPFRATOR MOVING . riat'KK OPK.RATOl fCHOOU 14 FARNAM FT.. "f rLOOR. VANIKI-Hirnn nsker at once; niuel he A sol -r man snd good workman; Job ta 2 mouth. W. W. Palmer, Nebraska City. Neta irfoMOBlUi-WIK OR ofllEKWISB Ps wise a I Independent In business for yocrself or earn big money. Our )r and well equipped school and shon will produce thin rwatilt for you. Oct our unusual interesting offer with Catalogue Pay a-id night rlaeae. rhon I. fOaJ. la-17 Dwlse Pr. Omaha, Nab. NKBHASKA Al'TOMOBILK HH'X)U WANTEI Flrst-claaa linotype operator, for t might newat-aper work, elaht hour shift. Non-union, steady Job, Horn log Express. Fort Collins, Colo. W" A NT K.I M EN KKOM KVKHT WHFRK TO LEARN 1IAHHKK TRADE. "an ! your own hoa or sure of atrady employment. Few weeks' qual li Ira. Spring rush aoon. Bosses already engaging help. Earn while learning. Countrv or "ltv applicants accepted. MOLEIl RARUER COLLEGE, 110 8. l'th 8L Mlaceilamaw. Wanted at Once MEN lo learn th automobile business; ilia demand la "(Treat for our graduate; vti have trained hundreds of man; let ua fain you. 'A rit for f res booklet. Nat'l Auto Training Aii'd, 2814 N rth Ft.. Omaha. Nab. 1MMEDLATF.LT, HKVERAL MF.N tin dor 2, fair ducat Ion, to prepare for Gov't. RAILWAY MAIL CLERKS, NE BRASKA. Salary inn ta 11.800. Perma nent. Klna opportunity now. For full Information and auoceaaful coaching gd dreaa A- C. IfOFF. President, Denver. Colo. WANTK1 A dancing Instructor at Doug laa Auditorium. CaJI Douglas 2424 for manager. WANTED Names of men wanting to ba railway mail tlerha. $7i month; Omaha examlnallona coming. Addraaa T t&. Baa. VANT)uJ J,w men to eat ham and egg Vnr. Coffee John. 14th and Capitol, Vf MONTHLY and raienaea to travel, dlatribtita aamplea artd take orders, or appoint a tents; permauent. Jap AnurU i an Co., CJilcago. ubVERNMBNT, poatol'f le. departmental clerk, bookkeeper and other rlvll nervr examinations aoon. (let prepared by for mer government examiner, tior.klet O M fra. Write today. Pat to ton Civil Berv lea Bchool, Ho-heeter, N. Y. MEN wanted for deterUvn work. Alao taught by former IT. H. govt, detertlvav. Vrlte J. Uanor. I'M Calumet. Chic ago. WANTKU ReaponnlbTa maa with reliable ftienda who voui-h for htm ta overaee and manage eeveral 19 ana !0-aore fruit and truck farma near Tampa, the mairopolia of fouth Florida. In the moat jamarkable and delightful eertlon of America. To right party, wa will give I It N area of land free for co-operating and anlMIng ua and wa mutually ar range expenaea to Tampa and a fair monthly compensation while acting aa "farma manager." Hplendld opportunity rim. iVr? larnuette fctldg., Ciitcago." M'ANTKD Nainra and aVlreaa by mall order hoaeea; big pay, noma work; In formation for etamp. Direct Appeal Co., I'lymouth, nd. , START -A mall order bualneaa at home. 1 did. Took III 124.HM.oa Ih year. Kree rartleulara tell how I'll start you. Ad dreaa llohlnaon, 24 Woodruff, Toledo, O. WANTKU at once: Young men for auto mobile bualneae. Big pay. Wa make you expert In ten weeka by mail. I'ay ua after we secure you poalUon. Century Automobile lnwtltutw, Ixia Angelea, Cal ART la bualneaa for youraelf. All or part time, little or no Inveatment. Vrlle lor part leu la ra. William Reed, l-ok Box Xl4. Kaneaa City, Mo. W ANT KI Reliable man. ticket aeller. ' munlcal comedy company; travel; good alary: drixieit for aacurltv. Theatrical .Manmor, Ho, Mh, ft. Joaeph, Mo, IN V l.riTIUATOKrt work In nvary oovinty In the I'nlted Htateai be one; earn li ta f.'a weekly to atart. Write, Fidelity e tret Servloo, Wheeling, W. Va. o YK HA VB aoveral openlnga for eatab liabment of Independent Riall order liuauinca. Eimrgy, good haplta and aound Judamciit mitre Important than capital. ilra time at first, .'articular free, ixpt a-, Opportunltlea Kxchange, Buf falo. N. Y u- ilK.V. wpman, tJu weekly collecting all klmla nuinea and addreaaea. No enn va(.nu. Bend ilaiup. iiupcrtia CoM X-1JI. Ituitlmore, Wd. o tioVKHNM KNT poaltlona; thouaanda of aptolmuiinta to be mane; boon lot Z31, telling where they are, what tney pay. dr., with apedmen examination quea tluna, aent tree. Write today Mail. Cor. InaiUule, Waalilngton, I. C. WANTKU, MKN-Preuara aa firemen. rajiemen, electrio motormen, colored tram portera; hundreda put to work; mj to HCO month. No experience neoeaaary. too wanted. Large western roada; ateady work. Writ Inlar Hallway tept, tA. In iiUpi Ma ind. ' o UOOU VOl Ntl MKN WAMTfcU IMMEDIATELY. Blggeat demand for our Magneto, f.ee. Starter Auto Uraduatea. Ton many un trained tinker ripnlr inen; good men poal lively needed. Big aprliix ruah. Free letMkigue. AMICUICAN Al'TO COL l.KUh.. 2053 Farnam Omaha. ' HELP WANTED KtALB AND KKStALB. WANT-U Pereona to copy letters at home; pay tij to ("S weekly, Vend atamped envelope or particular. Na tional Copy Co., Mil Brooklyn. Kansaa City. Mv. M1CN and woman wanted, governuteut jobei to to I1M a month. Write tut llat ui poaltluna now outautabla. Frank lin ltiaiiluto. Lmpt. I 1A. Ruciieater. N. V i iKoT-CLAK6 aolictior, ll.'d per day and commission. u Cbtuago. wantedituat;on. ' . utMJ niuo wants piave lo work for Loard w bllo alieuOIng tioyloe toiiagc. Teicphwrnt Ijou;iu Ibuvi. YoL'NO maa wunt to go to work, any tbing will do. r (. liee. COl-OHr.D girl wanta situation to do cliainber wurk. C4tiTy. Po, lalley. i KXP. women want poaittun aa flral and (d cook In commercial hotel, out of city. l. H4. Rk:LlAbL girl wlshea pualtlon to aaalal nun housework or tare for amall chil dren. 1 1. tw. A FlKdT-cn.AH.S plain and ornamental piaaterer, wants to cjiraapond with con 1 1 actors and tiulldert, in re i aroma to lo.alng In ainull live lown. whcr there is an opening for a flratx'las. sober Haaurvr; icsi ut retervnie. -vduresa Y Bee. v AN'it l-.uipioynMaT by iHiUiiia-aged oau. (.veito yeara. ta.liuad and ettioe xprienca; prater pvjttton aa Wateilb atuian or ofllo wotk; ra u tpwrir. tiot a iuou. K au. h. Tl -Bunille washitm. Maddle. W. W.vT LXBKRI KNChl) lady o..im lot or aalcs lauy. can fumisn tasl o." refersnue. ants Maition. Webster 40118. 1'l iKlTHlN by young man led man with natural yea i a' salesmanship ekperlence, ao sxpeit soda dispvnser. A-l refcten.'. ,l1rea I. &aa, Bre. WMHiW lady with boy 10 yean old would like posill'Ui aa huuerk-eirr In or out 'f !'. 14i t'bliajio. lit oaactnent. vTISTn! I I -i'lain aewiua. Web. .':. inij xjm in til olliv; gil ls otuuiu Uk --v-lH..I.. T. lleV M'i'C ATloN wanivd by man and wife on fsitn. Addrvss C Craven, IAU V bi , So.it li Oinaba. Nvb. Vl il .SU man of expirieiic want k)1 lioa sf any kind, chautlrur, aid loan. Janitor nr porter Hetei-eiu-ea. '. CoLolKP gul'.ani Job aa chamber tag. Webster I'lf. TO' N'J married man lnba poaiiion aa iU4iiar tor an ladciiei.dciit tvlcpiion ririiuiiHu, by first of March: 4 )cm ' ex KH'iut, liesi of riirrcnots. Audra ;... 'v'uiulia Be. A I U GUT and liilv'liarfii rtptiilsn.t J yoviUa men want a pual.kiu as snip , i.ii or ciivi u ei k i a i ui.alu i r com loo ciei house. c,p Uo an ki d pt jiiui- r f t' wotk. i an furula i the ust uf e ft i,i ..; billing i.i lri work at a iiioceittlv ulr. C j'", ln. WAXTKD Sift ATIONS LADY with hoy 3 eaia old wtshe a lo sitlon as housekeeper In small family. l.'i.l Clarkson St., Fremont, Net VIIO NEKDHME?-HlgViide eteen--apher. ten years" experience, diri empln) nicnt whh progressive concern. Addrrse ); FT?, Hw. .SITUATION wanted by first class cook. or KTi'ril housework in small family. Call lkMislaa bookkeeper and stenogrspher. 7 yun' experience, beet references. In or nut of rlty, Address Bote 67, l Platte. Neb. VHI'N't girl wlnhea pi.altlon aa light hiiieekeeier. Addtea A-teR, rVee. AN' ambitious young 'nan wtahee work. Webster ms. IMP Wirt Wt. VOI NU man wlshea a position;, experi enced in the grocery business. UJO Wirt Pt. Well. 4W. A MIDPLK-AGKD woman want poeltlnn at houa"kreper. Wjb, HVft. IUlKKKi:PlNa by refined, capable yc una wniinr with smnll child. Iteler enccs cxthanped. Addri'Sa. F 673, Bee, HOl fci;KKi;i'lN( be young widow with two children; either country or city. Address, S74, Bee. COlyOltKD boy, 21 year, wants position doing housework: good referenree. Al bert Hurt. Ill H. 7th Ut. yOl'NO auto student deetrea to work for room and board, or will do any kind of work, evening; neat and honest. Ad dreaa I' 679, Be. SWAPPER S COLUMN Al'TO Bulck roaaater, -paarngei, model 10. cut down to roadster tracer type), with ao-gallon gasoline tank be hind; t new Non-Hkld 31x4 oversize casings behind; just recently overhauled: newly painted; also 6-paeaenger body that goes with It. Frlce. '. What have you? B. C. 6. Be. , ATTENTION! TAIl.OHri ANI CLOlH ING M K N i I have s Stanley Hteanier roadster automohilo In excellent runn'ng condition, good In paint nnd equipped with too. windshield and late type road ster body; o?r Is eaally worth the I'.'jO I ask for It. I want a nght weight and heavy overcoat and the balance In suits. In a trade Willi a tailor" mlrht consider on ault and overcoat in "uncalled for" stuff If good. Will also consider i.ffer on lesdy made' cveiroata and suits from clothing men, but clothes must ha good, as I want to wear them myself. Will Mora car until eprlng If you have no placa to keep It. Here's jour opportunity to got a good car without cash. d. C. MO. He ARM CHAIR Cherry, highly polished, new; will trad for mission rocksr. 8. C. bM. Bee. AL'TO CAHINtlH Auto casing and Inner tube; want to twap for same, 34x4 sec ond hand. I. C, ftrti. Bne. AUT'j Want to awnp for a Htsnley o . . .... . .,iK .. i oinviiici iuiii iipi vinrr Lierauiiai Jrf erty of equal value and Will give a good lu ,. n I- 1 1 -I " !-. AUTOMOBIIJi-Wll exchange , one or mora high grade automobile In flrat class condition for 11 acr eastern Ne braska land, clear or nearly so. Address1 H. C. M. Be. AUTOMOUILts For ether automobile bargain as U "Automobll'' oiaaaifl cation. AL'TO 8 Will awap for a first class, high grade auto. In perfect condition, If you have It. 8. C. if.T, Be. Al'TOH A 4-pass. Auto, body, top, wind ahleld and other part to awap for anything requiring less room, It I a snap, if you ran use It. H. C. R74, Bee. AUTO TRi'CK-Hav 30-H. p. car which. with but little work, could be converted Into truck, or used fur roadater a R stands. I'nglne, magneto, differential and transmission just overhauled and rebuilt; t& worth brand new tlrss on rear; front tires In A-l shape. Want Ford or elmllsr car that lady can handle, Add ran g. u Us, Be. BASH First class condition, made In Cleveland. O. Retail price, IIOO. Will trade for good cow and two small pigs. Addres W. C. fcll. Be. CKMKNT BLOCK MACHINB Want a thousand of good ahiplap or a diae graphophon for my cement block ma chine. Address H. C. &f7. Be. CAMURA For sal Or trad good 6x7 Kuiona long-focus camera with Dasor lena and Optimo shutter. ( Dlate-holdnra. film pack adoytor, list 7.6o. What have your "U, t'ltiana wee, t:uuncn Bluffs' CKMENT RlJockTilAKINO MACHINE W'ANTICP Can give you a swap, a good deal awaits you. 8. C. fidt Bee. ,'AMEKA-What hav you to awap for a first claaa 4x1 camera, something good. ta quick. b. v. cen, new, CEMENT BLOCK MACHINERY Have complete outfit of machines for making cement blocks and tile, Alao quit a stock of blocks, tiles and oament fepc pott on hand. Can you uae themt Located In eastern South Dakota town. W. C HI, Pea, DIAMOND Ring, two-third karat. Tif fany) price, 1140; exchange for good piano, light auto, motorcyci, or offer. Address 8. ('. M, Bee. DIAMONDH wp 2 ring, man and lady'a. about on karat value; WO for lot; good piano or light oar. Addraaa J, B C. eJBe. Jmaha. DIAMONI-V-OKNT DIAMOND RING, valued at Ms to trade lor kodak or . xr4 card projector. Addresa a C ya. Pee. DIAMOND Wish to trade H-carat dTT itiond for H. C. H. Hchetser, 4c6 S. Mth Ave. K.VtHNK Oi a 1-hurae power Interna tlotial Harvester . engine. Thl en glne haa been run about forty-eight Hours: just the shing for wnali iiiaciune ni rlngfgsl 1 WW hues jmall n,A.. a ...v-s -.'! gillllglllll. power Is needed Wilt av rheafi, or wh-tt httt vnil lih nffitr In ti-jrl. 7 LAA ...... 8. c iw, iw. " EFkcTRKV FAN, KTC-l-lnch ' Oeu: KIctrlo Fan for wall or desk, A-l con dition, uae only I months. Hall reaon able; alao tools, such a w, braces, blta. chlsela. etc., to trail. What have you Musical violin prrrrJ. Addrs, 8. C 541, lle FtUR Lots-Will trad for amall collage. tUilendid old violin. What have you to trad. Addraaa M ie. Bee FOUN T A I N-4.W aoda fountain outfit; also player piano; coat Wi. What have you for one or bothT H. C, 44, Be. Fl HNITI'RK-Heavy mahogany mtulo cabinet for player roll or sheet music, foal 1S new and used but this month. Will llu for anvtblns 1 ean naa anit,. ally worm lis or mors. Addrun . C. iSl. tUut FOR l.i-Modern home, i rooms and bath: has electric llghl. good fur nace, modem plumbing. Worth 11000. Kent tiiij; nttg. l,tm. Will wai lr clear lot or llMht car worth fcs H quick. Addr Ate, Bee, time ha. GROCKUY Orocery buainsaa wanted for irrsonal property that I next to money i nd that I making money daily. Old aae teaaon. X. C. 5.U. Bee. INCl'BATOIt One Wo-egg Maadv La flrai-cla Incubator, almost new, will exihang for electric fan, sleigh, or wilt sell cheap for cash. Address S.' 0. 43. care Lee. 1NCL BATOR I have a UiO-egg Triumph Jr.. Incubator and a brooder, used on season, wlil trad lor Buff Orplngluu hens or hat ain I olieied. Adureaa. H. C, ii Be , LADY'S WATCH-Beautiful lady'a guild gold wutclt. full jewel: alro pin for Sams. st lit pearls. Will tradr- for upright piac lli piano. Addreaa A. C. fcal. Be. Ll M HKR. Kl'"RNITCirfriVil trad t.-iV worth of lumber, Imlil ling doors, aoeh, wlndowa, frames and flulshlng; I d rent ers. 1 table. 1 oraa. I writing deak, 1 bras bed. mattress. Will trade for an auto or lota. This lumlier ia Mli hlsan U mber, used one year In summer rottaiic; all clean: no nulls; m good condition. Address r. C. bj. He. BAK B L kNi.il-Larga baa burner and aome coal to trade lor aervlo ul niaa, team and wagon, for p .-pos of nievlna. Adders 4. C. Ut, bee. MAIL UWtH KIPPL1K Consisting of clollioa Un ieel, pocket rash rvgisttr, aanitary apron and all kind ot tollat article. Trad for jewelry or furniture. Addieaa . C. 2 Be. MyUKl. F Buickni(iii. TU aeil "or tiade. Fair condition A V l .... . jTikaiiiHh, Neb I M AMKil.IN-kifs.il mandolin. ti uu. in pel tact condition ill tratie for II- iioiiu nni ur ruer. w iiat have i.u" Addles H c. i.,4. l.-e. M A N lMJl.1 N -I Let H uei rTyTtaVTTuT violin We baler iu. MEXICAN liaiice doa, fcooii ronduiuii. will imp for somethlig worth , ut cash. Audits 8. C. ini, tk. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Ma Optioni on Wheat Co to $152, t. Hifheit Price of tb Prti ent Crop. CORN 18 STILL CLIMBING UP OMAHA. Jan. 30, lili. Minneapolis miller reported buyer of wheat not only at home, but In many other positions, one of the big millers, who Is an authority on the wheat situa tion, reports Uiat there la leas than 10 per cent of the wheat on ihe farma of tne tn res northern wheat growing states when compared with the holdings a year eo. roreigner are reported to have bought liberal quantities of that grain In the northwest. The May cptlona on wheat reached the ft . mark todav, thia being the highest price of the present crop. Corn and oat were In sympathy with wheat and both of these grain wcrg on the advance. The Influent of the grain haa als reused an advance In the price of hoas. There were many longa who wtlllnxly liquidated, and tome were obliged to take losses. Omaha spot market: Wheat waa um rhanged. Corn waa unchanged ta He lower. Oeta were unchanged. Clearances: Wheat and flour equal to tftfto-in bushels, corn, I1,0Q0 bushel, and oats, ZW.OuO bushels. Liverpool closed with corn L& higher. I'rlmsry wheat recelpta were 71.sx bu. and ahlpment of WiO.ooo bu., alnt re ceipts of 7W.O00 bu. and shipment of ti.0i bu. last year. Primary corn recelpta were 1.M1.WV0 bu. and shipments of RTd.OO bu.. i ajrslnst re ceipt of Msft.o&H bu. and shipment of 1 41 iJJt I . i i.M. ivpi yvmi. Primary oat receipts wer 741.001) bu. and shipments of 7M.0II0 bu., against re ceipts of M7,ti0 bu. and shipment of 674,010 bu. last year. CAR LOT RECKIPTf". ,Vheat.( orn.Oat. Chicago Minneapolis Duluth Omaha , Kansas City. Ht. Lou I ... 4G 397 182 ...241 ... XI ... ia ...H ... 62 7 1M Winnipeg .146 'J ni.e sales wer reoorteii todav: Wheat No. I hard winter: 1 car. n.4t; J care, H.41; 4 car, 11.44. No. i hard winter: 1 car, II. 44: 1 car. 11.44; 1 car. 11.44. No. 4 hard winter: 1 car. 11.42'i 1 car, 11.41. No. durum: 4 car, 1 bo. Rye No. : l car, 1.1. Corn-No. I while: 1 car, 71 He. No. I whltei I cat). Iba. No. 4 white: I car. T4c: 1 car. lir.. No. 2 yellow: 1 car, 71c. No. I yellow: I cara. 'MAc; 23 cars. 7l'c. No. 4 yellow: V oara, 71c. No. 6 yellow: I cars, 71c. No. 6 yel low. 1 car. 70 o. No. 2 mixed: 1 cars. 72c; 1 car. T1V. No, S mlxod: 2 cars (near white), 74c; 1 car (near white), t: l rare (near white), 73'4jc; 1 car tnear white), 72c; 1 car, 71'4c; It cars, 71c; 1 cara, 7o' 4 care, 7014c. No. 4 mixed: 1 car (near white), T2o; 1 car. TlHc; 1 car. 71c; 2 cara, 70V!; s cars, 704c. No. t mixed: I car. 'il'ac; 2 cara. 71c; 1 car, "Oc. No. mixed, t car tnear white), Tlc; I car, 71c. Oata No. 3 white: I cars, MV4c. No. 4 white: 1 car. 64'V'i 1 car, MUc; 2 c.rs, 64c. Bample: 2 ears, i3V. Omaha Cash Prices W heat: No. 1 hard. $1.4jH81.4H; No. 3 hard. 1.4ft&1.4H; No. 4 hard. l.U.tjl.t4; No. spring, i 4jnl.4.1H; No. 2 durum, ll.KiHriJI.H; No. 8 durum, jl.iWyWil.W. corn: No. 1 white, 7iKkUlor; No. S white, MnHc; No. 9 white.' TMf JtHc; No. 4 white, 7::w'741c; No. 6 whit, IVftlie; No. whit. Tiiflic; No. 1 yellow, 71U7Uc; No. 3 yellow. 71 yflmV" : No. S yellow, 71VkP714c: No. 4 yellow. 70ia7lc; No. t yellow, 70Ht71c; No. vellow, 711 10c; No, 1 mixed. 7;e72'4o; No. 2 mixed, 7172c; No. I mixed, 704A71V4n; No. 4 mixed. mtmr-. No. II mixed, 701lV4o; No. mixed. &;fl7lu. nt: No. 2 white, ..4,fi6c; standard. B4WMc; No. I white, Mt44c; No. 4 white. 64644c. Barley: Malting. 7fcW)o; No. 1 feed. g773c. Rye: IMtVifMI; No. 2, ll.184fl.18H- CHICAGO URAIX AMD, PROVISIONS Peat area sf th Trading; asi Cloalac , Prleea oa Beeu-d sf Trail. CHIOAno. Jan. 30. Threatened enlarge ment of the war son In Kurope waa ac companied today by the greatest upward whirl yat In wheat, the May option going to a new high record, 11.62. Kxclted buying lirted the marke.1 4 cents a bushel, as compared with the. lev! at which many nervous traders wer yesterday eel ling out, on account of the vague rumor of peace. The close was atrong, at 24433Aic bov laat night. Other net gains were: Corn, 1H0 to lHfi'lVo; eats, Wtrlc: provisions, P4W10 It developed during the last hour that foreigners had not only bought 000.000 bushela of cash wheat In Chicago today, but from the moment that trading be- 3 tin, had alao been purchasing futurs ellvarlea here. Wheat, for apot . cash, commanded the highest premium this year over futures, lily cash Merets SWAPPERS' OOLTJMX NKW OLIVER typewriter, also Reming ton, two diamonds 70, 1140 garnet ring. What have you for any one of these T Will take high-grade rocking chair and bookcaae for typewriter or ring. Ad dress M. C. 277, Bee. NoTK Will trade a firat mortgage ot l.joo for a good business. What hay you? Addresa 8. C. Mi, Bee. PIANO In good shape, swap for an auto that will make good truck; good engine and running gear ami Urea are tho prln cliai thing; mlaht give a little rash for extra good "thing on wheel." 1 am a building contractor. Addreaa 9. C. He, Dee. PI ANO Hamilton pluno. cost ItoO, in good simp, only need tuning. .wap for lot or Virginia land, Indiana land. Will pay difference. Would awap an old houae and lot, well located in Omaha, and pay dif ference. Addi s 8. O. W.. Bee. FOLDING GO-CART Wilt tra ie furni ture ror a folding go-cart: must be In good condition. , 8. C 634, Bee. PIANO Beautiful mahogany Conovcr piano, uied but three months, good aa nw, cost V-OO. Will sell at a big aacrtrics, or would trad for diamond or what have youT Addreaa 8. C. A47. Bee. PIANO PI.A VKR-Almost new player piano. Will trade for diamonds or will sell onpeymenls. Address f. C. bit, Bee. PLYMOUTH Rofl- Prise birds; will trade for go-cart; must Ik in first class rendition. Address fl. C. tVU. Bee pl'Pli Ped greed Boston bull pups lo trade. What have you? Athlress H. C USA. Bee. POPCORN MAl'll.-One of the lat est arlf-venillng sanitary popcorn ma chine, aomethlng new. direct from the factory. In perfect condition. V bought for th California Kxpo. 8. C. Ml, Be. ; nFFRIOK-RATOR-i'M TOO refrlertir. loxkt feet, lull bul her els, in perfect condition, regardlcsa of cost; i, deal lor ant thing I can us require the room at once. . Si. Bee. Kl HbKil BOOTS Have good pair of rubber tools almost new will aeil or trade for something I can use; In good condition: else W 8. C 4..1. Be. SET printed dice limlrui llou with photographs ahowing manipulation, to trad for h-welrv, etc Add. S. C. 6.-t. Pi-. 6 KIN 3. ahowcarus. Claik 1011. D. IS.t. I I ANO PlwYER-We will sac rifice our player piano; cost trtO new. will sell for J, or trade for diamond. Addrea 8. C. t. Hee. SHOT OL'N Want lo ep for a ingl pump or double barrel breach loauet-. In perfvx t condition. t b72. Be; eilOTGLN-NKW 8HOTGl.N. WIN cheater lti-gaug take down, and hunt ing outfit; worth H. to trade. What have ou? Addi M C frei. Pcc. omaiia" tm "liAiJifiiN ixirs for late Fold touring car. Walnut lJ-a. tVPKWRlTICU Oliver Slatiuard Visible l iter, only allahtly used and as good l naw tT.eap for rash or will ItaiH. V hat have yyo? Aodrean. S. C. 4M. Pe. TWIl'TY ie rh-ti truck laud. nnr Gulf, lu.lcs from Robstown, Tx. Ad. Teas g. C, tbii. Bee. TWO BLACK HAWK JACKM end 8 lears old, work wll and ar aur. Want rattio or oun work mules or will take cash. W. F. Moore. R. F. D. No. 1. Mur ray, Neb. VIOLIN Wanted lo trad a violin. ia. tied at I"., lor diamond, or what hav ysii Address C C. ii.. Be WHAT Ul you trade tot a new stet.o lyie macllMi; thlt maciine ha cny tv.u svi 1 month and i In lxrie.t onditl Wl I lakw anything of q la. va.us Adiics S. C. i-4. car Be. eeklng to get grain to fill export sales were bljdlng U,c shove the Mat price. It was this circumstance In partlrttlsr that f ifiiratlvely net the speculative ctowd tm lire near the end of the dy No actli k under last night's prices for wheat took p'"0 at any time today and the few reactions that did occur proved brief. The calling nut of toe military reserves In Italy, the denial of poace rumors, and the fact that storms were further mensclnsr the quality and move ment of the Arsenllne rop, made aeller rel'irtant throughout the seijn. Corn climbed with wheat. Besldea. there wni a noticeable widening of th-) seaboard demand for corn, whereas re . celpt here fell off. Oata Joined In the advance, and were helped upward by Mir export sale. May oats touched s new hlch figure ari'v. Although offerings of provisions were, llber early, and the market accoillr.y weak, the strength of grain ailed s more than an offset later. Packers, however, continued to sell on the upturn. treading gralit quotattnna were: Art!- Open, t High. I Low. Cloae.lTes y. Wheat May. July. Corn i May. July. Oat May. July.1 Pork Mav. July. Lard May. July. Ribs May July. 1 62 1 41.,! 1 61 T 1 4 1 Ji 1 3iV 1 24 1 rs JOT, I 82 I fti M'4 M I 834 82 m i9 ff son bl 6S . 671 1 4S' .2 1 7'ii 1 (ft ID 27'J 1 40 1 62't I 11 SO U 82'4 11 46 10 JCVi w 47 low) 1 10 rru, 19 ZS I 19 18 19 2Vj 1 62H I f It 154 If 27Vh 1147H it aw 1 11 1 11 27 10 4.'H Chicago Caah I'licea Wheat: No. I red, 21.4HVj4jl.f,2'4; No. 2 hard, $1.49i'I.C2rt. Corn; No. 4 yellow, 73V4?.74.c; No. 4 white, 73'44T.l4c UtU: No. 3 whit. 671tU4e; No. 4 White. STHVJic. Rye: No. 2, 21.28. Barley, 77Wc. Heeds: Tim othy. M.)j7.fi0; clover, I.SOrlS.OO. Pro vllons: Pork, 17.0018.2 Vk; lard, Ill.W; ribs, .2ftrio.w. BL'TTKR Higher; creamery, S4314c. EtKM Lower: receipts. 4.0M rases; at mark, caaea Included, 24iac; ordinary flrata, 279Sc; firsts. 28c. POTATOKS I'nsettlcd; receipts, cara; Michigan and Wisconsin white. 38 e43c. POULTRY Alive, lower; springs, 1354c; fowls. 14c. OMAHA GISKISntl MARKET. PUTTER No. 1. I-ih. cartons. lc: No. t, 0-lb. tubs, 2c. CHITK8E Imported, Swiss, 8c: Amer loan Swiss. 2tc; block Swiss, Zx; twloa, lc; dalste. 17c; triplets. 17c; Young Americas, lHc: blu label brick, 17c; llm burger. 4-lb.. 20a; 1-lb . 2c; New York whits, 18c; Imported French Hoquetorw 46s. F1SJI Trout. Mo; targe crapples, lBe; salmon, 11c; halibut, lie: channel cat tish. 12c; pike. 14c; pickerel, 10c. BEEh CUTi-Ribs' No. 1, 18c: No. 2. ltvc; No. 8. llWc. Iilns: No. 1. J9ito; No. X l!c; No. 2. 12'4c. Chucks: No. 1, 10'Ac: No. 2, 94c; No. . ie. Rounds: No. 1. 124c; No. 2, llc: No. 3, 11c. Plates: No. 1, Sue; No. 2, 8c; No. 2, 7,e. POULTRY Broiler. 14Ac; spring chiek ena, 11c; hens, mgilc; cocks. 6c; ducks, 10c; geeae, 8c; turkeys. 16c tilgmine. par doi., SOc; ducks, full feathered, joc; geesa, full feathered, 4c; squab, No. 1, ll.io; No 2. 66c. Market quotations furnished by aillnskl Fruit cotupany: FRUITt Oranges: Extra fancy Glcn dora home Sunk 1st navel, 12'le, 200s, 22.66 per box; extra fancy Hunklst, Pan Juan, Washington navels, 100. KSa, -I'lOs, $2. SO; extra fancy Sunktet. ban Juan, Washing ton navel. 6-box lota, 12.40; fancy Cali fornia Washington navels, 17ft. 2tWa, 82.60; fancy California Washington navels, 6-bo lot, 12.41). L-smons: Fancy Sunklnt, 200s, 30. $4.00; choice Red , Ball, 63.60. Grapefrt'lt: 'Mr, K4k. t4e. 80s, I?. SO. Apple. Extra fancy White Winter Pearmatnea, 82.00; extra fancy White Winter Pear maines. l.76; extra fancy Washington Wlneaap. 11.75; extra fancy Spltsenburga, 11.60; Oregon Huitsenburgs. 11.36; extra fancy unwrepped Jonathans, 81.60; Wash Ington fancy and extra fancy Hoovers, 81.40; fancy Washington Jonathans, 175a, IMs, 20m, 11.28; Idaho fancy Grimes Golden, $1.50; Idaho choice Grimes Golden, 11.26; Washington fancy Grimes .Golden, 81. u0; Idaho extra fancy Jonathans, 81.60; extra fancy Black Ben Davie, $1.32;; extra fancy Blapk Twiga, $1.60; extra fancy Black Twigs, 81.36; extra fancy Genoa, very highly coloreA 61.86; extra fancy Ganos, very highly colored, 11.26; fancy Rome Beaulka, 1 60; fancy Home Beauties, 6-box lota or more, 81.40; extra bbla., 64 00 per bl. fancy Black Twiga, full lbu. bhlrf, $4.00; extra fancy Mla sourl Ben Davla, very highly colored, 83.26. Grapes: California emperors, lY.SO per 4bl.; extra famy Malagaa, $6.00. Pears: Anjous. $2.26 per box; Lawrence, $3.00; Jereeye, $2 B; Bosco. $2.25; Hheldon, $2 26: Kaster, $2.25. Bananas: $1.75 to $3.M per bunch. VKGETABLB8 Cauliflower, $3.00 crate; cucumbers. $2.26 box; celery. Jumbo, Tio dos,; leaf lettuce, 40o dos,;, head lettuce. 21.00 dos.; onions, yellow. Ho lb.; oniona, red. 2o lb.; onions, white, 2c Itx; onions. Spanish. $1 .6$ crate: endive, loo lb.: arti chokes, $1.60 doa. ; Rrusael sprouts. Ste lb.; oabbsge, 2o lb.; red cabbage, 3'to lb.; peppers. 60o basket: tomatoes. 86.00 crate: onions, shallots, 60c dos.; garlic, Italian, too in.; oeets. 50c dos.; radishes. SOc doa.; turnips, 60c doa.; spinach, too dog.; pars ley, iki dos.; beans, $4.54 hamper. STRAW BKKR1EB-40U qL . POTATOEH-4Jolorado Rurals. 75c bu.; Red River Ohlos, - Wo - bu. ; Minnesota, whites, 5c bu. SWEET POTATOES K a fa. $2.75 bbl. NUTS No. 1 California walnuta. IHo lb.; black walnuta, 3,,o lb.; filberts, 16c lb.; pecans. I2'4c lh.; Braslla, 124o lb.: almonda. 20c lb.: 12-12 oa. figa, 86 box; W- os. figs, $2.00 box; augar walnut dates. $1.40 box: Hallow I datea. 8c lb. , MISCELLANEOUS Shelled popcorn, 4c 15.; limea. $1.75 box; crae.kerjack. $3.50 case; crackerjack. H caae. $1.76; checkers. $3.50 case: checkers, !4 case. 81.75. Honey,' $.175 esse. Cider: New York. 11 hn utr Cocoanuts, $l.i0 sack, 75e doa Cranbiw- nea; t-t ilowea. 7.00 bbl. Peanuts: Raw, 7o lb.: roaated. NUo lh !.! si ,-1 can; Jumbo, raw, sack lots, 6c lb. Mush room, eve 10. New York Ucasral Markpt. NEW YOftK. Jan. S6.-SUO A it-Future, market opened firm at t points ad .ante. Trading waa very active and prleea held lirm on a renewed omand from trad imrresta and aome apeculativa buy ing, the cnalng was Urm at ti points aovame, wltn aales of 4.S60 ton; Febru ary. 8 2nc; May. J.Sc; June, I.Mr; July. Ilw; September, 3.So. Spot market was strung; ao sales: rentrifuaal. 4.30c; mo lasses. 3 4..0; refined steady. IU'TTER Firm: reoeipta. $.7: tubs creamery extras 9J corei. $3ic; cream er firau, 30SW33c; seconds, ;M.0c. CHk-ME-stcady; receipt. 2,3ul boxes; state, whole milk winter export tvp averaa fancy. 144fil6c. EGO Irreaular; recelnta. 1 NNH rssea- fresh aathciii .x.r.i fine. iJc; extra flra;s 3lo; firsts, 8rj00Sc; seconds. j.ic: state, PennsyiVdnU and nearbv nennery w itit. una to lam-v; .10; garnered white, Uioi-,1 . nrnnery tiowns, SiM334c: gath eie.t bm pa aid mixed col rs. jupsTc. POI LTRV Like, steady; western rhi -k en. &ri'ie; fow a. Icqlir; turkeys. I4r c; dressed quiet; western roaatine chickens. 17f!lc; freth fowla, 13Jl!i', turkeys. ltt(c. Ka 4 Ity tiral. mm Prsvlals... ! KANSAS CITY. Jan. SO WHEAT I Cash. No. 2 liaid. II 441 1.4S-4; No. J, red. $1.46; May. $l.4J l-4J, : July. L2S,; I eiueinner. i.;e. 1 CORN No. 2 mixed, 75'.c; Xo. 2 white.) CHICAGO. Jan. St) CATTLK-Re. 7S: Mav. 8liic; July, St8."o; Sep-1 celpt. s) head: raaiket aiow ; nauve temher. 83c. 1 ateei. to.)it.o; weaiern, H.VHiWi. 06: cows OATH No. 1 whit. 67tf67V; No. J!"d heifers. Vl.tyaj, 7.i: calve. $!.;tH0 jo. mixed, iVJtiii'ic. , I HtXJt Raceipta. H.tas) head; market HI TTKR . icamerv. Sic: Pi rata SlUv ' steady, avcraacd a shade hiaber- bulk ttvi nd, : packlnv. te. r.'H li rirat, iajc: sec onds, joc. l)l"LTRV-ller.. !3Sc; rooatera. lgv-o: turkeys, l.ic. Mlaaraiawlla (rals xlaket. - M NNEAPOL1S. Jan. 30.- WHEAT May. $1 444 asked; July. I1.4IS; No. 1 hard. IHS: No. 1 northera. l.S4s 1.4S": No. 2 northern. $1.41 hn 1.47'g. FI.Ol K t in bsngej. PARLEY 76u- . ' RY E $i .26. P RAN 1.400. (MKN-No. $ yellow T.",j75Uc. . t)ATt No. S while. 5ea.otoe. FLAX-$l.M4il 81. SI. l.ml 4,rla Market. ST. LOUIS, Mo.. Jn. . WHE.VT No, t red. $!.4viili': No 2 hard. $l.Su; May. 81 4'tlol 4'a: July. $l.S2. CVRN-No. i. JTc; No. f whita, TlrH4!; May. i'a'jc; July. Wc. OATS Ne. J. JTSt ; No. 2 a hit. 66Vie. F.lala Hatter Market. ELGIN, III., Jan. SiX BL'TTl'-lt Steady. gt JI V30. OMAHA LIVE-STOCK MARKET Xillinf Cattle Higher nd Feeders Lower for Week Sheep and Lambg Adrance. HOGS HIGHER THAN WEEK AGO POCTH OMAHA. Jan. 20. 118. Receipts were: Canle. no;, rneep. 8.4 W.94I Official Mond .... Official Tuesday ... Official Wednesday Official Thursday plficJal Friday Latimate Saturday ti.l.i 4,elg 4,'iM 2.7T' 1.177 17 a 1.2' 18.7SO 10. iH 12.7iA) Six days this week ,.20,!4 emt dy laa week. .17,493 Same daya 2 wka ago.. 21, 55 riame days 2 wka ago..21,4in Rame day 4 wks ago. .14 .40 fcame days last yer..l.M The following tsWe' shows the receipts of rnttle. hoss and aheep at the South Omaha live stock market for the year to data as compared with last year: 1915. 1914. Inc. Dec, Cattle HI rt 82,74 1,448 Hoge 2RH,r8 2V1.453 ,19i Sheep 221, IOI 22S.3.12 5,231 The following table shows the average price for hogs at the -South om.ua II co stock market for the last few days, with comparisons: Date. I m!,. 1W14. 11913. .I'llZ.dSqi.ll'.tlO.llSl.tl Jan. 11 6 mi 7 W 7 021 6 0l 7 73 I 4M 6 84 $ 7 J $ 01 1 W I 7 3 I Ml fi 87 Jsn. 14 . Jsn. 15. UT.; a 13 8 07 1 111 t 16! 18 4: 6 67 k 83 Tan. 16. It 64U 7 li) i 131 7 69i vsn. j(. - 14 t 261 K 7 721 t 47 Jan. 18.1 74U 7 2SI 041 7 78 8 44 S ( 7 161 6 0i 7 841 8 331 6 09 Jan. 1 I a 724. S 20 Jan. w. 6 62 8 22 28 I 6 Sil 7 I 31) 6 211 7 ?7! I 7 671 8 S7 s 7 Jan. Jan. 21. 22. 23. 24. 4 58 V, 6 57 8 8 18 J 231 $ 89 I 8 311 6 02 8 21 7 231 6 M t 531 I fi Ot) Jan Jsn, Jsn 0 tl 8 27 7 0 Mi 7 ' S Z" 26 6 61. 7 30 6 W 7 6; 8 06i 6 06 6 ml 7 4oi 7 921 ir Jan. 27.) 6 4.-,1 8 19 7 24; 6 Ul, Jan. 2X. 6 5fiS 8 0i 1 32 Jan. 2H.I 6 J7U.I H 07! 7 .Til K 03 7 4 H 02j 6 ms T 48! 8 08 i !t I 8 04 5 W 7 641 I 6 11 Jan. 30.1 ,. I lt 7 31 6 02 Sunday. Receipts and disposition of live stock st tho Union stock yards. South Omaha, for twenty-four hdurs ending at 3 o'clock yesterday; RECEIPTS CARS. Cattle Hogs. Sheep H'ses. C. M. it Pt, P.. 19 Missouri Pacific... Union Pacific C. V N, W, east.. C. & N. W.. west.. C.. Ht. P.. M. A O.. C, B. & Q , east.... C, B. & y., west .. C. R. I i P., east C , R. I. & P., west Illinois Central Chicago Gt. West.. 8 24 25 ' 4. 17 5 18 17 1 16 Total recelote.. 7 197 DISPOSITION HEAD, Hogs. Sheep. Morris Co 1,971 Swift & Co. ... 3.238 Cudahy Packing Co 3,444 .... Armour A Co 5,076 .... Cudahy from country 1,M8 Tot 0 Is... 13.729 1.9K8 OAT TLB Receipts were very light this morning, only 200 head being reported, which waa not enough to make a market. The feeling, however, waa Just about steady With yesterday. The recelpta for the alx dya this week foot up 20.234 head, being larger than laat week and slightly larger than a year ago. beef ateera during th early part of the week did not show muah change, but later on advanced sharply, ahowing a lower tendency. At. the close of the week, while there Im considerable differ ence in opinion, the majority of operators are quoting beet steers aa 10t20c higher than last week's mean close, with cows and heifera around loo higher. Blocker and feeders, owing to the severe weather, have been In very moderate demand all week and they are as much aa lofllOc lower than laat week's close. Quotationa on cattle: Good to choice corn-fed beeves, 8 .OTKJD8.26: fair to good corn-fed beeves, 7.60ifre.00: common to lair corn-fed beeves, fo. 6057. 0: snod to choice cows. $5.76g.60; fair to good cows, 15.0ut&.au; common to fair cows, $4.00(9 h ni .. l . 1 1 . 1 . 1 M , T ..w, n "", in vuoii.- Biuvmn ana iMUsra, 17.26(38.36: fair to aood atockara and feed-a ers, sD.Mi'ri.9: common to fair slocker and feedera. $5.764.60; stock halfsrs. 86.61 u. 50; stock cows, $4. 76iSJ. 26; stock calves. fc.Oot18.OQ; tveal calvea. $7.6Mi,J.J6; bulls. stags, etc.. $o.0043.76. '1 HOGS One of the most llheral Satur day runs for some time showed up this morning, and when buyers started, out bidding a shade lower, a few bunchea wer cashed on that basla. Moot sailers wer holding for fully ateady, or even better prleea, and while this made early round rather dreggy, they, carried their point, the big end of the offerings finally moving at figure that wer fuliy ateady with yesterday s average.. In. fact, , the trad In spot was even better than that. and some ialee made towards the close were quoted as slrona with the aeneral market, or fully aa aood as Friday's best time.. Ones th hall waa larle4 rolllnr J movement waa fairly actfve and only , the wis arrival 01 one or two trains prevented a sood early clearance. The ease with r jja,tu:d?r.l.ru'L wm -. f ... . M . 1" VU HIS demand. Receipts today were even larger than on Friday, about 182 cars, or 12.1U) head, being reported in. The. week'a total of 79,149 head shows a gain of 30.000 over laat week, and Is almost 18,000 larger than the same week last year. Thla week'a run ta the largest alnc the second week of June, 1912, when (Tver 81,000 head were, recrlved. Representative aalea: No. Av. Hh. Pr, 12.MS 4.U7 6.716 2.0U0 79.142 64.017 40.344 S8.4M 10.47:, 68.798 i..4 Wl.'. 4.Osrt m..m W.il 66.U4 No. A. 8h. Pr. 74., 360 ... 4 M l m 10 lit 7 ..la ... W 9 Ml ... I K 47 ISO ... t ! : M ... Iiiii 1 7 ... IH , 47 it.4 ... 4 U 61 ,.147 1U I M U 801 ISl 'tit 4 lit ua S 10 14 2.D ... (71 0 147 4 4 76 0 15J ... 77'4 l'l SO 7.U J SUt ... l . V Ii7 ... (g .i-.: r.r '1110 o...y rccripta on the mar- una morning wero aeven or elgnt car of Montana ewea which were hlpxd direct to one of the local packers. The ewct were the same aa a atrlng that aold in Krlday'a market at Ib.un. While the recelpta thla week hav ben la.ger than las week they have been , u. ii.iib a 111110 uoiier iwo weeKS ago ion; south Tenth- J rillcott 5301 Knauld. und a year ago. On the first two daya of I "-0"1" lenln. bi'cou. owt ispauia the week moderate receipts here and at 'inV 1 moat other liv atock centers resulted In The judges were: Prof. Kassell, Georg fr.d.' "dv"0l,r of Sf 400 Green and J. Dubln.ky. The' Chicago market la quarantined and The elht cld f'lllei tsv "The Ar all stock received trier must I) sUugh- kanaaa Traveler," in concert and acorsd tered- This I furcng eastern buyara tj!u hi hit make purchase on river markets for uli snipmeiits 10 go eaai ana as a consequence nailer ere icoklnK tor that to bo a .11 lengthening factor in the local trade. Qouiationa on aheep and lamb: I .a mo, Mexican, Hj.rj; lambs, fed we.ieriia, 8.4un6.tv: lambj, lair t 1 od. 8e.Od)4.4.; lambs, shearing. 87.6-tr8.i6; yesrllnxs. Itsht, $7 4...li4: yearling. I eavy. Kim ViO; wethers, good to cnoice. f.,.4(yfl.,: SoTS ch-eVtl fai bivna. k..v.i; fenvk. iccding, l uiijj, Representative aales: ,. SHU At.O LI VIS STOCK M.iHKKT . ... tlle U Hsjg Flrwa. steady-Sheep . f sal-s. lv.-ilk: light. W.Of U.W: m'xed. I 1 neay Mk-ijil ; rsjgh. Itilua hosa, il.64lia.tM. yearlings, $7.iHil.oO; lamba. $i.Mj.io. M. Lsawla Live t4e. Market. ST. LOUIS. Jan. 30. CATTLE Re ceipts, tits) head: market stcacy; nativ bef atv.ra 7.DH.Si; cow ami heifera, li. UW&8. CO; stocker and feeders. $5.3 f 7 Ji; southern stewra, $.7J4j7.8'; cows and hcifsrs, 4 (.l.ou, nativ calvea 8o.itw ll.tkv , HOGS Receipts. 1I.4M head: market lowrr: plga and lighta. $.lt)j;.3a; mixed ! ana nuicners, a ioi.10; good heavy, $t.gi j7.lJ. SHKKP AND LAMBS-No re.-elpte: 11 a 1 kt . steady) naliv iiiuttona, l. ? so- lambs, p J :,.V4 rllng. i.txui 7.71. Haaaaa lltg Llis Stock Market. KANSAS CITY, Jan. 30 4"ATTLE R veipl. head. Market steadv; nrima J fed steer. $i.viti8.U; dicse4 beef ters, 8;. 8.60, w eti a steers. 87. :; ,. Mocker and feeders. $ ".VffS.OO; bulls, $6.!5 j7.r.: calvea, i 6ijl0 SO. MxH RecetHs. l.S head. Market steadv; bulk of sale. ..7h4tft6; heavy, $?; packer and butchers, I. 764 4i; lisht, M 90; pis. '$ 2w8i.7. RHF.EP AND LAMBS No receipt. Market steady; lamba, $S.2Mi.si; year lings, 8.7487. wethers, ti.0J.4)0; ewes, 86.W 9t. Joseph Live Sfwclc Market. eT. JOSEPH. Jsn. 30. CATTLE Re celpta, ino hed; market steady: steer. $7.(li.76; mi and heifera, $4.36iSr.60; calves. $7.noi75. H(x;8 Receipts 6.5no heed: market Steadv: top, HN6; bulk, t 7nM 85. SHEEP AND lA MBS Receipt. 1 head; market strong; ismbs, $S.ti:5jS .. llosm 4 l(r Live Stock Market. SIOI'X CITY. Ia., Jan. 80. CATT LE Recelpta, 3tx) head. HOUB Receipts. Il.ooo head: market 6e higher; heavy, $6:S2V,a4.8e; mixed, $4.80; light, m 'ri,; bulk of salea. $A.80. BHEEP AND UMBS-Receipts, X0 heal. BRADSTREEPH TRADER KKV1EW Peadslam of Trad gwlsglsg I Dl rertlon of Isprtrrmrst Still. NEW YORK. Jan. 2.-BradstreCg Weekly Review will say tomorrow: The pendulum of trade continue to swln In the direction of Improvement. Elarting at a very alow pace three weeks ago. It la now moving at a more satis factory rsle, though even yet the move ment Is but conservatively steady. Almost everywhere the disposition is. to look on the bright side, spring buying especially of textiles, continues to multi ply; the labor situation, while far from normal. Is such that Idleness Is decreas ing; winter weather over a wide area has helped reduce stocks of heavy gooJs; money I cheaper; commodity prices are higher, funds are plentiful in the cereal growing regions: winter wheat la In good shape; copper I higher, arid ateel mill operations are being Increased. Banlc clearings for the week were $2. 978.817,000. a decrees of 21. S pr cent from last year. Wheat exports aggregate $.Sl.8fi bushels against 3,717, Hi 9 bushels a year ago. Fsllures In the United States were 52 compared with 453 In 1914; in Canada, fifty-four compared with sixly-one In 1914. Irarlnc House Rank Statement. NEW YORK, Jan. SO.-The etstement of the actonl condition of clearing house bsnks and trust companies for the week showa that they hold $144,269,930 reserve In excess of legal requirements. This Is an Increase of $1,237,140 over laat week. The statement follows: Actual condition: Increase. Loans, etc $2,238,224,000 $21,011,000 nesarve in own valuta (b) 370,562,000 Reserve In federal reserve bank 108,286,000 Reserve In other de positories S2,073,000 Net demand deposits 2,122.631,000 Net time deposits. A. 9w.377.0O0 6,936.000 4,773,000 371000 24.493.000 1,451,000 1,103,000 circulation 41.439,000 Aggregate reserve... 5l0,9,.'2,t'io Excess reserve 14.2o9.93i) 1,237.14.) Summary of state bsnks and trust com panlea In Greater New York not included In clearing house statement: ljoana, etc $654,327,600 $ Specie 43.142.700 Legal tenders lt.M-3..'W Total doposlta 660.007,100 773.1100 200.000 WO mmo Banks caan' reserve In vault 10,811,600 Trust com panle' 1 cash reserve In vault 43,193.404) (B) of which $293,144,000 Is specie, Decrease. - Liverpool Grata Market. LIVERPOOL, Jan. "30. WHEAT-Spot. No. 1 Manitoba, 12 7d; No. 2, 12s 5id; No. 2, 12s 5d; No. 2 hard winter, 12s 4d. Futures, nominal. . CORN Spot, American mixed, new. 7a 9W1: old. 7s lid: February. 7a 6d: March. 7s 6d. Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Jan. 30. CJOTTON The cotton market cloaed at a net gain of Bom .! to 7 polnta. LIVERPOOL. Jan. 30. COTTON-Snot market ateady; good middling, 6. Joe; noddling. 6.06c: low middling. Iffli: aales, $.000 bales. Dry Goods Market.- NEiW.. YORK, Jan. 30. DRY GOOD8 wide sheetings were advanced today. Cotton goods were generally 'firm i' yarns, higher. Linens and burlaps were firm. 'Underwear and hosiery were in better demand. Evaporated Apples and Dried rrnfts NEW YORK. Jan. 30. EVAPORATED APPLES Market firmer; fancy, 7VISjc; Choice. HIMc; prime. v&c. DRIED FRUIHA-Pmnes, quiet; apri cots, slow; peaches, firm; raisins, quiet ' Metal Market NEW YORK. Jan. 30. METALS Cop- Per. firm; electrolytic. 814 casting, 1 $14. 00HI4. 61. Iron, unchanged I ST. LOI!S. Ma.. 'Jan tl M 1.X 1 T St Lead, strong, $3.66. Spelter, stronger, $7.28. - - 1 TY Tl A. Tl 111 i iiunu ues u x laaier In Carriers Contest W. H. Dunn of 6817 North Thirtieth street, 71 years of age, yesterday even ing won the old fiddlers' contest, held at the Auditorium In connection with the entertainment being given by the Omaha mall carriers. Mr. Dunn waa the oldest of a croup of eight conteatanta. Ha had his old fiddle "chuned" up to the right point and h pleased the largo audience with some of the tunes. , A. D. Tarbox of 622 Branded building. 66 years of age. won aacond honors. H C. Gladwin of 3103 North Forty-fifth treat, waa' third. ", Th other conteatanta were: K. A. Gallup. 1801 Pratt; William Worthy, 4618 , lxard; C. T. Evans, 42B Lake; N. Tusher. Thirty Years for ' Killing Ma-in-Law I ST. LOUIS. Mo.. Jan. 30. L'dward Elle- -- vc,l to- I ' '"a"' 01 ll,, 01 mi nioin.r m-itv. I Mrs. Joseph Famtghcr. last July and I sentenced to thirty yetrs in t. e Stat I icnltcntii'.v. J Mrs larrh-r waa killed whrn ah; I w ' "!Vtnl " irom taking 1 hi .'-year-old daughter from the Fsr- ragher home. "JOSH" DEVORE iS GIVEN UNCONOITIONAL RELEASE BOSTON, Jan. 80-"Joh'' Pevo.- termed the "luckiest man In -base bsH I recauae ul ma connection witn tne zvow Uravea when o"h team fought for world's rhsmpionaliips, was gin an un conditional release by th Rcaton Na tionl todav. A desire to allow htm to ' sell his services In th beat market waa , given aa h reason for the lelease of the llttla outfielder. Devore. ha played ala with the Cincinnati and Philadelphia team of the National league. The Boston club received word today that Walter Trageaser, a catcher who was with the Birmingham Southern league team laat year, had signed a contract with the Braves. Mavraaeat af Orras Steamer. Part. UVKaPOot Htll. CILUII. NAPl-Kd HAVRK aiHKALTAR .. NSW UKK ... Arriva. Ipiand liant 'Aaaa.... Plnlaad , Ha. ha on bead. .. Ska i.ugin-iias. .Kurop Sallod. . Adrtauc. . rtuaayl.aaia. iNEW YORK STOCK MARKET 1 Issues Moderately Strong for Better Part of the Session of Ex change. RECOVERIES QUITE GENERAL NEW YORK. Jan. 90 Stocks wars rroiiersteiy strong for the better irt of toiia s aession, alter opening with som irregularity. Recoveries of 1 lo polnta from yeterdys low level ere quit general, although this improvement was s:, aded In the llnal dealings, when some of the leaders, notablv Reading re ceded on realizing sales. The short Interest whs again prominent, mainly, however, in the covering of out standing contracts. There were some rounter movements In th riclnl division a few of the low priced Isauea going back' whl.e Sears-Roebuck rose substantially fn the expectation of an inoreased dividend New Haven, which sold at Its minimum of 49 waa one of today's most active feat ures, recovering much of its loss. Unite! Stales Steel wa alt but neglected after a belated opening at Its minimum price, from which it showed no change. Fol io lng the close of the market official notice of another reduction In the mini mum to 3S waa Issued. The preferred, stocks gained a fraction and the sinking lund bonds also reflected support Trade reports were more encourlglnr although Improvement in most line if slow. Despite the adverse showing of the I'nlted States Steel corporation for December, ' advances In various finished, products are said to be under considera tion. The $4.000.00o of Pennsylvania rallroail 4 per cent first mortgage bonds recently taken bv a banking ayndlcate. were of fered today at 11.03 with Indications of a large Inquiry. More financial undertak Insa of like character were said to b under way. Lornl banks showed an actual cash Jtsin In therlr own vatiHa of about $o,00J,00O. while contracting their reserves In the Federal bank hy about $4.760 000. The loan account exianiled by KLOOO.OOrt. Bnda were Irregular, some Issues re flecting foreign selling. Total sale Hmounted to $i,063.0t. United State and Panama bonds ad vanced U to per cent on call, during the week. Number of sales and leading quotations on stocks were: galea Hth. Low. Close. Altska Cold ' t7S 27".. Anislnmated Oonper .... 7.4'M 614 :4 Amerlran Bact Sufsr.... ,ee 3't American Can Anifiiesn g. . ft 40 SIS ;ik4 014 .1 S8'6 1 Aineriran S. a R. pia.. Am. raftr nertnins Ltes 111 194 t" Amerlran Tl Tl sot iw4 1201 i"Va Aniaricao Tooaco Aaacooila Ulnlog Atchison .1 naltlmon A Ohio. Brooklyn Rapid Tr California Petrolsuia .... Cinadlan Paeifle entral Iatbr Ctieastiaaka Ohio i:htrao O. W Chlcaso, M. 8t. T Chleato N- ' 8" 1,29 1.JO0 20 3t 'MM l4 94S, 7M6 nv 4t f 17 IT' MS 7 10 n4 i.0 l:.l' 157 84'. 44 II 1 S 24 4 .44 4314 70 88'i F84 i n ino copper Colorado Fusl Iron.... fnlorsdo foothern.... Denrsr Rio (J ran as.... t-anrer a R. O. pfd ri lallllera' HecurltU .... Kris (.antral Elactris Great Northara ptd Great Northern Or otfs. OuMsnhslm y.iploratloa.. miauls Central .......... lnterboru(h Met. pfd.... I apt ration Copper Intsrnatlnnal Harrsatsr.. Ktasas City Sou live ra.... Lebilh Vsller Iiul 111 A Nashrllls... Meitcan Petrolsuia Miami CVippar 1 Mi-eourl, K. T Mlssnun Pacific ., National Biscuit NalMnal Laa4 Nsvada Copper Now York Central N. Y.. N. H. H 1. Norfolk A Westsrn Northern Pacific Pacific Mali Piclfle Tsl. A Tsl Pennsylvania t.,. Pullman Pilars Car Roy Coa. Copper...' Reading Republic Iron A Ateel.... Rock Inland Co... Rock Hlan Co. ptd St. U A 8. K. Id pfd... Southern Pacific Houthera Railway ot ..... ... 2 .... S ... II ... 11'. S! .73 1.300 S3 HVi 700 11 3 '4 1144 lis 1.700 -IVi 30 tni ISTai ui ...... PS'. 70 6I' 11 400 1.1s 134 1.14 400 11714 117 IT 4.M0 7.T4 7ii4 'It 20 US 18 1R'4 ..... 10H n4 is Ui 464 12"4 MVs lk 4 H4 lot 10.1 101 MJi 4.000 J3 00 TOO M4 1 SfO 10a 00 104 ...... ..... ,014 ..... so 'i.'itt 10714 liiii lOSTk ...... ..... 152 HflO tTH' 14 1714 2S,tOO 144H 144H )"'a 1 SfJ 60 la 1W . 4 . R si H 114 1IS 14 8,300 400 54 17 44 16.4 , viir.iuui, v ,! , . . 1 Toga nmpaoy a., Vntm psctfie ant. . ., lulled Siuas Ktael... V. 8. Iel pfd l.'tah Copper Wakash Wd Weatern Vnloo Waatinirhooae Electric 4, W0 111114 It l.tOO 40 i,e 10". 40 40 ln:l 104t i.4 8.1 2 6.-H 71 , 0 4.11, 73 3H TP. offsroa. Total aalas for th day, 111,80 aha a. S'ew York Most) ' Market. ' NEW YORK. Jan. SO. MERCANTILE PAPER-SWa4 per cent. BTKRLINO EXCHAXGB- Eeesy: 80 day bills, 4.l276; for cables. $4.8485; for demand, $4.8460. fULVKR-Bar. 4SHc; Mexicaa dollars, BONDS Government, steady: railroad, LONDON, Jan. 80-SILVIDR bar, 22 VI per eiinoe. MONEY 1 per cent. DISCOUNT RAT E8 43hort ' bills, lV4t 1 t-U per cent; three months, l!8t $-16 psr cent. Irregular. Closing quotation on bonds today wer as follows: V. 8. rat 2s, rog-.. Mo. Pc. . ts 41(4 dn ccupoo N. T. C. . I'ya ... anu V. 8. ta. rag..... ...lOlVkN.Y. City 44 1KS..1W do ooopsn ...1SN. Y. guu i 106V4 r. 8 4a. tog lt. Y.. N. H. A H. do coupon....: lt sr. 4s : Idol Panama Se. coapoa.ism Ko. Pacific a. !. Aai. Snaltara i...im' 'do 3s 44 s A. T. T. cv. 4Ha WHO. a. L. rat. .... SIS Armour A Co. 4.. Par J. A T. 6s.... 7V AUhisoo a. 4a 4Penn. coa. 4 , 07 nil. A Ohio 4a...... n Reading .- 4a. 4i Chef. A Otllo 44.. SCAag. U A F. r H C. 0. A Q 1. 4a ... HPiSo. Pac. ct. 4S...J7. Sfi C 14 A 8 P I 44s -ltl4 do rf. 4 "..87 c. R. 1. 4 r. e . . do er. as... C. A S. rat. 44a.. HI. do. nail-ay la.'.. ...I0o4 P. A R. O. rof. a. 4 In lea Parino 4s.... 9414 Erl (pas. 4a SMa da . 4a. H Oea. Kloctrlr (a 104H C. g. Rubber -..J4 Ot. So. lat 44a g. gtaol ts.....Tlni III. (laa. ra. 4a 47 Wabash 1st Is I'O K. C, 8. rat. ... l Waat. Tales 4,.... U h'. nni. 4 My.Tst. glee. . is.. 4 M. K. A T. 1st 4a. v 7t Bid. Csflee Market.' NEW YORK. Jan. 20-COFFEE Ther waa aome further aeattering liquidation er trad selling in the market for coffee futures here today. After opening at a de cline of 1 to 2 points, prices essed off another point or two In the absence of any Important aupport. with th cloee net unchanged to 6 polnta lower, near montha being relatively easy. Sales. 19.7&0 bears, February. 4,04c; March. 6.14c; April, 6 24c; May. .t3c; June. .J4; July. 7.3. c: Auguat. 7.41c; September, 7.43c; October, 7.56c : November, J.62"; Decem ber. 7.6SO. Spot, quiet; Rio No. 7. 8Wc; Santos fio. 4. 10c. Mllrei price In Brairll were unchanged, although there waa further decline of 1-rs.i in the rate o' Rio exchange on Lon don. j ET w voile tl ERY dollar you csrry on savings account adds to your Importance as a citizen of this or any other city. Money In tbe bank means money at work earning .for you the highest rate of interest i. Yoor deposit is absolute ly protected by Depositors' Guarantee Fund, and may ba withdrawn at any time it is needed. Open your savings ao count now. I . . a m . m a m a UIV1AMA SAVINGS BANK 24th and M Streets If. C. BOSTWICK. PreiUent TIUM.4.X BUC K, V. Pres. V. H. GL'TTV, Catihler. r s V-h'.i;u s4 Maasaaot Turksra. ntl f pocka, U aa sad Cali'k- ana. ikMvd 4 lor Ivca tllua. aaisiag. t. W. MBTTIST, Srraftsa. Iowa.