Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 31, 1915, EDITORIAL SOCIETY, Page 12-B, Image 22

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12 n
Wrim! AtITM fin
r 81 HI 5J uWAl ? ML n n i Ml i li U
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Begins Monday, Feb. 1st
A united effort of all buyers and man
agers to clear our stocks of all odd lots and
surpluses A sale in which vast quantities
of winter stocks and even many lots of
new goods are marked without regard to
original costs. Seldom have such saving
opportunities been offered you.
Mens, Boys' and Children' Win
ter Caps, cloth or knit, 1 Q
styles; choice 1I7C
Over 100 dozen for selection.
Two other special lots OQ.
on sale, at, 75 and..
Men's Winter Hals, broken lots of
values to $2.50; gopd shapes and
colors; on sale, Kfi
t. $1.00 "d JUC
Traveling Rags and Suit Cases, all
leathers, leather lined; value
from 15.00 to $10, tfjo nr
at 80.95 nd .... J)O.I70
; 35c Ribbons
7y2c Yard
A big 11ns of wide, fancy warp
print and plain Silk Ribbons,
made to sell to 35c a yard; sale
price, Monday, yard.... 74
China Specials
Tonrth rloor Monday.
fao.OO anetrlaa China XMaaer Bets
100 plerea, sold band decoratlona,
on sale for flt.50
938.00 China Sinner Rats Conven
tional denlg-ns, 100 pieces, on aal
Whit Poroalaia Blanar Sjrte $10.00
values, 100 pieces, at 10.78
Jap China Mnfars aaft Creamers
12.00 values, at 7 Bo
In the Daylight Silk and Wool
Dress Goods Section
$1.00 Dress Silks, 48c
Over 3,000 yrds of 27 and 88-inch plain and fancy
Bilks, Meflsallnes, Pongees, Novelty Taffetas, Fancy
Check and Striped SUka, etc.; great bargains.
$1.00 Silk Poplins, 68c
86 Inches
80 pieces In this lot, soft and lustrous,
wide and a splendid line of colors. .
$1.25 Silk Crepe de Chine, 88c
All silk, 40 inches wide, in all best colorings, includ
ing black and white. 20 pieces oa sale.
$1.00 Black Dress Silks, 78o
Chiffon Taffetas, Satin Duchess, Satin Messallne and
Peau de Sole, all 36 inches wide.
59c Wool Goods, 38c
All woof Diagonal Suitings and Crepes in most wanted
colorings; 4 0 pieces for your selection.
Wool Serges and Novelties
44 and 54 inches wide, choice line of colorings, very
special bargain, at, yard C8
Fine All-Wool Suitings
In plain and novelty weaves, 64 and EG inches wide;
big assortment of most desirable colorings; special
bargains, at 0S, $1.48
Dress Skirts, Made to Measure, $1.00
First class workmanship and perfect fit guaranteed.
Inquire at Dress Goods Department.
i? Continues All Week1
AN EXHIBIT and SALE of many well
known some very little known but never
theless deliriously appetizing pure food
products. Free demonstration and instruc
tion in the preparation and serving of
scores of toothsome dishes will be a feature
which should interest every woman.
SOc Pleatings
15c Yard
A very superior lot of new
Chiffon and Organdie Pleat-
lnin. suitable for ladles' neckwear;
wonderful values at sale price, per
xanr noom
Wash Fabric
Fabrics now to be cleared In tills sale.
Late Fall and Winter Silk and Cot
ton, plain and printed Crepe, 17 to
40-tnch widths, and novelty weaves,
old up to 49c yard; now selling, at,
yard ............... .S9o
Wash Fabrics, IT Inches wide; Nov
elty Cotton, mercerised; also many
odd pieces of silk and cotton mix
tures, sold up to tOo. Now selling,
at. yard ISO
Gold Filled American Watches
Gold filled case, thin models,
guaranteed for 10 years, your
choice of a variety of handsome
plain or engraved cases for Mon
day, at $4.03
Regular $1.00 Watches'. ... 50?
81.93 Alarm Clocks $1.00
$2.50 Alarm Clocks., $1.25
$1.00 Alarm' Clocks 50
Bar Tins. Brooches. Tie Clasps.
Cuff Links, Necklaces, Jeweled
Tango Braid Pins, Shell, Amber,
Pearl, : Jet or Rhinestone Ear
Drops, to $1.00 values. .. .15i
la Jewelry Department Monday,
Some Delightful Monday Specials
in Pretty Muslin
Elegant Skirts and Gowns: odd
lots of garments made to sell to
85.00. In Monday's sale, choice,
it $1.08
Good assortment for selection.
Muslin Gowns, Combination Suits
and Skirts, daintily trimmed, to
$1.50 values, nearly all manu
facturers' samples, at .... . .69c
Muslin Gowns, made to sell at
$1.00, laco and embroidery trim
med, cut full and long, at. . .49c
Gowns, Skirts, and Combination Suits,
in fancy crepes, nainsooks and cam
brics; also crepe de chine Corset Cov
ers, up t6 $2.60 values, at. .... -08
Children's Muslin Pants, to 85c
values, with hemstitched trunks,
t .. , 13V.4
Children's Gowns, values to 75c.
on sale, at 390
I . V - sT
Buyers9: Co-Operative Sale;Specials
for Monday in the Busy ': Suit , Department,
Second Floor, That Are Certainly Astonishing
Only seven specials are here listed. You'll find many other splendid
bargain opportunities offered for your selection, including all classes
of winter apparel and even some of the new Spring stocks. Come
early Monday. . ' .
$5.00 Silk Klosfit Underskirts Free Monday
To Every Purchaser of One of Or Stock or Dress Skirts QE
Classy Styles, All Sizes, Best Colors, at. fDe7e!
The Underskirts come in Silk Jersey, Jersey and Messaline combination and all Messa
line and sell regularly the world over at $5.00. Monday we give them Free to purchasers of
Dress Skirts at $5.95 limit of two to a customer.
Hardware Dept.
Brooms, 10c. Brooms, lQc
4-tU parlor, worth 35o 45s, on sale
Monday only. There are, 60 doses la
this loS and sale continue on til aU
brooms are sold. No C. O. D. lor tele
phone orders taken. One broom to a
customer. Delivered only with other
11.25 Foldln Ironln Board t8o
4 oo 4-foot rililrt Board ....SSo
6.o 6-foot Hklrt Board
,75c 6H-footHklrt Board 8S
10c Wooiln BaaUac Bpoon. plain or
Blotted fur
10c Chair- Heats, any slse
lBo fancy Wood Potato Maahor 10o
10c Wooden Bteak Founder
lOo fancr ribbed White Wood Butter
pHilille , f or
to Wood Butter Faddle
Butler Prints, 1-lb. slse. round or
Kjuare. for
6o Meat Blocks '.
Meat Board reduced to too,
Jlo.J-lncli llolllns Plna M
XOc 2 4-lnuh Rollins Pins IBs
5e Fpice Cabinet ...4SO
Bread Boards 33. a
Rimmed Bread Boards 4SO, Bo
1- knlfe BUw or Vecetable Cutter... ISo
2- knife Klaw or Vesetable Cutter.. .ISO
Maple Bowli IBo, ISO
rull size beat Zlno Waah Board ISO
Sla Gliion. Brass or Knamel Wash
Board for "60
Wo sell ' "Kan re Itermal" malleable
ranr and Vaderfeod Ew' blaok
slckel finish east ran fee.
Domestic Room
rraaT noom.
8c Amoakeasr Apron Check Ging
ham, "Beat Quality ' Model, at,
the yard .. . k m
8Ho Bleached Mualln, soft finish,
food wide standard, yard... So
o Bleached Toweling-, heavy
twill, yard So
ISo PIUow Cases, hemmed. 45 or
41x14 slue, each lOlie
(Oo Bleached or Unbleached
Sheets, 71x80 a lie. each S3e
ISo American Mercerised Table
Damask, yard 94e
18a Tartan Plaid Drees Fabrtca,
washable, yard ISHo
H(j Curtain Bnrlm Novelty, colored
borders, yand So
12 Ho Nurae Btrlpe Olnsham. i
Inches wide, yard So
12Ho Phlrtlns- and Waletlns Ma
dras Cloth, yard So
ISo Yam Mercerised Drees Poplin,
'colors or white, yard ......ISO
Gray, -lb. Wool Blanketn
at -
11.80 Cotton Blankets, tan or (ray.
for . SBo
75 Handsome .Plush Coats
$15.00 and $18.00 values, all good quality
plushes, satin lined throughout, wonderful
bargains in Monday's sale,
125 New Spring Dresses
$18.00 and $20.00 values, fabrics are Silk
Eoliennes, Crepe de Chines, Taffetas and
splendid wool fabrics, all dQ Qft
colors, choice. s77i
ow azoovs tloob
$5 Boys' Suits
at $3.75
Blue Serges, Corduroy and Fancy Mix
tures, sizes from 6 to 18 years, Norfolk
style. Monday, your choice of 600 boys'
knlcker suits, at .............. 83.75
Boys' Overcoats 3 to 8 years.
$4.95 and $5.95 Chinchilla Overcoats
Blue or gray, all wool chinchilla; made
shawl collar or button to the neck. Belted
back or plain. This offer for one day.
These coats can be used for girls of the
same ages. $4.95 and $5.95 boys' over
coats for S3. 50.
Choice of AU Boys'. Extra Knickers at Co-operative
Sale Prices.
Knickers) 39t $1-00
Knickers .40J
Knickers 79s
Knickers . . . . . . .
On Sale Monday.
Wool Middy Blouses
Pretty styles, good colors,
regular $2.50 values, w 59
Women Misses' Maffs
Black Furs, made to sell , at
$5 and $6, your , (ft- 95
on salo at lw " ) choice at.
To every purchaser of cftie o our regular LONG FLANNELETTE KIMONOS at $1.00,
$1.50 and $1.95 we will include a duplicate of purchase for 25o extra, which means 2 Kimonos
practically for the price of one and you'll find them, excellent values at the reg. prices. All sizes.
Children's Dresses, Wash fab
rics, wool materials. lretty
styles, all sizes; values
to $2.00, choice. ......
Four Very Special Lots of Lace Bargains for Monday
Fine Val. Zlon City and Venice. Cotton Cluny Real Linen Cluny Laces, Oriental Laces, Silk Chlf-
Torchon Laces, worth 6c Point de Paris and Elyrla also Filet and Quaker fons and Fancy Dress
and 7o yard; on sale, Laces, to 15c jxl values, Laces; to 86c yard val- Nets, up to 60o yard val-
Monday. yard yr 5J ;ues, at. yard 10 ues, at. yard 19
liaiK n-oxifc
Linens, White Goods
and Bedspreads
Table Damask, all- linen, Irish,
full bleach, 70-inch width,
and Austrian 71-lnch silver
bleach; qualities selected as
superior values, yard . . 81
rMntha nil linen, dron
patterns from our regular 1 Seamless Velvet Rugs,
lines; 8-4 and 10-4. sizes, bow,
each . .. S2.00
Mercerized Pattern Cloths. 8
10 size, heavy quality choice
designs, now, each.. 81.00
Crochet Bed Spreads full size,
hemmed. An exceptional $1.25
values each 08
Marseilles Bed Spreads, full
. size, cut corners, heavy fringe.
' One of our best $3.25 values
for $3.05
Voile and Rice Cloth, two dainty
white drees fabrics. 86 Inches
wide; actual value 29c, yd.. ISo
. oar imo nooi
$1.25 quality Velvet
size, on sale, at . . ,
'A 19c Counter
Contains many sBc to 6O0 ar
ticles. Among them are:
COc Ladies' llsnd Bags. . . . . 10
50c Hair Brushes ........ .10
35c Cloth Brushes ........ .101
S5c Ladles' Neckwear 10
35c Hand Mirrors 101
35c Sewing Sets 101
3Dc Embroideries, at, yard.. 10
60c Double Width Nets, yd. -10J
60c Chiffons, yard 10
35c Veiling, yard 10
Buyers Co-Operative Shoe Sale
Cost Will Not Be Considered During This Sale.
All Shoes that will not be carried the coming season
will be sacrificed.
Women's turn sole button shoes, la patent gunmetal and
vlcl kid leathers, sell the world over for $3.00. During
this sale, at ., 31. OS
Boys' $2.60 high cut tan lace shoes. w!th straps and
buckles. During this sale, at .............. 91.50
Misses' lace and button shoes, gunmetal and'vlcl'kid, $1.75
and $1.60 values. During this sale ........... $1.00
Child's high cut $1.26 turn sole shoes, In sizes from 3 to
8, broken sizes. During this sale, at . 75
Infants' colored top "First Rtrp" shoes, sizes 2 to 6, 85c
values. During this sale, at -50
In Furniture Department
oir roinmc noos
Fiction, History, Poetry,
etc., fine cloth bindings.
Books that sold to $1.50;
slightly soiled; to close,
sale price, each 25
Co -Operative
Sale Specials
Dress Shields, Q
pair i7C
50.0 yards Basting o
Thread C
Black Darning Cot. Q
ton, per dos. spools eJC
Dress Buttons. - f-
dozen JC
1 -quart Vacuum Bottles,
J?t!!r. $1.49
Genuine Layer Felt lattrcss, art tick, roll
odgo, full w-eight, guaranteed for 10 years;
on sale, at $4.50
Vernis Martin Beds, with heavy 2-inch posts,
5 fillers, best guaranteed finish. .. .$4.50
A Handsome Kitchen Cabinet, nickeled slid
ing top, white enameled bread box, etc.,
splendidly complete, at .$19.50
Heavy Brass Beds with 2-inch post, straight
or continuous; two rousing specials, in this
sale, at $10.00, $12.50
Drug Department Specialties on Main Floor
B0o Possonl's Face Powder. sse
10c Bweetheart Talcum Pow
der, special, can So
lOo Canthroz Hair Shampoo,
special 89o
BOo Das-g-ett Ramsdell's Cold
Cream, special 3So
78o Lowe'a Jacques Rose Face
Powder, special BSo
iio Orris Tooth Powder, spe-
clal, per can tp
SOc Aubry maters' Tint, special
for Monday sso
Assortment c of j. Hard Rubber
('omtn. worth up to Bc, ape
clal for Moprtay S9e
lOo rolla Toilet Paper, fine
quality crepe. 6 rolia S9e
l&c pkg-. Borax 8oap Chip,
aperial lee
SOc pky. Liquid Veneer, spe
cial ana
Z5c bottle Frostilla, for chap
ped hands
76c Pompelan Massage Creain,
for ...4So
25o bottle Syrup White Pine
and Tar Cough Syrup, spe
cial Monday ISO
let) Lmffey's Malt, special
Monday 76e
11.00 Scott's Emulsion, spe
cial Monday S9o
SOc Nature's Remedy . tablet ,
special Monday .V 35o
lOo Palmollve Soap'.. So
15c - Munyon's Witch Hazel
Boap S
11.60 S-qt. Chocolate Fountain
- Svrlnse. rapid flow tublnn.
' good quality, no seconds,
special for Monday Sao
a. 60 Ladles' Douche Byrlnfe,
special Monday S1.1S
H and Stelbaaoe Towders.
Sale Specials
25c Fancy Pleat- -i fX
lngs. yard 1UC
15c Fine Ruchings,
200 yards Machine
Thread, spool....
6 packages Fins
for 1...
Snap Faateners,
dozen .
Big assortment of popular
subjects; ovals, squares
and oblongs; " gilt,, black
and brown frames; to $2
values, at 89
ow nap noo
$2.25 Couch Covers, full slse, re
versible, neat patterns, Monday,
at ....... s 51.25
Lace Curtains, full site, to $3.00
pair values, in several different
weaves, pair 91.40
Bungalow Nets, Marquisettes and
Scrims, regular values to SOc
yard; Monday, at, yard ..25
16c Hemstitched Curtain. Scrims,
40 inches wide, in white, cream
or ecru,1 at, yard 10
A 5c Counter
OK HAXsT noos
Includes among other regular
lOo to 20c articles the following:
15c Ruchings, at. yard 51
20c Hand Mirrors earn ...... "
10c Needle Books at
10c Tooth Brushes, at fi
15c Fine Combs, at 5
10c Delong's Hooks and Eyes
for 5t
10c Embroidered Handkerchiefs
tor 5
lOe Children's Hose Supporters
tor 5k
And many other regular 10c
to 2 0c values. Bee theui.
Our aim is to demonstrate the
High Standard of Quality to the
people. In our Mammoth Grocery
Department 40 Demonstrators,
Free Samples and a savlag of 25
to 50 on the cost of living.
Try HAYDEN'S FIRST, It rays.
19 lbs. best Granulated Sugar. ft
48-lb. sacks Hsyden's Diamond
H Flour, nothing like it, for
bread, pies or cakes, sack-$1.75
l-lb. cans Diamond H. Baking
Powder, equal to powders sold
for double the money, csn. .'Jflc
Skinner's Famous Macaroni. Ver
micelli or Spaghetti, free demon
stration, per pkg,, 7c
Advo Jell; "It Stands Alone"
nothing finer for dessert; Us
quality goods, per pkg.... 7 He
Loose-Wiles Famous Cookies and
Takes, made la Omaha; free
Demonstration; Its - j Quality
Goods . .'
T lbs. best Rolled White Break
fast Oatmeal' SSe
10 bars Beat-'Em-AU. White Rus
sian, Lenox or Laundry Queen
White Laundry Soap ...... S3o
7 bars liaskln Bros.' Electric
Spark Soap 25e
6 cans Oil Sardines ........ . 25c
10 lbs. best White or Yellow
Cornmeal lOo
Tall cans Alaska Salmon .... 1
Don't fail to sample the famous
Yellowstone Canned Goods.
Fsncy Golden Santos Coffee, per
lb. . aoc
The best Tea Siftlngs. lb... IS 4 e
Try llarden's First
The best Strictly Fresh Kggg, not
storage, per dos . .8iic
No. 1 Storage Eggs, per dos.. 25c
The best Creamery Butter, carton
or bulk, per lb 83c
Fancy Country Creamery Butter,
per lb 28c
Fancy Dairy Table Butter, lb. 28c
Full Cream. Young America. Wis-
conslu Cream or White Cheese..
per lb soc
Imported Swiss or Roquefort
Cheese, lb 40c
Highland Navel Oranire and Grape
- . Fruit Hale Monday
9$ size. reg. 45c, our price.. 30c
12 1 slse, reg 40c, our price .'.25c
PTfl5 Try CHYPH&xFS First PA&
150-176 else, reg. 30c, our price SOc
Chase's Fancy Florida Grape
Fruit, Monday, per dozen
SOc, 45c, aoc, Oc
the I'EOI'LK tit OMAHA
Potatoes, 15 lbs, to peck.... 20c
rhe best Wisconsin Cabbage, per
pound .1 ?c
Jersey Sweet Potatoes, 3 Ibs.lOe
Fancy Cape Cod Cranberries, per
quart 7 He
Fresh Beets. Carrots, Turnips,
i Shallota or Radishes, bunch,. 4
Fancy California Cauliflower, per
pound 7 He
S large Soup Bunches. . .....10c
Fancy Head Lettuce, head. .7 He
roTXBTx noos .
Wall Paper
Special For One Week -
Good patterns, new, bright,
clean- 1914 stock. Designs suit
able for living room ami kitchen
and including side walls, celling
and border.
, Enough for Any Room in your
home, no matter what the slse,
on sale
Bundle Ixt, at, per bundle, gft
to 31.24
AH other patterns at 50
DiM-ount. ,
9x12 six.
florsl and oriental patterns, worth
" 812.08
Seamless Brussels Rugs, size 9x12,
worth $12.50, choice $0.08
$22.50 quality Axminster Rugs,
beautiful patterns, heavy quality,
9x12 else, special $18.50
$20.00 Axminster Rugs, same as
above, but 8-3x10-6 slie, $16.08
Water ColorWindow Shades, 38
Inches wide, .7-feet long, special,"
Oil Opaque Window- Shades, 38-in.
wide, 7 feet long,, special. .. .45
Cocoa Door Mats, all sizes, splendid
values, at ;" 65. $2.25