12 THE EE: OMAHA. THt'KSDA V, JAXUAUV JS. l!15. Dandruff Makes Hair Fall Out 23 cent bottle of "Danderine" keeps hair thick, strong1, i beautiful. " Girls! Try this! Doubles beauty of your hair in few moments. Within ten minutes nfter. an applica tion of . DAnderlne ' ytu can not find a single .trace .of dandruff or falling hair and your' scalp wilt . not Itch, ' but what will please, you most will lie aft-r a few weeka' use, when you see new hair, fine nnd downy at 'first yea but really new hair growing all . over, the acalp. A little Danderine. Immediately loubles the heauty of 'your hair. No inference how dull, faded, brittle nnd scrartty, Jusl mnlnten a cloth with . Pandcrliiu and carefully draw It through your hsir, tak ing on small strand at a tlmo. The. ef fect la amazing your linlr will be light flurry and wavy, anl have an appear ance of abundance; an Incomparable luster, softness and luxuriance. (let a 25 cent bollln of K'inwlion's landerine from any drug store or toilet coanter, and prove that jtrar litvlr Is a pretty and soft as any that It bus been neglected or. Injured by careless treat ment that's all you surely can havo beautiful .hair and lots cf It If you will Just try a little Oand-rlre. BUY YOUR Calendars FOR 1916 Of An Omaha Concern Our line of 1 9 1G. Calendars Is dow, complete and represents a large. assortment of beautiful fore) Rtv and domestic subjects. Wu can. fill your Calendar orders to your ntir MtUf action; both from an AUTISTIC and fccONOM 1CAL standpoint. Boost for Omaha by buying your Calendars of us. Write or phoue for our salesman to calU . , H. F. SHAFER & CO l"lh and Far nam St. ' for. tJ.t-1 . Sore Ttoat ' ' and CoMinGIiest Firat rub the chest or throat with Omegs Oil; then soak a piece of flan nel wf.h the Oil ad put tt around the oeck or throat, and cover with a piece cf dry fUnncL Thi simple treatment uiusiiy jives relief.- Trial bottle loc r For Colds UCi.Jl In Head Send to nfc (Kg orou (re mplr eeourd tor wvrral day.' treru:eat lor t-ji1 la heM, lUitul c-J catirru.dry tatsrrli, ur dok. CrlgSnel nsl Genuine) CATARHUAL JELLY !ndrd f:nedr 'for 75 yenri. ICOnunilO tut, liavc Iwa ud. A ppltc iiotide iiotf u, K brioA tjtir s relief, i uiupictciy heal la tl.uicu pa;.! p.mkb- ''t a r Sjc tuna tl ma inr d rtitts;ll. .UV Orvig cit Mil It-w ' ;id gutnlo it. M'ifr bk It il tall, htiit hutttute. '1 tttf aia diM(sruus. KUMOON kTiFO. CO-MlntMJpoU. MUtm. THE OMAHA BEI! THE H0I1E PAPER : Xk 1 M. ' HEW RAILROAD TAX BILL IS COMPLETED Measure it Taken to Lincoln County Board Sponsor for the Proposition. RLP FOR COUHTY AND SCHOOLS The propoed bill dflflnlna; railroads' rlghta-of-wav. by which railroads throughout the stste would be crmrllrd ti pay coiTnty, er hoi il and state taxes In the nam proportion In which tlio.y now pay city and village taxes nnt'er the terminal law. wa rompleted yesterday by Pcputy. County Attorney Haffke and today Cfcnr.ty Assessor Counmnn took it to I, In coin. . According to Aiiriior Counsman whoa Investigation resulted In the county com missioners becoming sponsors for the pro pose! measure. If enacted hy the lcgl lature it w ould add llOfl.noo a year to county, school and atate revenues In Omaha. " The Mil as drafted by Mr. tlaffke after conaultatlon with Mr. Counsman provides that railroad rlghta-of-way shall not ex ceed joa feet for taxation purpore. This is double the width suggested by I'nlted 1 1: Slates Senator Noirts. who recently rec-i ommended similar legislation to Gov ernor Moreliead. ' May Urn f Lobby. The county board may send Mr. Haffke to Lincoln to "lobby" ifnr the' bill In the legislature. Mr. Haffke said: 'It la appaient that the. rallroaria' de fense will be that the far western part o: tho tate Is getting the benefit of the right-of-way taxes on Omaha properly by the system or averaging valuations. That the law- would not deerense present state aluatliln, . which have remained the aaiQft for years, and that 41i railroads are really evading large valuations and Urger taxes In Omaha Is shown by the following table, prepared by the assessor: Plate. Assessors' Tltllrriad. . .Valuation. Valuation. Burlinston S'3.3- SI.7Ht.a2f. Missouri Pacific .. 3S.i,:ii 1,041. mm) Northwestern m.VO 714.MO '.. fit. P., M. at O. IKH.1K-. 1.M4.M0 Vnlon Paul f to ftto.OcO l.7H.40 "Valuations would be '.ncreased $12.So.- STO; county tax. 137,04;' school tax, $,'?; state tax, 1,770." PrsTlilssi of Hill. The provisions of the proposed bin are as follows:, The fltata Roard of Equalisation and Assessment la hereby empowered, and It Is made Its duty, to assess all property of the ratiroada and railroad corpora tlona In the state of Nebraska: Provided, however, all' jiisehtne repair shops, gen eral office buildings, store house, and also all real and personal property out side of the right-of-way, aa of and be longing to any such rsllroad and tele graph companies. sht!l be listed for pur pones of taxation by tha piinelpal of- fliers, or agents of such companies with the asessora of anv prectnet of tho county where such real or personal prop erty may be situated, in tha manner pro vlded by law for the listing and valuu. tlon of real and personal property. Pro vided, further, tha4h aald right-of-way herein referred to shall, for the purposes or taxation, include only a strip of land lnrt feet on each side from the center of tha' main tracV of such railroad and rail road corporations. Honor Students at the Sacred Heart The following pupil of the Barred Heart High school attained place on thq roll of honor for the laat quarter of 1M4, To secure this distinction In the first rank j pupils must obtain ninety marks In the six principal subjects of their respective grade during tho three months; to gain it In the second rank they must have the ninety mark dnrlng two months, and to secure It In the third rank they must have the ninety marks for one month KACnEn HKAItT H IUH SCHOOL. Twelfth Grade-First rank: Margaret lioian, uwenrinlin Hovie, Alice . Miller, Third rank: Agnes t ndeland. . Klevsnth Orade First rank: Anna Mur ray, Marguerite Burke, Catherine Mc Nainara. Third rank: Madeline Doraey, Julia O'Neill. Tenth Orade First rank; Mary . Ityan Hmond rank: KIlMbeth Donnelly. Third rana: Marguerite o DoruK-ll, Ellen Hlley Mary Holier! s. ' Ninth Orade First rank: Vera Murray, Margaret Connor, Mary Toner. Margarat ICderer, Myra loraey. Catherine O'Neill, Agnoa McCreaiy. .Second lank: KllsHheth wo ran. i nira rank: Margaret Miller, Helen Good, Elaine Linahan. Gertrude i-araa. , Jl'NIOW HCIIOOI. .Klghth Grade First rank: Alleen Burke, f.iien fr.lliott, Charles Fogarty. Frank Klnnebeck. Helen Murphy, .. France waiacr. second' rank: .Charlra Dervln Agnostta f ord, exiphla . Komorskl. Mar guret Maher, Hose Maji, Albert Weppner, Thtrd rank:.Cletua Barrett. Joseph Con- nony, ionara Kikin, John Mclnerney. iScvenlh Orade lrs rank: Annett rorci, Mary Donnelly, Theresa Beldeii spinner, Ruth Wall, Anna Cunningham, juaepn r.iKin. John lllrens,' Leo Hall, t ciiui, Meymotir. Joseph Itsmm, William nionaKiian, necontr rank : Keglna Squlrea, 'stheitne Murphy, Margaret Burna, Michael Murphy, Albert . loll. '.Third rsna: atnerlue Rosalter, Esther Mc I abe, Harry O'Hitlioran. klward Miller, John Leuilian, Paul Mchoepe, . KMward Moore.i i Nlxth Grade-Flist rank: Agnes Coffey, Frames Coulton, Joseph Fogarty.' Marie Kennebeek, Bridget' Murphy. 1'atrtcia Mostya. Catherine Maher, F.tnllv eei.if,, kplniier. Xecond rank: - Anna Hoyve, Hemic JFlurkc, Clara Conlan. Veponlra t'ofley, Mary O'lffmnell. Third lank: Hose P.amm, Ruth Murphy.' Fifth Orade First rank; Irene Barrett, Margaret Donnelly, Henry loll. Joseph Dt.UKherty. Loislto Durkee. Lllnor Llkln, Framla Fogarty. Mary Kelly. Margarvt Lenlhan. Helen Mail. Ptevo Mall, Thomas Mrlnarney, .Francis HosUi, Klleen Kpellman. Margaret Bqulrea, Florence Kul IKan. Second rank: William Good. Elisa beth Miller, Ralph Moore. Alice Murphy. James- MoCreary, William,- llsnern. Creikhtoa MiHiough. George bums. Third rank: Cecil Murphy. Fourth Grade First t.ank.- Viola Berg, Joaeph Burke, Kleauor Connor, Helen Ma lone, Patikia Began, Joaeph Donnelly, 1-eo Keimy, iurena McCairy. Ijkq Ne t It-bush, Raymond Holier. Second rank i Maxdalen fctouffer. Marie Mobatt, Ktlna Bums, Helen Clarke, tliara Mi-elian. Mary Devin. Bernard Leahy. Lucile Murpbv, A una Dervln, F.llsabeth Klkln. Maxlii Klliott. Philomena "onlan. Third rank: lKroth.v Ixde, - Francis Coftev, John Klausncr, Kdward McKenna. William O'NVll, Clarunce ftlnrms Third Grade First rank: l;.marv Con lan. Aanes IMinmUk. Kdna itilev. SenmJ rank: Leo la Barrett. James vsi.y. lb-Ion I'ice. liukh Fokail.-. Francis Mohult, Florence Mrtlniau, Fred H hocpe. NVun KtoriiM. Lui-llle Hansen, Martlitt Murphy. Marjulie Uniltll. Third rank: John Con nolly, ueorge r.aerer, Tbeodor- Kvera. veronica Murphy. ticno ieve stlk'er. wii. Ham O'Connor. Kleanwr O Halloian. Itob- eri Burns. -Lawrence Boy lan. Jutrgaiel Hathaway. fcecond Orade Fir t rank: Agnaa Cou lan. AngHhna hodra, Beaaio Burns, I'aU rick Mb her. Joaeph Biiilih. lanlrl Won der, hrcond rank: Robert Klauaner, hlephen Carey. Camilla McAIPater. Jo seph fco1ra. Third rank: Cecilia 8 .r li ma n. Ktlna Sullivan. Meredllit Brown, Helen Coasrove, Lleanor O'Connor, Flor ence Vwirt. DEAF MUTES VICTORS IN TWO BASKET BALL GAMES Ti e Nebraska School" for the Peaf ' basket ball teams registered two vic tories TueaJuy evening. The first team won cer the W alnut Hill Methodist. X to , aad lh: sm-oad team woa over the Nurtk Side Grace Lutheran team, U to I Railroad Men and Traffic Managers Have Joint Board Ixxsl freight agent of the railroads and traffic managers of the various In dustrial concerns have organised a joint committee In Omaha to confer over mat ters concerning the problems of freight handling. Ixk-sI questions of switching, questions of delay, demurrage, the hand ling of freisht at the local freight houses. and a hundred similar matters, will be taken up Jointly by this committee. The new Joint committee was the guest of thetralflc bureau of the Commercial club at luncheon. The members of tha committee for the ralltoada are largely the local frelxht agents. They are J. 1 HaTlnirton of the fluilington. i W. J. Finlth of the Northwestern, It. n. O'Hal lern of the I'nlon Pacific and t. M. Allen, superintendent of the western weighing and .Inspection sen Ice. The traffic men of the industrial con cerns chose K. J. McVann, manager of the traffic bureau, as chairman of their delegation represented In the Joint com- mlttee. besides McVann, those In the committee are M. S. llartinan of the Full monf Creamery company, A. U. Teb blns cl the McCord-Brady company and II. Ash ton of the I'nlted Plates Supply company. High School Roll . Of Honor Given Out li the midwinter honor roll of Central Ugh school. Just given out, the girls. as usual, lead by a large number.- Fol lowing la the complete list: Olrla receiving five A's: v- Madcllne Kohn M McWIUIamj Kuther Hansen Mabel Hols Boys receiving five Aa: Paul Sutnmltt 'Waldemar f hotnsen Olrls receiving four and one-half A's. Marjorle Alexander .lean I .nnd ale Alice Allen I.uclllo Lathrop M. McLoughlln Margaret Mathews Dcjla A. Msrxen Katherine North Huth Marker Va.eana t'teiffer Caroiyn Kedgwlek Cathei lne rlT-mons Dorothy Anderson Ann Axtell Nina Hell Lola Beverldge Kllxabeth Bt rnctt Viva Craven Myrnn Oil. hrlst Irlargnret 1 1 os letter Klele Hint Agnes Krcal Marguerite Thompeet Kthel Woodbrtdxe Ilanna KulHkofHky Ulris reccivmjt lour a s Oll.e IU.UIv Clara McAdams Mary McAdams Helen Henson Aloys Hcrku HtellH Itesst l l.llilan Mayer Martba F. Noble lOsthor Park "i l,uille Ibrtof ? , Alice Huahton Kule Sclimidt Klorh'S Hhaw Harriet Sherman t:iara B'hnlta Jessie Tennant Hteha Woolfson IIlen C. Doroihy Orav Bertha Hardv EiUabeth J, Hart l ots Hoel Kdltli Howe Ada Kloke J. Eva Knrnmayer Barton Kulins Knld l.lnrllior Boys receiving lour a s: Clarence KnnMn Robert Kutsk Hex EIwock1 Michael Ooldsmlth Morrts Margolin Fred Mont morency Andrew Rcott Kugene Hlinmnns John Hunderlan I Thompson Wakeley Edward A. Zlpfel Clary Hannigliun Art Id Ols-n Kussell Petrva Paul Peterso Vrana Bamer George Bogers Arthur Boliner Olrls receiving- S,i A a Addy Marlow Agnes Keti ham Irfiah Baker Elsie Bloom Mary Iewlle Mildred McFarland Maude Maglll I. Ha Miller Helen Niemitn Helen Pevcke lreel Pfplffer Mary Retlgwlck Bess Townsend lama Tucker v Thyra Bloom iarCollnetta Pauline Davis Huth Dickey Kvelyn Douglas Virginia Greene Penelope Hamilton Miriam Holt Ethel Kats Boy receiving 3Vt A a. Robert Booth Girls receiving IAS. Frsnees Axtell Margaret Camubell Loutae Bailey Imogene Barr Helen Bert well Alice Douglas Both Flmborg Margaret Woodruff liasel McMullen Marguerite Mark Hilda Newton Nora Premestky Lola Bobbins Lilly Boblnson Mary Rous Florence Beagren Mary Hhurtleff Kllxabeth Fairfield Katherine Oosa Lillian Head Gertrude Hoden Margaret Johnson Florence Kler Margaret Klmmel Fannie Kulakorsky I Ida Langdon lounloe Lindborg Virginia La lne Dora ls A's: Leonard Lund Vergil Miller Adlal Rhoade Roy Hchml.lt. Ralph Schnlts Abraham Steinberg Ben Btern Allan Htreet Dean Sunderland . Boy receiving 3 Clarence Adams Horace Campbell Julius Brown Warren Hue. Max Flelaliman Joe Ooldstone Daniel Hlrach Harold Hudspeth Lawrence Hogu Jack Landaie How te Car a Im rripa Coagh "Coughs that hang on' demand treat ment, Slop and think) Reason and com mon sense tell you that it la folly to "grin and bear It." Those racking la grippe cough that wrench the body and cause soreness and pain In the lung yield more quickly to Foley' Honey and Tar than to ny other treatment. Forty years' record of successes proves this. For coughs, cold, croup ' and other dis tressing ailment of throat, cheat, lungs, larynx and bronchial tubes, you can find nothing that will compare with this re liable remedy. Sold by ell dealers. Ad vertisement. U. P. MAKES GOOD SHOWING FOR MONTH OF DECEMBER M'hlle they are not giving out any ttg ures, leaving that to be done by the New York accounting offices, I'nlon Pacific officials uskcrt that the records of busi ness show that December was a very sat isfactory month. It Is asserted that during December net revenue and net operating tnrome shows a substantial Increase, while the net oper ating expenses were cut close to SWO.QCO without Impairing the arrvce of the rsad. Head and Nose Stopped From a Cold? Try This! Your cold will break and all grippe misery end after taking a dose of "Pane'"' ment: "Any lady or gentleman can pro Cold Compound" every two hours until t mote trie growth of their hair and make three dosea are taken. It promptly opens clogged-up nostrils and air passages In the htad, stops nasty discharge or nose running, relieves sick headache, 'dullness, feveriahnets, sore throat, siieexlng. soieness and stiffness. lkm't ay ituffed-up! (Jtill blowing and anuf fling! Kaae your throbbing head nothing else 'In Uie world gives such prompt relief as "Pane's ColiJ Com pound," which rosta-nly ?j cents at any drug store. Mt acta without assistance, laatea nice, and causes no Inconvenience. Accept no substitute. Advertisement. LITTLE TOT BADLY SCALDED AT SCHOOL Eig;htrYear-01d Mary Floen of Sooth Omaha Falls Into Large Fan of Hot Water. BOARD HIRES SPECIAL NURSE Mary Klocn, yeara old, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Moen. Thirty-fifth and X street, South Omaha, Tuesday afternoon auffcred serious Injuries when she tripped In a hallway of the West Kldo school and fell Into a large pan of scalding water which Janitor Chris Rid- dle hsd placed in the floor for scrubbing purposes. The child Is being attended at the South Omaha hostpltnl, whoso attendants report the patient still sorloua. The little girl was scalded from the hips down. The ISoard of Education at a special meeting Tuesday evening authorized the engagement of a special nurse. The accident happened Just as the children were returning to school for the afternoon session. Miss Floen waa In the front of the line. The pan of water was at the foot of a stairway post and In some manner not altogether under stood the girl stumbled or tripped and fell Into the scalding water. Her screams attractedVthe teachers who summoned medical aid oa quickly as they could. Dr. W. J. MoOrann attended the girl. j ne gin s ratner is an employe at one of the packing houses. There are two ! other children In the family. Many Reservations. for Manufacturers' Made-iri-Omaha Feed Although the reservation cards for the big "Made-tn-Omalia" manufacturer' dinner for Thursday evening were not sent out until yesterday, the very first mall this morning brought over 109 reservations. Secretary ' Ellis of the Omaha Manufacturers' 'association be lieve this dinner wilt bring out the great est attendance that ha ever been seen at a similar event. It Is expected that over Soft will be present and all preparation are being made to serve that 'number and more. . Yew gaffer with Colds f Take Dr. King's New Discovery, the best cough, cold, throat and lung medi cine made. The first dose help. 50c. All drugg'.sta. Advertisement. DUNN ORDERS POLICE TO ROUND UP ALL SUSPECTS Numerous petit larceny cases during the month haa caused Chief Dunn to Issue a special order to his men Instruct ing them to pick up aft dope fiends, men dicants and other suspicious characters whom they have any reason to 'believe may be responsible for the thefts. . Sixty cases are already recorded for -the month on the "squeal" bcok. "Every ptetnre Tells s, attopjr' Uric Acid in Your Food Even dog ran eat too much meat. Certainly, many people "dig their grave with their teeth." Few get enough exer cise to Justify a meat diet, for meat bring urlo . acid. The kidney will try hard to get rid of that poison, but often a backache, dlxsiness, urinary disorders, or some other slight symptom will show that the kidneys are weakening and need help. The time-tried' remedy, then, la Doan'a Kidney Pills. ' 1 An Omaha Man Says So: v J. I. Metcalf, proprietor expresa busi ness, 815 Pacific St.. Omaha, says. "The kidney secretions were retarded and pain ful In ' passage. I was laid up . for six months under the doctor's care, but I kept getting worse. My health ran down until I was a wreck and gradually rheu matic pains began to bother me. - One of my limbs became useless. 1 loan's Kidney Pills drove away the pains, made my kid neys norma! and cleared my system of uric acid."- . . DOAN'SW 50 at all Drug Stores Foater-Mllbum Co.. BuffalaN.Y FAMOUS FOR HER HAIR t.trtress Tells Mow to Obtain It.' - Ma4ame - Rose, the well-known act I rtas who played on one of the leading j vaudeville circuits the past winter aitd i noled for her long, ! event Interview In I .C hicago made the follow ing .state- It soft and glossy with tl.isstmple recipe which ou can mix at home. To a half pint of stater add 1 oa. of bay hum, a small box of Barbo (Yuniiound and U ox. . of glycerine. . Apply to the acalp two or . three times a week Ith the j finger tips. This Is not only the finest hair grower I have ever known, but It I prevent the hair fro-n falling out. -removes dandruff and .-alp humors, dark ens streaked, faded gray hair and make It aoft and glossy. The ingredients can be purchased at any drug store at very little cost. Advertisement. MAN OUT OF WORK DECIDES TO GO TO SCHOOL AGAIN An unemployed man. riving hl ae as IS years, called at the office of the super intemlent of schools and asked If he could attend e hool. He snM he could not find employment, hal a ilttle money saved up and thouglit It would be wise to Improve his time ,b? adding a little more to his fund of knowled;.e. He was sent to the ungraded class at Kellom school. There aro ev.riil clmilar Instances In the ungraded class at Pacific school. Kellom sh ol has an unsraVxl roott for America is and another for jersom of foreign birth. OMAHA HOTEL CLERKS TO INVADE-COUNCIL BLUFFS Hotel clerks of Omsha and vicinity will be the guests of the Grand hotel and the Knights of the Full Moon at Council I'luffs Friday evening. They will meet at the Paxton at T o'clock and cro the river ta the Bliffa hostelry on a char tered car. It's Quality Goods at a Low Price, Not Low Price Alone, Which Makes Us New Friends Every Day Mm; ii M'li Princess Trousers Hart, Scha finer & Marx Trousers The names themselves axe a guarantee 4o every man who knows best quality garments obtainable, x No old stock, special jobs or refuse goods, but your " Unrestricted Choice of Our Entire Regular Stock Blue, Black and Gray Serges, Fancy Striped Worsteds, fine Cassimeres and Velour weaves, etc., in the season's very best colors, patterns and styles. Fresh, new clean stock. Trousers that sold at $1.95 $2.5D, for....... Trousers that sold at $3.95 $4.95, at...:.. All sizes, 36 to 54 waist; 26 to 38 length; plenty for alL Any necessary alterations made Free of Charge. , . See display in 16th St. Window. . Don't miss seeing these Values. Domestic Room This 8pacfou8 room, newly equipped for the sale of Ik-pewlubta I'ntlerprlced Household Needs, of tfers most attractive values at prices which yield Hpecial Savings. 100 pieces bleached, soft finished yard wide 9c Muslin, at . . : . .QHjt 5 rases unbleached Muslin, the yard wide, grade at ? 4H? r.00 pieces Madras Shirting and Waisting Fabrics, figures and stripes, yard 9 o cases Krlnkle Seersucker Ginghams, requires no ironing, yard 121s 300. pieces Fine Percales, full yard wide, shirting and dress styles, best 12 Vic goods, yard.. 10 10 cases Outing Flannel and Figured Flannelettes, 8Vic to 10c goods, here at,, yard 6Vs Out Great Clearance Sale of Furs Continues With Unprecedented Special Offerings to nell $25.00, they Sample Klosfit Petticoats values, in Thursday's sale Choice ;'. A Delightful Showing of Ji! w fit r t il W V Delightful Showing of the Hew Spring rn mp Tailored Suit Styles Splendid values, OliJiDU, OZOy HA YDEN'S GROCERY SPECIALS FOR WEDNESDAY l las. bast Oraaolatsd Bacar, tl.OO 48-la, sacks bast bl-B. rxada Pla- Uo X. riour, aaiAiaa- hut tor rsad, ittsa or eakas, sack, S1.7J 1 bars Heat 'Km All lumlry Soap. the soap of quality, nut quantity; I-eiino or laundry Quern V lilts laundry Soap S&a IS lbs. beat Whlta or Yellow CT;i. meal f'U lte 7 Mia. bent ltollad White Breakfast Oat ini.ri for S 4 Iba. beat' hand ploked Navy Beans for Sa H-lb. rakes HaalnK i'liorolate. .16o Larue buttl-a V orciater Hauia pura Tomato t'ataup. I'irkles, assorted kinds; Horaeradiah or Mustard, for The best domestic Macaroni, Verml- t-elli or SpaKliettl. pk TWa Advo Jell for dessert, nothlnc like II. per pkit H C. I'orii Flakes, pklf...., (4 Grape Nuts pk( 10 iO.ui. jar i'ure B trained Honey.. SSa JJity yaVPSIrJ9 M'Hugh and Trawich. Succeed Nash and Yates in Light Co. J. A. Trawlck of Boston and W. l. McHugh of Omaha were elected directors of the Omaha Electric Light' and Power company, to succeed F. A. Nash and Henry XV. Tates, both of whum recently, died. Judge McHugh was then elected vice president and general counsel of the company, nnd War! M. Burgess was elected vice president. EIGHT LADS ARE TAKEN TO THE DETENTION HOME Eight smart toy living In the vicinity of Hlxth and Plet.ce streets wero taken to the Detention home AVednesday morn ing for having stolen considerable mer chandise from box cars. Madge Patton, colored; Peter Panoa and Nick Pappas were each fined $21 and costa for buying the stuff. Complaints will be filed against the boys by the juvenile authorities. ale ! $11,000-00 Stock Men's and Young Men's At Prices Which Will Make It an Object for Men of Omaha and Vicinity to Lay in a Big Supply. and to $1.55 $3.35 Trousers that sold at $2.95 and $3.50, for Trousers that sold at $6.00 to $8.00, choice Cost prices have not been considered in the markings of these specials. Our object is simply to make a busy season out ofa naturally dull one, and to close out. all surplus or undesirably heavy lines. Act quickly and profit. , xii iXitu nASiuounuL, x uk iUAio up to $05.00, in Russian Tony, Near Seals and Belgian Coneys, at, ' OC )) clioice p0UU FUR SCARS Made to sell up to 01 nt $10.00, to' close, each xpl.UU Seventy-five in the lot, making quite an as sortment for selection; not a single one of them but which is a great value at the sale price. ONE BIG. LOT of WINTER COATS, SUITS and DRESSES that sold up to offered forThursday, while last, at. . ltegular $5.00 at, OQ'OC' .yJaaD, the New Spring JS-os. jar I'ure lYuit Preserves. S5o l-os. jar Pure Kruit freserves. 15a t-)b. pksr. American binoklng To- tvacco for . .'. I So Tall tans Alaska Salmon lOo cans 1)11 Sardines , , .S5 2-lb. can fancy weet Sugar Cvru, Wax, btrlnjf, Ureen or Lama. Beans for ssa S-lb. can Hominy, Oolden Pump kin, Baked Beans or tiauer Kraut. for TSi HviKhey's Breakfast Cocoa, lb. .too MacLaren's l'eanut Butter, per lb. 1H,0 The best Tea Sittings, lb.... ,.im Golden Hantos Coffee, lb. ...... .Sua Tks Batter. Brt an Cbeesa Mar- ket or the People of Umsaa. Tlia best Creamery Butler, carton or bulk, per lb 33a The beat strictly fresh Kkks, los. 36c The beat No. 1 ttoraKe Ckkk, dos. S&O No. 1 Country Ocmiiery Butter, per lb tso Fancy Dalrv Table Butter. b..88e Z Iba. Kood Biitterina for 35 Bad Cold? Take Cascarets For Bowels Tonight Uet a !-cent box. eick headaihe, blllousne.os, coatei tongue.' head and noso clogged up with a cold always trace mm io liver; delayed, fermenting food In the bowels or sour. gassy stomach. Poisonous matter clogged In the In testines, Instead of being cast ot4 of the system Is re-absorbc-l Into the Mood. When this potron reaches the clict k..n ii. .una it r-aiiaes conKcstlon nn1 that dull, throbbing, sickening hcp.la- he Cascarets immediately cleanse the stomach, remove the sour undigested bile from tho liver and carry out all the constipated waste matter am. poi sons In the bowels. A Cascaret tonight aurcly straighten you out by morning. Tl -v work while you sleep a 10-cent box from your druggist means yo.ir head clear, stomach aweet and your liver and bowels regular for months-Advertisement. It's the Repeater We're Aim--ing for The Customer Who Comes Again and Again Quality Goods Does It. raiser FOR THREE DAYS Thursday, Friday; Saturday of Jrmsers $2.35 $3.85 Household Linens and Bed Spreads Austrian all linen hemstitched 8-4 size silver bleached Table Cloths; actual values $1.75 here at. each $1.39 Irish full bleached satin 70-inch all linen Damask and silver bleached soft finished Aus trian Damask. 71 inches wide; values that are exceptional, at, yard k Bed Spreads, extra weight, mafseilles fringed, cut corners, .large sie, $4.50 values, at, each ' $3.25 for Thursday "V " Ji 1 .Made $5.00 V 7 I r n Women's Long Crepe Kimonos Including , imported Jap garments; values frf if ' 16 v $i,00; at, choice I . )o COn 7C C0C ..n 4 tfrc OZiJiD, bid UP 10 OOJ Maol Oraaro Bale Bps. - oi quality. CaUfornla's Prldo. ' SO alia, re .c dor., our pike. 35 vvr uozen jjq size lirape fult. rea lOc'.'ea' 6a i Kite Orape Fruit, rea; H,e eacn. ur price . A . 4 Tsretablo Market for tba , . People of Omaha. The best iled Kiver Fiirly Oliu Hotatoes, IS lbs. to peck 300 The best Wisconsin Cabbage, prr 1 n,a Jersey Sweet Potatoes J lbs... XOo qtCV CP Cod Crnu,re, Pr Fresh Beets, Carrots.' Turni'psV Shal- lols Or Kuril hH hnn.-K Jancy California Cuullf lowir.' pex l J large Soup Buncliea Fancy Head Lettuce, bead. .T'ia ..loo .7Ho . ; ,c oox., our price, 30c 1. siae, rt. 40c Uos., our price. Bfo lit Jif.' ? :,(,,! do,s- our Price. SOo '" . re. ;ic doa.. our prici-. firsts B