HIE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, JANUAItt' 2(1, 1915. CflAIIBERS WOULD BUILD HEW CAPITOL DonglM Couiitj Member Ei Bill to Levy Tax that Will Draw in Two Millioii. ' ELECTION ' KXASintES ARE UT Supreme Court Holds Kansas Labor , Act Gives Unions Undue Advantage Jan. . The .Kansas then the ame Individual hu a right t Join the union without the conaer.t r (From Staff CorTepondent.) UNCOIL, Jan. S6.-8peclal Tele-mm.)- flet.resentattve Oiimlwrt of roulna county today Introduced a bill j co"rt- to provide for a sinking fund to gather sufficient funds with whloh to build a new capital building. A special levy of j M per eont ef mill la provided for In I the meaaura to ba Imposed for four year. Thl wil raise. It la estimated, tha aum of $2,004,000 baaed en the valuation of 131 1 j DrueeedoW would atop tha le of liquor In place whrr there la 'awed frea lunch or In restaurants and hla Mil WtmlJ alao prevent tha trading of chlpa or ticket won in, games for drink. 11 baa second bill rataing tha penalty for the ala.af Intoxicating diinka. '. 1 Vr n Ananati. r?ley baa an Important bill which. If It become a law wll prevent constitu tional amendment from being defeated by voter who rote neither way on the . proposition. His bill provide a majority vot on all propoaltlona for and against providing the vote la 2S per cent of the total vote east at the election. Bill Affectlma Voter. The Douelaa delegation In tha house thla afternoon anlted on three new mees uree aa follows: Of forMda hauling voters to the polla la Douglas county for registration pur poses. Another require that lodging house keeper and hotel tnunt make to the election eofumlnaloner aworn Hat of all Votem living In their' place within a specified time before election or primary ay. - ' The third cure a defect In the re ti tration taw whecrln the penalty wag left out, regarding Illegal registration. Miner baa a bill today which give the railway commissioners power to compel electric light and trolley companlea to rarrr their wire certain height above railway track, the former a minimum of twenty-seven feet and the latter twenty-two feet. Hunter Introduced c bill which provide for the assessment of real estate at It actual value with cer tain provision. Itlehmond would give any member of fraternal Insurance company the right to bring eiitt agaJnat the company In the county In which be reside. WASHINGTON, o-called coercion etatute, making It un lawful for any Individual or corporation to coefee or Influence any person to enter Into agreement not to Join or re main a member of a labor organisation aa a condition of auch person eecurlng or continuing In tb employment of auch In dividual or corporation, waa today an nulled a unconstitutional by the supreme The derision waa regarded aa of the first Importance In the labor world, and waa announced by Justice Pltnen. Strong dissenting opinion were given by Justice liolmea and Justice Day. Justice Hughe concurred with Justice Day, leaving Chief Justice White and Justice '. McKenna, Lamar, Ven.Ievanter and MoRejmoldt concurring with uatlce Pitney. ' ' t The decision waa In the ca.se of T.' B. Ooppage, a superintendent of the St. lxjuia A- Kan Franetaeo railroad at Port Scott, Kan., convicted of violating ' the law in threatening A. H. Hedge, a switch man, with discharge If be did not sign an agreement to withdraw -from 'the Switchmen' union. "The court Intimate nothing Inconsis tent with the right of Individual to Join labor unions," said Justice Pitney. "Nor la the legitimacy of auch organisations questioned so long aa they conform to the law of the land, aa othera are required to do. But the Individual ha no In herent right to Join the union and still remain In the employ ef one who la un willing to employ a union man, any more ProposesBillto Avoid Duplicating j... -Public Utilities (FYoro a Staff Correspondent) ' LINCOLN, Jan. 85. (SpoclaX)-To pro hibit the establishment of a competing publlo utility In a community except on certificate of publlo convenience and necessity issued by tha railway com mis sion will be the object of a bUl which will be Introduced In the legislature on the request ot Railway Commissioner Hall, 11 ha can find someone who win take the responsibility. , This measure 1 ostensibly Intended to prevent the Installation of duplicate tele phone plants, but Its application ' will cover all kind of utilities. Including atreet railways, electric light and power, waterworks, gaa and steam heat. Mr. Hall doe not even eicept publicly owned plant from the Jurisdiction ef the bill. There i now pending before the rail way commission an application from a new telephone company at Starling, comix-ted of buslnes men and farmer In that locality, for permission to Uaue toO.Wv of atock. Tha application Is be ing resisted by the Lincoln Telephone and Telegraph company o the ground that It already serves the immunity ade quately and that the construction ot a competing cystem would cause both to lose money. that organisation! ' 1 "Just aa labor organisation bar the Inherent and constitutional right to deny membership to any man. who will not agree that during Jooh membership be will not accept or retain employment 1" company with, non-union men. and Just as a anion maa has the constitutional right to decline preferred employment, unless the employer will agree not to em ploy any non-union man, to tb employer may specify that employea-ahau retrain from affiliation with the union during the tertna of . the employment. "There cannot be one rule of liberty for the labor organization or Its mem ber, and a different and more restric tive rule for employer. "The employe liberty of making con tracts doe net Include a liberty to pro cure employmrat from an unwilling em ployer or "without a fair understanding. Nor may the employer be foreclosed by legislation from exercising the same free dom of cholc that Is accorded to the employe." ' Similar law have been passed in four teen states. Justice Day pointed out In dissenting. . "Could aa employer not be forbidden front demanding agreement that en em ploye should polo rational guard T" Inquired Justine Day. "Could not the etat strike down agreements not to Join a certain political party. Why not labor union, whatever member of tbjs court may think of these unlonr- V Now Bills at Lincoln FURTHER POWER OVER WEIGHTS' IS DESIRED From a Staff Correspondent) LINCOLN. Jan. .-8ueclai.)-Two bills prepared under the direction of the Stat S"ood commission, for the purpose of ex- tcnJing and reeking more speeifie its Jurisdiction In retcaid to weights . aad jseaaurea and misbranding of foodstuffs. wi'.l be Introduced In the legislature. ' One of these meaaurca authorlxea th commission to divide the state Into alx districts for the Inspection of weights and measure. This would, presumably. rail for the appointment of four add tkmal Inspectors, besides the two already employed In that tine of work. The In tnwus Kit Uutd tufisurn t& JiiOiorto been kept separate from that of oil, foodstuffs, cold ctorage, slock feeds twd seeds. ' ' The stoond bill will require the labeling 'of all Imitation Jellies and preserve wlla f-L n&oie of each Ingredient , Hone Bills. H. R 1117. Hostetler and Harris Prohlb. Its playing base ball oa Memorial Sunday. Applies to elites and towns whore Sunday buse ball Is permitted H. H. 1M, Nealey iroVldes that a ma jority of those voting on a constitutional giitendment shall be sufficient for it adoption. If SHine be 26 per cent of total vote at election. Proposed constitutional amendment. 11. H. m. Dslbey Anommiate 11.331 for relief of Mrs. lone Ktory, injured while employed at Beatrice Institute for feeble Minded. H. K. auo. rtmllh Fixes time from a. m. to I p. m. as period for polla to be oien at all state elections. - H. TL J1. Uatea ADDroorlatea ils.tnv tor carrying on putnpinx Irrigation experi ments la western Nebraska. II. R. Vn. Driieedow Frohlhlts sale or lltjuors in free lunch restaurant or In exchange for check or ticket issued upon sum. H. t, iOI, TrumWe Confer authority of road work on eai h member of county lioara and abolishes elective district road OvejDrora. H. H. 4. Dafoe and Patterson Amend ments to pure food law requiring inarnd lei ts to be named oa label of imlLatloa Jellies and preaervea. H. It. y, I'afoe and Psttorson Amend ments to weights arid meaauree law, peo vidlnK for Cl.Ulon of Mate into alx Jla trti ts for purposes of Inapwtlun. H. R. 2J. Chambers Appropriate 90 per cent of special 1-mill levy for four jears to ereet new state Capitol,' under direction of Hoard 01 uonirw. II. K. tm, Nichols, Taylor, IToffmalster, TRnuntv and Horenaon Prohibits estab- liahment of a comeling publlo utUlty ex cept on certificate of public necessity and convenience, Issued by State Rail way commission. ... m 11. . w. Tibbete Abolffhe office of coroner and transfer ha dutls to county iT'ltl' SoJ. "Tlhbeta Corrects county of fliers' elucdon law. ellmlnatinjf coroner. ii i3 Ti.hRi&- k hhLhiu feea to cor oneia for 'serving process and holding Iniiuest. . . ' ' H, It. il, Tlbbets Provide that after real estate has been ol fated twice uimer eny appraisement by the ahertff it ahall nnt be roMPuraisea i nnu i.u ,t.i- nf in rtrAC arnraieemoDv. it t cn,.hm,nrirrovt,iea that noit- resilient" d'etendnnt Insurance re.tripe.nle may b snrrt Py any meinoer i"fn"i s;od stamling in any couni where U memter my reside. ii i 911 tii. in,, null Provides that any tnemlier In good standing may bring ault siilnKt frnternBl insurance oruor in H. R. Peterson I'roninita isnion- ment of street railway or mioruiunn ttaeWs after one vear'a operation of care thereon, ur the diversion of traffic from oie route to another, except by written nl m .WItv of ndltcent prop erly owners and requires approval of mo- rb Iral and county autnoiiiiea i' .im. ti.lli.Btf r,immililun. H. R. tlb, Neff of lnox Aoioraum.. rate of speed not to ia an hour in pamn ir . II. 11. 11", t-iiinter ci rr...,t hll be on tne actual vwuw i sovli.n I'luusa roneming mill fate levies n" in .(...ii k. .....i'-h of tl uresent amount. railway oontmisaina pwc m liM S'lon of elm trio wires over railway travlts. wltn a minimum i "-""-." feet from the rails, with trolley II. It. 1J iaJlli'll Ol iirm-c-i-f'- -. aboroiiriatlon of nnrir iu " che of book at Peru .Normal, imwi ency, court, Bherlff, uperlntendent and cor- "sTV. TH. Brookley of Cly-Rrulats the teaching of rnuslo in Nebraska and trovMes an exsmlnlng board. F. Lahrrers of Thayer Provides for a bounty not to exceed K cent for tb killing of crow. 8. F. ' 115, lAhner of Thayer Doe . K. . -ui. iha nnMi nMMfl on Drairie chicken, aaire chlokenH, grouse and quail five year. Increases maximum oauy .n (itltffl. sums. " m v in uiiAnr af Trrr Butte Pro- vt.les that all vehlolea shell oarry llghU at nlglit, ; or bag Be Want Ad Are tha Beat Business Jftead Daily by People In beano of Ad vftu.a Ofportunltira PralmmOr fer Iowa City. WAFHINOTON, Jsn. VS.Th preaMent X'i.iy nonuriMiea mux flayer to be isi maciur at lc C'lly, la. IORRISSEY HA1TED .' . WAS CHEF JUSTICE (ConUntted from Page One.) Tea Keeps four Hair Dark If ;rsr( !mot!icr' r"cfp to bring Latk Clor, tl.h 3tiie kdJ lul J.)rrbxly I Uslcg It aalit. C?ray hair, however handsome, denotes advancing oxe. We all know U.e advajv texea of a youthful sp.'Mrmn. Your I. air is your thurm. It itukts or man tl.a fta tvfcfii it favJiif. turns tray and S, 1.4 dry, "l.-Ty and arncgly, jut a ic ',; ,: al oiit of t-,; 'ln and tiulphur en hucca ltd ti it-ia.i riee a hundred-f old. lva t f'y rk ! LsoX young! fclther !! a.v turj at hoitie or gvt from r.y ii Jis ..' a W-.-.r.t bvtUe of " v ytth's rK t.ui e .:, l.ur Conipound." H.ouimi! i ef f"ii-s re-ciuiuend Oils Ii3yti-i.ie 1 1 tpaiKtl in, because It dark ei the hair benitfuily and remove dan ur. rf, i.i.s It' t.li'g ilp aid fulling hair. I iva, no ittid m.1 pvi,ibly tell, as It tsiktvis so tiut.i.hiiy Slid evei.ly. You i. .Lit. n a ;-irc-) or aoft trefh HU It, ; li g tms tlx Obi it th h:r, taking one t. .e.;l atrat.d at a tune. I y Jimmiug tlx bair liioa; ' ire: after a.-.uther appli- tt or to , i 'Aii.nU t"ior Is ii-tr4 t 1 It e ,ir, t,-.. !'., a wty and lust rotta, nfH, J19. Rurgess of Douglaa In ad- verse po.ssion ot wtiea, sw. " deem may nut o orouii ' ..iii n tha litis nas itta -." - ...,UPU r,.- Inn vttrL 1 rr it o tvirk of Howard Divorce t. .ranted on the plea that either tarty hoa b adjudged tnn by L.-fltf oreamaed IkhIv or board. i a icm hii.IiIiib of Dawson and And'ereee t' C-.o-r.'-'Vldti tor t c ail ihhool l-snds row uni or wis ..'. .i.. i. tut been apnralited prop- eiiy. and providing a new system of ap- PHl"K,, j by Tety Mrmbera-Tor-reni ayatetii of l"d rcstnuatlon. fp titai to th rountlea after a vote of the lc-4 votvra upon a frop p ii R, a-O. Fulva ot- f urn homesteads from th prrsr-nt .....'!. H.vuf-nt of rent rerun. '. ..... . H. !(. 4. r uns tM- i bill to veetlng llio Ufa roSacaaion of the hon.eele.d In the surviving partner In the union. , 4, H t-L Iwigiaa County Daleaatlon Korhl.ls hniing voters to th polls for 1-eniBt ration rrl"''S. Kiner.encV clause. ii l, . km.lu rountr li'-Ule- An.emi'ment to Knvtil"l ut t. iiatntt'.iMi ef v..trrs la IXiuflas count v. Kinerxency clauee. II r trf, loi!(tla County fteleaatlon Avoilea- II pUM-nl ltUIa fr falee i,.,isi ratl.-n and ei.iiiuc of votere to (Mimha Utlon coinii'iMiijner law. i.ttter- ' H 'r!': Rrynui Is of Uncoln Fm i.'er tlie" ft ate Uilv coniir.lt-.ion 1. i ,..ir.,.t to build ciosains where the Und on both id 1 bv th ssnna person. If u fii. tnoond ff Poua'as-ror- . . A . l u w nf mora thftJS U,viAt tO Sil t i4.i ii: iiutiiru . 4., nut "r niejornj vi tuw It neceesary that I promptly -select bis successor. I offered the position to Judge Sullivan, who bad already served ' six year upon the supreme bench to tha entire satisfaction of th bar. X feet that hi expertone would at one enable bin to take up th work laid down by Judge Hollenbeck. but he did not ee hi way clear to accept and, a w have tta law that will permit of drafting men for publlo service, hi decision uurt be nine. aaallfioatlona f "Mr. Horrteeey, "My aoqualntanea over the state with the men who are qualified for this posi tion la very Urge and X have endeavored te make a selection that will prove to be ttuti tuiui j iu vi in ntvmumfm vi ! inw- fesaion and for the good of th state. have decided to appoint Andrew M. Mor- rlsey, the present deputy attorney gen ersJ. aa chief Justice of the aupremo court of this etat. J hav been pereonally acquainted with Mr. Morrlaaey for flfteet year a K served aa my aecretary for two year. Meeting htm each day gave me a splendid opportunity to know hint a well aa It La possible for on man to know another nan. During my bosineaa experleno I hav never met a man for whoa I kav a higher regard. I am thoroughly satisfied that he peeesa 'all th qualification necessary to fill this important position. I am fully confident tiro will preva to th litigant and attorneys who may hav oases before the supreme court of our state that Mr. Morriasey will have but one object in view, and that t to adjudicate these difference la a just. and honest way." . Tafaea the Oattku Mr. M,orrissey took th oath of offlot thia afternoon and Immediately took up the duties) of chief Justice. Ills promotion to th supreme bench ha caused, a vacancy to the office of deputy attorney general, and It will bow b up to Attorney General Reed to fill th place. There are plenty of men wMl Ing t accept. Among them are Edwin Vail of Seward, former county attorney Eh B. McDersnott ' of Kearney, . also former county attorney, and "Hertotj I Corey, county attorney oi uiay county Mr. Corey- name ha been connected with the appointment aa United State district attorney, and" he may not b willing to roak a change. On lavltatloa ' of th house of repre sentative Chief Justice Morrisaey ad dressed that body for a few minute this afternoon. ' ' SHORT BAIMJN COUNTY j Senator Dodg Introduce! Bill that : rroTidet for County Miaiptr Form. ACTING FOB COJIJUSSIONEES (From a Staff Oorrespondent.) LINCOLN, Jan. . (Special.)- bill to he known as senate file No. Ill waa Intro duced by Dodge of Douglas this after noon, which provide for th short ballot In county election and a county rnanager form of government when adopted by a majority vote of th elector afijsr a peti tion of t per cent of the registered voter of a eoynty shall make petition. The pro visions ar as follows: ' County commlsaloners shall be elected at larce and reoelve a salary or ow eacn, and serve for the satuo term a now provided. Tne coomr atiomer. iromtT curs.. rett- er of deeds, county treiunirer, county en gineer, clerk of the district couri, anenii. countr etiiMrlnLenriemt. auditor and oo ro per shall be appointed by th cofnmi- i oners. . . 1 he commlaaloners also shall appoint a county manager, who need not be a rest dent of the county, shall fix hla salary nil have power to remnrve mm. Th county manaaer shall carry out th orders of t le commiselrmera, act as pur- hinslng agent, oversee Oliver erttciais ana isn contract for suppllea not over fuvO In value. , The bill also provtdea that the county coiTunhislonere shall adopt an administra tive code within ninety days after this act goes Into effect, setting forth the regulations for conduct of officials and tha handling of the county business. pave a pert See Gevermor. Prof. J. H. Davenport of the political dene department of Hamilton college. N. T waa a recent caller on. Governor Morehead in th Interest of short ballot reform. i-Tof. Davenport carried a let ter from President WllsonA. The professor had a kng Interview with Director Sheldon of the legislative refer ence bureau la whloh many phases of the political situation In this part of th country were discussed. H seemed anxious to learn whether any reaction ary tendencte . had definitely manifested themselves a opposed to th general progresaiv ton. Prof. Davenport goes from her to Colo rado and to Kansas, where he will eos tlnud hi personal' research work. Uncle Sam Evades Recognizing the Sovereignty of Kaiser Over Belgium WASHINGTON, Jan. 2S.-The , ratted State has Bent a formal note to Germany, which, without dlacuasing th aoveretgnty of Belgium, expreeee a willingness to mak auch arrangement aa may be t ac cessary with the German military author ise la d facto control ot Belgian 'terri tory, for tb continuance of American consular aerrloe there. The American note should have been de livered in Berlin today. Although the first not from Germany did not explicitly raise the issue, offi cial of the Washington government la making their reply carefully avoided any expression which could be construed a a political recognition of Germany' con trol of Belgium. The decision of the United States ha been awaited by Central and South Amer ican government, who Instructed their diplomatlo representative her to dlacuis It In th Ian-Americaa union. Th not from th German foreign of fice sent Identically to all neutral gov eminent, announced that certificate of BEITISH PUBLIC IS ENTHUSIASTIC OVEE SEA FIGHT ' ' 1 ' BWeaaasBaas ' (Coatlnuad from Pag OneJ authority f all neutral consul had "expired." No reference waa mad la either the German net or the American reply to the atatui of th diplomatlo officers. American Minister Brand Whltloclt will continue at Brussels, where he la In active charge of Belgian relief work. In ita repty the United State declare that It consider a consul not a political, but "a oommorolal repreaentativa," who derive permission to do business. Irre spective of hi legal right, from the authorities la direct control of tha dis trict to which he I assigned. In view of the German military occupation, the United State further assert that It "la not Inclined to question at thla time the right of Germany to euspend exequaturs." Th language of the American not re veals that thla government considers the exequatur originally Issued by th Bel glum government to have been suspended aad not "expired, a characterised In tha German communication. Thla con struction la in accord with almllar phrase ology aed by th United Bute on the previous; occasions. Delay Experienced In Selecting Judge For Sutton's Place (From -a Staff Correspondent.) ' LINCOLN, Jan. tS. (Ppeclal.) Gover nor Morehead Indicated this morning that It might be several day before he would appoint a successor to Judge A. L But ton of th Douglas county district bench. The chief executive said that the name of a number were under consideration. Among them Is S. A, Searla of Omaha, who was at the oapltol Saturday at th same time with Judge Sutton, and Judge W. A, Redick. The Judgahlp U non-partisan by law, but Inasmuch as Judge Sutton was a re publican. It Is definitely understood that hi successor will be of the same party affiliation, . . . - . . . It waa reported tonight that there waa a alight bitch In the matter and that Judge Sutton's written resignation has not yet been received here. There has evidently been mora delay In the choice of a suomor than waa at flrrt expected. In thl connection the nam of F. A. Molflnger ha been sprung M a candidate. He ha lived In Omaha ror (irteen year and originally came from Seward. Judge A. L. Button teat night Informed Tb Be that ha had written hi resigna tion and mailed It to th governor him self Saturday night and that It must hav been received at Lincoln. Morehead Names . Holcomb for Board f) (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Neb., Jan. 85. (Special.) Governor Morehead today sent to the sen ate tha appointment of Judge Silas A. Holcomb to be a member of the State Board of Control for a term of alx year, beginning July 1, next. - Tb senat is asked to confirm tha choloe In accordance with the law and deliberations will be held in executive session later., I , a th eersoanei ; or the - board now stands, there are two .Jndgea and one farmer,' and seme member of the ma jority have Indicated a desire to have at least one business man Choaea upon this Important body, but It Is hardly probable thl sentiment will crystallise into opposi tion to Judge Holcomb. Want New Contract For Printing Journal ' (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Jan. fv-SrcuU.)-Senatoi Matte of the special committee ap pointed to look Into the matter . moved that printing of the Journal be, discon tinued. Bushee moved a a subatltuu that th present method be discontinued under the same arrangements as made by the house, which reduced the price of printing the first edition of the dally Journal from W.50 to t2.X per page and out out the second or corrected edltlor at $1.60 per page. Howell of Douglas supported Matte. In hi motion while Qutnby of Douglas, and Sandal! ot York, got behind Bushee. Dodge of Douglas, the dove of peace ol the senate, came to the rescue with a motion that the matter be referred back to a committee for further Investigation and a that seemed to be satisfactory to both side th matter was left that way. ; ' Chairman Kohl of the committee on committee appointed Senator Qulnby, Dodge and Bushea aa the special com mittee of three on a new printing con tract, proposed by Senator Dodge's mo tion. The motion - presuppose a Con tinuance of the printing of the dally Journal. ' Quarter Million Fire at Rapid City RAPID CITY. 8. D.i Jan. 2B.-Several firemen were Injured and property dam age estimated at tSaO.OOO was caused by a fire here today, which destroyed the John C. Haines company department store, the Pennington County Bank build-. tng and the. Farlow block. The fir orlKlnated in the basement of the . Haines building, but the causa is unknown. Th law library of the later C. W. Brown, one ot the largest In the atate, wa destroyed. Buildings and contents were only partially insured. and constipation and do not know It A feeling of dullness and languldness, bitter taat In - the, mouth, headache, bilious fever most ot these fsondttlon when you , "are not sick, but don't feel right" can be traced to sluggish bowels and torpid liver. Foley Cathartic Tablet clean th system . arouse th liver, banish in- -digestion arid make you "feel good all over" light, energetic . and ambitious. For sale by all dealer everywhere. Ai-vortlaemant. ports .have suffered another revera at Korassan. la Turkish territory The question of food supply I being considered urgently in both London aad Berlin. The British government hag ap pointed a cabinet commission to consider the matter. Th labor party haa de manded that the government take over control of British shipping. As to the food situation in Germany, t5e Berlin Pros la reinforcing th de mand voiced at a mas meeting that th government commandeer all - stooag of food, and by way of Rome there bar coma report of bread riot InAoatrla and Hungary, luring on ef which the governor of Croatia waa badly wounded and hi palace burned.-down. APPROPRIATION BILLS ' PASSED BY THE SENATE (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Jan. -SpeciaJ.) Houa roll No. 0 and house roil No. 61 war read the third time and passed by th senate, being the first bill to go to tha third reading. Tha first of the pair appropri ate 2a,0W tor legislative expense and waa not changed In th senate. - Th second, aa introduced tn th houaa. appropriate $104,000 for salaries ot mem bers and employe, allowing $10,009 tor employe In each boas. Th upper body amended thla bUl to appropriate nio.OTO In a lump sum. Daraesat eram, WASHINGTON, Jan. Ik - fractal .Tele gram.) U. J. Turear he been, reapo tinUd postmaster at Turner, Jeaixr county, Iowa. '1 ha National Bank of CVimrneree of Llneuta tas - avPvwtd a ioMfV ent fcr the First riaUuual bank, for aonhera Kansas. I'uon the recommend ttva ef Senator Iliicheock Dr. J. C Tuoker haa beaa apiHitntrd a peimlou surgeon mi worth. Neb -lvip'S law cvn- KiUK Odiiie ut. out a vute oi ii l,.i KlU'l'-l.-' II N i.A Druniow ef Deuel e In r.rw.e penalty Iv .llmg ll-iuu Wlttl f. - 1 1. ....... t.. a f.r !!.-.'.. or SIX "nonths to a yr la Jail, or W.th. itut Hills. A K. lint. Or Of Harlan T oVflnk mi'njiia .1.1 l.i eus dtriinrg ai-a luu- F I -j. aUUrry of Jtox Butt-E1lml- I . . ... ... ,il Ct ill til lr?JI. ( j.-. l.o. HutlMu u( K'eoxIa cwee of t..ikMa iiirn elj.B k -! tner riinii irw us nuiveiy of umnaa ueuesa ,.i-s,io SI.UKlll to l umi uiih Iirs 1 or furnished ' auih i - u.'is slur l.vi:i beo iiul.'.rd in writ lug u io r. iii. i"' tl- i. ,.U. 1 of Ivouk' Provides nt of an wi(.n.y sui4 K I. 1'.'. I"" " 1I4'-I ... u.e sl.ui t t.. t and tvi-"'V men. Vf . - i.m.n.k. i i iji i.n oil-1.-if.'iei shnit a;.wr,nl; v atlrny. ilcia, r''irf iil !"05, uvnt i.i Hungary Not Tired Of the War, You Bet VENIVB (via London), Jan. a Count Jullu Andrassy, former premier and minister of the interior of Hungary, ac cording to a dispatch from BU da peat. characterise aa utterly mendactoua report that Hungary It tired ot th war and la desirou of seeking- a separate Deaca. and declare that pesos will concluded only In union with Germany and on term satisfactory to both couav trie. ' Cuticiira SouB Tot tLa ijit i TUkti aa- tJ hy f-ixsa giuaat UM A Cuuouca (JiuLuictU, EAcir.Ua Frea by I! ail fVa u mm 9 i , VM 94. Our Paragon Typewriter Ribbona and Red Seal Carbon Paper ara recognised as tha teadtnc ribbon aad carbon Unea on th market. Renbjtoa Typewriter C fXaoorperated) a01-8 8. Nineteenth Street. Ittoo loulag 123. . mOMPSOR BELDM . S GQ 1 ! uri isT ' ' ' - ' ' Tuesday a Truly Unusual Coat Sale 1 - n , -. 30 'poats of both domestio and foreign fabHcs, values to $35.00 Tuesday, $7.85 All other Coats reduced. Tuesday a Great Clecurmof Silks Hundreds of odd pieces, scores of stylish fancy silks, also . many beautiful things in black. Sold regularly, 75c to ' $2.50; priced Tuesday 29 to $1.89 Our Annual Sale of Bedspreads Continues All This WeelV Tuesday Linen Specials Turkish Towels . 25c Turkish Towels, 19c J 45c Turkish Towels, 25o 50c Turkish Towels, 29 75c Turkish Towels, 50c H. S. Huck Towels 45c Uuck Towels, 25o 75c Huck Towels, 50c ' $1.00 Huck Towels, 75c $1.50VH'k Towels, $L00 50 dozen 45c H. S. Tray Cloths 25c Bleached Damask by the' Yard $1.50 72-inch Bleached Damask, $1.00 a yard. $1.75 72-inch Bleached Damas!r; $1.25 a yard. 2jOO 72-inch Bleached Damask, SI. 50 a yard. DOMT WASH YOUR HAIR WITH SOAP W.n you wash your hair, don't use oap. Moat sua. pa and prepared hfmpoo eontaJn too much alkaJl. which la very injurious, as it tfrlea the ecU0 and make th balr brittle. Tne beet tiling to use la just plain mulalfled rocoanut oil. for thl I pur and entirely greaseleaa. It's very cheap, and beat soup or anything ls all to piece. You eaa get this at any drug store, and a few ounces Will last the whole family for montha bimvJy molatea the hail with water and rub it In. about a teaavoonful Is all that U required. It aieae an abundance of rich, creamy lather, cleanaea thoroughly, and rlnaea out eioiily. Tlie heir dries quickly and evenly, and la auft. freed looklnsr. fcrtrbt. fluffy. Wavy aad eaay to haa la JSeaila. It looaena ani take out very MTUUi of dual, dirt aod dasd rc ft Advert uwoi eat. " To Gur Fn:::3 nc j Pafrcn: Doot let oar Ooaanatttora teU you w do not handl the best grade of la fact, w aall the Sao QaaUty eoal mined. Our large atoraga ea- aeity anablaa us t buy OOdJb wba market price are leweeC Therefore TC3 ET TZZ'CZSEnf. W demonstrated this fact a few day ago by selling genuine orantoa Mard Coal, the 111. 00 kind, for -KaO Fen Ki mum cz am CaCKBOXXX WVt (tbe gaaatn). hand e-et-eaaad i-TI pel ton g-TBCXaXTT. aVasa aad ara tea mvriMQMM, araaoy X.taa. kaad yka ...-... .)S-M toa QSCHnCUlTT COT Pu!CZ C3.U CO.. . tai jncTgoioj ctkxt. xxt. xooox wa AMtlEMEXTi, TOOTOKT, TPEsT" World' ratt Xadoo Batartalameat TKERCUXOUP IlznlS Isl OUAT BATTX.X rnoeai Mat. Wod.ao-.t STga. ao140 aag Batv. gaa. B9-ao, Mat. t. Baird Warfleld U "TXB AVOTIdstSBB rvn Boag. Befor eleoUag' yowr coat tka OaUfornla Bxaeslttoa, aee th ssevtag yie tutea ef Uf attd aeeaery ta a Bttur Bot aag Caa-aad Maaatataa aloag th Chicago, IVtlvsauhce & St. Paul Railway - nxad OB iiomoi at m taaxm tsxatsb. r , VVEDNEDAV, JANUAMY 87: See real tstxtiS eclamcij for hsszhis ABTABOBB TAVtBTIX.Z.a. Daily Matin. 1:1s NlghUs. t.lf, bendix. 6or c Mack, Claud Gcliten, . art llo A 'rail to, Orvheum Travel W'kly rrtMs: slsUaw, sallser. Isc; kwi saau Wsanst lUtarasr aa4 aoaOaji. ass. NIais, is. M. tv, ba OSUIA1 mi CBBTIB." r-Vjfi tJffTTt Uy Mat.. lB-g8-0a That Oorso sVlallllstlsf BrerUirie. THE C0utfl ttuoK It's what Ue Black Cross iT EiLLf AILUbiCJI BitSrS; l Babe la Teur lhe Mtt kvu K l.n Su) as4 a rmpl4 lire liintt as. Tb Umter Auk Ki prlMMno.. iAlom' Xuaa Matlaee Week Say. LJOYD 1819 fonlrbt eiety igbt, Aled dt Tto'v, aai. tliaA BWCm. awo4o1t. sirnM Act la Co 'Bonoa Wtta MJ.I. ro tal .. jsckvs wet, aku. kio. aigsx. fce aag K. net week i itAoaui ;trii.m. V i - . . r )tH u Jts ' A-i-- f- 1.. UlAi, c.ti vi uuiA V -. fcn ti VM ii