Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 30, 1915, Page 13, Image 13

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Judge Sedgvick of Supreme Court
Refuses to Grant Either Party
The supreme court Friday put an
end to the divorce suit entitled "Pey
ton against Peyton." when It un
talned the district court of Douglas
county In a refusal to grant a divorce
either to Mrs. Cordelia Peyton, the
plaintiff, or to Lacey E. Peyton, the
defendant. ,'
"Where one party is guilty there
are no grounds for divorce against
the other party equally runty," said
Judge Sedgwick, who wrote the
The cat waa oos of the most bitterly
fought divorce suits known In the history
of the state and resulted In several ether
lawsuits. As the result. of the confession
of one witness in an alienation of affec
tions suit that she had been hired to
Irtve testimony in Mr. Peyton's behalf,
an attorney was Indicted by a. grand Jury,
the esse belns; nolled by the county at
torney on account of failure of the wit
ness to come here to testify. Affidavits
charging attorneys for Mr. Peyton with
filing an affidavit which a witness had
not been aware that he had signed were
on file In the supreme court.
riled Petltloa anil Aaawer.
It was brought out in the evidence that
a former president of the local bar asso
ciation had originally filed both petition
and answer for plaintiff and defendant
when the divorce suit was started.
It was following revelations made dur
ing the- controversies between Mr. and
Mrs.-. .Peyton that agitation nrose con
cerning alleged need of n "houseclean
Ing" in the bar association.
Many sensational developments arose
out-, of the . divorce suit, or other suits
which followed. One woman witness was
confronted with a little book in her hand-'
writing In which appeared the names of ;
scores of Omaha and Nebraska moti. j
These names were read aloud In oien i
court. !
A prominent Omaha business man was
defendant In the alienation of affections
,Ult (
Officials to Ask
Boiler Changed at
the Angelus Flats
Building Inspectors Laee Bridges and
Rodney Brown, with City Electrician M.
J. Curran, have made a careful investi
gation at the Angelus apartments and
they report that the fire wtilch destroyed
the roof f hurady morning started at the
bottom of a dumb waiter, which la within
six Inches of the furnace,
'That a gross' mistake! was made In the
setting of a boiler is the opinion of the
officials. The fire worked its way aiocg
the greacy guide rails. Inside the dumo
waiter," to the' roof.
The furnace room of the Angelus is
equipped with what is known as a "dutch
oven' coal-feeding device and the city
officials believe the coal in the hoppera
may have burned out and a flame com
municated with the dumb waiter' in that
"way. '
' Regardless of Just how the fire did
reach, th dumb waiter, Inspector Bridges
declares dangerous conditions existed in
that the dumb waiter of wooden construe
tlon rested within six Inches of the fur
nace. He believes that the boiler was not
set according to the plana as approved
by the city building department.
The city building department will de
mand that changes be made at the An
gelus as soon as the insurance shall have
been adjusted.
photograph was made on Sunday morning in the Tombs
city prison in New York and shows Harry K. Thaw, at
right, being gTeeted by his old friend, Dr. McGuire, the
prison physician.
in.!. !., ...hi. w, wwuro.wMiiHH iotiii.,iW,i , ,tin
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Rising Temperatures Indicate Much
Pleasanter Weather for the
Near Future.
Shoes from Omaha School Children j PARK MONEY IS ACCEPTED
Are Given to War Orphans in Berlin
Anderson Says the
Jitney Busses Will
Start Saturday
- Jitney bus service will begin in Omaiia
at 7 o'clock Saturday morning, according
to P. F. -Anderson, promoter of the pro
ject. A scven-paBsengcr auto, drives by
Chauffeur - Bernstein, will leave Fortieth
and Farnam at 7 a. m.. be says, and Is
acbedujed to make the round trip to Six
teenth and Farnam streets and back to
f'ortiPth every twenty minutes until 7
p. tn. On Monday, ten more "Jitney"
.or 3-cent autos, will be" put on, to cover
jthe principal lines of travel between bual
neas and 4eaidnc districts, following the
strcrt car tracks in all cases.
New Society Holds
Its First Meeting
At the organisation ' meeting of Raish
O'.lf, a ne .social fraternity of young
business men, these officers were elected:
Fretiilent, X. Greenberg; vice president,
A. Warshofsky; secretary. Harry tfrodky;
treasurer,. .Horace - Rosenblum.
Charter' nKmbers-are the officers aud Vthrrsf Arthur Friedman, Irving
Htallmasleii. A. Mt!dr, Janj Bialeck and
fcoi Rosenblatt. - Tbe first - meeting was
at; the home .f A. Greenberg and the
next meeting probably will" be held Feb
ruary 7 at tho home of Sol Rosenblatt.
f V l
N " '" lor
The cold wave lia i!ved olf to the
cast aji.l tho telegraphic reports to the
' west'ncr luireiiu ymorlv showed It
i.ffots In the upier ttl valley ird the
eastern srahoanl.
j The indications rrotii tmiaha mid vl
. Unity aie for partly loudy, with n!u ly
lUinU temperature. Warmer tcmpera
1 tries arc aptarelit nil thtoitKh tho ronh
' tvest and west, with -onlihralile iiiitdera
1 tion evrn in t he- nin th. At St. Vaul It wa
J only H tleareen brluw icro at 7 o'rlm-k
i Friday mornlnj and at Sioux City It was
2 below.
ijtiMitMjJ J --. I. :-' -.
M ill - mm i -ti n jim liir- , "".u'll' iuiiiiiiiiiihiimi.. '! inm1
Lambert Requests
Value of Street Car 1
Property in Omaha ;
AiviHtaul City Attorney W. I-.
bert has iretarwl for filing In the ilts
tuot r.iurt a motion to require the Omaha
Countll ninffn Street Railway com
pany to file a Matemcnl showing the rv
tent and value f tlie i-ompany's real
and personal rrowty wlth'n the limits
of Omaha. '
Thlj Infornialion la desired by Hie city
legal departiiinr.l M . .. wlt,y
the aeven-for-a-quarter litiaatlon.
Tho trm-tloii. compnny offhinla have
filed one ntatrmont tn which they atate
thai, their pnjpoi tie arc woith SI3,Omi,n0P,
but Attorney , I. uJiihcrt wants a separa
tion of the Can.-ilia valuation of the system.
Mr. Lambe.rt slates that the matement
filed by the traction company la only an
"attempted compliance" of the former
motion of the city department.
KKIll.lN ii l.nlon. Jan a Fv
hnndied children of soldiers who fi ll In
battle rre made happy on Wednesday
by the receipt or their ahuir of the s'lnlKt--nHP
liferents sent to Kuroiie hy ehlldien
of America. This belated 1 hi Ixtma tcl
el.iatioii a. h',l in Ihe arc nn of one of
the preat em!ci"il Ice rinks or the tirr
inan capital.
A pair of shoes, imiiiii loihinn and to a
were aiven each (lilld in a ia.telwril
ho. Thronsli the iein roslty of .Iscipies
Mayer, an Am-il mi rrs.ileni of Merlin,
each child received also four marks ill)
In cash.
Mrs. .lames W lieiani. n:V -.f l he
Ameiii-an ainhas.-Mlni . anil Mrs. .?aer
inesiil"d over the distribution of the gift
end Tvcro assisted hy Women s patilotlr
iissoriatlons and tie Aiueilcnn women's
relief eoninlllec. The rxircisi-a were at
tended by represetitath ei of Kinprcss
Jap Thrills Mayor v
With Stirring Taloj
Koieho Tanaku, Japarcse World. tout inis
I'yellMt. told Mayor J. C. lihlmaii he
killed five men during his travels In out
of-the-way places of the woild. The vis
itor had credentlala nh.iulnR he had vis
ited moKt of the cut lea of the world.
Tnnska said that while ho was tn Soiitu
America l.e wss attacked hy a man he
killed by spiil yum the Jnl-jltau ti'eatmrnt.
stHmllng hla vletlni upon his head wltn I
veheineni-o. He averts l,e was attnekel
three times while crossing the Arabian
desert, making the trip In seventeen days
and living on dates, which gave out thre. j
d.iVa before he finished the ride,
Tanaka also told the mnyor that he was
responsible for 400 Hindus and ?W reralnn
Augusta Victoria and Crow a frlm ess
OcMlle. the meintiers of the staffs of the
American embassy and the merlcan
consulate and many pr uninent 'ictniane.
Joseph C. tlrrw. secretary of the Amer
ican emiaasy, sieaklriK for Amhaaiador
Cierard. conveveil the greetings nf tho
American ihiMien io the Oerman ehil
dren. A reply ;is made by Herr
riaschke, 11 privy councillor. lu closed
his rt'inarka by leading a cheer for Ihe
1'nlted Slates and the American children. were the piesents ai ried by the
Amyrlcsn collier Jfls-.m, to which the
children of Omnlia and Nebraska con
ti United an liberally through The Dee.
I Is inohah.e lliit the shoes mentioned
cuine trout tbe iinia'vi school children,
an tlv money ral-ed In tlie CiiihIim t ubllc
schools ns sient for shoes, over tvf
b Ir.g thus expended '
cnmiiinji In eonflh t. and while the coni
hstunts ir' fithtlnn over liim he
jiimvied on lil wheel and got nway.
This lra(der said he f.iv.ght In the U'is
ftian-lapanee war s'l I was with Ihe
Turkish Hi'iny in the Itnlksn wnr.
He sn.s he la a member of the Japunenc
C.eoiiiarhlc"! ancet. 1
City Council Votes to Take Money
from Mrs. Cornish and Expend
it on Carter Lake Park.
Kour pahs of comfy red mittens for
that many needy kiddles were received
by The I'ee from a lovable i-randmnther
of in years, -.vho bnd knitted them herself.
She writes from Tekamah that she
"hopes iheieiiy to iflleve a Hi Lie- suffer
ing w here there Is so much." The Bee
will carry o'lt the wttdi of the sender In
directing the warm mittens lo neely llttlo
At a special meeting the city council
received and accepted from Mrs. C .T.
Cornlili. fciunder of l.evl Carter park, a
check for I". we with Instructions that
the money be used for the const ruction
I ot a restraining wl at Carter lake,
connecting Willi the present retaining
wall near t ie Cornish lee house and t-
tendlnif l.l.'m feet to the Illinois Central
j brlilRe.
' The council vole! In .lend Mrs. Cornish
j a letter of thanks for her grncros dona-
I In s letler from Mr. Corn'sh. dated
New York City, he states: ' It Is the
hope of Mrs. Corn'sh that at some time
. a boulevard may be constructed at Car
: ter lake beginning ut locust slreet near
' the end of the pioposed 'induct at the
southwest curner of Levi Carter park and
vli ndlim tl ence In t northerly direction I
; along the Nebraska side of Carter park.
I connecting with the driveways In the
! park that surround the lake, the ground
j between this boulevard and the high
ground copatltuthiK the present hanks of
the lake to be filled In as a park.'
' .Superintendent J. B. Hummel of the
j parka will start' on thla work immedi
ately. The first thing he will, do will-'
' be to have the plies driven In While the
water Is low. Then willows and earth
will be placed between the piling and
tbe shore. He expects to have the re
taining wall finished during the summer.
Constipation Can Be C ured.
ftsrt a two weeks' treatment of Pr.
King's New Life I'llls today, pood for
stomach and liver. 2V. All druggiats.
Thawing Pipes is .
Cause of Fire in
South Omaha Center
Thawing out froaen plpca In the haae
ment of the Farsley Commission com
pany, -til North Twenty-fifth street,
shortly before noon caused a blase which
threw the South Omaha loudness nection
Into commotion for a while. The South
Omaha fire department extinguished the
flames before any serious damage hud
been done. Koy Parsley, hesd of the
Farsley Commlstdon company, eetlmateil
that his loss would amount to about
11.000, chiefly on perishables.
The fire Is snld to have been caused
when a plumlwr In the employ of George
Brlggs company endeavored to thaw
froxen pipe by means of a lighted lamp
or candle. The building Is located tn the
middle of tho Pouih Omaha business sec
tion and adjoins the big furniture atora
of Koutsky-Favllk company.
Pegg Wants City
Scale for Cars
John Grant Pegg, city inepector of
weights and measure, is preparing for
submission to the city council a com
munictation in ' which he advices tho
establiahment of city track scales for
weighing carload lots. I
Mr. Pegg believes It would be better'
for the city to Install Its own track
Kales, but he explains that a bonded
weigher using one of the railroad scales
would suffice.
"I have talked with some of the coal
dealers and they favor the Idea. They
say they are required to pay for the
mine weight or go through a bothersome
and long routine to recover on short
weights, and sometimes have to go to
court. With city scales they would pay
for tho weight on delivery' and that
would settle the matter," stated the inspector.-
Guild Promoted to
. U. P. Safety Agent
Joe Mik's Resonant
Voice Disappears
No longer docs the large and resonant
voice of Ktatlon Master Joe Mlk echo
through tho corridors of the Burlington
depot. Travelers who have been accus
tomed to his "All aboard!' have listened
for it In vain the lust few day "Joe"
is now substituting his lusty train caila
with whlkpercd requests for cough medi
cine. Ho Is luid up with a bad cold.
tJ. A. Kagenhurg, S2W Boutli Twenty
fifth street, who wua arrested several
days euro for disturbing the peace, waa
again placed under arrest Thursday even
ing for keeping u disorderly house. Ha
was fined $!n and cciuts and four Inmates
So and coat each. Officer Bitter, who
made both arrests, declared Fagenburg
had threatened his life and waa prepar-
i ing to gang lilmj Thursday evening when
arresioa. rue ugea moiner or one ap
peared In court and wept bitterly through
out tho. hearing.
J. M. Guild of Omaha, assistant safety
agent of the Union Pacific, has been
promoted to be safety agent of tho road, I
with a aubtitanllal Increase In salary. 8. i
J. Peterson, who 'has been acting as j' '
safety agent In connection with his j A case of vandalism In the public
duties ii claim agent, will hereafter de- j library has caused Mis Kdlth Tobltt,
vote his entire attention to the lattery the librarian, and her assistants to keep
work. j closer watch on the book racks, whloh
. ' are open to the public. Borne visitor,
POLICE JUDGE SENTENCES ! I'Untity l not yet known to the
uui"iiuri, tui Mil me coiorcu 111 US
rl . . '...-. T i '
itejiiinuig Monday. February 1. there
is, Id-be a pure food display at Hayden
' Bno. grocery department. Thla will con
tinue for two weeks. Over forty sitecial
(Uuuonatralors are to have booth space
in tha rroeerr department, where they
(ij display all the leading brands of
Standard articles of packed, canned and
speefctlly prepared foods. ' Breakfast foods
ef eleven, kinds, .will be on- display. Kpe
. riaily packed ineata, dried fruit, canned
goodH, and all articles of this general
character will be here displayed with
cleaionttratlon work for two weeks.
-' 1 loser -Crawford, aged 10 years, a stu
dent f Casper. Wyo., was arrested hy
' Sergeant Dillon on complaint of E. U.
Vlljn,S01H Boirth Tenth street, wba
says Crawford atole his overcoat. Craw
loriK dinted the tlmft. bUv admitted be--luiVJndge
Foster that he hud ran awsy
from home to avoid going to school. He
is being he-Id while the police communi
cate, with his parents.
K. V. Uilmore, 4605 North Fourteenth
avenue, and Oeorge Finn. rs Ames
avenue, engaged in a fight at the for
mer's home Thursday evening. In which
Finn waa slightly cut with butcher
knife Gilmore was given twenty-five
daya' suspended sentence and Finn twenty-five
days straight, when tlie pair were
arraigned before the police magistrate.
Three rhudren belonging to Gilmore will
be looked after by the juvenile, author
ities, who found conditions far from sat
isfactory In the Gilmore domicile.
t rations from a valuable book on Canada.
Ihe view weie fine reproductions of
painting by T. M. Martin, and there
were a score or more of them.
The 1j Process company, a St. lyjuU
corporation, has fiUd suit in Cnlled
States court asking an injunction re-
Income Tax Returns
In by February 1
If you, reader, have a salary of, say,
$3,000 a year you must make returns to
your employer not later than January i!
aa to what exemptions you are entitled
to, under tho law, on the income tax you
must pay. Thla tu la collected at the
source and return must bo made by your
employer to the oolloctor of Internal rev
enue before February 1. Thua, presuming
you are a married man, you are entitled
to an exemption of M.000 and If, out of
the remaining thousand, you liavs to pay
taxes, for example, ot ISOO on property,
you are entitled to that further exemp
tion and have to pay a tax, therefore on
only $588 or $5 per year. Collector of In
ternal Revenue North has said It.
Mayor Hot on Trail
of Omaha Knockers
Mayer J. C. Dahlman announces that
during tlie spring campaign he intends to
wage war against the knockers.
The mayor explains that there are
various brands of knockers and to hla
mind the worst cUvss are those who
keep "their head closed" while in Omaha
and when they get to Lincoln and ait In
the seats of the "mighty" meaning .the
legislature they ear mean things about
"I am going to land on these fellows
with both feet and I will not mince
words. It is tune these knockers were
silenced," quoth the mayor.
Mohler and Loomis
Go to Sn Francisco
President A. L. Mohler and General
Solicitor N. 11. Loomis of tlie Vnlon
Pacific will leave for 8sn Frnne-o
Saturday morning. They will be gone for
a week or more on official business. They
will also look In on the exposition, which
is soon to begin operations. In fact, their
trip Is made at this time largely on ac
count of the exposition opening. The
T'nlou Pacific, of course, figures sa a
vital factor In the seneral aucceas of the
expoMtlon, that Is, as a "feeder" of
patrons, and It uffk'lala are deeply In
terested in the enterprise.
I rA"V W JI'T mieiM1"n HI B'H M 1.HPH'W II if.rt.WmwHISI'ir'l"rTrC..ii.f mm , wyy-V iT ii,, i i,ii,i,ii ,i) 'jMWM'f " Tip I".' """s I I
W H.,1.,11 -L U ,. ,..,jii..,.,H. .s.TH. J. i ,,k, - ..... J... .1, n,.!.:,., y-ni-j, - -:v....J; .k t ... 'H- -.' -,, ( . . BSg
Men Who Buy Their Suits and Overcoats
Here Saturday Will Save Half or More p
All Winter Suits and Overcoats must go and
go quickly, too. Small lots and odds and ends
are priced regardless of what they should bring
250 Suits and Overcoats in a Sale
Suits are the correct shades, materials and weights for
winter Overcoats of Chinchilla, fancy back cnats, Kersey
coats handsome fancy mixtures and others as desirable.
Values Up to
$12.50, for
Values Up to
$15.00, for
Values Up to
$22.50, for
10 a
Fur Lined Coats Saturday Half Price
To clear them out quickly, wc have marked all our Men's
High-Gade Fur-Lined Overcoats at Half Price for Saturday.
All $25.00
now. . . .
All 35.00
now. . , ,
Coat $12.50
Com: $17.50
ah $45.00 cou-22 50
All W5.00 Coats,
All 65 Coats
All $95 Coat
High Grade Pants, Worth Up to $6, Saturday $1.98
Included iii this sale will ho Men's Pants, made by Hosenweild
& Weil, one of. Ihe i-ountry's famous manufacturers. All
neat patterns. Sizes 130 to 52. Choice Saturday at, pair
All the Broken Lots of Men's Furnishings
About 4.0 Men's Wool and Worsted
Sweater Coats With large ruff
np:k collars; also "V" nerk style.
All colors. Worth to f 'l
Bale price, $1.00 and...
Springtex, Munslng, Cooper
Closed Crotch, and other well
known brands. Broken lots, some
slightly soiled. Worth up $2.00 per
suit. Final Clearing nr
Price .3DC
JH lluirH tlri'i Kin V..l aa4
WmrmiH l'ln n!1. .- M un.lna.
f'mipfr , Wright ind Made oil
hrsnda. Worth nn to It.
mi ntiit. Flnsl ClisrlnR
prti v, and
M !) Xra'a Milk a ad Silk fthrt
Hoar Worth to ! s isir
Hix-ilnl for Hsturday,
nr. II.Bi-n Men'. Hrmt Hlbbrd and
I-Irerrrf I alt! Malta - Are
worth II."" a suit. Hair
IM Untrm Hra's OIIW K.MlMM-lland
i'lr. I day ar worth
Siierial lor Haturday. oiii
... " w '
d aad
n. HI l..t f M.a'a l.lslc H
All i ioois. I.ry pair vrv
tfi t. w ortu lc- a pair.
fturds. tialr
nr. liairn Mra'a Uma aa4 trrt
l.lnd andMinlinad.
Worth to $1 a pair.
MpfotHl Katurday
Xru'i tat aad Mrrprrisrd rhwidi
MafMrra Worth to fl.00. Oft
flouring Hale price. JHC
! I. r Hri'i Oatlaat Klaaacl
lht l.ann. ut .aim fall.
orth to 7ir ach. Hale
pi n
IS Itairn Writ Pena'r aud Madras
I'aivuiri. Worth to II. in
pstr. i-iwIdI Katurduy,
Ih r
straining Joseph Dinterliaupt of Hunipli
rey. Neb., Jrom union a certain proresi
for the sBi'lnt? and ileai hinK of flour. !
j The petition seta fortli that the process
tvsx Invented by John and Hidney An
drews of liflfunt. Inland, patented in
d puTLhaxed by tlie
j tl.irt country iii I'.nii hi.
I ( Uinpluinsnl lir !).';.
J. J. 8iii.-l. 1113 North Foiti. tli .treet, ! 1
picked on the wrong- mnn when l.e rora- DETECTIVE TEAM BRINGS
manaea i-erseaiil v , k. w llson to get
out of his way as he w as driving a truck
at Thirteenth and Kurnam streets. Bit-gel
waa arrested and fined tl and costs in
police court. Judge Foster having had
like experience, sympathised deeply
with the sergeant.
C. A.,Brltol. aged 40 years, for nine
veara a Pullman conduetnr on the I'nlon
Pselft'V running htwen Portlund and
Omaha, dropped dead of apoplexy at
Tenth and Jakaon streets, Friday morn
ing The coroner tix.k the liuriy and will
notify Mr. HriiAni. who is rridittc at
Cortland. j
Since the arrest of fifty-two dope
fiends ami vogranta Thursday not a
single report of a theft haa been regis
tered at polico headquarters. Detectives
Murphy and Fleming brought In thirty
seven Thursday afternoon. amongst
whose number was Roy Nelson, who Just
complete J a sentence fn the state peni
tentiary for murder. Toung Kpady. ar
rested by them, was sentenced to forty
days In the county Jail.
Weather and wind forecasts are now
!elng received regularly from the gov
ernment Mlreleas station at Arlluaton.
Va.. -veP l.ano miles, by Pr. F. H. Mllle
ner, wlrelens expert of the t'nion Paidfic.
"very evening about S o'clock for the
last week, Vr. Millener has receive,) the
forecasts with lits wireless receiving ap
paratus on top of the t'nion Pacific head
quarters building, lie reports that the
wlrt-Iti. messages come quite strong, In
fcplto of the great distance, w hieh very
tew wireless plants have aa far been able
to cover.
K. M. Meyer nmnager smd huyer for
tliw 1ivli reiulv-tii-aear department of
Hie ll.'in " J . 1 1 . i , it rnnipiiiiy, bus gone to
New Yuri, on a hii)jng trip.
Thi. ta T atath.
Tb Indoor life of winter, with lack of
outdoor exercise, puts a heavy load on
tlie kidneys. Nearly everybody suffer
from rheumatism, backache, pain In aides
and back, kidney and bladder ailments.
K backache may not nieaa anything aarl
ous, but It certainly does not mean any
thing good. It'a better to be oa the safe
sldo and take Foley Kidney Pills te
strengthen and Invigorate the kidneys
and help them do their work. They help
rid the blood of adds and poisons, go id
by all dealers. Advertisement
tUUul vuii aa m-wj w it a mii sw uhi, s vetiU
0 BT ' .. PI
"i ... ... ... . - .
Mothers, it not necessary to explain to you the advantages tn a boy a 1 1
suit with two pair of pants. Saturday, every extra-pant ' suit will be sold at U
about half of the regular prices, making it not only advisable, but very eco-
il to buy them then. '
0 and $4.00 Two- $5, $6.50 and $7.50 $8.50 and $10 Two.
Pant Jf- Two-Pair. fQ or Pair-Pant (tr- gg
i, at p.43 Pnt Suits. $eJ.OD Suits, at IpDeUU
Every Boy's Chinchilla Overcoat that
sold tin to $4.0". Blu, gray and brown.
Agfa 2 to 9 years. !?aturday,(o op
your choice ipaC.aCj
-3'v5.t: t ft K'VC.! Ery Bo
y's Mackinaw In Our Stock,
for Ij.UU, eU.oU fltid I7...0. ai
Saturduy. Ae up d nr
r.i, a fpw ;arKr spC.Vj
Boys' Balmacaan and Chinchilla Overcoats-
Kvery sie lo to years. Coats that sold for
X.S.ou, S6.5o auJ $7.50 Saturdays
Boys' Sweiters at About Half Price
$1.00 Sweaters, for 65c
14 $150 Sweaters, for .
$2.00 to $3.00 Sweaters, for.
J $-00 Sweaters, for.
Clean-up of Boys' Shirts and Blouses
Bays' Blouses SoUette, madras and percale. QA
Worth 5i)c and. Tit. Special Saturday... 3LC
Flannel Blouses Worth "at-. Your choice. nn
Saturday , JiC
Flannel Shirts 12 to 14 neck measure. Are Q t"
worth $125. Choice OOC