Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 27, 1915, Page 8, Image 8

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inn hi;k: omaha. wkdnkspa amy .:, m:.
Leading Characters in S. 0, H. S. Pilay
tl .,. . ! i
HQ aaaalsMttgsaU ' 4gas4l4 eVV att .e" aatssaaaasayaaJ 1ge''gi ssssaBeg 1 asalsa aftttaU I
Tuesday, January 26, 1915.
HAT will "Billy"- Sunday do to us when he conies to Omaha so
cially, I mean, of course? Will we find that every day Is Sun
Jay after Sunday cornea and goes? Or will the pace of the s
rial set keep Its speed without abatement?
From one of the places where "Billy" hag boon holding forth. ! fcoi
queer stories of how he has tamed the social lions and extracted the ginger
from the whirl of social gaiety. A particular festive widow who used to
be the life of every stunt that was pulled off .In her set, and had a small
army of admirers trailing her all the time, heard "Billy," and wenWagaln
and got religion so hard that she just dropped out of the game completely,
nd, worse still, took a big bunch of the good fellows along wtth her.
Now, we have some festive widows here in Omaha, and some who ari
not widows, but who would be missed sorely If' they should suddenly see a
new light and start to travel a different road. The tango teas and the fo
trots would not seem natural without them, and the auction bridge parties
would not bo eo profitable to the winners.
But why worry so early? The Re. "Billy" Is not scheduled to reach
Omaha before next May. It's a long way to the revival meeting, and our
portal season Is Just at its height!
Wedding Anniversary.
Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Kelron coif brutal
thrlr twenty-fifth wedding . anniversary
t thftr horn, 3191 Meredith avenue. Bat
unlay evening. M tears. Mi Martin, B.
redcrqnlst and A. Unman were loiift
maeters. Red roses and carnations, used
wtth greens, were the table decorations
and .covers were laid for:
Messrs. and Mcedarne I
O. D. Weill,
Charles Nelson,
O. Handbera,
M. A. Martin,
A. Unman,
0. Peterson.
Myrtle Swansnn,
Vera. Nehleen,
Florence Carraon,
Kthel Hwannon,
1. ennra Martin,
Vtolet Nelnon.
Frances Swanson,
Klden Unman,
jv. oyce.
rank Dahlstrom,
H. Hnyre,
O, Hellxren.
O. F. Oimlok.
A. I. Nelson.
A. K. tiwaniion.
William Ktarr.
Kthel fetersort.
Mabel Martin.
Kthel Neh lorn.
Mildred Carson,
.lesnle. Bellls,
IVIphe Nelnon,
Edna Nelson.
W. N. t'ederqiijjit,
Klmer Handbera,
wrenoe Sandbcrff. Clarence Nrlnon.
Harry Peters,
Theater Party. '
Miss Elisabeth Bruce Rives a theater
party this evening at the Ornheum for
Mr. and Mrs. Hal Brady. The guests
will be:
Mr. and Mrs. Hal Brady.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Pritohett.
M MHmes
Kllasabefh Davis, Harriet Oillrtto.
Menln Davis,
Messrs. Messrs.
1'aul ;allBKher, John Caldwell.
Bn Ciallafchor, Herald Whariun.
Becent Affairs.
Mr., and Mrs Jeremiah Icahy gave a
dinner at their home on Sunday ;vcn
iiiE. January 24, when covers were laid
for:, '
Mlfws Misses
Adelaide Peterson, MarKaret Carrcll.
J. lCMhjr. K. Krederlckson, '
C. Carroll, J. Iahy. Jr.
Mersrs. and Mrndays
J. Leahy, K. Orccnholt.
M. Ixaliy,
Mrs. Metcalfe Entertain!.
Mrs. J. M. Metralfe will -entertain at a
beautifully appointed dinner this even
ing. A nk color aWicine will be used
In the table decorations carried out with
a tow mound of Klllamey rosea Mid pink
shaded caudles. Mrs. Metcalfe will enter
tain: .
McHsnt. and Mcsdames
Mould I leti. Wllwn I .owe,
Joseph Tiarkrr, t', M. tVllhetut,
Henry Wymnn, Clement Chase.
K. A. Brosan, Dr, and Mr. Hull,
Mr. Itandall Brown,
With the Bridge Players.
Mica Hlxabeth Consdon was hostess to
day at tha meeting of the Tuesday Bridae
club. Twa tables were placed for the
Miss 01 ga Hiors was hostess today at
ha meeting of the Fortnightly Bridge
lub. The members of this club Include:
Mlsaes Mixers -
T.lllian KllPy, Irene McKnlght,
Olaja Ktont. lionise Slori,
Marie Blley. llolene Hlxby.
Meedames Meadamea -
George Shirley, fieorgo Krandels,
B. A. McUermott, Cornelius Kilcy.
Karl Louis,. ....
Today's. Muiicali.
The Amateur Musical club held Its furl-
nightly meeting this afternoon at the
home cf Mrs. T. J. Mahoney.
- Members of St. Barnabas church gave
a musical this evening at the homo of
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Adams. Among those
taking jrt mill be Mrs. rage. contralto;
Mrs. Adams, soprano, and Miss Madge
TVcat. vtotlniat
Bridge Luncheon.
Mra. Raymond Hay ward andtrs. Kd
gar Balrd entertained one of . the small
bridge clubs at, luncheon today at the
home of Mrs. Balrd. The members are:
Mcfcd&mes - Mesdamcs
Colt amil-ll, toidel,
Sveuiiard. Itavinuiid Haywood,
1'ula Lrtng, Kduar Hatrd.
Mlnana Mwwe
Katherlr.e Bchall, Ida hmith.
Thimble Club Entertained.
Mrs. J. O. rhllllppl entertained the
Thtinble elub today. Thoae present were:
Leaves, for Extended Trip.
Mrs. M.K. Canienter and her daughter.
MiMs Marlon Carpenter, will start Kilday
of neiit week on a Ion trip and extended
vlak In the west. First they will stop
at Kansaa City to visit Mrs. Carpenter's
brother-in-law, J. A. Carpenter. Then
going to I.os Angeles by the southern
route, they mill make an extended stay
wtth Mra. Carpenter's father, O. U Av
ery, and her sister, Mrs Vernon Ola.
They will take In both expositions and
remain on the coast until late In the
summer. OoJn(r to New Tork Vy boat
via the Panama canal, they expect In
Beptember to meet Mrs. Carpenter's
youniter daughter, Miss Weanor, who
will return from abroad after two years
of study In Swltserland and Germany
with Mlsa Margaret Wright and several
other Nebraska young women. ,
Sewinp Guild' Entertained.
The members of tho Dundee branch of
Alt Saints Sewing guild met. this after
noon at the home of Mrs. W. O. Fuller.
Debutante Bridge Club.
Tho Debutante Brldno club met this
afternoon at the homo of Miss Stella
Tbumniell. Those priwnt were:
Misses Mimes
Frnn.-es Kleannr Markav.
Ilorhstetjer. Stella Thumineil,
Alire Jaqulth, A im Olf Tcird.
I.tic lle I'acn, l:Un,'he Iteuvl,
Marlon Kuhn, Janet Hall
Helen Clarke. '
Personal Mention.
Mr. Douglas' Welpton Is still confined to
his homo suffering from a rvere attack
of rheumatism.
Mr. H. D. Barkalow, who has been very
Hi for the lawt two ecks. Is reported
to le somemhat better.
''. U J. O'Brien Is back from Nor
wlrh. Conn., whoro she mas the gilcst of
Mr. and Mra .Kdward O'Brien.
Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Cain and family of
Btella Neb., have moved to Omaha,
where they will reside In the future.
Mr, Cain Is vice president of the State
bank here. Mr. and Mm. Cain will rcald
at low South Thirtieth avenue. Mrs.
Cain as always taken an acUve Interest
In club work.
ON nOAftn IT. 8. 8. SAN DIKOlY
nuayma. Mex., Jan. 25. (Bv Wireless
to Su Diego. Cal. Jan. 28.-Wllllam H.
Miller, a fireman of lowns, Kan., cjlc.l
late today Trom Iniutlca received when
the Kan Diego'a latiler tubea blew out
last Thursday. A few hours before an
other victim had succumbed. Miller's
death wm tb seventh from the explo
sion. Six others were Injured.
Hot Tea Breaks
A Cold-Try This
3. H. Bailey.
leorg Barker,
A. J. ftU' hanan,
IHiicbanan, ,
I B. Carrier.
A. W. Carinter,
Kert Carpenter.
J. If. Dumont.
ft. W. Clabauah.
F rank f'ariienter.
ceo i aa C. tdcci-
drorge tillmore.
1. Carix ntrr.
M laiwa
M.ry Phtlllppt.
Arthur ln-kwod,
K. R. McCunnell,
A. !.. Patrick.
V. M. Wilkin,
tloyal Miller.
'. Itamoey,
Arthur Kttiltb,
H. T. StrelKht.
Hoy 8iinderliiil.
BIph Sunderland,
N . tl. Hamilton,
V. D. White.
TtuKaell Hal rl.
J. A. Sunderland,
Mir (tea-
Ma! ion Carpenter,
Uet a small package of Hamburg Breast
Tea. or aa the German folks call It,
"Hamburger Brust Thee." at any phar
macy. Take a tablesnoonful of the tea,
put a cup of boiling, water upon It. pour
through a sieve and drink a teacup full
at any time. It is the most effective way
to break a cold and cure grip, as It opens
the' pores, relieving' congestion. AJso
loosens the bowels, thus breaking a cold
at once. . ,
A It la Inexpensive, and entirely vegetable,
therefor harmless. Advertisement.
irtclien M onnll, H l'lluiont.
.'11 t arint!', i.tlntore, .
Hviea Carrier, lit rlha Wh'te,
Orpheum Party.
Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Burns ga,ve aa
Orpbrmn party lent evening for Mr. and
Mra Jerome Magee. mho are' spending
a few days here with Mrs. Herman
iKounta prior to leaving for Hillings.
MunL, where they mill spend the winter.
M'lUU Mr. and Mra. Hums mere:
MAJi a. and Meadame
jTome Maace. W. A. Redlrk.
i. J. Foye.
Tor the Future.
One of the attractive luncheons of the
meek mill I given by Mrs. J. J. Brown
at her home Friday.
he marriage cf Mli-s Ida Brodkey ant
Mr. Abe It. Koulish mill be -elihralel
S'ltulay afteriiuun. February 7, at the
home of (tie bride's parents. Mr. and
uV.r. a. Bruukey. A largo rcrrj.tion mill
fellow the teniivny.
Mra. K. A. Higgles will entertain at
k idge Thursday.
la mhat moat proapectlve purchas
ers appreciate. Kverybody realties
that all dlamonda are not alike.
There la aa much differeni-e In
theao preMoua stones as there Is in
people. . .
The difference in a diamond la
In its eolor. In its power to re
fract light. In 1 else and. In its
rrvedom 4m Ila. t.iue whita
dlatuonda are the 'flneal. Clear
mhitc diamonds rank neat In
addition there are some very beau
tiful adored diamonds which am
extrviiwly acarve Hlae mattera leas
than brlllianry and It la better to
have a pure tuna 11 brilliant than a
larger stone of Iraa life and orer'
At the Kdliolm store diamond
are eo perfectly underatood that
one U assured of getting the kind
of gem he deal res.
We take pride In auld'ng our
eustoincrs to the purchase of the
right kind of dlamonda. .
Albert Edholm
Omaha's OUtrt SstaaUsaed .
Itia aa4 ataraay.
( A f 1 V -
; ' .W ( i ' '
y M , i
- :- v.) -i t
kul H. Jordan
Flics Anna Gjrroll
President T'aul II. Jordan of the mid
year graduating class of the South
Omaha High school, mho will play tho
leading part as John Rhead In the play,
"Milstone," to be given by the graduating
class Wednesday evening at the High
School auditorium In South Omaha. Miss
Anne Carroll will play tha - leading
feminine port In tho play as Emily Rhead,
daughter of the leading man.
Harriman Official
Checks U. P. Books
. av
How To Get Rid of a
Dad Cough
Grube - Meyering grade Wardrobe Trunks,
(j Samples, worth $35 to $60, on Sale Wednesday
to Off Regular Price i
These are the sample lines of the flrubo-Meyering; High
Oratle Wardrobe Trunks, ChlcaRo. These wardrobe trunks are
built liko battleships. They are double strengthened to resist
the hardest handling; covered with hard vulcanized fiber and
heavy duck. ' All parts riveted. These trunks retail from $35.00
to $60.00. Your choice, ,
On Sale Wednesday, at
$22.50, $27.50, $32.50
H Three Specials in Our Pfe-Inventory Sale of Trunks, Bags, Etc.
'A Hone-Made Reaaedy 4ba-Wlll
U It Ualrklr. Ckea asi
Easily Made
If you have a bad cough or chest cold
wiucu reiuses to yield to ordinary remc-
' O. K. Bissonnct, assistant comptroller
of the Harriman system of railroads, has
arrived in Omaha and establlHhed him
self In the I'nion I'aciflc headquarters
building, where ha may remain two
weeks, or a month. . ' '
The purpose of the comptroller In com
ing here at this time Is to check the
vanou. oiii.. ot tne severa depart- dje8 Ret from .-y jruiBt 2 ounce,
ments, not with a view to reduHng forces, cf i'iex (50 cents worth ), pour into a
but to see that the accounts are correct, pint bottle and till the bottle with plain
Mr. Blssonnet Is the right hand man of granulated sugar syrup. Start taking
rn..Kii..- u....- .i . i- .1 a teasnoonful everv hour or tun. In 9i
. vi i . 1 1 im it I T.IIU 111 (urn la low ... ' . ' , . . - J
man who 1. closest to ChaUman Lovett J?? JSi ""Wfe1" .,bf5?"qurri ! 1
of the executive committee and at the Kreatly relieved in this way.
samo time Is the .closest man. to Averlll The above mixture makes a full pint
Harriman, who has Just been appointed family supply of the finest cough
head of the purchasing department of the . rup that money could buy at a cost
system of roads.
In. his department Mr. Harriman has
adopted a rule that la making some of
Heavy Cowhide Leather Suit
Cases Leather lined and linen
lined, 24' and 26-inch sizes.
These eases havo been selling
at $10.00, $12.50, $13.50 and
$1 6.50. Your choice .
Wednesday at, HfcflvD
each rr ZZZZZ
Over 100 Fiber
Matting Suit
Cases 24 inches
long. "Worth
$li50; special
Wednesday at
About 65 Basswood Trunks Cov
ered with heayy sheet steel, enam
eled dark green 'color and black;
brass trimmed with steel angle bind
ing; Valance clamps; deep tray.
Sizes 3032, 34 and 36 inches. Val
ues up to $10.00. In two lots for
$4.95 & $3.95
the company officials sit up and think.
of only 64 cents.
fl'l i . T! S.
inis rinex ana tiugar ttvrun Drena-
Kauilv Drenared in fi
minutes, full directions with l'inex.
ration takes right hold oi a cough and
gives almost immediate relief, ft loos-
Contracts have been entered Into for' the dry, hoarse or tight cough in a
about everything
the Harriman road
that Mr. Harrlnmn
chaae aggregating the expenditure of tin,
or more. Is made outside of the contracts,
authority must bo secured, or an explana
tion submitted in detail.
urrn rnvcrflq into xor " - ""J, wi okhi. cougu in a
used In the operation of ,tn' ' "".. remarkable. Also
ads and under the rule ' 2,"' heal the "Hmd membrane;
u. t... .nnii.H if . 1 whch accompsnr a pabiful cough, and
an has applied If a pur-, Mop the formation of phlegm in the
tnroat and bronchial tubes, thus ending
the persistent loose cough. Excellent for
bronchitis, spasmodic croup and winter
couphs. Keeps perfectly and tastes good
children like it.
The ' war regulations regarding post
office money orders to foreign countries
which wero placed In effect August S,
111, have been rescinded and money or
ders can now be sent to all European
countries as freely as before the out
break of hostilities. i
l'inex is a snerlal and hichlv enneen
trated compound of genuine Norway pine
extract, rich in guaiacol, which is so
healing to the membranes.
To avoid disappointment, ask your
druggist for "24 ounoes of Pinex," do
not accept anything else. A guarantee
of absolute satisfaction, or money prompt
ly refunded goes with this preparation.
The l'inex Co., Ft. Wayne. Ind.
Tomorrow, Wednesday, we will close out odds and ends- which have accumulated
during our January Sale, at Special Low Prices. .
Extraordinary bargains in Longcloth
and Nainsook, by the bolt, during the last
week of our January White Goods Sale.
12-Yard Bolts, 36 Ins. wide, according to qualtty,
89S $1.18, $1.39. $1.45. $1.55. $1.79
12-Yard Bolts. 4 2 inches wide, at $1.98
.12-Yard Bolts, 45 Inches wide, at $2.59
12-Yard Bolts. 36 inches wide, at $1.10
12-Yard Bolts, 36 Inches wide, at $1.40
12-Yard Bolts. 40 Inches wide, at i-$1.85
India Nainsook Fine and soft, 10-yard bolts, 40
Inches wide, at 9X.35
Family Nainsook 12-yard bolts, 36 inches wide,
at ...$1.39
Hmall Lot of Soiled Remnants in Ktnbroldtd
White Materials 1 14 to 5-yard lengths. AQf
Sold to $1.50 yard. Special Wednesday t rC
Whit Potted Crepe, SUk Striped Voile, Rico Cloth,
Chiffon Oepe 27, 36and 40 inches wide.
Worth to 35c yard, at. '.
Plain Crinkle Crepe For underwear, 23
inches wide. Worth 18c yard, at A
Pin Check Dimity and Mull Plaids 32
Inches wide. Worth 15c yard, at
Odds and Ends of All Kinds of White Goods
1 -to 15-yd. lengths. Worth 20c yd. Special
OO-In. White LLnCn
Sheeting;--Worth $1
yard, at 7Cr.
yard oc
36-in.' Whit Linen
Worth to 49c a yard.
Special at, OC
yard OC
Modern Office
JL Globe-Wernkkt Sectional
Filing Svslemt.
Ofict Desks. Chairs, Settets,
Stools. Cabinet Softs.
I OffluRugs, Office Linoleum
Mattings, "Door Mats.
Cuspidors, W asttt Baskets,
Costumtrs, LelUr Trays,
Compare Our Prices
and Quality -
Slippers and Hose
To Match Your Gown
Wo guarantee fast colors
and perfect match.
SHpjiers dyed any hhade,
ler pair . . . .... . .50
Hose dyed any hade,
per pair 50
Hcnicinhcr we do the Qual
ity (.leaning and the Quality
Dyeing for Omaha and vi
"Good CVant-rs and Ijcr'
Mata Offloa. IMS-IT aa at.
raaoh Offlo. SOiS ftraftui at.
fhoan Don. Sao.
N. B. Wa pay rhargea on way on
it)i out-of-town order.
wm iie at low ?wm
' The one big sale of high shoes that all Omaha waits for, starts Wednesday at 8:00. a. m. Drexel's Four
Day CleaTance Sale. This announcement will please every shoe wearer in Omaha. You have attended these
nales before. You know from experience tlrat the shoes offered in this sale will be just as represented. They
are all Drexel quality and the reduction is a substantial one. Such famous makes as IJanan & Sons, Edwin
. Clapp, Howard & Foster and McDonald vand Kiley for men; Hanan, Foster, Armstrong and Wright & Peters
for women aro included in this sale. This sale is for four days only Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and
Saturday. - Be on hand the first day.
For the Men
$8.00 Hanan's tan winter
weight, leather lined, P OP
in blucher. pair. . . iJ.OJ
$7.00 Hanan's best velour
calf, leather lined, P Mr
blucher. pair aJJ.U
.$7.00 Hanan's double soled
velour calf, blucher, g
$7.00 Hanan's kid, kid lined,
double-soled, JJ
$6.50 Stacy - Adams, nun
metal calf, leather lined,
$8.00 Clapp'B Knuln
French, calf, double-soled to
heel, English last. r AP
blucher, pair HV
U7.B0 Clapp'a Imported Noi-
Veslan tan, bngltsh,
last, blucher, pair.
$5.50 and $6 S. & M. piack
and tan, blucher. water-proof
sole, English last, J JJ.
$5.00 Howard & Foster, kid.
blucher. leather tl OP
- lined, double-aole. . .idtOJ
$5.50 and $5.00 Howard &
Foster, heavy winter tan,
double-soled. QC.
blucher Jl0l
$5.00, $5.50 and $6.00 five
. lines of black ooze calf, fine
rravenette and P
black oose tops. pr.. . ?t)49
$4.00 and $5 black (9 QP
suede, button, pair. .
$5.00 and $6 values, C Mr
In all lines of tan . .
v $6.00 and $6.60 Hanan &
Foster, patent colt, cloth
top, button, . mm iyp
dreas shoes. . ,N. . . . . 1. J
$6.00 and $6.50 four lines,
bronze kid, cloth top, dress
shoes, button, M ar
Plr l.ZD
$S.00 Imported bronte kid,
strictly hand-made, P 7P
button, pair 99a I
0 lines of $5.00 patentolt,
1 gun metal, calf, Armstrong,
Cousin, button, mm op
pair Jj.OJ
$7.00 hand-sewed, best qual
ity, black satin, 9M MP
button, pair dlali)
.$4.50, ten lines of gun metal
calf, patent colt, ar
button pair ...72)
$4.00, ten lines of gun metal
calf, patent colt. fa a a
button, pair
600 pa'ra. broken lots. lS
and f.00 valuna. dull r.lf n t
kid, no deliveries; S Aft
ao cbargea ........ WllUU
For the Doys
25 Oil
on all boys', youth's
and" gents' high cut
shoes, in black and tan.
25 Oil
on all boys' youth's and lit
tle gents' regular high shoes,
double-sole and water-proof.
For the Girls
25 Oil .
on all misses' and chil
dren's' high top shoes, in
cluding gun metal and
Russian calf, patent colt,
cloth tops and all our extra
high tops with patent cuff.
Specials for Women
S0O pairs, broken lot of women's dress ahd party slip
pers. 6.00 and $7.00 values. In bronze, parent kid
black suedes, beaded and plain
100 Palm. 13 00 slid ls.00 vaJues. broken lota of wo
men's fancy dress and party slippers, patent and dull
pair - .
kid. odds and ends in satins, pi
100 pJr broken lots, party slippers, patent and dull
kid, and black, white, blue and pink satin, beaded and
plain: no charge or deliveries: 13. 60 and ft. 00 valuen.
2u0 pairs, broken lots, house and dress slippers, $3.00
and $4.00 values; no charges or deliveries
price r-". - i
$2.45 1
A Special for Men $
$5.00 and $4.00 values, 100 pair men's
patent, button and lace shoes, price. .
Get into business via the "Business Chances
Musi jLtasari