in THE HKK: OMAHA. TCKSDAV. .1 AXUAUV 2i, V.)lh. RECREATION BOARD HAS RIGHT-OF-WAY City Commisiioneri Faror Plan to Kaks $20,000 Available for riaygroundi Thii Spring;. TO BE ARGUED AGAIN TUESDAY TIow win the city commissioners event. ally expend 130.000 set aside the first of the yrr for recreational purposes? Thst wm the question which almost caused aeismlo disturbance In the city hall when the city council committer of the whole labored Ion and hard over ordinance providing for a puhllo welfare board and board of publlo recreation, j The recreation board ordinance rro vldea that thla board shall be under V supervision of the department of parVi and publlo buildings, and Commissioner. Dan Butler ha mlsglvinrs whether un der the proposed plan hla Carter lake bathlns beach project will be properly nourished Pr. Cyrus Stlmsnn of (lie Playgrounds and Recreation Association of America appeared in defense of the recreation board ordinance, which was finally re ferred to the city legal department for slight revision, after which It will be Introduced at the regular council meeting Tuesday morning. The recreation board ordinance provides that the personnel of this board shall fee the superintendent of parks, superin tendent ef schools and three others to bo elected by tho council. The council charged with supervising expenditures. The board la to have charge of all public playgrounds and recreational features In parka, schools, school grounds and else where; also to arrange' for- competent play supervisors. Authority Is extended to Indoor amusements, such as the school smetaj -centers. It Is proposed to have this board independent of the activities of tb puMlo welfare board.. Cat Oat 'Welfare Board. Tha section of the proposed welfare board ordinance relating to publlo play grounds end amusements will be stricken out before tha ordinance will be offered Tuesday morning. Commissioner J. J. Ryder said he be lieved ' the welfare board should have funds with which to start work. It was generally agreed thst It will take tha welfare board nearly a year to get a workable plan ready and It was likewise agreed that It would ba nearly a year before that board would be equipped to spend any considerable amount of money efficiently. On tha other hand, it Is be lieved tha recreation board will be In a position to spend some of the appropria tion this spring. .Notwithstanding that a scrap is Immi nent in tha city hall over how the 130.000 hall be expended. Fort Says that New Passenger Tariffs j: Will Be Ready Feb. 1 i , Oerrlt Port, passenger traffla manager ef tha Union Paclflo la home from Chi cago, where ha was looking after a num ber of matter that are to come before the Interstate Commerce commission within tha next few weeks. While In Chicago Mr. Fort, wla other (railroad passenger men discussed the matter of all roads west, ef that city and bC Loul going before tha commission and asking for aa advance of one-halt ent per tnUe In rates, effective March 1, uf this year. Aocording to the agreement there la to b concerted action. About February I tha passenger departments of ail tha Interested roads will file with the omjnjaslon their two and one-halt rent per mil tariff. Thee will be re ceived and if there is no protests filed iy March L on and after that due the new rata wilj become effective on the commission's order. According to Mr. Fort, the western rail road passenger men are of tha c pinion that it there are any piotests tl.ey will ixot be of sufficient lmporunoe so that the commission will suspend the rates The basis for thla opinion is that when the eastern roada asked tor and were granted authority. S advance their rates one-half cent per mile, there i no j-otost that the commission considered Important. These roads, railroad men assert, operate through territory much more densely populated - than that in which the advanced thiouKh rat"S are naked and consequently they are r.t the opinion that there will b no ejection to the advance in central and western territory. Samson Wants 1,000 Members on Books, by First of Month nted, thousand nien. After all, the thounartd men are not Important aa the llU which these thousand men are to psy. Famson, he of Ak-Far-IVn fame, is actually talking of having I," members by Februsry 1. That Is shout a week away. Pnmpeon admits that he has a few don member al ready. Perhaps never be fere In the history of the organisation was the member ship so large so early In the year. - Tet this membership glutton, ,f-.-mson. Is not satisfied and Is crying for more memter and more ten spots. ALMA GLUCKJEEDS SLEEP Famous Singer Devoted to Mrs. Felt, at Whose Home in London She Was Married. ' M'CAGDE'S VIEWS . Oil TIIEJEAR 1915 New President of Commercial Clnb , Tells Stand Clnb Will Take This Season. HUSBAND SAD OVER THE WAR "Now I cat, then I take my nap and do not awaken until time to sing this after noon," ssld Alma Oluck, who sang at the Brandels yesterday, ss she attacked a particularly luscious strsk, shortly efier her srrlval in Omaha. "I sm devoted to my work nnd must keep myself in good health so that I can sing well. If I can do that," she added In a bantering tone. The Jesting manner in which Miss Olurk speaks of her ability to rhsrm large ludlences of muMc lovers was a notice able feature of the Interview, "No, I have no Immediate relatives In Ihe war, but I feel for all the Others a If they were my own," sndly remarked the young singer, with' a gracof ill upward tilt of the head and a look of sadness stealing into the large, shining eyes. "There are eight In our party. Including my husbsnd, his accompanist, my accom panist, my manager, Mr. Adams and his young daughter, whom I asked to travel with us; my companion. Miss Jewell, and the piano tuner, principally the piano tuner. Tea, quite a party." sho li-.nghed. From the suite of rooms art apart for them the soft strains of the violin were heard. Efrem ZlmbaUnt, the young Rus sian husband of the singer, laid down the violin lovingly and approached with a smiling manner Ills countenance became clouded aa he spoke of the war and de clared how happy Americana must be not to be Involved. "My younger brother reaches military age In February and I am afraid he will be enlisted In ' the army." He speaks In the halting manner of the foreigner. Devoted JMrs. Fels. Roth Miss Gluck snd Zlmbsllst spoke affectionately of their benefactor, Mrs. Joseph Fels, at whose London' home the young , people were married last June. Mrs. -Fels was In Omaha recently, spread ing , th doctrine of single tax, with which her husband was ,so prominently associated. "Is the single tax doctrine well considered In the west?" asked Miss Gluck. ' t Miss Gluck 'did not commit herself a a single taxer, but exclaimed, "Mrs. Fels is a great woman and Mr. Feis was a great man." .. ' - . SUNDEELAND ALSO MAKES TALK Fresldent John L. MeCegue of the Omsha Commercial club, who has Just been elevated to the position of head of' the club, has Issued the following state ment aa to what the Commercial club is to stsnd for in 131 R: "Co-opt ration m basin, loyal sup port .of public and liberal endorsement of private institutions, active Interest In moral and civic welfare will continue the splendid growth of our city. ' . "Omah must have direct norther out let by railroad into Its trade territory of South and North Dakota, extending on to the Canada line. ' Omaha requires more power for manufacturing. Abun dant water power Is acesslble If proper encouragement to capital la given. "Inlerurbsn rsllrocds are necessary. Ilessonable municipal requirements and liberal policy by Omaha buslnes will in duce the building by adequate capital. Omaha can obtain Missouri river trans portation along prnrtlral and economical lines. 1'ublic Interest In this enterprise Is growing. "The opportunity is now, for work and enthusiastic effort by the membership of the Commercial club of Omaha." slenderised' ntatrmest. J. A. Sunderland, newly elected chair man of the executive committee of tho club, has the following to say: "The work of the club In the last year has been extensive and thorough. More member than ever before have been In active touch - with it endeavors in Its many departments. In the year 1913 we shall hope to enlarge the field of co- It Really Does Relieve Rheaaaatleaa Bloan Liniment doe glv almost In stsnt relief. Nothing better for rheu matism, backache and sciatica. Only e. All druggists. Advertisement. . C. C. GEORGE RESIGNS FROM EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE C. C. George ha tendered bis reslansv- tlon as a member of, the executive com mute of -the Commercial .club. The pressing nature of other work Is given as his resaon for the resignation.- Nomi nations at candidates to fill the vacancy will likely b made at the meeting to day. Omaha Builders Go ( to National Meeting ' Grant Parsons, Fred Smith and Clark I heily have gone to Columbus, O., to at Send tha meeting of Un National Ao Cii'n of BulMers" F.xvhsnans. in snlun at that place. Mr. Shelly, being secretary vt the Omaha Builders' exchahne, will alno attend tho National Association of j:iulliir'a ' lixchange secretaries, which will be ia eetrlcui there during a part cf the week. - i Breaks a Cold v in a Few Hours , Without Quinine Don't stay stuffed-upl Quit blowing and snuffling! A dose of Tape's Cold Compound" taken every two hour until three doses are taken will end grippe misery and break irp a severe cold either in the head, rhest, body or limbs. It promptly opens elogged-up nostril and air psssagea; stops nasty discharge or tios running: relieve sick headache. dullness, fsverlshncHs, sore throat, snees- Ing, soreness and stiffness. Tape" Cold Compound" Is the quick est, surest rel!etahnown and cost only cents at drug stores. It acta without assistance, tastes nlre, and causes no In convenience. Don't- a substitute. Advertisement. t Five Cent ir-Te It. A Generous Offer, cm out this sd.. enemas wills i cents to Foley at Co.. Cht ; .-, lit, writing your nsme and address ri&inly. apd receive a free trial pavkag containing Foley's Money and Tar Com pound, fr coughs, colds and croup; Foley Kidney Fills, for kidney and blad der complaints, backache, pallia in Joints, rciinmtisui; and J-'oWy Cathartic Tab' icia, a wholesome and tlioroiighly cleans' ing cathartlo try all three for cent a the coet of mklling. uij by all dialera -Advertisement. APPRAISAL ON CHARLES STREET OPENING REJECTED The city cotim II unnnltle of the whole fcas derided to n)il I he rrpoit of the appraisers on the owning of Chart Mrt't. ft-Vfutecnth street to Hliermsn avenue, a distance of -i'i fct-t. The dtiSi rs were t.ited t ''.. but the plan of a-i'it d i"t SMliiut tsi y. operation and every member who will give some time to the study of Omaha's business situation and the solving of Its commercial problems will become a fsc tnr In the city's progress and prosperity by making known the fact thst he Intends to be counted among Omaha' construct ive booster and that he la willing to work. A chairman of the executive com mittee I shall be glad to receive practical suggestions from all member for enlarg ing and bettering tbe work of the club, and all such saggestlnna will be carefully oonnldered by the proper committee. "The recent election of directors and members of the executive committee from classes of the membership resulted In the selection of a strong and representative executive committee and I am confidently looking forward to the year ahead to ahow much accomplished for the growth and prosperity of Omaha and It people. If everybody helps It will be easy." FORMER OMAHA WOMAN DIES IN SAN FRANCISCO Word ws received by Omaha relative Sunday of the death of Mrs. Father Abrahams, formerly of this city. Mra Abrahams, who was 73 years of age at the time of her death, was the widow of Max Abrahams, a former Omaha mer chant. Mr. Abraham la survived by seven children, Henry J., Harry U., and Ed ward of this city; Jacob of Chicago, Mrs. J. P. Rlf-e of Joplln, Mo.; Mrs. Sol Lesser of Fan Francisco and Miss Fannie Abra hams of Pan Francisco. . . - The funeral will be' held in San Fran cisco, with burial there, Tucmlay after noon. ' . BL0MBERG DISCHARGED BY COMMISSIONER DANIEL Carl Blomberg, who had a hearing Sat urday on a charge of violating the Mann white slave act waa discharged Monday morning by United State Commissioner Daniel. , Colds, Headaches, Constipation, Regulate. Your Bowels! 10 Cents Had Cold, Furred Tongue, Indigestion, Sallow Skin and Miserable Headaches come from a 'torpid liver snd clogged constipated bowels, which cause your stomach to become filled with undigested food, which sours and ferments like gsr bage in a swill barrel. That' the first step to untold mlnery-foul ga?s, bad breath, yellow skin,' severe cold, every thing that I horrible and nauseating. A Cssearet 'tonight will straighten you out by morning a lo-cent box from your druggist will keep your Diver active, Dowels clean,' Stomach aweet, Head clear, and ' make you feel ' bully for months Don't forget the children. Dog that Bit Eight People Friday Had Bad Case, of Babies Health Commissioner R. W. Connell liaa received advice from the Pasteur insti tute at Chicago that ths black and white cur dog which want on a mad rampage last Friday afternoon wa Infected with aa advanced form of rablea The animal ran wild for an hour before It was kilted with a hatchet The head was sent to Chicago for examination. The brain showed conclusive evidence of the dread canine disease. ' Standard Remedy For Many Homes Indigestion and constipation are two condition closely related and the cause ! of much physical suffering. The tendency, to Indulge one' appe Ute Is general, so that moat people uffer at some time or another from! rebellion of the overtaxed organ of digeatiSn and elimination. A simple,; pleasant effective remedy that will quickly rellove the congestion of pois onous waste and restore regularity, Is the combination , of simple -laxative herbs with pepsin, sold In drug stores under the name of . Dr. Caldwell' Syrup Fepsln. This la a mild, pleasant laxative-tonic and digestant abso lutely , free from opiates or narcotic drugs and haa been the standard household remedy In counties home for many year. A free' trial bottle can be obtained by writing to Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 4E2 -Washington St., Mon- tlcello, 111 U PRICE 10 CENTSj :ascarets work while you sleep. La. Grippe and Colds XnLaOrlpp and Colds, Anti-kamnla(A-K) tablets are unexcelled, as they stop, the pain, sooth tb nerve, and bring the rest so greatly needed by nature to restore tb system to health. Physician bav used tbeie tablet for over twenty years, In the treatment of oolds, fevers and la grippe, and bav found no other remedy more useful In ftiete eoudltlons. Antl-kamnla Tablets are o inexpensive, so pleasant to take, so sat isfactory in their results, and so useful In all condition wbsre there 1 pain, that A-K Tablet should always be kept In tb house tor the time of need. Many of our ablest physicians obtain perfect results In la grippe and colds, by cleansing the ystem with Ep som salt or "Aetolds". a very good cathsr tlo, putting th patient on a limited diet and, administering on A-K tablet every two or three hour. This treatment will usually break up tha worst oas In a day or two. while In milder eases, eas and comfort fol low almost Immediately. These tablets are also unexoelled for Neuralgia, Rheumatlo Pains, Tbe Fain of Women, Indigestion nod Insomnia. All druggists bay them. Ceeefne A-K TIsMst fear (Aa rK aera m A"D THE FiiAREiASE Hmtl Too many men have been unpleasantly aurprlsed lo find thai their wlfe'a hair which they had so greatly .admired was only i wtt-h or transformation. V now know thai poor hair la a confession of either iaAnes or lack of. knowledge snd that fair rare with sensible means will insure st-alp lusltli and hair beauty. In waxlilng the hair It Is not sdvlsable to use a makeshift, but always use a preparation made for shampooing only. Tou can enjoy th best that is known for about three cents a shampoo by getting a pai-keye or raolltrox from your nruj.-- slsl; dissolve a teaspoonfut In a cup ef hot water and your shampoo Is ready. After Its use the bnir dries tepidly with uniform color. Pamliuff, exevss oil and dirt are dissolved and entirely disappear. Your hair will be so fluffy that It will look much heavier than it is. Its luster snd softness will also deliKht you. while the stimulated sculp gatna th health which insures hair growth. Advertisement. Quit Sncczlnc! Ik I'rlrr M Pats. There is linlly an .AuiDiirait woms nowadays who eti ketp pare with 111 rieinandn inn'le uj.on lier lime and etiTC without pil:iK the ix-imlly of ill-heuliii. It may t- that ili. backache, drag- rh-g pains, h.-inlu' hi-, n rvouHi.eiM or the toi'lun-a of a dieiU-eineiii. It Is the price io py- Tu women in this condition l.vrta K I'tnkhdin e Vegetable Compound wit ss a trt an J a tl ,n. A simple iy marte from rx-'ts uid herts which t cluriuus health ti suffering -i.utxa. A 1 vei'lLwna) A litti Kondea's Catarrhal Jelly placed la lhaao.titt. wUi brtu relief. Your druK gurotee it. sluucjr if ii toils. AM Mucluueci a e-x r. Original and Ganuln CATAnnilAL JZLLY , Doo t SJr. Im It t OBCtt. It cooltnt. KJtdlni. bfttir tttc( art woDdertui. Lie you ca lor cbrcQia invtavrrn. cvida is Dftuip.Oi y cau.n&. bl It'tLi tOI BOafl, Utf )rl, tC. AOlXA.WAJ U have lsca oi'i. rtt Ut nr vurou r Cavtupisja eV.0O dnitfktUts ftcil this ftpaJk4 KQH sSPfc. CO. WilnWti Mln Cei. Vt',' 'l-'v' ' ) j If ijiiis duit, progrntve ntuon is toaay at 1 tha dawn of a new era of commercial Hi and tocUl development.- Th means by icJ which the human voice, with itg glichtest inflections and Indications of personality-, can be carried acrots 'the continent ingtsrttly, have been provided. Talking, by telephone from New York to San Francisco is now an accom plished fact. . , - 1 The celebration of this latest and createst triumph in the art of telephony has just taken place. Within a short time the public will have, ready for . its use, the product of American brains. American initiative and American scien tific and technical skill, a transcontinental . tele phone service, the equal of which is not even approached in all the other nations of th world. It is a splendid scientific achievement of the very highest, character. Tha power that sends the human voice out over the telephone is scarcely greater than that of a breath, yet the means have been provided by which this tiny almost imaginary impulse, made up of as many as 1,000 separate vibrations a second, can be picked up by a delicate instrument, conserved over a dis tance of 3,400 miles, and reproduced perfectly and insM-tly across the continent. The human voice haa been mad to travel as fast as light, faster than sound unaided by technical apparatus; indeed, it rivals THOUGHT even, in tha swift ness of its flight. ' The imagination can but feebly grasp, much less attempt to measure, the far-reaching algnlfi cance of such a tremendous accomplishment. One hundred million people will have for their daily use a system of communication that knows no East, no West, no North, no South. Dialects, provincialisms, sectional prejudices, must event ually yield to tbe closer uruon, the better under standing, the nor intimate comradeship that ths human voice establishes.' Tha neighborliacss of a whols nation is advanced by th brushing away of th physical restraints of centuries. - This contribution to the future Happiness ana prosperity of mora closely united people has not been brought about, however, by tha over coming of a few isolated, concrete difficulties. Its success nas depended apoa tha eiarcis of ths highest engineering and technical skill and tha solution was found only in tha cumulative af fect of improvements great and small, in tele phone, transmitter, Una, cable, switchboard, and every other piece ef apparatus or plant required in tho transmission of speech. - In this work tha experimental and research department of ths Bell System of which this Company is a part, has been engaged ever sines ths telephone became a commercial possibility, leas than 40 years ago. With no traditions to follow and no experience to guide, this depart ment, which is bow directed by a staff of over 860 engineers and scientists, including former professors, post graduate students, scientific in vestigatorath graduates of 140 universities- has created an entirely new art tha art of tele phony, and has given to tha people of this conn try a telephone service that has no equal. It has required vast expenditures of money and immense concentration of effort, but these have bean justified by results of immeasurable benefit to the public. The transcontinental tele phone line, l,00 miles long, joining the Atlantic and Pacific, is part of the Ball System of 11,000,000 miles of wire connecting ,000,000 telephone sta tions, located everywhere throughout Ute United States. Composing, this system are the American Telephone and Telegraph Company and As sociated Companies and connecting companies, giving universal service to 100,000,000 people. Truly, This Is a Great Triumph of American Methods lEDDflGiiA tele?iio::e GQ:i?nnv Very Special Values in Linens. Big Bed Salo Continues Tuesday. 20c, 25c and 35c Laces, 10c Tuesday we will place on pale a big line of Laces Cot ton Torchon?, Linen Cltuiy and New Fillet Laces, both bands and edges. Extra vride, that sell regularly at 20c, 25c and 35c a yard; at choice, yard 10 Far Coats at Less Than Half Coney Goats Skinner Batin lined; great bar gains at $10.00 Pony Coats Plain or w i t h, leopard collar, $45.00 val ues, at. .$15.00 Russian Leopard Fur Coats Made to sell at $79.00; choice ..$35.00 100 Handsome Suits and Dresses Garments that sold up to $35.00; Tuesday at, choice .$7.95 Hundreds of Rem nants of SILKS 12.00 $2.60 Crepe 40-ln. 88c Including all most wanted weaves, In nearly every desir able color. 40-ln. Crepe de Chine, quality; 40-in. Satin . toeuse, $2.60 Quality; Bordered Silk Poplin, quality; 40-ln. Printed de Chine, $2.00 quality; Crepe Meteors, $1.75 quality, yard ....... 3 6-1 a. - Satin Mes saline, $1.00 quality; 40-ln. Silk Poplins, $1.25 quality; 40-in. Brocaded French Crepe,' $1.25 quality; 36-ln. Kimono Silks, $1.00 quality; 36-ln. Black ' Drees Taffeta, $1.00 . . .. Q, quality, yard ..... 05C 86-in. Silk Poplins, $1.00 qual ity; 20-ln. Novelty Dress Silk, $1.25 quality; 24-ln. SUk Crepe de Chine, $1,00 qnality; 32-in. Fine Tub Silks, $1.00 quality; 27-ln. Satin Messaline, $1.00 quality, 48C Remnants of Wool Dress Goods In -an immense assortment of popular weaves and colorings; lengths, from 1 up to 7 yards. Jamestown Suiting, 59o qual ity; Shepherd Plaid Suitings. 60c quality; wool serges, . 69o ?T7:.. L..25c All Wool Crepes, 76c quality; Novelty . French Serge, $1.00 quality; AU Wool Serges, sponged and shrunk, 86j qual ity; AU Wool PopUns, 75c ..:.....48c 64-ln. Fancy Suitings, $1.25 quality; French Serges, $1.00 quality;- 68-ln. Plaid Suitings, $1.00 quality; All, Wool French Crepe, $1.00' qnality; 54-in. Black Poplin, $1.2o quality; several other O special lots, yard. .. J. DOC Winter. Underwear and Furnishing Opportunities for Big Savings in Domestic Room Men' Sweater Coats, wltn roll collar and pockets; color RaAsTOOlla at..... Men' Sweater Coats, with roll collar and pooets; color maroon, brown or array, $1.50 values at .' Ladle Part Wool Hose, all size. In array or black, 250 Vahiss, at..... ,lo Misses' and Boy' Heavy Fleeced Union Suit. aU alaes $ to IS years, at..SSo Men's Heavy Fleeced Underwear, shirt or drawers, 50c values, at 85 Ladle' Outing- Flannel Gowns, worth to $1.50. at SSo and see Children' Part Wool Sweater Coats, all lzea 1 to 10 year, $1' value, at. .49o Ladle' Heavy Fleeced Underwear, vest or pants, 60o values, at........85o 69c 90c Hay den's Grocery Specials for Tuesday It lbs. bsrt rraanlatad Mara. ..$1j0o 4 8-la. saoka bt high rrad Diamond at. nous, aotnine riner for bread, pis or oak, par aaek 11.75 10 bar Beat 'Em All Laundry Soap, the soap 'of quality, not quantity; Lennox or Laundry , Queen White Laundry Soap U6c 10 lb, beet Whit or Yellow Cornmeal for ISO T lb, beat Rolled White Breakfast Oatmeal for SSo 4 lb, beet hand picked Navy r!eans for 85o H-lb. cakes Baklna Chocolate. ..lBo Larue bottles Worcester Sauce, pure Tomato Catsup, Pickles, assorted kinds; Horseradish or Mustard. SVo The bmt domestic Macaroni. Vermi celli or Spaghetti, pka. 7to Advo Jell for dessert. nothlnK like it, per pka- 7'.4c K. C. Corn Flakes, pka. so Grape Nuts, pka. ' Too 20-os. jar pure strained Honev.'. . ,25r 3 2 -os. jar pure fruit Preserves... 85c li-oi. jar pure fruit Preserve -..ISO 1-lb. pktr. American Smoking; Tobacco for 15o Tail cans Alaska Salmon.. loo can Oil Sardines 30 J-lb. can fancy. Sweet Susrar Corn. Wax. String-, Green or Lima Ceana, for , Sbe $-lb. can Hominy, Golden Pumpkin, Baksd Beans or Sauer Kraut.. THo Hershey Breakfast Cocoa, lb. ,..80e M&cuerensr feanut Butter. ID., lSVto The best Tea Sifting, lb. ...... lavjo Golden Santos Coffee, lb. 20e To Butter, sirs' and Onee Market . . for th ?sopl of Omaha. The best Creamery Butter, carton or bulk, per lb. SU The bent strictly fresh Rgge, doa..35e The bent No. 1 storage Kgga. dots. .8 do No. I Country Creamery Butter, per lb soe Fancy Dairy Table Butter, lb.. ... S8o 3 lbs.( good Butter! ne for. . ...8SO Uruaad iravel Oraaa- Bal apl. Th lOvaac ef Quality. Califor nia's Pride. $0 size, ttg. 60o doa., our price.. SSo 96 else. reg. 50a dos., our price.. 30e 1? else. reg. 40c dos., our price.. 89a 174 size. reg. 30c dos.. our price ..80o 2K-260 else. res. 2Sc do., our price. rr dozen . . .' ISo else Grape Fruit, reg. 10c, each, Se 64 alze Grape Fruit, res. T4o each, our price w.. 4e Th Tatabl ISarkst for the ropl Of Omaha, The best Red River Kaxly Ohio Pota toes, 15 lbs. to perk 80 The beat Wisconsin Cabbage, lb., mo Jersey Sweet potatoes. 8 lba...lOe Fancy Cape Cod Cranberries, qC, TV Fresh Beets. Carrots. Turnip. Shal lot or Radlshee, bunch... ee Fancy California Cauliflower, lb. TH t large Souo .Bunche , . . loo Fancy Head Lettuce, head 7Vo ir.'.TnV-. M A Vnft M'e'tlDCT it h iiii riH 8 .vui. w i tug s pats r&ts More Skates for bur Busy Bee Boys Barney A Berry. American Club, Nickel Plated. Tmprd Welded Steel Blades, aise to (la. This picture of on of the Skates will be In Ths Be every day this week. . ' Cut them all out and ask your friends to save tha pic tures in their paper for you, too. See how many pictures you can get and bring them to The Bee office nest Saturday. Tha Skates will be given Free to tha boy that sends us the moot pictures before 4 P. M. Saturday, January 80. A . I W I v.t COMMERCIAL' ENGRAVERS PHOTOGRAPHERS ELECTROTYPERS ALL UNDER-ONEOOP OMAHA DEE encravino-dept: OMAHA-NEDR. rr